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La Boutique Obscure

by Daniel Levin Becker Georges Perec

The beguiling, never-before-translated dream diary of Georges PerecIn La Boutique Obscure Perec once again revolutionized literary form, creating the world's first "nocturnal autobiography." From 1968 until 1972--the period when he wrote his most well-known works--the beloved French stylist recorded his dreams. But as you might expect, his approach was far from orthodox.Avoiding the hazy psychoanalysis of most dream journals, he challenged himself to translate his visions and subconscious churnings directly into prose. In laying down the nonsensical leaps of the imagination, he finds new ways to express the texture and ambiguity of dreams--those qualities that prove so elusive.Beyond capturing a universal experience for the first time and being a fine document of literary invention, La Boutique Obscure contains the seeds of some of Perec's most famous books. It is also an intimate portrait of one of the great innovators of modern literature.

La Causa: The Migrant Farm Workers' Story

by Richard Larios Dana Catherine de Ruiz Alex Haley

Describes the efforts in the 1960s of Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta to organize migrant workers in California into a union which became the United Farm Workers.

La cena dei ricordi

by Valerie Hockert Nicole Stella

Una donna di mezza età ha recentemente perso il marito. Pensa che la propria vita sia ormai priva di significato e che lei sia inutile. Conserva dei ricordi in una scatola, quando le viene l'idea di organizzare una cena e di chiedere agli invitati di portare un oggetto che li aiuti a ricordare qualcosa--un fazzoletto, un gioiello, un piccolo strumento, un souvenir, un bottone, una locandina o qualsiasi altro articolo. L'idea è di far raccontare a ciascun invitato la storia dietro l'oggetto. Di certo non si aspetta che alcuni ospiti abbiano segreti così sorprendenti legati al proprio ricordo. Una vita precedente, un figlio perso, un incidente--molti provano tristezza di fronte al proprio oggetto, ma l'hanno comunque conservato per mantenere un contatto con la realtà. Dopo aver ascoltato tutte quelle storie tristi, la donna capisce che la sua vita non è poi così brutta e che il suo scopo, ora, è l'amicizia verso queste persone.

La compagna sciocca di Hitler. Vita e morte di Eva Braun, sgualdrina e sposa

by Borja Loma Barrie Corrado Pastore

Romanzo storico. Biografia di Eva Braun, moglie di Adolf Hitler. Racconto di come si conobbero Hitler e Eva. La sessualità di Hitler. La vita quotidiana di Hitler. Hitler sconosciuto. La psicologia di Hitler.

La Dénazification de Leni: L'incroyable histoire de Leni Riefenstahl dans l'Allemagne nazie

by Lázaro Droznes

Cette fiction dramatique recrée le procès de Leni Riefenstahl, mené par le comité de la dénazification alliée, afin de déterminer leur degré de responsabilité dans les crimes nazis dans le cadre de la campagne de dénazification menée dans l'Allemagne de l'après-guerre. Différentes scènes de ses documentaires sont utilisées comme preuve contre lui, affirmant qu'ils avaient été utilisés comme des outils de propagande du régime. Leni défend son indépendance et son autonomie en tant qu'artiste. Au cours du procès, la relation entre les artistes et le pouvoir, la nécessité de développer une carrière dans l’art qui ne dépend pas du pouvoir politique et la possibilité de créer un art de l’art lui-même apparaissent comme un thème. Un art qui se justifie.

La disgregazione di tutto. Le storie di chi è sopravvissuto alla perdita di un caro, morto suicida

by Marilena Petrocelli Marlayna Glynn

Questa raccolta di storie vere vi invita ad osservare da vicino il processo di comprensione delle implicazioni che derivano dal suicidio degli altri e di come questo colpisce le persone care. Cosa succede a chi rimane in vita quando qualcuno si suicida? Come affrontano il processo di lutto i sopravvissuti? Che metodo seguono? Si riprendono mai da un trauma tanto profondo? Queste domande trovano risposta all’interno delle memorie scritte dalle 26 persone che hanno contribuito a questo lavoro. Probabilmente la più grande paura di chi è rimasto è di non essere stati abbastanza. Si può pensare di non aver fatto abbastanza, o detto abbastanza, o notato abbastanza o di non essere stati abbastanza. Ma non si commette un suicidio perché qualcuno non è abbastanza. Ci sono molti altri motivi, ma non essere stati abbastanza non è tra quelli. Al momento di questa stampa, le statistiche per l’anno 2010 (l’anno più recente per cui sono disponibili i dati) contano 38.364 suicidi segnalati, portando il suicidio al decimo posto per quanto riguarda le cause di morte degli americani secondo l’American Foundation For Suicide Prevention. Il numero di suicidi annuali negli Stati Uniti è il doppio rispetto a quello degli omicidi. Per ogni suicidio, ci sono circa sei sopravvissuti. Il che significa che solo nel 2010 negli Stati Uniti le persone che hanno perso un proprio caro per via del suicidio sono state circa 230.184. Secondo il Center for Disease Control and Prevention, nel 2010 negli Stati Uniti c’è stato un morto suicida ogni 13,7 minuti. L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità riporta che ogni anno ci sono più di 800.000 persone morte suicide in tutto il mondo, per una media di un morto suicida ogni 40 secondi. Un morto ogni 40 secondi. Questo significa che nel frattempo che voi avete iniziato a leggere e siete arrivati a questo punto, qualcuno che prima era in vita adesso non lo è più.

La diva proletaria. Storia di Eva Perón e delle sue avventure Post Mortem

by Borja Loma Barrie Corrado Pastore

Romanzo storico. Vita di Eva Perón. Sequestro e omicidio del generale Aramburu per mano dei montoneros. L'entusiasmo per Evita. Rivoluzione Peronista. Juan D. Perón. Le "cabecitas negras". L'odio dei paquetes argentini (i ricchi) nei confronti dei grasas (i poveri) e del Peronismo. Colpi di Stato in Argentina.

La Duchesse: The Life of Marie de Vignerot—Cardinal Richelieu's Forgotten Heiress Who Shaped the Fate of France

by Bronwen McShea

A rich portrait of a compelling, complex woman who emerged from a sheltered rural childhood into the fraught, often deadly world of the French royal court and Parisian high society—and who would come to rule them both.Married off at sixteen to a military officer she barely knew, Marie de Vignerot was intended to lead an ordinary aristocratic life, produce heirs, and quietly assist the men in her family rise to prominence. Instead, she became a widow at eighteen and rose to become the indispensable and highly visible right-hand of the most powerful figure in French politics—the ruthless Cardinal Richelieu. Richelieu was her uncle and, as he lay dying, the Cardinal broke with tradition and entrusted her, above his male heirs, with his vast fortune. She would go on to shape her country&’s political, religious, and cultural life as the unconventional and independent Duchesse d&’Aiguillon in ways that reverberated across Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Marie de Vignerot was respected, beloved, and feared by churchmen, statesmen, financiers, writers, artists, and even future canonized saints. Many would owe their careers and eventual historical legacies to her patronage and her enterprising labor and vision. Pope Alexander VII and even the Sun King, Louis XIV, would defer to her. She was one of the most intelligent, accomplished, and occasionally ruthless French leaders of the seventeenth century. Yet, as all too often happens to great women in history, she was all but forgotten by modern times. La Duchesse is the first fully researched modern biography of Vignerot, putting her onto center stage in the histories of France and the globalizing Catholic Church where she belongs. In these pages, we see Marie navigate scandalous accusations and intrigue to creatively and tenaciously champion the people and causes she cared about. We also see her engage with fascinating personalities such as Queen Marie de Médici and influence French imperial ambitions and the Fronde Civil War. Filled with adventure and daring, art and politics, La Duchesseestablishes Vignerot as a figure without whom France&’s storied Golden Age cannot be fully understood.

La famille Fermanian: L’histoire du cinéma Pine de Sainte-Adèle (Biographies et mémoires #9)

by Stéphane Desjardins

In 1948, penniless immigrant Philip Fermanian opened the Cinema Pine in Saint-Adèle, a movie theatre that would hold a unique place in the North American film industry. In this book, author Stéphane Desjardins tells the story of the Fermanian family, whose patriarch left Turkey during the Armenian genocide of the 1920s and settled in the Pays-d’en-Haut, where he hoped to farm the land. Stuck with a rocky plot of land, the Fermanians had to earn a living by the sweat of their brow and reinvented themselves by selling produce. The story takes an unexpected turn when a young woman from Saint-Adèle named Aurore (you cannot make this stuff up), accepts to marry Philip Fermanian on one condition: he will open a movie theatre. Their union produces two sons, only one of whom, Tom, will survive. Tom grows up in the family apartment above the movie theatre, his childhood resembling that of the Salvatore character in the film Cinema Paradiso. The Fermanians’ story evokes various important events in Saint-Adèle’s history, and the author’s references to the films shown at The Pine are a nod to the film industry and its stars.

La Famille qui est allée à la guerre

by Gordon Smith Bibi Sahida Dilmamode

This book is on the life of a family during the First World War. The Family that went to War” is set back in the early 1900’s during wartime. The story follows six Australian family members as they each choose to go and fight for varying personal reasons. The book recounts their highs, lows, struggles as well as triumphs. It is both inspiring and heartbreaking about what these people were leaving behind (including families and children) and what hardships they faced on their journeys. The story covers their journeys through the war in Europe and explores some of their complex characteristics and the summary of the lives of the three who returned. It also highlights the anguish of the mother whose son was lost on the battlefields of Fromelles and whose body still as not been identified one hundred years later’ Six family members went to war. Only three returned!

La Follette's Autobiography

by Robert M. La Follette

Written in lucid, vigorous prose, "La Follette""'s Autobiography" is the famous Wisconsin senator's own account of his political life and philosophy. Both memoir and a history of the Progressive cause in the United States, it charts La Follette's formative years in politics, his attempts to abolish entrenched, ruthless state and corporate influences, and his embattled efforts to advance Progressive policies as Wisconsin governor and U. S. senator. With a new foreword by Matthew Rothschild, editor of "The Progressive"--the magazine that La Follette himself founded--the "Autobiography" remains a powerful reminder of the legacies of Progressivism and reform and the enduring voice of the man who fought for them.

La Forteresse de Jézabel: Une histoire Vraie d’un Voyage d’un Homme

by Bill Vincent

Une histoire Vraie d’un Voyage d’un Homme. Je crois que les hommes comme les femmes ont eu affaire à un esprit appelé Jézabel. C’est un livre que le Seigneur m’a mis à cœur depuis quelque temps. Je pense que les hommes comme les femmes ont eux-mêmes eu affaire à un esprit appelé Jézabel. Je parle de plus qu’un esprit éloigné dans l’église, mais actuellement marié à cet esprit méprisable. C’est une vraie histoire de ma propre vie. J’ai été vraiement marié à une femme avec un esprit de Jezebel. Je vais vous dire l’histoire, mais je vais omettre les noms de ces gens-ci, parce que nous on n’a pas affaire à la chair et au san, mais avec les principautés et les puissances de méchanceté dans les hautes sphères. Je commencerai ce livre par un chapitre qui donne quelques bases scripturaires sur l’esprit de Jézabel et les caractéristiques de cet esprit. Alors j’écrirai l’histoire en faisant référence trop où sinon à toutes les caractéristiques de Jézabel.Je connais quelques personnes qui vont vraiment s’agiter et m’engueuler, mais jusqu’à ce que vous marchez un mile dans mes chaussures, qui êtes-vous de me juger. Ce livre sera controversé et si vous me connaissez, je m’épanouis dans la controverse.

La Guera Rodriguez: The Life and Legends of a Mexican Independence Heroine

by Silvia Marina Arrom

Fact is torn from fiction in this first biography of Mexico’s famous independence heroine, which also traces her subsequent journey from history to myth. María Ignacia Rodríguez de Velasco y Osorio Barba (1778–1850) is an iconic figure in Mexican history. Known by the nickname "La Güera Rodríguez" because she was so fair, she is said to have possessed a remarkably sharp wit, a face fit for statuary, and a penchant for defying the status quo. Charming influential figures such as Simon Bolívar, Alexander von Humboldt, and Agustín de Iturbide, she utilized gold and guile in equal measure to support the independence movement—or so the stories say. In La Güera Rodríguez, Silvia Marina Arrom approaches the legends of Rodríguez de Velasco with a keen eye, seeking to disentangle the woman from the myth. Arrom uses a wide array of primary sources from the period to piece together an intimate portrait of this remarkable woman, followed by a review of her evolving representation in Mexican arts and letters that shows how the legends became ever more fanciful after her death. How much of the story is rooted in fact, and how much is fiction sculpted to fit the cultural sensibilities of a given moment in time? In our contemporary moment of unprecedented misinformation, it is particularly relevant to analyze how and why falsehoods become part of historical memory. La Güera Rodriguez will prove an indispensable resource for those searching to understand late-colonial Mexico, the role of women in the independence movement, and the use of historic figures in crafting national narratives.

La guía de Bernie Sanders para la revolución política / Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution: (Spanish Edition)

by Bernie Sanders

En este libro preciso y descarnado, Bernie Sanders, un político estadounidense de larga trayectoria progresista y senador independiente autodefinido como “socialista democrático," traza un diagnóstico de las calamidades sociales que afectan a Estados Unidos. Entre estas, Sanders delinea la creciente desigualdad de ingresos (el 1% más rico de los norteamericanos posee tanta riqueza como el 90% más pobre), la brutalidad policial, la inaccesibilidad a la educación superior, el racismo, los laberintos del sistema sanitario...Sanders deja enseñanzas para el resto del mundo: hay que transformar el sistema.

La Historia di Guglielmo Lungaspada, figlio di ROLLONE, fondatore della Normandia

by Patrick Loiseau

Questo documento è il frutto di una tesi di laurea in Lettere moderne, curriculum di scienze umanistiche, conseguita all’Università di Rennes 2, nel 2012, da Patrick Loiseau. Pur prendendo in prestito dalla storia, attraverso una serie di archivi storici, questo lavoro di ricerca deve ancora di più alla leggenda e alle fonti letterarie che hanno permesso di scoprire la figura del secondo duca di Normandia, vichingo e figlio del vichingo Rollone, fondatore della Normandia nel 911. In effetti, questo lavoro accademico è il primo a trattare di un personaggio poco noto e talvolta confuso con un omonimo, ma dall’importanza fondamentale. La scelta del titolo, “Historia di Guglielmo Lungaspada”, si spiega con le seguenti considerazioni: si tratta, sì, di parlare di storia, ma, mediante tale scelta, si tratterà di entrare dentro questa storia, di lasciarle per quanto possibile il suo significato medievale e dunque non essere solo l’attuale osservatore di una sequenza senza tempo. Si tratterà, inoltre, non di storia, ma di storia raccontata. In sette capitoli saranno restituiti tutti gli aspetti inerenti a questo tipo di pubblicazioni, in particolare le fonti, le differenze tra storia e testi, la parte leggendaria del personaggio, la sua dimensione umana, i misteri da svelare…

La légende du roi Arthur: Comment Arthur devint roi

by Stuart Glendover

La fascinante histoire du roi Arthur commence par un problème conjugal. Le roi de Grande-Bretagne Uther Pendragon veut épouser la belle Yvonne de Cornouailles pour en faire sa sa reine. Malheureusement, Celle-ci n'est pas favorable à ce mariage. Uther demande donc l'aide d'un magicien nommé Merlin qui résout le problème pour lui. C'est ainsi qu'Uther et Ygraine finissent par convoler en justes noces.Pour récompenser Merlin de son aide préceuse, le roi lui promet de lui confier leur premier enfant pour qu'il l'élève. C'est ainsi qu'à la naissance du fils d'Uther, Merlin s'empare du nouveau-né bébé et le baptise du nom d'Arthur. Quelques années plus tard, le roi Uther tombe gravement malade et, avant de mourir, il déclare que son fils Arthur sera l'héritier du trône. Cependant, aucun noble ne connaissant l'existence d'un héritier, les nobles présents à l'aide de quelques milliers de partisans se préparaient à revendiquer la couronne. Avec l'aide d'une épée magique, Arthur réussit à convaincre tous les nobles et les communes qu'il était destiné à hériter du royaume. Finalement, il sera fait chevalier, puis couronné roi du pays.

La Lucha: The Story of Lucha Castro and Human Rights in Mexico

by Jon Sack

A front-line human rights defender fighting murderous impunity in the Mexican borderlands The Mexican border state of Chihuahua and its city Juárez have become notorious the world over as hotbeds of violence. Drug cartel battles and official corruption result in more murders annually in Chihuahua than in wartorn Afghanistan. Thanks to a culture of impunity, 97 percent of the killings in Juárez go unsolved. Despite a climate of fear, a small group of human rights activists, exemplified by the Chihuahua lawyer and organizer Lucha Castro, works to identify the killers and their official enablers.This is the story of La Lucha, illustrated in beautiful and chilling comic book art, rendering in rich detail the stories of families ripped apart by disappearances and murders—especially gender-based violence—and the remarkably brave advocacy, protests, and investigations of ordinary citizens who turned their grief into resistance.

La Lucha for Cuba: Religion and Politics on the Streets of Miami

by Miguel A. De La Torre

This book examines the fiery interplay of religion and politics among Miami's Cuban exile community.

La Meri and Her Life in Dance: Performing the World

by Nancy Lee Ruyter

This intriguing biography details the life and work of world dance pioneer La Meri (1899–1988). An American dancer, choreographer, teacher, and writer, La Meri was ahead of her time in championing cross-cultural dance performances and education, yet she is almost totally forgotten today. In La Meri and Her Life in Dance, Nancy Ruyter introduces readers to a visionary artist who played a pivotal role in dance history. Born in Texas as Russell Meriwether Hughes, La Meri toured throughout Latin America, Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and the United States in the 1920s and ’30s, immersing herself in different dance traditions at a time when few American dancers explored styles outside their own. She learned about Indian dance culture from the celebrated Uday Shankar, studied belly dancing with the Moroccan sultan’s top dancer, and took flamenco lessons in Spain. La Meri spread awareness and enjoyment of the world’s myriad forms of expression before it was common for performing artists from these countries to tour internationally. Ruyter describes how La Meri founded the Ethnologic Dance Center in New York City, choreographed innovative works based on various dance cultures for Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival and other venues, and wrote widely on the styles and techniques of international dance genres. This long-overdue book illustrates that the popularity of world dance today owes much to the trailblazing efforts of La Meri.

La meva història

by Michelle Obama

El llibre de memòries íntim, poderós i inspirador de l'ex-primera dama dels Estats Units. Protagonista d'una vida plena i d'èxit, Michelle Obama ha esdevingut una de les dones més icòniques i captivadores de la nostra era. Com a primera dama dels Estats Units d'Amèrica i primera afroamericana en realitzar aquesta funció, va contribuir a fer que la Casa Blanca assolís els índex d'obertura i pluralitat més grans de la història; es va erigir com a defensora destacada de les dones i les nenes als Estats Units i a la resta del món; va proposar canvis dràstics amb la finalitat de promoure uns hàbits saludables i actius en les famílies i va acompanyar el seu marit quan el país passava per alguns dels moments més terribles de la seva història. Durant aquesta trajectòria, ens va ensenyar passos de ball, va fer furor al programa Carpool Karaoke i va aconseguir criar dues filles que toquen de peus a terra tot i l'implacable escrutini dels mitjans de comunicació. A les seves memòries, profundament reflexives i fascinants, Michelle Obama invita el lector a entrar dins el seu món tot narrant les experiències que han bastit el seu caràcter: des de la infantesa a la zona del sud de Chicago fins als anys que va viure a la residència més famosa del món, passant també per l'etapa de directiva empresarial, durant la qual va haver de compaginar la maternitat amb la vida professional. Fent gala d'una honestedat sense límits i d'un agut enginy, descriu els seus triomfs i les seves decepcions a l'esfera pública i també a la privada, i narra sense embuts la història de la seva vida amb veu pròpia. Càlid, lúcid i revelador, Becoming és un relat excepcionalment íntim d'una dona de gran moralitat i vàlua, que una vegada rere una altra ha superat les expectatives. La seva història ens inspira a seguir el seu exemple.

La Monaca Ebrea

by Lázaro Droznes Gilda Lomonte

Sinossi Edith Stein fu una filosofa ebrea tedesca che si convertì al cattolicesimo e successivamente divenne monaca carmelitana. In occasione della rappresaglia per le proteste del clero olandese in merito al trattamento degli ebrei, fu deportata ad Auschwitz, uccisa, canonizzata dalla Chiesa Cattolica e infine dichiarata santa e compatrona d'Europa. Questo dramma di finzione, che si svolge ad Auschwitz, presenta la visita di un suo vecchio compagno dell'università, che la invita a collaborare alla creazione delle basi di una nuova dottrina religiosa funzionale al regime nazista.In seguito al suo rifiuto, viene inviata alla camera a gas e al forno crematorio. Edith Stein e la sua terribile parabola esistenziale riassumono le peculiarità essenziali della peggiore tragedia del XX secolo: il nazismo.

La musica di Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov

by Elena Chernikova

Saggio sul grande compositore Russo del XX secolo Il saggio narra del compositore che scrisse la musica per i film di Tarkovskij,Bondarchuk, Konchalovkij,- "Andrej Rublev", "Guerra e Pace" (premio Oscar ),"Un nido di nobili " e molti altri.

La Nilsson: My Life in Opera

by Birgit Nilsson Doris Jung Popper

First published to wide acclaim in Sweden (1995) and in Germany (1997), the autobiography of opera legend Birgit Nilsson (1918-2005) is finally available in an English translation. From her humble roots in rural Sweden to her artistic triumphs in Stockholm, Bayreuth, Milan, and the Metropolitan Opera House, this candid and utterly charming memoir reveals the personality behind one of the great voices of the past century. Gracefully weaving together the private and professional, Nilsson chronicles her idyllic childhood in Vastra Karup, the early recognition of her unique natural abilities, and her first tentative steps into a wider artistic world. After achieving national acclaim in Verdi's Lady Macbeth, she went on to establish herself as the dominant Wagnerian soprano of her generation, appearing at the Bayreuth and Munich Festivals, and the Vienna and Bavarian State Opera Houses, creating, along the way, definitive performances of Sieglinde, Bruennhilde, and Isolde. The book details her rise to international stardom with behind-the-scenes recollections of her phenomenal triumph as Turandot at La Scala in 1958 and her headline-making Met premier in Tristan und Isolde the following year. Nilsson's long and illustrious career (she performed until 1984), her celebrated professional and personal relationships, her friendships and rivalries, are all recounted with a down-to-earth wit and an engagingly odd admixture of ego and selfeffacement. She tells it all: the legendary quips, the often prickly relationships with Met impresario Rudolph Bing and conductor von Karajan, the infamous story of the stalker "Miss N," and the touchingly rendered relationship with her beloved husband, Bertil Niklasson. What emerges from these pages is a diva in the old mold: a giant voice matched by an oversize personality, a professional who expected the same level of perfection from others that she demanded of herself, and a woman who loved and lived life with joy and good humor . . . and oh, that voice. Includes 56 photographs and a discography.

La Petite: A Memoir of Childhood

by Michèle Halberstadt

In La Petite, the renowned French writer and film producer Michèle Halberstadt vividly recounts the painful events that surrounded the death of her beloved grandfather when she was twelve years old. Michèle’s mother favored her older sister, her father was emotionally remote, her teachers dismissive, and her peers a foreign species. Her grandfather alone had given her an image of herself that she could embrace. After he died, there seemed to be nothing left for her. One day she decided that she’d had enough of life. The pills in the bathroom were within reach and the temptation of falling asleep forever was irresistible. La Petite is neither grim nor sentimental. Halberstadt, the recipient of both the Legion d’Honneur and the Ordre du Mérite, France’s two most prestigious awards, has perfectly captured the emotions of the little girl she once was. Everywoman will recognize something of herself in this moving story about adolescent grief, solitude, and awakening.

La Prostituta del Papa

by Borja Loma Barrie Charlotte Errera

Romanzo storico. Biografia di Lucrezia Borgia. La storia della famiglia Borgia. La conquista d'Italia dalla Spagna. Il grande Capitano e gli Terzi. Papa Alessandro VI. Le guerre civili

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