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Crux: A Cross-Border Memoir

by Jean Guerrero

A daughter’s quest to understand her charismatic and troubled father, an immigrant who crosses borders both real and illusory—between sanity and madness, science and spirituality, life and death <P><P>Winner of the PEN/FUSION Emerging Writers Prize Throughout Jean Guerrero’s childhood, her father, Marco Antonio, was an erratic and elusive presence. A self-taught genius at fixing, creating, and conjuring things—and capable of transforming himself into a shaman, dreamcaster, or animal whisperer in his enchanted daughter’s eyes—he gradually began to lose himself in his peculiar obsessions, careening wildly between reality and hallucination. In time, he fled his family and responsibilities—to Asia, Europe, and eventually back to Mexico. He succumbed to drug- and alcohol-fueled manias, while suffering the effects of what he said were CIA mind-control experiments. As soon as she was old enough, Jean set out after him. <P><P>Now a journalist, she used the tools of her trade, hoping to find answers to the questions he left behind. In this lyrical, haunting memoir, Jean Guerrero tries to locate the border between truth and fantasy as she searches for explanations for her father’s behavior. <P><P>Refusing to accept an alleged schizophrenia diagnosis at face value, she takes Marco Antonio’s dark paranoia seriously and investigates all his wildest claims. She crisscrosses the Mexican-American border to unearth the stories of cousins and grandparents and discovers a chain of fabulists and mystics in her lineage, going back to her great-great-grandmother, a clairvoyant curandera who was paid to summon spirits from the afterlife. <P><P>As she delves deeper and deeper into her family’s shadowy past, Jean begins mirroring her father’s self-destructive behavior. She risks death on her adventures, imperiling everything in her journey to redeem her father from the underworld of his delusions. In the tradition of engrossing family memoirs like The Liar’s Club and The Glass Castle, Crux is both a riveting adventure story and a profoundly original exploration of the human psyche, the mysteries of our most intimate relationships—and ourselves.

Cruzadas e os Soldados da Cruz: Os 10 Cruzados Mais Importantes

by Débora Souza Santos Michael Rank

10 pequenas biografias dos combatentes mais importantes das cruzadas 'As Cruzadas e os Soldados da Cruz' é um novo livro interessante de autor best-seller e historiador Michael Rank sobre a missão para reconquistar a Terra Santa. Ele observa a vida e tempos das 10 pessoas mais importantes em um dos momentos mais interessantes da história, abrangendo de 1095 a 1212. Quer se trate de Pedro, o Eremita, levantando um exército de 100.000 camponeses para lutar nas cruzadas na Terra Santa com nada além de forcados, ou Balduíno IV pessoalmente liderando suas forças contra Saladino, apesar de sofrer com lepra terminal, estes personagens lendários foram obrigados a abandonar suas extensas posses territoriais para embarcar em uma aventura perigosa contra um inimigo superior. Este livro vai observar as razões que fizeram estas 10 figuras se juntarem às cruzadas. Talvez fosse pela glória nas batalhas, como foi o caso de Ricardo Coração de Leão. Para outros, era simplesmente curiosidade, como Leonor da Aquitânia, que acrescentou a verve dramática à situação e trouxe 300 servas vestidas de armadura decorativa e carregando lanças, enquanto marchavam para Jerusalém. Para muitos, foi uma simples convicção de fé, como os milhares cruzados mirins, que, segundo a lenda, marcharam para o mar Mediterrâneo e esperavam que ele se abrisse para eles como o mar vermelho tinha feito para Moisés. Qualquer que fossem seus antecedentes, estes 10 participantes das cruzadas demonstram que uma pessoa disposta a enfrentar a jornada extremamente perigosa, viajando para a um continente diferente sobre a terra, ainda por cima, tinham uma personalidade adequada para a época fascinante em que viviam.

Las Cruzadas Y Los Soldados De La Cruz

by Michael Rank Sandra Cifuentes Dowling

Descripción del libro: "Las Cruzadas y los Soldados de la Cruz" es un emocionante libro recién publicado del historiador súper ventas Michael Rank sobre aquella remota epopeya por la recuperación de Tierra Santa. En él se analizan la vida y época de 10 personajes relevantes durante una de las etapas históricas más interesantes jamás vividas, cubriendo el período entre los años 1095 y 1212. Ya sea Pedro el Ermitaño conduciendo un ejército de 100.000 campesinos hasta Tierra Santa sin más pertrecho que simples horcas o Balduino IV quien lideró personalmente a sus tropas contra Saladino a pesar de ser un leproso terminal, estas figuras legendarias se sintieron obligadas a abandonar sus vastos territorios para embarcarse en una peligrosa aventura contra un enemigo considerablemente superior. Estudiaremos las razones que llevaron a estos 10 personajes a efectuar tamaño sacrificio. Para algunos pudo tratarse de afán por alcanzar la gloria en el campo de batalla, como es el caso de Ricardo Corazón de León. Para otros, mera curiosidad, como Leonor de Aquitania, quien le añadió un garbo espectacular a la contienda viajando protegida por lanzas hasta Jerusalén y en compañía de 300 sirvientas ataviadas con armaduras meramente decorativas. Y para muchos se trató de simple convicción religiosa, como aquellos miles de niños cruzados que marcharon, según se cuenta, hasta la costa mediterránea en espera de que el mar se abriera ante sus ojos tal como el Mar Rojo lo había hecho ante Moisés. Cualquiera haya sido su motivación personal, estos 10 protagonistas de las Cruzadas demuestran que la voluntad de afrontar un viaje tremendamente peligroso hasta otro continente indica que su personalidad fue la precisa para el fascinante tiempo en que les correspondió vivir.

Cry and You Cry Alone: The Girl Who Vowed She'd Never Forget

by Rosalinda V. Hutton

After an idyllic early childhood in Surrey, Linda's life descended into poverty and chaos when her parents' marriage crumbled and her unstable mother's sanity declined.She experienced a brief period of comfort in a caring foster home before being plunged into the dark, terrifying world of a 1960s institution. St Anne's Convent, Orpington, was a Catholic children's home run by the infamous Sisters of Mercy and a former monk who inflicted bizarre and barbaric beliefs and practices on the children in his care.Cry and You Cry Alone is the achingly honest story of a survivor of shocking child abuse that took place in the heart of an English suburb.

Cry Havoc

by Simon Mann

<p>For the first time since he was released from five years' incarceration in some of Africa's toughest prisons, making worldwide headlines, Simon Mann breaks his silence to tell everything. <p>Simon Mann's remarkable firsthand account of his life reads like a thriller, taking readers into the world of mercenaries and spooks, of murky international politics, big oil and big bucks, action, danger, love, despair, and betrayal. On March 7, 2004, former SAS soldier and mercenary Simon Mann prepared to take off from Harare International Airport. His destination was Equatorial Guinea; his was intention to remove one of the most brutal dictators in Africa in a privately organized coup d'etat. The plot had the tacit approval of Western intelligence agencies and Mann had planned, overseen, and won two wars in Angola and Sierra Leone. So why did it go so wrong? Here he reveals the full involvement of Mark Thatcher in the coup d'etat, the endorsement of a former prime minister, and the financial involvement of two internationally famous members of the House of Lords. He also discusses how the British government approached him in the months preceding the Iraq War, to suggest ways in which a justified invasion of Iraq could be engineered. He also discusses the pain of telling his wife Amanda, who gave birth to their fourth child while he was incarcerated, that he believed he would never be freed.</p>

Cry Like a Man: Fighting for Freedom from Emotional Incarceration

by Jason Wilson Eshon Burgundy

As a leader in teaching, training, and transforming boys in Detroit, Jason Wilson shares his own story of discovering what it means to “be a man” in this life-changing memoir. His grandfather’s lynching in the deep South, the murders of his two older brothers, and his verbally harsh and absent father all worked together to form Jason Wilson’s childhood. But it was his decision to acknowledge his emotions and yield to God’s call on his life that made Wilson the man and leader he is today. As the founder of one of the country’s most esteemed youth organizations, Wilson has decades of experience in strengthening the physical, mental, and emotional spirit of boys and men. In Cry Like a Man, Wilson explains the dangers men face in our culture’s definition of “masculinity” and gives readers hope that healing is possible. As Wilson writes, “My passion is to help boys and men find strength to become courageously transparent about their own brokenness as I shed light on the symptoms and causes of childhood trauma and ‘father wounds.’ I long to see men free themselves from emotional incarceration—to see their minds renewed, souls weaned, and relationships restored.”

The Cry of the Gull

by Emmanuelle Laborit Constantina Mitchell Paul Raymond Cote

A memoir by a deaf, French actress who starred in the French production of Children of a Lesser God.

Cry Purple

by Christine Mcdonald

This is the story of the author's journey from almost two decades of prostitution, crack addiction and prison to her present life of blindness, motherhood and happiness.

Crying at Movies: A Memoir

by John Manderino

When Hitchcock's The Birds began showing in the summer of 1963 at the Dolton Theater, the starlings of Riverside, Illinois launched their attacks. They were "black, freckled, oily-looking things" with "tiny black buttons for eyes." They carried off Skippy Whalen's baseball cap, pooped on Father Rowley's finger, and attacked a feisty little dog named Tuffy who fought them off. "I blamed Hitchcock" says the author, a Catholic grammar school student at the time. In this comical, witty memoir, John Manderino shows us how the pivotal points of his life have been enmeshed with movie moments. Crying at Movies presents thirty-eight succinct chapters, each bearing the title of a film. It is at once a love-letter to an art form and a humorous appreciation of the distinctions between movie scenes and life's realities.

Crying at the Movies: A Film Memoir

by Madelon Sprengnether

"For years, I cried, not over my own losses, but at the movies. When bad things happened to me in real life, I didn't react. I seemed cool or indifferent. Yet in the dark and relative safety of the movie theater, I would weep over fictional tragedies, over someone else's tragedy."At age nine, Madelon Sprengnether watched her father drown in the Mississippi River. Her mother swallowed the family's grief whole and no one spoke of the tragedy thereafter. Only years later did Sprengnether react, and in a most unlikely place: in the theater watching the film Pather Panchali, by Satyajit Ray.In the fascinating memoir Crying at the Movies, Sprengnether looks at the sublime connections between happenings in the present, troubling events from the past, and the imagined world of movies. By examining the films she had intense emotional reactions to throughout her adult life--House of Cards, Solaris, Fearless, The Cement Garden, Shadowlands, and Blue--Sprengnether finds a way to work through her own losses, mistakes, and pain.

The Crying Book

by Heather Christle

This bestselling "lyrical, moving book: part essay, part memoir, part surprising cultural study" is an examination of why we cry, how we cry, and what it means to cry from a woman on the cusp of motherhood confronting her own depression (The New York Times Book Review).Heather Christle has just lost a dear friend to suicide and now must reckon with her own depression and the birth of her first child. As she faces her grief and impending parenthood, she decides to research the act of crying: what it is and why people do it, even if they rarely talk about it. Along the way, she discovers an artist who designed a frozen–tear–shooting gun and a moth that feeds on the tears of other animals. She researches tear–collecting devices (lachrymatories) and explores the role white women’s tears play in racist violence.Honest, intelligent, rapturous, and surprising, Christle’s investigations look through a mosaic of science, history, and her own lived experience to find new ways of understanding life, loss, and mental illness. The Crying Book is a deeply personal tribute to the fascinating strangeness of tears and the unexpected resilience of joy.

The Crying Book

by Heather Christle

'A deeply felt, and genuinely touching, book' Esmé Weijun Wang, author of The Collected Schizophrenias'Spellbinding and propulsive' Leni Zeumas, author of Red Clocks'The Crying Book is a rigorous and urgent work but it reads like an intimate gift' Kaveh Akbar, author of Calling a Wolf a WolfA DAZZLING MEDITATION ON TEARSIn this symphonic work of non-fiction, Heather Christle explores the most human of behaviours: crying. What are tears made of? Why do people cry? And why is this common, crucial act so rarely discussed? Christle unpacks the biological reasons for tears and investigates the influence of crying on art, politics, feminism, race and culture, all while opening up the intimate story of her own tears - from the suicide of her close friend to her family's history of depression, to her pregnancies, both planned and unplanned. In these pages, we meet a feminist artist who designs a gun that shoots frozen tears. A moth that takes sustenance from feeding on the tears shed by other animals. And beautifully impractical devices for dealing with grief such as the 'lachrymatory', an ancient receptacle into which it was hoped 'a mourner could let fall her hot tears'. While Christle enchants us with poetic snippets on these subjects, a powerful investigation begins to accrue, examining how the history of tears is tied up with racist violence, with the stigma of mental illness, and with the ways in which glib contemporary images of motherhood fail to reckon with how rich and complicated is actually is.Brilliant, witty and achingly honest, Christle's book creates a mosaic of science, history, culture and personal experience to find new ways of understanding life and loss. The Crying Book is a deeply intimate tribute to the fascinating strangeness of tears - and the unexpected resilience of joy.Honest, intelligent, rapturous and surprising, The Crying Book is a poignant, personal tribute to the astonishing strangeness of tears and the startling resilience of joy.

Crying in H Mart: A Memoir

by Michelle Zauner

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the indie rock sensation known as Japanese Breakfast, an unforgettable memoir about family, food, grief, love, and growing up Korean American—&“in losing her mother and cooking to bring her back to life, Zauner became herself&” (NPR). • CELEBRATING OVER ONE YEAR ON THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER LISTIn this exquisite story of family, food, grief, and endurance, Michelle Zauner proves herself far more than a dazzling singer, songwriter, and guitarist. With humor and heart, she tells of growing up one of the few Asian American kids at her school in Eugene, Oregon; of struggling with her mother's particular, high expectations of her; of a painful adolescence; of treasured months spent in her grandmother's tiny apartment in Seoul, where she and her mother would bond, late at night, over heaping plates of food. As she grew up, moving to the East Coast for college, finding work in the restaurant industry, and performing gigs with her fledgling band--and meeting the man who would become her husband--her Koreanness began to feel ever more distant, even as she found the life she wanted to live. It was her mother's diagnosis of terminal cancer, when Michelle was twenty-five, that forced a reckoning with her identity and brought her to reclaim the gifts of taste, language, and history her mother had given her.Vivacious and plainspoken, lyrical and honest, Zauner's voice is as radiantly alive on the page as it is onstage. Rich with intimate anecdotes that will resonate widely, and complete with family photos, Crying in H Mart is a book to cherish, share, and reread.

Crying in the Bathroom: A Memoir

by Erika L. Sánchez

&“Equal parts pee-your-pants hilarity and break your heart poignancy- like the perfect brunch date you never want to end!"--America Ferrera, Emmy award-winning actress in Ugly Betty From the New York Times bestselling author of I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter, an utterly original memoir-in-essays that is as deeply moving as it is hilariousGrowing up as the daughter of Mexican immigrants in Chicago in the nineties, Erika Sánchez was a self-described pariah, misfit, and disappointment—a foul-mouthed, melancholic rabble-rouser who painted her nails black but also loved comedy, often laughing so hard with her friends that she had to leave her school classroom. Twenty-five years later, she&’s now an award-winning novelist, poet, and essayist, but she&’s still got an irrepressible laugh, an acerbic wit, and singular powers of perception about the world around her. In these essays, Sánchez writes about everything from sex to white feminism to debilitating depression, revealing an interior life rich with ideas, self-awareness, and perception. Raunchy, insightful, unapologetic, and brutally honest, Crying in the Bathroom is Sánchez at her best—a book that will make you feel that post-confessional high that comes from talking for hours with your best friend.

Crying in the Dark

by Shane Dunphy

Four extraordinary true stories. . . Bobby and Micky, six and four, controlled from beyond the grave by their evil father. . . Mina, seventeen, who has Downs Syndrome, desperate to be like everyone else, falling into the hands of men who abuse her trust. . . Sylvie, a fourteen-year-old mother being pimped by her father. . . Twins Larry and Francey, ten, scarcely human after an upbringing of savage and unimaginable cruelty. . . One inspiring account of how one man got to know these wounded children and tried to give them hope - and a future.

Crying is for Babies: Based on a True Story

by Tricia McGill

In the 1930s medicine was still very much a hit and miss affair. The surgeons were still experimenting and learning about the human body. This at a period when there was little in the way of pain relief. This is one woman’s story about a childhood ruined by such surgeons, whose bad judgement confined an eight-year-old subsequently to bed for three years and left her with a disability to last a lifetime. Nowadays she would have been given bed rest and pain relief, and in no time would have been up and running again. Her strong will, and the love of a close family, saw her through the bad times, enabling her to go on and become the talented, remarkable person she was. I know because this woman was my sister.

Crying Wolf: A Memoir

by Eden Boudreau

It's a tale as old as time. Girl meets boy. Boy wants girl. Girl says no. Boy takes what he wants anyway. After a violent sexual assault, Eden Boudreau was faced with a choice: call the police and explain that a man who wasn't her husband, who she had agreed to go on a date with, had just raped her. Or go home and pray that, in the morning, it would be only a nightmare.In the years that followed, Eden was met with disbelief by strangers, friends, and the authorities, often as a result of stigma towards her non-monogamy, sex positivity, and bisexuality. Societal conditioning of acceptable female sexuality silenced her to a point of despair, leading to addiction and even attempted suicide. It was through the act of writing that she began to heal.Crying Wolf is a gripping memoir that shares the raw path to recovery after violence and spotlights the ways survivors are too often demonized or ignored when they belong to marginalized communities. Boudreau heralds a new era for others dismissed for "crying wolf." After all, women prevailing to change society for others is also a tale as old as time.

The Cryotron Files: The Untold Story Of Dudley Buck, Pioneer Computer Scientist And Cold War Government Agent

by Iain Dey Douglas Buck

The riveting true story of Dudley Buck, the American computer scientist whose pioneering work with microchips placed him firmly in the sights of the KGB Dr. Dudley Allen Buck was a brilliant young scientist on the cusp of fame and fortune when he died suddenly on May 21, 1959, at the age of 32. He was the star professor at MIT and had done stints with the NSA and Lockheed. His latest invention, the Cryotron—an early form of the microchip—was attracting attention all over the globe. It was thought that the Cryotron could guide a new generation of intercontinental ballistic missiles to their targets. Four weeks before Dudley Buck’s death, he was visited by a group of the Soviet Union’s top computer experts. On the same day that he died from a mysterious sudden bout of pneumonia, his close colleague, Dr. Louis Ridenour, was also found dead from similar causes. Two top American computer scientists had unexpectedly died young on the same day. Were their deaths linked? Two years old when his father died, Douglas Buck was never satisfied with the explanation of his father’s death and has spent more than 20 years investigating it, acquiring his father’s lab books, diaries, correspondence, research papers and patent filings. Armed with this research, award-winning journalist Iain Dey tells, with compelling immediacy, the story of Dudley Buck’s life and groundbreaking work, starting from his unconventional beginnings in California through to his untimely death and beyond. The Cryotron Files is at once the gripping narrative history of America and its computer scientists during the Cold War and the dramatic personal story of rising MIT star Dudley Buck in the high-stakes days of spies, supercomputers, and the space and nuclear race.

Crypt 33: The Last Word

by Adela Gregory Milo Speriglio

The Shocking Truth Behind Marilyn's Death--Revealed at LastShe was an icon, a sex symbol, and a living legend. But when she was found naked and dead on the morning of August 5, 1962, Marilyn Monroe became the subject of a mystery that has fascinated and perplexed the world for generations. Was her death an accident? Suicide? Or murder? In this riveting account, private investigators Gregory and Speriglio uncover startling evidence that may solve the case once and for all. Crypt 33 reveals:The truth about Marilyn's affairs with JFK and Robert KennedyThe top-level government secrets that endangered Marilyn's lifeHow Marilyn pulled strings as a political power playerThe identity of the friend who knowingly opened the door to Marilyn's killersThe startling connection between JFK's father and mobster Sam Giancana Evidence of the deadly drugs and how they were administered to MarilynThe rumors of an assassination plot masterminded by the Cosa Nostra and and high-ranked government officialsWhat happened to the audio tape recording of Marilyn's murderThe tangled web of wiretaps in Marilyn's homeWhy Joe DiMaggio sent flowers to Marilyn's grave for years Half a century after her death, Marilyn Monroe still lives in our hearts. Now, at last, the truth can be told."Spiriglio and Gregory are fluent, convincing writers." --Publishers Weekly"The best autopsy of Marilyn Monroe." --Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D., author of From Crime Scene to Courtroom

Crystal Clear

by Eric Le Marque Davin Seay

In this gripping first-person account, former Olympian Eric LeMarque recounts a harrowing tale of survival—of eight days in the frozen wilderness, of losing his legs to frostbite, and coming face-to-face with death. But Eric’s ordeal on the mountain was only part of his struggle for survival—as he reveals, with startling candor, an even more harrowing and inspiring tale of fame and addiction, healing and triumph. On February 6, 2004, Eric, a former professional hockey player and expert snowboarder, set off for the top of 12,000-foot Mammoth Mountain in California’s vast Sierra Nevada mountain range. Wearing only a long-sleeve shirt, a thin wool hat, ski pants, and a lightweight jacket—and with only four pieces of gum for food—he soon found himself chest-high in snow, veering off the snowboard trail, and plunging into the wilderness. By nightfall he knew he was in a fight for his life…Surviving eight days in subfreezing temperatures, he would earn the name “The Miracle Man” by stunned National Guard Black Hawk Chopper rescuers. But Eric’s against-all-odds survival was no surprise to those who knew him. A gifted hockey player in his teens, he was later drafted by the Boston Bruins and a 1994 Olympian. But when his playing days were over, Eric felt adrift. Everything changed when he first tasted the rush of hard drugs—the highly addictive crystal meth—which filled a void left by hockey and fame. By the time Eric reached the peak of Mammoth Mountain in 2004, he was already dueling demons that had seized his soul. A riveting adventure, a brutal confessional, here Eric tells his remarkable story—his climb to success, his long and painful fall, and his ordeal in the wilderness. In the end, a man whose life had been based on athleticism would lose both his legs, relearn to walk—even snowboard—with prosthetics, and finally confront the ultimate test of survival: what it takes to find your way out of darkness, and—after so many lies—to tell truth… and begin to live again. From the Hardcover edition.

The Crystal Desert: Summers in Antarctica

by David G. Campbell

The acclaimed author and biologist shares “a superb personal account [of Antarctica] . . . a remarkable evocation of a land at the bottom of the world” (Boston Globe).During the 1980s, biologist David Campbell spent three summers in Antarctica, researching its surprisingly plentiful wildlife. In The Crystal Desert, he combines travelogue, nature writing and science history to tell the story of life's tenacity on the coldest of Earth's continents. Between scuba expeditions in Admiralty Bay, Campbell remembers the explorers who discovered Antarctica, the whalers and sealers who despoiled it, and the scientists who laid the groundwork to decipher its mysteries. Chronicling the desperately short summers in beautiful, lucid prose, he presents a fascinating portrait of the evolution of life in Antarctica and of the continent itself.Winner of the John Burroughs Medal for Natural History Writing and a Houghton Mifflin Literary Fellowship

Crystal Horizon: Everest: The First Solo Ascent

by Reinhold Messner Jill Neate Audrey Salkeld

On August 20, 1980, Reinhold Messner, the world-renowned master of alpine-style climbing, became the first person to reach the summit of Everest solo and without supplemental oxygen. A vivid account of Messner's expedition, The Crystal Horizon also reflects on how he explored his innermost thoughts while facing the most extreme physical challenge he had ever encountered. The furthest point for mind and body he calls his crystal horizon. <p><p> Inspired by the legendary mountaineers George Mallory and Maurice Wilson, Messner embarked on a year-long journey through Tibet to the glittering light and rarified air at the roof of the world. More than an adventure story, this is Messner's profound reflection on his emotional reactions to Tibet, the challenges he faced, and the explorations of self inspired by this amazing journey.

Crystal Woman: The Sisters of the Dreamtime (Medicine Woman Series #5)

by Lynn V. Andrews

Following Lynn V. Andrews on the continuation of her life&’s journey as an initiate of a secret organization called the Sisterhood of the Shields, Crystal Woman, the fifth book in the internationally bestselling Medicine Woman series, takes Lynn into Australia and the uncharted territory of the soul.On a quest to free a story that dwells within her spirit, Lynn V. Andrews goes to Australia where she is initiated in the traditional ceremonies of the First Peoples&’ clever women. It is here in the stark desert landscape of the Red Centre, not far from the mysterious Ayers Rock, that this extraordinary woman begins a new cycle in her search for selfhood. With her Cree mentors, Agnes Whistling Elk and Ruby Plenty Chiefs, by her side, Lynn seeks out Ginevee, a member of the Sisterhood of the Shields and a Koori shamaness. It is Ginevee and numerous other women of high degree who teach Lynn to enter the legendary Dreamtime of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia using crystals as energy links and psychic amplifiers. There she encounters ancient sky beings, evil sorcerers, and animal allies, and visits the hidden places of the psyche—where terror lurks in the conflict between male and female selves, where her healing powers are called upon in a battle between the forces of life and death, and where she discovers the knowledge of becoming a whole person that is essential to us all.

CSNY: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

by Peter Doggett

An engaging and illuminating biography focused on the formative and highly influential early years of &“rock&’s first supergroup&” (Rolling Stone) Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young—when they were the most successful, influential, and politically potent band in America.After making their marks in popular bands such as the Hollies and the Byrds, David Crosby, Stephen Stills, and Graham Nash released their first album in May 1969. By the time they arrived at Woodstock a few months later, Neil Young had joined their ranks and together, their transcendent harmonies and evocative lyrics channeled all the romantic idealism and radical angst of their time. Now, music journalist Peter Doggett chronicles these legendary musicians and the movement they came to represent at the height of their popularity and influence: 1969 to 1974. Based on interviews with the band and colleagues, along with exclusive access to CSNY&’s archive, Doggett provides new insights into their incredible catalog, from their delicate acoustic confessionals like &“Suite: Judy Blue Eyes&” to their timeless classics such as &“Our House.&” Doggett also uncovers plenty of new stories and perspectives on the four tenacious and volatile songwriters&’ infamously reckless, hedonistic, and often combative lifestyles that led to their continuous breakups and behaviors—extreme even by rock star standards. &“A must for CSNY fans and anyone who remembers the era when it ruled the pop charts&” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review), CSNY is a quintessential and definitive account of one of the biggest bands of the Woodstock generation.

El cuaderno

by José Saramago

El cuaderno recoge los comentarios escritos por el Premio Nobel portugués desde que creó su blog hasta marzo de 2009. La obra despierta el interés de los lectores por la lucidez y la inteligencia de Saramago para retratar la realidad de nuestros días. Para la traductora de la obra, Pilar del Río, este libro son seis meses de «notas inteligentes para lectores inteligentes, sin artificios». «Cuando en febrero de 1993 nos instalamos en Lanzarote, conservando siempre casa en Lisboa, mis cuñados María y Javier, que ya vivían allí desde hacía unos años, junto a Luis y Juanjo, recién llegados, me regalaron un cuaderno para que sirviera de registro de nuestros días canarios. Me ponían sólo una condición: que de vez en cuando los mencionara. Nunca escribí nada en tal cuaderno, pero así, de esta manera, y no por otras vías, nacieron los Cuadernos de Lanzarote, que durante cinco años verían la luz. Hoy, sin esperarlo, me encuentro en una situación parecida. Esta vez, sin embargo, las causas motoras son Pilar, Sérgio y Javier, que se ocupan del blog. Me dijeron que habían reservado un espacio para mí en el blog y que ahí debo escribir de todo, comentarios, reflexiones, simples opiniones sobre esto o aquello, en fin, lo que sea menester y venga al caso. Mucho más disciplinado de lo que frecuentemente parezco, les respondí que sí señor, que lo haría, siempre que no me fuera exigida para este Cuaderno la asiduidad que a mí mismo me impuse en los otros. Por lo tanto, y por lo que valga, cuenten conmigo.»JOSÉ SARAMAGO

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