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Padre Ignacio: Pasión por curar

by Jorge Zicolillo

La historia del cura de Rosario que llegó de Sri Lanka y miles depersonas que lo visitaron aseguran que tiene dotes de sanador y lescambió la vida para siempre. Un cura moreno, de Sri Lanka, se instala en Rosario como misionero y alpoco tiempo miles de personas comienzan a viajar desde distintos lugaresdel país hasta su parroquia, Natividad del Señor. Aseguran que tienedotes de sanador, que es capaz de diagnosticar un mal con solo tocar alenfermo, que les concedió milagros y que sus consejos y apoyo espiritualfueron suficientes para curar. ¿Quién es el Padre Ignacio? Este librocuenta por primera vez su maravillosa historia, la fundamental tareasocial que realiza, y recoge además los testimonios de quienes seacercaron a él en busca de ayuda y cuyas vidas cambiaron para siempre.

Padre Mac: The Autobiography of Murdo Ewen Macdonald of Harris

by Murdo Ewen Macdonald

The autobiography of a Scottish professor, army chaplain, World War II veteran, and prisoner of war. From a croft in the Hebridean island of Harris to the grim confines of the Nazis&’ notorious prisoner-of-war camp Stalag Luft III and the hallowed of Glasgow University, the life of Murdo Ewen Macdonald was one of extraordinary variety and richness. Macdonald was ordained as a Church of Scotland minister in 1939 and joined the military in 1940. After volunteering in the First Parachute Brigade, he was sent to North Africa where, during a catastrophic mission in which he was severely wounded, he was taken prisoner in 1942. At the infamous Stalag Luft III he supported countless prisoners through their POW experience and assisted the 76 men who took part in the famous Great Escape. After the war he served in various charges in Scotland before being appointed Professor of Practical Theology at Glasgow University, a post which he held to his retirement in 1984. In this much acclaimed book, he looks back over his long and eventful life.Praise for Padre Mac&“When we read this book, we find ourselves in the presence of an exceptional man.&” —Iain Crichton-Smith

Padre Mario: Una vida marcada por el don de curar

by Silvina Premat

En esta biografía definitiva Silvia Premat cuenta la asombrosa vida del sacerdote Mario Pantaleo, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, y muestra una trayectoria repleta de episodios que echan luz sobre sus fortalezas y sus debilidades. El Padre Mario fue un "instrumento de Dios" que, a través de la imposición de manos, trajo alivio y sanación a miles de personas. Pudo haber sido un gran filósofo. Quizá. Pudo haberse destacado por sus discursos. Tal vez. También hubiese podido ser un gran arquitecto o un médico naturista. Pero no. Puso toda su inteligencia, voluntad, habilidades e inclinaciones al servicio de lo que desde niño reconoció como el camino hacia su realización personal. No hubo obstáculo que pudiera frenarlo, se tratara de enfermedad, de guerras o de soledad. Haciendo ese camino descubrió en sí un extraño don de "ver" las dolencias ajenas y de aliviarlas con la imposición de sus manos, capacidad que sus superiores en la Iglesia no reconocieron inmediatamente. Adentrarse en esta biografía de José Mario Pantaleo puede resultar novedoso para los que lo conocieron, pero no supieron de sus sentimientos encontrados, de sus experiencias en Italia antes de radicarse en la Argentina o de la incomprensión de la que fue objeto. Para quienes lo conocerán a partir de estas páginas podrán encontrar en ellas motivaciones y herramientas para vivir a fondo lo que cada uno percibe como el sentido de su propia existencia.

Padre Mario: El cura de las manos milagrosas

by Jorge Zicolillo

El padre Mario fue más que un sanador. Fue un trabajador social en toda la extensión del término. Transgresor, rebelde e infatigable, el padre Mario pasó de ser perseguido por su supuesta condición de "manosanta" a ser reconocido y respetado por médicos y sacerdotes. José Mario Pantaleo, conocido como el legendario padre Mario, es uno de los personajes más notables de las últimas décadas. Nacido en Italia, tuvo desde chico una fuerte vocación religiosa y una profunda conexión con la Argentina. Tanto fue así que a los treinta y tres años, ya ordenado sacerdote, se instaló definitivamente. Desde joven comenzó a descubrir en sus manos el poder de la sanación, que aceptó como la misión que Dios le había encomendado. En su condición de sanador, fue durante toda su vida una verdadera incógnita para los profesionales de la medicina. Capaz de practicar la bilocación (estar en dos lugares al mismo tiempo) y de diagnosticar enfermedades solo con la imposición de manos o con su péndulo, Mario llegó a adquirir una estela tan genuina de «milagroso» que cada vez que viajaba a Alemania, por ejemplo, los mismos sacerdotes germanos lo paseaban por los hospitales para que asistiese a los enfermos. Amante y estudioso de la filosofía, fue amigo personal de políticos, empresarios, líderes mundiales y consagrados escritores. Pero Mario Pantaleo no fue solamente un sorprendente sanador. Fue un trabajador social en toda la extensión del término. Su obra en González Catán, declarada de interés nacional por el gobierno argentino, y que hoy brinda casi todos los servicios que requieren los vecinos de la zona, nació desde un terreno vacío que Mario compró con sus pocos ahorros.

Padre Mario: Revelaciones finales

by Jorge Zicolillo

Un libro que cuenta la obra del Padre Mario con sencillez y calidez. En un vertiginoso y mágico viaje hacia el fondo del alma humana, JorgeZicolillo revela en este libro los aspectos más profundos y desconocidosdel «sacedorte de las manos milagrosas», tal como definió la prensaitaliana al Padre Mario.Los fenómenos de «bilocación» o «traslación» -la posibilidad de estar endos lugares al mismo tiempo- que produjo José Mario Pantaleo y que porfalta de datos confiables hasta ese momento Zicolillo no pudo incluiren el libro «Padre Mario. Sanar por la fe», aquí se describen con totaldetalle.A estos fenómenos se suman nuevas e increíbles experiencias de sanación,recogidas por el autor y su equipo de investigación, que convierten aeste libro en una pieza de singular valor histórico testimonial.«Padre Mario. Las revelaciones finales» ilumina un terreno de milagroscotidianos que la ciencia aún observa con estupor e incomprensión.

Padre Mario: Sanaciones desde el cielo

by Jorge Zicolillo

Jorge Zicolillo, auténtico biógrafo de la vida y obra del cura de lasmanos milagrosas, nos entrega un perfil único, acabado y necesario, deuno de los seres más tenaces y sorprendentes del siglo XX. «El Padre José Mario Pantaleo fue un ejemplo de vida y, para muchos, unsanto. Había decidido entregarse por entero a Dios y a los hombres comouna sincera ofrenda de amor. Indudablemente, el Padre Mario, ese pequeñogran hombre, sigue viviendo en el recuerdo de aquellos que lo conocierony brindando su mano cálida a quien, en nombre de Dios, le pide susiempre generosa ayuda».

Padre Nazista, Figlio Ebreo: L'incredibile storia del figlio di un eroe di guerra tedesco che si è convertito all'ebraismo ed è emigrato in Israele

by Lazaro Droznes

Questo drammatico racconto riflette l'incredibile storia basata su un caso realmente accaduto del figlio di un ufficiale tedesco della Wehrmacht insignito al valor militare durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, che si è convertito all'ebraismo, ha abbandonato la Germania ed è andato in Israele per diventare un cittadino israeliano. La sua partecipazione nella Guerra del Libano e il suo confronto con i palestinesi lo pone nello stesso dilemma che dovette affrontare suo padre 40 anni prima: il dilemma di ogni soldato: Tutti gli ordini sono leciti e bisogna obbedire a tutti? Qual è il limite di obbedienza dovuta? La disciplina militare esime il combattente dai suoi doveri morali ed etici? Tutte le responsabilità appartengono alla massima gerarchia di un'organizzazione militare o la responsabilità è condivisa dai livelli intermedi? Questa storia conferma ciò che i greci sapevano già: nessuno può evitare il proprio destino. Non importa ciò che facciamo, ci ritrova ugualmente.

Padre Pio: A Man of Hope

by Renzo Allegri

"I'm a mystery to myself." With this simple admission, Padre Pio captured the feelings of many who knew him. In his latest work, Renzo Allegri, a journalist and writer, dispels some of this mystery with this unique and very human portrait of Padre Pio. It is a faithful description of an extraordinary person, a book that reads like a good novel. Beatified on May 22, 1999, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968) was a Capuchin monk and mystic whose life was marked with miracles and wonders, but who said that his only desire was "to be a poor friar who prays."

Padre Pio

by Pascal Cataneo

This collection of inspiring, astonishing, and humorous anecdotes offers glimpses into the life and miracles of Padre Pio. Countless conversions were inspired through his gifts of bilocation, psychic ability, curative power, and multilingualism. Written by Pascal Cataneo, a fellow priest and contemporary of Padre Pio, readers are given a unique window into the humility, directness, and humor of this Capuchin friar.

A Padre Pio Profile

by John A. Schug

A first-hand glimpse at Padre Pio by those who knew him best. The holy friar's own Capuchin superiors and confreres, spiritual directors and doctors, the townspeople and pilgrims who were his spiritual children testify to their experiences with him. New and little-known information about Padre Pio's ministry and spiritual life will give you an intimate glimpse into the life of a modern man who may someday be canonized.

El Padrino (Grandes Exitos Ser.)

by Mario Puzo

Con El Padrino, Mario Puzo consiguió crear un género. Novela sobre la Mafia, protagonizada por Vito Corleone, que revolucionó el mundo literario con su publicación en 1969. La publicación de El Padrino en 1969 convulsionó el mundo literario. Por primera vez, la Mafia protagonizaba una novela y era retratada desde dentro. Mario Puzo la presentaba no como una mera asociación de facinerosos, sino como una compleja sociedad con una cultura propia y una jerarquía aceptada incluso más allá de los círculos de la delincuencia. El Padrino narra la historia de un hombre, Vito Corleone, el capo más respetado de Nueva York. Déspota benevolente, implacable con sus rivales, inteligente y fiel a los principios del honor y la amistad. Don Corleone dirige un emporio que abarca el fraude y la extorsión, los juegos de azar y el control delos sindicatos. La vida y negocios de Don Corleone, así como los de su hijo y heredero Michael, conforman el eje de esta magistral obra.

Paesa: El espía de las mil caras

by Manuel Cerdán

La apasionante y enigmática vida de Francisco Paesa, uno de los espías más legendarios de las últimas décadas, escrita por el periodista que le cazó en París. Cuando el 2 de julio de 1998 salió publicada en la prensa la esquela de Francisco Paesa, fallecido en Tailandia, muchos respiraron. Por fin desaparecía del mapa el espía que, entre otras cosas, había negociado la entrega de Luis Roldán al gobierno español en el famoso caso de los papeles de Laos. Sin embargo, aquel muerto estaba vivo. Aquella esquela no era más que la penúltima jugada del espía español más importante de las últimas décadas. No tenía licencia para matar como James Bond, pero vivió con la opulencia de 007: bebiendo champán Dom Perignon y acompañado de hermosas mujeres. No era un personaje de ficción, pero se comportaba como los héroes de las novelas de John Le Carré. Siempre con una causa judicial pendiente, siempre con la policía pisándole los talones, Paesa ha vivido al filo de la legalidad una existencia trepidante: estafador del presidente ecuatoguineano en 1968, traficante de armas internacional, vendedor de misiles a ETA -que culmina con la célebre Operación Sokoa-, mediador en el caso GAL intercediendo a una testigo protegida por Garzón, agente secreto del Ministerio del Interior en los años más oscuro del felipismo. Una historia trepidante que ha inspirado la última película de Alberto Rodríguez, director de La isla mínima.

Pagan Babies: and Other Catholic Memories

by Gina Cascone

As a child, Gina Cascone would hide under her bed, in the closet, and run away from her parents, hoping somehow to escape her worst fear. But she couldn't hide from the awful truth. . . She had to go to Catholic school. Do nuns have legs? Is Original Sin the "starter sin" for novices? Can the rosary be said in under fifteen minutes? These are some of the questionsthat vex young Gina Cascone as she makes her way, grade by grade -- and prayer by prayer -- through the rigors of a Catholic education. All the answers can be found in this hilarious classic of childhood foibles: the traumatic first day of school, the dorky plaid uniform complete withmatching beanie, glow-in-the-dark rosary beads, first confession trauma, proper dashboard decor ("Cadillacs got Jesus; Oldsmobiles got Mary"), and the race to save the most "pagan babies," who weren't lucky enough to be born Catholic and American.

Pagan Kennedy's Living: A Handbook for Maturing Hipsters

by Pagan Kennedy

Pagan Kennedy first captured the hearts of America with her personal zine Pagan's Head. Drawing from this source, she presents not only the zine-world standards, but also includes some helpful dating tips, such as "Pretend to go to the bathroom and never come back." Cruise through this book only if you want an extremely entertaining read and the opportunity to develop an unhealthy fixation on the fabulous Ms. Kennedy. Originally published in 1997, this new edition features "Where are they now" updates.

Pagan Light: Dreams of Freedom and Beauty in Capri

by Jamie James

A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice"Pagan Light is mesmerizing. Every detail is compelling. I felt I was reading a family history of a family far more interesting than mine." --Edmund White, author of Our Young ManA rich, intimate embrace of Capri, which was a magnet for artistic renegades and a place of erotic refugeIsolated and arrestingly beautiful, the island of Capri has been a refuge for renegade artists and writers fleeing the strictures of conventional society from the time of Augustus, who bought the island in 29 BC after defeating Antony and Cleopatra, to the early twentieth century, when the poet and novelist Jacques d’Adelswärd-Fersen was in exile there after being charged with corrupting minors, to the 1960s, when Truman Capote spent time on the island. We also meet the Marquis de Sade, Goethe, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Compton Mackenzie, Rilke, Lenin, and Gorky, among other astonishingly vivid characters. Grounded in a deep intimacy with Capri and full of captivating anecdotes, Jamie James’s Pagan Light tells how a tiny island served as a wildly permissive haven for people—queer, criminal, sick, marginalized, and simply crazy—who had nowhere else to go.

Pagan Time: An American Childhood

by Micah Perks

With little more than a run-down Jeep and their newborn baby in tow, author Micah Perks' parents set out in 1963 to build a school and a utopian community in the mountains. The school would become known as a place to send teens with drug addictions and emotional problems, children with whom Micah and her sister would grow up.This complex memoir mixes a moving celebration of the utopian spirit and its desire for community and freedom with a lacerating critique of the consequences of those desires - especially for the children involved. How could the campaign for a perfect home and family create such confusion and destruction? The '60s, for many, became a laboratory of hope and chaos, as young idealists tested the limits of possibility.Micah Perks has cast her unflinching and precise eye on her own history and has illuminated not only those years of her childhood, but a wide-open moment that marked our culture for all time.


by Leslie Sheppard Herbert R. Axelrod

Biography of the famous violinist and composer, including a discography

Page Fright: Foibles and Fetishes of Famous Writers

by Harry Bruce

A witty round-up of writers' habits that includes all the big names, such as Dickens, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Hemingway. At public events readers always ask writers how they write. The process fascinates them. Now they have a very witty book that ranges around the world and throughout history to answer their questions. All the great writers are here -- Dickens, dashing off his work; Henry James dictating it; Flaubert shouting each word aloud in the garden; Hemingway at work in cafés with his pencil. But pencil or pen, trusty typewriter or computer, they all have their advocates. Not to mention the writers who can only keep the words flowing by writing naked, or while walking or listening to music -- and generally obeying the most bizarre superstitions. On Shakespeare's works: "Fantastic. And it was all done with a feather!" -- Sam Goldwyn. "I write nude, seated on a thick towel, and perhaps with a second towel around me." -- Paul West. "I've never heard of anyone getting plumber's block, or traffic cop's block." -- Allan Gurganus. "I'm a drinker with a writing problem." -- Brendan Behan.

Pageboy: A Memoir

by Elliot Page

The Oscar-nominated star who captivated the world with his performance in Juno finally shares his truth.“Can I kiss you?” It was two months before the world premiere of Juno, and Elliot Page was in his first ever queer bar. The hot summer air hung heavy around him as he looked at her. And then it happened. In front of everyone. A previously unfathomable experience. Here he was on the precipice of discovering himself as a queer person, as a trans person. Getting closer to his desires, his dreams, himself, without the repression he’d carried for so long. But for Elliot, two steps forward had always come with one step back. With Juno’s massive success, Elliot became one of the world’s most beloved actors. His dreams were coming true, but the pressure to perform suffocated him. He was forced to play the part of the glossy young starlet, a role that made his skin crawl, on and off set. The career that had been an escape out of his reality and into a world of imagination was suddenly a nightmare. As he navigated criticism and abuse from some of the most powerful people in Hollywood, a past that snapped at his heels, and a society dead set on forcing him into a binary, Elliot often stayed silent, unsure of what to do, until enough was enough. Full of behind the scenes details and intimate interrogations on sex, love, trauma, and Hollywood, Pageboy is the story of a life pushed to the brink. But at its core, this beautifully written, winding journey of what it means to untangle ourselves from the expectations of others is an ode to stepping into who we truly are with defiance, strength, and joy.

Pageboy: A Memoir

by Elliot Page

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA New York Times "100 Notable Books of 2023"A TIME Magazine "100 Must-Read Books of 2023"A Washington Post "50 Notable Works of Nonfiction"An Autostraddle "Best Queer Books of 2023"“Vivid…Moving…Juicy” – NPR"Eloquent and enthralling..." —Washington Post"Searing, deeply moving, and incredibly poignant... This isn’t simply a book on what it means to be trans, it’s about what it means to be human." —Alok Vaid-MenonFull of intimate stories, from chasing down secret love affairs to battling body image and struggling with familial strife, Pageboy is a love letter to the power of being seen. With this evocative and lyrical debut, Oscar-nominated star Elliot Page captures the universal human experience of searching for ourselves and our place in this complicated world.“Can I kiss you?” It was two months before the world premiere of Juno, and Elliot Page was in his first ever queer bar. The hot summer air hung heavy around him as he looked at her. And then it happened. In front of everyone. A previously unfathomable experience. Here he was on the precipice of discovering himself as a queer person, as a trans person. Getting closer to his desires, his dreams, himself, without the repression he’d carried for so long. But for Elliot, two steps forward had always come with one step back. With Juno’s massive success, Elliot became one of the world’s most beloved actors. His dreams were coming true, but the pressure to perform suffocated him. He was forced to play the part of the glossy young starlet, a role that made his skin crawl, on and off set. The career that had been an escape out of his reality and into a world of imagination was suddenly a nightmare. As he navigated criticism and abuse from some of the most powerful people in Hollywood, a past that snapped at his heels, and a society dead set on forcing him into a binary, Elliot often stayed silent, unsure of what to do. Until enough was enough. The Oscar-nominated star who captivated the world with his performance in Juno finally shares his story in a groundbreaking and inspiring memoir about love, family, fame — and stepping into who we truly are with strength, joy and connection.


by Frederick Exley

Exley's "sort-of-sequel" to A Fan's Note.

Pages from an Oxford Diary

by Paul Elmer More

IN the years 1924-1925 I was abroad with my family and my brother's family. For a number of months I was left at Oxford alone. It was during this time that I wrote out these notes. I disguised their source by pretending that they were taken from the diary of an actual Oxford don. I need not say that I myself never had any official connection with the University. The notes, though fictitious in their setting, were the transcription of a very real experience of my own. Princeton, New Jersey February 23, 1937

Pagoda of Light: A Falun Gong Story from Today's China

by Yuan Meng Long Tu

This true story of the Bai Family in China traces how their devotion to truth placed them on a collision course with the Communist Party. When they became practitioners of Falun Gong, it paved the way for a painful and torturous, yet enlightening, path in life, especially for the two brilliant brothers Xiaojun and Shaohua. After the Chinese Communist regime began its systematic repression of Falun Gong practitioners in 1999, Bai Xiaojun was tortured to death in one of the laogai or "re-education through labour" camps. His brother Bai Shaohua also disappeared in another such prison for three years. Through blood and sweat, Shaohua made it alive out of prison but was once again abducted in early February, 2008. The details in this gripping account of how Falun Gong practitioners are being repressed reveal the larger pattern of life, and death, under a totalitarian regime. Authors Long Tu and Yuan Meng, now living in Canada, compiled this account through personal contact with members of the Bai Family. They also write from personal experience. Long Tu is a computer program designer and Yuan Meng an architect and urban designer. Yuan Meng was herself imprisoned for 16 months in a laogai camp before leaving China, where unusual "meals" caused her body to swell and her back bones were broken during the persecution. They now live in Toronto and wrote Pagoda of Light to honour their imprisoned friends, noting that "the experience of the Bai family is but one of thousands of examples."


by Lázaro Droznes Stefania Batista

A incrível história do filho de um herói de guerra alemão, que se converteu ao judaísmo e emigrou a Israel. Essa ficção dramática reflete a incrível história baseada em um caso verídico do filho de um oficial alemão da Wehrmacht condecorado por sua valentia na Segunda Guerra Mundial, que se converteu ao judaísmo, abandonou a Alemanha e foi a Israel para se converter em cidadão israelita. Sua participação na Guerra do Líbano e seu confronto com os palestinos o colocam na mesma encruzilhada a qual deve ter enfrentado seu pai 40 anos antes: Deve enfrentar o dilema de todo soldado: Todas as ordens são lícitas e todas deve ser obedecidas? Qual é o limite da obediência devida? A disciplina militar exime o combatente de seus deveres morais e éticos? Toda a responsabilidade pertence à máxima hierarquia de uma organização militar ou a responsabilidade é compartilhada pelos níveis intermediários? Esta história confirma o que os gregos já sabiam: ninguém pode evitar seu próprio destino. Não importa o que façamos, ele sempre nos encontra.

Paid Servant

by E. R. Braithwaite

E. R. Braithwaite, the acclaimed author of To Sir, With Love, poignantly recounts his time as a social worker dedicated to London&’s abandoned minority children Despite his Cambridge education and a sterling record with the British Royal Air Force during World War II, E. R. Braithwaite, a black man, was unable to find employment as an engineer in post-war London. Instead he accepted a position as a teacher in a tough East End school and wrote of his experiences in his classic bestseller To Sir, With Love. Nine years later, Braithwaite once again found himself assuming an unfamiliar professional role as a social worker charged with finding homes for London&’s orphaned, abused, or abandoned &“coloured&” children. While he lacked formal training, Braithwaite possessed qualities essential for the job: compassion, determination, and a deep, abiding understanding and love for the helpless, lost, and disregarded. In Paid Servant, E. R. Braithwaite shares his experiences in London&’s Department of Child Welfare, focusing on the case of his four-year-old client Roddy, a bright, handsome mulatto boy who was rejected for adoption by both black and white families because he was not their &“own kind.&” Everywhere he turned, Braithwaite encountered racial prejudice. But he was willing to fight for what he believed in, and he believed in Roddy. Writing with great power, warmth, and a deep belief in human dignity and worth, Braithwaite offers a heartbreaking yet hopeful look into a society&’s attempt to care for its youngest, most vulnerable citizens.

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