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En resum ... o gairebé
by Stéphane Hessel«Una autobiografia intel·lectual, emotiva i inclassificable.» Le Figaro Littéraire «Aquesta acumulació de memòria humana constitueix un tresor de sentit. Haver travessat un segle ple d'invents, esperances i horrors, i haver viscut plenament aquesta aventura és el que em dóna legitimitat. Perquè potser he rebut de la vida un deute de sentit, i avui em puc permetre pagar-lo amb el meu testimoni.»Stéphane Hessel A En resum... o gairebé l'agitador de consciències Stéphane Hessel aborda de manera magistral els temes de la indignació i els seus límits, la compassió, l'amor, l'admiració, la resiliència, la reivindicació de la dignitat, la força de les paraules, el compromís polític o la democràcia per transmetre a les noves generacions que cal lluitar dia a dia per recuperar la dignitat i per construir les bases d'un futur comú més just i accessible per a tothom. Una obra reveladora i necessària en la qual la veu de Hessel es barreja amb versos i confidències, amb opinions i records que configuren la trajectòria intel·lectual i personal d'un home bo. Opinions:«Les paraules de Stéphane Hessel desborden el marc d'un simple llibre. Són una crida a obrir els ulls i despertar les nostres consciències. Aquest llibre, per tant, no és una autobiografia en sentit estricte, no mira cap al passat. És una invitació a tenir valor. Recull unes experiències que han resultat exemplars i útils per fer costat a un compromís, a una manera d'enfrontar-se a la vida.»Maren Sell (editor francès)
En resumen... o casi
by Stéphane HesselUn compendio de experiencias ejemplares para respaldar un compromiso, una manera de enfrentar la vida. «Esta acumulación de memoria humana constituye un tesoro de sentido. Haber atravesado un siglo lleno de inventos, esperanzas y horrores, y haber vivido plenamente esta aventura es lo que me da legitimidad. Porque tal vez he recibido de la vida una deuda de sentido, y hoy puedo permitirme pagarla con mi testimonio.»Stéphane Hessel En En resumen... o casi el agitador de conciencias Stéphane Hessel aborda de forma magistral los temas de la indignación y sus límites, la compasión, el amor, la admiración, la resiliencia, la reivindicación de la dignidad, la fuerza de las palabras, el compromiso político o la democracia para transmitir a las nuevas generaciones que es preciso luchar a diario por recuperar la dignidad y por construir las bases de un futuro común más justo y accesible para todos. Una obra reveladora y necesaria en la que la voz de Hessel se entremezcla con versos y confidencias, con opiniones y recuerdos que configuran la trayectoria intelectual y personal de un hombre bueno. Reseñas:«Una autobiografía intelectual, emotiva e inclasificable.»Le Figaro Litteraire «Las palabras de Stéphane Hessel desbordan el marco de un simple libro. Son una llamada a abrir los ojos y despertar nuestras conciencias. Este libro, por tanto, no es una autobiografía en sentido estricto, no mira hacia el pasado. Es una invitación a tener valor. Recoge unas experiencias que han resultado ejemplares y útiles para respaldar un compromiso, una manera de enfrentarse a la vida.»Maren Sell (editor francés)
En Route: A Paramedic's Stories of Life, Death, and Everything in Between
by Steven Kelly GraysonStephen "Kelly" Grayson has seen the best of us at our worst. When hearts stop working, when blood alcohol levels exceed limits we shouldn't contemplate, when bodies are extricated from car wrecks, he's been there to pick up the pieces, save our lives, and watch us slip away. His touching stories of life and death and the hilarious ones of times in between are here to give us an insight of what happens after we call 911, the ambulance doors close, or even what happens inside the ER when the nurse shows the family to the waiting room.
En Sarithiram
by U.Ve.Saminatha IyerThis book is an autobiography of U.Ve.Saminatha Iyer in which the veteran author talks about his life and work.
En trance con la naturaleza: Danza con tus sentidos
by Mónica Cajiao FaggioniDanza con tus sentidos. <P><P>En este excelente libro, su autora, nos introduce en la magia de la naturaleza, nos enseña la forma de conversar con Dios sintiéndonos envueltos en su amor. Observa con atención el verde de los árboles, la maravillosa combinación de colores de las flores, escucha el sonido de las olas del mar y siente la imponencia de sus aguas fuertes, profundas pero suaves y tersas que mojan tus pies. <P><P>Imagina un lugar hermoso donde calmes tus sentidos, ya sea cerca del mar, de la montaña o del río. Siente el batir de las alas de las mariposas, la alegría que te invade llenándote de una sensación de paz en el momento que unos pajarillos revolotean en tu derredor, ellos te muestran la gracia y el amor del Creador. <P><P>La naturaleza te necesita como tú a ella. Vive con respeto y armonía hacia Dios y la naturaleza.
Enathu Ninaivalaikal
by Lakshmi Narayanan Popati R. HiranandaniPopati Hiranandani was a versatile Sindhi writer who has made a formidable presence in twentieth-century Sindhi literature. She wrote on multiple genres: the novel, short fiction, poetry and biography, as well as literary criticism. She won several awards including the Sahitya Akademi Award and the Gaurav Puraskar from the Maharashtra Government. This book is a Tamil translation by Lakshmi Narayanan of Popati R. Hiranandani's Akademi Award Winning Sindhi autobiography, Muhinji Hayati-a-JaSona Ropa Warq.
Enchanted Air: Two Cultures, Two Wings: A Memoir (Enchanted Air Ser.)
by Margarita EngleIn this poetic memoir, which won the Pura Belpré Author Award, was a YALSA Nonfiction Finalist, and was named a Walter Dean Myers Award Honoree, acclaimed author Margarita Engle tells of growing up as a child of two cultures during the Cold War.Margarita is a girl from two worlds. Her heart lies in Cuba, her mother’s tropical island country, a place so lush with vibrant life that it seems like a fairy tale kingdom. But most of the time she lives in Los Angeles, lonely in the noisy city and dreaming of the summers when she can take a plane through the enchanted air to her beloved island. Words and images are her constant companions, friendly and comforting when the children at school are not. Then a revolution breaks out in Cuba. Margarita fears for her far-away family. When the hostility between Cuba and the United States erupts at the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Margarita’s worlds collide in the worst way possible. How can the two countries she loves hate each other so much? And will she ever get to visit her beautiful island again?
Enchanted by Daphne: The Life of an Evolutionary Naturalist
by Peter R. GrantThe extraordinary life story of the celebrated naturalist who transformed our understanding of evolutionEnchanted by Daphne is legendary ecologist Peter Grant’s personal account of his remarkable life and career. In this revelatory book, Grant takes readers from his childhood in World War II–era Britain to his ongoing research today in the Galápagos archipelago, vividly describing what it's like to do fieldwork in one of the most magnificent yet inhospitable places on Earth. This is also the story of two brilliant and courageous biologists raising a family together while balancing the demands of professional lives that would take them to the far corners of the globe.In 1973, Grant and his wife, Rosemary, embarked on a journey that would fundamentally change how we think about evolution. Over the next four decades, they visited the Galápagos every year to observe Darwin’s famous finches on the remote, uninhabited island of Daphne Major. Documenting how eighteen species have diversified from a single ancestral species, they demonstrated that we could actually see and measure evolution in a natural setting. Grant recounts the blind alleys and breathtaking triumphs of this historic research as he and Rosemary followed in Darwin’s footsteps—and ushered in a new era in ecology.A wonderfully absorbing portrait of a life in science, Enchanted by Daphne is an unforgettable chronicle of the travels and discoveries of one of the world’s most influential naturalists.
Enchanted Childhoods: Growing Up in Yosemite, 1864-1945
by Shirley SargentReunion of people from Yosemite Elementary School, the meeting of over fifty alumni and their youthful experiences in Yosemite.
Enchanted Evening: Volume Iii Of The Autobiography Of M. M. Kaye (The Autobiography of M. M. Kaye)
by M. M. KayeIn the first volume of her autobiography, The Sun in the Morning, M.M. Kaye detailed the first eighteen years of her life in India and England and introduced readers to her love affair with India. She brought to life its people, scents, vibrant colors, and breathtaking landscapes. In the second volume, Golden Afternoon, she happily returned to her beloved India after years in a British boarding school. New to the glories of the Delhi social season, M.M. Kaye recounted her delightful exploits as a vivacious young woman in Raj society.Now, in Enchanted Evening, M.M. Kaye is a young woman forced to leave her cherished home in India when her father takes a new post in china. Though at first disoriented by the unfamiliar customs and confusing protocol of her new surroundings, it is in China that she discovers the pleasures that come from independence. Coming into her own as a painter, Kaye first meets with artistic success in China and then moves to cramped quarters in London's South Kensington neighborhood, where she begins to flourish as a writer.With vivid descriptions and the wisdom that comes with age, M.M. Kaye looks back on the years she spent as a young woman in a world as yet unmarked by World War II's devastation.
Enchanted Islands: A Novel
by Allison AmendInspired by the midcentury memoirs of Frances Conway, Enchanted Islands is the dazzling story of an independent American woman whose path takes her far from her native Minnesota when she and her husband, an undercover intelligence officer, are sent to the Galápagos Islands at the brink of World War II. Born in Duluth, Minnesota, in 1882 to immigrant parents, Frances Frankowski covets the life of her best friend, Rosalie Mendel, who has everything Fanny could wish for--money, parents who value education, and an effervescent and winning personality. When, at age fifteen, Rosalie decides they should run away to Chicago, Fanny jumps at the chance to escape her unexceptional life. But, within a year, Rosalie commits an unforgivable betrayal, inciting Frances to strike out on her own.Decades later, the women reconnect in San Francisco and realize how widely their lives have diverged. While Rosalie is a housewife and mother, Frances works as a secretary for the Office of Naval Intelligence. There she is introduced to Ainslie Conway, an intelligence operator ten years her junior. When it's arranged for Frances and Ainslie to marry and carry out a mission on the Galápagos Islands, the couple's identities--already hidden from each other--are further buried under their new cover stories. No longer a lonely spinster, Frances is about to begin the most fascinating and intrigue-filled years of her life.Amid active volcanoes, forbidding wildlife and flora, and unfriendly neighbors, Ainslie and Frances carve out a life for themselves. But the secrets they harbor from their enemies and from each other may be their undoing.Drawing on the rich history of the early twentieth century and set against a large, colorful canvas, Enchanted Islands boldly examines the complexity of female friendship, the universal pursuit of a place to call home, and the reverberations of secrets we keep from others and from ourselves.From the Hardcover edition.
Enchanted Islands: A Mediterranean Odyssey – A Memoir of Travels through Love, Grief and Mythology
by Laura CoffeyEnchanted Islands tells the true story of Laura Coffey's epic journey around the mystical archipelagos of the Mediterranean. Blending memoir, travel and nature writing with tales from The Odyssey, and infused with sharply comic wit, this is a celebration of the redemptive powers of cold-water swimming and luminous star-lit skies.
The Enchanted Quest of Dana and Ginger Lamb
by Julie Huffman-klinkowitz Jerome KlinkowitzBestselling authors, sensational lecturers, documentary filmmakers, amateur archaeologists, spies for FDR—Dana and Ginger Lamb led the life of Indiana Jones long before the movie icon was ever scripted. “We blaze the trail,” Ginger said, “and the scientists follow.” The Enchanted Quest of Dana and Ginger Lamb is the first biography of this captivating, entrepreneurial couple. In southern California, they started married life in 1933 by building a canoe. With only $4.10 in their pockets, they paddled to Central America and through the Panama Canal. Three years later they returned triumphant, bearing a photographic record of the amazing trek that made them famous. After releasing their bestselling book, Enchanted Vagabonds, the two became exactly that. They relentlessly lectured for the public and mooned for the media until they were able to fund more exotic voyages to remote jungles and rivers. So convincing were they on the circuit that their most powerful fan, President Franklin Roosevelt, coerced J. Edgar Hoover into hiring the Lambs as spies in Mexico. After World War II, they launched their Quest for the Lost City, which yielded another book and documentary. Drawing on historical records, the Lambs' books and letters, and recently declassified espionage documents, biographers Julie Huffman-klinkowitz and Jerome Klinkowitz show how the Lambs succeeded in marketing their conquests and films to armchair explorers around the world and how they became, in popular imagination, the quintessential American adventurers.
Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age
by Katherine MayFrom the New York Times–bestselling author of Wintering, an invitation to rediscover the feelings of awe and wonder available to us all Many of us feel trapped in a grind of constant change: rolling news cycles, the chatter of social media, our families split along partisan lines. We feel fearful and tired, on edge in our bodies, not quite knowing what has us perpetually depleted. <p><p>For Katherine May, this low hum of fatigue and anxiety made her wonder what she was missing. Could there be a different way to relate to the world, one that would allow her to feel more rested and at ease, even as seismic changes unfold on the planet? Might there be a way for all of us to move through life with curiosity and tenderness, sensitized to the subtle magic all around? <p><p>In Enchantment, May invites the reader to come with her on a journey to reawaken our innate sense of wonder and awe. With humor, candor, and warmth, she shares stories of her own struggles with work, family, and the aftereffects of pandemic, particularly feelings of overwhelm as the world rushes to reopen. Craving a different way to live, May begins to explore the restorative properties of the natural world, moving through the elements of earth, water, fire, and air and identifying the quiet traces of magic that can be found only when we look for them. Through deliberate attention and ritual, she unearths the potency and nourishment that come from quiet reconnection with our immediate environment. <p><P>Blending lyricism and storytelling, sensitivity and empathy, Enchantment invites each of us to open the door to human experience in all its sensual complexity, and to find the beauty waiting for us there. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>
by Donald SpotoHer name is synonymous with elegance, style and grace. Over the course of her extraordinary life and career, Audrey Hepburn captured hearts around the world and created a public image that stands as one of the most recognizable and beloved in recent memory. But despite her international fame and her tireless efforts on behalf of UNICEF, Audrey was also known for her intense privacy. With unprecedented access to studio archives, friends and colleagues who knew and loved Audrey, bestselling author Donald Spoto provides an intimate and moving account of this beautiful, elusive and talented woman.Tracing her astonishing rise to stardom, from her harrowing childhood in Nazi-controlled Holland during World War II to her years as a struggling ballet dancer in London and her Tony Award-winning Broadway debut in Gigi, Spoto illuminates the origins of Audrey's tenacious spirit and fiercely passionate nature.She would go on to star in some of the most popular movies of the twentieth century, including Roman Holiday, Sabrina, Funny Face, The Nun's Story, Breakfast at Tiffany's and My Fair Lady. A friend and inspiration to renowned designer Hubert de Givenchy, Audrey emerged as a fashion icon as well as a film legend, her influence on women's fashion virtually unparalleled to this day.But behind the glamorous public persona, Audrey Hepburn was both a different and a deeper person and a woman who craved love and affection. Donald Spoto offers remarkable insights into her professional and personal relationships with her two husbands, and with celebrities such as Gregory Peck, William Holden, Fred Astaire, Gary Cooper, Robert Anderson, Cary Grant, Peter O'Toole, Albert Finney and Ben Gazzara. The turbulent romances of her youth, her profound sympathy for the plight of hungry children, and the thrills and terrors of motherhood prepared Audrey for the final chapter in her life, as she devoted herself entirely to the charity efforts of an organization that had once come to her rescue at the end of the war: UNICEF.Donald Spoto has written a poignant, funny and deeply moving biography of an unforgettable woman. At last, Enchantment reveals the private Audrey Hepburn--and invites readers to fall in love with her all over again."She was as funny as she was beautiful. She was a magical combination of high chic and high spirits." --Gregory Peck"In spite of her fragile appearance, she's like steel." --Cary Grant"Audrey was known for something which has disappeared, and that is elegance, grace and manners . . . God kissed her on the cheek, and there she was." --Billy Wilder"There is not a woman alive who does not dream of looking like Audrey Hepburn." --Hubert de Givenchy"Her magnetism was so extraordinary that everyone wanted to be close to her. It was as if she placed a glass barrier between herself and the world. You couldn't get behind it easily. It made her remarkably attractive." --Stanley Donen"She has authentic charm. Most people simply have nice manners." --Alfred LuntFrom the Hardcover edition.
Enchantment: The Life of Audrey Hepburn
by Donald SpotoMore than a decade after her death in 1993, Audrey Hepburn remains an incomparable icon of movie style, of high fashion and mid-twentieth-century elegance. Born in Brussels in 1929, Audrey was the daughter of a British father and a Dutch Baroness. But when she was five, her father deserted the family, and it was not until she was 30 that Audrey found him again. With the outbreak of war in 1939, her mother thought they would be safer in Holland than Holland Park, but, although they survived the German Occupation, the experience left its physical and emotional scars. Back in England again, Audrey studied ballet with Marie Rambert. After a few West End musicals and a few minor film parts, she was spotted by the colourful and eccentric author, Colette, to star in a stage version of her novel, Gigi. And then Audrey's career took off. Her debut screen role was the Princess in William Wyler's enchanting Roman Holiday. It won her an Oscar. Audrey often described herself as an actress who didn't have much technique because she never learned to act. But she had that rare, instinctive ability to reach out to an audience. Billy Wilder, who directed her in Sabrina said, 'She was just born with this kind of quality and she made it look so unforced, so simple, so easy. . . You cannot learn it. God kissed her on the cheek and there she was. 'She brought a unique grace and high spirits to a number of highly acclaimed films - from Funny Face and The Nun's Story to My Fair Lady, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Charade, Wait Until Dark and Robin and Marian. For a while it looked as though her personal life would follow the Hollywood dream. But her marriage to Mel Ferrer, with whom she starred in War and Peace, was not to last. There were passionate but short-lived affairs, some revealed for the first time in this book. She married and divorced a second time. But she pretty much retired from movie-making, and dedicated the last years of her life, as Special Ambassador for UNICEF, to touring Africa and South America to help hungry children. With all the insight, background knowledge and innate sympathy for his subject, qualities that have made his biographies of Hitchcock, Dietrich, Monroe and Bergman such international successes, Donald Spoto truly captures the spirit of an elusive, beautiful, talented and vulnerable woman.
by Kathryn HarrisonFrom Kathryn Harrison, one of America's most admired literary voices, comes a gorgeously written, enthralling novel set in the final days of Russia's Romanov Empire. St. Petersburg, 1917. After Rasputin's body is pulled from the icy waters of the Neva River, his eighteen-year-old daughter, Masha, is sent to live at the imperial palace with Tsar Nikolay and his family--including the headstrong Prince Alyosha. Desperately hoping that Masha has inherited Rasputin's miraculous healing powers, Tsarina Alexandra asks her to tend to Aloysha, who suffers from hemophilia, a blood disease that keeps the boy confined to his sickbed, lest a simple scrape or bump prove fatal. Two months after Masha arrives at the palace, the tsar is forced to abdicate, and Bolsheviks place the royal family under house arrest. As Russia descends into civil war, Masha and Alyosha grieve the loss of their former lives, finding solace in each other's company. To escape the confinement of the palace, they tell stories--some embellished and some entirely imagined--about Nikolay and Alexandra's courtship, Rasputin's many exploits, and the wild and wonderful country on the brink of an irrevocable transformation. In the worlds of their imagination, the weak become strong, legend becomes fact, and a future that will never come to pass feels close at hand. Mesmerizing, haunting, and told in Kathryn Harrison's signature crystalline prose, Enchantments is a love story about two people who come together as everything around them is falling apart.From the Hardcover edition.
Enchantress of Numbers: A Novel of Ada Lovelace
by Jennifer ChiaveriniThe New York Times bestselling author of Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker illuminates the fascinating life of the world’s first computer programmer Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace—a woman whose exceptional contributions to science and technology have gone unsung for too long. The only legitimate child of Lord Byron, the most brilliant, revered, and scandalous of the Romantic poets, Ada was destined for fame long before her birth. Estranged from Ada’s father, who was infamously “mad, bad, and dangerous to know,” Ada’s mathematician mother is determined to save her only child from her perilous Byron heritage. Banishing fairy tales and make-believe from the nursery, Ada’s mother provides her daughter with a rigorous education grounded in mathematics and science. Any troubling spark of imagination—or worse yet, passion or poetry—is promptly extinguished. Or so her mother believes. When Ada is introduced into London society as a highly eligible young heiress, she at last discovers the intellectual and social circles she has craved all her life. Little does she realize that her delightful new friendship with inventor Charles Babbage—brilliant, charming, and occasionally curmudgeonly—will shape her destiny. Intrigued by the prototype of his first calculating machine, the Difference Engine, and enthralled by the plans for his even more advanced Analytical Engine, Ada resolves to help Babbage realize his extraordinary vision, unique in her understanding of how his invention could transform the world. All the while, she passionately studies mathematics—ignoring skeptics who consider it an unusual, even unhealthy pursuit for a woman—falls in love, discovers the shocking secrets behind her parents’ estrangement, and comes to terms with the unquenchable fire of her imagination. In Enchantress of Numbers, New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Chiaverini unveils the passions, dreams, and insatiable thirst for knowledge of a largely unheralded pioneer in computing—a young woman who stepped out of her father’s shadow to achieve her own laurels and champion the new technology that would shape the future.
Encore: A Journal of the Eightieth Year
by May SartonMay Sarton discovers the liberation of old age in this life-affirming journal On the second day of her 80th year, May Sarton began a new journal. She wrote it because she wanted "to go on a little while longer;" to discover "what is really happening to me." This triumphant sequel to Endgame--Sarton's journal of her 79th year--is filled with the comforting minutiae of daily life, from gardening to planning dinners and floral arrangements to answering fan mail. The wonderful thing about getting older, Sarton writes, is "the freedom to be absurd, the freedom to forget things . . . the freedom to be eccentric." Her other octogenarian pleasures include preparing for holidays and weddings, lunches with old friends and new admirers, the heady delight of critical recognition, and the rebirth of her lyric voice as she creates new poems. Yet Sarton knows that age can also bring pain and ill health, as well as a deepening awareness of the "perilousness of life on all sides, knowing that at any moment something frightful may happen."
The Encore: A Memoir in Three Acts
by Charity Tillemann-DickThe remarkable true story of acclaimed opera singer Charity Tillemann-Dick, who received not one but two double lung transplants and went from struggling to draw a single breath to singing at the most prestigious venues in the world.Charity Tillemann-Dick was a vivacious young American soprano studying at the celebrated Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest when she received devastating news: her lungs were failing, her heart was three and a half sizes too big, and she would die within five years. Inexplicably, despite her fatal pulmonary condition, she could still sing. Medical experts advised Charity to abandon her musical dreams, but if her time was running out, she wanted to spend it doing what she loved. In just three years, she endured two double lung transplants. Teetering between life and death, she slowly learned to breathe, walk, talk, eat, and sing again. With new lungs and fierce determination, she eventually fell in love, rebuilt her career, and reclaimed her life. Over a decade after her diagnosis, she has a chart-topping album, performs around the globe, and is a leading voice for organ donation. Weaving Charity’s extraordinary tale of triumph with those of opera's greatest heroines, The Encore illuminates the indomitable human spirit. It's the story of confronting devastating challenges with love: the intimate love of a mother for her daughter, a man for a woman, a doctor for her craft, and a singer for her music. Ultimately, grace from God and strangers enabled the work of love to save one young woman's breath and allowed her to reclaim her life.
Encore: My journey back to centre stage
by Russell WatsonTold he would never sing again, now he's back for his Encore.'A unique story - told from the heart, with humour and warmth'. Aled Jones'An emotional read - his personal story is more powerful than that high note in "Nessun Dorma"'. Vernon KayRussell Watson was at the peak of his success as a much-loved classical singer. He had gone from humble beginnings, working in a factory making nuts and bolts in Salford to singing in working men's clubs to performing to stadiums filled with thousands of fans. But then tragedy struck. In 2006 and 2007 he was diagnosed with two brain tumours. In the subsequent years he battled crippling treatment, lifesaving operations, HRT therapy and mental health struggles. Doctors told him he would never sing in the same way again. Russell was determined to defy the odds and fight his way back - not only to recovery but also to finding his voice again. Now he is singing better than ever, performing internationally again and continues his work as a successful recording artist. In Encore he tells his remarkable story of triumph over tragedy and the resilience he built along the way.
Encore: My journey back to centre stage
by Russell WatsonTold he would never sing again, now he's back for his Encore.'A unique story - told from the heart, with humour and warmth'. Aled Jones'An emotional read - his personal story is more powerful than that high note in "Nessun Dorma"'. Vernon KayRussell Watson was at the peak of his success as a much-loved classical singer. He had gone from humble beginnings, working in a factory making nuts and bolts in Salford to singing in working men's clubs to performing to stadiums filled with thousands of fans. But then tragedy struck. In 2006 and 2007 he was diagnosed with two brain tumours. In the subsequent years he battled crippling treatment, lifesaving operations, HRT therapy and mental health struggles. Doctors told him he would never sing in the same way again. Russell was determined to defy the odds and fight his way back - not only to recovery but also to finding his voice again. Now he is singing better than ever, performing internationally again and continues his work as a successful recording artist. In Encore he tells his remarkable story of triumph over tragedy and the resilience he built along the way.
Encore Performance: How One Woman's Passion Helped a Town Tap Into Happiness
by Brian Riordan Vicki G. RiordanThe inspiring true story of a woman who learned that it's never too late to live the life you want As a young girl growing up in the 1950s in central Pennsylvania, Vicki Grubic Riordan idolized stars like Shirley Temple and Gene Kelly. She soon found her calling as a dance instructor, but like many baby boomers, she put her passion on hold to focus on starting a family. Only when her marriage ended and she was left with little means of support for herself and her two young sons did Vicki return to her first true love: teaching dance. In doing so, she found much more than a way to make a living: she found a way to make a difference. With her exuberant personality, infectious enthusiasm, and unwavering belief in the magic of movement to make even the darkest times better, Vicki has inspired thousands of women to do things they never dreamed possible. At the age of sixty-two, when her peers were thinking about retirement, Vicki opened the doors to what has become America's largest adult tap dancing studio. She has gone from teaching fifty students a year to teaching more than five hundred, and thanks to Vicki, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has become the unofficial tap capital of the world and the home of her celebrated "Tap Pups." The majority of the women (and a handful of men) in her classes are in their fifties and sixties, but instead of yielding to the expectation that they'd be slowing down at this stage of life, tap has helped them to get in touch with their own natural rhythm. Tap helped Anni, 56, get through a difficult divorce with grace. It gave Betsy a newfound self-confidence, and at 57 she was inspired to wear eye makeup for the first time in thirty years. And when Jeanne, 62, was diagnosed with cancer, the Tap Pups rallied to offer their full support. Vicki's students come from all walks of life: teachers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, insurance agents, therapists, CPAs, retirees--married, divorced, single, and widowed--but through dancing together, no matter their innate talent or years of experience, Vicki's Tap Pups have found a potent source of friendship, vitality, and fulfillment. After years of putting everyone else first, these women know that now it's their time to shine. In Encore Performance, Vicki inspires readers of all ages to listen to the beat of their own hearts and dance through life as they were born to do.
Encore Performance
by Vicki G RiordanThe inspiring true story of a woman who learned that it's never too late to live the life you want As a young girl growing up in the 1950s in central Pennsylvania, Vicki Grubic Riordan idolized stars like Shirley Temple and Gene Kelly. She soon found her calling as a dance instructor, but like many baby boomers, she put her passion on hold to focus on starting a family. Only when her marriage ended and she was left with little means of support for herself and her two young sons did Vicki return to her first true love: teaching dance. In doing so, she found much more than a way to make a living: she found a way to make a difference. With her exuberant personality, infectious enthusiasm, and unwavering belief in the magic of movement to make even the darkest times better, Vicki has inspired thousands of women to do things they never dreamed possible. At the age of sixty-two, when her peers were thinking about retirement, Vicki opened the doors to what has become America's largest adult tap dancing studio. She has gone from teaching fifty students a year to teaching more than five hundred, and thanks to Vicki, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has become the unofficial tap capital of the world and the home of her celebrated "Tap Pups." The majority of the women (and a handful of men) in her classes are in their fifties and sixties, but instead of yielding to the expectation that they'd be slowing down at this stage of life, tap has helped them to get in touch with their own natural rhythm. Tap helped Anni, 56, get through a difficult divorce with grace. It gave Betsy a newfound self-confidence, and at 57 she was inspired to wear eye makeup for the first time in thirty years. And when Jeanne, 62, was diagnosed with cancer, the Tap Pups rallied to offer their full support. Vicki's students come from all walks of life: teachers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, insurance agents, therapists, CPAs, retirees--married, divorced, single, and widowed--but through dancing together, no matter their innate talent or years of experience, Vicki's Tap Pups have found a potent source of friendship, vitality, and fulfillment. After years of putting everyone else first, these women know that now it's their time to shine. In Encore Performance, Vicki inspires readers of all ages to listen to the beat of their own hearts and dance through life as they were born to do.
The Encounter: Amazon Beaming
by Petru Popescu Simon McburneyThe Braodway stage adaptation of The Encounter will run from September 20, 2016 through January 8, 2017 at The Golden Theatre.1969: Loren McIntyre makes contact with the elusive Mayoruna 'cat people' of the Amazon's Javari Valley. He follows them - into the wild depths of the rainforest. When he realises he is lost, it is already too late.Stranded and helpless, McIntyre must adjust to an alien way of life. Gradually, he finds his perception of the world beginning to change, and a strange relationship starts to develop with the Mayoruna chief - is McIntyre really able to communicate with the headman in a way that goes beyond words, beyond language?Petru Popescu's gripping account of McIntyre's adventures with the Mayoruna tribe, and his quest to find the source of the Amazon, is reissued here to coincide with Complicite's acclaimed new stage production, The Encounter, inspired by McIntyre's incredible story.From the Trade Paperback edition.