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Miracle Ride: A True Story of Illness, Faith, Humor - and Triumph

by Tzipi Caton

For 16-year-old Tzipi Caton, 11th grade meant exams, friends, homework, and play tryouts. Suddenly, it meant cancer. Facing a cold, new world of tests, IVs, biopsies, needles and cell-destroying chemicals, Tzipi made a decision. She'd face the reality of her illness with honesty and humor; she'd keep a detailed, upbeat account of the entire experience. Miracle Ride is Tzipi's remarkable journal. We cry with her; we laugh at her outrageous jokes and pranks. We meet her friends, her family, and the neighbors, classmates, teachers and professionals who stood by her. We catch an insider's view of the poignant stories of the cancer patients she befriended. Tzipi's brilliant entries glow with courage, wit and warmth. Though Tzipi's story is uncommon, the issues she confronts are universal: keeping relationships strong while under great strain, the often-misguided demand for perfection in a potential marriage partner, and, most important, our search for God's Presence.

Miracle Run

by Gary Brozek Corrine Morgan-Thomas

The inspiration for the Lifetime movie and a guide for parents confronting their autistic children's journeys to adulthood. Parents of autistic children often wonder: What will happen to our kids when they grow up? Can they work? Have relationships and their own families? Here is the poignant story of one woman watching her autistic boys reach adulthood. A single mother barely making ends meet, Corrine Morgan-Thomas could hardly afford doctors for her twins, Stephen and Phillip. After their diagnosis of autism, no one else thought these boys would ever amount to anything. But Corrine managed single-handedly to keep the boys out of institutions-and in "regular" school. And their inspiring story became Lifetime television's Miracle Run. The real miracle, though, was what happened where the movie left off-when Stephen and Phillip graduated to face adult autism. From their diagnosis to the present day, when the boys have grown into young men leading happy lives, Corrine's eye-opening story is full of candor, humor, and most of all, hope.

Miracle Survivors: Beating the Odds of Incurable Cancer

by Tami Boehmer

If you have received an incurable cancer diagnosis, hearing about someone "who made it" is like spotting a rescue ship when you're drowning in a stormy sea. Miracle Survivors provides that lifeline with a collection of stories of cancer survivors who were given a terminal diagnosis but shocked everyone by thriving years past their prognoses. These "miracle survivors" have different cancers and circumstances, but share a poor prognosis and incredible drive to overcome it.After being diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer, award-winning author and blogger Tami Boehmer decided she and others like her desperately needed hope to override the dismal statistics and death sentences provided by many doctors. So she began interviewing incredible men and women from around the country who defied the odds and lived to tell about it.Miracle Survivors will help answer the question: What sets people apart who beat the odds of a terminal or incurable prognosis? Overcoming the odds wasn't something that just happened to those who share their stories. Each person took a very active role in overcoming their challenges, whether it was activating their faith or transforming their lifestyle. Rather than passively accepting their circumstances, they decided to transform them.The book is essential reading for anyone with cancer, their loved ones, and everyone else who wants inspiration to conquer their life challenges.

The Miracle & Tragedy of the Dionne Quintuplets: Five Children Who Captivated The Entire World

by Sarah Miller

In this riveting, beyond-belief true story from the author of The Borden Murders, meet the five children who captivated the entire world. <P><P>When the Dionne Quintuplets were born on May 28, 1934, weighing a grand total of just over 13 pounds, no one expected them to live so much as an hour. Overnight, Yvonne, Annette, Cécile, Émilie, and Marie Dionne mesmerized the globe, defying medical history with every breath they took. In an effort to protect them from hucksters and showmen, the Ontario government took custody of the five identical babies, sequestering them in a private, custom-built hospital across the road from their family--and then, in a stunning act of hypocrisy, proceeded to exploit them for the next nine years. <P><P>The Dionne Quintuplets became a more popular attraction than Niagara Falls, ogled through one-way screens by sightseers as they splashed in their wading pool at the center of a tourist hotspot known as Quintland. Here, Sarah Miller reconstructs their unprecedented upbringing with fresh depth and subtlety, bringing to new light their resilience and the indelible bond of their unique sisterhood.

The Miracle Typist

by Leon Silver

In the tradition of THE TATTOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ, a heartbreaking true story of love, loss and survival against all odds during the Second World war. Conscripted into the Polish army as Hitler&’s forces draw closer, Jewish soldier Tolek Klings vows to return to his wife, Klara, and son, Juliusz. However, the army is rife with anti-Semitism and Tolek is relentlessly tormented. As the Germans invade Poland, he is faced with a terrible dilemma: flee home to protect his family – and risk being shot as a deserter – or remain a soldier, hoping reports of women and children being spared by the occupying forces are true. What follows is an extraordinary odyssey that will take Tolek – via a daring escape from a Hungarian internment camp – to Palestine, where his ability to type earns him the title of &‘The Miracle Typist&’, then on to fight in Egypt, Tobruk and Italy. A broken telegram from Klara, ending with the haunting words, &‘We trouble&’, makes Tolek even more determined to find his way home and fulfil his promise. This heartbreakingly inspiring true story is brought vividly to life by Tolek&’s son-in-law, Melbourne writer Leon Silver.

The Miracle Worker: A Play

by William Gibson

NO ONE COULD REACH HER Twelve-year-old Helen Keller lived in a prison of silence and darkness. Born deaf, blind, and mute, with no way to express herself or comprehend those around her, she flew into primal rages against anyone who tried to help her, fighting tooth and nail with a strength born of furious, unknowing desperation. Then Annie Sullivan came. Half-blind herself, but possessing an almost fanatical determination, she would begin a frightening and incredibly moving struggle to tame the wild girl no one could reach, and bring Helen into the world at last....


by Marcy Heidish

Authors Note This is a novel: by definition a work of fiction. It is based on historical fact, derived from plentiful primary and secondary source material. It is necessary to remember, however, that this is not biography. Because the responsibilities of novels and biographies differ substantially, it is important to distinguish between the two forms. It is also important to note that this novel's narrator is fictional, not based on any priest who sat on the tribunal investigating the cure of Ann O'Neill. However, the recollections and materials of the Most Reverend F. Joseph Gossman have been very helpful in recreating the narrator's setting. Bishop Gossman was notary to the O'Neill tribunal. ...

Miracles Every Day

by Maura Poston Zagrans

God's Spirit is everywhere.Miracles Every Day is the story of Dr. Issam Nemeh, a Cleveland-based physician and devout Catholic who has prayed over tens of thousands of people from all faiths and all walks of life in the past two decades. The result? Miracles. Injuries healed, cancers cured, sight and hearing restored. Yet, as Dr. Nemeh will be the first to point out, "the miracles are just to get our attention." The healings do not originate from him, but from God. It is this humility and dedication to those in need that have won him the respect and trust of laypeople and religious leaders alike. This inspiring chronicle, beautifully told by author Maura Poston Zagrans, traces the lives of the doctor and his dedicated wife, Kathy, and brings us the uplifting stories of the many people who have been healed through one man's powerful faith. Miracles Every Day is a compelling reminder of God's individual and unconditional love for each one of us. Along the way you will meet the dedicated family members, volunteers, and clergy who support the Nemehs in their work. They speak of a ministry of hope, of lives changed and saved through not just the power of prayer, but through the awesome Spirit-driven power of love.

Miracles from Heaven: A Little Girl and Her Amazing Story of Healing

by Christy Wilson Beam

<P>In a remarkable true story of faith and blessings, a mother tells of her sickly young daughter, how she survived a dangerous accident, her visit to Heaven and the inexplicable disappearance of the symptoms of her chronic disease. <P>Annabel Beam spent most of her childhood in and out of hospitals with a rare and incurable digestive disorder that prevented her from ever living a normal, healthy life. <P>One sunny day when she was able to go outside and play with her sisters, she fell three stories headfirst inside an old, hollowed-out tree, a fall that may well have caused death or paralysis. <P>Implausibly, she survived without a scratch. While unconscious inside the tree, with rescue workers struggling to get to her, she visited heaven. After being released from the hospital, she defied science and was inexplicably cured of her chronic ailment. <P>MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN will change how we look at the world around us and reinforce our belief in God and the afterlife. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Miracles from Heaven: A Little Girl, Her Journey to Heaven and Her Amazing Story of Healing

by Christy Wilson Beam

Annabel Beam is one of three sisters raised in the Texas countryside by loving parents. But what should have been a happy, carefree childhood was blighted when Annabel developed a painful and seemingly incurable digestive disorder. Her parents spared no expense in the search for a cure, but medical experts assured them there was none. On a rare day when Annabel felt well enough to play outside, she was climbing an old hollowed-out tree when a branch snapped and she fell, head first, thirty feet down inside the tree. Miraculously, she survived the fall but was knocked unconscious. Rescued and later released from hospital, Annabel told her mother, 'you know I went to heaven when I was in that tree'. Annabel shared with her mother her amazing experience of talking to God, who told her that it wasn't her time and that she must go back. What happened next was the greatest miracle of all. Annabel was inexplicably cured of her illness and her doctors could offer no explanation. Written by Annabel's mother Christy, Miracles from Heaven is the story of a little girl's - and a family's - inspiring journey. Deeply moving and heartwarming, the book recounts the fateful day of the accident, Annabel's description of her time in heaven and her miraculous recovery. This is the story of how one family never gave up hope.

Miracles Happen: One Mother, One Daughter, One Journey

by Brooke Elison Jean Elison

At age eleven, Brooke Elison was hit by a car on her way home from school. As a result, she was permanently paralyzed. This is her memoir, and also the story of Jean Elison, her mother, who worked tirelessly to ensure that Brooke would be a successful woman. This story chronicles their lives over the ten years following the accident, telling of countless trials and triumphs, ending when Brooke graduated from Harvard.

Miracles Happen: One Mother, One Daughter, One Journey

by Brooke Ellison Jean Ellison

Brooke Ellison was the victim of an automobile accident that left her paralyzed from the neck down when she was eleven years old. Written with her mother, Jean, her closest companion, Brooke's story starts on the day that changed her life. This inspiring story is not just about one person, but about the heroics of a family.

Miracles of Life: Shanghai to Shepperton, An Autobiography

by J. G. Ballard China Miéville

A final statement from the greatest clairvoyant of twentieth-century literature. Never before published in America, this revelatory autobiography--hailed as "fascinating [and] amazingly lucid" (Guardian)--charts the remarkable story of James Graham Ballard, a man described by Martin Amis as "the most original English writer of the last century." Beginning with his Shanghai childhood, Miracles of Life guides us from the deprivations of Lunghua Camp during World War II, which provide the back story for his best-selling Empire of the Sun, to his arrival in war-torn England and his emergence as "the ideal chronicler of our disturbed modernity" (Observer). With prose of characteristic precision, Ballard movingly recalls his first attempts at science fiction, the 1970 American pulping of The Atrocity Exhibition--which sprang from his fascination with JFK conspiracy theories--and his life as a single father after the premature death of his wife. "This book should make yet more converts to a cause that Ballard's devotees have been pleading for years" (Independent).

Miracles of Spiritual Healing: Experiences of Visitors in Famous Casa de Dom Inacio

by Merja Sankelo

Casa de Dom Inacio is an internationally famous spiritual healing centre in Brazil. It was opened by Joao Teixeira de Farias about 40 years ago. Millions of people around the world have been visiting the place and got help for health problems and for other issues in their lives. The author of this book has also visited Casa three times and carried out a research on experiences of the visitors there, which are published in this book. Dr Sankelo tells also about her own experiences in Casa very openly in this excellent new book.

La mirada del historiador

by José Álvarez Junco

Santos Juliá ocupa un lugar central en la historiografía española contemporánea. Es autor de varios libros fundamentales, ha animado y coordinado trabajos colectivos y se ha convertido en uno de los historiadores más respetados dentro y fuera de nuestro país. Es un riguroso divulgador, crítico y polemista y, además, un creador de opinión. A lo largo de su carrera ha abordado los grandes temas de nuestra historia contemporánea. Y lo ha hecho de una manera personal y valiente. Un claro ejemplo, en definitiva, de coraje cívico. El resultado es una obra sólida, original e independiente, capaz de abrir nuevos caminos en el ámbito de la investigación y de generar un abundante caudal de reflexiones. En este libro, coordinado por José Álvarez Junco y Mercedes Cabrera y deliberadamente plural, convergen autores procedentes del ámbito de las ciencias sociales, la historia y el periodismo que han realizado un personal homenaje trazando una serie de semblanzas y analizando los temas centrales de la obra de uno de nuestros grandes intelectuales.

La mirada quieta: (de Pérez Galdós)

by Mario Vargas Llosa

BENITO PÉREZ GALDÓS POR MARIO VARGAS LLOSA El autor de los Episodios Nacionales, su obra y su tiempo a través de los ojos del Premio Nobel de Literatura «¿Fue un gran escritor? Lo fue. En el siglo xix y comienzos del xx, no hay ninguno de sus compatriotas que tenga semejante dedicación, inventiva, empeño y la soltura literaria de Pérez Galdós». Benito Pérez Galdós es un autor esencial en la literatura española contemporánea. En este ensayo, a partir del análisis de sus novelas, de sus obras teatrales y de los Episodios nacionales, Mario Vargas Llosa crea un perfil completo, personal y sugerente del escritor español. Nadie como el Nobel peruano es capaz de leer de manera tan sagaz y con tanta libertad y pasión la obra de un creador. Como el propio autor afirma en la introducción a La mirada quieta, «Galdós hizo lo que Balzac, Dickens y Zola hicieron en sus respectivas naciones: contar la historia y la realidad social de su país. Con sus Episodios estuvo en la línea de aquéllos, convirtiendo en materia literaria el pasado vivido, poniendo al alcance del gran público una versión quieta pero amena, bien escrita, con personajes vivos y documentación solvente, de un siglo decisivo en la historia española». La crítica ha dicho:«La escritura de Mario Vargas Llosa ha dado forma a nuestra imagen de Sudamérica y tiene su propio capítulo en la historia de la literatura contemporánea. En sus primeros años, fue un renovador de la novela, hoy, un poeta épico.»Per Wästberg, presidente del Comité Nobel «Entre nuestros contemporáneos, nadie mejor que el Premio Nobel de 2010 ha sido capaz de seducir amablemente a una gran masa de lectores contándoles historias llenas de sentido con una prosa tan bella como eficaz. Y con un dominio de las estrategias narrativas que la evolución de la literatura del siglo XX instrumentó para superar la manera de hacer novela en el siglo anterior.»Darío Villanueva «Sus libros contienen la más compleja, apasionada y persuasiva visión de la novela y del oficio de novelista de la que tengo noticia; también contienen el mejor estímulo que un novelista puede encontrar para escribir, un estímulo solo inferior al que contienen las propias novelas de Vargas Llosa.»Javier Cercas, El País

Mirage: Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt

by Nina Burleigh

Two hundred years ago, only the most reckless or eccentric Europeans had dared to traverse the unmapped territory of the modern-day Middle East. But in 1798, more than 150 French engineers, artists, doctors, and scientists—even a poet and a musicologist—traveled to the Nile Valley under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte and his invading army. Hazarding hunger, hardship, uncertainty, and disease, Napoleon's "savants" risked their lives in pursuit of discovery. The first large-scale interaction between Europeans and Muslims in the modern era, the audacious expedition was both a triumph and a disaster, resulting in finds of immense historical and scientific importance (including the ruins of the colossal pyramids and the Rosetta Stone) and in countless tragic deaths through plague, privation, madness, or violence.Acclaimed journalist Nina Burleigh brings readers back to the landmark adventure at the dawn of the modern era that ultimately revealed the deepest secrets of ancient Egypt to a curious continent.

The Mirage: A Modern Arabic Novel

by Naguib Mahfouz Nancy Roberts

A psychological study of the first order with a subtly Freudian flavor, The Mirage is the autobiographical account of Kamil Ruâ ba, a tortured soul who finds himself struggling unduly to cope with life's challenges. The internal torment and angst that dog him throughout his life and the tragic, ironic turns of events that overtake him as a young man are, to a great extent, the outworkings of his faulty upbringing. At the same time, they work together to drive home the novel's underlying theme: the illusory, undependable nature of the world in which we live and the call to seek, beyond the outward and the ephemeral, that which is inward and enduring. The narrative, full of pathos, draws the reader unwittingly into a vicarious experience of Kamil's agonies and ecstasies. As such, it is a specimen of Mahfou's prose at its finest.

The Mirage Factory: Illusion, Imagination, and the Invention of Los Angeles

by Gary Krist

From bestselling author Gary Krist, the story of the metropolis that never should have been and the visionaries who dreamed it into reality Little more than a century ago, the southern coast of California—bone-dry, harbor-less, isolated by deserts and mountain ranges—seemed destined to remain scrappy farmland. Then, as if overnight, one of the world’s iconic cities emerged. At the heart of Los Angeles’ meteoric rise were three flawed visionaries: William Mulholland, an immigrant ditch-digger turned self-taught engineer, designed the massive aqueduct that would make urban life here possible. D.W. Griffith, who transformed the motion picture from a vaudeville-house novelty into a cornerstone of American culture, gave L.A. its signature industry. And Aimee Semple McPherson, a charismatic evangelist who founded a religion, cemented the city’s identity as a center for spiritual exploration. All were masters of their craft, but also illusionists, of a kind. The images they conjured up—of a blossoming city in the desert, of a factory of celluloid dreamworks, of a community of seekers finding personal salvation under the California sun—were like mirages liable to evaporate on closer inspection. All three would pay a steep price to realize these dreams, in a crescendo of hubris, scandal, and catastrophic failure of design that threatened to topple each of their personal empires. Yet when the dust settled, the mirage that was LA remained. Spanning the years from 1900 to 1930, The Mirage Factory is the enthralling tale of an improbable city and the people who willed it into existence by pushing the limits of human engineering and imagination.

Mira'm als ulls: No és tan difícil entendre'ns

by Míriam Hatibi

«Vull per als meus fills un món que aposti per la convivència, la diversitat, la pluralitat i el diàleg, sense que ningú hagi de donar explicacions pels seus cognoms o les seves creences.» <P><P>Míriam Hatibi a La Vanguardia Què li passa al món? Què ens passa a nosaltres? A partir de la seva pròpia experiència, Míriam Hatibi relata, en primera persona, el descobriment de «ser diferent» i la construcció d'una identitat plural. En un to proper, amb enorme intel·ligència i agudesa, desmunta tòpics i estereotips sobre la diversitat, i reflexiona sobre els conceptes d'integració, assimilació, tolerància i convivència. En un moment en què les identitats han estat sacsejades per una profunda crisi, la crida de l'autora a obrir els ulls i a descobrir a l'altre -i alhora a nosaltres mateixos- és més necessària que mai. Perquè és urgent començar el diàleg que permetrà que tots ens entenguem. Davant el discurs del racisme i de l'odi, Míriam Hatibi deconstrueix el prejudici que pot arribar a fracturar innecessàriament la societat i alça barreres que són únicament mentals. I Mira'm als ulls constitueix, sobretot, la ferma defensa d'una societat oberta, presidida per l'intercanvi cultural i el respecte, que aposti per la convivència.

Mírame a los ojos: No es tan difícil entendernos

by Míriam Hatibi

«Quiero para mis hijos un mundo que apueste por la convivencia, la diversidad, la pluralidad y el diálogo, sin que nadie tenga que dar explicaciones por sus apellidos o creencias.»Míriam Hatibi en La Vanguardia ¿Qué le pasa al mundo? ¿Qué nos pasa a nosotros? <P><P>A partir de su propia experiencia, Míriam Hatibi relata en primera persona el descubrimiento de «ser diferente» y la construcción de una identidad plural. En un tono cercano, con inteligencia y agudeza, Hatibi desmonta tópicos y estereotipos sobre la diversidad, y reflexiona sobre los conceptos de integración y asimilación, tolerancia y convivencia. En un momento en que las identidades se ven sacudidas por una profunda crisis, este llamamiento a abrir los ojos y a descubrir al otro -y a la vez a nosotros mismos- es más necesario que nunca. Urge iniciar el diálogo que nos permitirá entendernos. Frente al discurso del racismo y del odio, Míriam Hatibi deconstruye el prejuicio que fractura a la sociedad alzando barreras mentales. <P><P>Mírame a los ojos es, sobre todo, la firme defensa de una sociedad abierta, basada en el intercambio cultural y el respeto, y que apueste por la convivencia. «Solo cuando sabes quién eres y cómo te defines, puedes decidir hacia dónde vas, diferenciar lo que está bien de lo que está mal, e incluso lo que te gusta y lo que no, lo que aceptas y lo que rechazas. »Se dice que los demás son el espejo en el que nos reflejamos. <P><P>Si yo me miro en mi propio espejo, soy MíriamHatibi, de Barcelona, ilerdense, española, catalana, marroquí y musulmana. Si me miro en el espejo de los demás, soy Míriam, inmigrante de segunda generación, como si la condición de inmigrante se pudiera heredar. Nuestros padres vinieron aquí a ganarse la vida sin hacer ruido. En cambio los hijos de los inmigrantes somos activos y reivindicativos. »Suelo decir que si fuera un hombre blanco disfrutaría de mucho más tiempo libre porque no tendría que estar justificándome constantemente. Pero también sé que si no hablo, hablarán por mí, y cuando hablan por mí, ya he visto cómo va la cosa. Por eso decido tomar la palabra.»

Mirame a los ojos

by Alberto Vega Salgado

Alberto Vega, el testimonio de su accidente y su vida posterior En 2006, el reconocido actor y profesor de teatro Alberto Vega sufrió un accidente en bicicleta que conmovió al país entero. El diagnóstico fue severo: la caída le provocó una lesión cerebral que lo llevó a perder la capacidad de movimiento y de habla, lo que se conoce como «síndrome de cautiverio». Sin embargo, Alberto Vega decidió continuar con su vida. Con My Tobii, un equipo computacional que le ayuda a escribir en una pantalla a través del movimiento de sus ojos, pudo comunicarse.Tuvo que superarse a sí mismo, con dificultad y una paciencia infinita, pero logró trabajar de nuevo en teatro, en cine y ahora en las letras. Mírame a los ojos es un verdadero canto a la esperanza y una enseñanza de que todo es posible.

Mírame bien: Memorias de Anjelica Huston

by Anjelica Huston

Las memorias de Anjelica Huston, uno de los iconos cinematográficos del siglo XX. Es la hija de John Huston, conoció de cerca a Carson McCullers, John Steibeck y Marlon Brando, posó para Richard Avedon y fue compañera sentimental de Jack Nicholson; interpreta papeles difíciles pisando fuerte y sin miedo al lado de directores como Woody Allen y Francis Ford Coppola... Eso es tanto como decir que Anjelica Huston ha vivido más de un chaparrón, pero su temperamento ha podido con todo y aquí está, dispuesta a contar su historia con talento y sentido del humor. Tenía veintinueve años e intentaba hacerse un hueco como actriz cuando el director Tony Richardson se compadeció de ella. Era una pena que tener tanto talento le sirviera de tan poco: nunca llegaría a nada. Fiel a su carácter, Anjelica se tomó las palabras de Richardson como un verdadero reto. Mientras le contestaba con un «quizás tengas razón», pensaba para sus adentros «mírame bien». Y eso es lo que no ha dejado de hacer durante toda su vida: ser una criatura que reclama la mirada ajena. Con una escritura franca, perspicaz y traviesa, la ex modelo y actriz se revela en estas memorias como una gran narradora dispuesta a revelar lo que ha descubierto de sí misma a lo largo de los años y a mostrar el lado más humano de una mujer apasionada. El escritor irlandés Colm Tóibín ha dicho...«Mírame bien son unas memorias brillantes, escritas con pasión y ganas de contar la verdad. Los recuerdos de su infancia en Irlanda y su juventud en Londres y Nueva York en los años sesenta son una auténtica joya.»

Miranda Mania: An Unauthorized Biography

by Lexi Ryals

Miranda Cosgrove is impossible to resist--she has two hit shows on Nickelodeon, iCarly and Drake & Josh, and her first single "Leave It All to Me" is a Hot 100 hit.<P><P> She's starred in movies like School of Rock and Yours, Mine & Ours and guest starred on some of the coolest shows on television.

Mircea Eliade: Journey East, Journey West, 1907–1937

by Mircea Eliade

"Here finally are Eliade's memoirs of the first thirty years of his life in Mac Linscott Rickett's crisp and lucid English translation. They present a fascinating account of the early development of a Renaissance talent, expressed in everything from daily and periodical journalism, realistic and fantastic fiction, and general nonfiction works to distinguished contributions to the history of religions. Autobiography follows an apparently amazingly candid report of this remarkable man's progression from a mischievous street urchin and literary prodigy, through his various love affairs, a decisive and traumatic Indian sojourn, and active, brilliant participation in pre-World War II Romanian cultural life."—Seymour Cain, Religious Studies Review

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