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Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories

by Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack Esther Dyson

Geared toward women who are considering getting into tech, or those already in a tech job who want to take their career to the next level, this book combines practical career advice and inspiring personal stories from successful female tech professionals Brianna Wu (founder, Giant Spacekat), Angie Chang (founder, Women 2.0), Keren Elazari (TED speaker and cybersecurity expert), Katie Cunningham (Python educator and developer), Miah Johnson (senior systems administrator), Kristin Toth Smith (tech executive and inventor), and Kamilah Taylor (mobile and social developer). Written by a female startup CEO and featuring a host of other successful contributors, this book will help dismantle the unconscious social bias against women in the tech industry. Readers will learn:· The secrets of salary negotiation · The best format for tech resumes · How to ace a tech interview · The perks of both contracting (W-9) and salaried full-time work · The secrets of mentorship · How to start your own company · And much more

Women in Texas: Their Lives, Their Experiences, Their Accomplishments

by Ann Crawford Crystal Ragsdale

Margaret Lea Houston, Barbara Jordan, Ann Willis Richards This historic collection, revised and expanded, is the most complete and authoritative history of the women who have contributed to the life of the Lone Star State. A compendium of authentic and detailed biographies based on historical sources, here is a rich tapestry woven from the polychrome backgrounds and ethnicities of Texas’ women. Theirs is a legacy of gentleness to greatness, and their names are legend in the honor roll of Texas--from Jane Long, “The Mother of Texas,” to Ann Richards, whose position as the only woman governor of a major industrial state might lead to even greater national office. Henrietta King’s name adorns a historic Texas ranch; Lizzie Johnson Williams, Texas’ eccentric cattle queen and financial wizard, lived like a miser in her old age but left a fortune in legendary diamonds and real estate; Babe Zaharias became a sports legend. These women’s stories are tales of ingenuity, spirit, and entrepreneurial skills cast against the background of Texas history. From the 19th to the 20th century, Texas women have created a story of lives well spent and talents explored. They rode the cattle trails, wrote the books, painted and sculpted, and helped to govern their state, creating a legacy of “firsts”; Mary Austin Holley, first woman to write a book about her adopted state; Miriam Amanda Ferguson, first woman governor elected in her own right

Women in Texas Music

by Kathleen Hudson

Across the state and across a wide variety of musical genres, women are making their mark on Texas music. Some have become international superstars, while others are just starting to make their voices heard. But every woman who goes out and plays her music proves that "baring one's heart and soul takes courage, and Texas women artists have a lot of courage," as Lloyd Maines observes in the opening interview of this book. To pay tribute to these dedicated musicians and to capture their unique perspectives on what it means to be a woman in the music business, Kathleen Hudson has spent many years interviewing Texas women musicians for the Texas Heritage Music Foundation. In Women in Texas Music, Hudson lets us listen in on conversations with thirty-nine musical artists, including Emily Robison, Terri Hendrix, Lee Ann Womack, Rosie Flores, Betty Buckley, Marcia Ball, Lavelle White, and Bobbie Nelson. Hudson encourages and allows the women to tell their own stories as she delves into their life journeys, creative processes, and the importance of writing and performing music, be it blues, rock, country, folk, jazz, or pop. The interviews are warm and open, like good friends sharing the lessons that a life of playing music has taught them. What emerges from this collection is a solid sense of the strength and integrity that women bring to and gain from Texas music. Everyone who cares about music and culture in Texas will want to join the conversation.

Women in the Dark: Female Photographers in the US 1850–1900

by Katherine Manthorne

Brings to light the hidden histories of two generations of women photographers in 19th-century AmericaFor all interested in photographic, 19th-century American, and women's historyIncludes stories of amazing ingenuity, including using a skirt as a &“portable darkroom&”

Women in the Military: From Drill Sergeants to Fighter Pilots

by Connie Goldsmith

In December 2015, the Pentagon changed a rule to allow American women to serve for the first time ever in front-line ground combat troops. Women have fulfilled many military roles throughout history, including nursing; driving ambulances; handling administrative duties; working as mechanics; and serving in the WASPs, WACs, WAVES, and SPARS. More recently women are flying jets, conducting surveillance, commanding naval ships, and now fighting on the front lines. Yet no matter their official title, they have faced devastating discrimination—from lack of advancement, economic inequity, and inadequate veteran support, to sexual harassment and rape. Meet the women who have served their country courageously and who are standing up for fairness in the US military.

Women in the Old West (A True Book (Relaunch))

by Marti Dumas

Many women of different backgrounds lived together in the American West.Former enslaved women left the racism of the Southern states to find a new life. White settlers traveled alone or with their families seeking their fortune as farmers, teachers, or gold miners. They met Mexican and Native American women who already lived in the territory. They were later joined by Japanese and Chinese immigrant women. All these women faced hardship and an unfamiliar life as they fought for their rights, their freedom, and their land in the American West. This book tells their story.Women are sometimes called the silent protagonists of history. But since before the founding of our nation until now, women have organized, marched, and inspired. They forced change and created opportunity.With engaging text, fun facts, photography, infographics, and art, this new set of books examines how individual women of differing races and socioeconomic status took a stand, and how groups of women lived and fought throughout the history of this country. It looks at how they celebrated victories that included the right to vote, the right to serve their country, and the right to equal employment. The aim of this much-needed set of five books is to bring herstory to young readers!

Women in the Second World War

by Collette Drifte

Women in the Second World War explores the experiences of women who served in the armed forces, or complimentary services. Using interviews, anecdotes, memoirs and/or accounts from the women (or, where appropriate, their children), the book tells the women's personal accounts of what their lives were like and what particular experiences they had while serving. They were all ordinary British women, and tell here in their own words their experiences on active service. Their accounts cover the whole spectrum, from famous battles, such as Monte Cassino, to being shipwrecked by a tornado, to simple acts of kindness, which in themselves seem nothing, but at the same time meant something very special to those young women, and were fondly remembered, even sixty years afterwards. The huge variety of services and experiences featured in the book reflect how widely spread the women's contribution to the war effort was, from tilling the soil below, to servicing the engines of aircraft about to take off to the sky above, and everything in between.

Women in the Valley of the Kings: The Untold Story of Women Egyptologists in the Gilded Age

by Kathleen Sheppard

"A new history of Egyptology that prioritizes the women whose contributions, for good and otherwise, shaped the field.” - The New York TimesThe never-before-told story of the women Egyptologists who paved the way of exploration in Egypt and created the basis for Egyptology.The history of Egyptology is often told as yet one more grand narrative of powerful men striving to seize the day and the precious artifacts for their competing homelands. But that is only half of the story. During the so-called Golden Age of Exploration, there were women working and exploring before Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tut. Before men even conceived of claiming the story for themselves, women were working in Egypt to lay the groundwork for all future exploration. In Women in the Valley of the Kings: The Untold Story of Women Egyptologists in the Gilded Age, Kathleen Sheppard brings the untold stories of these women back into this narrative. Sheppard begins with some of the earliest European women who ventured to Egypt as travelers: Amelia Edwards, Jenny Lane, and Marianne Brocklehurst. Their travelogues, diaries and maps chronicled a new world for the curious. In the vast desert, Maggie Benson, the first woman granted permission to excavate in Egypt, met Nettie Gourlay, the woman who became her lifelong companion. They battled issues of oppression and exclusion and, ultimately, are credited with excavating the Temple of Mut. As each woman scored a success in the desert, she set up the women who came later for their own struggles and successes. Emma Andrews’ success as a patron and archaeologist helped to pave the way for Margaret Murray to teach. Margaret’s work in the university led to the artists Amice Calverley’s and Myrtle Broome’s ability to work on site at Abydos, creating brilliant reproductions of tomb art, and to Kate Bradbury’s and Caroline Ransom’s leadership in critical Egyptological institutions. Women in the Valley of the Kings upends the grand male narrative of Egyptian exploration and shows how a group of courageous women charted unknown territory and changed the field of Egyptology forever.

Women in War: From Home Front to Front Line

by Celia Lee Paul Strong

The changing role of women in warfare, a neglected aspect of military history, is the subject of this collection of perceptive, thought-provoking essays. By looking at the wide range of ways in which women have become involved in all the aspects of war, the authors open up this fascinating topic to wider understanding and debate. The discuss how, particularly in the two world wars, women have been increasingly mobilized in all the armed services, originally as support staff, then in defensive combat roles. They also consider the tragic story of women as victims of male violence, and how women have often put up a heroic resistance, and examine how women have been drawn into direct combat roles on an unprecedented level, a trend that is still controversial in the present day. The collection brings together the work of noted academics and historians with the wartime experiences of women who have remarkable personal stories to tell. The book will be a milestone in the study of the recent history of the parts women have played in the history of warfare.AuthorsDr Juliette Pattinson, Professor Mark Connelly, Georgina Natzio, Christine Halsall, Jonathan Walker, Major Imogen Corrigan, Dr. Halik Kochanski, Dr T.A. Heathcote, Elspeth Johnstone, Mike Ryan, Grace Filby, Dr George Bailey, Tatiana Roshupkina, Leicester Chilton, Paul Edward Strong, Celia Lee, John Lee

Women in White Coats: How the First Women Doctors Changed the World of Medicine

by Olivia Campbell

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!For fans of Hidden Figures and Radium Girls comes the remarkable story of three Victorian women who broke down barriers in the medical field to become the first women doctors, revolutionizing the way women receive health care. In the early 1800s, women were dying in large numbers from treatable diseases because they avoided receiving medical care. Examinations performed by male doctors were often demeaning and even painful. In addition, women faced stigma from illness—a diagnosis could greatly limit their ability to find husbands, jobs or be received in polite society.Motivated by personal loss and frustration over inadequate medical care, Elizabeth Blackwell, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Sophia Jex-Blake fought for a woman&’s place in the male-dominated medical field. For the first time ever, Women in White Coats tells the complete history of these three pioneering women who, despite countless obstacles, earned medical degrees and paved the way for other women to do the same. Though very different in personality and circumstance, together these women built women-run hospitals and teaching colleges—creating for the first time medical care for women by women.With gripping storytelling based on extensive research and access to archival documents, Women in White Coats tells the courageous history these women made by becoming doctors, detailing the boundaries they broke of gender and science to reshape how we receive medical care today.

Women in World War Two (A True Book (Relaunch))

by Susan Taylor

World War II completely disrupted life in the United States and throughout the world, and it was an empowering turning point in U.S. women's history.Some women joined the armed forces as nurses and pilots. Some went to work outside the home in factories producing munitions, and building ships and airplanes. Some even became spies! But despite all these accomplishments, women were rarely given the recognition they deserved or the same benefits as their male counterparts. This book tells their story.Women are sometimes called the silent protagonists of history. But since before the founding of our nation until now, women have organized, marched, and inspired. They forced change and created opportunity.With engaging text, fun facts, photography, infographics, and art, this new set of books examines how individual women of differing races and socioeconomic status took a stand, and how groups of women lived and fought throughout the history of this country. It looks at how they celebrated victories that included the right to vote, the right to serve their country, and the right to equal employment. The aim of this much-needed set of five books is to bring herstory to young readers!

Women Interned in World War Two Sumatra: Faith, Hope and Survival

by Barbara Coombes

Thousands of women and children were among those who struggled to leave Singapore just before capitulation on February 15 1942; their hope was to reach safety. For many that hope was never realised; countless numbers drowned as ships were bombed and sunk on their way to ‘safety’. The ‘lucky’ ones who survived the onslaught of the ships would become guests of the Japanese; many of these would not live to see the end of the war. Two very different women fleeing on those last ships and subsequently interned in camps throughout Sumatra were Margaret Dryburgh, a missionary and teacher, and Shelagh Brown, a secretary at the Singapore Naval Base. Their paths crossed briefly prior to the catastrophic events of 1942 and met again in internment. The ‘Captives Hymn’ composed by Margaret Dryburgh was initially sung by herself along with Shelagh Brown and friend Dorothy MacLeod on 5 July 1942. It has since been sung at services throughout internment and continues to be sung at services all over the world. Music and faith were fundamental to both their lives and Margaret’s creative talents lifted the spirits of everyone during those dark and difficult days. In a remarkable partnership, when the women were struggling to find something new that would lift their flagging spirits, Margaret and fellow internee Norah Chambers produced a ‘Vocal Orchestra’ using women’s voices in place of instruments. The first performance stunned the entire camp; they had never heard anything so beautiful and momentarily made them feel that they were free and floating away with the music. This true account, using personal diaries and family documents traces Margaret Dryburgh and Shelagh Brown’s journey from childhood through to adulthood and internment. Early life shapes adult life and perhaps contributed to their response to captivity which showed courage, tenacity, perseverance and surprisingly, given the appalling conditions, a good deal of humour. ‘May the Day of Freedom Dawn’

Women Inventors Hidden in History (Hidden History)

by Petrice Custance

We've all heard of Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison, but very few female inventors are household names. This fascinating book illuminates the history of women who used their brainpower and skills to produce important items we use ever day. <p><p>Meet Hedy LaMarr, a famous Hollywood actress by day and inventor of a radio guidance system for torpedos by night. Marvel at the cleverness of Ng Mui, who developed the martial art known as Wing Chun which later developed into kung fu.

The Women Jefferson Loved

by Virginia Scharff

“A focused, fresh spin on Jeffersonian biography.” —Kirkus ReviewsIn the tradition of Annette Gordon-Reed’s The Hemingses of Monticello and David McCullough’s John Adams, historian Virginia Scharff offers a compelling, highly readable multi-generational biography revealing how the women Thomas Jefferson loved shaped the third president’s ideas and his vision for the nation. Scharff creates a nuanced portrait of the preeminent founding father, examining Jefferson through the eyes of the women who were closest to him, from his mother to his wife and daughters to Sally Hemings and the slave family he began with her.

Women Judges in Contemporary China

by Anqi Shen

This study provides an up-to-date empirical account of Chinese female judges within the context of the Chinese legal system and wider society, revealing a deeper understanding of women in contemporary China. Shen explores the gendered nature of judging in post-Mao China by examining: who female judges are, what they do, and their position in relation to their profession. She goes on to argue for true representation of women in the judiciary, including their contributions in judging, and the importance of judicial diversity. The book examines the place held by female judges at home and women's place in society as a whole, and investigates gender equality, women's agencies, emancipation, and empowerment in the contemporary China. Based on data resulting from original research, this book provides a much-needed contribution to contemporary women's studies. Addressing a broad range of issues surrounding gender and justice in the Chinese judicial system, this engaging study will be of special interest to scholars and activists involved with judicial diversity, gender politics, and gender equality.

Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy

by Michelle A. Saint-Germain Cynthia Chavez Metoyer

During the years between 1980 and 1999, in the midst of war and economic crisis, a record number of women were elected to national legislatures in Central American republics. Can quantitative increases in the presence of elected women in Central America produce qualitative political changes? <P><P> In this detailed study, Michelle A. Saint-Germain and Cynthia Chavez Metoyer explore the reasons for this unprecedented political rise of women, and what effect it has had on the region. Focusing on Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, the authors analyze national and regional indicators to evaluate various hypotheses concerning the reasons for women's electoral success in the region, as well as to make comparisons with findings from other world regions. They find that the election of more women depends on three things: the presence of a crisis, a pool of politically experienced women, and a culture of gender consciousness. They also compare the characteristics of Central American women legislators to women in other national legislatures around the world.

Women of a Certain Age

by Jodie Moffat Maria Scoda Susan Laura Sullivan

Anne Aly, Liz Byrski, Sarah Drummond, Mehreen Faruqi, Goldie Goldbloom, Krissy Kneen, Jeanine Leane, Brigid Lowry and Pat Torres are among fifteen voices recounting what it is like to be a woman on the other side of 40. These are stories of identity and survival, and a celebration of getting older and wiser, and becoming more certain of who you are and where you want to be.

The Women of Anna Freud’s War Nurseries: Their Lives and Work

by Christiane Ludwig-Körner

In this volume, Christiane Ludwig-Körner describes the lives and work of the staff members of the War Nurseries set up and run by Anna Freud and Dorothy Burlingham during the Second World War.The Women of Anna Freud’s War Nurseries looks in turn at each of the women who helped run the homes in Hampstead: Alice Goldberger, Sophie and Gertrud Dann, Manna Friedmann, Anneliese Schnurmann, Ilse Hellman and Hansi Kennedy. As young women, they narrowly escaped the Holocaust and dedicated themselves to children who had suffered the same fate. Few arrived with any knowledge of psychoanalytic theories or methods; this volume charts their education from Freud and Burlingham, which eventually lead to both Freud’s independent psychoanalytic child therapy training and the young women’s embarkment on careers as professional analysts. Using case studies throughout, Ludwig-Körner illustrates the intense relationships often experienced between children in care and their analysts/carers, and uses the children of the War Nurseries as examples for how contemporary psychoanalysts can work with children today.This book is essential reading for psychoanalysts, especially those working with children, as well as scholars and professionals interested in the history of child analysts and childhood trauma.

Women of Colonial America: 13 Stories of Courage and Survival in the New World

by Brandon Marie Miller

An authentic, rich tapestry of women's lives in colonial America Using a host of primary sources, author Brandon Marie Miller recounts the roles, hardships, and daily lives of Native American, European, and African women in 17th- and 18th-century colonial America. Hard work proved a constant for most women--they ensured their family's survival through their skills while others sold their labor or lived in bondage as indentured servants and slaves. Elizabeth Ashbridge survived an abusive indenture to become a Quaker preacher, Anne Bradstreet penned epic poetry while raising eight children in the wilderness, Anne Hutchinson went toe-to-toe with Puritan authorities, Margaret Hardenbroeck Philipse built a trade empire in New Amsterdam, and Martha Corey lost her life in the vortex of Salem's witch hunt. With strength, courage, resilience, and resourcefulness, these women and many others played a vital role in the mosaic of life in colonial America.

Women of Courage: Inspiring Stories from the Women Who Lived Them

by Katherine Martin

These are the stories of more than 40 women who have had life-altering experiences, conquered challenges, and grew stronger.

Women of Courage

by Katherine Martin

The 41 ordinary and well-known women honored in this first book in New World Library's "People Who Dare" series have shown forms of bravery that, according to editor Martin, go largely unrecognized -- such as persevering in adverse circumstances, challenging tradition, showing vulnerability, fostering healing, and listening to one's heart. Concern about her children's education impelled Patty Murray (currently U.S. Senator from Washington) to run against an incumbent and win a seat in her state senate. Acting out of a deeply felt commitment to the poor, Dr. Janelle Goetcheus, along with other physicians she recruited, founded Christ House, a renovated apartment building where seriously ill homeless patients stay and receive care. After she was diagnosed with breast cancer, Laura Evans celebrated her survival by founding Expedition Inspiration, an organization that takes breast cancer survivors on mountain climbs. Cora Lee Johnson's longtime dream of starting a community sewing center became a reality when she was 62 because, although poor and uneducated, she persevered by talking about the center to anyone who would listen. Men and women both will find inspiration for their own lives in these captivating stories.

The Women of CourtWatch: Reforming a Corrupt Family Court System

by Carole Bell Ford

Houston was a terrible place to divorce or seek child custody in the 1980s and early 1990s. Family court judges routinely rendered verdicts that damaged the interests of women and children. In some especially shocking cases, they even granted custody to fathers who had been accused of molesting their own children. Yet despite persistent allegations of cronyism, incompetence, sexism, racism, bribery, and fraud, the judges wielded such political power and influence that removing them seemed all but impossible. The family court system was clearly broken, but there appeared to be no way to fix it.

The Women of Duck Commander

by Lisa Robertson Beth Clark Korie Robertson Kay Robertson Missy Robertson Jessica Robertson

An Inside Look at the Robertson Women In the pages of this book, you'll find both fun and inspirational stories . . . Kay shares the honest story of her relationship with Phil--and his wild and philandering years--and the challenges of being a teenage mother. Even more amazing, she shares the forgiveness she offered Phil and how they have now celebrated forty-eight years of marriage. Korie tells of her first encounter with Phil when she was in just the fifth grade. At that first meeting Phil came right out and told her what good husbands his boys would make and that she should keep an eye on them. She also shares the reaction her parents had when she told them that she and Willie were getting married when she was only eighteen. Missy tells the story of their daughter, Mia, who was born with a cleft palate, and their adjustments to this condition and Mia's joyful spirit that inspires them all. Jessica recounts her first conversation with Jep and how unimpressed she was when Jep bragged that his dad was the Duck Commander Phil Robertson. She told him she'd heard of Daffy Duck, Donald Duck, and Duck, Duck, Goose-- but not the Duck Commander. Lisa reveals the serious marriage problems she and Al had--problems that almost ended their marriage for good--and how they worked through those issues to have a more stable and loving marriage than she ever imagined possible.

Women of Hope: African Americans Who Made a Difference

by Joyce Hansen Moe Foner

Readers of all ages will be inspired by women who blazed uncharted paths in journalism, politics, law, education, science, and the arts -- to make a better world for us all.

Women of Ideas: And What Men Have Done to Them

by Dale Spender

This is a classic reference work and, from beginning to end, a provocative and stimulating read. With characteristic energy, humour and learning, Dale Spender has dug into the hidden past and uncovered shining examples of women's creativity and intellectual prowess which had been suppressed or stolen by men. Men have removed women from literary and historical records and deprived women of the knowledge of their intellectual heritage. Now this lost history of women's thought is set out for all to see.

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