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Hildegard of Bingen (Women Composers)

by Honey Meconi

A Renaissance woman long before the Renaissance, the visionary Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) corresponded with Europe's elite, founded and led a noted women's religious community, and wrote on topics ranging from theology to natural history. Yet we know her best as Western music's most accomplished early composer, responsible for a wealth of musical creations for her fellow monastics. Honey Meconi draws on her own experience as a scholar and performer of Hildegard's music to explore the life and work of this foundational figure. Combining historical detail with musical analysis, Meconi delves into Hildegard's mastery of plainchant, her innovative musical drama, and her voluminous writings. Hildegard's distinctive musical style still excites modern listeners through wide-ranging, sinuous melodies set to her own evocative poetry. Together with her passionate religious texts, her music reveals a holistic understanding of the medieval world still relevant to today's readers.

Hildegard of Bingen and Musical Reception

by Jennifer Bain

Since her death in 1179, Hildegard of Bingen has commanded attention in every century. In this book Jennifer Bain traces the historical reception of Hildegard, focusing particularly on the moment in the modern era when she began to be considered as a composer. Bain examines how the activities of clergy in nineteenth-century Eibingen resulted in increased veneration of Hildegard, an authentication of her relics, and a rediscovery of her music. The book goes on to situate the emergence of Hildegard's music both within the French chant restoration movement driven by Solesmes and the German chant revival supported by Cecilianism, the German movement to reform Church music more generally. Engaging with the complex political and religious environment in German speaking areas, Bain places the more recent Anglophone revival of Hildegard's music in a broader historical perspective and reveals the important intersections amongst local devotion, popular culture, and intellectual activities.

Hildegard von Bingen (Le leggendarie donne della storia mondiale #11)

by Laurel A. Rockefeller

Armata di penna e calamaio, riscrisse la storia del cristianesimo medievale. Hildegard von Bingen non era destinata a passare alla storia. Decima figlia di uno del vassalli del conte von Sponheim, era stata donata dai genitori al monastero di Disibodenberg in segno di gratitudine a Dio, ma soprattutto perché, a causa delle sue visioni, sarebbe stato difficile darla in sposa ad un buon partito. Quando succedette a Jutta von Sponheim nel ruolo di Magistra e priora di Disibodenberg, mantenere il segreto riguardo alle sue visioni divenne impossibile. Quanto accadde in seguito, sconvolse non solo la vita monastica per le donne del suo ordine, ma l'intera storia mondiale. Scopri la storia della scrittrice più prolifica del Medioevo, la leggendaria Hildegard von Bingen.

Hildegard von Bingen: Versione per studenti e docenti (Le leggendarie donne della storia mondiale #11)

by Laurel A. Rockefeller

Armata di penna e calamaio, riscrisse la storia del cristianesimo medievale. Hildegard von Bingen non era destinata a passare alla storia. Decima figlia di uno del vassalli del conte von Sponheim, era stata donata dai genitori al monastero di Disibodenberg in segno di gratitudine a Dio, ma soprattutto perché, a causa delle sue visioni, sarebbe stato difficile darla in sposa ad un buon partito. Quando succedette a Jutta von Sponheim nel ruolo di Magistra e priora di Disibodenberg, mantenere il segreto riguardo alle sue visioni divenne impossibile. Quanto accadde in seguito, sconvolse non solo la vita monastica per le donne del suo ordine, ma l'intera storia mondiale. Scopri la storia della scrittrice più prolifica del Medioevo, la leggendaria Hildegard von Bingen. L'edizione per studenti e docenti è corredata da domande d'approfondimento alla fine di ogni capitolo.


by Anne Lise Marstrand-Jørgensen

GANADORA DEL PREMIO WEEKENDAVISEN(«Una novela histórica genuinamente original»), fenómeno de ventas en Dinamarca e Italia: «Una obra monumental sobre la mujer más famosa de la Europa del siglo XII» (Adresseavisen). «Un libro excepcional e intenso: una desgarradora experiencia de lectura. Una gran novela.»Vårt Land (Noruega) Hildegarda de Bingen nace en Bermersheim, en el sur de Alemania, en 1098. Frágil y enferma, los asistentes al parto vaticinan que no pasará de la noche. Pero sobrevivirá, y este no será más que uno de los hitos de su prodigiosa existencia. Desde pequeña tuvo visiones, y a los diez años la recluyeron en un convento. Además de ser poeta, compositora, bióloga y mística, inventó la medicina natural y la cerveza tal como se fabrica hoy, y fue la primera persona en escribir sobre el orgasmo femenino. Esta monja de alta cuna a la que sus miles de seguidores apodarían la Sibila del Rin estuvo al frente del monasterio de Bingen; creó una orden de religiosas vestidas de blanco y sin velo, que durante las oraciones bailaban en círculos con flores en el pelo; se codeó con la nobleza, y arriesgó su vida desafiando a la Iglesia y hasta al emperador Barbarroja. Anne Lise Marstrand-Jørgensen ha escrito una premiada novela biográfica, monumental y conmovedora, sobre una mujer que los historiadores equiparan a san Agustín o Leonardo da Vinci, «una de las grandes heroínas de la Historia, cuyo legado iniciaría la expresión feminista más prematura. [...] Fue un fenómeno irrepetible, de los casi inexistentes que no terminaron en la hoguera» (Eugenia Miras, ABC). La crítica ha dicho...«Una novela histórica genuinamente original, algo completamente nuevo.»Jurado del Premio de Literatura Weekendavisen «Hermosa. Una novela de la Edad Media extravagante como pocas y unretrato psicológico en estado puro.»Dagbladet (Noruega) «Un retrato vibrante, conmovedor, apasionante y atemporal.»Adresseavisen (Noruega) «Magnífica. Nos arrastra de un lado a otro hasta que nos preguntamos adónde se fue el tiempo.»Vårt Land (Noruega) «Una superestrella de la teología. Una obra monumental sobre la mujer más famosa de la Europa del siglo XII.»Maria Årolilja Rø, Adresseavisen (Noruega) «Fue no solo inteligente, sino astuta y manipuladora cuando le convino. Y al igual que otras muchas mujeres a lo largo de la historia, disimuló su talento y su sabiduría detrás de un discurso aplacador de las posibles iras masculinas.»Ángeles Caso

The Hill Fights: The First Battle of Khe Sanh

by Edward F. Murphy

While the seventy-seven-day siege of Khe Sanh in early 1968 remains one of the most highly publicized clashes of the Vietnam War, scant attention has been paid to the first battle of Khe Sanh, also known as "the Hill Fights." Although this harrowing combat in the spring of 1967 provided a grisly preview of the carnage to come at Khe Sanh, few are aware of the significance of the battles, or even their existence. For more than thirty years, virtually the only people who knew about the Hill Fights were the Marines who fought them. Now, for the first time, the full story has been pieced together by acclaimed Vietnam War historian Edward F. Murphy, whose definitive analysis admirably fills this significant gap in Vietnam War literature. Based on first-hand interviews and documentary research, Murphy's deeply informed narrative history is the only complete account of the battles, their origins, and their aftermath. The Marines at the isolated Khe Sanh Combat Base were tasked with monitoring the strategically vital Ho Chi Minh trail as it wound through the jungles in nearby Laos. Dominated by high hills on all sides, the combat base had to be screened on foot by the Marine infantrymen while crack, battle-hardened NVA units roamed at will through the high grass and set up elaborate defenses on steep, sun-baked overlooks. Murphy traces the bitter account of the U.S. Marines at Khe Sanh from the outset in 1966, revealing misguided decisions and strategies from above, and capturing the chain of hill battles in stark detail. But the Marines themselves supply the real grist of the story; it is their recollections that vividly re-create the atmosphere of desperation, bravery, and relentless horror that characterized their combat. Often outnumbered and outgunned by a hidden enemy--and with buddies lying dead or wounded beside them--these brave young Americans fought on. The story of the Marines at Khe Sanh in early 1967 is a microcosm of the Corps's entire Vietnam War and goes a long way toward explaining why their casualties in Vietnam exceeded, on a Marine-in-combat basis, even the tremendous losses the Leathernecks sustained during their ferocious Pacific island battles of World War II. The Hill Fights is a damning indictment of those responsible for the lives of these heroic Marines. Ultimately, the high command failed them, their tactics failed them, and their rifles failed them. Only the Marines themselves did not fail. Under fire, trapped in a hell of sudden death meted out by unseen enemies, they fought impossible odds with awesome courage and uncommon valor.

The Hill of Devi (The\abinger Edition Of E. M. Forster Ser. #Vol. 14)

by E. M. Forster

An essential companion to A Passage to India, a collection of the author&’s own letters that read like &“a close personal friend has shared his impressions&” (Kirkus Reviews). In 1912, a young E. M. Forster traveled to India to serve as a secretary to the Maharajah of Dewas, a small Indian state. He was elevated to the rank of a minor noble, and eventually given the state&’s highest honor, the Tukoji Rao III gold medal. This brief episode in Forster&’s life became the basis for his masterwork, A Passage to India. In the letters included in The Hill of Devi, he shares his personal journey of discovering his beloved India for the first time. Forster paints a vivid, intimate picture of Dewas State—a strange, bewildering, and enchanting slice of pre-independence India. In this collection, Forster shares insight into the lives of Indian royalty and accounts of the stark contrast between their excesses and the poverty he encounters. From letters that set the scene for Forster&’s lifelong friendship with the Maharaja, to an essay on the Maharaja himself and Forster&’s experiences as the Maharaja&’s personal secretary, The Hill of Devi is a fascinating chronicle of the author&’s experience in the land he called &“the oddest corner of the world outside Alice in Wonderland.&”

Hill Women: Finding Family and a Way Forward in the Appalachian Mountains

by Cassie Chambers

After rising from poverty to earn two Ivy League degrees, an Appalachian lawyer pays tribute to the strong &“hill women&” who raised and inspired her, and whose values have the potential to rejuvenate a struggling region—an uplifting and eye-opening memoir for readers of Hillbilly Elegy and Educated. Nestled in the Appalachian mountains, Owsley County is one of the poorest counties in both Kentucky and the country. Buildings are crumbling and fields sit vacant, as tobacco farming and coal mining decline. But strong women are finding creative ways to subsist in their hollers in the hills. Cassie Chambers grew up in these hollers and, through the women who raised her, she traces her own path out of and back into the Kentucky mountains. Chambers&’s Granny was a child bride who rose before dawn every morning to raise seven children. Despite her poverty, she wouldn&’t hesitate to give the last bite of pie or vegetables from her garden to a struggling neighbor. Her two daughters took very different paths: strong-willed Ruth—the hardest-working tobacco farmer in the county—stayed on the family farm, while spirited Wilma—the sixth child—became the first in the family to graduate from high school, then moved an hour away for college. Married at nineteen and pregnant with Cassie a few months later, Wilma beat the odds to finish school. She raised her daughter to think she could move mountains, like the ones that kept her safe but also isolated her from the larger world. Cassie would spend much of her childhood with Granny and Ruth in the hills of Owsley County, both while Wilma was in college and after. With her &“hill women&” values guiding her, Cassie went on to graduate from Harvard Law. But while the Ivy League gave her knowledge and opportunities, its privileged world felt far from her reality, and she moved back home to help her fellow rural Kentucky women by providing free legal services. Appalachian women face issues that are all too common: domestic violence, the opioid crisis, a world that seems more divided by the day. But they are also community leaders, keeping their towns together in the face of a system that continually fails them. With nuance and heart, Chambers uses these women&’s stories paired with her own journey to break down the myth of the hillbilly and illuminate a region whose poor communities, especially women, can lead it into the future.

Hill Women: Finding Family and a Way Forward in the Appalachian Mountains

by Cassie Chambers

Nestled in the Appalachian mountains, Owsley County is one of the poorest counties in both Kentucky and the country. Buildings are crumbling and fields sit vacant, as tobacco farming and coal mining decline. But strong women are finding creative ways to subsist in their hollers in the hills. Cassie Chambers grew up in these hollers and, through the women who raised her, she traces her own path out of and back into the Kentucky mountains. <p><p> Chambers’s Granny was a child bride who rose before dawn every morning to raise seven children. Despite her poverty, she wouldn’t hesitate to give the last bite of pie or vegetables from her garden to a struggling neighbor. Her two daughters took very different paths: strong-willed Ruth—the hardest-working tobacco farmer in the county—stayed on the family farm, while spirited Wilma—the sixth child—became the first in the family to graduate from high school, then moved an hour away for college. Married at nineteen and pregnant with Cassie a few months later, Wilma beat the odds to finish school. She raised her daughter to think she could move mountains, like the ones that kept her safe but also isolated her from the larger world. <p><p> Cassie would spend much of her childhood with Granny and Ruth in the hills of Owsley County, both while Wilma was in college and after. With her “hill women” values guiding her, Cassie went on to graduate from Harvard Law. But while the Ivy League gave her knowledge and opportunities, its privileged world felt far from her reality, and she moved back home to help her fellow rural Kentucky women by providing free legal services. Appalachian women face issues that are all too common: domestic violence, the opioid crisis, a world that seems more divided by the day. But they are also community leaders, keeping their towns together in the face of a system that continually fails them. <p><p> With nuance and heart, Chambers uses these women’s stories paired with her own journey to break down the myth of the hillbilly and illuminate a region whose poor communities, especially women, can lead it into the future.


by Jonah Winter Raul Colon

In this beautiful and empowering picture-book biography of presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York Times bestselling author Winter and award-winning illustrator Colón illuminate her distinguished life and career. This stunning project follows Clinton from her early years as an outspoken student at Wellesley College and Yale Law School to marrying Bill Clinton and raising daughter Chelsea, to becoming First Lady of the United States and then a U.S. Senator and Secretary of State. Here is the inspiring story of the woman who may soon change the world--into a place where a girl can dream of growing up to be president.

Hillary Clinton: The Life Of A Leader (Step into Reading)

by Shana Corey

Follow Hillary Clinton&’s inspiring life of service in this Step 3 Biography Reader! After volunteering as a young child, she became a leader in school and college, championed women&’s and children&’s causes as a young lawyer and wife of a politician, and finally became a politician herself. She has been our First Lady, a U.S. senator, the secretary of state, and the first woman candidate nominated for President of the United States by the Democratic Party. Hillary Clinton has achieved so many &“firsts&” in her life, and she remains a "citizen activist" following the 2016 election. Step 3 Readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics—for children who are ready to read on their own.

Hillary Clinton: American Woman of the World

by Cheryl Harness

A biography of 2016 Presidential hopeful, US Senator, US Secretary of State, and former first lady Hillary Clinton.A Real-Life Story biography of 2016 presidential hopeful, Hillary Rodham Clinton. With dreams of becoming an astronaut at a young age, Hillary Clinton has always reached for the stars, politically, personally, and professionally. She's led a life devoted to public service, championing the rights of children, women, the disenfranchised. Wellesley, Yale, First Lady of Arkansas, Law firm partner, First Lady of the United States, New York State Senator, Secretary of State...her list of accomplishments are nothing short of extraordinary; her life story as told by acclaimed writer Cheryl Harness, is powerfully inspiring.

The Hillary Effect

by Taylor Marsh

Spanning nearly two decades of American politics, The Hillary Effect is the provocative and insightful story of the first viable female presidential candidate in history to win a primary and do so in spite of her campaign team's mistakes. It addresses the galvanizing impact that her loss represented for both women and men, in and out of Washington. And it revolves around media coverage that treated her differently as first lady, senator, and then presidential candidate--not only because she was a woman, but because she was Hillary Clinton.Candidly written by veteran political analyst Taylor Marsh, this is the view from a recovering partisan, someone whom the Washington Post called a "die hard Clintonite" in its profile of Hillary in 2008.The Hillary Effect began when Hillary, as first lady, dared to challenge China's treatment of women. A countless number of women have benefited and will benefit from her presidential loss, the most famous of these being Sarah Palin (the Tea Party queen of 2010 and first female on a national Republican presidential ticket), who weaves throughout this story as the anti-Hillary. The Hillary Effect also sees Michele Bachmann as a player, as the first Republican female to win a straw poll, primary, or caucus.The male leads in this stunning tale are Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama (someone who turned out to be very different from candidate Obama), with David Plouffe and Mark Penn making appearances. The story includes a host of media personalities and their outlets, but also new-media and progressive voices, and famous names like Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Sally Quinn, the late Tim Russert, Richard Wolffe, Laura Ingraham, Liz Cheney, Peggy Noonan, Maureen Dowd, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and even Bill O'Reilly, who offered Hillary the best interview she would do during the 2008 season.All of this is seen through the economic and political crises of today--health care, women's individual freedoms, Afghanistan, women's rise around the world, the debt-ceiling debate, tax cuts for the wealthy, Occupy Wall Street, and an American public disenchanted with both Republicans and Democrats.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

by Amy June Bates Kathleen Krull

When Hillary was young, she wanted to be an astronaut, to soar as high as the stars above. She kept reaching up and up as she grew. There were people who told her no. But she didn't listen to them. There were people who didn't think she could do it. But she believed in herself. And Hillary has been making history ever since. This is the inspiring story of a girl with dreams as big as the open sky.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Woman Living History

by Karen Blumenthal

In Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Woman Living History, critically acclaimed author Karen Blumenthal gives us an intimate and unflinching look at the public and personal life of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Illustrated throughout with black-and-white photographs and political cartoons, this is a must-have biography about a woman who has fascinated--and divided--the public, who continues to push boundaries, and who isn’t afraid to reach for one more goal.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Woman Living History

by Karen Blumenthal

As a young girl, Hillary Diane Rodham’s parents told her she could be whatever she wanted--as long as she was willing to work for it. Hillary took those words and ran. In a life on the front row of modern American history, she has always stood out--whether she was a teen campaigning for the 1964 Republican presidential candidate, winning recognition in Life magazine for her pointed words as the first student commencement speaker at Wellesley College, or working on the Richard Nixon impeachment case as a newly minted lawyer.For all her accomplishments, scrutiny and scandal have followed this complex woman since she stepped into the public eye—from her role as First Lady of Arkansas to First Lady of the United States to becoming the first female U.S. senator from New York to U.S. secretary of state. Despite intense criticism, Hillary has remained committed to public service and dedicated to health-care reform, children's issues, and women’s rights. Now, she aspires to a bigger role: her nation's first woman president.In Hillary Rodham Clinton: A Woman Living History, critically acclaimed author Karen Blumenthal gives us an intimate and unflinching look at the public and personal life of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Illustrated throughout with black-and-white photographs and political cartoons, this is a must-have biography about a woman who has fascinated--and divided--the public, who continues to push boundaries, and who isn’t afraid to reach for one more goal."After decades in the public eye, Hillary Rodham Clinton is still an enigma, as Blumenthal (Tommy: The Gun That Changed America) emphasizes in this compelling portrait of the former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State’s journey from budding activist to presidential aspirant." —Publishers Weekly, starred review

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Dreams Taking Flight

by Kathleen Krull

This very first picture book about Senator Hillary Clinton chronicles her life from her childhood in Chicago to serving as the nation's First Lady to her own campaign for President of the United States.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Do All the Good You Can

by Cynthia Levinson

An inspiring and meticulously researched middle grade biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton--First Lady, senator, secretary of state, and Democratic candidate for president in 2016. <P><P>Hillary Rodham Clinton is a true leader. Growing up in Park Ridge, Illinois, Hillary was inspired by the philosophy of John Wesley, who urged his followers to "do all the good you can." Rising to prominence in 1992 as the First Lady of the United States, Hillary captured the world's attention with her bold ideas and political forcefulness. <P><P>From her time at Wellesley to her life at the White House and beyond, Hillary has been at the forefront of huge change--and despite setbacks and political scandals, she has worked for good in the world. <P><P>Acclaimed author Cynthia Levinson creates a compelling and personal portrait of Hillary's historic journey from her childhood to her service as secretary of state and beyond. Includes a timeline of Hillary Rodham Clinton's life and an eight-page photo insert.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Some Girls Are Born To Lead

by Michelle Markel LeUyen Pham

In the spirit of Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope and Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride comes an inspiring portrait of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first female presidential nominee in United States history: a girl who fought to make a difference—and paved the way for women everywhere—from Michelle Markel and LeUyen Pham. <P><P> In the 1950s, it was a man’s world. Girls weren’t supposed to act smart, tough, or ambitious. Even though, deep inside, they may have felt that way. And then along came Hillary. Brave, brilliant, and unstoppable, she was out to change the world. <P><P> They said a woman couldn’t be a mother and a lawyer. Hillary was both. They said a woman shouldn’t be too strong or too smart. Hillary was fearlessly herself. <P><P> It didn’t matter what people said—she was born to lead. <P><P> With illustrations packed full of historical figures and details, this gorgeous and informative picture book biography is perfect for every budding leader. Includes a timeline, artist’s note, and bibliography.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: A First Lady for Our Time

by Donnie Radcliffe

Covering all aspects of America's controversial former President's wife, this comprehensive biography offers an unprecedented view of our first baby boomer First Lady, and provides a better understanding of lawyer, board member, and commision member Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Some Girls Are Born to Lead

by Michelle Markel

In the spirit of Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope and Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride comes an inspiring portrait of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first female presidential nominee in United States history: a girl who fought to make a difference—and paved the way for women everywhere—from Michelle Markel and LeUyen Pham. This nonfiction picture book is an excellent choice to share during homeschooling, in particular for children ages 4 to 6. It’s a fun way to learn to read and as a supplement for activity books for children.In the 1950s, it was a man’s world. Girls weren’t supposed to act smart, tough, or ambitious. Even though, deep inside, they may have felt that way. And then along came Hillary. Brave, brilliant, and unstoppable, she was out to change the world.They said a woman couldn’t be a mother and a lawyer. Hillary was both. They said a woman shouldn’t be too strong or too smart. Hillary was fearlessly herself.It didn’t matter what people said—she was born to lead.With illustrations packed full of historical figures and details, this gorgeous and informative picture book biography is perfect for every budding leader. Includes a timeline, artist’s note, and bibliography.

Hillary's America: The Secret History Of The Democratic Party

by Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D’Souza, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller America: Imagine a World Without Her, has a warning: We are on the brink of losing our country forever. After eight years of Obama, four years—or possibly eight years—of Hillary Clinton as president of the United States would so utterly transform America as to make it unrecognizable. <P><P> No more will America be a land of opportunity. Instead, it will be a land of rapacious crony capitalism, run solely for the benefit of friends of the Obamas and the Clintons and the Democratic Party. It will, in fact, be the fulfillment of a dream the Democratic Party has had from the beginning…a dream of stealing America for the politically favored few.<P> In Hillary's America, D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary and the secret history of the Democratic Party, including: how Democrats transitioned from pro-slavery to pro-enslavement; the long-standing Democratic political war against women; how Hillary Clinton’s political mentor was, literally, a cold-blooded gangster; how the Clintons and other Democrats see foreign policy not in terms of national interest, but in terms of personal profit; how Democratically controlled cities have turned into hotbeds of crime and corruption; and much, much more.<P> Not only is Hillary Clinton a liar and a criminal—who would have been indicted for mishandling classified information on her secret email sever had the Democratic Party not closed ranks around her—she is also the culmination of her party's deliberate and stunning plot to redistribute wealth and political power to the liberal elite.<P> Find out how Hillary and Bill used the Clinton Foundation to ruthlessly sell State Department influence to the highest foreign bidder. Find out what shady backroom Democrat dealers taught Hillary Clinton her particular brand of corrupt party politics. And most importantly, find out whether America can stop her from destroying the country once and for all. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

by Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D’Souza has a warning: We are on the brink of losing our country forever. After eight years of Obama, four years-or possibly eight years-of Hillary Clinton as president of the United States would so utterly transform America as to make it unrecognizable.No more will America be a land of opportunity. Instead, it will be a land of rapacious crony capitalism, run solely for the benefit of friends of the Obamas and the Clintons and the Democratic Party. It will, in fact, be the fulfillment of a dream the Democratic Party has had from the beginning...a dream of stealing America for the politically favored few. <p><p> In Hillary's America, D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary and the secret history of the Democratic Party, including: how Democrats transitioned from pro-slavery to pro-enslavement; the long-standing Democratic political war against women; how Hillary Clinton’s political mentor was, literally, a cold-blooded gangster; how the Clintons and other Democrats see foreign policy not in terms of national interest, but in terms of personal profit; how Democratically controlled cities have turned into hotbeds of crime and corruption; and much, much more. <p> Not only is Hillary Clinton a liar and a criminal-who would have been indicted for mishandling classified information on her secret email sever had the Democratic Party not closed ranks around her-she is also the culmination of her party's deliberate and stunning plot to redistribute wealth and political power to the liberal elite. <p> Find out how Hillary and Bill used the Clinton Foundation to ruthlessly sell State Department influence to the highest foreign bidder. Find out what shady backroom Democrat dealers taught Hillary Clinton her particular brand of corrupt party politics. And most importantly, find out whether America can stop her from destroying the country once and for all.

Hillary's Choice

by Gail Sheehy

A fascinating portrait of the most intriguing lady in America - The First Lady - by the bestselling author who has revealed more about her than any other. In a real sense,Hillary's Choiceis a love story - one whose rocky moments, rather than remaining private, have been publicized beyond any imagining. What is the real story of the marriage of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton? Gail Sheehy began to discover it seven years ago, when she wrote the first revealing piece about Hillary. Since then, she has followed and recorded this relationship as only she can. Hillary's Choicetakes the Clintons from the moment their eyes met in law school through the humiliation of the Lewinsky affair and the drama of the impeachment battle to reveal the power shifts, the genuine passion, and the ultimate price Hillary has paid for her love and her ambition. Combined with in-depth reporting, Gail Sheehy has brought an acute understanding to the private dynamic of a very public an political partnership.

Hillback to Boggy

by Bonnie S. Speer Jess W. Speer

Jess and Bonnie Speer have spun one of the best tales concerning Oklahoma history since The Grapes of Wrath. The reader will laugh some and cry some with these memorable characters. Hillback to Boggy is a story of one of Oklahoma's most trying times, the Depression years, and of a family that struggled for survival in a tent in the hill country of Hughes County. Papa tried to live by the Bible, but when he did people took advantage of him. "You can make peace with the birds and animals, but you can't with people, he said "Some of them are just a natural-born son-of-a-bitch."

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