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Showing 42,476 through 42,500 of 65,894 results

The Norton Book of Friendship

by Eudora Welty Ronald A. Sharp

"Friendship" is celebrated in this collection of poems, essays, stories, sonnets, letters and memoirs by a variety of great writers.

The Norton Book of Women’s Lives

by Phyllis Rose

"This magnificent, handsome, handful of an anthology . . . "* includes sixty-one substantial selections from the twentieth-century literature of women's lives: autobiographies, journals, and memoirs. "As varied in humanity as in geography,"** the women whose life stories are collected here include the famous "Maya Angelou, Maxine Hong Kingston, Anne Frank, Virginia Woolf "and the surprising "Emma Mashinini, a black South African labor organizer; Onnie Lee Logan, an Alabama "granny" midwife; Sara Suleri, an expatriate in America who reflects hilariously on the language of food in her native Pakistan. "Destined to become a classic," this treasury of women's lives, brimming with intelligence, passion, wit, and determination, is a celebration of life itself. *Hungry Mind Review **Washington Post Book World Library Journal

Norval Morrisseau

by Armand Garnet Ruffo

Norval Morrisseau (1932-2007), Ojibway shaman-artist, drew his first sketches at age six in the sand on the shores of Lake Nipigon. By the end of his tumultuous life, the prolific self-taught artist was sought by collectors and imitated by forgers. Critics, art historians and curators alike consider him one of the most innovative artists of the twentieth century. Norval Morrisseau: Man Changing Into Thunderbird is an innovative and rich biography of this charismatic and troubled figure. Drawing upon years of extensive research, including interviews with Morrisseau himself, Armand Ruffo evokes the artist's life from childhood to death, in all its vivid triumphs and tragedies. Ruffo draws upon his own Ojibway heritage and experiences to provide insight into Morrisseau's life and iconography from an Ojibway perspective. Captivating and readable, this is a brilliantly creative evocation of the art and life of Norval Morrisseau, a life indelibly tied to art.

Norwegian Americans

by Ann Heinrichs

Norwegian Americans tells the story of Norwegian immigrants who came to America for opportunity while attempting to maintain their cultural ties without losing them in the New World.

Nos trajeron los barcos: Historias de padres y abuelos inmigrantes

by Julio Cesar Parissi

Veinte personalidades de la cultura argentina cuentan sus historias deinmigración. Que la Argentina es un crisol de razas lo aprendimos en el colegio. Quecasi todos tenemos algún antepasado español, italiano, sirio, armenio,ruso, no es ninguna novedad. Pero es justamente esta característica laque nos une y logra que nuestras historias tengan puntos en común. Poreso, Julio Parissi entrevistó a veinte importantes personalidades de lacultura argentina para que cuenten sus historias de inmigración: Sarah yJoel, los padres de Cipe Lincovsky que escaparon desde Lituania paraasentarse en la zona del Abasto; o Agustín y Josefa, dos vascosemprendedores, abuelos de Juan Sasturain; o Antonio, el abuelo deEnrique Pinti que trajo su biblioteca desde un pueblito italiano, enplena década infame. Estas son solo algunas de las veinte historias conlas que todos nos sentiremos, inevitablemente, identificados.

Nosferatu: A Novel

by Jim Shepard

A New York Times Notable Book:The richly imagined fictional life of one of cinema's founding fathers from National Book Award finalist Jim Shepard In 1907, while waiting for a train that would take him from his quiet rural hometown to university in cosmopolitan Berlin, Friedrich Wilhelm Plumpe met Hans Ehrenbaum-Degele, the great passion of his life. Hans was the catalyst for Plumpe's transformation into F. W. Murnau, the filmmaker best known for directing Nosferatu--the iconic silent film adaption of Bram Stoker's Dracula--as well as The Last Laugh, Sunrise, and Tabu. As we follow Murnau from the airfields of the Great War to the cafés and clubs of Weimar Berlin to the virtual invention of filmmaking, and from there to the South Seas, we chart the progress of a man desperate to open himself to others but nonetheless continually "at home in no house and in no country." While devoted to those he loved, Murnau remained hamstrung by self-loathing and, like his vampiric creation, afraid of his own "terrible inhumanness." In his fascinating fictionalized biography of Murnau, Jim Shepard, author of the critically acclaimed The Book of Aron, brings both Weimar-era Germany and the early days of film to life in roaring, irresistible detail, delving into the heart and mind of a troubled genius and uncovering the inner turmoil of a reclusive and enigmatic cinema pioneer.

Nosotras, enfermeras: Historias de unos días que nos cambiaron para siempre

by Enfermera Saturada

El testimonio de cómo las enfermeras vivimos los días en que un virus paralizó el mundo en poco más de tres meses y sumió a España en la peor pandemia del siglo XXI. Esta es la historia de una enfermera que luchó contra el coronavirus en primera línea, armada con una bolsa de basura y una mascarilla reutilizada. Pero, en realidad, es también la de todos los enfermeros y las enfermeras que plantaron cara al virus, esos a los que la sociedad llamó héroes, y por quienes aplaudía a las ocho, mientras ellos y ellas vivían con el miedo pegado a su espalda. Es el testimonio de sus lágrimas, temores y sacrificios, y a la vez de la inmensa felicidad que sentían cada vez que apagaban un respirador y entregaban el alta a un paciente. «El primer paciente que atendí con la COVID-19 fue el 5 de marzo de 2020. Creo que esta será una de las fechas que recordaré toda la vida. Hasta ese día, hasta el mismo instante en que tienes frente a ti a una persona contagiada con el virus que está causando tantos estragos, mis compañeras y yo seguíamos pensando que no nos tocaría. Supongo que una, como mecanismo de defensa, tiende a negar la realidad hasta que la tiene a dos metros de distancia y con un informe del laboratorio con la palabra POSITIVO escrita en mayúsculas. A pesar de todo, y aunque los casos en Italia se contaban ya por miles, seguíamos aferrándonos al hecho de que ese día en nuestro país los confirmados apenas superaban los doscientos y en las plantas de mi hospital los casos no llegaban ni a media docena. No podíamos ni imaginar que acabaríamos ingresando, únicamente en nuestra unidad, a más de trescientos pacientes en solo dos meses. Que en toda España habría más de doscientos cincuenta mil casos confirmados, que en apenas tres meses más de cincuenta mil compañeros y compañeras se contagiarían o que nos dejarían para siempre más de veintiocho mil personas según los datos oficiales. Con este libro pretendo plasmar, de la forma más fiel posible a la realidad, todas las historias acontecidas durante estos meses para que, a pesar del paso de los años, no se pierdan en el olvido, se reescriban o se desdibujen. Así, quienes no lo han vivido tan de cerca, podrán ser más conscientes de lo que sucedió.» «La crónica de un enorme esfuerzo profesional, escrita desde la solidaridad y la angustia. Leerlo es un acto de gratitud». PEPA FERNÁNDEZ.RNE

Nosotras. Historias de mujeres y algo más

by Rosa Montero

Edición especial de uno de los libros fundamentales de Rosa Montero, Premio Nacional de las Letras 2017. Una obra pionera en la reivindicación del papel de la mujer en la historia a través de las biografías de sus protagonistas. Ilustrada por María Herreros. Escúchalo ahora «Este libro no es un libro solo para mujeres, de la misma manera que el feminismo no es solo cosa de chicas. Estamos cambiando el mundo, estamos destruyendo estereotipos milenarios, y es evidente que si se altera el papel social femenino, es porque también muda el papel de los hombres. »Incluye el texto original de Historias de mujeres, publicado hace veinticuatro años, y añade noventa nuevos pequeños retratos, una ojeada rápida desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días que nos permite atisbar la compleja riqueza de la aportación femenina a la vida común. Porque hay una historia que no está enla historia y que solo se puede rescatar aguzando el oído y escuchando el susurro de las mujeres. La porción invisible del iceberg de protagonistas silenciadas empieza a emerger ahora, y tiene unas dimensiones colosales. Ha habido mujeres en todas las épocas haciendo cosas memorables. No hay un solo campo social, artístico o del conocimiento en el que no hayamos destacado. Y se trata de un pasado que nos han robado a todos. »Pero tenemos que hacer algo más que cambiar la visión del pasado: es esencial que también cambiemos la visión del presente. La manera en que nos miramos a nosotras mismas. El mundo, nos decían y nos decíamos, es así. Pero no. Resulta que el mundo no es así. El futuro está aquí, el futuro es hoy y lo estamos construyendo hombres y mujeres. Por primera vez estamos todos. Aunque, para ello, también debamos abandonar nosotras muchos prejuicios sexistas. Así es que, hermanas, abramos nuestras fauces de dragonas y escupamos fuego.»Rosa Montero --------------------------------- La crítica ha dicho sobre Historias de mujeres...«Escribe con el punto casi exacto de acercamiento, con sinceridad y ardor pero sin concesiones fáciles, sabedora de que sus heroínas sufrieron a causa del entorno todo, y no solo de los hombres. Desde esta óptica madura y razonable, la prosa de Montero se nos hace así paradójicamente intensa, creíble, verdadera.»Miguel Dalmau, La Vanguardia «No perseguía un documento de hazañas femeninas ejemplares, solo ejemplos de mujeres que se atrevieron a traicionar las expectativas que la sociedad, durante siglos, depositó en ellas y asaltaron con audacias inéditas los preceptos que asignaban sus funciones.»Pilar Castro, ABC «El deseo de equilibrio entre los sexos late como un pulso en todo el libro de Montero. El mismo deseo que anima los modos de sentir y pensar de una mujer que ansía, en cada lugar, por oscuro y difícil que sea, ver llegar el fin de la prohibición, el día en que cada una pueda modelar su propia forma como un regalo que no temerá.»Teresa Hernández, Diario 16 Andalucía «Una parte de la historia clandestina de las mujeres y sus esfuerzos, muchas veces trágicos, para liberarse de la norma social masculina.»Andrés Fernández Rubio, El País «Interesante muestra, no solo de lo que el género biográfico puede dar de sí abordado con pasión y oficio, también de lo que las mujeres han aportado a la historia o a sus recovecos desde el matrimonio o la rebeldía.»Care Santos, El Cultural «Mujeres que dejaron huella, que hicieron historia. [...] Mujeres con vida propia.»El Tiempo «Queda claro que Rosa Montero, como ella misma resalta, no ha pretendido sublimar la figura de la mujer, ni exaltar a heroínas o señalar víctimas y victimarios, sino mostrar "la humanidad cabal y plena, con todas sus luces y sus sombras", demuj

Nosotras que nos queremos tanto

by Marcela Serrano

Cuatro mujeres chilenas, a las puertas de la madurez y a orillas de un lago, dan curso sin inhibiciones al relato apasionado de sus historias personales.Vidas marcadas a fuego por la experiencia socialista durante el gobierno de Salvador Allende y el golpe militar de 1973, pero también por la huella más íntima del amor y del dolor, el desengaño y la compasión. Los hilos de estas biografías están entrelazados con las vidas de otras mujeres "amigas, primas, hermanas", planteando página a página los dilemas de la sumisión, la infidelidad y el matrimonio, el trabajo y el sexo.Cuando a pocos años del fin de siglo -apagados el fragor de las utopías y la explosión del feminismo- se propone que tal vez los hombres y las mujeres vivan un profundo desencuentro, Marcela Serrano ilumina su relación desde una óptica femenina inédita y enfrenta sin concesiones los claroscuros de la condición existencial de la mujer.

Nosotras que nos queremos tanto

by Marcela Serrano

Cuatro mujeres chilenas, a las puertas de la madurez y orillas de un lago, dan curso sin inhibiciones al relato apasionado de sus historias personales. Son vidas marcadas a fuego por la experiencia socialista de Allende y el golpe militar de 1973, pero también por la huella más íntima del amor y el dolor, el desengaño y la compasión. La narradora entrelaza los hilos de estas biografías con las de otras mujeres -amigas, hermanas-, planteando página a página los dilemas de la libertad y la sumisión, la infidelidad y el matrimonio, el trabajo y el sexo. Cuando a pocos años del fin de siglo -apagados el fragor de las utopías y la explosión del feminismo- se propone que tal vez las mujeres y los hombres provengan de «planetas» diferentes. Nosotras que nos queremos tanto ilumina la relación hombre/mujer desde una óptica femenina inédita. Sea o no esta novela el retrato en clase de un sector de la sociedad chilena y sus vicisitudes de los últimos treinta años, su lectura nos enfrenta sin concesiones a los claroscuros de la condición existencial de la mujer.

Nosotros y los otros: Efectos colaterales de la Guerrilla Argentina en una familia que migró de Cosquí

by Ricardo Jorge Ruggero

Efectos colaterales de la guerrilla argentina en una familia que migró de Cosquín a Barcelona. Es nuestra historia, contada desde mi óptica, desde mis vivencias y desde mis sentimientos, encontrarán una sucesión de hechos políticos, religiosos y familiares que voy narrando. Algunos, como preludio de circunstancias que nos fueron afectando directa o indirectamente, y otros, vividos como protagonistas. A lo largo de estas páginas, podrá comprobarse que las opciones de vida siempre estuvieron inspiradas y alimentadas por la utopía de un mundo mejor. Muchos, imbuidos de una concepción cristiana de amor al prójimo; otros, no; pero todos lo hicieron por la justicia, la dignidad, el respeto a las ideas, el derecho a tener derechos. Y, en esa lucha, algunos pagaron con sus vidas, condenados por ser y pensar diferente a los intereses del poder de la dictadura que bañó de sangre el suelo argentino.

Nostra Dame: Una historia real

by Jacqueline Evans

Descubre la verdadera historia de una mujer que intenta dar sentido a un mundo misterioso. Reprimí lo que me vino de forma natural en mis primeros años, pero un momento crucial a mediados de mis veinte abrió una puerta a lo que yacía dormido. La profundidad del conocimiento que siguió comenzó a crecer como una bola de nieve, lo que me llevó a predecir eventos globales e investigaciones de asesinatos de alto perfil. Cada pieza de información impartida en fractales, como piezas de un rompecabezas. Y dependía de mí juntar las piezas.

Nostradamus: The Man Who Saw Through Time

by Lee Mccann

Lee McCann's riveting book gives us a fascinating glimpse into the life of Michel Nostradamus-- part historical novel, part academic examination of the accuracy of Nostradamus' prophecies. Both are readable and enjoyable, just what the layman has been looking for! Since governments, sects, and countries will undergo such sweeping changes, diametrically opposed to what now obtains, that were I to relate events to come, those in power now-- monarchs, leaders of sects and religions-- would find these so different from their own imaginings that they would be led to condemn what later centuries will learn how to see and understand. - Nostradamus

Nostradamus: The Man Behind the Prophecies, a Biography

by Ian Wilson

For the last 500 years the predictions of sixteenth-century physician and prophet Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, have been endlessly interpreted. Scholars and skeptics have hotly debated whether the 946 "quatrains" he wrote foretold everything from the discovery of electricity to the birth of Adolph Hitler, the death of Princess Diana and the attack on the World Trade Center.But while much has been written about Nostradamus's predictions and their validity, little is known of the man. This definitive biography by bestselling historian Ian Wilson reveals the man behind the legend for the first time. Tracing Nostradamus's life from his early years to his skillful treatment of Black Plague sufferers, his flight from agents of the Spanish Inquisition, and his career as an advisor to the king of France, Nostradamus separates fact from fiction and reveals a complex figure who, whether or not he could see future events, was indelibly marked by those of his own time.

Nostradamus and His Prophecies (Dover Occult Ser.)

by Edgar Leoni

For over 400 years the prophecies of the controversial French prophet Michel Nostradamus (1503-66) have fascinated people because they project far into the future (A.D. 3797), and because they are open to countless interpretations. Until the publication of this book, however, there was no truly complete translation of the prophecies with even the minimum of scholarly apparatus required. Edgar Leoni’s comprehensive, definitive study not only fills that gap but goes far beyond.This edition includes parallel texts in English and French of all Nostradamus’s prophecies (arranged in then "centuries," or collections of 100 rhymed quatrains). Also included are explanatory notes, a series of indexes, historical background to the prophecies, a Commentary section, including the most famous — and infamous — interpretations; a critical biography of Nostradamus, his will and personal letters, and bibliographical material on both Nostradamus and his commentators.

Nostradamus For Dummies

by Scarlett Ross

Nostradamus made simple-a surefire prophecy of success! Michel Notredame, or Nostradamus (1503-1566), was a French physician, astrologer, and prophet whose books of visionary four-line verses have intrigued and beguiled readers for hundreds of years. Now, with this fun and easy guide, everyone can finally get a handle on Nostradamus and his "Centuries" of prophecies, which many people believe to have predicted the French Revolution, the rise of Hitler, the Kennedy assassination, and 9/11, among other events. The book covers Nostradamus's life and beliefs, his use of cryptic language and anagrams, interpretations of his work that link it to specific historical incidents, and critics who are skeptical of his prophecies. It also explores the implications of his work on the past, present, and future, and much more!

Not a Game: The Incredible Rise and Unthinkable Fall of Allen Iverson

by Kent Babb

Shortlisted for the PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing&“A searingly honest and intimate portrait of a captivating icon.&” —Baxter Holmes, ESPN NBA reporterThrough extensive research and interviews with those closest to Iverson, acclaimed Washington Post sportswriter Kent Babb gets behind the familiar, sanitized, and heroic version of the hard-changing, hard-partying athlete who played every game as if it were his last.Former NBA superstar Allen Iverson was once one of America&’s most famous athletes: a trendsetter who transcended race, celebrity, and pop culture, and emerged from a troubled past to become one of the most successful and highly compensated athletes in the world. Now, his life and career come vividly to light in this &“searingly honest&” (Baxter Holmes) biography.Babb brings to life a private, loyal, and often generous Allen Iverson who rarely made the headlines, revealing the back story behind some of Iverson&’s most memorable moments, such as his infamous &“Practice&” rant, delving even deeper to discover where Iverson&’s demons lurked. He drank too much, stayed out too late, spent more money than most people could spend in a dozen lifetimes—blowing more than $150 million of his NBA earnings alone.His then wife Tawanna, seen often as the mild-mannered woman who tamed the bad boy, tried to keep her husband and family on the rails. But, as so many others learned on basketball courts, she was no match for the force of nature that was Iverson. Jealousy, meanness, and relentless eventually wore down even his biggest fans, teammates, and, eventually, even his most formidable opponent.

Not a Genuine Black Man: Or, How I Claimed My Piece of Ground in the Lily-White Suburbs

by Brian Copeland

Based on the longest-running one-man show in San Francisco history--now coming to Off-Broadway--a hilarious, poignant, and disarming memoir of growing up black in an all-white suburb In 1972, when Brian Copeland was eight, his family moved from Oakland to San Leandro, California, hoping for a better life. At the time, San Leandro was 99.4 percent white, known nationwide as a racist enclave. This reputation was confirmed almost immediately: Brian got his first look at the inside of a cop car, for being a black kid walking to the park with a baseball bat. Brian grew up to be a successful comedian and radio talk show host, but racism reemerged as an issue--only in reverse--when he received an anonymous letter: "As an African American, I am disgusted every time I hear your voice because YOU are not a genuine Black man!" That letter inspired Copeland to revisit his difficult childhood, resulting in a hit one-man show that has been running for nearly two years--which has now inspired a book. In this funny, surprising, and ultimately moving memoir, Copeland shows exactly how our surroundings make us who we are.

Not a Genuine Black Man: Or, How I Claimed My Piece of Ground in the Lily-White Suburbs

by Brian Copeland

When Brian Copeland's family moved from Oakland to San Leandro, California, hoping for a better life, he had to undergo tragic difficulties of being black in a white world as a child.

Not a Happy Camper: A Memoir

by Mindy Schneider

Remember those long sultry summer days at camp, the sun setting over the lake as you sang "Kumbaya”? Well, Mindy Schneider remembers her summer at Camp Kin-A-Hurra in 1974 just a wee bit differently. Not a Happy Camper chronicles a young girl’s adventures at a camp where the sun never shines, the breakfast cereal dates back to the summer of 1922, and many of the counselors speak no English. For eight eye-opening and unforgettable weeks, Mindy and her eccentric band of friends—including Autumn Evening Schwartz, the daughter of hippies, who communicates with the dead, and the sleep-dancing, bibliophile Betty Gilbert—keep busy feuding in color wars, failing at sports, and uncovering the camp’s hidden past. As she focuses on landing the perfect boyfriend and longs for her first kiss, Mindy unexpectedly stumbles across something infinitely grander: herself. Hilarious, charming, and glowing with nostalgia, Mindy Schneider’s memoir is a must-read for anyone who’s ever been to summer camp, or wishes they had.

Not a Perfect Fit: Stories from Jane's World

by Jane A. Schmidt

Not a Perfect Fit is a collection of stories that are laugh-out-loud funny one minute and thought-provoking the next. Stories range from Schmidt&’s experience living off-grid as the only English woman in an Amish neighborhood to family trips that are remarkably similar to National Lampoon&’s Vacation. Through it all, she manages to rise above the many challenges she faces—inspiring and entertaining her audience along the way. Filled with animal antics, gratitude, mishaps, and madcap adventures, Not a Perfect Fit&’s tell-all, single-girl-gone-country, down-home stories give readers permission to laugh and cry—and, most important, to carry on.

Not a Poster Child: Living Well with a Disability—A Memoir

by Francine Falk-Allen

2019 Living Now Book Awards Gold Medal Winner in Inspirational/Memoir (Female) 2018 Sarton Women's Book Awards finalist in Memoir Kirkus Reviews' Best Books of 2018 2018 Sarton Women's Book Awards Silver Medal in Memoir Francine Falk-Allen was only three years old when she contracted polio and temporarily lost the ability to stand and walk. Here, she tells the story of how a toddler learned grown-up lessons too soon; a schoolgirl tried her best to be a &“normie,&” on into young adulthood; and a woman finally found her balance, physically and spiritually. In lucid, dryly humorous prose, she also explores how her disability has affected her choices in living a fulfilling (and amusing) life in every area—relationships, career, religion (or not), athleticism, artistic expression, and aging, to name a few. A clear-eyed examination of living with a handicap, Not a Poster Child is one woman&’s story of finding her way to a balanced life—one with a little cheekiness and a lot of joy.

Not a Proper Journalist

by Bob Humphrys

Bob Humphrys is one of the most famous names in sports journalism. As sports correspondent of BBC Wales's flagship news programme Wales Today, he was at the centre of every major story of the past twenty turbulent years. He was there right at the heart of Ruddockgate, there on the players' balcony when Glamorgan celebrated winning a county championship, there in the Mondeo driving Joe Calzaghe to his first world title fight. In short, he was where every sports fan would love to be - as close to the action as you can get without scoring a try, taking a corner or hitting a four.Despite a life-long love affair with sport, Bob wasn't always a sports journalist. Early in his career, his brother John - the Rottweiler of Radio 4's Today programme - took him aside and told him, 'The one thing you want to avoid is covering sport - that is not proper journalism.' But the man who always read his newspaper from back to front found it hard to resist sport's magnetic pull. After his successful stints as a feature writer and current affairs reporter - encountering everyone from Argentinian presidents to Danish drug dealers and Sir Anthony Hopkins - the BBC's Wales Today came calling, and Bob quickly discovered the politics in current affairs paled into insignificance compared to the politics in sport. In Bob's first week in the job, Welsh rugby imploded with a rebel tour to South Africa - and for the next twenty years Welsh sport would lurch from triumph to disaster and back again, with Bob right there in the middle, loving every moment.Tragically, Bob Humphrys died in August 2008. But he left a magnificent epitaph: this book. In Not a Proper Journalist, the former face of Welsh sport reveals for the first time the story behind the stories. The friendships, the feuds, the glory and the heartbreak, straight from the horse's mouth. It's revealing, exhilarating, provocative and very funny - and if that's not proper journalism, brother John can eat his hat...

Not a Tame Lion: The Life, Teachings, and Legacy of C.S. Lewis

by Terry Glaspey

Finalist for the best biography of the year with Christian Book Awards.The life, thought, and legacy of C. S. Lewis—a Prophet for our TimesOne of the most brilliant minds of the twentieth century, C. S. Lewis bridged literature, philosophy, and religion. He taught at Oxford and Cambridge, all the while communicating in a clear, winsome manner that ordinary men and women could comprehend. He gave us masterpieces like The Screwtape Letters, The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, The Problem of Pain, and still more. In this fascinating biographical study Not a Tame Lion, author Terry Glaspey points out that Lewis&’ life was as compelling as his work. Glaspey gives readers a glimpse of the character of this extraordinarily gifted man—who believed that his sharp mind and rich imagination were to be accompanied by a sense of responsibility to the wider world. If Lewis were alive today, he would see the fruition of trends he warned against many years ago. His continued relevance is based on his understanding of the human predicament—a predicament that is intellectual and moral, as well as spiritual. Lewis points the way out of this predicament, but it&’s not an easy way. It requires submission to God's authority, moral discipline, and integrity of action. Lewis shows how our lives can be lived in light of eternity and can demonstrate the hope that endures, even in these shadowlands.

Not Abandoned Nor Forgotten

by Lynn Attwood

Have you ever wondered if God exists?Has your faith been tested to the limit?Is your life in a dark place despite having faith?Are you waiting for answers to prayers?Are you feeling hopeless, still waiting for breakthrough?Lynn Attwood engages readers through vivid descriptions of rejection, health issues, torment and despair, thwarted opportunities and a life which, essentially, was a ‘wilderness experience’ in which she felt separated from God and isolated from others. Quotations from Scripture illustrate God’s promises and intentions and how these were evident in her life during specific time periods and critical events.Having faith, Lynn persevered in prayer, holding fast to God’s promises. Eventually her life changed. Hope is stirred as Lynn’s experiences unfold to reveal the heart of God.If you want your life to change, draw inspiration from how God turned Lynn’s life around.Through her own story, Lynn illustrates the truth of God’s word in her life – His love, faithfulness, goodness and mercy.

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