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Showing 37,951 through 37,975 of 65,894 results

Mémoires du comte Belliard, lieutenant-général, pair de France écrits par lui-même (Mémoires du comte Belliard, lieutenant-général #1)

by Général de Division Comte Augustin-Daniel Belliard

« Mémoires du comte Belliard, lieutenant-général, pair de France écrits par lui-même, recueillis et mis en ordre par M. Vinet, l'un de ses aides-de-camp. Paris, Berguet et Petion, 1842, 3 vol. in-8°.Publication décousue où des lettres de Murat à Belliard en 1812 suivent le récit de la bataille de Valmy. Les affaires d'Espagne, une conversation avec l'Empereur à Dresde, des lettres de Napoléon à Murat du 25 août au 13 octobre 1813, un récit de la capitulation de Paris, une lettre du capitaine Magnien sur la défection de Souham, l'entrevue à Fontainebleau en 1814 avec un illuminé qui veut annoncer à l'Empereur qu'il régnera encore mais que des malheures plus grand suivront, etc. en forment l'essential. » p 15/16 - Professeur Jean Tulard, Bibliographie Critique Des Mémoires Sur Le Consulat Et L'Empire, Droz, Genève, 1971TOME I seul.

Mémoires Du Général Bigarré, Aide De Camp Du Roi Joseph

by Général Baron Auguste Bigarré

Mémoires du général Bigarré, aide de camp du roi Joseph. Paris, Kolb, 1893, in-80, XV-320 p.« Ces souvenirs ont été écrits en 1830. Entré à la garde consulaire, Bigarré assiste au sacre puis à la bataille d'Austerlitz. Son régiment ayant perdu un drapeau à Austerlitz, il se cabre sous les reproches de Napoléon (pp. 180-183) et passe aide de camp de Joseph qu'il suit à Madrid (chapitres IX-XI), le récit s'arrête en 1812. Racontées naïvement les conquêtes galantes et les infortunes conjugales de Bigarré donnent à ses souvenirs un ton plaisant. Malheureusement, l'appareil critique fait défaut. » p 18 - Professeur Jean Tulard, Bibliographie Critique Des Mémoires Sur Le Consulat Et L'Empire, Droz, Genève, 1971.

Mémoires du général de Caulaincourt, duc de Vicence, grand écuyer de l’Empereur. Tome I (Mémoires du général de Caulaincourt, duc de Vicence, grand écuyer de l’Empereur. #1)

by Jean Hanoteau Général de Division Armand Augustin Louis de Caulaincourt, Duc de Vincence

« Caulaincourt n'avait cessé sous l'Empire de prendre des notes chaque jour au bivouac ou dans le cabinet de Tuileries. Il se serait décidé à les mettre en forme entre 1822 et 1825. L'énorme documentation réunie quotiennement explique la valeur du témoignage du duc de Vicenze... le récit ne commence qu'à l'entrevue d'Erfurt. Il se poursuit avec la campagne de Russie et la retraite. C'est dans les chapitres VII-VIII et XI ( « En traîneau avec l'Empereur » ) souvent réédites que l'on dispose d'un document de premier ordre sur l'état d'esprit de Napoléon après le désastre de 1812. Quittant la Grande Armée, l'Empereur voyage en la seule compagnie de Caulaincourt de Smorgoni à Paris. Pendant ce long voyage, Napoléon se confie au Grand Ecuyer avec d'autant plus de franchise qu'il ignore que Caulaincourt prend des notes. « Puis Caulaincourt narre les péripéties de Congrès de Châtillon et y justifie son attitude. On notera d'importants développements sur l'entrée des Alliés à Paris, l'attitude de Napoléon, la défection de Marmont, l'abdication et la tentative de suicide de l'Empereur. Les mémoires s'arrêtent aux « Adieux de Fontainebleau » p 33 - Professeur Jean Tulard, Bibliographie Critique Sur Des Mémoires Sur Le Consulat Et L'Empire, Droz, Genève, 1971

Mémoires du général de Caulaincourt, duc de Vicence, grand écuyer de l’Empereur. Tome II (Mémoires du général de Caulaincourt, duc de Vicence, grand écuyer de l’Empereur. #2)

by Général de Division Armand Augustin Louis de Caulaincourt, Duc de Vincence

« Caulaincourt n'avait cessé sous l'Empire de prendre des notes chaque jour au bivouac ou dans le cabinet de Tuileries. Il se serait décidé à les mettre en forme entre 1822 et 1825. L'énorme documentation réunie quotiennement explique la valeur du témoignage du duc de Vicence... le récit ne commence qu'à l'entrevue d'Erfurt. Il se poursuit avec la campagne de Russie et la retraite. C'est dans les chapitres VII-VIII et XI [ « En traîneau avec l'Empereur » ] souvent réédites que l'on dispose d'un document de premier ordre sur l'état d'esprit de Napoléon après le désastre de 1812. Quittant la Grande Armée, l'Empereur voyage en la seule compagnie de Caulaincourt de Smorgoni à Paris. Pendant ce long voyage, Napoléon se confie au Grand Ecuyer avec d'autant plus de franchise qu'il ignore que Caulaincourt prend des notes.« Puis Caulaincourt narre les péripéties de Congrès de Châtillon et y justifie son attitude. On notera d'importants développements sur l'entrée des Alliés à Paris, l'attitude de Napoléon, la défection de Marmont, l'abdication et la tentative de suicide de l'Empereur. Les mémoires s'arrêtent aux « Adieux de Fontainebleau » p 33 - Professeur Jean Tulard, Bibliographie Critique Des Mémoires Sur Le Consulat Et L'Empire, Droz, Genève, 1971Tome II - Moscou, La Retraite, En Traîneau Avec l'Empereur, L'Arrivée à Paris

Mémoires du général de Caulaincourt, duc de Vicence, grand écuyer de l’Empereur. Tome III (Mémoires du général de Caulaincourt, duc de Vicence, grand écuyer de l’Empereur. #3)

by Général de Division Armand Augustin Louis de Caulaincourt, Duc de Vincence

« Caulaincourt n'avait cessé sous l'Empire de prendre des notes chaque jour au bivouac ou dans le cabinet de Tuileries. Il se serait décidé à les mettre en forme entre 1822 et 1825. L'énorme documentation réunie quotiennement explique la valeur du témoignage du duc de Vicence... le récit ne commence qu'à l'entrevue d'Erfurt. Il se poursuit avec la campagne de Russie et la retraite. C'est dans les chapitres VII-VIII et XI [ « En traîneau avec l'Empereur » ] souvent réédites que l'on dispose d'un document de premier ordre sur l'état d'esprit de Napoléon après le désastre de 1812. Quittant la Grande Armée, l'Empereur voyage en la seule compagnie de Caulaincourt de Smorgoni à Paris. Pendant ce long voyage, Napoléon se confie au Grand Ecuyer avec d'autant plus de franchise qu'il ignore que Caulaincourt prend des notes.« Puis Caulaincourt narre les péripéties de Congrès de Châtillon et y justifie son attitude. On notera d'importants développements sur l'entrée des Alliés à Paris, l'attitude de Napoléon, la défection de Marmont, l'abdication et la tentative de suicide de l'Empereur. Les mémoires s'arrêtent aux « Adieux de Fontainebleau » p 33 - Professeur Jean Tulard, Bibliographie Critique Des Mémoires Sur Le Consulat Et L'Empire, Droz, Genève, 1971Tome III - Le Congres de Châtillon, et L'Agonie de Fontainebleu.

Mémoires Militaires Du Général Baron Boulart Sur Les Guerres De La Republique Et La Empire.

by Général Baron Jean-François Boulart

« L'Italie en 1800, le sacre, le siège Dantzig, le bataille de Friedland, le guerre d'Espagne, La campagne de Allemagne en 1809, La Russie, la chute de l'Empire constituent les principaux épisodes de ces utiles mémoires, dans l'ensemble assez exacts. » p 23 - Professeur Jean Tulard, Bibliographie Critique Sur Des Mémoires Sur Le Consulat Et L'Empire, Droz, Genève, 1971

Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days

by Karl Doenitz

&“A fascinating and detailed account of the German navy&’s war, mostly covering U-boat activities&” by the man who succeeded Hitler as Fuhrer (Damien Burke, author of TSR2: Britain&’s Lost Bomber). This is the story of the last world war, as told by Grand Admiral Karl Döenitz himself. His memoir covers his early career with submarines in the First World War and follows both his successes and failures through the Second World War, with great detail on the way the U-boat campaign was waged, as told by the man who invented U-boat tactics. Döenitz includes details of the U-boat campaigns during the Second World War as well as the opinions, ideas and commentary on the period. Of particular interest are the comments regarding British and American conduct during the war. This is an important social document and an invaluable source for any student of the last war. After becoming the last Fuhrer of Germany after Hitler&’s suicide in May 1945, Karl Döenitz spent ten years and twenty days in Spandau Prison having been convicted of war crimes following a trial at Nuremberg. &“A very interesting book looking at the war in the Atlantic from the German side . . . one of the best accounts of the Battle of the Atlantic.&”—UK Historian


by Michael Fellman William Tecumseh Sherman

Before his spectacular career as General of the Union forces, William Tecumseh Sherman experienced decades of failure and depression. Drifting between the Old South and new West, Sherman witnessed firsthand many of the critical events of early nineteenth-century America: the Mexican War, the gold rush, the banking panics, and the battles with the Plains Indians. It wasn't until his victory at Shiloh, in 1862, that Sherman assumed his legendary place in American history. After Shiloh, Sherman sacked Atlanta and proceeded to burn a trail of destruction that split the Confederacy and ended the war. His strategy forever changed the nature of warfare and earned him eternal infamy throughout the South. Sherman's Memoirs evoke the uncompromising and deeply complex general as well as the turbulent times that transformed America into a world power. This Penguin Classics edition includes a fascinating introduction and notes by Sherman biographer Michael Fellman.


by Mikhail Gorbachev

In these long-awaited memoirs, Mikhail Gorbachev looks back on a lifetime that mirrors the fate of the Russian people. From the persecution of his family under Stalin to his first political steps, to his extraordinary rise within the Communist Party, Gorbachev recounts the events that led to his own disillusionment, without which the eventual implosion of communism would not have taken place. He casts an equally sharp eye on the policies of both past communist governments and present-day reformers.


by Robert Lowell

A complete collection of Robert Lowell’s autobiographical prose, from unpublished writings about his youth to reflections on the triumphs and confusions of his adult life.Robert Lowell's Memoirs is an unprecedented literary discovery: the manuscript of Lowell’s lyrical evocation of his childhood, which was written in the 1950s and has remained unpublished until now. Meticulously edited by Steven Gould Axelrod and Grzegorz Kosc, it serves as a precursor or companion to his groundbreaking book of poems Life Studies, which signaled a radically new prose-inflected direction in his work, and indeed in American poetry. Memoirs also includes intense depictions of Lowell’s mental illness and his determined efforts to recover. It concludes with Lowell’s reminiscences of other writers, among them T. S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Ezra Pound, John Berryman, Anne Sexton, Hannah Arendt, and Sylvia Plath. Memoirs demonstrates Lowell’s expansive gifts as a prose stylist and his powers of introspection and observation. It provides striking new evidence of the range and brilliance of Lowell’s achievement.Includes black-and-white photographs


by Nana Mouskouri

Nana Mouskouri, the Greek singer and one of the world's most popular entertainers, tells her life story for the first time.For more than 40 years Nana Mouskouri has been a global singing sensation, from her earliest childhood memories of mid-Thirties Greece to her unstoppable rise to the summit of her profession. She tells of life as a child, experiencing the horrors of war and privation, victimised by bitter parental discord, stigmatised by her father's fatal addiction to gambling.She was a shy inhibited teenager with a passion for singing, a girl compelled to choose between her love of classical music and her fascination with popular song. As a highly successful adult, she has been racked by uncertainty and the torments of love, a woman struggling to balance music - her raison d'etre - with her role as wife and mother.Here she describes the life of the star we all know, from her beginnings in the nightclubs of Athens to her triumphs on the world's most glittering stages. Nana launches us into her international tours, taking us to Canada, the United States, Japan and Australasia as well as every country in Europe. She describes how she fought to win over audiences everywhere. In Britain, for example, she enjoyed dazzling success after her first English album Over and Over was released. In quick succession, twenty-three of her titles appeared in the charts. In Australia, she achieved fourteen gold discs in 1974 alone.Hers is a rich and astonishing life, studded with exceptional encounters and friendships: the incomparable trumpeter Quincy Jones, a musician Nana had secretely worshipped since childhood, introduced her to the United States and became her producer; Yvonne Littlewood, the BBC producer, made Nana a leading star of British television in the 1960s and remains one of her closest friends. Queen Elizabeth II, Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra, and the Empress Farah Diba of Iran are among the galaxy of extraordinary figures who played a vital part in Nana's career. Intimate, rich in humanity and music, a spotlit global tour, Nana's book is an event.


by Brian Mulroney

Politics was always Brian Mulroney's real love. As an undergraduate in Nova Scotia he amazed his friends by getting Prime Minister Diefenbaker on the phone, and he rose fast in the Tory ranks in Quebec as a young Montreal lawyer. He tried for the leadership of the party in 1976, losing to Joe Clark, then returned to win a rematch in 1983. The next year, he ran the most successful election campaign in Canadian history, winning 211 seats, and taking office in September 1984. His first term in office was a stormy one, marked by the launch of the Meech Lake Accord and the Free Trade Agreement with the United States. In 1988, however, he was re-elected after a rollercoaster campaign, and his second term in office was just as controversial, featuring the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords -- still a source of bitter regret for him, as opportunities missed.This book falls into two main sections: first, his rise out of a working-class family in Baie-Comeau. Second, his immersion into the world of Ottawa politics, in opposition and then in power. The years in power are dealt with in fascinating detail, and we receive his candid accounts of backstage dealings with Trudeau, Clark, and other Canadian leaders and on the international scene with Reagan, Thatcher, Mitterrand, Kohl, Gorbachev, Mandela, Clinton, and many more. This big book has a huge cast of major players.Brian Mulroney is determined to make this the best prime minister's memoirs this country has ever seen, and a full-time researcher has been helping him for three years. This account of his career is colourful and forthright, and a number of opponents will be sorry that they caught his attention.The manuscript is full of personal touches and reflects the fact that he wrote it by hand, reading it aloud for rhythm and impact. Studded with entries from his private journal, this book -- by a son, brother, husband, and father -- is deeply personal, and includes some surprisingly frank admissions.The book establishes the scale of his achievements, and reveals him as a man of great charm. Memoirs will allow that little-known Brian Mulroney to engage directly with the reader. This book is full of surprises, as we fall under the spell of a great storyteller.From the Hardcover edition.


by David Rockefeller

Born into one of the wealthiest families in America--he was the youngest son of Standard Oil scion John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and the celebrated patron of modern art Abby Aldrich Rockefeller--David Rockefeller has carried his birthright into a distinguished life of his own. His dealings with world leaders from Zhou Enlai and Mikhail Gorbachev to Anwar Sadat and Ariel Sharon, his service to every American president since Eisenhower, his remarkable world travels and personal dedication to his home city of New York--here, the first time a Rockefeller has told his own story, is an account of a truly rich life.


by John Waters Tennessee Williams

For the "old crocodile," as Williams called himself late in life, the past was always present, and so it is with his continual shifting and intermingling of times, places, and memories as he weaves this story. When Memoirs was first published in 1975, it created quite a bit of turbulence in the mediathough long self-identified as a gay man, Williams' candor about his love life, sexual encounters, and drug use was found shocking in and of itself, and such revelations by America's greatest living playwright were called "a raw display of private life" by The New York Times Book Review. As it turns out, thirty years later, Williams' look back at his life is not quite so scandalous as it once seemed; he recalls his childhood in Mississippi and St. Louis, his prolonged struggle as a "starving artist," the "overnight" success of The Glass Menagerie in 1945, the death of his long-time companion Frank Merlo in 1962, and his confinement to a psychiatric ward in 1969 and subsequent recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, all with the same directness, compassion, and insight that epitomize his plays. And, of course, Memoirs is filled with Williams' amazing friends from the worlds of stage, screen, and literature as heoften hilariously, sometimes fondly, sometimes notremembers them: Laurette Taylor, Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, Elia Kazan, Marlon Brando, Vivian Leigh, Carson McCullers, Anna Magnani, Greta Garbo, Elizabeth Taylor, and Tallulah Bankhead to name a few. And now film director John Waters, well acquainted with shocking the American public, has written an introduction that gives some perspective on the various reactions to Tennessee's Memoirs, while also paying tribute to a fellow artist who inspired many with his integrity and endurance.

Memoirs (1925-1950)

by George F. Kennan

The American diplomat's reflections of his years of government service provide insight into four decades of U.S. policy<P><P> Winner of the National Book Award<P> Pulitzer Prize Winner

Memoirs and Madness

by Frederick H. White

Frederick White's primary focus is A Book About Leonid Andreev (1922), the most important collection of memoirs dedicated to the Russian author, presented here in the first English translation. The agendas of the memoirists resulted in portraits that have influenced how Andreev is read and spoken about to the present day. White pays special attention to Andreev's history of mental illness, which the memoirists described with vague terms such as "creative energy" or "inner turmoil." Past scholarship has focused on philosophical and sociological factors in the author's life but this concentration on his mental health provides a fruitful approach to deciphering the literary portraits.

Memoirs and Madness: Leonid Andreev Through the Prism of the Literary Portrait

by Frederick H. White

Memoirs and Madness examines memoir as a literary genre, investigates the creation of Leonid Andreev's posthumous legacy by his contemporaries, and explores the possibility that Andreev, Russia's leading literary figure at the beginning of the twentieth century, suffered from mental illness. Frederick White's primary focus is A Book About Leonid Andreev (1922), the most important collection of memoirs dedicated to the Russian author, presented here in the first English translation. The agendas of the memoirists resulted in portraits that have influenced how Andreev is read and spoken about to the present day. White pays special attention to Andreev's history of mental illness, which the memoirists described with vague terms such as "creative energy" or "inner turmoil." Past scholarship has focused on philosophical and sociological factors in the author's life but this concentration on his mental health provides a fruitful approach to deciphering the literary portraits.

Memoirs and Misinformation: A novel

by Jim Carrey Dana Vachon

"None of this is real and all of it is true." --Jim CarreyFrom movie star Jim Carrey and novelist Dana Vachon, a fearless and semi-autobiographical novel about acting, Hollywood, agents, celebrity, privilege, friendship, romance, addiction to relevance, fear of personal erasure, destruction of persona, our "one big soul," Canada, and apocalypses within and without.Meet Jim Carrey. Sure, he's an insanely successful and beloved movie star drowning in wealth and privilege--but he's also lonely. Maybe past his prime. Maybe even...getting fat? He's tried diets, gurus, and cuddlin' with his military-grade Israeli guard dogs, but nothing seems to lift the cloud of emptiness and ennui. Even the advice of his best friend, actor and dinosaur skull collector, Nicolas Cage, isn't enough to pull Carrey out of his slump.Then Jim meets Georgie: ruthless ingénue, love of his life. And thanks to auteur screenwriter Charlie Kaufman, he has a role to play in a boundary-pushing new picture that may help him uncover a whole new side to himself. Finally, his Oscar vehicle! Things are looking up. But the universe has other plans.Memoirs and Misinformation is a fearless semi-autobiographical novel, a deconstruction of persona. In it, Jim Carrey and Dana Vachon have fashioned a story about acting, Hollywood, agents, celebrity, privilege, friendship, romance, addiction to relevance, fear of personal erasure, our "one big soul," Canada, and a cataclysmic ending of the world--apocalypses within and without.

Memoirs and Misinformation: A novel

by Dana Vachon Jim Carrey

"None of this is real and all of it is true." --Jim CarreyMeet Jim Carrey. Sure, he's an insanely successful and beloved movie star drowning in wealth and privilege--but he's also lonely. Maybe past his prime. Maybe even . . . getting fat? He's tried diets, gurus, and cuddling with his military-grade Israeli guard dogs, but nothing seems to lift the cloud of emptiness and ennui. Even the sage advice of his best friend, actor and dinosaur skull collector Nicolas Cage, isn't enough to pull Carrey out of his slump. But then Jim meets Georgie: ruthless ingénue, love of his life. And with the help of auteur screenwriter Charlie Kaufman, he has a role to play in a boundary-pushing new picture that may help him uncover a whole new side to himself--finally, his Oscar vehicle! Things are looking up! But the universe has other plans.Memoirs and Misinformation is a fearless semi-autobiographical novel, a deconstruction of persona. In it, Jim Carrey and Dana Vachon have fashioned a story about acting, Hollywood, agents, celebrity, privilege, friendship, romance, addiction to relevance, fear of personal erasure, our "one big soul," Canada, and a cataclysmic ending of the world--apocalypses within and without.

Memoirs and Reflections

by Evgeny Kissin

Evgeny Kissin's musicality, the depth and poetic quality of his interpretations, and his extraordinary virtuosity have earned him the veneration and admiration deserved only by one of the most gifted classical pianists of his generation. He is internationally renowned and hugely admired for his interpretations of the works of the classical and Romantic repertoire of Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, Brahms, Rachmaninov and Prokofiev. He is in demand the world over, and has appeared with many of the world's great conductors, as well as all the great orchestras of the world. In Memoirs and Reflections, the intensity of Kissin's thinking and of his very being shines through, which displays his astonishing memory, fondness for his family and teachers, and an exalted sense of self that is essentially Russian.

Memoirs and Reflections

by Evgeny Kissin

Evgeny Kissin's musicality, the depth and poetic quality of his interpretations, and his extraordinary virtuosity have earned him the veneration and admiration deserved only by one of the most gifted classical pianists of his generation. He is internationally renowned and hugely admired for his interpretations of the works of the classical and Romantic repertoire of Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, Brahms, Rachmaninov and Prokofiev. He is in demand the world over, and has appeared with many of the world's great conductors, as well as all the great orchestras of the world. In Memoirs and Reflections, the intensity of Kissin's thinking and of his very being shines through, which displays his astonishing memory, fondness for his family and teachers, and an exalted sense of self that is essentially Russian.

Memoirs and Reflections

by Roy Mcmurtry

From "the Kid" on the Varsity Blues football team to "the Chief" at Osgoode Hall, R. Roy McMurtry has had a remarkably varied and influential career. As reformist attorney general of Ontario, one of the architects of the agreement that brought about the patriation of the Canadian Constitution, high commissioner to the United Kingdom, and chief justice of Ontario, he made a large and enduring contribution to Canadian law, politics, and life.These memoirs cover all these facets of his remarkable career, as well as his law practice, his work on various commissions of inquiry, and his reflections on family, sport, and art. This volume is both an account of his life in public service and a portrait of a humane, humorous, still optimistic, and always decent man.

Memoirs from Beyond the Grave: 1768-1800

by Anka Muhlstein François-René de Chateaubriand Alex Andriesse

Written over the course of four decades, Francois-ReneÅL de Chateaubriand’s epic autobiography has drawn the admiration of Baudelaire, Flaubert, Proust, Roland Barthes, Paul Auster, and W. G. Sebald. In this unabridged section of the Memoirs, spanning the years 1768 to 1800, Chateaubriand looks back on the already bygone world of his youth. He recounts the history of his aristocratic family and the first rumblings of the French Revolution. He recalls playing games on the beaches of Saint-Malo, wandering in the woods near his father’s castle in Combourg, hunting with King Louis XVI at Versailles, witnessing the first heads carried on pikes through the streets of Paris, meeting with George Washington in Philadelphia, and falling hopelessly in love with a young woman named Charlotte in the small Suffolk town of Bungay. The volume ends with Chateaubriand’s return to France after eight years of exile in England. In this new edition (the first unabridged translation of any portion of the Memoirs to be published in more than a century), Chateaubriand emerges as a writer of great wit and clarity, a self-deprecating egoist whose meditations on the meaning of history, memory, and morality are leavened with a mixture of high whimsy and memorable gloom.

Memoirs from Beyond the Grave: 1800-1815

by François-Réne Chateaubriand

The second part of an infamous memoir about life in the time of Napoleon by a rebellious literary celebrity. In 1800, François-René de Chateaubriand sailed from the cliffs of Dover to the headlands of Calais. He was thirty-one and had been living as a political refugee in England for most of a decade, at times in such extreme poverty that he subsisted on nothing but hot water and two-penny rolls. Over the next fifteen years, his life was utterly changed. He published Atala, René, and The Genius of Christianity to acclaim and epoch-making scandal. He strolled the streets of Jerusalem and mapped the ruins of Carthage. He served Napoleon in Rome, then resigned in protest after the Duc d&’Enghien&’s execution, putting his own life at tremendous risk.Memoirs from Beyond the Grave: 1800–1815—the second volume in Alex Andriesse&’s new and complete translation of this epic French classic—is a chronicle of triumphs and sorrows, narrating not only the author&’s life during a tumultuous period in European history but the &“parallel life&” of Napoleon. In these pages, Chateaubriand continues to paint his distinctive self-portrait, in which the whole history of France swirls around the sitter like a mist of dreams.

Memoirs from Beyond the Tomb

by François-René de Chateaubriand

The most enjoyable, glamorous and gripping of all 19th-century autobiographies - a tumultuous account of France hit by wave after wave of revolutionsMemoirs from Beyond the Tomb is the greatest and most influential of all French autobiographies - an extraordinary, highly entertaining account of a uniquely adventurous and frenzied life. Chateaubriand gives a superb narrative of the major events of his life - which spanned the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Era and the uneasy period that led up to the Revolution of 1830.

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