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Memorias del Cigarral

by Gregorio Marañón Bertrán de Lis

Cinco siglos de memorias de los Marañón a través de la historia del Cigarral. En estas memorias, el emblemático Cigarral de Menores, testigo de la historia de España y lugar idílico en el que el doctor Gregorio Marañón pasó sus mejores horas, parece tomar la palabra para ofrecernos un relato de casi cinco siglos, desde las hogueras de la Inquisición hasta la actualidad, momento en que el relato se funde de manera natural con las memorias personales de Gregorio Marañón Bertrán de Lis, una de las personalidades más activas de la vida política, empresarial y cultural española. Un canónigo culto y riquísimo del siglo XVI; un convento de santos que lo heredó hasta la desamortización; un héroe de la Guerra de la Independencia; un prestigioso político liberal y un beato asesinado en la Guerra Civil son algunos de los sucesivos propietarios del Cigarral, hasta que en 1921 el doctor Gregorio Marañón adquirió este maravilloso retiro toledano, en el que escribió casi todos sus libros. A partir de ese momento, se convirtió en lugar de paso obligado para intelectuales como Unamuno, Azorín, Baroja, Valle Inclán, Menéndez Pidal, Ortega, D'Ors, Madariaga, Gómez de la Serna, Azaña, Aleixandre o García Lorca, que se reunieron en torno a la fascinante personalidad de su dueño y pasearon por unos jardines descritos por Tirso de Molina como «un pedazo de jardín de Adán.» La narración histórica, magníficamente documentada e ilustrada con extraordinarias fotografías que reflejan la belleza del lugar, enlaza con el relato autobiográfico del autor, actual propietario del Cigarral, cuyo interesante recorrido nos lleva a la actualidad política y social. Reseña:«Sólido, bello, bien confeccionado, este volumen reclama atención y desvela su contenido desde la excelente fotografía de su portada.»Bernabé Sarabia, El Cultural, El Mundo «Una espléndida narración histórica que continúa en la actualidad.»C. Suárez, Telva «Es un libro de memorias; es un retrato sin photoshops psíquicos o mentales del escritor; es un libro que describe un paisaje como si fuera una fantasía; es un libro de la Historia reciente de España; es un libro de la historia cercana de Toledo.»Jesús Fuentes Lázaro, La Tribuna De Toledo «Las páginas de Memorias del Cigarral son un paseo por el lugar, su memoria y su historia, y suponen, a la vez, una experiencia estética y un ejercicio cívico contra el dogmatismo y la intolerancia. Recomiendo este paseo, la lectura de este libro, que, además de las palabras, nos ofrece una excelente colección de imágenes.»Antonio Illán Illán, ABC (Edición Castilla La Mancha y Toledo) «El Cigarral ha encontrado en estas páginas una memoria incontestable, fértil reflexión histórica y tangible.»Mario Crespo López, Alerta

Las memorias del negro Pablo

by Dante Mastropierro

De Los Álamos a Okupas, historias bravas, reales, extraordinarias. A través de un anecdotario compuesto por una contundente secuencia de historias poderosas, divertidas, a veces sórdidas pero siempre auténticas, Dante Mastropierro, el actor más conocido como el Negro Pablo en la serie de culto Okupas, cuenta su vida por primera vez. De las andanzas con gomeras a las venganzas con alambres de púa, entre pistoleros de verdad y luego de ficción, de La Boca a Quilmes, de Quilmes al Docke. De los códigos de la calle a los códigos de Okupas. Una infancia de perros fieros, una madre amorosa, una soledad insoportable. Noches de baile, romances prohibidos y viejos tumberos. Los turros y los boquita de nylon. La vida antes y después de la televisión. El comedor y Maradona. Los que ya no están. "Me acuerdo de cosas que me pasaron cuando tenía dos o tres años", dice Dante Mastropierro mientras emprende un emocionante, furioso, divertido y siempre honesto recorrido por el pasado. "Me gustaría no acordarme de todo pero las cosas están ahí, en mi cabeza. Después de hacer del Negro Pablo en Okupas, muchos me decían: che, con las historias que viviste, tendrías que hacer un libro. Pero, más allá de los recuerdos, lo importante para mí es no olvidarme de dónde salí, de dónde vengo, de dónde soy". Del prólogo de Bruno Stagnaro: Había algo en él, una especie de áspera verdad callejera que saltaba a la vista y que podía funcionar muy bien en el proyecto que estábamos gestando [Okupas]. Incluso mientras filmábamos, Dante era un misterio para nosotros. Sentíamos que lo conocíamos y que podíamos confiar en él, pero al mismo tiempo había una barrera invisible... Definitivamente, percibíamos algo salvaje (que era justo lo que buscábamos), aunque todavía no conocíamos su otro lado, tan persistente como el bravío: su ternura. Diego Alonso, "El Pollo" de Okupas: Dante es el amigo más fuerte que me quedó de Okupas: un amigo para toda la vida y para las próximas vidas también. Es muy loco: cada vez que llega a un lugar, genera un frío en el ambiente, porque nadie sabe lo que puede suceder. Y eso es gracioso porque Dante es un corazón con patas, un tipo maravilloso. Ha tenido una vida complicada pero cuando cuenta cosas que a otro lo hubiesen devastado, él lo hace con alegría, siempre.

Memorias dispersas

by Humberto De La Calle Lombana

Las memorias de Humberto de la Calle Lombana En la memoria no hay un orden. Los recuerdos son como instantáneas que se mezclan entre sí, sin cronologías ni jerarquías. Fiel a la naturaleza de la memoria, Humberto de la Calle abre su pasado y narra los momentos que definieron su vida. Reconstruye los hechos e ideas que formaron sus convicciones y que forjaron sus principios. Como gran observador, sus anécdotas parecen desentrañar nuestra cultura política y muestran las dificultades de una vida fundada en la búsqueda de la libertad de conciencia y la lucha contra el dogma. Con historias de su adolescencia en la católica Manizales, emotivos relatos de cómo se vivió desde adentro la Constitución de 1991, semblanzas de personajes que han dado forma al país actual y distintas confidencias de su prolija vida pública, Humberto de la Calle compone un testimonio lleno de vitalidad y lucidez.

Memorias improbables de una bestia

by Miguel Ángel Buenestado Grande

Solo con amor la vida tiene sentido. Memorias improbables de una Bestia es una historia cruel. Y es también una historia real, motivo por el cual quizá sea aúnmás cruel. <P><P>Este libro trata del odio, del mal, de los más bajos instintos del ser humano, de la ausencia de fronteras en la crueldadque somos capaces de expresar. Y de cómo ese odio, ese mal, esa crueldad, no está encerrada en monstruos sobrenaturales ni está aislada en unos cuantos perturbados mentales. <P>Al contrario, está oculta en nuestra humana naturaleza, en mayor o menor grado, más cercao más lejos de la superficie, más o menos intensa o retorcida en cada uno de nosotros. Es una cuestión puramente circunstancial queese mal aparezca o permanezca oculto. <P>Escrito en primera persona, este libro narra la historia de Maria Mandel, una de las guardianas que más responsabilidad adquirió en el sistema de campos de concentración nazi. Desde su infancia y juventud y su paso porlos diferentes campos del sistema KL, hasta su captura por parte de los aliados una vez finalizada la guerra. <P>Memorias improbables de una Bestia es una reconstrucción improbable en lo anecdótico, aunque muy probable en el fondo, de la vida de una mujer aparentemente normal, que le tocó vivir tiempos convulsos.

Memorias Olvidadas

by Andrés Pstrana

Los secretos mejores guardados en unas memorias explosivas delexpresidente Andrés Pastrana "La reflexión sobre mis recuerdos me ha conducido, en la distancia deltiempo, a dejar escrito algunos episodios que personales que retratan auna Colombia amenazada por la violencia, la corrupción y la decadenciamoral, en la cual luchan por prevalecer -día a día- los valores, la fe yel optimismo. Lo que aquí entrego es un collage de la época de un paísen el que, para muchos que han tenido el valor de dar la batalla, elsimple hecho de estar vivos es un verdadero milagro. Lo que le he contado a mi viejo amigo Gonzalo Guillén, el cronista dela Colombia increíble, está ligados a personajes y hechos que han sidodecisivos en la historia reciente de Colombia y cuyas consecuenciasestán todavía por determinarse en toda su dimensión por razón de quemuchos de los actores de estas páginas son aún, con nuevas o viejasmáscaras, protagonistas de la política colombiana". ANDRÉS PASTRANA

Memorias prematuras

by Rafael Gumucio

Edición aniversario (20 años) de una extraordinaria novela de aprendizaje. En clave de ácida ironía, esta novela se plantea la respuesta a algunas preguntas necesarias: ¿se puede sobrevivir a la adolescencia sin convertirse en un imbécil? ¿El mundo está mal hecho, o está uno mal hecho para el mundo? Memorias prematuras cuenta los recuerdos de infancia y adolescencia del autor, pero no lo hace desde el punto de vista compasivo de un adulto que perdona o pondera los actos, los miedos, los amores y los odios de su juventud. Estas memorias están narradas en directo, desde la inmadurez más viva de un joven que intenta comprender su vida a través de la escritura. Una vida dividida entre dos países: Chile, donde nació, y Francia, donde fue exiliado por la dictadura de Pinochet. Entre su necesidad de ser un héroe o un genio y su miedo a la noche, al servicio militar, a las mujeres; entre sus ganas de creer en Dios y la ambición de ser él mismo su propio Dios.

Memories: From Moscow to the Black Sea

by Elizabeth Chandler Edythe Haber Teffi Anne Marie Jackson Robert Chandler

Considered Teffi's single greatest work, Memories: From Moscow to the Black Sea is a deeply personal account of the author's last months in Russia and Ukraine, suffused with her acute awareness of the political currents churning around her, many of which have now resurfaced.In 1918, in the immediate aftermath of the Russian Revolution, Teffi, whose stories and journalism had made her a celebrity in Moscow, was invited to read from her work in Ukraine. She accepted the invitation eagerly, though she had every intention of returning home. As it happened, her trip ended four years later in Paris, where she would spend the rest of her life in exile. None of this was foreseeable when she arrived in German-occupied Kiev to discover a hotbed of artistic energy and experimentation. When Kiev fell several months later to Ukrainian nationalists, Teffi fled south to Odessa, then on to the port of Novorossiysk, from which she embarked at last for Constantinople. Danger and death threaten throughout Memories, even as the book displays the brilliant style, keen eye, comic gift, and deep feeling that have made Teffi one of the most beloved of twentieth-century Russian writers.

Memories: The Autobiography of Ralph Emery

by Ralph Emery Tom Carter

Memories is the autobiography of country music star Ralph Emery.

Memories: An Oasis in Time

by Kamel Abu Jaber

The story of Kamel Abu Jaber (1932-2020) is in some ways the story of the modern day Kingdom of Jordan. In this short and sweet collection of memories, Kamel recounts his tribal past, being a Christian Bedouin family, his childhood, seeking better opportunities in the United States, returning to his homeland to become head of many educational establishments and later a major political figure. Full of humour wit and wise andecdotes, Kamel takes you on his life' s unexpected journey with all its twists and turns. These stories were barely finished before his passing in 2020, and were published posthumously with a collection of photographs compiled by his wife Loretta Pacifico Abu Jaber.

Memories After My Death: The Story of My Father, Joseph "Tommy" Lapid

by Yair Lapid

From leading political figure and bestselling Hebrew author Yair Lapid comes a mesmerizing portrait of the author's father, one of modern Israel's leading figures.Memories After My Death is the astonishing true story of Tommy Lapid, a well-loved and controversial Israeli figure who saw the development of the country from all angles over its first sixty years. From seeing his father taken away to a concentration camp to arriving in Tel Aviv at the birth of Israel, Tommy Lapid lived every major incident of Jewish life since the 1930s first-hand. This sweeping narrative will captivate anyone with an interest in how Israel became what it is today. Tommy Lapid's uniquely unorthodox opinions - he belonged to neither left nor right, was Jewish, but vehemently secular - expose the many contradictions inherent in Israeli life today.

Memories and Life Lessons from the Magic Tree House (Magic Tree House (R))

by Mary Pope Osborne

Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the #1 New York Times bestselling series with heartfelt advice from Mary Pope Osborne's own life and her magical adventures with Jack and Annie—perfect for Magic Tree House fans of all ages!Look for heroes, far and near. Give your gifts to the world. Have compassion for all creatures. These are just a few of the lessons that Magic Tree House fans will learn on their magical journey through this book. With quotes from the series and classic art by Sal Murdocca, Mary Pope Osborne, beloved author of the #1 bestselling Magic Tree House series, shares the wisdom she's gained from her own childhood and thirty years of whisking Jack and Annie away in the magic tree house.

Memories And Milestones: Stepping Forward By Looking Back

by Jennifer J. Pasquale

from the cradle to the classroom, from confronting a crisis to conquering the challenge, Memories & Milestones jdresses the issues facing families today. This book is for those who need to step forward in their lives and also for those already on the journey as you see with the author how tragedies become triumphs.

Memories are Made of This: Dean Martin Through His Daughter's Eyes

by Wendy Holden Deana Martin

I loved being called Deana Martin. Even when I was very small. Dad was such a positive influence on people's lives that to be so closely associated with him was always a blessing. People can't help but smile when they think of my father, which has to be the greatest legacy of all. When people hear my name for the first time, they usually ask the same question: "Any relation?" "Yes," I reply proudly, "he's my father. " They smile and cry, "Oh, I love your father! I've loved him all my life. " Sometimes, just sometimes, they ask me the most important question of all: "Was he a good father?" To their surprise, I shake my head and smile. "No," I reply. "He wasn't a good father, but he was a good man. " Where Dad came from, that meant a great deal more. So begins Deana Martin's captivating and heartfelt memoir of her father, the son of an Italian immigrant from modest beginnings who worked his way to the top of the Hollywood firmament to become one of the greatest stars of all time. Charming, debonair, and impeccably attired in a black tuxedo, Dean Martin was coolness incarnate. His music provided the soundtrack of romance, and his image captivated movie and television audiences for more than fifty years. His daughter Deana was among his most devoted fans, but she also knew a side of him that few others ever glimpsed. In page-turning prose, Deana recalls her early childhood, when she and her siblings were left in the erratic care of Dean's loving but alcoholic first wife. She chronicles the constantly changing blended family that marked her youth, along with the unexpected moments of silliness and tenderness that this unusual Hollywood family shared. Deana candidly reveals the impact of Dean's fame and characteristic aloofness on her efforts to forge her own identity, but delights in sharing wonderful, never-before-told stories about her father and his pallies known as the Rat Pack. It may not have been a normal childhood, but Deana's enchanting account of life as the daughter of one of Hollywood's sexiest icons will leave you entertained, delighted, and nostalgic for a time gone by. "From her heart, Deana Martin has told a frank and honest account of what her life was like with her famous father and family. It has been a wild ride, with lots of ups and downs, written with honesty, love, and understanding. " --Regis Philbin "Dean Martin was the unique star who attained success in all of the entertainment media--movies, TV, recordings, concerts, and radio. His daughter Deana gives us something else that is also unique in this revealing book about growing up as the daughter of a true legend. Here's to you Dean. I've got the booze, you get the ice. " --Don Rickles "I have to say I loved reading what Deana wrote--maybe because she bit the bullet, she was courageous, up-front, tenacious, and so totally forthright. I read it with tremendous pride and love, and I know other readers will feel the same emotions I felt. I love this author for a myriad of reasons, but especially for how she has honored my partner. "--from the Foreword by Jerry Lewis

Memories Before and After the Sound of Music: An Autobiography

by Agathe von Trapp

Agathe von Trapp, the oldest daughter in the Trapp Family Singers, offers readers the real story behind an American classic in her poignant and fascinating autobiography Memories Before and After The Sound of Music. The courageous family and events immortalized in the beloved Broadway musical and hit Hollywood film come vibrantly alive in these pages, and Agathe’s post-Sound of Music life is equally compelling.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections: An Autobiography

by Carl Jung

Four years before his death, Carl Gustav Jung, psychiatrist and psychologist, began writing his life story. But what started as an exercise in autobiography soon morphed into an altogether more profound undertaking. The result is an absorbing piece of self-analysis; a frank statement of faith, philosophy and principles from one of the great explorers of the human mind. Covering everything from Sigmund Freud, analytical psychology and Jungian dream interpretation to a forthright discussion of world myths and religions, including Christianity, Buddhism, and other faiths, Memories, Dreams, Reflections is a remarkable book showing a man of great depth, humility and perspicacity. Once read it is never forgotten.

Memories Eternal

by Nicholas N. Chronis

An affirmative and inspirational, early 20th Century love story about an immigrant shepherd from a small village in the rugged mountains of Greece's Peloponnesian Peninsula and the lovely, first generation daughter of Polish immigrants born in Pennsylvania coal country. This book chronicles their humble births, the challenges of their youths, their disparate religious upbringings and, eventually, the extraordinary family hardships that brought them together in a marriage that flourished for nearly fifty years. This historical biography about the author's parents and family describes the unlikely story of how this pioneering interfaith couple - one a Greek Orthodox and the other a Roman Catholic - overcame incredible odds to include strong opposition to their marriage. This heartwarming actual memoir affirms the overarching power of love and how it and a virtuous dedication to family values underpinned their American Success Story.

Memories Eternal

by Nicholas N. Chronis

An affirmative and inspirational, early 20th Century love story about an immigrant shepherd from a small village in the rugged mountains of Greece's Peloponnesian Peninsula and the lovely, first generation daughter of Polish immigrants born in Pennsylvania coal country. This book chronicles their humble births, the challenges of their youths, their disparate religious upbringings and, eventually, the extraordinary family hardships that brought them together in a marriage that flourished for nearly fifty years. This historical biography about the author's parents and family describes the unlikely story of how this pioneering interfaith couple - one a Greek Orthodox and the other a Roman Catholic - overcame incredible odds to include strong opposition to their marriage. This heartwarming actual memoir affirms the overarching power of love and how it and a virtuous dedication to family values underpinned their American Success Story.

Memories Look at Me: A Memoir

by Robin Fulton Tomas Transtromer

Tomas Tranströmer's touching memoir. Written a few years after Transtromer suffered a stroke that left him unable to speak, Memories Look at Me is Tomas Tranströmer's lyrical autobiography about growing up in Sweden. His story opens with a streak of light, a comet that becomes a brilliant metaphor for "my life" as he tries to penetrate the earliest, formative memories of his past. This childhood life unfolds itself slowly in eight glistening chapters that gradually reveal the most secret of treasures: how Tranströmer discovered poetry.

Memories of a Catholic Girlhood

by Mary Mccarthy

This unique autobiography begins with McCarthy's recollections of an indulgent, idyllic childhood tragically altered by the death of her parents in the influenza epidemic of 1918.

Memories of a Catholic Girlhood: How I Grew, Intellectual Memoirs (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics)

by Mary McCarthy

Tracing her moral struggles to the day she accidentally took a sip of water before her Communion—a mortal sin—Mary McCarthy gives us eight funny and heartrending essays about the illusive and redemptive nature of memory&“During the course of writing this, I&’ve often wished that I were writing fiction.&”Originally published in large part as standalone essays in the New Yorker and Harper&’s Bazaar, Mary McCarthy&’s acclaimed memoir begins with her recollections of a happy childhood cut tragically short by the death of her parents during the influenza epidemic of 1918.Tempering memory with invention, McCarthy describes how, orphaned at six, she spent much of her childhood shuttled between two sets of grandparents and three religions—Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish. One of four children, she suffered abuse at the hands of her great-aunt and uncle until she moved to Seattle to be raised by her maternal grandparents. Early on, McCarthy lets the reader in on her secret: The chapter you just read may not be wholly reliable—facts have been distilled through the hazy lens of time and distance.In Memories of a Catholic Girlhood, McCarthy pays homage to the past and creates hope for the future. Reminiscent of Nabokov&’s Speak, Memory, this is a funny, honest, and unsparing account blessed with the holy sacraments of forgiveness, love, and redemption.This ebook features an illustrated biography of Mary McCarthy including rare images from the author&’s estate.

Memories of a Gay Catholic Boyhood: Coming of Age in the Sixties

by John D'Emilio

John D’Emilio is one of the leading historians of his generation and a pioneering figure in the field of LGBTQ history. At times his life has been seemingly at odds with his upbringing. How does a boy from an Italian immigrant family in which everyone unfailingly went to confession and Sunday Mass become a lapsed Catholic? How does a family who worshipped Senator Joseph McCarthy and supported Richard Nixon produce an antiwar activist and pacifist? How does a family in which the word divorce was never spoken raise a son who comes to explore the hidden gay sexual underworld of New York City?Memories of a Gay Catholic Boyhood is D’Emilio’s coming-of-age story in which he takes readers from his working-class Bronx neighborhood to an elite Jesuit high school in Manhattan to Columbia University and the political and social upheavals of the late 1960s. He shares his personal experiences of growing up in a conservative, tight-knit, multigenerational family, how he went from considering entering the priesthood to losing his faith and coming to terms with his same-sex desires. Throughout, D’Emilio outlines his complicated relationship with his family while showing how his passion for activism influenced his decision to use research, writing, and teaching to build a strong LGBTQ movement.This is not just John D’Emilio’s personal story; it opens a window into how the conformist baby boom decade of the 1950s transformed into the tumultuous years of radical social movements and widespread protest during the 1960s. It is the story of what happens when different cultures and values collide and the tensions and possibilities for personal discovery and growth that emerge. Intimate and honest, D’Emilio’s story will resonate with anyone who has had to chart their own path in a world they did not expect to find.

Memories of a Pothead: My Fight for the Legalization of Marijuana

by Gonçalo Jn Dias

A biographic book I hope my children will never read. Reading my diary, 20 years later, some questions come up quickly: how am I still alive? How come I have never been arrested? The book tells my day-to-day life during my time as a college student in which besides drinking beer and smoking pot regularly, I also had street fights, stole, had sexual intercourse with stranger women, brought drugs from Holland, damaged public places, fell in love and cried. A politically incorrect book I hope my children will never read.

Memories of a Theoretical Physicist: A Journey across the Landscape of Strings, Black Holes, and the Multiverse

by Joseph Polchinski

A groundbreaking theoretical physicist traces his career, reflecting on the successes and failures, triumphs and insecurities of a life cut short by cancer.The groundbreaking theoretical physicist Joseph Polchinski explained the genesis of his memoir this way: &“Having only two bodies of knowledge, myself and physics, I decided to write an autobiography about my development as a theoretical physicist.&” In this posthumously published account of his life and work, Polchinski (1954–2018) describes successes and failures, triumphs and insecurities, and the sheer persistence that led to his greatest discoveries. Writing engagingly and accessibly, with the wry humor for which he was known, Polchinski gives theoretical physics a very human face. Polchinski, famous for his contributions to string theory, may have changed the course of modern theoretical physics, but he was a late bloomer—doing most of his important work after the age of forty. His death from brain cancer at sixty-three cut short a career at its peak. Working on the memoir after his diagnosis, using a text-to-speech algorithm because he could no longer read words on a page, he was able to recapitulate his entire career, down to the details of problems he had worked on. For Polchinski, physics went deeper than words. This edition includes photographs from Polchinski&’s professional and family life, as well as physics explainer boxes, other technical edits, and bibliographic notes by his former student Ahmad Almheiri, a foreword by Andrew Strominger, and an afterword by his wife Dorothy Chun and sons Steven and Daniel.

Memories of a Turkish Statesman, 1913-1919

by Pasha Ahmed Djemal

MY personal participation in general politics in the Ottoman Empire begins with the coup d’état of January 23, 1913.On the evening of that day I left the headquarters of the Lines of Communication Inspectorate and went to the Sublime Porte, to which a great crowd was flocking at the time.At that moment Mahmud Shefket Pasha, who had been appointed Grand Vizier a few hours before, returned from the Imperial Palace and met me at the entrance to the Grand Vizier’s palace.He had hardly seen me before he called out: “Djemal Bey, I want you to take over the Military Governorship of Constantinople at once and you must not lose a minute in taking all measures you think necessary for the preservation of order and confidence in the capital.”As I have said, my assumption of the highly important and equally responsible office of Military Governor of Constantinople meant my direct participation in general politics in my Fatherland. I thus find myself compelled to start my memoirs at that point.—Pasha Ahmed Djemal

Memories of an S.O.E. Historian

by M. R. Foot

The historian of the British World War II intelligence organization chronicles his life and service career in this memoir.Michael (M.R.D.) Foot enjoys the rare distinction of being the only person referred to by his real name in a John Le Carré novel. A highly significant tribute to the man entrusted with writing the official record of the Special Operations Executive. He authored first (1966) the History of SOE in France and twenty years later the highly sensitive accounts of SOE operations in Belgium and Holland (which the Germans infiltrated with disastrous results). With his own war service background and academic reputation M.R.D. was an inspired choice for these historic tasks. He was fearless in pursuit of the truth and in thwarting bureaucratic attempts to muzzle him. His war exploits make thrilling reading. His behind-the-lines mission to track down a notorious SD interrogator went badly wrong, and he only just escaped with his life. His career has brought him into close contact with an astonishing cast of characters, and his tongue-in-cheek account of academic life makes lively reading.

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