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ACE Personal Trainer Manual: The Ultimate Resource For Fitness Professionals (Fourth Edition)
by American Council on ExerciseLike the American Council on Exercise itself; the ACE Personal Trainer Manual has long stood as the standard of excellence in the fitness industry. And like previous editions of this manual, this Fourth Edition of the ACE Personal Trainer Manual was written based on feedback from individuals who are active in the fitness world--practicing personal trainers, university professors, and industry experts--who worked together to create the Exam Content Outline (see Appendix B). This document presents the skills and knowledge that a personal trainer needs to have a successful career and should serve as a guide as you prepare for the ACE exam.
Ace the PMI-ACP® exam: A Quick Reference Guide for the Busy Professional
by Sumanta BoralPrepare for the Project Management Institute's (PMI#65533;) Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP#65533;) exam. Augment your professional experience with the necessary knowledge of the skills, tools, and techniques that are required for passing the examination. This is a comprehensive and one-stop guide with 100% coverage of the exam topics detailed in the PMI-ACP#65533; Exam content outline. Rehearse and test your knowledge and understanding of the subject using the practice quizzes after each chapter, three full-length mock exams, and practical tips and advice. You will be able to understand the Agile manifesto, its principles and many facets of Agile project management such as planning, prioritization, estimation, releases, retrospectives, risk management, and continuous improvement. The book covers Agile metrics and means of demonstrating progress. People management aspects such as behavioral traits, servant leadership, negotiation, conflict management, team building, and Agile coaching are explained. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this book also serves as a practical reference for key concepts in Agile and Agile methodologies such as Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban. What you will learn: *The necessary knowledge of the skills, tools, and techniques that are required for passing the PMI-ACP examination *To understand the scope and objectives of the PMI-ACP exam, and gain confidence by taking practice quizzes provided in each chapter and three full-length mock exams *To gain exposure to Agile methodologies such as Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban plus various tools and techniques required to conduct Agile projects *The focus is to "Be Agile", rather than "Do Agile" Who this book is for: The audience for this book primarily includes IT professionals who wish to prepare for and pass the Agile Certified Professional (ACP) exam from the Project Management Institute (PMI). The book also is a practical reference book for Agile Practioners.
Acelerando el crecimiento económico en Pakistán
by Shahid Hussain RajaDespués de servir al pueblo y al estado de Pakistán como funcionario durante más de tres décadas, el Sr. Shahid Hussain Raja se retiró en enero de 2012 como Secretario Federal del Gobierno de Pakistán. Durante sus 34 años de servicio, ocupó varios puestos de alta dirección en los gobiernos federal y provincial en Pakistán y en el extranjero. Además de ocupar cargos importantes en el gobierno, ha estado en varios directorios de corporaciones, comités y paneles de investigación obteniendo una experiencia útil de trabajo en el sector corporativo privado. A lo largo de su carrera, ha estado interactuando con agencias de la ONU (ONUDI, FAO, FIDA, PMA, OMC y OMPI), así como con otras agencias donantes y multilaterales. Análisis estructural de políticas públicas, su implementación e impacto para medir su eficiencia y efectividad. Impartir capacitación a funcionarios gubernamentales de nivel medio y superior para mejorar sus habilidades de toma de decisiones y prestación de servicios. Reformas de gobernanza y servicio civil, incluida la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas Formulación de políticas y estrategias viables del sector agrícola para mejorar su sostenibilidad y rentabilidad. Participa activamente en actividades de bienestar social al iniciar varios proyectos particularmente relacionados con el deporte, la salud, la educación y los niños especiales desde la plataforma de Raja Humid Mahmud Memorial Trust, una ONG cofundada por él en memoria de su difunto hermano mayor. También permanecí como Patrón en Jefe de Green Growth Pakistan, una ONG sin fines de lucro establecida por él en asociación con algunos de sus colegas para crear conciencia entre los creadores de opinión y los formuladores de políticas sobre los problemas sociales de Pakistán. Esta es en realidad la parte 2 de mi libro "Economía política de un estado poscolonial: un estudio de caso de Pakistán" que se publica como un libro separado so
Acelerando o Passo
by Desenvolvimento HumanoO restabelecimento do crescimento económico que se tem registado por toda a África Subsariana (ASS) desde o início do milénio constitui um desenvolvimento encorajador. Sustentá-lo para sempre é não só uma necessidade mas também um desafio de primeira ordem. Num mundo globalizado, a chave do sucesso económico reside, cada vez mais, no grau de eficácia com que um país consegue assimilar o conhecimento disponível e desenvolver vantagem comparativa em áreas seleccionadas com boas perspectivas de desenvolvimento. Aumentar a relevância da educação terciária e da investigação na África Austral permitirá à Região aumentar a sua vantagem comparativa alargando as fronteiras da tecnologia através de inovação, estimular a diversificação de produtos e serviços, e maximizar os retornos de bens de capital com uma mais eficiente alocação e gestão de recursos. Os países africanos registaram grandes avanços na aquisição de altos níveis de literacia e no aumento das matrículas no ensino primário, um progresso que cria alicerces para desenvolvimento futuro. Agora é necessário que avancem rapidamente para a aquisição de qualificaçães e especializaçães de nível superior que lhes permitam acrescentar valor à s actividades económicas existentes e lançar-se em novas indústrias e serviços. 'Acelerando o Passo: Educação Terciária para Crescimento Económico na África Subsariana' apresenta em detalhe argumentos para um maior crescimento do conhecimento intensivo, solicitando uma maior atenção à educação secundária e, principalmente, à educação pós-secundária. Nele se demonstra por que razão os sistemas de ensino superior da África Subsariana deverão procurar um maior alinhamento com as estratégias nacionais de desenvolvimento económico e redução da pobreza, e se identificam os benefícios que poderão associar-se a essa mudança de perspectiva. Será, pois, um livro do maior interesse para organizaçães internacionais, governos, instituiçães de pesquisa e universidades de toda a região.
by John R. Wells Benjamin WeinstockHeadquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, at the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC), Acelerex was leveraging technologies, such as big data and grid analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI) forecasting tools, cloud computing, real time control systems, energy storage testing software, monitoring, and blockchain smart contracts, to provide consulting expertise and software-as-a-service (SaaS) products to a diverse group of stakeholders, including state and municipal policymakers, regulators, grid developers, utilities, and investors. Demand for Acelerex's services had outstripped supply, and, within a year, the company had grown to 14 professionals, with advanced degrees in multiple technical domains. Moreover, the company had made a profit in its first year, had achieved proof of concept and minimum viable products for all of its targeted services, and made sales along all business lines. But, cash flow had been a constant challenge because of slow-paying clients and rising fixed costs, while talent development had proved a "headache." Acelerex was Johnson's first start-up after 25 years of experience working with major firms and research institutions across all segments of the power sector, including generation, transmission, distribution, consumption, and storage. Having doubled in size for four quarters, he had set himself the challenge of doubling in size again, but he was going to take a year to do it. He was confident there was enough business in the USA to support this rate of expansion and that he could hire the team to deliver it, but was uncertain whether he should raise funds to resolve the cash flow pressure. He was also being asked to do more and more work in China, India, and Africa; did this make sense? And to add to his list of opportunities, he had been asked to provide similar services to transport, natural gas, and water networks.
Acelero Learning
by Amy Klopfenstein Katherine Chen Kathleen L. McGinn Mario SmallIn November 2020, Henry Wilde, co-founder and CEO of Acelero, Inc., must decide whether to change his company's program model for delivering early childhood education to low-income children. One of the only for-profit Head Start providers in the United States, Acelero provided direct services through neighborhood childcare centers and operated a consulting arm to improve the services of other Head Start centers. The company had developed a reputation for excellence and was profitable, pleasing its investors. However, Senior Vice President of Family Engagement Lori Levine urged Wilde to change the company's process for interacting with parents. While Levine's preferred model had the potential to drive deeper social impact, it was not yet a proven success and did not have the potential to make Acelero's business more profitable. Further, if the new model failed, Wilde risked losing the credibility that he and his team had build in the early childhood education field over the company's 19-year history. Wilde and Levine had piloted the model at a single Acelero center, and the early results were promising. At the conclusion of the case, the CEO must decide whether to scale the program model to other centers, or whether to stay the course with his company's existing operations.
Acer America: Development of the Aspire
by Christopher A. Bartlett Anthony St. GeorgeFollows the development, national launch, and global rollout of the Aspire, Acer's first new product developed outside of Taiwan. Implementing a very promising new PC concept proves challenging to Mike Culver and his U.S. team, who are plagued by coordination problems with experts and resource managers in Taiwan. Leading the global rollout proves equally difficult, with local managers wanting to make local adaptations. After 2.5 years of missed forecasts and unexpected losses, CEO Stan Shih must decide whether to abandon the Aspire. More profoundly, what changes does this failure suggest for his radical "fast food" business concept and his "client server" organization model?
Acer, Inc.: Taiwan's Rampaging Dragon
by Christopher A. Bartlett Anthony St. GeorgeDescribes the strategic, organizational, and management changes that led Acer from its 1976 startup to become the world's second-largest computer manufacturer. Outlines the birth of the company, the painful "professionalization" of its management, the plunge into losses, and the transformation under founder Stan Shih's radical "fast food" business concept and his "client server" organization model, which are put to the test when a young product manager in Acer America develops a radically new multimedia home PC with global potential. Shih must decide whether to give an inexperienced manager in a loss-generating subsidiary the green light.
The Achaean Federation in Ancient Greece: History, Political and Economic Organisation, Warfare and Strategy (Frontiers in Economic History)
by Emmanouil M. EconomouThis book analyses ancient Greek federalism by focusing on one of the most organised and advanced Greek federal states, the Achaean Federation Sympoliteia. Unlike earlier studies that mainly focused on its political history, this book adopts an interdisciplinary approach, analysing aspects of the economic organization and institutions, and the political economy of the Achaean Federation, and combining these findings with political history. It also discusses the strategic choices made by significant historical figures such as generals Aratos and Philopoemen. The analysis of the Achaean Federation verifies the intertemporal federal axiom, which states that the success and viability of federal experiment is achieved when the benefits of participation for the member-states exceed the costs of conferring national sovereignty on supranational federal authorities.The book further argues that the Achaeans developed a system of sophisticated direct democratic procedures in decision-making on federal matters, as well as significant and highly sophisticated (for the era) economic institutions and federal practices, in order to achieve bonds of trust and legitimacy regarding their innovative federal structure. These practices included, among others, the creation of free market type economic institutions, a monetary union, federal budget, provision of public goods and a common defense and security policy for all the Achaean city-state members. Lastly, the book relates these findings to ideas on how the Achaean Federation would have dealt with a series of current global issues, such as European Union integration and problems such as Euroscepticism, Brexit and immigration.
Achieve Lasting Process Improvement
by Bennet Lientz Kathryn ReaMethods of improving business processes are developed on an ongoing basis, but few are successful. Common problems encountered include the failure of processes to meet expectations and the inability to sustain or replicate these business processes. Involvement of personnel at grassroots level, as well as at management level, is essential in implementing effective process improvement methods. The authors present a step-by-step approach to the issue of effective process improvement, offering more than 200 tips and guidelines as well as addressing specific common problems and issues. The strategy presented is to take a broad and intuitive, but learned view of process improvement methods, and the tactics expounded are based on guidelines, common faults, and lessons learned. The authors disparage process improvement operations that depend on jargon and the support of just upper management, and promote grassroots involvement and self-sustaining measurement, making this an essential guide for all with involvement in process improvement.
Achieve Sales Excellence: The 7 Customer Rules for Becoming the New Sales Professional
by Howard StevensA Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.
Achieve Sales Excellence
by Howard Stevens Theodore KinniAchieve Sales Excellence examines the new paradigm of business-to-business sales, and outlines the seven practices sales professionals and organisations must embrace to have a world class sales force. Based on exhaustive research, Achieve Sales Excellence is the result of a ten-year study by The HR Chally Group, several Fortune 500 companies and The International Benchmarking Clearing house which asked business customers, the key constituent group of professional sales people, to define the qualities of world class sales organisations. Their ratings were confirmed and bolstered by over 70,000 individual interviews and correlated against HR Chally's proprietary database of 300,000 sales professional profiles, the largest in the world. Achieve Sales Excellence pinpoints the three needs of customers, which are the driving forces in the new environment, the seller's responses to this new marketplace and 7 best practice benchmarks of world class sales organisations and salespeople.
Achieve Sales Excellence: The 7 Customer Rules for Becoming the New Sales Professional
by Howard Stevens Theodore KinniBased on the results of an innovative, ten-year study, this book offers unmatched insight on sales performance issues and the practices sales professionals and organizations must embrace to be a world class sales force.
Achieve Sales Excellence: The 7 Customer Rules for Becoming the New Sales Professional
by Theodore Kinn Howard StevensEvery organization wants to go from good to great. Yet, despite knowing where they want to go, many companies can't find their way there. They struggle to find the one thing that matters in today's competitive marketplace. Price? . . . Quality? . . . Innovative product features? While all of these certainly influence a customer's buying decision, none of them is the most influential factor. What is? It's the salesperson. Achieve Sales Excellence examines the new paradigm of business-to-business sales. Based on the results of an innovative, fourteen-year study, this book offers unmatched insight on sales performance issues and the practices sales professionals and organizations must embrace to be a world-class sales force.
Achieve Unstoppable Success in Any Economy: The 7 Divine Mantras to Maximize Your Leadership Potential
by Payal NanjianiHow can we increase the number of exceptional leaders in our organizations? Why is it that, despite having the best minds and hands at work, organizations aren’t seeing a significant increase in their financial numbers? How can the maximum number of people continuously generate fabulous results for themselves and for their organizations? These are some of the most pressing questions currently in organizations and form the basis for Achieving Unstoppable Success in Any Economy. This book presents the seven divine mantras for business leaders, corporate heads, entrepreneurs, and professionals to maximize leadership potential. With masterful insight and brilliant simplicity, Payal Nanjiani has distilled some of the most powerful leadership and success wisdom available for both professional and personal leadership into seven practical lessons that leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs can immediately apply to send morale and productivity soaring in these challenging and uncertain business times. Known for her coaching and consulting work with many of the world’s leading CEOs and organizations, Payal helps business professionals understand the significance of the I-Power in leadership. It highlights with certainty that for anyone to achieve unstoppable success in their job and business, and for any organization to be successful, it’s the leader who must be unstoppable first. This book serves as a wake-up call—it’s time individuals and organizations change the way they approach the human side of business, of leadership, and of success. Our society and the world at large cannot continue to withstand the increasing shortage of exceptional leaders and the widening gap between the successful few and the unsuccessful many. The challenge must be addressed in new ways to develop exceptional leaders who can deal with the immense complexities and business challenges of today. This book serves as a guide to an organic growth of people who lead and succeed regardless of the economy. The book is designed to help you become a highly inner-self-directed individual and take your leadership and business to new levels. It offers seven divine mantras that will enable you and your colleagues to move through hardship and achieve unstoppable success regardless of the economy. You will discover how to strategically direct your inner leader to leverage your potential. Ultimately, this deeply inspiring book reveals a remarkable step-by-step system that will restore trust, commitment, and spirit within your organization while transforming the way you think, act, and behave in the process. For more than 21 years, Payal Nanjiani has been sharing with Fortune 500 companies and many of the most successful entrepreneurs her success formulas that has made her one of the most sought-after leadership advisors in the world. Now, for the first time, through this book Payal makes her proprietary process available to you, so that you can deliver your best while helping your organization break through to a new level of success regardless of the economy. "In a world where burn out is becoming more common, it is imperative for leaders to constantly undergo self-reflection and assess their inner well-being and take stock of their emotions and encourage their team to do so as well. Emotional pain, if not tackled, could take a toll on innovation and productivity leading to a trickle-down negative effect. This book by Payal Nanjiani helps leaders undergo that much-needed self-reflection and solve the critical problem of productivity." Senthil Radhakrishnan, Administrative Chief and Clinical Neurosurgical PA at Duke "Payal gives practical tips to show that a positive attitude and small incremental changes can give you the ability to stand out and lead with or without authority. A must-read for a natural leader at any level!" Michelle Proctor, Principal Business Operations Officer </
Achieve with Accountability: Ignite Engagement, Ownership, Perseverance, Alignment, and Change
by Mike EvansACCOUNTABILITY IS THE CATALYST THAT IGNITES: Accelerated Change, Robust Employee Engagement, Intensified Ownership, Relentless Perseverance, Impeccable Alignment, and propels individuals, teams and organizations to desired results. Accountability crumbles silos, boosts teamwork and collaboration, strengthens camaraderie, creativity, resiliency, agility, trust, and communication Achieve with Accountability presents a recipe for awakening the whatever it takes attitude to achieve what matters most to individuals, teams and organizations. Discover how to transform accountability into a positive, engaging and forward looking experience that will secure your position in the new world of work. Learn how to kick-start a revolution that will blast your team or organization to new heights of success. We are in a brawl with no rules, where the fast, flexible and agile will eat and spit out the slow, over-thinking and complacent. When you relinquish accountability you place your future in the hands of other people or events. It's only by taking accountability and ownership for our circumstances that we can achieve what matters most. Embrace the accountability fundamentals that have helped individuals, teams and organizations for years to achieve and exceed what matters most. With the world coming at us fast and furious every day, it's easy to feel like you've lost control of your own life, your team or your organization. By choosing to take and lead accountability you reclaim control and are able to direct your own destiny. Develop the agility, flexibility and resiliency to adapt and thrive during constant change Foster a can-do, resolute, solutions focus in the face of difficult challenges, obstacles and barriers Eradicate the blame-game and vanquish excuse-making that stifles peak performance Shed feelings of disarray, discomfort, apathy, entitlement, indifference and despair Take control over your circumstances and achieve what matters most Unleash voluntary contributions of discretionary performance that is often left untapped in individuals, teams and organizations Establish unshakable trust and credibility Accountability is a current that feeds into the slipstream of success. Your performance, your decisions, and your results are all your responsibility; when you operate from that premise, magic happens. Achieve with Accountability shows you how to nourish that can-do mindset, so you can begin to achieve what matters most.
The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life
by Bernard RothThe cofounder of the Stanford d.school introduces the power of design thinking to help you achieve goals you never thought possible.Achievement can be learned. It’s a muscle, and once you learn how to flex it, you’ll be able to meet life’s challenges and fulfill your goals, Bernard Roth, Academic Director at the Stanford d.school contends.In The Achievement Habit, Roth applies the remarkable insights that stem from design thinking—previously used to solve large scale projects—to help us realize the power for positive change we all have within us. Roth leads us through a series of discussions, stories, recommendations, and exercises designed to help us create a different experience in our lives. He shares invaluable insights we can use to gain confidence to do what we’ve always wanted and overcome obstacles that hamper us from reaching our potential, including:Don’t try—DO;Excuses are self-defeating;Believe you are a doer and achiever and you’ll become one;Build resiliency by reinforcing what you do rather than what you accomplish;Learn to ignore distractions that prevent you from achieving your goals;Become open to learning from your own experience and from those around you;And more.The brain is complex and is always working with our egos to sabotage our best intentions. But we can be mindful; we can create habits that make our lives better. Thoughtful and powerful The Achievement Habit shows you how.“The Achievement Habit is a masterpiece in describing how to think creatively and fulfill your life’s ambitions.” —Paul Hait, entrepreneur and Olympic gold medalist
Achieving $5 Trillion Economy of India: Proceedings of 11th Annual International Research Conference of Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)
by Arti Chandani Rajiv Divekar J. K. NayakThe contents of this volume focuses on the economic issues such as income inequality, foreign direct investment, world income classification, business issues such as customer churn analysis, internal branding, human resources issues among others. The papers were presented during the 11th Annual Research Conference of Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies (SIMSARC2020). The book also focuses on the information technology and its application for the business in the form of social media, role of artificial intelligence etc. The contents of the volume are highly relevant, consisting of recent data and results, and based on strong research and statistical analysis. They widely cover the business, society and environmental issues faced in the present times, and the challenges faced by India to reach its goal of a trillion dollar economy. The papers not only discuss the issues but also come up with research based solutions and will be of interest to scholars, corporates, policy makers, and academics alike.
Achieving a Just Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy
by Raphael J HeffronThe ambition of most countries across the world is to develop a low-carbon economy, evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of countries have signed the Paris COP21 agreement. This book contends that this global societal transition to a low-carbon economy must be just. As such, it will be an invaluable and accessible reference for scholars from all research disciplines who aim in their research to see a fairer, more equitable and inclusive world where sustainability is at the fore and climate targets are achieved.This is the first in-depth and original analysis to explore the central importance of law in achieving a just transition to a low-carbon economy. In addition, it advances the JUST framework, a unique framework for assessing the just transition. This important research and theoretical tool provides a practical perspective as it ensures the geographical space and timelines of development are factored into analysis. The research also provides analysis on the just transition movement around the world and the influence of international institutions.Through several case studies on Just Transition Commissions and Critical Mineral Development, the book details and demonstrates key elements of justice, including distributive, procedural, restorative, recognition, and cosmopolitan justice. It is clear from the analysis that while these are vast areas for analysis, if applied in practice, they all centrally contribute to ensuring society will advance in achieving a just transition to a low-carbon economy.
Achieving a Triple Win: Human Capital Management of the Employee Lifecycle
by Joyce A. ThompsenTraditionally, organizations have left human capital needs to the human resources department. However, the talent management landscape has changed. Managers have begun to recognize that attracting and employing highly talented individuals makes an enormous impact on the company’s bottom line. The ‘Human Capital Cycle’ model presented in Achieving a Triple Win: Human Capital Management of the Employee Lifecycle presents a more systematic and comprehensive approach to human capital management based on the author’s insight into the connection between and organization’s strategy and its human capital needs and plans. Focusing on the six stages of the employee lifecycle, the book emphasises the need for a more adaptive, specialised approach to HRM to achieve what the author calls the ‘Triple Win’ – substantial benefits for customers, employees and the business as a whole. The book includes: rich descriptions and examples details on how to plan and execute each stage questions and issues case studies This book is a useful resource for senior leaders, decision makers, HR professionals and those responsible for talent management in the private and public sectors. Students of HRM and management would find this an enlightening supplementary reading.
Achieving and Maintaining Price Stability in Nigeria
by Batini NicolettaFinancial report from the IMF
Achieving Better Service Delivery Through Decentralization in Ethiopia
by Andrew Sunil Rajkumar Marito GarciaAchieving Better Service Delivery Through Decentralization in Ethiopia examines the role decentralization has played in the improvement of human development indicators in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has made major strides in improving its human development indicators in the past 15 years, achieving significant increases in the coverage of basic education and health services in a short period of time. Improvements took place during a period of massive decentralization of fiscal resources, to the regions in 1994 and to woredas in 2002-03. The devolution of power and resources from the federal and regional governments to woredas appears to have improved the delivery of basic services. Surveys of beneficiaries reveal that they perceive that service coverage and quality have improved. Beneficiary satisfaction has increased markedly in education, and less conspicuously in water and health services. In the south, the decentralization to woredas in 2002-03 tended to narrow differences in per capita expenditures on education and health across woredas. Decentralization disproportionately favored woredas that are remote (more than 50 kilometers from a zonal capital), food-insecure, and pastoral, suggesting that decentralization has been pro-poor. Decentralization also narrowed the gap in educational outcomes between disadvantage and better-off woredas, especially in the south. Pastoral, food-insecure, and remote woredas gained in terms of the educational outcomes examined (gross enrollment rates, grade 8 examination pass rates, repetition rates, pupil-teacher ratios, and teacher-section ratios).
Achieving Business Agility: Strategies for Becoming Pivot Ready in a Digital World
by John OrvosKnow how to lead and establish business agility in your organization. Benefit from clear, actionable steps based on change management truths that have been long underutilized and have limited the success of agile expansion into your business. This book provides a pragmatic framework for leading your business toward shifting to an agile mindset. Achieving Business Agility offers strategies and concrete examples to engage business executives and will teach you how to effectively execute these strategies. Whether you are a delivery executive, a change advocate, a consultant, a business leader, or a newcomer to agile, you will learn clear actions from a practical, business-oriented perspective that is vital to effect change and bring agile into your business. The book is structured in three sections. The first provides you with a deep understanding of each of four strategies. The second section tells the story of a company that applied these strategies through the eyes of several key players. The last section helps you get started applying what you learned in your own company. What You’ll Learn Get the attention of your executives by alerting them to a company problem that can impact them personally and create a sense of urgency to address itCollaborate with your executives in a way that gets them to open up and to see how their operating model is a contributing cause to the company problemDemonstrate how your executives can specifically benefit from a new agile business operating model and address the company problemCreate a reinforcement structure on a larger scale to establish agile as the new standard operating model in your organization Who This Book Is For Managers, business leaders, and consultants at/for large enterprises or small startups who want their company to better compete in today’s fast-moving markets that present threats and opportunities at every turn. No agile expertise is required.
Achieving Business Competitiveness in a Digital Environment: Opportunities in E-commerce and Online Marketing (Contributions to Management Science)
by Tereza Semerádová Petr WeinlichThe COVID-19 pandemic has been a very strong reminder that the future economic development of any country is more than ever influenced by its ability to ramp-up digital competitiveness. Consequently, enterprises were pushed to assess and develop the possibilities offered by e-commerce and online marketing tools. In this book, experts outline the prerequisites for such online marketing competitiveness and compare the current level of digital marketing competitiveness in Europe by using publicly available macro and micro-level data. The authors present their analyses and recommendations including interviews with over 125 online marketers and e-commerce specialists and present the lessons from digitalization of over 600 SMEs.