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Showing 56,926 through 56,932 of 56,932 results

The Zoomable Universe: An Epic Tour Through Cosmic Scale, from Almost Everything to Nearly Nothing

by Caleb Scharf

An epic, full-color visual journey through all scales of the universeIn The Zoomable Universe, the award-winning astrobiologist Caleb Scharf and the acclaimed artist Ron Miller take us on an epic tour through all known scales of reality, from the largest possible magnitude to the smallest. Drawing on cutting-edge science, they begin at the limits of the observable universe, a scale spanning 10^27 meters—about 93 billion light-years. And they end in the subatomic realm, at 10^-35 meters, where the fabric of space-time itself confounds all known rules of physics. In between are galaxies, stars and planets, oceans and continents, plants and animals, microorganisms, atoms, and much, much more. Stops along the way—all enlivened by Scharf’s sparkling prose and his original insights into the nature of our universe—include the brilliant core of the Milky Way, the surface of a rogue planet, the back of an elephant, and a sea of jostling quarks.The Zoomable Universe is packed with more than 100 original illustrations and infographics that will captivate readers of every age. It is a whimsical celebration of discovery, a testament to our astounding ability to see beyond our own vantage point and chart a course from the farthest reaches of the cosmos to its subatomic depths—in short, a must-have for the shelves of all explorers.

Zorach Explains Sculpture: What It Means And How It Is Made

by William Zorach

As noted American sculptor William Zorach explains in this practical and inspirational guide, sculpture is a language, as are music and the spoken word. It is one of the great natural means of human expression. In teaching students to explore this valuable medium, he offers lucid, insightful coverage of such topics as form in art, proportions, anatomy, rhythm, design, and other essentials.Students will also find a wealth of practical guidance for building a figure in clay, casting in plaster and stone, wood carving and wood sculpture, stone carving and sculpture, handling stone, and more. Hundreds of drawings and photographs enhance the text, ranging from ancient Greek terra-cottas to 20th-century masterpieces by Lachaise, Maillol, Brancusi, Epstein, and other masters. There are also many helpful drawings and diagrams illuminating various steps and stages in the sculpting process.Brimming with the distilled artistic wisdom of a lifetime, this enormously informative work belongs not only at the fingertips of every sculptor or sculpture student but in the library of anyone interested in the artistic process and how an artist's vision becomes reality.-Print ed.

Zuber: Two Centuries of Panoramic Wallpaper

by Brian D. Coleman

Since its founding in 1797, Zuber & Cie wallpapers’ fame has spread far and wide, from King Louis Philippe awarding Jean Zuber the Legion of Honor in 1834 to Jackie Kennedy installing Zuber’s “Vues de l'Amérique du Nord” in the White House. According to France Today, the company still uses the same antique woodblocks, the same paint formulas, and the same time-honored processes to create its stunning wallpapers as it did in Jean Zuber’s time. Gorgeous displays of friezes, borders, ceiling roses and architectural trompe l’oeil, have been photographed for Zuber in homes in the United States, France, and the United Kingdom.

Zukunftswissen?: Potenziale prospektiver Erkenntnis am Beispiel der Energiewirtschaft (Abhandlungen zur Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft)

by Manuel Mackasare

Vorstellungen von der Zukunft bestimmen das menschliche Handeln. In energiewirtschaftlichen Fragen sind solche Antizipationen besonders relevant: Staaten beschließen Förderprogramme, Unternehmen errichten Kraftwerke, Privatpersonen füllen ihre Öltanks oder ersetzen sie durch Wärmepumpen – stets mit Blick auf ein Morgen, der mitunter trügerisch ist. Kontrovers diskutiert wird, ob es ein Wissen von der Zukunft überhaupt geben und inwieweit es Gegenstand der Wissenschaft sein kann. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes untersuchen Möglichkeit, Methoden und Geltung von Zukunftsentwürfen aus philosophischer, historischer, sozial-, literatur- und medienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive.

Zur Aktualität von Douglas Crimp: Postmoderne und Queer Theory

by Lutz Hieber

Douglas Crimp war in den 1980er Jahren Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift October. Er formulierte wesentliche Positionen in der Diskussion um den US-amerikanischen Postmodernismus. Dessen künstlerische Praktiken fasste Crimp als Wiederaufgreifen des unvollendet gebliebenen Projekts der historischen Avantgarden, die Diktatur und Krieg aus Europa vertrieben hatten. In der Aids-Krise, die in der zweiten Hälfte der 1980er Jahre virulent wurde, entstand künstlerischer Aktivismus. Damit änderte sich der Aktionsradius für Crimp, der sich auch in der politischen Bewegung engagierte.

Zur Materialität des feministischen Widerstands: Textile Agency gegen sexualisierte Gewalt und Femicides

by Sarah Held

Die Monographie ist ein feministisch-epistemologischer Beitrag zur Untersuchung kritischer und affektiver Gestaltungsbewegungen. Materielle und visuelle Kultur dienen als interventionistische Kunstpraxis von handarbeitenden Feminist*innen. Hierbei werden die limitierten Zuschreibungen von textilen Handarbeiten und Weiblichkeit in Form von Critical Crafting als politischem Aktivismus dechiffriert. Die ephemeren künstlerischen Erzeugnisse formieren sich zum Widerstand der Dinge und agitieren im (teil) öffentlichen Raum gegen sexualisierte Gewalt und Femicides (Frauenmorde, Neologismus aus Female und Homicide) sowie der damit verbundenen gesellschaftlichen Stigmatisierung von Betroffenen.

Zygmunt Molik's Voice and Body Work: The Legacy of Jerzy Grotowski

by Giuliano Campo Zygmunt Molik

One of the original members of Jerzy Grotowski’s acting company, Zygmunt Molik’s Voice and Body Work explores the unique development of voice and body exercises throughout his career in actor training. This book, constructed from conversations between Molik and author Giuliano Campo, provides a fascinating insight into the methodology of this practitioner and teacher, and focuses on his ‘Body Alphabet’ system for actors, allowing them to combine both voice and body in their preparatory process.

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