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El ABC para crear un equipo de negocios exitoso

by Blair Singer

Un libro que te dará una gran ventaja sobre el mercado y más aún, sobre el desempeño de tu gente. El código de honor invisible que transforma a grupos de personas en equipos campeones. Prólogo de Robert Kiyosaki. Descubre cómo atraer a los mejores jugadores para tu negocio, garantizar que todos los miembros de tu equipo tengan un máximo desempeño, transformar a las personas ordinarias en campeones, infundir lealtad y confianza en tu equipo para que permanezca unido bajo presión, eliminar los estresantes roces personales en tu empresa y crear equipos de campeonato en tu lugar de trabajo, tu comunidad y tu hogar. El ABC para crear un equipo de negocios exitoso te ayudará a: - Atraer a los mejores jugadores para tu negocio; - Garantizar que todos los miembros de tu equipo tengan un máximo desempeño; - Transformar a las personas ordinarias en campeones; - Infundir lealtad y con?anza en tu equipo para que permanezca unido bajo presión; - Eliminar los estresantes roces personales en tu empresa; - Usar la presión como un aliado para generar resultados extraordinarios; y. - Crear equipos de campeonato en tu lugar de trabajo. tu comunidad y tu hogar.

El ABC para salir de deudas: Convierte las deudas malas en deudas buenas y fortalece tu crédito (Rich Dad Ser.)

by Garret Sutton

PADRE RICO DIJO: “LOS NEGOCIOS Y LAS INVERSIONES SON DEPORTES DE EQUIPO.” Robert T. Kiyosaki Autor del bestseller internacional Padre Rico Padre Pobre y la serie Padre Rico “El negocio de la vida requiere de un buen crédito. Sin importar dónde te encuentres financieramente, este libro tiene estrategias que puedes usar para obtener un beneficio inmediato.” Garrett Sutton Abogado corporativo, autor y experto en la protección de activos LA SERIE DE RICH DAD ADVISORS HA VENDIDO MÁS DE DOS MILLONES DE COPIAS EN TODO EL MUNDO, GRACIAS A QUE ENSEÑA CÓMO APLICAR LOS CONCEPTOS DE PADRE RICO PADRE POBRE. El ABC para salir de deudas revela las estrategias para evitar y superar las deudas incobrables, así como para utilizar una buena deuda a tu favor. Escrito con claridad y con ilustrativas historias de la vida real, además de las contribuciones dela experta en crédito Gerri Detweiler, este útil libro proporciona los conocimientos para navegar por el desafiante entorno actual crediticio. EL ABC PARA SALIR DE DEUDAS TE ENSEÑARÁ CÓMO: - Vencer a los prestamistas en su propio juego. -Reparar tu crédito. -Tratar con los cobradores de deudas. -Hacerte cargo de tus finanzas. -Ganar con una buena deuda. “ ¡El mejor libro para limpiar tu crédito y seguir adelante!” -ROBERT T. KIYOSAKI

ABC Pharmaceuticals

by Regina E. Herzlinger Erik R. Sparks

This case asks students to price a new drug which is in Stage II of its clinical trials. It contains detailed estimates of the time required and costs for all the steps needed to commercialize a drug in the U.S.

The ABC's of Building a Business Team That Wins

by Blair Singer

Great champions have one thing in common: They know how to work as a team. This book offers a set of simple, powerful rules to govern the internal behaviors of businesses, organizations, families, and individuals in order to create championship results any time, any place.

The Abcs Of Evaluation: Timeless Techniques For Program And Project Managers

by John Boulmetis Phyllis Dutwin

The second edition of the bestselling The ABCs of Evaluation offers a thoroughly revised and updated version of that classic book. Written for any program type or setting, The ABCs of Evaluation shows how to select participants for the evaluation and how to deal with multiple goals and objectives-including those of the organization, the staff, and the client. The authors describe different evaluation models, illustrate the circumstances under which each model can be used, and offer tips on identifying data sources and collecting the data itself. This new edition is filled with illustrative new cases and scenarios from various evaluation realms in social sciences, education, and human services. The book also contains information on how to negotiate the evaluation contract. Throughout the book, there are charts, graphs, models, and lists to help organize, extend, and facilitate the understanding of each evaluation concept.

The ABC's of Getting Out of Debt

by Garrett Sutton

Readers learn how to trade bad debt for good debt and maximize credit in this step-by-step guide. The author also shares the details on the fastest ways to wipe out bad debt and simple strategies to maximize one's credit rating.

The ABCs of Getting Out of Debt

by Garrett Sutton

<p>In difficult times, debt can be a matter of life and death, happiness and despair. Controlling your debt can bring order and calm. Mastering debt can bring wealth and success. As bestselling Rich Dad/Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says, “Good debt makes you rich and bad debt makes you poor.” <p>The ABCs of Getting Out of Debt provides the necessary knowledge to navigate through a very challenging credit environment. A Rich Dad’s Advisor and best selling author of numerous business books, Garrett Sutton, Esq. clearly writes on the key strategies readers must follow to get out of debt. Unlike other superficial offerings, Sutton explores the psychology and health effects of debt. From there, the reader learns how to beat the lenders at their own game, and how to understand and repair your own credit. Using real life illustrative stories, Sutton shares how to deal with debt collectors, avoid credit scams, and win with good credit.</p>

The ABCs of Gold Investing: How to Protect and Build Your Wealth with Gold

by Michael J. Kosares

Beginning investors will find thorough guidelines for making good decisions in this study of private gold ownership. Emphasis is placed on the asset-preservation qualities of gold at a time when investor uncertainty about the economy and recent investment scandals have led many to seek asset diversification. The economic and political trends driving gold marketing are detailed, as are the reasons why gold plays an important role in millions of investment portfolios worldwide—as both a hedge and an investment for capital gain. With revised content as well as two additional chapters, this updated version examines topics such as gold's role in combating inflation and deflation, how to select a gold firm, the history of gold since 1971, storing gold, and government debt.

The ABCs of Group Visits

by Edward B. Noffsinger

The US healthcare system faces numerous difficulties: uncontrolled increases in costs; major access problems; doctor shortages; closing practices; inefficiencies; decreasing revenues; shrinking bottom lines; large numbers of uninsured and underinsured patients; and the upcoming increased demands in service posed by the Affordable Care Act. As a result, many physicians and health care organications are turning to group visits to address these problems. While Dr. Noffsinger's textbook Running Group Visits In Your Practice is the cornerstone reference on designing, implementing and running shared medical appointments (SMAs) in one's practice, it lacks the simplicity and practicality that clinicians are looking for to start their own SMA programs. The ABCs of Group Visits is a practical, streamlined and step-by-step guide focused on the implementation aspects of group visits.Healthcare professionals at every level are looking for alternate ways to deliver high quality care at lower cost, and it is clear to many that group visits provide a care delivery model that will address many of today's critical challenges. The ABCs of Group Visits quickly provides a solution for your busy practice.

The ABCs of Not-For-Profit Accounting and Financial/990 Reporting

by null Laurence Scot

Written in non-complicated prose and reducing complex rules to easily understandable concepts, this book offers a fundamental understanding of how not-for-profit (NFP) organizations are formed, their structure, and the unique accounting and reporting issues they face. In the United States, the NFP sector accounts for just over 10 percent of all private sector workers, and NFPs must comply with hundreds of rules imposed by the IRS, federal and state government agencies, foundations, and even donors. Yet there is a dearth of informative guidance, and a shortage of knowledgeable bookkeepers and accountants who understand the nuances of NFP accounting and financial reporting. Neither overly technical nor complex, this comprehensive and easy-to-read practical guide provides desperately needed information to a wide range of NFP stakeholders such as those who handle the bookkeeping and accounting functions, manage an NFP organization, provide funds or services to NFPs, or regulate NPF organizations. It covers topics such as the four required NFP financial statements, accounting for different types of revenue including conditional, restricted, and in-kind donations and sponsorships, IRS reporting on forms 990, 990-T and 990-PF, and how to understand and prepare for different types of audits.Including a glossary of important terms that are vital to running a successful NFP, and drawn from the author’s decades of experience focused solely on the NFP sector, this is an indispensable guide for NFP leaders and staff, donors and grantors, regulatory agencies, consultants, accountants, bookkeepers, bankers, and any professionals whose work intersects the NFP sector.

The ABCs of Property Management

by Ken Mcelroy

So you've made your real estate investment...and now the question is: How are you going to make it profitable? How will you maximize its potential and make it grow in value? One word: Management. Hundreds of thousands know bestselling author Ken McElroy as a real estate investment tycoon. In this book, Ken reveals the key to his success: Exceptional property management. He teaches you the most important principles and keys to achieving success where others fail.THE ABC'S OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT tells readers:How to decide when to manage your property and when to hire someone to do itHow to implement the right systems and structures for your investmentHow to manage and maximize cash flowWhat to expect: A month in the life of an owner-managerHow to find the right property manager (and avoid the wrong ones)How to assemble a superior management team

The ABC's of Property Management

by Ken Mcelroy

So you've made your investment, now the question is: how are you going to sustain it? make it grow? maximize its potential? One word: management. Hundreds of thousands know Ken McElroy as real estate investment tycoon, and according to him, sound property management is the cornerstone of his success. Now, he reveals the most important principles of property management his new book. You'll learn: When to manage your own property and when to hire someone else to do it How to implement the right systems and structures for you How to manage cashflow A month in the life of an owner manager How to find a good property manager (and avoid the bad ones) How to assemble a superior management team and more. The unofficial, but totally necessary, sequel to The ABC's of Real Estate Investing and The Best Kept Secrets of Real Estate Investing, THE ABC'S OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT will fill an important slot in both the Rich Dad's Advisor series, as well as in the general business marketplace.

The ABCs of Real Estate Investing

by Ken Mcelroy

This book will teach you how to: Achieve wealth and cash flow through real estate Find property with real potential Show you how to unlock the myths that are holding you back Negotiating the deal based on the numbers Evaluate property and purchase price Increase your income through proven property management tools

The ABC's of Real Estate Investing:The Secrets of Finding Hidden Profits Most Investors Miss (Rich Dad's Advisors Series)

by Ken Mcelroy

More financial advice from the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad.

The ABC's of Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Policy: Spelling Out Problems, Consequences and Viable Solutions

by Joseph P. Lane

Innovation is a widely applied yet poorly understood term in the context of public policies and practices among Western nations. Technological innovations specifically have and will continue to advance civilization, shape modern society, and drive the economic health and geo-political standing of nations. This book offers a unique interpretation of science, technology & innovation (STI) policies in Western nations, particularly in regard to government-sponsored programs. The author challenges established thinking, directly addressing numerous myths that cloud our understanding of innovation and proposes a fresh perspective grounded in fundamental logic and analysis. Written in short chapters and presented in an alphabetically organized framework, this book addresses what is working and what isn’t working in current STI policies and suggests that the most efficient and effective way to generate technological innovations that yield the desired socio-economic benefits, is for national governments to sponsor directed scientific research and directed engineering development, and align both with the requirements of carefully managed commercial production. The book also features examples drawn from government data, scholarly literature, practitioner anecdotes and the author’s personal experience.

The ABCs of Socialism

by Bhaskar Sunkara Phil Wrigglesworth

Slim, accessible, inexpensive, irreverent introduction to socialism by the writers of Jacobin magazineThe remarkable run of self-proclaimed "democratic socialist" Bernie Sanders for president of the United States has prompted--for the first time in decades and to the shock of many--a national conversation about socialism. A New York Times poll in late November found that a majority of Democrats had a favorable view of socialism, and in New Hampshire in February, more than half of Democratic voters under 35 told the Boston Globe they call themselves socialists. It's unclear exactly what socialism means to this generation, but couple with the ascendancy of longtime leftwinger Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the Labour Party in the UK, it's clear there's a historic, generational shift underway.This book steps into this moment to offer a clear, accessible, informative, and irreverent guide to socialism for the uninitiated. Written by young writers from the dynamic magazine Jacobin, alongside several distinguished scholars, The ABCs of Socialism answers basic questions, including ones that many want to know but might be afraid to ask ("Doesn't socialism always end up in dictatorship?", "Will socialists take my Kenny Loggins records?"). Disarming and pitched to a general readership without sacrificing intellectual depth, this will be the best introduction an idea whose time seems to have come again.From the Trade Paperback edition.

ABCs of Speaking: Your Building Blocks to Speaking Success

by Adryenn Ashley Bret Ridgway Caterina Rando

An A–Z primer for all levels of public speaking, from securing engagements to delivering unforgettable speeches to making money as a speaker. Can you make it as a professional speaker? Knowing how to deliver a great presentation is obviously important, but truly understanding how the speaking industry really works is probably even more important. What do you need to know to deal with event promoters? What can you do to take control of the room and not let the unexpected derail your presentation? Should you pursue the fee or free speaking model? What about technology? What do they mean by &‘buying units.&’ Industry insiders Adryenn Ashley, Bret Ridgway, and Caterina Rando share their combined decades of experience from both the platform and the promoter perspectives. They pull back the curtains and give you a sneak peek into how the speaking world really works. You&’ll learn how to build a profitable speaking business that allows you to more effectively build your platform and share your powerful message with the world. Even if you already consider yourself a professional speaker, you&’re guaranteed to pick up a few nuggets that can help you take things to the next level with your speaking. Get more gigs, make more money and impact more lives today!

The ABCs of Success

by Bob Proctor

An accessible guide to the principles of success by one of the most respected and sought-after motivational speakers of our time. In the tradition of Og Mandino and Zig Ziglar, this inspirational guide uses a wide variety of subjects, from "Achievement" to "Worry," to bring clarity, information, and motivation to readers. For millions of readers, Bob Proctor's name is synonymous with success. A former protégé of personal development pioneer Earl Nightingale, Proctor first built a wildly successful business career, and then an internationally successful speaking career, elaborating on the principles of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and other classic success and prosperity texts. Proctor's position in the business motivation community equals that of Stephen Covey or Og Mandino. But as is not the case with those masters, his books have never been available to the general public--until now! In The ABCs of Success--the first trade book ever published by this master of motivation and prosperity--Proctor goes beyond the simple laws of success and attraction, weighing in on sixty-seven different topics essential to all those who wish to make their dreams a reality, including persistence, winning, effectiveness, and vision. Organized in A-to-Z fashion and composed of brief essays that can be read over and over, The ABCs of Success is an essential resource for anyone who wants the combined wisdom of a century of success thinking in a single, accessible volume.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The ABCs of TCP/IP

by Gilbert Held

Advances in networking and communications hardware based upon the TCP/IP protocol suite are opening up a new range of technologies with the potential to contribute considerably to our daily lives. The ABCs of TCP/IP is a comprehensive reference on the TCP/IP protocol suite for professionals that provides an overview of the suite and details its key components. It addresses virtual private networks, IP telephony and voice gateways, and IPSec and examines the manner by which various protocols and applications operate. Coverage also includes security techniques, routing, network design constraints, testing methods, troubleshooting, management issues, and emerging applications.

ABCs of the Critical Path Method

by Ferdinand K. Levy Gerald L. Thompson Jerome D. Wiest

The critical path method (CPM), one of a variety of quantitative tools for business decision-making, is a simple technique for analyzing, planning, and scheduling large complex projects and for completing them at minimum cost. Analysis by CPM may be applied to a host of projects that have three common characteristics essential for that analysis: the project consists of a well-defined collection of jobs; the jobs may be started or stopped independently of each other, within a given sequence; and the jobs must be performed in technological sequence. A step by step analysis demonstrates critical path scheduling and the process of constructing a graph.

The ABC's of Writing Winning Business Plans: How to prepare a business plan that others will want to read--and invest in

by Garrett Sutton

Part of the Rich Dad's Advisor series that focuses on writing business plans.

Abdominal Wall Surgery: How Reimbursement Systems Can Change Surgical Evolution

by Elio Borgonovi Dalila Patrizia Greco

This book presents different patient-oriented perspectives from surgeons, economic evaluation and management researchers, and business companies active in the healthcare sector, striking a balance between the appropriateness/effectiveness of treatment and efficiency/cost. It does not include technical surgical details, but instead provides the necessary knowledge regarding different groups of patients to help economic and management researchers make accurate evaluations. Although partially based on the specific case of abdominal wall surgery in the Italian health system, the book defines a model that can, with the necessary adaptations, be applied in other national contexts. It also analyzes different reimbursement systems and methods of data collection. This approach supports the evolution from evidence-based medicine (EBM) to the future of real-world data (big data analysis). Further, it highlights the critical issue of “silos” reimbursement, which is the pillar of DRG, and proposes methodology to evaluate the direct and indirect benefit and costs of surgery (for example quality of care, costs incurred in cases of surgical complications due to the use of inappropriate, low-cost material or due to surgical procedure. It is a valuable resource for clinicians, surgeons, policymakers and managers in the field.

Abdominal Wall Surgery: How Reimbursement Systems Can Change Surgical Evolution

by Dalila Patrizia Greco Elio Borgonovi

This book presents different patient-oriented perspectives from surgeons, economic evaluation and management researchers, and business companies active in the healthcare sector, striking a balance between the appropriateness/effectiveness of treatment and efficiency/cost. It does not include technical surgical details, but instead provides the necessary knowledge regarding different groups of patients to help economic and management researchers make accurate evaluations. Although partially based on the specific case of abdominal wall surgery in the Italian health system, the book defines a model that can, with the necessary adaptations, be applied in other national contexts. It also analyzes different reimbursement systems and methods of data collection. This approach supports the evolution from evidence-based medicine (EBM) to the future of real-world data (big data analysis). Further, it highlights the critical issue of “silos” reimbursement, which is the pillar of DRG, and proposes methodology to evaluate the direct and indirect benefit and costs of surgery (for example quality of care, costs incurred in cases of surgical complications due to the use of inappropriate, low-cost material or due to surgical procedure. It is a valuable resource for clinicians, surgeons, policymakers and managers in the field.

Abelli and Saviotti at Banca Commerciale Italiana (A)

by Kathleen L. Mcginn Massimiliano Belingheri Tiziana Casciaro

In 1999, a powerful struggle amidst complex corporate and interpersonal networks led to the failed merger between Banca Commerciale Italiana and Unicredito Italiano--two of Italy's largest banking groups. This case analyzes the actions of Abelli and Saviotti, co-CEOs of Banca Commerciale Italiana at that time, as well as those of central players in Banca d'Italia, Mediobanca, and several prominent national and international banking and industrial groups. The events shed light on the management of multilayered resource dependencies and tactics of political influence as a critical precondition for implementing sound business strategy.

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