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The Panzer Killers: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division's Charge into the Third Reich

by Daniel P. Bolger

A general-turned-historian reveals the remarkable battlefield heroics of Major General Maurice Rose, the World War II tank commander whose 3rd Armored Division struck fear into the hearts of Hitler's panzer crews.&“The Panzer Killers is a great book, vividly written and shrewdly observed.&”—The Wall Street JournalTwo months after D-Day, the Allies found themselves in a stalemate in Normandy, having suffered enormous casualties attempting to push through hedgerow country. Troops were spent, and American tankers, lacking the tactics and leadership to deal with the terrain, were losing their spirit. General George Patton and the other top U.S. commanders needed an officer who knew how to break the impasse and roll over the Germans—they needed one man with the grit and the vision to take the war all the way to the Rhine. Patton and his peers selected Maurice Rose.The son of a rabbi, Rose never discussed his Jewish heritage. But his ferocity on the battlefield reflected an inner flame. He led his 3rd Armored Division not from a command post but from the first vehicle in formation, charging headfirst into a fight. He devised innovative tactics, made the most of American weapons, and personally chose the cadre of young officers who drove his division forward. From Normandy to the West Wall, from the Battle of the Bulge to the final charge across Germany, Maurice Rose's deadly division of tanks blasted through enemy lines and pursued the enemy with a remarkable intensity. In The Panzer Killers, Daniel P. Bolger, a retired lieutenant general and Iraq War veteran, offers up a lively, dramatic tale of Rose's heroism. Along the way, Bolger infuses the narrative with fascinating insights that could only come from an author who has commanded tank forces in combat. The result is a unique and masterful story of battlefield leadership, destined to become a classic.

Panzers on the Vistula: Retreat and Rout in East Prussia 1945

by Hans Schäufler

This WWII memoir of a Nazi officer is one of the most revealing firsthand accounts of the German retreat on the Eastern Front. A second lieutenant of the 4th Panzer division, Hans Schäufler commanded a Jagdpanther tank destroyer in rearguard actions against the Red Army in East Prussia in 1945. Then, as an infantryman, he took part in the doomed defense of Danzig before escaping across the Baltic in a small boat. His personal story offers a rare glimpse into the chaos and suffering endured by tens thousands of soldiers and civilians during the collapse of the Third Reich in the east. Along with vivid descriptions of the appalling conditions in Danzig and the fear and panic that gripped the city, Schäufler&’s account provides valuable insight into the German army&’s tactics as they fell back before the Soviet advance. While acute shortages of men, equipment, ammunition and fuel crippled the defense, the soldiers went on fighting for a lost cause in the face of certain defeat.

El papa Borgia: Un inédito Alejandro VI liberado al fin de la leyenda negra

by Lola Galán José Catalán Deus

En este libro se ofrece una visión inédita de un Papa-rey que despertó gigantescas envidias. Es momento de rescatar a Alejandro VI del sumidero de una historia casi siempre interesada. ¿Fue el papa Borgia un político competente o un embaucador corrupto? ¿Cuidó de la Iglesia o la usó para promocionar a su familia? ¿Fue un ser humano con sus defectos y virtudes al timón de una institución sumamente compleja o un malvado asesino? Durante siglos la respuesta ha estado clara para el común de los historiadores y novelistas, que han encontrado en la vida de Rodrigo Borja, valenciano de nacimiento y romano de adopción, elementos suficientes para construir un relato de terror, plagado de ambición, sexo y veneno. La realidad, sin embargo, es otra. Los datos históricos de que disponemos permiten reconstruir la biografía de este Papa que, libre de la leyenda, emerge como una figura de excepcionales cualidades. Vicecanciller vaticano durante tres décadas y pontífice católico durante diez años vitales para la Iglesia, aseguró la supervivencia de la institución a él encomendada gracias a sus grandes dotes políticas, diplomáticas y humanas. Tildado de lujurioso y homicida, Alejandro VI fue un hombre apasionado, carnal y tolerante, entregado a su familia y a la defensa de la Iglesia. Pocos personajes de la historia han sido tan calumniados como él por difamadores a sueldo de sus rivales políticos. La verdad es sorprendente y más apasionante que los tópicos.

Papá espía

by Jimmy Burns

En los años 30, Tom Burns era un joven editor católico que despuntaba en los círculos literarios de Londres, rodeado de amigos y autores como G. K. Chesterton, Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene, el artista Eric Gill y el poeta David Jones. En ese brillante ambiente de la alta sociedad, se había enamorado de la hermosa Ann Bowes-Lyon, prima de la Reina.Cuando estalla la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Burns entra en el Ministerio de Información, que era de hecho el ala propagandística de los servicios secretos. Madrid, nido de espías de ambos bandos y punto clave en la guerra de propaganda, es su destino como encargado de prensa del formidable y muy protestante Embajador Sir Samuel Hoare. Burns se entregó en cuerpo y alma a su tarea frente a los nazis, que en ese momento tenían un acceso casi absoluto a los medios españoles: hacer todo lo posible para que Franco se mantuviera neutral y así proteger Gibraltar y el acceso al Mediterráneo occidental.La estrategia era sencilla, pero las tácticas mucho más complicadas, sobre todo cuando Burns se dio cuenta de que tenía enemigos en su propio bando, empezando por Anthony Blunt y Kim Philby, jefe de la sección ibérica del MI6. En 1941 echaba de menos la lucha real, Ann se había prometido con otro hombre y pasaba tanto tiempo guardándose las espaldas como combatiendo a los Nazis. Este fascinante libro escrito por su hijo cuenta cómo venció estas dificultades, participó en la operación Mincemeat para facilitar el desembarco en Sicilia, preparó el viaje propagandístico a España y Portugal en que perdió la vida Leslie Howard y encontró el amor de su vida mientras servía fielmente a su país.

Papa Francesco

by The Wall Street Journal

Il 13 Marzo, i cardinali della Chiesa Cattolica, riunitisi per la prima volta in 600 anni per eleggere il successore di un Papa ancora vivente, hanno annunciato un incredibile cambiamento. Nel promuovere il Cardinale argentino Jorge Mario Bergoglio a diventare Papa Francesco, il 266 Pontefice, i cardinali hanno eletto per la prima volta un Papa venuto dal Nuovo Mondo in via di sviluppo per prendere il timone della chiesa in un momento cruciale. E stato un cambiamento sorprendente in 2000 anni di istituzione che ha avuto larga influenza - con 1. 2 miliardi di fedeli in tutto il mondo - ed enormi problemi, tra cui uno scandalo di decennali abusi sessuali che ha distrutto la fede nellistituzione, una mancanza di preti e tendenze secolari che hanno svuotato la chiesa di membri e messo alla prova la sua autorita in un mondo votato al cambiamento. Dalla sconvolgente decisione di dimettersi di Papa Benedetto XVI alla nomina di Papa Francesco, dalle strade secondarie di Buenos Aires alla prima fila in Piazza San Pietro, i giornalisti di The Wall Street Journal hanno raccontato queste drammatiche settimane nella vita dellistituzione piu antica al mondo. Ora, con un nuovo e-book, gli inviati del Giornale presenteranno una dettagliata biografia originale e tempestiva del nuovo Papa Francesco, cosi come una nuova visione sulla trattativa e sul dramma che ha accompagnato la sua ascesa. Papa Francesco rappresentera a fondo lintera storia del cambiamento di direzione della chiesa e luomo incaricato di guidarla e sara da valutare come Papa Francesco potrebbe affrontare gli anni di scandalo e le carenze mentre guida i cattolici di tutto il mondo verso una fede piu profonda. The Wall Street Journal e il quotidiano piu importante dAmerica con una tiratura totale media di circa 2. 3 milioni di abbonati e 36 milioni al mondo di lettori digitali ogni mese. Negli ultimi anni il Journal ha ampliato i suoi argomenti di base dando spazio alle arti, alla cultura, ai costumi, allo sport e alla salute, aggiungendoli al suo patrimonio di fonte principale di notizie finanziarie ed economiche. In quanto uno dei piu grandi giornali mondiali che raggruppa lattivita di 2000 giornalisti in oltre 50 paesi, e arrivato ora ad otto edizioni in 11 lingue, coinvolgendo i lettori tramite i quotidiani, i siti web, le riviste, i social media e i video. Il Journal ha ottenuto 34 Premi Pulitzer per leccezionale attivita giornalistica.

Papa Francisco

by Marie Duhamel

Desde el momento en que fue elegido para el papado, el papa Francisco ha captado la atención del mundo con su humildad, carisma y espíritu reformistaEsta biografía ilustrada única del primer Papa jesuita ofrece más de 250 fotografías e incluye 50 documentos de la vida de Francisco que se pueden extraer del libro. Escrita por la reportera de Radio Vaticano, Marie Duhamel, este retrato íntimo incluye la emigración de sus padres desde Italia, su nacimiento como Jorge Mario Bergoglio en 1936, su amor por el fútbol y la ópera cuando era niño, la neumonía que casi le costó la vida cuando era un adulto joven, su llamado al sacerdocio, y su primer encuentro con la pobreza cuando era misionero en Chile que cambió su vida. Duhamel hace una crónica del ascenso de Francisco de sacerdote a obispo, de cardenal al papado, y cómo, a lo largo del camino, impresionó a muchas personas, y alejó a algunas, con su valentía para hacer frente a la autoridad y su dedicación a ayudar a los pobres. Los documentos adjuntos, como su certificado de bautismo, fotografías de su niñez, páginas de un cuaderno escolar, notas manuscritas como Papa, e incluso una tarjeta de seguidor de su querido club de fútbol del San Lorenzo, ilustran más aún su vida y crean un recuerdo duradero de este Papa para el pueblo.---From the moment he was elected into the papacy, Pope Francis has captured the attention of the world with his humility, charisma, and reformist spirit. This one-of-a-kind, illustrated biography of the first Jesuit pope offers more than 250 photographs and 50 documents from Francis's life. Written by Vatican Radio reporter Marie Duhamel, this intimate portrait includes his parents emigration from Italy, his birth as Jorge Mario Bergoglio in 1936, his love of soccer and opera as a child, the pneumonia that nearly cost him his life as a young adult, his calling to the priesthood, and his first encounter with poverty as a missionary in Chile that would change his life. Duhamel chronicles Francis's rise from priest to bishop to cardinal to the papacy and how, along the way, he impressed many people-and alienated some-with his courage to stand up to authority and his dedication to helping the poor. Enclosed documents such as his baptism certificate, photographs from his childhood, pages from a school notebook, handwritten notes as pope, and even a support card for his beloved San Lorenzosoccer club, further illuminate his life and create a lasting keepsake of this pope of the people.

Papa Francisco

by The Wall Street Journal

Em 13 de março, os cardeais da Igreja Católica, reunidos para eleger um sucessor de um Papa ainda vivo pela primeira vez em 600 anos, anunciaram uma mudança dramática. Ao eleger o cardeal Jorge Mario Bergoglio da Argentina como Papa Francisco 266°, os cardeais nomeavam o primeiro Papa do emergente Novo Mundo em toda história, para assumir a liderança da Igreja em um momento crucial. Esta foi uma mudança impressionante feita por uma instituição de 2000 anos de idade que tem imensa influência -- com 1.2 bilhões de seguidores em todo mundo -- e enormes problemas, incluindo um escândalo de abuso sexual que perdura por uma década e abalou a fé na instituição, escassez de padres e tendências seculares, que fizeram a Igreja perder membros e colocaram à prova sua relevância em um mundo em transformação. Desde a surpreendente decisão do Papa Bento XVI de se aposentar, até a apresentação do Papa Francisco, das tranquilas ruas de bairro de Buenos Aires até a primeira fila da praça de São Pedro, os repórteres do Wall Street Journal registraram essas dramáticas semanas na vida da mais antiga instituição do mundo. Agora, em um novo e-book, os repórteres do Journal irão apresentar uma biografia detalhada, original e oportuna do novo Papa Francisco, bem como novas visões das negociações e do drama que cercaram sua acensão. Papa Francisco irá apresentar a história completa e aprofundada da mudança de direção da Igreja e do homem encarregado de liderá-la, e analisar como o Papa Francisco poderá lidar com anos de escândalo e deficiência, enquanto lidera os católicos de todo o mundo em direção a uma fé mais profunda. The Wall Street Journal é o maior jornal dos Estados Unidos, considerando a circulação média total, com quase 2.3 milhões de assinantes e 36 milhões de visitantes digitais de todo o mundo por mês. Nos últimos anos, o Journal expandiu o seu conteúdo central para incluir a cobertura de arte, cultura, estilo de vida, esportes e saúde, tendo como base sua tradição como fonte principal de notícias financeiras e de negócios. Como uma das maiores operações de captação de notícias do mundo com 2.000 jornalistas em mais de 50 países, a franquia Journal abrange atualmente oito edições em 11 línguas, envolvendo leitores através de jornais, websites, revistas, mídia social e vídeos. O Journal detém 34 prêmios Pulitzer pela sua excelência em jornalismo.

El papa Francisco

by The Wall Street Journal

El 13 de marzo, los cardenales de la Iglesia Católica, reunidos para elegir el sucesor de un Papa vivo por primera vez en 600 años, anunciaron un giro dramático. Al elevar al Cardenal Jorge Mario Bergoglio de Argentina y convertirlo en el Papa Francisco, el 266° Pontífice, los cardenales nombraban al primer Papa proveniente del creciente Nuevo Mundo en la historia, para que se hiciera cargo del timón de la Iglesia en un momento crucial. Fue un paso asombroso para una institución de 2000 años que tiene una influencia inmensa, con 1,2 mil millones de fieles en el mundo, y problemas enormes, que incluyen un escándalo por abusos sexuales desde hace una década, que ha echado por tierra la fe en la institución, una escasez de sacerdotes y tendencias seculares que han provocado la pérdida de muchos miembros de la Iglesia y han desafiado su relevancia en un mundo que está cambiando. Desde la decisión impactante del Papa Benedicto XVI de retirarse, hasta la presentación del Papa Francisco, desde las calles apartadas de Buenos Aires hasta la primera fila de la Plaza de San Pedro, los periodistas de The Wall Street Journal relataron lo sucedido durante estas semanas dramáticas en la vida de la institución más antigua del mundo. Ahora, en un nuevo libro electrónico, los periodistas del diario presentarán una biografía detallada, oportuna y original del nuevo Papa Francisco, como también una nueva perspectiva acerca de las negociaciones y el drama que rodearon su ascenso. El Papa Francisco presentará la historia completa y en profundidad del cambio de dirección de la Iglesia y del hombre al que se le encomendó la tarea de conducirla, y reflexionará acerca de cómo el Papa Francisco podría abordar los años de escándalo y defectos mientras guía a los católicos alrededor del mundo hacia una fe más profunda. The Wall Street Journal es el diario más grande de Norteamérica por circulación promedio total, con cerca de 2,3 millones de suscriptores y 36 millones de visitas digitales globales por mes. En los últimos años, el Journal ha ampliado su contenido troncal ofreciendo cobertura de arte, cultura, estilo de vida, deportes y ha añadido esto a su patrimonio como fuente líder de noticias financieras y comerciales. Como una de las gestiones más grandes del mundo para recabar noticias, con 2000 periodistas en más de 50 países, la franquicia Journal ahora abarca ocho ediciones en 11 idiomas, lo que ha ganado el interés de los lectores a través de diarios, sitios web, revistas, redes sociales y videos. Journal posee 34 Premios Pulitzer por su destacada labor periodística.

Papa Hemingway: A Personal Memoir

by A. E. Hotchner

An intimate, joy-filled portrait and New York Times bestseller, written by one of Hemingway’s closest friends: “It is hard to imagine a better biography” (Life). In 1948, A. E. Hotchner went to Cuba to ask Ernest Hemingway to write an article on “The Future of Literature” for Cosmopolitan magazine. The article never materialized, but from that first meeting at the El Floridita bar in Havana until Hemingway’s death in 1961, Hotchner and the Nobel and Pulitzer Prize–winning author developed a deep and abiding friendship. They caroused in New York City and Rome, ran with the bulls in Pamplona, hunted in Idaho, and fished the waters off Cuba. Every time they got together, Hemingway held forth on an astonishing variety of subjects, from the art of the perfect daiquiri to Paris in the 1920s to his boyhood in Oak Park, Illinois. Thankfully, Hotchner took it all down. Papa Hemingway provides fascinating details about Hemingway’s daily routine, including the German army belt he wore and his habit of writing descriptive passages in longhand and dialogue on a typewriter, and documents his memories of Gertrude Stein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Martha Gellhorn, Marlene Dietrich, and many of the twentieth century’s most notable artists and celebrities. In the literary icon’s final years, as his poor health began to affect his work, Hotchner tenderly and honestly portrays Hemingway’s valiant attempts to beat back the depression that would lead him to take his own life. Deeply compassionate and highly entertaining, this “remarkable” New York Times bestseller “makes Hemingway live for us as nothing else has done” (The Wall Street Journal).

Papa John: The Autobiography Of John Phillips

by John Phillips Jim Jerome

Sex, drugs, and rock 'n ' roll. It was the anthem of the sixties. The psychedelic code by which many lived --and died. And John Phillips, legendary founder and songwriter of the Mamas and the Papas, experienced it all. Now Phillips takes us on a dizzying roller-coaster ride from stardom in L.A. to drug busts in the Big Apple. In an intimate, gritty, all- too-true self-portrait, he offers a startling, reflective look at the turbulent sixties and beyond.

Papá y yo

by Beatriz Caballero Holguin

Un homenaje al escritor Eduardo Caballero Calderón por parte de su hija. ¿A quién no le pusieron de tarea en el colegio a Eduardo CaballeroCalderón? ¿Un ensayo sobre el Cristo de Espaldas o un análisis literariode Siervo sin Tierra? "Era desesperante esa cantidad de niños de colegioque llamaban a la casa por teléfono porque les habían puesto a papá detarea. Al principio era divertido, pero cuando ya eran treinta lasllamadas en una sola tarde, nos empezamos a aburrir. A veces papá mismoera el que contestaba:-Tengo que leerme Siervo sin tierra pero me dapereza, ¿por qué no más bien me lo cuentas? -Porque ya se me olvidó# Unaniñita más envalentonada, cuando supo que estaba hablando con él ledijo: -¡Pues ni se sueñe que me voy a leer su jartera de libro! Y lecolgó". Estas anécdotas hacen parte del prólogo de Papá y yo, libro queBeatriz Caballero escribió como homenaje a su padre y cuyo únicoobjetivo que persigue es dar a conocer a Eduardo Caballero Calderón paraque den ganas de leerlo. Por eso puso a dialogar sus obras con laopinión de críticos y estudiosos literarios. Y ante todo lo citó a él,lo puso a hablar, no sólo por medio de sus escritos sino con sus propiaspalabras, esas que pronunciaba en la mesa del comedor, la sala o duranteun viaje. Por supuesto, Caballero Calderón fue mucho más que El Cristode espaldas y Siervo sin tierra. Hasta 1967 muchos críticos literarioslo consideraban como el mejor escritor vivo del país. Durante cincuentaaños fue periodista y desde sus columnas de opinión en El Tiempo y ElEspectador bajo el seudónimo de Swann fue una especie de faro moral parael país por su crítica constante al gobierno, su espíritu democrático,su preocupación por el campo y su afán bolivariano. Escribió treintalibros y fue traducido a doce idiomas: portugués, francés, italiano,alemán, ruso, serbocroata, chino, coreano entre otros. Es uno de lostres autores no nacidos en España que ha obtenido el Premio Nadal, elmás antiguo que se concede en ese país. Sus obras El buen salvaje, Caín,La historia de dos hermanos y El Cristo de Espaldas fueron adaptadas acine o a televisión, por eso es considerado como el escritor Colombianomás llevado al lenguaje visual Un homenaje al escritor Eduardo Caballero Calderón por parte de su hija. ¿A quién no le pusieron de tarea en el colegio a Eduardo CaballeroCalderón? ¿Un ensayo sobre el Cristo de Espaldas o un análisis literariode Siervo sin Tierra? "Era desesperante esa cantidad de niños de colegioque llamaban a la casa por teléfono porque les habían puesto a papá detarea. Al principio era divertido, pero cuando ya eran treinta lasllamadas en una sola tarde, nos empezamos a aburrir. A veces papá mismoera el que contestaba:-Tengo que leerme Siervo sin tierra pero me dapereza, ¿por qué no más bien me lo cuentas? -Porque ya se me olvidó# Unaniñita más envalentonada, cuando supo que estaba hablando con él ledijo: -¡Pues ni se sueñe que me voy a leer su jartera de libro! Y lecolgó". Estas anécdotas hacen parte del prólogo de Papá y yo, libro queBeatriz Caballero escribió como homenaje a su padre y cuyo únicoobjetivo que persigue es dar a conocer a Eduardo Caballero Calderón paraque den ganas de leerlo. Por eso puso a dialogar sus obras con laopinión de críticos y estudiosos literarios. Y ante todo lo citó a él,lo puso a hablar, no sólo por medio de sus escritos sino con sus propiaspalabras, esas que pronunciaba en la mesa del comedor, la sala o duranteun viaje. Por supuesto, Caballero Calderón fue mucho más que El Cristode espaldas y Siervo sin tierra. Hasta 1967 muchos críticos literarioslo consideraban como el mejor escritor vivo del país. Durante cincuentaaños fue periodista y desde sus columnas de opinión en El Tiempo y ElEspectador bajo el seudónimo de Swann f

Papal Magic: Occult Practices Within the Catholic Church

by Simon

It is acknowledged Church doctrine that sorcery is the specific domain of the Devil. Yet occult tales are liberally sprinkled throughout the Old and New Testaments, from the spirit-invoking Witch of Endor to the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Throughout its 2,000 year history, the Church has spawned numerous mystical religious orders, like the Knights Templar, that may have been engaged in supernatural pursuits, while no fewer than three popes were believed to be involved in occult practices.Christian scriptures tell us that the occult is real, while Catholic priests are thought to have spiritual power over ghosts and evil entities. But if a priest can cast out demons during the rites of exorcism, does it not imply he has the ability to summon them as well?In this eye-opening, provocative work, leading occult scholar Simon examines the Church's unspoken relationship with forbidden magic by exploring the infamous seventeenth-century document considered by some to be the most demonic of all occult texts—the Grimoire of Pope Honorius III—and illuminates the Vatican's darkest hidden corners.

Papa's Mechanical Fish

by Candace Fleming

Candace Fleming and illustrator Boris Kulikov pair up to tell a fun story about a real submarine inventor in Papa's Mechanical FishClink! Clankety-bang! Thump-whirr! That's the sound of Papa at work. Although he is an inventor, he has never made anything that works perfectly, and that's because he hasn't yet found a truly fantastic idea. But when he takes his family fishing on Lake Michigan, his daughter Virena asks, "Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a fish?"—and Papa is off to his workshop. With a lot of persistence and a little bit of help, Papa—who is based on the real-life inventor Lodner Phillips—creates a submarine that can take his family for a trip to the bottom of Lake Michigan.

Paper Cuts: How I Destroyed the British Music Press and Other Misadventures

by Ted Kessler

'A great writer' Paul Weller'A music journalist of integrity' Billy Childish'There's only one Ted Kessler!' Liam GallagherPAPER CUTS is the inside story of the slow death of the British music press. But it's also a love letter to it, the tale of how music magazines saved one man's life. Ted Kessler left home and school around his seventeenth birthday, determined 'to be someone who listened to music professionally'. That dream appeared forlorn when he was later arrested for theft behind the counter of the record shop he managed during acid house's long hot summer of love. Paper Cuts tells how Kessler found redemption through music and writing and takes us on a journey alongside the stars he interviewed and the work-place dramas he navigated as a senior staffer at NME through the boom-time '90s and on to the monthly Q in 2004, where he worked for sixteen years before it folded with him at its helm as editor in 2020.We travel in time alongside musical heroes Paul Weller, Kevin Rowland, Mark E Smith, and to Cuba twice, first with Shaun Ryder and Bez, then with Manic Street Preachers. We spend long, mad nights out with Oasis and The Strokes, quality time with Jeff Buckley and Florence Welch, and watch Radiohead deliver cold revenge upon Kessler in public. A story about love and death, about what it's like when a music writer shacks up with a conflict of interest, and what happens when your younger brother starts appearing on the cover of the magazines you work for, this is the memoir of "a delinquent doofus" whose life was both rescued and defined by music magazines.

Paper Cuts: How I Destroyed the British Music Press and Other Misadventures

by Ted Kessler

'A great writer' Paul Weller'A music journalist of integrity' Billy Childish'There's only one Ted Kessler!' Liam GallagherPAPER CUTS is the inside story of the slow death of the British music press. But it's also a love letter to it, the tale of how music magazines saved one man's life. Ted Kessler left home and school around his seventeenth birthday, determined 'to be someone who listened to music professionally'. That dream appeared forlorn when he was later arrested for theft behind the counter of the record shop he managed during acid house's long hot summer of love. Paper Cuts tells how Kessler found redemption through music and writing and takes us on a journey alongside the stars he interviewed and the work-place dramas he navigated as a senior staffer at NME through the boom-time '90s and on to the monthly Q in 2004, where he worked for sixteen years before it folded with him at its helm as editor in 2020.We travel in time alongside musical heroes Paul Weller, Kevin Rowland, Mark E Smith, and to Cuba twice, first with Shaun Ryder and Bez, then with Manic Street Preachers. We spend long, mad nights out with Oasis and The Strokes, quality time with Jeff Buckley and Florence Welch, and watch Radiohead deliver cold revenge upon Kessler in public. A story about love and death, about what it's like when a music writer shacks up with a conflict of interest, and what happens when your younger brother starts appearing on the cover of the magazines you work for, this is the memoir of "a delinquent doofus" whose life was both rescued and defined by music magazines.

Paper Daughter: A Memoir

by M. Elaine Mar

When she was five years old, M. Elaine Mar and her mother emigrated from Hong Kong to Denver to join her father in a community more Chinese than American, more hungry than hopeful. While working with her family in the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant and living in the basement of her aunt's house, Mar quickly masters English and begins to excel in school. But as her home and school life--Chinese tradition and American independence--become two increasingly disparate worlds, Mar tries desperately to navigate between them. Adolescence and the awakening of her sexuality leave Elaine isolated and confused. She yearns for storebought clothes and falls for a red-haired boy who leads her away from the fretful eyes of her family. In his presence, Elaine is overcome by the strength of her desire--blocking out her family's visions of an arranged marriage in Hong Kong. From surviving racist harassment in the schooIyard to trying to flip her straight hair like Farrah Fawcett, from hiding her parents' heritage to arriving alone at Harvard University, Mar's story is at once an unforgettable personal journey and an unflinching, brutal look at the realities of the American Dream.

The Paper Dolls of Zelda Fitzgerald

by Eleanor Lanahan

A beautifully designed, full-color collection of paper dolls created by Zelda Fitzgerald, lovingly compiled by her granddaughter, Eleanor Lanahan.Born in Montgomery, Alabama, Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald has long been an American cultural icon. A Southern belle turned flapper, Zelda was talented in dance, painting, and writing but lived in the shadow of her writer husband F. Scott Fitzgerald&’s success. The golden couple of the Jazz Age, Zelda and her husband moved around—from hotels to rented villas to apartments in Paris—and Zelda always brought along her paints. Few people know she painted at all, and fewer still know she made paper dolls. But throughout her life, Zelda created dolls, whenever she could, in private. By design, paper dolls are delicate, fragile, and destined for destruction at the hands of children. Zelda&’s dolls began as playthings for her daughter, Scottie, born in 1921. Fortunately, Zelda continued to make figures after Scottie outgrew them, first of their family and then of storybook characters—lavish, graceful, bold figures. These unique characters were a portable troupe, a colorful paper caravan that travelled inside her luggage. Zelda chose subjects she relished: society figures of the French Court, or Red Riding Hood&’s predatory wolf, as vivacious as the girl. Whether they are cardinals, kings, or bears, the dolls are fashionably attired in ball gowns, armor, and capes. A gorgeous and unique keepsake and a perfect gift for book and art lovers, this delightful collection of Zelda&’s paper dolls offers an intimate peek into the life of one of the Lost Generation&’s most fascinating creative artists.

The Paper Garden

by Molly Peacock

The Paper Garden is unlike anything else you have ever read. At once a biography of an extraordinary 18th century gentlewoman and a meditation on late-life creativity, it is a beautifully written tour de force from an acclaimed poet. Mary Granville Pendarves Delany (1700-1788) was the witty, beautiful and talented daughter of a minor branch of a powerful family. Married off at 16 to a 61-year-old drunken squire to improve the family fortunes, she was widowed by 25, and henceforth had a small stipend and a horror of a marriage. She spurned many suitors over the next twenty years, including the powerful Lord Baltimore and the charismatic radical John Wesley. She cultivated a wide circle of friends, including Handel and Jonathan Swift. And she painted, she stitched, she observed, as she swirled in the outskirts of the Georgian court. In mid-life she found love, and married. Upon her husband's death 23 years later, she arose from her grief, picked up a pair of scissors and, at the age of 72, created a new art form, mixed-media collage. Over the next decade, Mrs Delany created an astonishing 985 botanically correct, breathtaking cut-paper flowers, now housed in the British Museum and referred to as the Botanica Delanica.Delicately, Peacock has woven parallels in her own life around the story of Mrs Delany's and, in doing so, has made this biography into a profound and beautiful examination of the nature of creativity and art.Gorgeously designed and featuring 35 full-colour illustrations, this is a sumptuous and lively book full of fashion and friendships, gossip and politics, letters and love. It's to be devoured as voraciously as one of the court dinners it describes.From the Hardcover edition.

Paper Gardens: A Stroll through French Literature

by Evelyne Bloch-Dano

From Jean-Jacques Rousseau to Marcel Proust, from Marguerite Duras to George Sand, from Colette to Patrick Modiano, gardens appear in novels as representations of the real world, but also as reflections of the imagination. In Paper Gardens: A Stroll through French Literature, Évelyne Bloch-Dano contemplates the role of the garden in the work of great prose writers, ruminating on how the garden can variously symbolize a reflection of the soul, a well-earned rest, an improving form of work, a nostalgia for childhood, and the dream of an ideal world. The charming and erudite first section focuses on history and is devoted to types of gardens ranging from the biblical Garden of Eden to English parklands; the second perceptively considers their role in literary works. Concealed within these cultivated wanderings is also an element of autobiography. Lovers of literature and gardening alike will fall in love with this beautifully written meditation.

Paper Houses: A Memoir of the 70s and Beyond

by Michele Roberts

Rebellion, revolution, experimental living, feminist communes, street theatre, radical magazines, love affairs - gay and straight - sex, drugs and rock and roll.Michèle Roberts, one of Britain's most talented and highly acclaimed novelists, now considers her own life, in this vibrant, powerful portrait of a time and place: alternative London of the 1970s and beyond. A fledgling writer taking a leap into radical politics, Roberts finds alternative homes, new families and lifelong friendships in the streets and houses of Holloway, Peckham, Regent's Park and Notting Hill Gate. From Spare Rib to publishing her first book, Paper Houses is Roberts' story of finding a space in which to live, love and write - and learning to share it.'Beguiling, enthusiastic, charming and vivid, this is an autobiography to be savoured' Amanda Craig, DAILY TELEGRAPH

Paper Houses: A Memoir of the 70s and Beyond

by Michele Roberts

Rebellion, revolution, experimental living, feminist communes, street theatre, radical magazines, love affairs - gay and straight - sex, drugs and rock and roll.Michèle Roberts, one of Britain's most talented and highly acclaimed novelists, now considers her own life, in this vibrant, powerful portrait of a time and place: alternative London of the 1970s and beyond. A fledgling writer taking a leap into radical politics, Roberts finds alternative homes, new families and lifelong friendships in the streets and houses of Holloway, Peckham, Regent's Park and Notting Hill Gate. From Spare Rib to publishing her first book, Paper Houses is Roberts' story of finding a space in which to live, love and write - and learning to share it.'Beguiling, enthusiastic, charming and vivid, this is an autobiography to be savoured' Amanda Craig, DAILY TELEGRAPH

The Paper Lantern

by Will Burns

'Will Burns is a soulful English poet of the kind we don't make enough of' MAX PORTER'Hugely affecting and timely' LUKE TURNER'A boldly struck chord, one that contains many of the dissonances, but also the harmonies, found in England today' CHRIS POWERIn THE PAPER LANTERN, a single speaker charts and interrogates the shifts in mood and understanding that have defined a surreal, transformative period in both his own history and that of the surrounding area. Set in a shuttered pub - The Paper Lantern - in a village in the very middle of the country adjacent to the Chequers estate, the narrator embarks on a series of walks in the Chiltern Hills, which become the landscape for evocations of a past scarred with trauma and a present lacking compass. From local raves in secret valleys and the history of landmarks such as Halton House, to the fallout of the lockdown period, climate change and capitalism, THE PAPER LANTERN creates a tangible, lived-in, complicated rendering of a place.

A Paper Life

by Tatum O'Neal

The sensational memoir by one of Hollywood's most talented and turbulent leading ladies--filled with stunning revelations--is an inspirational true tale of survival and triumph against all odds.

A Paper Life

by Tatum O'Neal

The sensational memoir by one of Hollywood's most talented and turbulent leading ladies--filled with stunning revelations--is an inspirational true tale of survival and triumph against all odds.

Paper Lion: Confessions of a Last-String Quarterback

by Nicholas Dawidoff George Plimpton

The book that made a legend--and capture's America's sport in detail that's never been matched, now featuring a foreword by Nicholas Dawidoff a and never-before-seen content from the Plimpton Archives. George Plimpton was perhaps best known for PAPER LION, the book that set the bar for participatory sports journalism. With his characteristic wit, Plimpton recounts his experiences in talking his way into training camp with the Detroit Lions, practicing with the team, and taking snaps behind center. His breezy style captures the pressures and tensions rookies confront, the hijinks that pervade when sixty high-strung guys live together in close quarters, and a host of football rites and rituals. One of the funniest and most insightful books ever written on football, PAPER LION is a classic look at the gridiron game and a book The Wall Street Journal calls "a continuous feast...The best book ever about football--or anything!"

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