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D. W. Griffith: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)

by D. W. Griffith

D. W. Griffith (1875–1948) is one of the most influential figures in the history of the motion picture. As director of The Birth of a Nation, he is also one of the most controversial. He raised the cinema to a new level of art, entertainment, and innovation, and at the same time he illustrated, for the first time, its potential to influence an audience and propagandize a cause. Collected together here are virtually all of the “interviews” given by D. W. Griffith from the first in 1914 to the last in 1948. Some of the interviews concentrate on specific films, including The Birth of a Nation, Intolerance, and, most substantially, Hearts of the World, while others provide the director with an opportunity to expound on topics of personal interest, including the importance of proper exhibition of his and other’s films, and his search for truth and beauty on screen. The interviews are taken from many sources, including leading newspapers, trade papers, and fan magazines. They are often marked by humor and by a desire to please the interviewer and thus the reader. Griffith may not have been particularly enthusiastic about giving interviews, but he seems always determined to put on a good show. Ultimately, D. W. Griffith: Interviews provides the reader with a unique insight into the mind and filmmaking techniques of a director whose work and philosophy is as relevant today as it was when he was at the height of his fame in the 1910s and 1920s.

Da Baddest

by Trina

The award-winning, platinum selling rapper, songwriter, and television personality shares her unforgettable story of coming of age in Miami, her inevitable rise to stardom, and her enduring legacy as a Hip-Hop Icon.Growing up in the Liberty City area of Miami, Florida, Katrina &“Trina&” Taylor spent her childhood feeling relatively sheltered by her mother and stepfather. Trina and her mother had an unbreakable bond and Liberty City felt like a playground made just for her. And even at a young age, Trina knew what she wanted: to be a powerful, successful, and magnetic woman, a woman who was entirely self-reliant and independent. She dreamed of becoming a dancer, sexy and sparkling in the background of rap music videos she saw being filmed around Liberty City. Little did she know, she&’d eventually be the star of the videos, and a founding Queen of rap. In Da Baddest, Trina&’s voice is, as always, powerful, insightful, witty, and provocative, while also showcasing her vulnerability and deep love for her family, home, and music. This evocative look into Trina&’s upbringing and life as a rap icon proves why she is the blueprint, how she helped pave the way for the future of female rappers and hip-hop artists, and why no one but her can hold the title of &“The Baddest B*tch.&”

Da Nang Diary: A Forward Air Controller's Gunsight View of Flying with SOG

by Tom Yarborough

&“[An] intimate account of a Forward Air Controller working with the Special Forces on their secret operations in South Vietnam and Laos . . . Don&’t miss it!&” (John Prados, author of Storm Over Leyte). Originally published in 1991, this classic work has now been revised and updated with additional photos. It is the story of how, in Vietnam, an elite group of Air Force pilots fought a secret air war in Cessna 0-2 and OV-10 Bronco prop planes—flying as low as they could get. The eyes and ears of the fast-moving jets who rained death and destruction down on enemy positions, the forward air controller made an art form out of an air strike—knowing the targets, knowing where friendly troops were, and reacting with split-second, life-and-death decisions as a battle unfolded. The expertise of the low, slow FACs, as well as the hazard attendant to their role, made for a unique bird&’s-eye perspective on how the entire war in Vietnam unfolded. For Tom Yarborough, who logged 1,500 hours of combat flying time, the risk was constant, intense, and electrifying. A member of the super-secret &“Prairie Fire&” unit, Yarborough became one of the most frequently shot-up pilots flying out of Da Nang—engaging in a series of dangerous secret missions in Laos. In this work, the reader flies in the cockpit alongside Yarborough in his adrenaline-pumping chronicle of heroism, danger, and wartime brotherhood. From the rescuing of downed pilots to taking out enemy positions, to the most harrowing extended missions directly overhead of the NVA, here is the dedication, courage and skill of the fliers who took the war into the enemy&’s backyard.

Da traditore a eroe: Il falsario di Vermeer che ha imbrogliato gli Olandesi e i Nazisti

by Lázaro Droznes

L'incredibile storia di Han van Meegeren, il pittore olandese che ha prodotto i falsi di Vermeer, ha ingannato gli stessi olandesi, ne ha venduto uno a Herman Goering e alla fine ha dovuto confessare il suo crimine per salvarsi dalla pena di morte, accusato di alto tradimento. Dopo il processo è diventato un eroe nazionale per aver imbrogliato i nazisti. Queste confessioni furono un terremoto nella comunità pittorica dell'Olanda e del mondo intero, poiché le sue falsificazioni erano state accettate all'unanimità e, una di esse, il "Cristo in Emmaus", fu considerata il miglior Vermeer di tutte. Questa finzione, basata su eventi reali, ci porta a riflettere sul concetto di autenticità nell'arte e sulla validità dei concetti tradizionali di verità e bellezza: un dipinto non è più bello quando viene scoperto come falso? Perché le persone perdono interesse per un'opera d'arte se non è autentica? Perché la natura umana non ci permette di godere dell'estetica di un falso Vermeer che ci piaceva prima di scoprire che fosse un falso? Il business dell'arte è una bufala?

Da Vinci est amoureux

by Margarita Delva Lázaro Droznes

Léonard de Vinci reçoit Mona Lisa Ghirardini dans son atelier à Florence pour faire un portrait commandé par son mari. Da Vinci conserve ce tableau en sa possession, ne le rend jamais au client et le prend avec lui dans tous ses mouvements jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Ce fut une longue idylle avec la femme idéale qui a prolongé le reste de sa vie à travers plus de 20 ans de retouches permanentes. C’est une fiction dramatique qui recrée la relation de Leonardo avec Mona Lisa, son assistant Salai et avec la Nature dans sa recherche de la vérité et de la beauté. La peinture continue à captiver l'humanité toute entière après plusieurs siècles et on se pose les mêmes questions que se posaient Da Vinci lui-même: Pourquoi Mona Lisa sourit-elle? Quel mystère se cache derrière cette femme? Quel mystère se cache les femmes? Comme disait le Grand Leonardo: "la beauté est la vérité et la vérité est la beauté". Cet oeuvre tente de pénétrer ces mystères qui inculquent toute l'œuvre de Da Vinci.

Da Vinci (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists)

by Mike Venezia

A simple biography of Leonardo de Vinci for younger readers

Da Vinci in Love: The Endless Love Story Between Leonardo Da Vinci And Mona Lisa

by Lazaro Droznes

Leonardo heißt Mona Lisa Ghirardini in seinem Maleratelier im Herzen von Florenz willkommen, um ein Porträt zu malen, das nie an den Besitzer geliefert werden sollte. Da Vinci behielt das Gemälde, retuschierte es in regelmäßigen Abständen und begann eine lange, mehr als 20 Jahre andauernde Liebesbeziehung zu der perfekten Frau. Das Porträt begleitete Leonardo auf all seinen Reisen und zog mehrere Male mit ihm um. Dieses dramatische Werk bildet die Beziehung von Leonardo zur Gioconda, zu seinem Assistenten Salai und zur Welt im Allgemeinen nach. Es zeigt seine unnachgiebige Suche nach Schönheit und Wahrheit. Das Porträt fesselt auch Jahrhunderte nach seiner Entstehung noch die Menschheit und stellt die gleichen Fragen an den Betrachter, die auch Da Vinci selber sich gestellt hat: Warum lacht die Gioconda? Welches Geheimnis verbirgt die Mona Lisa? Wieso spiegelt ein Lächeln die Seele wider? Wie ist das eigentliche Wesen der göttlichen Schönheit? Die Geheimnisse von La Gioconda veranschaulichen sinnbildlich die Geheimnisse des Lebens und der Weiblichkeit.

Da Vinci's Ghost: Genius, Obsession, and How Leonardo Created the World in His Own Image

by Toby Lester

In Da Vinci's Ghost, critically acclaimed historian Toby Lester tells the story of the world’s most iconic image, the Vitruvian Man, and sheds surprising new light on the artistry and scholarship of Leonardo da Vinci, one of history’s most fascinating figures.Deftly weaving together art, architecture, history, theology, and much else, Da Vinci's Ghost is a first-rate intellectual enchantment.”—Charles Mann, author of 1493 Da Vinci didn’t summon Vitruvian Man out of thin air. He was inspired by the idea originally formulated by the Roman architect Vitruvius, who suggested that the human body could be made to fit inside a circle, long associated with the divine, and a square, related to the earthly and secular. To place a man inside those shapes was to imply that the human body could indeed be a blueprint for the workings of the universe. Da Vinci elevated Vitruvius’ idea to exhilarating heights when he set out to do something unprecedented, if the human body truly reflected the cosmos, he reasoned, then studying its anatomy more thoroughly than had ever been attempted before—peering deep into body and soul—might grant him an almost godlike perspective on the makeup of the world. Written with the same narrative flair and intellectual sweep as Lester’s award-winning first book, the “almost unbearably thrilling” (Simon Winchester) Fourth Part of the World, and beautifully illustrated with Da Vinci's drawings, Da Vinci’s Ghost follows Da Vinci on his journey to understanding the secrets of the Vitruvian man. It captures a pivotal time in Western history when the Middle Ages were giving way to the Renaissance, when art, science, and philosophy were rapidly converging, and when it seemed possible that a single human being might embody—and even understand—the nature of the universe.

Da Wild, Da Crazy, Da Vinci (Time Warp Trio #14)

by Jon Scieszka

Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci also invented an early version of a helicopter and a tank, and that he planned to execute the Time Warp Trio for spying on his inventions? Now it's going to take more bright ideas to get the guys safely back home...

Dabo's Dynasty: Clemson's Rise to College Football Supremacy (Sports)

by Larry Williams

From the beginning of the season, Dabo Swinney's rallying cry was "joy." Each week for opponents, though, was another joyless occasion against a big orange machine that found its high gear midseason. The results shook the foundation of college football. In 2015 and 2016, the Tigers needed to bring their own guts to achieve great things. In Swinney's tenth season, they brought their own sledgehammers. Larry Williams, who has covered Clemson and Swinney since 2004, unearths revealing anecdotes from Dabo's tenure and shares how a season dominated by Alabama hype ended up overwhelmed by a Clemson tide.

Dabo's Dynasty: Clemson's Rise to College Football Supremacy (Sports)

by Larry Williams Tom Rinaldi

From the beginning of the season, Dabo Swinney's rallying cry was "joy." Each week for opponents, though, was another joyless occasion against a big orange machine that found its high gear midseason. The results shook the foundation of college football. In 2015 and 2016, the Tigers needed to bring their own guts to achieve great things. In Swinney's tenth season, they brought their own sledgehammers. Larry Williams, who has covered Clemson and Swinney since 2004, unearths revealing anecdotes from Dabo's tenure and shares how a season dominated by Alabama hype ended up overwhelmed by a Clemson tide.

Dad, How Do I?: Practical "Dadvice" for Everyday Tasks and Successful Living

by Rob Kenney

From the host of the YouTube channel that went viral—Dad, How Do I?—comes a book that’s part memoir/part inspiration/part DIY. Rob Kenney’s father left him and his seven siblings when he was fourteen years old, and the youngest had to fend for themselves. He wished that he had someone who could teach him the basics—how to tie a tie, jump-start a car, unclog a drain, use tools properly—as well as succeed in life. But he and his siblings had to figure these things out on their own. Now a father himself, Rob decided that he would help people out by providing how-to tips as well as advice—and even throw in some bad dad jokes. He started a YouTube channel for anyone looking for fatherly advice, and in the course of three months, gained a following of nearly 2.5 million subscribers, with millions of views for his how-to and inspirational videos. In this book, Rob shares his story of overcoming a difficult childhood with the strength of faith and family, and offers inspiration and hope. In addition, he provides 50 practical DYI instructions (30 of which will be unique to the book), illustrated with helpful line drawings.

Dad Up!: Long-Time Comedian. First-Time Father.

by Steve Patterson

From one of the country's most beloved comedians and host of CBC Radio's incredibly popular program The Debaters comes a funny, poignant, and at times unexpectedly wise look at what it means to be a dad in this day and age.Steve Patterson has been thinking about dad-dom for quite a while. In Dad Up! he gives his all to be the best father possible to two young girls while imparting his hard-won wisdom and insights to readers everywhere.The youngest of five boys growing up in an Irish Catholic household, Patterson mines his childhood for any sage advice he might have picked up from his own dad. He talks with candour about the difficulty he and his wife, Nancy, had conceiving, finding humour in their experiences with the fertility clinic's automated phone calls (which Patterson calls "RoboPimp") informing them when Nancy was ovulating. He chronicles the disappointment of failing to get pregnant, only to have the miracle conception take place in Regina during Grey Cup Week, under the guiding spirit of the Saskatchewan Roughriders and comedian Brent Butt (don't ask).From that point on, Steve Patterson assumes full dad-mode, riffing on the biohazard that is changing a diaper, the absolute futility of stuffed animals, becoming a public breastfeeding warrior in the most unexpected of places, and how growing up a little boy in no way prepares you to being a father to little girls.Most importantly, Dad Up! charts the awesome experience of watching tiny infants that you somehow had a hand in creating evolve into confident and crafty little people, and the lessons that they teach along the way.

Dada Bhagwan?: दादा भगवान?

by Dada Bhagwan

अम्बालाल मुल्जिभई पटेल (जिन्हें हम दादा भगवान के नाम से जानते है), इन्हें जून १९५८ में सूरत स्टेशन पर आत्मा के पूर्ण साक्षात्कार का अनुभव हुआ| मूल भादरण में एक बहुत ही प्रतिष्ठित परिवार में जन्मे अम्बालाल भाई कोन्त्रक्टोर का धंधा करते थे| जून १९५८ की एक शाम वह वड़ोदरा जाने के लिए सूरत स्टेशन पर, अँधेरा होने से पहले अपना शाम का भोजन समाप्त कर, ट्रेन का इंतज़ार कर रहे थे| जब उनका नौकर उनका डब्बा धोने के लिए गया तब उन्हें संपूर्ण ब्रम्हांड का ज्ञान केवल ४८ मिनिटों में हुआ| जगत कौन चलता है? मैं कौन हूँ? मोक्ष क्या है? मुक्ति का अर्थ क्या है? मोक्ष कैसे प्राप्त हो सकता है इत्यादि प्रश्नों का उत्तर उन्हें उन ४८ मिनिटों में हुआ| यह आत्म साक्षात्कार केवल एक ही जन्म का फल नहीं था परंतु उनकी जन्मो जनम की खोज का नतीजा था| ‘दादा भगवान’, इस शब्द का प्रयोग उनके भीतर प्रकट हुए भगवान को संबोधित करने के लिए किया जाने लगा| A.M Patel, शादी शुदा थे पर उन्हें बचपन से ही सनातन सुख और शाश्वत धर्म को जानने की कुतूहलता रहती थी| ऐसे अद्वितीय इंसान, मतलब अम्बालाल भाई ने जून १९५८ में लोगो को आत्मा ज्ञान प्राप्त करवाने का आसान तरीका खोज निकला जिसे उन्होंने ‘अक्रम विज्ञान’कहा|

The Daddy Diaries: The Year I Grew Up

by Andy Cohen

The Instant New York Times Bestseller!New York Times bestselling author Andy Cohen goes from bottle service to baby bottles in a hilarious, heartwarming, and name-dropping account of the most important year of his life.Andy Cohen has taken on the most important job of his life—father— and boy (and girl!) does he have a lot to say about it!One of Andy Cohen’s most momentous years starts off with a hangover the morning after an epic New Year’s Eve broadcast. But Andy doesn’t have time to dwell on the drama, as his role as media mogul is now matched with the responsibilities, joys, and growing pains of parenthood.This fast-paced, mile-a-minute look behind the scenes of living the so-called glamorous life in Manhattan now takes firm aim at life at home. With a three-year-old son, Ben, and a daughter, Lucy, born in May, stories of late-night parties are replaced by early mornings with Ben, drama at the play-ground, and the musings of a single dad trying to navigate having it all. All this is set against the backdrop of constant Housewives drama, hijinks behind the scenes at Watch What Happens Live, a revolving door of famous faces, and a worried mother (and newly minted grandmother) in St. Louis.Buckle up, bottle up, and get ready for a laugh-out-loud and surprisingly poignant look at the ways in which family changes everything and the superficial gets very real. Watch what happens!

Daddy Grace: A Celebrity Preacher and His House of Prayer (Religion, Race, and Ethnicity)

by Marie W Dallam

&“This edgy and resourceful analysis&” of the early twentieth century preacher &“expands our understanding of a critical period in the black church experience&” (Shayne Lee, author of T. D. Jakes: America's New Preacher). In 1919, Charles Manuel &“Sweet Daddy&” Grace founded the United House of Prayer for All People—long regarded as one of the most extreme Pentecostal sects in the country. The flamboyant Grace wore purple suits with glitzy jewelry, purchased high profile real estate, and conducted baptisms in city streets with a fire hose. He was also reputed to accept massive donations from his poverty-stricken followers and use the money to live lavishly. Though Grace appeared to be the glue that held this church together, it has continued to thrive long after his death in 1960. After a period of restructuring and streamlining, the House of Prayer remains active with a national membership in the tens of thousands. In Daddy Grace, Marie W. Dallam offers both a religious history of the House of Prayer and an intellectual history of its colorful and enigmatic leader. Dallam examines the religious nature of the House of Prayer, the dimensions of Grace&’s leadership strategies, and the connections between his often ostentatious acts and the intentional infrastructure of the church itself. Furthermore, woven through the text are analyses of the race, class, and gender issues manifest in the House of Prayer structure under Grace&’s aegis.

Daddy King: An Autobiography

by Martin Luther King

The rarely heard life story of the man known as “Daddy King,” the Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr.Born in 1899 to a family of sharecroppers in Stockbridge, Georgia, Martin Luther King, Sr., came of age under the looming threat of violence at the hands of white landowners. Growing up, he witnessed his family being crushed by the weight of poverty and racism, and escaped to Atlanta to answer the calling to become a preacher. Before engaging in acts of political dissent or preaching at Ebenezer Baptist Church, where he would remain for more than four decades, King, Sr., earned high school and college diplomas while working double shifts as a truck driver—and he won the heart of his future wife, Alberta “Bunch” Williams.King, Sr., recalls the struggles and joys of his journey: the pain of leaving his parents and seven siblings on the family farm; the triumph of winning voting rights for blacks in Atlanta; and the feelings of fatherly pride and anxiety as he watched his son put his life in danger at the forefront of the civil rights movement. Originally published in 1980, Daddy King is an unexpected and poignant memoir.

Daddy Lessons

by Steacy Easton

Cowboy erotica meets Kathy Acker in this smart, raunchy look at a queer sexual awakeningSteacy Easton grew up Mormon, queer, and Autistic in the West. This book traces the people and spaces that made them who they are: the Mormon church, an Anglican boys’ boarding school where they were sent to be ‘reformed’ and where they were abused by a teacher, and then, later on, rodeos and bathhouses and mall bathrooms. The world Easton describes is one in which desire is complicated, where men – ‘daddies’ – can be loving and they can be abusive, and there isn’t always a clear distinction. Easton explores the essential texts of their sexuality, from Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick to Neil LaBute, Kip Moore to Lorelei James, and delves into their own encounters as they came of age. These daddy lessons are blunt about the pleasures of disobedience, slippery and difficult, revelling in the funk of memory and desire."In dangerous times, Daddy Lessons dares to complicate the question of what children desire, including things that they probably shouldn’t, and that adults must not exploit or manipulate. Except they do. Steacy Easton's meditations follow how such desires and disasters secrete an aesthetic and a self, and how something vivacious can spring from that muck, something like this book itself, smutty and shining and garlanded in jonquils." – Carl Wilson, author of Let's Talk About Love: A Journey to the End of Taste"Daddy Lessons is a cocky and tender reclamation of childhood and teenage wanting." – Vivek Shraya, author of I’m Afraid of Men and People Change"Steacy writes about the queer pleasure-seeking body in ways both fresh and eminently familiar." – Jordan Tannahill, author of The Listeners

Daddy Long Legs: The Natural Education of a Father

by John Price

John Price appears to have thrown in the towel. He has spent the last year struggling to support his family, neglecting to spend time with his wife and children, and becoming increasingly cynical about the degraded state of the natural world around him. After a heart-attack scare, however, his wife demands that he start appreciating all the "good things" in his life: their mouse-infested old house, their hopelessly overgrown yard, and most of all, the joys and humiliations of parenthood. In his quest to become a better father, Price faces many unexpected challenges--like understanding his grandmother's decision to die, and supporting his nature-loving sons' decision to make their home a "no-kill zone" for all living creatures. Still he finds the second chance he was looking for--to save himself and, perhaps, his small corner of an imperfect yet still beautiful world.

Daddy Needs a Drink: An Irreverent Look at Parenting from a Dad Who Truly Loves His Kids--Even When They're Driving Him Nuts

by Robert Wilder

A Santa Fe dad shares heartwarming, comic, often ludicrous tales of raising a family in this laugh-out-loud book perfect for anyone who enjoys the edgy humor of David Sedaris or the whimsical commentary of Dave Barry. Waxing both profound and profane on issues close to a father's heart-from exploding diapers to toddler tantrums, from the horrors of dressing up as Frosty the Snowman to the moments that make a father proud-Robert Wilder brilliantly captures the joys and absurdities of being a parent today. With an artist wife and two kids-a daughter, Poppy, and a son, London-Robert Wilder considers himself as open-minded as the next man. Yet even he finds himself parentally challenged when his toddler son, London, careens around the house in the buff or asks the kind of outrageous, embarrassing questions only a kid can ask. A high school teacher who sometimes refers to himself jokingly as Mister Mom (when his wife, Lala, is busy in her studio), Wilder shares warmly funny stories on everything from sleep deprivation to why school-sponsored charities can turn otherwise sane adults into blithering and begging idiots. Whether trying to conjure up the perfect baby name ("Poppy" came to his wife's mother in a dream) or hiring a Baby Whisperer to get some much-needed sleep, Wilder offers priceless life lessons on discipline, potty training, even phallic fiddling (courtesy of young London). He describes the perils of learning to live monodextrously (doing everything with one hand while carrying your child around with the other) and the joys of watching his daughter morph into a graceful, wise, unique little person right before his eyes. By turns tender, irreverent, and hysterically funny, Daddy Needs a Drink is a hilarious and poignant tribute to his family by a man who truly loves being a father.

Daddy, We Hardly Knew You

by Germaine Greer

&“Ferocious psychic need and volcanic energy drive this combined memoir, detective story and travelogue&” from the author of The Female Eunuch (The New Yorker). After her father died, influential feminist writer and public intellectual Germaine Greer realizes how little she knows about him. She decides to track the life of her father, an Australian intelligence officer during World War II, to uncover the roots of his secrecy and distance. As she painstakingly assembles the jigsaw pieces of the past, Greer discovers surprising secrets about her father, her family, and herself. During her three-year quest, Greer travels from England to Australia, Tasmania, India, and Malta; searches through scores of genealogical, civil, and military archives; and delves into the memories of the men and women who may—or may not—have known Reg Greer. Yet the heart of her &“lyrical but brutal elegy&” is her own emotional journey, as the startling facts behind her father&’s façade force her to painfully examine her own notions of truth and loyalty, family and obligation (Kirkus Reviews, starred review). &“Anyone who has done this kind of search will identify with Ms. Greer&’s frustration, admire her persistence, laugh at her accuracy and rejoice in her discoveries.&” —The New York Times Book Review &“The deeply affecting climax is a remarkable feat of family reconstruction.&” —Publishers Weekly

Daddyji: Continents of Exile: 1 (Penguin Modern Classics)

by Ved Mehta

Book 1 in Ved Mehta's Continents of Exile series. Nearly 50 years in the making, Continents of Exile is one of the great works of twentieth-century autobiography: the epic chronicle of an Indian family in the twentieth century. From 1930s India to 1950s Oxford and literary New York in the 1960s-80s, this is the story of the post-colonial twentieth century, as uniquely experienced and vividly recounted by Ved Mehta. On its surface, Daddyji serves as a lucid biographical portrait of Amolak Ram Mehta, an esteemed Indian public servant, written by his son. But as Ved Mehta's story unwinds, it becomes apparent that something else is being recreated - the intricacies and intimacies of a lost world, of pre-Partition Lahore.

Daddy's Home!: Reflections of a Family Man

by Steven Schnur

Today's dad comes home at the end of the day to a job he loves: fatherhood. Daddy's Home! gathers together honest and funny true stories about coming home into manhood--getting married, buying a house, having kids, and everything else that happens when you don't want to put off being a grown-up any longer. Steven Schnur writes about the frustrations of infertility, the scary joy of helping his wife give birth, and the relentless scramble to keep up with twins. Always, he gets the details right and adds a dose of his own hard-won wisdom. Today's dad is learning to appreciate the small things--the daily discoveries children make, the pleasures and worries of raising them right, and the ever-evolving knack for turning little trials into little triumphs. Today's dad is negotiating the supermarket, coming to terms with his family history and heritage, and living with the sweet chaos of watching his children change. Daddy's Home! preserves in words what is so fleeting in nature: "the cherished hopes, the mayhem, and the minor miracles that amplify the narrowly circumscribed universe of one doting father." The perfect companion for both veteran and novice dads, Daddy's Home! is a tribute to people everywhere who are heroic in their ability to recognize joy. It is a celebration of a man's biggest challenge-and also his biggest delight.

Daddy's Little Girl

by Julia Latchem-Smith

To the outside world Julia's family was a picture of respectability; middle-class, decent, loving. But between the ages of eight and thirteen Julia's father sexually abused her. While Julia's mother's obsessive domestic tendencies occupied her elsewhere, Julia's father concentrated his attentions on his daughter. When, eventually, Julia twice found the courage to reveal what was happening to her, her mother encouraged her to retract her allegations. Years later, after Julia had married and had two daughters, her father confessed - and Julia was able to record their conversation and press charges. Her father is currently serving eight years in prison. Julia no longer has a relationship with her mother and brother, but she has successfully rebuilt a new life for herself. This the dramatic story of how, by confronting her painful past, Julia has begun to build herself a successful future.

Daddy's Little Girl

by Julia Latchem-Smith

To the outside world Julia's family was a picture of respectability; middle-class, decent, loving. But between the ages of eight and thirteen Julia's father sexually abused her. While Julia's mother's obsessive domestic tendencies occupied her elsewhere, Julia's father concentrated his attentions on his daughter. When, eventually, Julia twice found the courage to reveal what was happening to her, her mother encouraged her to retract her allegations. Years later, after Julia had married and had two daughters, her father confessed - and Julia was able to record their conversation and press charges. Her father is currently serving eight years in prison. Julia no longer has a relationship with her mother and brother, but she has successfully rebuilt a new life for herself. This the dramatic story of how, by confronting her painful past, Julia has begun to build herself a successful future.

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