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The Essential Marx: The Communist Manifesto

by Karl Marx Leon Trotsky

Shortly before he was assassinated in 1940, Leon Trotsky — one of Marx's most devoted converts and a key figure in the Russian Revolution — made this selection from Capital, to which he appended his own lengthy and insightful introduction. Compact and fascinating, this invaluable work not only presents Marx's thoughts in his own words but also places them in the swirling context of the 20th century. A critical analysis of ideas that have influenced millions of lives for well over a century, this book will be an important addition to the libraries of students and instructors of economics, history, government, and Communist thought.

The Essential McLuhan

by Eric Mcluhan Frank Zingrone Marshall Mcluhan

Marshall McLuhan's insights are fresher and more applicable today than when he first announced them to a startled world. A whole new generation is turning to his work to understand a global village.

Essential Muir (Revised): A Selection of John Muir’s Best (and Worst) Writings

by John Muir

Essayist. Preservationist. Mountain man. Inventor. John Muir may be California’s best-known icon. A literary naturalist and founder of the Sierra Club and Yosemite National Park, Muir left his legacy on the landscape and on paper. But the celebrity of John Muir does not tell the whole story. In Essential Muir, for the first time, Muir's selected writings include those that show his ecological vision without ignoring his racism, providing a more complete portrait of the man. Taking the best of John Muir’s writings on nature and placing them alongside his musings on religion, society, and his fellow humans, Essential Muir asks the reader to consider how these connect, and what that means for Muir’s legacy in environmentalism today. Fred D. White’s selections from Muir’s writings, and his illuminating commentary in his revised introduction, reveal the complex man and writer behind the iconic name. In the new foreword, Jolie Varela (Tule River Yokut and Paiute) of Indigenous Women Hike speaks back to Muir, addressing the impact of his words and actions on California Indians. This collection, which highlights John Muir’s charms and confronts his flaws, is vital for understanding the history of environmental thought.

The Essential Nietzsche

by Friedrich Nietzsche Heinrich Mann

A prominent intellectual of the Weimar era, Heinrich Mann was a leading authority on Nietzsche. This volume consists of Mann's selections of highlights from the philosopher's works, along with an introduction that explains their significance to modern readers.Key excerpts from Nietzsche's books include passages from The Birth of Tragedy, Thoughts Out of Season, The Dawn of the Day, The Joyful Wisdom, Thus Spake Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, The Genealogy of Morals, The Case of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, The Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, Ecce Homo, and The Will to Power. For ease of reference, Mann has arranged the text in sections corresponding to Nietzsche's views on science, philosophy, and truth; his critiques of culture -- the use and abuse of history, Europeans and Germans, Wagner, the genealogy of morals, and nihilism; his concept of the world without God, including the birth of tragedy out of the spirit of music, the true and the apparent world, and eternal recurrence; and his confessions.

The Essential Pope Benedict XVI: His Central Writings & Speeches

by John F. Thornton Susan B. Varenne

The Essential Pope Benedict XVI is “an outstanding collection of texts that takes us straight to the heart of Benedict XVI’s thoughts” (Alister McGrath).Introduction by D. Vincent Twomey, SVDOn April 24, 2005, Cardinal Joseph Alois Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, the twenty-first-century successor of the Apostle Peter and the spiritual leader of more than one billion Roman Catholics. Through John F. Thornton and Susan B. Varenne’s carefully chosen selections from his homilies, interviews, theological essays, and articles on the crises facing the church today, The Essential Pope Benedict XVI relates his thoughts and beliefs about a variety of contemporary issues, including modern culture’s abandonment of traditional religious values, social mores regarding conception and the sanctity of life, current challenges to the priesthood, and the Catholic Church’s tenuous relations with other world religions.First a brilliant peritus, or “expert advisor,” to the Second Vatican Council and then archbishop of Munich, Joseph Ratzinger was appointed head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by Pope John Paul II in 1981. As Cardinal Ratzinger, the ex officio defender of church doctrine, he gained a reputation as a heroic guardian of the faith for conservatives and was held in suspicion by church liberals.This one volume is the best source for understanding the heart, soul, and agenda of one of the most important theological voices of the Catholic faith, a twenty-first-century successor to St. Peter.“This book is an open door, inviting the reader into the mind and heart of a great teacher of eternal truth.” —Richard John Neuhaus, author of American Babylon: Notes of a Christian Exile

The Essential Scalia: On the Constitution, the Courts, and the Rule of Law

by Antonin Scalia

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in his own words: the definitive collection of his opinions, speeches, and articles on the most essential and vexing legal questions, with an intimate foreword by Justice Elena KaganA justice on the United States Supreme Court for three decades, Antonin Scalia transformed the way that judges, lawyers, and citizens think about the law. The Essential Scalia presents Justice Scalia on his own terms, allowing readers to understand the reasoning and insights that made him one of the most consequential jurists in American history. Known for his forceful intellect and remarkable wit, Scalia mastered the art of writing in a way that both educated and entertained. This comprehensive collection draws from the best of Scalia&’s opinions, essays, speeches, and testimony to paint a complete and nuanced portrait of his jurisprudence. This compendium addresses the hot-button issues of the times, from abortion and the right to bear arms to marriage, free speech, religious liberty, and so much more. It also presents the justice&’s wise insights on perennial debates over the structure of government created by our Constitution and the proper methods for interpreting our laws. Brilliant and passionately argued, The Essential Scalia is an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to understand our Constitution, the American legal system, and one of our nation&’s most influential and highly regarded jurists and thinkers.

The Essential Taylor Swift Fanbook

by Mortimer Children's Books

Calling all Swifties! This brand new, fully up to date book has everything that fans need to know about Taylor Swift. Follow her journey from country music sensation to global megastar. Discover the hidden meanings behind her greatest songs, find out about her life as a performer and movie star, and read all kinds of quotes and TayTay trivia.Take a quiz to see how well you know Taylor, and even work out how to adopt all her different styles. You'll even join her on her current Eras world tour, and discover the story behind this amazing international event – including best songs and most momentous moments. This is an unmissable book for anyone who loves Taylor Swift!

Essential Teachings

by Dalai Lama Zélie Pollon

Essential Teachings presents the first English translation of a series of talks given in 1974 by the Dalai Lama in Bodh Gaya, India--the site of the Buddha's enlightenment--to a gathering of Tibetan refugees and Western Buddhists. His precise and eloquent commentary on the "Path of the Bodhisattva," one of the most important teaching texts of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, offers a step-by-step guide to thirty-seven practices designed to help cultivate the spirit of compassion for all life and service to others that is at the heart of Buddhism.

The Essential Wisdom of the First Ladies (Essential Wisdom)

by Carol Kelly-Gangi

Inspiring, poignant, and sometimes-funny quotations by first ladies from Martha to Melania. The iconic women who’ve made an indelible mark on our country are richly represented in this collection—as are the lesser-known first ladies, whose powerful words often reveal tragic personal circumstances. The excerpts, compiled from speeches, interviews, books, letters, and other sources, are arranged thematically, touching upon a diverse array of subjects, including government and democracy; freedom, rights, equality and justice, hardship and hope; happiness, success, and life’s pleasures, and more. Together, they offer an insightful glimpse into the public and private lives of the women in the White House who have had such a profound influence on the leaders—and the historic course—of our great country.

Essentially Charli: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping it Real

by Abrams Books

Everyone knows Charli D'Amelio as the only TikTok personality to have--at age 16--surpassed 100 million followers. But who's the girl behind the posts? For the first time ever, Charli is ready to share the intimate details of her life: how she navigated challenges and stayed positive in the face of cyberbullying, who she was as a little girl, what family means to her, and how you too can navigate your social media presence and IRL friendships in order to develop a strong and confident identity. Packed with Charli trivia, exclusive photos, real talk from Charli, and writing prompts, this book is your new go-to resource and is the only official book by your favorite teen role model and icon: Charli D'Amelio.

The Essentials Vol. 2: 52 More Must-See Movies and Why They Matter (Turner Classic Movies)

by Jeremy Arnold Turner Classic Movies

A guide to fifty-two examples of must-see cinema, The Essentials Vol. 2 -- based on the Turner Classic Movies series -- is packed with behind-the-scenes stories, illuminating commentary, moments to watch for, and hundreds of photos spotlighting films that define what it means to be a classic.Since 2001, Turner Classic Movies' The Essentials has been the ultimate destination for cinephiles both established and new, showcasing films that have had a lasting impact on audiences and filmmakers everywhere. In this second volume based on the series, fifty-two films are profiled with insightful notes on why they're Essential, a guide to must-see moments, and running commentary from Essentials hosts past and present: TCM's Ben Mankiewicz and the late Robert Osborne, as well as Rob Reiner, Sydney Pollack, Molly Haskell, Carrie Fisher, Rose McGowan, Alec Baldwin, Drew Barrymore, Sally Field, William Friedkin, Ava DuVernay, and Brad Bird.Enjoy one film per week for a year of stellar viewing or indulge in your own classic movie festival. Spanning the silent era through the late 1980s with such diverse films as Top Hat, Brief Encounter, Rashomon, Vertigo, and Field of Dreams, it's an indispensable book for movie lovers to expand their knowledge of cinema and discover -- or revisit -- landmark films that impacted Hollywood forever.

Essex Boy: Last Man Standing

by Bernard O'Mahoney Steven Ellis

Two films and numerous books have attempted to tell the shocking story of two of Britain's most ruthless gangs. For 20 years, the Essex Boys firm and their successors, the New Generation, controlled a lucrative drugs empire in Essex and throughout the south east of England by using intimidation, gratuitous violence and murder. Rampaging through the streets and clubland, they destroyed anything and anybody that dared to get in their way. Eventually torn apart by greed and paranoia, the gang members became victims of their own vile trade and hate-filled actions. Pat Tate, Tony Tucker and Craig Rolfe were all blasted repeatedly with a shotgun as they sat in their Range Rover down a remote farm track. Dean Boshell was lured to allotments, then beaten and shot execution-style three times through the head. Others, such as Darren Nicholls and Damon Alvin, turned Super Grass and disappeared into the witness protection scheme never to be seen again, while three other men are in prison serving life sentences. Steve `Nipper` Ellis is the last man standing, the only member to have survived the bloody reign of both gangs. In Essex Boy, he tells his shocking story for the first time, and reveals just how close he came to being both murderer and murder victim.

Essex Boys: A Terrifying Expose Of The British Drugs Scene

by Bernard O'Mahoney

ESSEX BOYS is the brand new edition of the shocking bestseller known as SO THIS IS ECSTASY?. It is the true story of the rise of one of the most violent and successful criminal gangs of the 90's whose reign of terror was finally terminated when the three leaders were brutally murdered in their Range Rover one winter's evening. On their way they had built the drug-dealing organisation that which supplied the pill that killed Leah Betts. They were responsible for a wave of intimidation, beatings and murder. Until, it seems, they took one step too far. Now there is compelling evidence that the men convicted of shooting the dead men are innocent. Which means the real murderers are still at large. Bernard O'Mahoney was a key member of what has been one of the most feared gangs of the decade. His inside account of their cold-blooded violence reveals that facts can be more terryfing than fiction.

Essex Girls: A defence of profane and opinionated women everywhere

by Sarah Perry

Essex Girls are disreputable, disrespectful and disobedient.They speak out of turn, too loudly and too often, in an accent irritating to the ruling classes.Their bodies are hyper-sexualised and irredeemably vulgar.They are given to intricate and voluble squabbling.They do not apologise for any of this. And why should they?In this exhilarating feminist defence of the Essex girl, Sarah Perry re-examines her relationship with her much maligned home county. She summons its most unquiet spirits, from Protestant martyr Rose Allin to the indomitable Abolitionist Anne Knight, sitting them alongside Audre Lorde, Kim Kardashian and Harriet Martineau, and showing us that the Essex girl is not bound by geography. She is a type, representing a very particular kind of female agency, and a very particular kind of disdain: she contains a multitude of women, and it is time to celebrate them.

Estacada Sagas (American Chronicles)

by Kathryn Hurd

Like the train sitting at the bottom of its lake, the treasures of Estacada’s history often elude the casual observer. From covert operations in a famous hotel to the untold trimmings of logger lore, surprising tales abound in this region. Learn of an explosion that threw men 150 feet away, a nudist club just out of town and a firing range under a high school auditorium. Kathryn Hurd dives into the trials and triumphs of Estacada’s past, bringing unpublished images to light and charting the course of family stories handed down through five generations.

Estado de ausencia

by Dafne Blanco Sarlay

No fue el perdón lo que nos redimió, sino el amor. No fue el perdón lo que los redimió de sus historias, sino el amor. Historias como la de dos inmigrantes húngaro-judíos que llegaron a México alrededor de 1930, y cuyas familias enteras perecieron en los campos de exterminio nazi unos años más tarde; o la de la nieta de una esclava negra que escapó de Cuba a finales del siglo XIX y, asimismo, encontró refugio en México. <P><P>Redención ante la inusitada urdimbre que tejieron sus descendientes, cuando, con un amor prohibido, desafiaron las reglas establecidas. Redención ante otros brutales secretos de familia. En el sótano de una casa de Vancouver, agobiada por la culpa y la angustia, una mujer mexicana no identificada desenreda esta urdimbre a partir de un enigmático objeto -un amuleto que, en un acto ignominioso del que nunca pensó sería capaz, le arrebatara a una indocumentada moribunda que había cruzado dos fronteras de manera clandestina-. <P><P>Así emerge Estado de ausencia, una memoria familiar que profundiza en el México y Canadá contemporáneos, mientras traza el mapa emocional de las relaciones familiares, el racismo, la migración forzada y el genocidio. Narrada con integridad y ternura, a la vez implacable y conmovedora, Estado de ausencia es una denuncia, un testimonio y un canto; un tributo al triunfo del amor y la dignidad sobre el horror y la oscuridad.

El Estados Unidos Que No Conocías

by David Kissi

Después de pasar 50 años en Estados Unidos y de haber conocido a unos 7 presidentes estadounidenses, puedo concluir que Estados Unidos ni siquiera existirá dentro de 100 años si las cosas no mejoran. Debería mejorar porque algunos de nuestros políticos no están haciendo su trabajo. Por ejemplo, durante los 30 años que pasamos en el condado de Prince George, en Maryland, apenas vimos a nuestro representante en el Congreso, Steny Hoyer. Y nunca preguntó cómo iba la cuenca de Anacostia, que recibe dinero del gobierno federal. Steny Hoyer sólo se acercó durante la semana de las elecciones. Estados Unidos simplemente se está destruyendo a sí mismo por un sistema judicial cruel que envía a tanta gente a la cárcel y, en el proceso, está reduciendo la movilidad de las clases sociales. Además, Estados Unidos tiene jueces que son simplemente corruptos, y nadie les hace nada. Ahora, el Sr. Biden puede ser un hombre agradable, pero eso no es suficiente, como hemos visto en su manejo de Afganistán. Parece que a su Vicepresidenta no le gusta su trabajo y su Secretaria de Estado es débil. En conclusión, si los republicanos llegan a la conclusión de que el Sr. Biden es débil y el Sr. Trump puede volver a la Casa Blanca, se equivocan porque Trump tiene la cabeza vacía y nadie votará por él.

Estambul: Ciudad y recuerdos

by Orhan Pamuk

El hermoso retrato de una ciudad y de una vida -la ciudad de Estambul y vida del Premio Nobel de Literatura Orhan Pamuk-, ambas fascinantes por igual. Estambul es un retrato, en ocasiones panorámico y en otras íntimo y personal, de una de las ciudades más fascinantes de la Europa que mira a Asia. Pero es también una autobiografía, la del propio Orhan Pamuk. La historia da comienzo con el capítulo de su infancia, donde Pamuk nos habla sobre su excéntrica familia y su vida en un polvoriento apartamento -«los apartamentos Pamuk», así los denomina- en el centro de la ciudad. El autor recuerda que fue en aquellos días lejanos cuando tomó conciencia de que le había tocado vivir en un espacio plagado de melancolía: residente de un lugar en ruinas que arrastra un pasado glorioso y que intenta hacerse un hueco en la «modernidad». Viejos y hermosos edificios en ruinas, estatuas valiosas y mutantes, villas fantasmagóricas y callejuelas secretas donde, por encima de todo, destaca el terapéutico río Bósforo, que en la memoria del narrador es vida, salud y felicidad. Esta elegía sirve para que el autor introduzca a pintores, escritores y célebres asesinos, a través de cuyos ojos el narrador describe la ciudad. Reseña:«Estambul es un libro escrito por un hombre enamorado de su ciudad.»Alberto Manguel

Estamos tarde: Una memoria para recobrar la educación en el Perú

by Jaime Saavedra

Jaime Saavedra, exministro de Educación del Perú, nos narra las luchas y desafíos para reformar el sistema educativo en favor los estudiantes. ¿De qué magnitud es el reto de recomponer la Educación en el Perú? ¿Cuán importante es contar con gente comprometida en la función pública? ¿Es posible revertir la situación crítica de los sectores educativos? Mediante anécdotas personales y profesionales, ideas, estudios y datos que refuerzan sus planteamientos, el exministro de Educación, Jaime Saavedra, aborda en este libro algunos de los complejos retos educativos en el Perú, a partir de su experiencia entre los años 2013 y 2016. En esta cruzada urgente por recomponer la labor educativa, una sana obsesión surge y anima estas páginas: la de conformar ciudadanos que contribuyan al desarrollo nacional a partir de un compromiso político con la educación, que a la vez se traduzca en el aprendizaje y formación de las niñas, niños y jóvenes peruanos.Estamos tarde es un testimonio invaluable, pero también un intento de poner la educación nuevamente en el centro de la discusión pública, de insistir en la necesidad de obsesionarnos por ella y de asumir una decisión firme: que todas las acciones de política educativa respondan única y exclusivamente al bienestar de los estudiantes, que no es otro que el bienestar de todo un país. El tiempo apremia y el desafío es tan impostergable como colectivo.

Estampas de niña

by Camila Couve

Un libro autobiográfico sobre la infancia y los secretos familiares #La niñez es eso, la voz primera, la piel que se estira, los ojos de dulce mirada y, en mi pequeño recuerdo, la niña que un día fui y que se quedó bailando en medio de la sala más grande#. Cada uno de los 67 fragmentos que componen este relato sobre la infancia nos acercan al complejo tejido de la intimidad familiar, donde se asoman las verdades inconfesadas de los padres sobre el telón de fondo de un Santiago ensombrecido por la dictadura militar. Un debut literario sutil y brutalmente honesto que aborda la vulnerabilidad y a la vez la inteligencia infantil, capaz de percibir las amenazas incluso en los entornos más queridos.

Estaré en el paraíso (Colección Endebate #Volumen)

by Mayte Carrasco

Una cuidada antología de la obra de Augusto Monterroso, máximo exponente del género del microrrelato. Se presenta aquí una cuidada antología que traza un camino de ida y vuelta sobre la obra de Augusto Monterroso, amigo de las cosas irónicamente simples y máxima figura del género más breve de la literatura: el microrrelato. Articulado en dos bloques complementarios, este volumen recoge los cuentos y ensayos más narrativos del autor, proporcionando un viaje a la felicidad y a la sencillez, a la gracia y a la discreción, al humorismo y a la tristeza. Un tímido homenaje al más refinado de los escritores hispanoamericanos. Gabriel García Márquez dijo...«Hay que leerlo manos arriba. Su peligrosidad se funda en la sabiduría y la belleza mortífera de la falta de seriedad.»

The Estate: My Life Working on the Front Line of Britain's Housing Crisis

by Charmain Bynoe

Charmain Bynoe, a council housing officer for the London borough of Southwark, inspired the nation when she appeared on the TV series Council House Britain. Now, in The Estate, she shines a light on the challenges faced by so many of our citizens and provides heartwarming and inspirational stories of how they have been helped to help themselves. The role of our council housing officers is often overlooked and forgotten about. But their work is vital and, for some, the officers are their best hope for a better quality of life. Sometimes, Charmain works with those who are struggling to cope, finding it hard to keep a roof over their heads or to deal with day-to-day challenges. All they may need is some hope, and she is there to suggest a way forward. In Charmain's powerful new book, she looks back at some of the people she's worked with, from the old man who lives in squalor because he can no longer keep his flat tidy and needs support, to the young Ghanaian woman in a coercive relationship who fears that if she speaks out she will be deported. Britain's housing crisis remains an enormous issue for the country, which was only further highlighted by the Grenfell Tower disaster. But, as Charmain shows, with humanity and consideration for others, we can make things better in ways that don't have to cost a fortune but can deliver results that are truly priceless.

Estelle: A Novel

by Linda Stewart Henley

When Edgar Degas visits his French Creole relatives in New Orleans from 1872 to &’73, Estelle, his cousin and sister-in-law, encourages the artist—who has not yet achieved recognition and struggles to find inspiration—to paint portraits of their family members. In 1970, Anne Gautier, a young artist, finds connections between her ancestors and Degas while renovating the New Orleans house she has inherited. When Anne finds two identical portraits of Estelle, she discovers disturbing truths that change her life as she searches for meaningful artistic expression—just as Degas did one hundred years earlier. A gripping historical novel told by two women living a century apart, Estelle combines mystery, family saga, art, and romance in its exploration of the man Degas was before he became the artist famous around the world today.

Ester and Ruzya

by Masha Gessen

In the 1930s, as waves of war and persecution were crashing over Europe, two young Jewish women began separate journeys of survival. One, a Polish-born woman from Bialystok, where virtually the entire Jewish community would soon be sent to the ghetto and from there to Hitler's concentration camps, was determined not only to live but to live with pride and defiance. The other, a Russian-born intellectual and introvert, would eventually become a high-level censor under Stalin's regime. At war's end, both women found themselves in Moscow, where informers lurked on every corner and anti-Semitism reigned. It was there that Ester and Ruzya would first cross paths, there that they became the closest of friends and learned to trust each other with their lives. In this deeply moving family memoir, journalist Masha Gessen tells the story of her two beloved grandmothers: Ester, the quicksilver rebel who continually battled the forces of tyranny; Ruzya, a single mother who joined the Communist Party under duress and made the compromises the regime exacted of all its citizens. Both lost their first loves in the war. Both suffered unhappy unions. Both were gifted linguists who made their living as translators. And both had children--Ester a boy, and Ruzya a girl--who would grow up, fall in love, and have two children of their own: Masha and her younger brother.With grace, candor, and meticulous research, Gessen peels back the layers of secrecy surrounding her grandmothers' lives. As she follows them through this remarkable period in history--from the Stalin purges to the Holocaust, from the rise of Zionism to the fall of communism--she describes how each of her grandmothers, and before them her great-grandfather, tried to navigate a dangerous line between conscience and compromise. Ester and Ruzya is a spellbinding work of storytelling, filled with political intrigue and passionate emotion, acts of courage and acts of betrayal. At once an intimate family chronicle and a fascinating historical tale, it interweaves the stories of two women with a brilliant vision of Russian history. The result is a memoir that reads like a novel--and an extraordinary testament to the bonds of family and the power of hope, love, and endurance.From the Hardcover edition.

Ester and Ruzya

by Masha Gessen

In the 1930s, as waves of war and persecution were crashing over Europe, two young Jewish women began separate journeys of survival. One, a Polish-born woman from Bialystok, where virtually the entire Jewish community would soon be sent to the ghetto and from there to Hitler's concentration camps, was determined not only to live but to live with pride and defiance. The other, a Russian-born intellectual and introvert, would eventually become a high-level censor under Stalin's regime. At war's end, both women found themselves in Moscow, where informers lurked on every corner and anti-Semitism reigned. It was there that Ester and Ruzya would first cross paths, there that they became the closest of friends and learned to trust each other with their lives. In this deeply moving family memoir, journalist Masha Gessen tells the story of her two beloved grandmothers: Ester, the quicksilver rebel who continually battled the forces of tyranny; Ruzya, a single mother who joined the Communist Party under duress and made the compromises the regime exacted of all its citizens. Both lost their first loves in the war. Both suffered unhappy unions. Both were gifted linguists who made their living as translators. And both had children--Ester a boy, and Ruzya a girl--who would grow up, fall in love, and have two children of their own: Masha and her younger brother.With grace, candor, and meticulous research, Gessen peels back the layers of secrecy surrounding her grandmothers' lives. As she follows them through this remarkable period in history--from the Stalin purges to the Holocaust, from the rise of Zionism to the fall of communism--she describes how each of her grandmothers, and before them her great-grandfather, tried to navigate a dangerous line between conscience and compromise. Ester and Ruzya is a spellbinding work of storytelling, filled with political intrigue and passionate emotion, acts of courage and acts of betrayal. At once an intimate family chronicle and a fascinating historical tale, it interweaves the stories of two women with a brilliant vision of Russian history. The result is a memoir that reads like a novel--and an extraordinary testament to the bonds of family and the power of hope, love, and endurance.From the Hardcover edition.

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