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Era of Ignition: Coming of Age in a Time of Rage and Revolution
by Amber TamblynA passionate and deeply personal exploration of feminism during divisive times by actor, filmmaker, and activist Amber TamblynIn her late twenties, Amber Tamblyn experienced a crisis of character while trying to break out of the confines of the acting career she'd forged as a child in order to become the writer and director she dreamed of being as an adult. After a particularly low period fueled by rejection and disillusionment, she grabbed hold of her own destiny and entered into what she calls an Era of Ignition--namely, the time of self-reflection that follows in the wake of personal upheaval and leads to a call to action and positive change. In the process of undergoing this metaphysical metamorphosis, she realized that our country was going through an Era of Ignition of its own. She writes: "No longer stuck in a past we can't outrun and a future we must outgrow, we are a nation that is actively confronting our values and agitating for change. We are in an age when activism becomes direct action, when disagreement becomes dissention, when dissatisfaction becomes protest, when accusations become accountability, and when revolts become revolutions." Through her fierce op-eds and tireless work as one of the founders of the Time's Up organization, Amber has emerged as a bold, outspoken, and respected advocate for women's rights. In Era of Ignition, she addresses gender inequality and the judgment paradigm, misogyny and discrimination, trauma and the veiled complexities of consent, white feminism and pay parity, reproductive rights and sexual assault--all told through the very personal lens of her own experiences, as well as those of her Sisters in Solidarity. At once an intimate meditation and public reckoning, Era of Ignition is a galvanizing feminist manifesto that is required reading for everyone attempting to understand the world we live in and help change it for the better.
Éramos unos niños
by Patti SmithGANADOR DEL NATIONAL BOOK AWARD El libro icónico de Patti Smith, en el que cuenta su relación con Robert Mapplethorpe: un homenaje a la amistad cuyas páginas cargadas de vitalidad y humor nos devuelven el sabor de un Nueva York donde casi todo era posible. Fue el verano en que murió Coltrane... Los hippies alzaron sus brazos vacíos y China detonó la bomba de hidrógeno. Jimi Hendrix prendió fuego a su guitarra en Monterey... Fue el verano del amor. Y en aquel clima cambiante e inhóspito, un encuentro casual cambió el curso de mi vida: fue el verano en que conocí a Robert Mapplethorpe. Corría el mes de julio de 1967 y eran unos niños, pero a partir de entonces Patti Smith y Robert Mapplethorpe sellaron una amistad que solo acabaría con la muerte del gran fotógrafo, en 1989. De eso habla este espléndido libro de memorias, de la vida en común de estos artistas, los dos entusiastas y apasionados, que cruzaron a grandes pasos la periferia de Nueva York para llegar hasta el centro neurálgico del nuevo arte. Fue así que acabaron instalándose en el hotel Chelsea y se convirtieron en los protagonistas de un mundo hoy ya perdido donde reinaban Allen Ginsberg, Andy Warhol y sus chicos, y se creaban las grandes bandas de música que marcaron los años finales del siglo XX, mientras el sida hacía estragos. La crítica ha dicho:«Un relato conmovedor del afán de unos seres dispuestos a poner sus almas al servicio del arte, inspirados por Rimbaud, Dylan, Genet y otros nombres idolatrados.»Rafa Cervera, Babelia, El País «Patti Smith no solo es una gran artista, es una hechicera, es decir, alguien en contacto con otros niveles de la realidad.»William S. Burroughs «Patti Smith nos ha honrado con una obra maestra, una espléndida invitación a abrir un cofre de los tesoros que nunca antes se había abierto.»Johnny Depp «Este libro es tan íntegro y puro que supone un auténtico éxtasis.»Joan Didion «Patti Smith fue hace tiempo el heraldo salvaje de Rimbaud, pero el dolor la convirtió en un San Juan de la Cruz, una persona mística llena de misericordia.»Edmund White
Érase una vez un secreto: Mi affaire con el presidente John F. Kennedy y sus consecuencias
by Alford, MimiÉrase una vez un secreto es la emotiva historia de una mujer que emerge de la sombra para reclamar su verdad: fue amante de J. F. Kennedy.Bestseller número 1 en The New York Times «Todos tenemos un secreto. Éste es el mío».Mimi Alford En el verano de 1962 la joven Mimi Beardsley toma un tren con destino Washington DC para empezar su periodo de prácticas en la oficina de prensa de la Casa Blanca. Allí conoce al entonces presidente de Estados Unidos, John F. Kennedy, tres días después de su llegada. De inmediato comienzan un affaire que dura dieciocho meses. La inocencia de Mimi le impide hacer frente al carisma y al poder del presidente y es incapaz de manejar el sentimiento de soledad que le genera ser universitaria y amante de uno de los hombres más poderosos del mundo. El 22 de noviembre de 1963 JFK es asesinado en Dallas. Mimi llora su muerte en silencio y decideguardar su secreto en lo más profundo de su corazón y empezar una nueva vida. Después de cuarenta años de silencio y vergüenza Mimi Alford se enfrenta a los fantasmas del pasado para recrear, con la misma sinceridad con la que vivió aquellos encuentros, los momentos más íntimos y los más duros -por ejemplo, cuando el presidente la obligó a practicar sexo oral con su asistente mientras él miraba- de su relación con uno de los líderes políticos más carismáticos del siglo XX. Érase una vez un secreto reconstruye el lado más personal de Kennedy y nos ofrece una nueva dimensión de su carácter. La emotiva historia de una mujer que se enfrenta a los fantasmas del pasado para gritar su verdad. La crítica ha dicho:«Una obra que cuenta de forma gráfica aspectos desconocidos de los gustos sexuales de John F. Kennedy, su lado más oscuro y depravado.» The Telegraph «Mimi Alford recrea con dolor los episodios más durosde su breve affaire con Kennedy. Un depredador sexual que no dudó en utilizar su poder para someterla.»Ew.com «Una memoir explosiva. Mimi Alford ha tardado más de cincuenta años en contar su historia, su breve affaire con el presidente, un hombre que se aprovechó de su inocencia y del que nunca consiguió un beso.»The Daily Beast
Erasmus: His Life, Works, and Influence
by Cornelis Augustijn J. C. GraysonErasmus: His Life, Works, and Influence is a comprehensive introduction to Erasmus's life, works, and thoughts. It integrates the best scholarship of the past twenty years and will appeal to undergraduates in all areas of cultural history as well as Erasmus specialists.
Erasmus: The Education of a Christian Prince (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought Ser.)
by Desiderius ErasmusThe Education of a Christian Prince is a new student edition of Erasmus's crucial treatise on political theory. It contains a new, excerpted translation from his Panegyric, making it possible for the first time to compare two works which Erasmus himself regarded as closely related. The Education of a Christian Prince was published in 1516 and dedicated to Prince Charles, the future Emperor Charles V, and is one of the most influential books of the 'advice-to-princes' published in the Renaissance era. It is a strongly pacifist work in which Erasmus sought to ensure that the prince governed justly and benevolently. The importance of Erasmus's work lies in his emphasis on virtuous conduct as the backbone of the polity, an argument which has influenced political writing up to the present time. This edition also includes an original introduction, a chronology of the life and work of Erasmus, and a comprehensive guide to further reading.
Erasmus, Man of Letters
by Lisa JardineThe name Erasmus of Rotterdam conjures up a golden age of scholarly integrity and the disinterested pursuit of knowledge, when learning could command public admiration without the need for authorial self-promotion. Lisa Jardine, however, shows that Erasmus self-consciously created his own reputation as the central figure of the European intellectual world. Erasmus himself--the historical as opposed to the figural individual--was a brilliant, maverick innovator, who achieved little formal academic recognition in his own lifetime. What Jardine offers here is not only a fascinating study of Erasmus but also a bold account of a key moment in Western history, a time when it first became possible to believe in the existence of something that could be designated "European thought."
Erdogan's Empire: Turkey And The Politics Of The Middle East
by Soner CagaptayGradually since 2003, Turkey's autocratic leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sought to make Turkey a great power -- in the tradition of past Turkish leaders from the late Ottoman sultans to Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. Here the leading authority Soner Cagaptay, author of The New Sultan -- the first biography of President Erdogan -- provides a masterful overview of the power politics in the Middle East and Turkey's place in it. <p><p> Erdogan has picked an unorthodox model in the context of recent Turkish history, attempting to cast his country as a stand-alone Middle Eastern power. In doing so Turkey has broken ranks with its traditional Western allies, including the United States and has embraced an imperial-style foreign policy which has aimed to restore Turkey's Ottoman-era reach into the Arabian Middle East and the Balkans. <p> Today, in addition to a domestic crackdown on dissent and journalistic freedoms, driven by Erdogan's style of governance, Turkey faces a hostile world. Ankara has nearly no friends left in the Middle East, and it faces a threat from resurgent historic adversaries: Russia and Iran. Furthermore, Turkey cannot rely on the unconditional support of its traditional Western allies. Can Erdogan deliver Turkey back to safety? What are the risks that lie ahead for him, and his country? How can Turkey truly become a great power, fulfilling a dream shared by many Turks, the sultans, Ataturk, and Erdogan himself?
Eredi di Tamerlano
by Peter BoehmL’irrinunciabile guida per un viaggio in Asia centrale. EREDI DI TAMERLANO contiene reportage da Kazakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kirghizistan e Tagikistan e spaccati di realtà a noi lontane: il cibo centroasiatico, la nuova capitale kazaka Astana, il massacro di Andijan, la scomparsa del lago d’Aral, il capo dei capi: il grande Türkmenbaşy, il buzkashi, Samarcanda, il rapimento delle spose, donne che si suicidano col fuoco, il traffico uzbeko, e tanto altro.
Eric Bischoff: Controversy Creates Cash
by Eric Bischoff Jeremy RobertsEric Bischoff has been called pro wrestling's most hated man. He's been booed, reviled, and burned in effigy. Fans have hurled everything from beer bottles to fists at him. Industry critics have spewed a tremendous amount of venom about his spectacular rise and stupendous crash at World Championship Wrestling. But even today, Eric Bischoff's revolutionary influence on the pro wrestling industry can be seen on every television show and at every live event. Bischoff has kept quiet while industry "pundits" and other know-it-alls pontificated about what happened during the infamous Monday Night Wars. Basing their accounts on third- and fourth-hand rumors and innuendo, the so-called experts got many more things wrong than right. Now, in Controversy Creates Cash, Bischoff tells what really happened. Beginning with his days as a salesman for Verne Gagne's American Wrestling Association, Bischoff takes readers behind the scenes of wrestling, writing about the inner workings of the business in a way never before revealed. He demonstrates how controversy helped both WCW and WWE. Eric gives the real numbers behind WCW's red ink -- far lower than reported -- and talks about how Turner Broadcasting's merger with Time Warner, and then Time Warner's merger with AOL, devastated not only WCW but many creative and entrepreneurial businesses within the conglomerate. Bischoff has surprisingly kind words for old rivals like Vince McMahon, but pulls no punches with friends and enemies alike. Among his revelations: How teaming with Mickey Mouse turned WCW into a national brand. Why Hulk Hogan came to WCW. Why he fired Jesse Ventura for sleeping on the job. Why Steve Austin didn't deserve another contract at WCW, and how Bischoff's canning him was the best thing that ever happened to Austin. How Ted Turner decided WCW should go head-to-head against Raw on Monday nights. How Nitro revolutionized wrestling. Where the New World Order really began. How corporate politics killed WCW. And how he found his inner heel and learned to love being the guy everyone loves to despise. Bischoff brings a surprisingly personal touch to the story, detailing his rough-and-tumble childhood in Detroit, talking about his family and the things he did to cope with the stress of the high-octane media business. Now a successful entertainment producer as well as a wrestling personality, Bischoff tells how he found contentment after being unceremoniously "sent home" from WCW. Love him or hate him, readers will never look at a pro wrestling show quite the same way after reading Bischoff's story in Controversy Creates Cash.
Eric Bristow: The Crafty Cockney
by Eric BristowEric Bristow MBE (1957-2018) might just have been the greatest darts player of all time.An unmistakable figure on the oche during his 1980s heyday, 'the Cheeky Cockney' became renowned not just for the number of world titles he won but for his arrogance on stage and off it.In this candid account, Bristow reveals how darts saved him from his early life as a cat burglar, shoplifter and thug - and introduced him to a new world of beer, babes and success beyond his wildest dreams. In his rapid rise to the top, he gives fascinating insights into the characters that pioneered darts in those early days and how, when his own career began to slide at the end of the decade, he trained his protégé Phil 'The Power' Taylor, turning him into the most successful player darts has ever known.Bristow holds nothing back as he reveals his battle with dartitis, a psychological condition which left him unable to let go of the dart and almost destroyed his career; his relationship with girlfriend and former women's world darts champion Maureen Flowers; and his occasional all-too-public falls from grace. Bristow's life story is a thrill-a-minute ride through the raucous world of darts and how it helped to shape and drive his life.
Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History
by Sir Richard J. Evans FBA, FRSL, FRHisAt the time of his death at the age of 95, Eric Hobsbawm (1917-2012) was the most famous historian in the world. His books were translated into more than fifty languages and he was as well known in Brazil and Italy as he was in Britain and the United States. His writings have had a huge and lasting effect on the practice of history. More than half a century after it appeared, his books remain a staple of university reading lists.He had an extraordinarily long life, with interests covering many countries and many cultures, ranging from poetry to jazz, literature to politics. He experienced life not only as a university teacher but also as a young Communist in the Weimar Republic, a radical student at Cambridge, a political activist, an army conscript, a Soho 'man about town', a Hampstead intellectual, a Cambridge don, an influential journalist, a world traveller, and finally a Grand Old Man of Letters.In A Life in History, Richard Evans tells the story of Hobsbawm as an academic, but also as witness to history itself, and of the twentieth century's major political and intellectual currents. Eric not only wrote and spoke about many of the great issues of his time, but participated in many of them too, from Communist resistance to Hitler to revolution in Cuba, where he acted as an interpreter for Che Guevara. He was a prominent part of the Jazz scene in Soho in the late 1950s and his writings played a pivotal role in the emergence of New Labour in the late 1980s and early 1990s.This, the first biography of Eric Hobsbawm, is far more than a study of a professional historian. It is a study of an era.
Eric Hoffer: The Longshoreman Philosopher
by Tom BethellDrawn from Eric Hoffer's private papers as well as interviews with those who knew him, this detailed biography paints a picture of a truly original American thinker and writer. Author Tom Bethell interviewed Hoffer in the years just before his death, and his meticulous accounts of those meetings offer new insights into the man known as the "Longshoreman Philosopher."
Eric Liddell: Something Greater Than Gold (Christian Heroes, Then & Now)
by Geoff Benge Janet BengeA biography of the Scottish missionary and runner who won a gold medal in the 1924 Olympics and went on to do missionary work in China.
Eric Liddell
by Catherine SwiftOne of the greatest heroes of the Cross in this century Eric Liddell, hero of the film Chariots of Fire, risked becoming a national disgrace at the 1924 Paris Olympics when he refused to run on a Sunday. Disqualifying himself from the finals, Britain's hope of a medal was sacrificed as well. But the thinly veiled criticism in the press turned to sensational acclaim when Eric entered--and won--a race for which he was completely untrained, finishing a full five meters ahead of the favorite.He was a celebrity, but the faith which had inspired his courageous stand stirred in him again, and at the height of his fame he announced that he was leaving athletics to return as a missionary to the land of his birth, China.
Eric Morecambe: Life's Not Hollywood It's Cricklewood
by Gary MorecambeIn this fascinating autobiography Erics son, Gary Morecambe, describes what it’s like to grow up in the presence of one of the best-loved and most fondly remembered of all British comedy greats. Eric and Ernie brought sunshine and laughter to the people of Britain for an amazing 22 years. Includes photos from the Morecambe family archive and unseen extracts from his father’s personal diaries. Frank and outspoken, this book provides a compelling insight into the man behind the laughter, a man who was constantly worried that one day he would be found out, who never lost his love of Long John Silver impressions, and who continued to work until heart disease finally killed him at only 58 years of age.
Éric Rohmer: A Biography
by Antoine de Baecque Noël HerpeThe director of twenty-five films, including My Night at Maud's (1969), which was nominated for a Best Picture Academy Award, and the editor in chief of Cahiers du cinéma from 1957 to 1963, Éric Rohmer set the terms by which people watched, made, and thought about cinema for decades. Such brilliance does not develop in a vacuum, and Rohmer cultivated a fascinating network of friends, colleagues, and industry contacts that kept his outlook sharp and propelled his work forward. Despite his privacy, he cared deeply about politics, religion, culture, and fostering a public appreciation of the medium he loved.This exhaustive biography uses personal archives and interviews to enrich our knowledge of Rohmer's public achievements and lesser known interests and relations. The filmmaker kept in close communication with his contemporaries and competitors: François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol, and Jacques Rivette. He held a paradoxical fascination with royalist politics, the fate of the environment, Catholicism, classical music, and the French nightclub scene, and his films were regularly featured at New York and Los Angeles film festivals. Despite an austere approach to life, Rohmer had a voracious appetite for art, culture, and intellectual debate captured vividly in this definitive volume.
Eric Rohmer: Interviews (Conversations with Filmmakers Series)
by Fiona HandysideThe 1969 film Ma Nuit chez Maud catapulted its shy academic film director Eric Rohmer (1920-2010) into the limelight, selling over a million tickets in France and earning a nomination for an Academy Award. Ma Nuit chez Maud remains his most famous film, the highlight of an impressive range of films examining the sexual, romantic, and artistic mores of contemporary France, the temptations of desire, the small joys of everyday life, and sometimes, the vicissitudes of history and politics. Yet Rohmer was almost fifty years old when Maud was released and had already had a career as the editor of Cahiers du Cinéma, a position he lost in a political takeover in 1963. The interviews in this book offer a range of insights into the theoretical, critical, and practical circumstances of Rohmer's remarkably coherent body of films, but also allow Rohmer to act as his own critic, providing us with an array of readings concerning his interest in setting, season, color, and narrative. Alongside the application of a theoretical rigor to his own films, Rohmer's interviews also discuss directors as varied as Godard, Carné, Renoir, and Hitchcock, and the relations of film to painting, architecture, and music. This book reproduces little-known interviews, such as a debate Rohmer undertakes with Women and Film concerning feminism, alongside detailed discussions from Cahiers and Positif, many produced in English here for the first time.
Eric Voegelin: The Restoration of Order
by Maichael P. FedericiA Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.
Eric Walrond: A Life in the Harlem Renaissance and the Transatlantic Caribbean
by James DavisThe first biography of a fascinating Caribbean-born writer, unraveling the mystery behind his disappearance from New York at the end of the Harlem Renaissance and recognizing his contribution to the New Negro movement beyond Harlem.
Eric Walrond
by James DavisThe first biography of a fascinating Caribbean-born writer, unraveling the mystery behind his disappearance from New York at the end of the Harlem Renaissance and recognizing his contribution to the New Negro movement beyond Harlem.
Eric Walrond: A Life in the Harlem Renaissance and the Transatlantic Caribbean
by James DavisEric Walrond (1898–1966) was a writer, journalist, caustic critic, and fixture of 1920s Harlem. His short story collection, Tropic Death, was one of the first efforts by a black author to depict Caribbean lives and voices in American fiction. Restoring Walrond to his proper place as a luminary of the Harlem Renaissance, this biography situates Tropic Death within the author's broader corpus and positions the work as a catalyst and driving force behind the New Negro literary movement in America.James Davis follows Walrond from the West Indies to Panama, New York, France, and finally England. He recounts his relationships with New Negro authors such as Countée Cullen, Charles S. Johnson, Zora Neale Hurston, Alain Locke, and Gwendolyn Bennett, as well as the white novelist Carl Van Vechten. He also recovers Walrond's involvement with Marcus Garvey's journal Negro World and the National Urban League journal Opportunity and examines the writer's work for mainstream venues, including Vanity Fair. In 1929, Walrond severed ties with Harlem, but he did not disappear. He contributed to the burgeoning anticolonial movement and print culture centered in England and fueled by C. L. R. James, George Padmore, and other Caribbean expatriates. His history of Panama, shelved by his publisher during the Great Depression, was the first to be written by a West Indian author. Unearthing documents in England, Panama, and the United States, and incorporating interviews, criticism of Walrond's fiction and journalism, and a sophisticated account of transnational black cultural formations, Davis builds an eloquent and absorbing narrative of an overlooked figure and his creation of modern American and world literature.
Eric Williams and the Making of the Modern Caribbean
by Colin A. PalmerBorn in Trinidad, Eric Williams (1911-81) founded the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago's first modern political party in 1956, led the country to independence from the British culminating in 1962, and became the nation's first prime minister. Before entering politics, he was a professor at Howard University and wrote several books, including the classic Capitalism and Slavery. In the first scholarly biography of Williams, Colin Palmer provides insights into Williams's personality that illuminate his life as a scholar and politician and his tremendous influence on the historiography and politics of the Caribbean. Palmer focuses primarily on the fourteen-year period of struggles for independence in the Anglophone Caribbean. From 1956, when Williams became the chief minister of Trinidad and Tobago, to 1970, when the Black Power-inspired February Revolution brought his administration face to face with a younger generation intellectually indebted to his revolutionary thought, Williams was at the center of most of the conflicts and challenges that defined the region. He was most aggressive in advocating the creation of a West Indies federation to help the region assert itself in international political and economic arenas. Looking at the ideas of Williams as well as those of his Caribbean and African peers, Palmer demonstrates how the development of the modern Caribbean was inextricably intertwined with the evolution of a regional anticolonial consciousness.Born in Trinidad, Eric Williams (1911-81) founded the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago's first modern political party in 1956, led the country to independence from the British culminating in 1962, and became the nation's first prime minister. Before entering politics, he was a professor at Howard University and wrote several books, including the classic Capitalism and Slavery. In the first scholarly biography of Williams, Colin Palmer provides insights into Williams's personality that illuminate his life as a scholar and politician and his tremendous influence on the historiography and politics of the Caribbean. Palmer focuses primarily on the fourteen-year period of struggles for independence in the Anglophone Caribbean, when Williams was at the center of most of the conflicts and challenges that defined the region. Looking at the ideas of Williams as well as those of his Caribbean and African peers, Palmer demonstrates how the development of the modern Caribbean was inextricably intertwined with the evolution of a regional anticolonial consciousness.-->
Erich von Manstein: Leadership, Strategy, Conflict
by Robert ForczykErich von Manstein was one of the most successful German commanders of World War II. An apostle of the German concept of Bewegungskrieg -- manoeuvre warfare -- he was responsible for the operational plan for the German breakthrough in the Ardennes Forest that led to the rapid defeat of France in 1940. He led a panzer corps in the drive to Leningrad in 1941 and an army in the Crimea, culminating in the capture of Sevastopol in 1942. As commander of Heeresgruppe Don, he oversaw the doomed attempt to rescue the German position at Stalingrad, before inflicting a major reverse on Soviet forces in the third battle of Kharkov in March 1943, probably his finest victory. This is a military account of von Manstein's greatest battles, providing an analytical account of his tactics, decisions and character traits that helped him succeed in battle and made him one of the most respected German commanders.
Erich von Manstein: Hitler's Master Strategist
by Benoit LemayA Selection of the Military Book Club: An “informative and objective” biography of a genius commander and a study of his loyalty to the Nazi cause (Library Journal).To many close students of World War II, Erich von Manstein is considered the greatest commander of the war, if not the entire twentieth century. He devised the plan that conquered France in 1940, and led an infantry corps in that campaign. At the head of a panzer corps he reached the gates of Leningrad in 1941, then took command of 11th Army and conquered Sevastopol and the Crimea. After destroying another Soviet army in the north, he was given command of the ad hoc Army Group Don to retrieve the German calamity at Stalingrad, whereupon he launched a counteroffensive that, against all odds, restored the German front. Afterward he commanded Army Group South, nearly crushing the Soviets at Kursk, and then skillfully resisted their relentless attacks as he traded territory for coherence in the East.Though an undoubtedly brilliant military leader—whose achievements, considering the forces at his disposal, rivaled of Patton, Rommel, MacArthur, and Montgomery—surprisingly little is known about Manstein himself, save for his own memoir and the accolades of his contemporaries. In this book we finally have a full portrait of the man, including his campaigns, and an analysis of what precisely kept a genius like Manstein harnessed to such a dark cause.A great military figure, but a man who lacked a sharp political sense, Manstein was very much representative of the Germano-Prussian military caste of his time. Though Hitler was uneasy about the influence he’d gained throughout the German Army, Manstein ultimately declined to join any clandestine plots against his Führer, believing they would simply cause chaos, the one thing he abhorred. Though he constantly opposed Hitler on operational details, he considered it a point of loyalty to simply stand with the German state, in whatever form. Though not bereft of personal opinions, his primary allegiances were, first, to Deutschland, and second, to the soldiers under his command, who’d been committed against an enemy many times their strength.It is thus through Manstein that the attitudes of other high-ranking officers who fought during the Second World War, particularly on the Eastern Front, can be illuminated. This book is “a well-researched, convincingly reasoned analysis of a general widely considered one of WWII’s great commanders” (Publishers Weekly).Includes photographs
The Erie Canal Sings: A Musical History of New York's Grand Waterway
by Bill Hullfish Dave RuchLife working along the banks of the Erie Canal is preserved in the songs of America's rich musical history. Thomas Allen's "Low Bridge, Everybody Down" has achieved iconic status in the American songbook, but its true story has never been told until now. Erie songs such as "The E-ri-e Is a-Risin'" would transform into "The C&O Is a-Risin'" as the song culture spread among a network of other canals, including the Chesapeake and Ohio and the Pennsylvania Main Line. As motors replaced mules and railroads emerged, the canal song tradition continued on Broadway stages and in folk music recordings. Author Bill Hullfish takes readers on a musical journey along New York's historic Erie Canal.