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Showing 40,526 through 40,550 of 64,786 results

Nabeel's Song: A Family Story of Survival in Iraq

by Jo Tatchell

NABEEL'S SONG is an epic true story of one family's experience of life before, during and after the regime of Saddam Hussein. Nabeel Yasin had an ordinary childhood, in a middle-class neighbourhood in 1950s Baghdad. He showed an early gift for poetry and as a young man became famous for it. But by the end of the 1970s Saddam's rise to power was encroaching on his life, and that of his family. Nabeel's brothers were arrested and he himself was denounced as an enemy of the state and fled Iraq in 1980. NABEEL'S SONG tells his story, and that of the family that he left behind; his matriarch of a mother Sabria, his four brothers and their rebellion against Saddam's regime, and his two sisters - all ordinary people living in extraordinary and difficult times. This is a moving family story of exile and endurance. 'Jo Tatchell's moving narrative, from Nabeel's mouth, tells of endurance, literary resistance and the courage of a loving, close-knit family opporessed by tyranny and war' The Times

Nabeel's Song: A Family Story of Survival in Iraq

by Jo Tatchell

NABEEL'S SONG is an epic true story of one family's experience of life before, during and after the regime of Saddam Hussein. Nabeel Yasin had an ordinary childhood, in a middle-class neighbourhood in 1950s Baghdad. He showed an early gift for poetry and as a young man became famous for it. But by the end of the 1970s Saddam's rise to power was encroaching on his life, and that of his family. Nabeel's brothers were arrested and he himself was denounced as an enemy of the state and fled Iraq in 1980. NABEEL'S SONG tells his story, and that of the family that he left behind; his matriarch of a mother Sabria, his four brothers and their rebellion against Saddam's regime, and his two sisters - all ordinary people living in extraordinary and difficult times. This is a moving family story of exile and endurance. 'Jo Tatchell's moving narrative, from Nabeel's mouth, tells of endurance, literary resistance and the courage of a loving, close-knit family opporessed by tyranny and war' The Times

Nabih Berri and Lebanese Politics

by Omri Nir

Nabih Barri is a key figure in the Lebanese and Shi'ite politics for the last three decades. As the leader of the Shi'ite Amal movement since 1980 and as the Lebanese Speaker since 1992, Barri played a major role in all political events and processes in Lebanon between the early 1980's and today, including the current severe Lebanese crisis.

Nabokov: The Mystery of Literary Structures

by Leona Toker

Vladimir Nabokov described the literature course he taught at Cornell as "a kind of detective investigation of the mystery of literary structures." Leona Toker here pursues a similar investigation of the enigmatic structures of Nabokov's own fiction. According to Toker, most previous critics stressed either Nabokov’s concern with form or the humanistic side of his works, but rarely if ever the two together. In sensitive and revealing readings of ten novels, Toker demonstrates that the need to reconcile the human element with aesthetic or metaphysical pursuits is a constant theme of Nabokov’s and that the tension between technique and content is itself a key to his fiction. Written with verve and precision, Toker’s book begins with Pnin and follows the circular pattern that is one of her subject’s own favored devices.

Nabokov and the Real World: Between Appreciation and Defense

by Robert Alter

From award-winning literary scholar Robert Alter, a masterful exploration of how Nabokov used artifice to evoke the dilemmas, pain, and exaltation of the human conditionAdmirers and detractors of Vladimir Nabokov have viewed him as an ingenious contriver of literary games, teasing and even outsmarting his readers through his self-reflexive artifice and the many codes and puzzles he devises in his fiction. Nabokov himself spoke a number of times about reality as a term that always has to be put in scare quotes. Consequently, many critics and readers have thought of him as a writer uninterested in the world outside literature. Robert Alter shows how Nabokov was passionately concerned with the real world and its complexities, from love and loss to exile, freedom, and the impact of contemporary politics on our lives.In these illuminating and exquisitely written essays, Alter spans the breadth of Nabokov's writings, from his memoir, lectures, and short stories to major novels such as Lolita. He demonstrates how the self-reflexivity of Nabokov's fiction becomes a vehicle for expressing very real concerns. What emerges is a portrait of a brilliant stylist who is at once serious and playful, who cared deeply about human relationships and the burden of loss, and who was acutely sensitive to the ways political ideologies can distort human values.Offering timeless insights into literature’s most fabulous artificer, Nabokov and the Real World makes an elegant and compelling case for Nabokov's relevance today.

Nací para ser breve: María Elena Walsh. El arte, la pasión, la historia, el amor

by Gabriela Massuh

Nací para ser breve se transforma en una máquina delicada y precisa, que da cuenta -mientras vela, mientras desnuda- de las particularidades del mundo intelectual porteño desde los años cincuenta y, más allá, de la historia social del país en el siglo XX. Pero también de una mirada profunda sobre los vínculos. En la intimidad, aquellos encuentros en los que repasaban tarde a tarde su vida intelectual, artística y afectiva fueron un subterfugio para superar el dolor y la incertidumbre. Massuh pregunta para estar cerca de la persona querida. Pregunta porque la intrigan las formas que toma el talento en un artista. Pregunta porque en esas respuestas parece estar no solo el modo de entenderla, sino también la clave de la propia búsqueda existencial. Las grabaciones, transcriptas a páginas oficio, revisadas de puño y letra por la protagonista y guardadas durante décadas en cajas, esperaron el tiempo propicio para la relectura. Enlazados amorosamente las ideas y los recuerdos de ambas, Nací para ser breve se transforma en una máquina delicada y precisa, que da cuenta -mientras vela, mientras desnuda- de las particularidades del mundo intelectual porteño desde los años cincuenta y, más allá, de la historia social del país en el siglo XX. Pero también de una mirada profunda sobre los vínculos. Porque, como dice la autora de este libro, "no hay nada más desgarrador que revivir la juventud en voces o imágenes que dan constancia de la inexorable materia de la que estamos hechos: el tiempo".

Nacidos para Correr

by Christopher McDougall

Una aventura épica que comenzó con una simple pregunta: ¿Por qué me duele el pie? Aislados por las peligrosas Barrancas de Cobre en México, los apacibles indios Tarahumara han perfeccionado durante siglos la capacidad de correr cientos de millas sin descanso ni lesiones. En este fascinante relato, el prestigioso periodista y corredor habitualmente lesionado Christopher McDougall sale a descubrir sus secretos. En el proceso, nos lleva de los laboratorios de Harvard a los tórridos valles y las gélidas montañas de Norte América, donde los cada vez más numerosos ultra corredores están empujando sus cuerpos al límite, y finalmente a una vibrante carrera en las Barrancas de Cobre entre los mejores ultra corredores americanos y los sencillos Tarahumara. Esta increíble historia no solo despertará tu mente; además inspirará tu cuerpo cuando te des cuenta de que, de hecho, todos hemos nacido para correr.

Nacidos para correr

by Christopher Mcdougall

En busca de una respuesta, Christopher MacDougall se encuentra con la tribu de los mejores corredores de larga distancia del mundo. Aislados por el terreno más abrupto de América del Norte, los misteriosos tarahumaras de las barrancas del cobre en México son los guardianes de un arte perdido. Durante siglos han seguido técnicas que les permiten correr cientosde kilómetros sin descanso y perseguir desde un ciervo hasta un maratoniano olímpico y disfrutar de ello. Con ingenio y sabiduría, MacDougall va de los laboratorios más avanzados de Harvard a los valles soleados y los picos nevados donde cada vez más corredores empujan hasta el límite sus cuerpos. El secreto de la felicidad está a tus pies.

Nacidos para ser héroes

by Christopher Mcdougall

El autor de Nacidos para correr viaja hasta la cuna de la civilización occidental y descubre que los secretos de los héroes de la Antigüedad siguen vivos en la isla de Creta, preparados para servir a los músculos y las mentes de atletas y aspirantes a héroes de todo el mundo. Los griegos creían que cualquier persona podía desbloquear un potencial sobrehumano activando los tres pilares del heroísmo: la habilidad, la fuerza y la compasión. Y tenían razón. Se puede. Tras la ultra maratón por las Barrancas del Cobre, Christopher McDougall encuentra su siguiente aventura en las escarpadas montañas de Creta, donde un grupo de guerrilleros de la Resistencia planearon el secuestro de un general nazi durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. ¿Cómo un artista arruinado, un joven pastor y un poeta bohemio creyeron que podrían llevar a cabo semejante hazaña de fuerza y resistencia, y lograron esconder al general alemán de miles de soldados nazis con solo su ingenio y su valentía? McDougall viaja hasta la isla para seguir sus pasos y encontrar la respuesta, para experimentar de primera mano los extraordinarios retos físicos que tuvieron que afrontar los combatientes de la Resistencia y sus aliados locales. En Creta, cuna de héroes griegos clásicos como Hércules o Ulises, McDougall descubre cuáles son las herramientas del héroe: movimientos naturales, una resistencia extraordinaria, y una nutrición eficiente. Todas estas habilidades siguen en práctica hoy día en pequeños reductos dispersos por el mundo. Nacidos para ser héroes es una investigación fascinante acerca del arte perdido del héroe que nos lleva desde las calles de Londres a medianoche hasta el amanecer en las playas de Brasil, desde las montañas de Colorado al patio de McDougall en Pennsylvania, lugares donde atletas modernos perfeccionan técnicas antiguas para ser capaces de todo. Del mismo modo que Nacidos para correr animó a miles de lectores a dejar la cinta, quitarse las zapatillas y salir a la naturaleza, Nacidos para ser héroes les motivará para dejar el gimnasio y hacer sus ejercicios al aire libre: trepar, nadar, saltar y lanzarse hacia sus propias hazañas.

Nada: A Novel (Modern Library Torchbearers #Vol. 1009)

by Carmen Laforet

Renowned as Spain&’s The Catcher in the Rye, this passionate coming-of-age novel follows a rebellious college-age girl as she uncovers her family&’s secrets in chaotic, polarized, post-Civil War Barcelona. Andrea, an eighteen-year-old orphan, moves in with her volatile Barcelona relatives to attend the local University. Living in genteel squalor in a mysterious house on Calle de Aribau, Andrea relies on her wealthy, beautiful, bohemian friend Ena to prove that normal life exists beyond the gothic dwelling she calls home. In one year, as her innocence melts away, Andrea learns the truth about her overbearing and religious Aunt Angustias, her cruelly sensual, musically gifted uncle Román and his violent brother Juan, and her lovely Aunt Gloria, who provides the family's bread with furtive gambling expeditions. She also learns the truth about Ena—and why her friendship goes hand in hand with her interest in Andrea&’s family. Peppered with dark humor, energy, and hope, Carmen Laforet's stunning classic is the story of a young woman who endures the harsh realities of post-Civil War Barcelona, emerging wiser and stronger, and with a bright future ahead of her.

Nada que perdonar: Crónicas facinerosas

by J. M. Servín

Nada que perdonar oscila entre la autobiografía y la crónica patibularia de las ciudades que han enmarcado las experiencias vitales de un autodidacta de origen proletario. Del «Infiernavit» de Iztacalco que marcó su infancia y adolescencia entre páginas de libros, desempleo y ambientes rufianescos, a la glamorosa ciudad de París donde vivió algunos años aferrado a trabajos ocasionales como jornalero, este libro narra las experiencias que convirtieron a J. M. Servín en un escritor que expresa como pocos la voz de los excluidos. Sobre todas las cosas, son testimonios picarescos de aprendizaje sostenido en la literatura de alguien que escribe, no sin ironía, por la pura necesidad de contar cómo se ve la vida al límite. A decir del autor: «Para mí es fundamental sustraer de la cotidianidad todos aquellos elementos que la hacen insufrible, cruel y nos sumergen en el hastío [...] Me entrego a la desazón y al dolor de la misma manera en que me entrego al placer. Lo que queda es lo que escribo». «El poder adversario de la forma de relatar de J. M. Servín es algo excepcional en las letras de lengua española. Refiere el lado oscuro de la vida, las pulsiones, la supervivencia, la sustancia negativa que encubre lo cotidiano» Sergio González Rodríguez

Nadella: The Changing Face of Microsoft

by Jagmohan S. Bhanver

A concise, insightful account of Satya Nadella the man and the professional, and what his appointment as the third CEO of Microsoft means for the future of the tech industry The appointment of Satya Nadella, the man from Hyderabad, as CEO of Microsoft Corp. has sent waves of curiosity, speculation and expectation through the tech world at home and abroad. What drives the man chosen to lead tech giant Microsoft into the future? What does Nadella?s appointment in particular herald for Microsoft and, indeed, for the tech industry as a whole? Nadella: The Changing Face of Microsoft brings together reportage, interviews and analysis to provide a comprehensive look at: ? Nadella?s years of growing up in Hyderabad ? his family, education and early influences; ? Microsoft?s recent history, with particular emphasis on the organization?s functioning and fortunes during the Ballmer era; ? Nadella?s constant engagement with innovation, his stellar achievements and rise within Microsoft?s ranks; ? Events within the organization that led to Nadella?s appointment, including an overview of the closest contenders for the post; ? The challenges and opportunities ahead for the Indian-born CEO of the fourth largest company in the world. Engaging and informative, this book will enlighten as much as it will inspire.'

Nadia: The Girl Who Couldn't Sit Still

by Christine Davenier Karlin Gray

Nadia Comaneci was a feisty and fearless little girl who went from climbing trees in the forests of Romania to swinging into history at the 1976 Olympic Games, where she received an unprecedented seven perfect scores in gymnastics. But as readers will see in this first-ever illustrated picture book about Nadia’s journey to Olympic gold, the road from small-town girl to world-class athlete was full of many imperfect moments. Expert illustrations that capture the energy and fluidity of Nadia's exuberant gymnastic routines and referential back matter round out this inspirational story of determination and overcoming adversity. A perfect 10.

Nadia Boulanger and Her World (Bard Music Festival)

by Jeanice Brooks

Nadia Boulanger (1887–1979) was arguably one of the most iconic figures in twentieth-century music, and certainly among the most prominent musicians of her time. For many composers— especially Americans from Aaron Copland to Philip Glass—studying with Boulanger in Paris or Fontainebleau was a formative moment in a creative career. Composer, performer, conductor, impresario, and charismatic and inspirational teacher, Boulanger engaged in a vast array of activities in a variety of media, from private composition lessons and lecture-recitals to radio broadcasts, recordings, and public performances. But how to define and account for Boulanger’s impact on the music world is still unclear. Nadia Boulanger and Her World takes us from a time in the late nineteenth century, when many careers in music were almost entirely closed to women, to the moment in the late twentieth century when those careers were becoming a reality. Contributors consider Boulanger’s work in the worlds of composition, musical analysis, and pedagogy and explore the geographies of transatlantic and international exchange and disruption within which her career unfolded. Ultimately, this volume takes its title as a topic for exploration—asking what worlds Boulanger belonged to, and in what sense we can consider any of them to be “hers.”

Nadia Comaneci

by Gloria D. Miklowitz

This is a book about Nadia Comaneci, the first person in gymnastic history to score a perfect ten in the Olympic games. It highlights her life, as well as the history with legendary gymnastic coach Bela Karolyi.

Nadie Escuchó Mi Llanto

by Raúl López Martínez Isabel Cano

Una historia verdadera de la Guerra Civil Española Un relato verídico de la vida de Isabel Cano después de la Guerra Civil Española. Muerte, hambre, guerra y peleas familiares llevan a una vida de incertidumbre y depresión, de la cual Isabel apenas regresa del borde. Ella debe decidir que la vida tiene más que memorias acehantes, dudas en inquietudes.

Nadie supo nada

by Jorge Fernández Menéndez

Un empresario legendario. Un asesinato que sigue impune. Cuarenta y seis años de dudas y una herida que sigue abierta en la sociedad mexicana. El 17 de septiembre de 1973 fue asesinado en Monterrey Eugenio Garza Sada, presidente del Consorcio Industrial Cervecería, corazón del llamado grupo Monterrey, sin duda el empresario más importante de su generación. Desde entonces hasta hoy no ha existido una versión oficial convincente sobre lo ocurrido aquel día. Por esta razón, entre otras, esa herida sigue abierta. La muerte de Garza Sada es uno de los capítulos más oscuros de nuestra historia, en el que se engarzan desde la aventura política de grupos armados radicales hasta especulaciones políticas del poder para restarle espacio a la iniciativa privada regiomontana, que había crecido con principios ideológicos diferentes de los del centro del país. Desde un año y medio antes del homicidio, la entonces Dirección Federal de Seguridad tenía conocimiento de quiénes integraban el comando que planeaba el secuestro de Garza Sada para obtener cinco millones de pesos y la liberación de un grupo de presos políticos. Los documentos que sustentan este libro confirman que el gobierno de Luis Echeverría sabía que se cometería el secuestro de Garza Sada. En esta edición, ampliada y actualizada, logra entenderse por qué el homicidio de Garza Sada sigue doliendo hoy día: por qué importa tento y qué pierde el país al mantener impunes crímenes así.

Nadine Gordimer's Fiction: Transitional Phases in South African History, Politics and Society

by Syeda Faiqa Mazhar

Nadine Gordimer’s Fiction is a major study of the life and writings of Nadine Gordimer, a towering figure in the literary and cultural life of South Africa in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, recognised for her fiction through several prizes, most notably the 1991 Nobel Prize for Literature. It has the makings of a guide, taking the reader through the complexities in Gordimer’s life, literature, and society, backed by academic research (doctoral and postdoctoral) and informed by Dr. Mazhar’s study visit to South Africa, including a face-to-face interview with Gordimer. The reader gets a rich picture mediated by the author’s own intellectual journey from Pakistan – the country of her birth – and the United Kingdom. Dr. Mazhar maps the complexities of colonialism in South Africa and beyond in different forms, most notably in the legislated discrimination based on race/ethnicity, Apartheid (1948–1994). Covering the literary writings and political activism of Gordimer both during and after Apartheid, the book provides the reader with a detailed account of individual works of fiction, and vistas of critical thought and action that serve as their source and backdrop. Dr. Mazhar draws on the cultural theories of Homi Bhabha, especially on the notion of The Third Space, a fictional space/borderland between social and political polarisations, which allows for reflection, refinement, and re-action that is transformational and psychologically uplifting. She demonstrates that Gordimer takes her characters through such spaces, which allow for a transformational experience that leads to perspectives/realisations that were missing as a result of constraints that were externally imposed by law and tradition and interiorised as a survival mode. Dr. Mazhar concludes that Gordimer gracefully articulates her vision for a world free of complexities, which one must strive for. Although the book presents the academic analysis of Gordimer‘s fiction and the memoir as separate parts, there are organic connections between the two, which link the social ethos, political struggles, varied ideological perspectives, and ethnic and trans-ethnic identities from which Gordimer draws her subjects and their lives and depicts them through appropriate narrative techniques. Nadine Gordimer’s Fiction is a welcome addition to books on author studies, literary criticism, and South African culture and society. It offers excellent material for both academic and non-academic readers. The style of writing used in the book is clear and simple, yet powerful. This can help the reader to appreciate the enormous achievement of Gordimer, which has established her as a major literary figure in South Africa and beyond. Dr. Balasubramanyam Chandramohan PhD (Shef), FHEA, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London

Nadya Vessey: Mermaid (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Red #Level N)

by Katy Duffield

Fake or real? Mermaids glide gracefully through the water. They flip their beautiful tails. But wait - mermaids aren't real, are they?

Nailed!: The Improbable Rise and Spectacular Fall of Lenny Dykstra

by Christopher Frankie

Nailed! is a dramatic biography of Lenny Dykstra-the heroic center fielder for the New York Mets and Philadelphia Phillies in the ’80s and ’90s whose gritty play earned him the nickname "Nails. ” Dykstra’s unlikely post-baseball rise in the business world is a success story that is only matched by the sordid tale of his ultimate downfall. From famously receiving financial guru Jim Cramer’s ringing endorsement as "one of the best” stock prognosticators, to hanging out with Charlie Sheen and numerous prostitutes, to holding court in his $15 million California home, Dykstra lived a highflying lifestyle. He was the toast of the business world before his litany of crimes were detected and his empire began to unravel in 2009, leading to a conviction and prison sentence in 2012 with more charges pending. Through compelling storytelling supported by extensive research and documentation-including interviews with many of Dykstra’s friends, family, and business associates-Nailed! Peels back the layers of this onion to reveal that the criminal charges of grand theft auto, identity theft, vandalism, lewd behavior, sexual assault, and more are just the tip of the iceberg. This is an engaging read of a sports and business hero gone bad.

Nailing It: How History's Awesome Twentysomethings Got It Together

by Robert L. Dilenschneider

Mozart * Mary Shelley * Honore Daumier * Ulysses S. Grant * Einstein * Othmar Ammann * Helen Keller When you&’re in your twenties, life can seem full of obstacles. Where&’s that glorious career you dreamed of? How can you make your way past student debt, economic uncertainty, and other challenges of adulting? Respected advisor Robert L. Dilenschneider takes you into the pages of history to show how 25 fascinating and diverse twenty-somethings found their way and created their legacies.Elizabeth Kenny * Branch Rickey * Jackie Robinson * Coco Chanel * Golda Meir *Roberto Marinho * Do you think Albert Einstein had his science career together by his mid-20s? Actually, he was a clerk in a patent office. Maya Angelou became a beloved, acclaimed poet and writer after a string of odd jobs during her young adulthood. Steve Jobs was at the top of his game by age 25. But his beginnings were marked by adoption, displacement, bullying, and many more challenges lay ahead. This absorbing book examines the trajectories of iconic figures to reveal the choices that enabled them to fulfill their potential. Rita Levi-Montalcini * Edith Piaf * I.M. Pei * Akio Morita * Maria Tallchief * Maya Angelou * For those who are coming of age now, and for those who care about them and their futures, these eye-opening time capsules provide inspiration, instruction, and encouragement. Audrey Hepburn * Rudolf Nureyev * Sally Ride* Christa McAuliffe * Steve Jobs * Jean-Michel Basquiat Foreword by U.S. Ambassador Donald Blinken

Nailing It

by Rich Hall

'An uproariously funny collection of true stories from one of the comedy greats' - BILL BAILEY'I loved this book. Absolutely adored it. I devoured it and savoured every word. A wild and wonderful love letter to comedy' - ADAM HILLS'It's rare for comedians to be as funny on paper as they are on stage, but Rich Hall nails it' - CARL HIAASENA collection of hilarious and often absurd epiphanies in the legendary comedian's life that defined him - more in a for worse than for better kind of way - and all delivered in his unique deadpan style. Growing up, Rich Hall aspired to be a writer, and after school he trained to be a journalist. But after a stint at the Knoxville News Sentinel in Tennessee, he found himself trying to impress a girl by doing a one-man show in a state university campus in Kansas, armed with a bucket, a loudhailer and some dog biscuits. It wasn't exactly a triumph, and he didn't get the girl, but he had found his true calling.Nailing It is a collection of true stories from both Hall's professional and personal life where he really had to nail it. They're not about glitz, or fame, or how he met his seventh wife at the rehab clinic and found spiritual direction. None of that happened to him.They're about accidentally melting Kraft cheese at his first Edinburgh Fringe Festival, alienating an entire convention of RV holiday-makers in Las Vegas, singing The Who's 'You Better You Bet' at a charity gig and turning his performance into a legendary rock 'n' roll disaster, and attempting to seduce Karen, which must have been successful because she is now his wife. And other such escapades.Hall doesn't always come out of them all covered in glory - far from it - but if someone propped him up at the end of the comedy bar and put a 50p coin in him, these are the tunes he would spin. And you'd be laughing all night.

Nailing It

by Rich Hall

'An uproariously funny collection of true stories from one of the comedy greats' - BILL BAILEY'I loved this book. Absolutely adored it. I devoured it and savoured every word. A wild and wonderful love letter to comedy' - ADAM HILLS'It's rare for comedians to be as funny on paper as they are on stage, but Rich Hall nails it' - CARL HIAASENA collection of hilarious and often absurd epiphanies in the legendary comedian's life that defined him - more in a for worse than for better kind of way - and all delivered in his unique deadpan style. Growing up, Rich Hall aspired to be a writer, and after school he trained to be a journalist. But after a stint at the Knoxville News Sentinel in Tennessee, he found himself trying to impress a girl by doing a one-man show in a state university campus in Kansas, armed with a bucket, a loudhailer and some dog biscuits. It wasn't exactly a triumph, and he didn't get the girl, but he had found his true calling.Nailing It is a collection of true stories from both Hall's professional and personal life where he really had to nail it. They're not about glitz, or fame, or how he met his seventh wife at the rehab clinic and found spiritual direction. None of that happened to him.They're about accidentally melting Kraft cheese at his first Edinburgh Fringe Festival, alienating an entire convention of RV holiday-makers in Las Vegas, singing The Who's 'You Better You Bet' at a charity gig and turning his performance into a legendary rock 'n' roll disaster, and attempting to seduce Karen, which must have been successful because she is now his wife. And other such escapades.Hall doesn't always come out of them all covered in glory - far from it - but if someone propped him up at the end of the comedy bar and put a 50p coin in him, these are the tunes he would spin. And you'd be laughing all night.

Nailing It

by Rich Hall

'An uproariously funny collection of true stories from one of the comedy greats' - BILL BAILEYA collection of hilarious and often absurd epiphanies in the legendary comedian's life that defined him - more in a for worse than for better kind of way - and all delivered in his unique deadpan style. Growing up, Rich Hall aspired to be a writer, and after school he trained to be a journalist. But after a stint at the Knoxville News Sentinel in Tennessee, he found himself trying to impress a girl by doing a one-man show in a state university campus in Kansas, armed with a bucket, a loudhailer and some dog biscuits. It wasn't exactly a triumph, and he didn't get the girl, but he had found his true calling.Nailing It is a collection of true stories from both Hall's professional and personal life where he really had to nail it. They're not about glitz, or fame, or how he met his seventh wife at the rehab clinic and found spiritual direction. None of that happened to him.They're about accidentally melting Kraft cheese at his first Edinburgh Fringe Festival, alienating an entire convention of RV holiday-makers in Las Vegas, singing The Who's 'You Better You Bet' at a charity gig and turning his performance into a legendary rock 'n' roll disaster, and attempting to seduce Karen, which must have been successful because she is now his wife. And other such escapades.Hall doesn't always come out of them all covered in glory - far from it - but if someone propped him up at the end of the comedy bar and put a 50p coin in him, these are the tunes he would spin. And you'd be laughing all night.(P) 2022 Quercus Editions Limited

Naked: On Sex, Work, and Other Burlesques

by Fancy Feast

In Naked, a celebrated burlesque performer, sex educator, and social worker bares it all, with incisive and hilarious essays about selling, performing, and consuming desire. Fancy Feast draws back the curtain to reveal a world that most denizens of the daytime never see. Part exclusive backstage pass, part long-form literary striptease, these essays confront our culture&’s tightly held beliefs—like so many clutched pearls—about sex, communication, power, and the messiness of life on the margins of respectability. In &“Dildo Lady,&” Fancy recounts her time compensating for the failures of the American sex education system while working retail at a sex toy store. In &“Doing Yourself,&” Fancy tackles fatphobia and dating, self-love, and fantasies. In &“Yes/No/Maybe,&” Fancy brings the reader from sex parties to polyamorous relationships as she contrasts the undeniable sexiness of enthusiastic consent with the devastating effects of miscommunication and entitlement. Fancy Feast does this all as a fat woman who makes a living taking off her clothes—a triumphant punch-back at a culture that wants fat people to be self-hating or sexless. For fans of Lindy West and Melissa Febos, Naked is by turns splashy, vulnerable, and always powerful.

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