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No More Tomorrows: The Compelling True Story of a Young Woman Sentenced to Twenty Years in a Hellhole Bali Prison

by Kathryn Bonella Schapelle Corby

It was meant to be a two-week holiday in paradise to celebrate her sister's birthday, but for Schapelle Corby it ended in every traveller's darkest nightmare. She stepped off the plane and into a world of hell after Bali customs officers discovered 4.2 kilos of marijuana in her bag. Her dazzling blue eyes and cries of innocence while facing a possible death sentence turned her into a celebrity overnight. The media couldn't get enough. Months later, in a humid Bali courtroom brimming with media, her family watched in horror as the judge sentenced her to 20 years in the notorious Bali prison dubbed Hotel K.Inside, Schapelle suffered the unimaginable; living in a tiny rat-infested concrete cell, surrounded by daily suicides, murders, brutal bashings and overdoses. Outside her family fought tirelessly to prove her innocence. In this updated edition, Schapelle describes in intimate detail of how she descended into madness and ultimately found strength and her way home. Written with bestselling author Kathryn Bonella, this is an utterly compelling and unsettling tale that you won't be able to put down.

No More Tomorrows: Two Lives, Two Stories, One Love

by Rodney Lofton

No More Tomorrows is a touching love story of two men (one HIV Positive, one HIV Negative) and the impact of living and loving in the age of AIDS.

No More Words

by Reeve Lindbergh

In 1999 Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the famed aviator and author, moved from her home in Connecticut to the farm in Vermont where her daughter, Reeve, and Reeve's family live. Mrs. Lindbergh was in her nineties and had been rendered nearly speechless years earlier by a series of small strokes that also left her frail and dependent on others for her care. No More Words is a moving and compassionate memoir by Reeve Lindbergh of the final seventeen months of her mother's life. Reeve Lindbergh is an accomplished author who had learned to write in part by reading her mother's many books -- among them the international bestseller Gift from the Sea -- and also by absorbing her mother's careful and intimate way of examining the world around her. So Reeve's inability to communicate with her mother, a woman long recognized in her family and throughout the world as a gifted communicator, left her daughter deeply saddened and frustrated. Worse, from time to time Mrs. Lindbergh would offer a comment or observation that seemed harsh, shocking, or simply unrelated to the events around her, leaving Reeve anxious and distressed about what her mother might be thinking. Anyone who has had to care for an elderly parent disabled by Alzheimer's or stroke will understand immediately the heartache and anguish Reeve suffered. Reeve writes with great sensitivity and sympathy for her mother's plight, while also analyzing her own conflicting feelings. Mrs. Lindbergh was fortunate to have full-time care, but a tremendous emotional burden still fell on Reeve. And even as she worried about her mother's long silences and enigmatic remarks, and monitored her daily care, Reeve had her husband and son to look after. But mixed with the sadness and responsibility were moments of humor and happiness, and even an eventual understanding, all the more treasured for being so unexpected. No More Words is a tender tribute from daughter to mother, from one writer to another who was her model and mentor. It is a loving and poignant work, rich with insight into life's final stage.

No Mountain High Enough

by Linda Armstrong Kelly Joni Rodgers

From the mother of champion cyclist Lance Armstrong—an extraordinary story of the resilience of the human spirit and the remarkable effect of great parenting. Lance Armstrong has dazzled the world with his six straight Tour de France championships, his winning personality, and his poignant victory over life-threatening cancer. Yet the adage that "behind every strong man there is a stronger woman" has never been more true than in Lance’s case. His mother, Linda Armstrong Kelly, is a force of nature whose determination, optimism, and sheerjoie de vivrenot only nurtured one of our era’s greatest athletes but fueled her own transformation from a poverty-stricken teen in the Dallas projects to a powerful role model for mothers everywhere. This luminous memoir, written with humor and compassion, tells Linda’s story of survival. Pregnant at age seventeen, kicked out of her home, and mired in an abusive relationship, Linda was a perfect candidate for disaster. But armed with a fierce belief in herself as a work in progress, and buoyed by a tidal wave of love for her little boy, Linda flouted statistics and became both a corner-office executive and a no-nonsense, empowering mom whose desire to excel was contagious. Her resolve to find “the diamond in the Dumpster, the blessing in every bummer” set an extraordinary example for Lance—and will inspire everyday moms to dream big and make a difference. Funny, resonant, down-to-earth, and utterly unforgettable,No Mountain High Enoughis exhilarating proof that sheer willpower can—and occasionally does—triumph over adversity. From Linda Armstrong Kelly’sNo Mountain High Enough: “This is what it means to be a mother, I realized. It had nothing to do with being old enough or knowing everything or keeping to a strict schedule. It had to do with loving someone with a love so huge, the rest of the world becomes insignificant by comparison. No fear I felt would ever amount to anything, compared to what I felt for my child. No task would ever be too hard for me. No one would ever be able to make me feel small. I wasThe Mama. You don’t get any bigger than that. ”

No Name in the Street: Notes Of A Native Son / Nobody Knows My Name / The Fire Next Time / No Name In The Street / The Devil Finds Work (Vintage International #1)

by James Baldwin

From one of the most important American writers of the twentieth century—an extraordinary history of the turbulent sixties and early seventies that powerfully speaks to contemporary conversations around racism. &“It contains truth that cannot be denied.&” —The Atlantic MonthlyIn this stunningly personal document, James Baldwin remembers in vivid details the Harlem childhood that shaped his early conciousness and the later events that scored his heart with pain—the murders of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, his sojourns in Europe and in Hollywood, and his retum to the American South to confront a violent America face-to-face.

No, no está bien. Está mal: Una pasión argentina por la ciencia (y por el arte y la política)

by Alberto Kornblihtt

Testimonio absolutamente personal del científico argentino más reconocido en el mundo que da cuenta de su pasión por la investigación, pero también de su amor por el cine, la literatura y la música, sus obsesiones personales, su historia, su participación en la esfera pública y su reivindicación de la política. Alberto Kornblihtt le dijo "No, no está bien. Está mal" a la senadora Silvia Elías de Pérez, en el marco de las audiencias públicas previas al debate en el Congreso de la Nación de la ahora ley 27.610 de acceso a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. Antes de que terminara su exposición esa frase se había viralizado en las redes sociales: la oposición entre conocimiento y charlatanismo se convertía en "meme". Pero ¿quién era ese profesor universitario que con información científica y razonamiento lógico mientras expresaba su apoyo a un proyecto restituía algo de valor a la argumentación y al saber en tiempos de eslóganes y perogrulladas? Este libro absolutamente personal responde esa pregunta; presenta a uno de los científicos argentinos con más prestigio en el mundo en su faceta más humana (y, por qué no, humanista). Aquí aparecen, en primera persona, el Kornblihtt apasionado por la literatura, la música y el cine; el que se permite exponer su subjetividad y contar su historia personal y familiar; el que ejerce ciudadanía a través de sus intervenciones en la esfera pública y su reivindicación de la política y, sobre todo, el que da testimonio con su propia vida del valor social de la reflexión y el pensamiento críticos.

No, no regrets

by Lázaro Droznes Rafael C. Osorio Mtz.

Edith Piaf is one of the more lasting myths of the French and world music. Born literally in the street, she developed a carree as singer and composer that took her to be a world figure of excepcional relevance. This show is a recreation of the historic recitals of the Olympia intercut with stories and anecdotes of her life that reflect her deep love for the music, for the live and for the men. She lived her life always on the limits, defying everything and risking everything. She lived as she sang: forcing her little body to the extreme of her posibilities. And she didn’t regret

No, Non Mi Pento di Nulla: Vita e canzoni di Edith Piaf

by Lazaro Droznes

Edith Piaf è uno dei miti più duraturi della musica francese e mondiale. Nata letteralmente per strada, ha sviluppato una carriera come cantante e compositrice che l'ha portata ad essere una figura mondiale di eccezionale rilevanza. Questo spettacolo è una ricreazione dei recitali storici di Olimpia intervallati da storie e aneddoti della sua vita che riflettono il suo profondo amore per la musica, per la vita e per gli uomini. Ha vissuto la sua vita sempre nei limiti, sfidando tutto e rischiando tutto. Ha vissuto mentre cantava: costringendo il suo piccolo corpo all'estremo delle sue possibilità. E lei non si pente di nulla.

No Nonsense: The Autobiography

by Joey Barton

So, you think you know Joey Barton. Think again. No Nonsense is a game-changing autobiography which will redefine the most fascinating figure in British football. It is the raw yet redemptive story of a man shaped by rejection and the consequences of his mistakes. He has represented England, and been a pivotal player for Manchester City, Newcastle United, Queens Park Rangers, Marseille, Burnley and now Glasgow Rangers, but his career has featured recurring controversy. The low point of being sent to prison for assault in 2008 proved to be the catalyst for the re-evaluation of his life. No Nonsense reflects Barton's character - it is candid, challenging, entertaining and intelligent. He does not spare himself, in revealing the formative influences of a tough upbringing in Liverpool, and gives a survivor's insight into a game which to use his phrase 'eats people alive'. The book is emotionally driven, and explains how he has redirected his energies since the birth of his children. In addition to dealing with his past, he expands on his plans for the future. The millions who follow his commentaries on social media, and those who witnessed him on BBC's Question Time, will be given another reason to pause, and look beyond the caricature.

No One Can Stop Me But Me

by Jennifer Hernandez

No One Can Stop Me But Me is a real-life rags-to-riches story that shows anything is possible if we just believe in ourselves. As a teenager, businesswoman Jennifer Hernandez fell into a life of rebellion—drugs, sex, gangs, fights, school dropouts, pregnancy, and stints in and out of psych hospitals. How did she turn this around, becoming an iconic mortgage loan officer and sought-after life coach? In No One Can Stop Me But Me, Jennifer takes us on an unforgettable journey, from childhood trauma and reckless adolescence to breaking through barriers she could never have dreamed of. The Chicago-born girl seemed to be living a perfect life as the daughter of balloon vendors with a traveling carnival. Jennifer spent her days whirling on carnival rides with her brother until her parents&’ sudden divorce. Feeling alone and having no one to talk to, Jennifer began looking for love in all the wrong places and her life started spiraling out of control. Yet through this dark and troubling time, Jennifer was saved by motherhood and managed to pull herself together and find a way out. She is now in the top 1% of real estate lenders in the country, proof that desperation is the mother of invention, that your inner strength and focus is the true secret to success. You are the only one limiting yourself. When you stop holding yourself back, you can truly become the best version of yourself—the person you were meant to be.

No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference: Expanded Edition

by Greta Thunberg

The groundbreaking speeches of Greta Thunberg, the young climate activist who has become the voice of a generation, including her historic address to the United Nations <P><P>In August 2018 a fifteen-year-old Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, decided not to go to school one day in order to protest the climate crisis. Her actions sparked a global movement, inspiring millions of students to go on strike for our planet, forcing governments to listen, and earning her a Nobel Peace Prize nomination. <P><P>No One Is Too Small to Make A Difference brings you Greta in her own words, for the first time. Collecting her speeches that have made history across the globe, from the United Nations to Capitol Hill and mass street protests, her book is a rallying cry for why we must all wake up and fight to protect the living planet, no matter how powerless we feel. Our future depends upon it.

No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton

by Douglas Brinkley Christopher Hitchens

"Just as the necessary qualification for a good liar is a good memory, so the essential equipment of a would-be lie detector is a good timeline, and a decent archive." In NO ONE LEFT TO LIE TO, a New York Times bestseller, Christopher Hitchens casts an unflinching eye on the Clinton political machine and offers a searing indictment of a president who sought to hold power at any cost. With blistering wit and meticulous documentation, Hitchens masterfully deconstructs Clinton's abject propensity for pandering to the Left while delivering to the Right, and he argues that the president's personal transgressions were ultimately inseparable from his political corruption. Hitchens questions the president's refusals to deny accusations of rape by reputable women and lambasts, among numerous impostures, his insistence on playing the race card, the shortsightedness of his welfare bill, his ludicrous war on drugs, and his abandonment of homosexuals in the form of the Defense of Marriage Act. Opportunistic statecraft, crony capitalism, "divide and rule" identity politics, and populist manipulations-these are perhaps Clinton's greatest and most enduring legacies.

No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton

by Christopher Hitchens

In No One Left to Lie To, a New York Times bestseller, Christopher Hitchens casts an unflinching eye on Bill Clinton and his presidency and offers a searing indictment of a president who sought to hold power at any cost. With blistering wit and meticulous documentation, the incomparable Christopher Hitchens masterfully deconstructs Clinton's terms as President of the United States, studying his abject propensity for pandering to the Left while delivering to the Right, and arguing that the personal transgressions that plagued Clinton's reputation and presidency were ultimately indistinguishable from his political corruption. Hitchens dexterously questions what so few have, from the former president's refusals to deny accusations of rape, to the shortsightedness of so many of his political maneuvers -- the welfare bill, his "ludicrous" war on drugs, and his abandonment of homosexuals with the enactment of the Defense of Marriage Act, among others.

No One Man Should Have All That Power: How Rasputins Manipulate the World

by Amos Barshad

In this exploration of shadowy, behind-the-scenes operators, “each portrait provides an incisive dissection of the acquisition and maintenance of power” (The Nation).Journalist Amos Barshad has long been fascinated by the powerful. But not by elected officials or natural leaders—he’s interested in the dark figures who wield power from the shadows. And, as Barshad shows in No One Man Should Have All That Power, these master manipulators are not confined to political backrooms. They can be found anywhere—from Hollywood to drug cartels, recording studios, or the NFL.In this wide-ranging, insightful exploration of the phenomenon, Barshad takes readers into the lives of more than a dozen notorious figures, starting with Grigori Rasputin himself. The Russian mystic drank, danced, and healed his way into a position of power behind the last of the tsars.Based on interviews with well-known personalities like Scooter Braun (Justin Bieber’s manager), Alex Guerrero (Tom Brady’s trainer), and Sam Nunberg (Trump’s former aide) and original reporting on figures like Nicaragua’s powerful first lady Rosario Murillo and the Tijuana cartel boss known as “Narcomami,” Barshad investigates a variety of modern-day Raputins. He explores how they got there, how they wielded control, and what lessons we can take from them, including how to spot Rasputins in the wild.

No One Tells You This: A Memoir

by Glynnis MacNicol

Selected as one of BuzzFeed’s “Exciting Summer Books” Featured in Goop's “15 Books We’re Reading This Summer” Selected as one of Vogue’s “13 Books to Thrill, Entertain, and Sustain You This Summer” Selected as one of Bustle's “15 Best Nonfiction Books Coming Out In July 2018” If the story doesn’t end with marriage or a child, what then?This question plagued Glynnis MacNicol on the eve of her 40th birthday. Despite a successful career as a writer, and an exciting life in New York City, Glynnis was constantly reminded she had neither of the things the world expected of a woman her age: a partner or a baby. She knew she was supposed to feel bad about this. After all, single women and those without children are often seen as objects of pity, relegated to the sidelines, or indulgent spoiled creatures who think only of themselves. Glynnis refused to be cast into either of those roles and yet the question remained: What now? There was no good blueprint for how to be a woman alone in the world. She concluded it was time to create one. Over the course of her fortieth year, which this memoir chronicles, Glynnis embarks on a revealing journey of self-discovery that continually contradicts everything she’d been led to expect. Through the trials of family illness and turmoil, and the thrills of far-flung travel and adventures with men, young and old (and sometimes wearing cowboy hats), she is forced to wrestle with her biggest hopes and fears about love, death, sex, friendship, and loneliness. In doing so, she discovers that holding the power to determine her own fate requires a resilience and courage that no one talks about, and is more rewarding than anyone imagines. Intimate and timely, No One Tells You This is a fearless reckoning with modern womanhood and an exhilarating adventure that will resonate with anyone determined to live by their own rules.

No One Wants You: A true story of a child forced into prostitution

by Celine Roberts

Given away by her mother at five months old, raped on the day of her first communion at age seven - when Celine Roberts was told 'No one wants you', she believed it.Illegitimate and unwanted, Celine was forced by her foster mother into prostitution. Her bones were broken, her nose was crushed and she ate candle wax to stay alive.Celine was finally rescued and sent to an industrial school, where she picked up the pieces of her shattered life. She also began the search for her parents. But what she found gave her battered survival instincts the hardest knock of all ...Full of the most heartbreaking tragedy but ultimately survival and hope, No One Wants You is the remarkably honest and compelling memoir of a woman triumphing over her brutal past.

No One Wins Alone: Leading Others, Building Teams, Inspiring Greatness

by Mark Messier

The legendary Hall of Fame hockey player and six-time Stanley Cup champion tells his complete story for the first time, sharing the lessons about leadership and teamwork that defined his career, in this &“inspirational memoir that transcends sports&” (David Grann, #1 New York Times bestselling author).Mark Messier is one of the most accomplished athletes in the history of professional sports. He was a fierce competitor with a well-earned reputation as a winner. But few people know his real story, not only of the astonishing journey he took to making NHL history, but of the deep understanding of leadership and respect for the power of teamwork he gained.Messier tells of his early years with his tight-knit family, learning especially from his father, Doug—a hockey player, coach, and teacher. He describes what it was like entering the NHL as a teenager with a wild side, and growing close with teammates Wayne Gretzky, Kevin Lowe, Paul Coffey, Glenn Anderson, and others during their high-flying dynasty years with the Edmonton Oilers. He chronicles summers spent looking for inspiration and renewed energy on trips to exotic destinations around the world. And he recounts the highs, lows, and hard work that brought the New York Rangers to the ultimate moment for a hockey club: lifting the Stanley Cup.Throughout, Messier shares insights about success, winning cultures, and how leaders can help teams overcome challenges. Told with heart and sincerity, No One Wins Alone &“is about much more than just hockey. It has lessons anyone can use—be it in sports, business, or life&” (Jack Nicklaus, PGA Major Championship winner and author of My Golden Lessons).

No One Wins Alone: A Memoir

by Mark Messier Jimmy Roberts

The legendary Hall of Fame hockey player and six-time Stanley Cup champion tells his inspiring story for the first time, sharing the lessons about leadership and teamwork that defined his career.Mark Messier is one of the most accomplished athletes in the history of professional sports. He was a fierce competitor with a well-earned reputation as a winner. But few people know his real story, not only of the astonishing journey he took to making NHL history, but of the deep understanding of leadership and respect for the power of teamwork he gained. Messier tells of his early years with his tight-knit family, learning especially from his father, Doug – a hockey player, coach, and teacher. He describes what it was like entering the NHL as an eighteen-year-old with a wild side, and growing close with teammates Wayne Gretzky, Kevin Lowe, Paul Coffey, Glenn Anderson and others during their high-flying dynasty years with the Edmonton Oilers. He chronicles summers spent looking for inspiration and renewed energy on trips to exotic destinations around the world. And he recounts the highs, lows, and hard work that brought the New York Rangers to the ultimate moment for a hockey club: lifting the Stanley Cup. Throughout, Messier shares insights about success, winning cultures, and how leaders can help teams overcome challenges. Told with heart and sincerity, No One Wins Alone is about more than hockey—it&’s about the deep love and gratitude that comes from a life shared with others.

No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller

by Harry Markopolos

Markopolis presented evidence five times to the SEC over nearly a decade, and they ignored him every time. Bernie Madoff, well-known in the financial markets, was also running a secretive Ponzi scheme for almost 20 years. Markopolos discovered it, and with his team, gathered evidence for almost a decade. When the pyramid imploded from lack of new investors, Madoff confessed. Over 50 billion dollars was lost, and no one knows the truth of how much international money, only that there was a major international impact. Madoff's confession led back to the failure of the SEC to do its mandated job. Markoloplos testified at Congressional and Senate hearings about the negligence of the SEC. The SEC came under intense scrutiny. Markopolos includes suggestions to rebuild the SEC and give it the authority and responsibility he believes it should have. Following the index are several pages of photo captions.

No One's Perfect

by Hirotada Ototake Gerry Harcourt

Memoir of a young Japanese man born with no arms or legs.

No One's Son

by Tewodros Fekadu

"An affirmation of life and the indestructibility of one man's will to make the most of it."-Ian Wynne, author of The Pawn and Shadows by My Side, former editor of Human Rights Defender, Amnesty InternationalBorn in the midst of the Ethiopian-Eritrean Civil War, Tewodros "Teddy" Fekadu survives abandonment and famine as his family flings him unwanted across borders and regions, into orphanages, and finally onto the streets of Addis Ababa. Spanning five countries and three continents, the Catholic Church, and Japanese detention centers, this is a tale of defiance and triumph, and also of family love-unacknowledged by his wealthy father, abandoned by his desperately poor mother, Teddy is nurtured along the way by staunch individuals despite his ambiguous place in rigid family tradition: his father's mother, a maternal aunt, a Catholic priest, and even his father's wife.In 2003, after three years in a Japanese detention center, Tewodros "Teddy" Fekadu won a hard-fought immigration battle, and his visa to Australia was approved. He now resides on the Gold Coast, where he founded an association that shares African traditions and heritage through performance and educational programs. He also works with organizations to resettle African refugees to the Gold Coast. He is an inspirational speaker, presenting to such diverse audiences as adoptive families, human rights groups, and East African immigrants. Tewodros' company, Moonface Entertainment, produces films and documentaries on East Africa. He regularly returns to Africa to shoot footage for his projects, and travels to the United States to promote his work.

No Ordinary Assignment: A Memoir

by Jane Ferguson

"A haunting memoir of disarming honesty. . . a remarkable testament to the anguish and the beauty of foreign correspondence.”—Roger Cohen, New York Times Paris bureau chief and author of An Affirming Flame From award-winning journalist Jane Ferguson, an unflinching memoir of ambition and war—from The Troubles to the fall of Kabul.Jane Ferguson has covered nearly every war front and humanitarian crisis of our time. She reported from Yemen as protests grew into the Arab Spring; she secured rare access to rebel-held Syria, where foreign journalists were banned, to cover its civil war. When the Taliban claimed Kabul in 2021, she was one of the last Western journalists to remain at the airport as thousands of Afghans, including some of her colleagues, struggled to evacuate. Living with sectarian violence was nothing new to Ferguson. As a child in Northern Ireland in the 1980s and ‘90s, The Troubles meant bomb threats and military checkpoints on the way to school were commonplace. Books by Dervla Murphy and Martha Gellhorn offered solace from her turbulent family, and an opportunity to study Arabic in Yemen came as a relief—and a ticket to the life in journalism she imagined. Without family wealth or connections, she began as a scrappy one-woman reporting team, a borrowed camera often her only equipment. Networks told her she had the wrong accent, the wrong appearance, not enough “bang-bang shoot-‘em-up.” Still, Ferguson threw herself into harm’s way time and again, determined to give voice to civilian experiences of war. In the face of grave violence and suffering, this seemed a small act of justice, no matter the risks.Ferguson’s bold debut chronicles her unlikely journey from bright, inquisitive child to intrepid war correspondent. With an open-hearted humanity we rarely see in conflict stories, No Ordinary Assignment shows what it means to build an authentic career against the odds.

No Ordinary Dog: My Partner from the SEAL Teams to the Bin Laden Raid

by Joe Layden Will Chesney

THE INSTANT NATIONAL BESTSELLERNo Ordinary Dog is the powerful true story of a SEAL Team Operator and military dog handler, and the dog that saved his life. Two dozen Navy SEALs descended on Osama bin Laden’s compound in May 2011. After the mission, only one name was made public: Cairo, a Belgian Malinois and military working dog. This is Cairo's story, and that of his handler, Will Chesney, a SEAL Team Operator whose life would be irrevocably tied to Cairo's.Starting in 2008, when Will was introduced to the SEAL canine program, he and Cairo worked side by side, depending on each other for survival on hundreds of critical operations in the war on terrorism. But their bond transcended their service. Then, in 2011, the call came: Pick up your dog and get back to Virginia. Now.What followed were several weeks of training for a secret mission. It soon became clear that this was no ordinary operation. Cairo was among the first members of the U.S. military on the ground in Pakistan as part of Operation Neptune Spear, which resulted in the successful elimination of bin Laden.As Cairo settled into a role as a reliable “spare dog,” Will went back to his job as a DEVGRU operator, until a grenade blast in 2013 left him with a brain injury and PTSD. Unable to participate in further missions, he suffered from crippling migraines, chronic pain, memory issues, and depression. Modern medicine provided only modest relief. Instead, it was up to Cairo to save Will's life once more—and then up to Will to be there when Cairo needed him the most.

No Ordinary Fool: A Testimony to Grace

by John Jay Hughes

Why does a gifted boy from a privileged Establishment background decide, at the age of twelve, to spend his life as a priest? And what moves him, after six happy years in the Anglican priesthood, to enter the alien world of Roman Catholicism? In a gripping narrative full of humor and self-directed irony, John Jay Hughes tells of the loss of his mother at age six, entry into the Catholic Church at the cost of estrangement from his beloved Anglican priest-father, his lifelong search for God in prayer, and his joy in priesthood, 'all I ever wanted from age twelve. 'Father John Jay Hughes has led an extraordinary life at the intersection of many of the great Christian controversies of our time. His steady defense of the conviction that led him into full communion with the Catholic Church--that the truth.

No Ordinary Heroes: 8 Doctors, 30 Nurses, 7,000 Prisoners, And A Category 5 Stor m

by Diana G. Gallagher Demaree Inglese

You Will Feel The Heat From This Gripping Tale From Ground Zero At Katrina. --Mehmet C. Oz, M.D. On the night of August 27, 2005, Dr. Demaree Inglese was one of many New Orleans residents convinced that approaching Hurricane Katrina would pass with minimal impact. The next few days' events would prove how mistaken they all were, and Dr. Inglese, medical director of the New Orleans city jail, would lead his staff through a crisis of deadly proportions. . .. "A Page-Turning True Story. . .Inglese Tells It Brilliantly." --Dennis M. Powers, author of Sentinel of the Seas Massive flooding transformed the sprawling jail complex into an island in the crippled city. Without power or running water, and with food supplies dwindling, the medical team cared for thousands of inmates, staff, and neighborhood residents, while deputies struggled to maintain order. Rioting prisoners, burning buildings, SWAT team rescues, and medical emergencies all conspired to create a storm within a storm. "Brings The Human Scale Of The Tragedy To Life." --Publishers Weekly Vividly re-creating seven days that felt like an eternity to those who survived them, No Ordinary Heroes is a stark, revealing testament to the power of the human spirit in the most harrowing circumstances. "There's No Putting This One Down." --John Gilstrap, author of Six Minutes to Freedom With 16 Pages of Dramatic Photos Updated with a New Epilogue

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