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1001 Business Letters for All Occasions: From Interoffice Memos and Employee Evaluations to Company Policies and Business Invitations - Templates for Every Situation

by Corey Sandler Janice Keefe

We live in a world of instant and constant communication, yet business still demands that we choose our words carefully and express ourselves clearly. Whether you're sending a quick IM or a formal proposal, 1001 Business Letters for All Occasions ensures that you'll convey your message effectively.Inside you'll find proven templates and model letters for every type of business situation--and text format--including:Sales pitches that land the accountPress releases to guarantee you media coverageCustomer service letters that build customer trust and loyaltyCollection requests to ensure prompt paymentInternal corporate memos to update employees on important changesEmail, text messaging, and instant messaging protocols that save time and resources Whether communicating with internal staff or corresponding with customers and clients, it's never been easier to write the perfect business letter.

1001 Ideas to Create Retail Excitement

by Edgar A. Falk

In a new, completely revised and updated edition of his 1999 classic 1001 Ideas to Create Retail Excitement, public relations and marketing guru Edgar Falk shows small, medium, and large business owners how to make the most of retail opportunities in any economic environment, and teaches all business owners how to think big in the face of growing competition and consumer insecurity. In our ever-changing economy, Falk's strategies are an absolute necessity for survival and success. Here, he offers a veritable encyclopedia of practical suggestions that show small- to medium-sized retailers how to attract new customers, then goes on to offer solid, time-tested advice on how to keep them coming back, over and over again. From proven-successful ideas for eye-catching window displays, in-store promotions, and special events to tested strategies for market research and publicity, this guide provides everything the small business owner needs to become more aggressive and effective in pulling in customers and fending off competition.

1001 Letters For All Occasions: The Best Models for Every Business and Personal Need

by Corey Sandler Janice Keefe

Dear Reader,Welcome to fictional Smalltown, Ohio--where every resident knows how to write clear, concise, attention-grabbing letters. With more samples than any other book, 1001 Letters for All Occasions is the resource any time written communication is in order. Letters are still the best way to communicate, and the residents of Smalltown are happy to share their best examples with you.We provide letters for every personal and business need, including apologies, business proposals, complaints, congratulations, cover letters, invitations, condolences, thanks, and travel letters in three languages.Whether you are writing to your bank, your child's school, or a large government agency, our picture-perfect sample letters will get you the response you want!Sincerely,Corey Sandler and Janice Keefe

The 1001 Rewards & Recognition Fieldbook: The Complete Guide

by Bob Nelson Dean Spitzer

Author of the Business Week million-copy bestseller, 1001 Ways to Reward Employees, Bob Nelson is the motivational specialist who helps businesses stay competitive by teaching them how to inspire their employees to excel. Now joined by Dr. Dean Spitzer, senior consultant and performance improvement expert for IBM, Nelson distills the knowledge, experience, and ideas gained from working with thousands of organizations into a hands-on, practical fieldbook. <P><P> Beginning with the basics of motivation, including the decline of traditional incentives and the trend toward empowered employees, the book lays the groundwork for developing and managing a rewards or recognition program in any work situation: how to recognize an individual or a group; how to develop a low-cost recognition program; how to sell it to upper management, prevent and fix common problems, and assess its effectiveness. There are planning worksheets, templates for different purposes?improving morale, improving attendance, increasing retention?plus perforated reference cards for immediate guidance, and 101 new low-cost/no-cost recognition ideas. Running through the margins are Nelson's answers to the questions most frequently asked since the publication of 1001 Ways to Reward Employees.

1001 Ways to Energize Employees

by Ken Blanchard Bob Nelson Barton Morris

Take the brakes off your business. In the perfect follow-up to 1001 Ways to Reward Employees, the innovative book that has sold over one million copies, Bob Nelson reveals what real companies across America are doing to get the very best out of their employees-and why it's the key to their success. Energizing is listening-AT&T's Universal Card Service's employee suggestion system yields 1,200 ideas a month and millions of dollars in savings. Energizing is encouraging risk-taking-Hershey Foods gives out The Exalted Order of the Extended Neck Award. Energizing is Starbuck's making employees partners, Saturn creating teams that function as independent small businesses, Springfield Remanufacturing's opening its books to all employees. With case studies, examples, techniques, research highlights, and quotes from business leaders, 1001 Ways to Energize Employees is invaluable for managers seeking to increase employee enthusiasm and involvement.

1001 Ways to Make Money If You Dare

by Trent Hamm

Everyone’s in search of a quick buck, and now they know where to find it—if they dare. Whether it’s becoming a living, breathing billboard, or selling bootleg concert t-shirts in the arena’s parking lot, there’s plenty of ways to rake in the dough on daring ventures and ballsy entrepreneurial moves. This book documents hundreds of these potential money-making schemes, ploys, and backyard startups, including:Print [fashion]-on-demand. Have a witty turn of phrase? Stick a pop culture zinger on a t-shirt and sell it through cafepress.comGive your body to science. They’re always looking for guinea pigs for an array of tests. All you have to do is sign up—and been mindful of the side effectsBecome Trump 2.0: build an empire in the digital world (try Second Life) and then sell it for some major lootRated by the endeavor’s risk level and potential return, this book offers up plenty of possible wallet-filling stunts. Employed or unemployed, young or old, daring or really daring, if you’re looking to make some scratch—this book’s for you.

1001 Ways to Make Money If You Dare

by Trent Hamm

Documenting hundreds of potential money-making schemes, ploys, and backyard startups, learn how to make a quick buck - if you dare.

1001 Ways to Take Initiative at Work

by Bob Nelson Matt Wawiorka

1001 WAYS to Take Initiative at Work is about managing up--about employees taking ownership of their jobs, whether it's an assistant working for a manager or a VP working for the CEO. Third in the 1001 Ways series by bestselling business writer Bob Nelson, whose 1001 Ways to Reward Employees and 1001 Ways to Energize Employees have over 900,000 copies in print, TAKE INITIATIVE is the first management book for employees. Weaving together case studies, examples, quotes, research highlights, and the author's own "Tool Box" of management techniques and exercises, this practical handbook will show every reader how to develop self-leadership, set goals, create learning opportunities, take risks, build a team, sell ideas, and work both within and outside the larger organization. Taking initiative is about a former secretary at Johnsonville Foods who originated and now runs the company's thriving mail-order business. It's about a technical writer who created Xerox's popular "webmaster" website. And it's about you. As Bob Nelson proves, employees have much more power than they think--taking initiative is how to harness that power and reap its rewards. By the bestselling author of 1001 Ways to Reward Employees and 1001 Ways to Energize Employees, with over 900,000 copies in print.

100de Maniere vir jou om geld te verdien

by Bernard Levine Elmarié

Hierdie unieke boek wys jou honderde verskillende maniere waarop jy geld kan verdien. As jy 'n ekstra tweede inkomste wil ontvang….As jy meer geld elke maand in jou bankrekening wil sien….Dan is hierdie boek 'n lewensredder. Daar is soveel maniere waarmee jy in jou vrye tyd geld kan verdien en dinge te doen waarin jy goed is en wat jy liefhet. Daar is iets hier vir almal! Baie van hierdie wettige inkomstegeleenthede sal kontant in jou beursie sit, sonder dat jy jou huis hoef te verlaat. Om 'n gereelde kontantvloei in jou lewe te kry, het jy die kennis en wysheid nodig om te weet wat jy moet doen om dit vir jou te laat gebeur. Jy moet weet wat is die name van die maatskappye wat jou sal betaal. Jy het verskeie strome van inkomste en bronne van lopende kontant nodig, wat in jou bankrekening inbetaal word. En daar is meer as net een manier om geld te verdien. Die geheim van sukses is wat jy self daarvan maak. Jy is net 'n paar minute weg om te begin om gereeld dollars in jou bankrekening te ontvang. So waarvoor wag jy....Hierdie unieke boek sal jou honderde verskillende maniere en idees gee hoe jy 'n deurlopende vloei van ekstra inkomste in jou lewe sal kry!…. kies die geleenthede waarvan jy die meeste hou en laat jou inkomste begin!

The 100X Leader: How to Become Someone Worth Following

by Jeremie Kubicek Steve Cockram

Become the leader others want to follow Forget everything you know about motivating others and building a harmonious workplace. If you want to get the best out of people, you must be willing to fight. But, that doesn't mean you become a dominator, nor does coddling others work. The best leader you've ever had in your life was a liberator—someone willing to fight for your highest good, even at a personal cost. Inside, global leadership experts Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram explain what made that leader so unique, how to become that person yourself, and how to share the same gift with others.

101 Best Businesses to Start: The Essential Sourcebook of Success Stories, Practical Advice, and the Hottest Ideas (3rd Edition)

by Russell Roberts

To succeed in starting your own business you need real, innovative solutions. If you've ever thought of running your own business as an alternative to the corporate workplace or working for someone else, 101 Best Businesses to Start provides a wealth of practical advice, as well as the inspiration to make your dreams a reality. Each carefully selected entry includes a full business description, guidelines for start-up and operating costs, profit projections, working strategies and staffing needs, plus real-life stories that highlight both the challenges and the rewards of starting a business--as well as secrets for success.

101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women, 3rd Edition: Everything You Need to Know About Getting Started on the Road to Success

by Priscilla Huff

Can I be a stay-at-home mom and still earn extra income? Which home business is best for me? Where can I find expert advice on launching my own business? How much will it cost to get started?For nearly two decades, bestselling author and home-based business guru Priscilla Y. Huff has run a successful writing business out of her home while balancing her family life. In fact, this book, now in its third edition, is proof of her success. Her valuable advice on what works--and what doesn't--is available to you. From start-up costs to potential income, this book shows you how to:·Choose the perfect home-based business from 101 of the best: customer service, arts and crafts, entertainment, computer and high tech, mail order, home-based distributorships and franchises, and many others ·Take the first steps to starting any business ·Find and use valuable resources, including local, state, and federal government sources; business and professional associations; books, Web sites, and other publications ·And much, much more!You'll also find inspiring stories from businesswomen who have achieved success and financial reward. If you've ever dreamed of owning your own business, this book should be your first investment.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The 101 Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes

by Herbert E. Nass

A trust and estate lawyer to the stars offers an engaging look at how to avoid numerous estate planning mistakesIn The 101 Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes, author Herbert Nass, an estate planner for some of today's most famous celebrities, offers an entertaining look at what not to do when setting up an estate plan, or administering an estate. By examining the mistakes made by some of the most well-known celebrities-from Bob Marley to John F. Kennedy, Sr. and Jr.-this book will guide readers toward making a successful estate plan and help them avoid many common pitfalls. Chapters cover such topics as: mistakes involving tangible personal property, real estate, executors and trustees, minors, or persons with disabilities; as well as disgruntled family and friends left behind.Puts estate planning in perspective through entertaining examples of mistakes celebrities have made in developing their own plansTaps into the voyeuristic interest we have in the lives of the rich and famousOffers an insider's look at many fascinating wills of the rich and famousGiven the emotional, financial, and legal issues that arise from the death of a loved one-and the substantial assets that are transferred from one generation to the next at this time-understanding estate planning is essential. This book will put you in a better position to make more informed estate planning decisions.

101 + Careers In Public Health

by Beth Seltzer

In just the past few years, interest in public health careers has soared. Public health degrees are more popular than ever, but what opportunities are out there once you've earned that MPH? And do you have to have a degree in public health to break into this field? This updated and revised second edition of 101+ Careers in Public Health provides an extensive overview of the numerous and diverse career options available and the many different roads to achieving them. It includes both familiar public health careers and emerging opportunities. New to the second edition are public health careers in the military, public health and aging, and careers in cutting-edge areas such as nanotechnology and public health genetics. Readers will learn about modern approaches to public health programs, including the evolving study of implementation science and the increased role of community participatory research.

101 Careers In Social Work

by Jessica A. Ritter Ann Obermann Kristin Danhoff

This engaging guide addresses the extraordinary breadth of the social work profession and the diverse career paths available. Updated and expanded, the third edition includes 15 vivid new profiles of social workers who describe the rewards and challenges of their distinct roles. It presents "Social Justice Spotlights" highlighting important social and political issues relevant to different practice domains. The new edition also delivers current data on employment opportunities and salaries from the Department of Labor and provides links to new resources--books, essays, films, and websites--that enable readers to explore specific career paths in greater depth. It dispels common myths about the social work profession and demonstrates why social work is a smart choice for those seeking a career of service that requires creativity, critical thinking, compassion, and a passion for social justice. Illuminating current trends in social work education and practice, the book describes more than 100 specific careers--traditional and nontraditional--available to social workers, including best features, challenges, required core competencies and skills, educational and licensing requirements, and personal narratives. The book also covers how to fund one's education and provides job-hunting tools and websites. Additional features include, for each career, a discussion of benefits and challenges, job outlook, and salary information. Questionnaires and self-assessment checklists provide additional material to help readers choose a social work career tailored to their unique talents, interests, and passions.

101 Case Studies in Construction Management

by Len Holm

This book provides 101 real-life construction management case studies from an author with over 40 years’ experience in the construction industry and as a lecturer in construction management. Over 14 chapters, Len Holm has included case studies from real jobsites that cover organization, procurement, estimating, scheduling, subcontractors, communications, quality and cost control, change orders, claims and disputes, safety, and close-outs. Other hot topics covered include BIM, sustainability, and lean. Each case is written in straightforward language and designed to test the reader’s independent and critical thinking skills to develop their real-world problem-solving ability. The cases are open to interpretation, and students will need to develop their own opinions of what’s presented to them in order to reach a satisfactory solution. The cases are ideal for use in the classroom or flipped classroom, for individual or group exercises, and to encourage research, writing, and presenting skills in all manner of applied construction management situations. Such a broad and useful selection of cases studies cannot be found anywhere else. While there is often no "right" answer, the author has provided model solutions to instructors through the online eResource.

101 Coaching Supervision Techniques, Approaches, Enquiries and Experiments

by Michelle Lucas

This book locates 101 practical coaching supervision techniques in their theoretical context. It is organised into ten chapters, each reflecting a different philosophical basis for the coaching supervision work: Existential, Gestalt, Positive Psychology, Psychodynamic, Solution Focused, Systemic, Thinking Environment, Transpersonal and finally an Eclectic chapter. With contributions and insights from leaders in the field, this book outlines the different philosophies and their principles and explains their application in practice. The book will help readers determine which technique to use and when, as well as offering a step-by-step guide to implementing or adapting it for their own work. With a breadth of techniques, the book will help all supervisors broaden their repertoire and ultimately become a better practitioner. Accessible and practical, this book is a valuable resource for experienced and novice supervisors as well as their supervisees. It will inspire them to keep their supervision and coaching practices both current and fresh, offering a diverse range of techniques to experiment with.

101 Design Ingredients to Solve Big Tech Problems

by Eewei Chen

Printed in full color.Tough technology and business challenges face you at every stage of a project. The one-page ingredients in 101 Design Ingredients show you how to solve problems using practical examples you can apply right away. Case studies explain how leading companies combined these ingredients into their own unique recipes to catapult their businesses, and how you can, too. One page, one ingredient. 101 reasons to become more successful at solving those big technology problems. 101 Design Ingredients will help your technology team identify problems, share responsibilities, and work better together.In parts 1 through 4, you'll find 101 problem-solving ingredients grouped into project stages, to help you apply the right ingredient at the right time. Start at any point and page through the humorously illustrated ingredients until you find one that matches your needs best. The ingredients cover the spectrum your business needs to be successful, with tips on team-building, creating a business model, product launch, productivity, and much more. Each ingredient includes three practical suggestions to get you started right away.In part 5, you'll see examples of how companies can blend some of the ingredients used in this book to solve specific business requirements for investment, innovation, leadership, and more. Each recipe shows how a company fine-tuned six of the ingredients to build their own unique solution. You'll learn how to mix and match ingredients to create your own recipes for success, tailored to your company's needs.The ingredients and recipes in this book can be applied by beginners starting out on their first technology project, as well as seasoned professionals who have been tackling the same big problems for years and need a fresh new approach to problem solving.

101 Easy Ways to Make Your Home Sell Faster

by Barbara Jane Hall

101 Easy Ways to Make Your Home Sell Faster recommends a variety of techniques to emphasize the strong points of a house and minimize its weaknesses.

101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions

by Ron Fry

Tough interview questions are inevitable in today's competitive job market. Ron Fry's 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions has helped more than 500,000 job seekers pinpoint what employers are really asking with every question, and more importantly: what they want to hear in response. This no-nonsense guide will prepare you to leverage the trickiest questions to your advantage. Learn how to deal gracefully with complicated case interviews, various personality types, and even potentially illegal questions - all while avoiding common mistakes. Get the expert answers employers are looking for!

101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions

by Ron Fry

Updated for today’s job market, the classic interview prep guide helps you say the right words and get the job you want. No matter how good you look, how much research you’ve done, or how perfectly your qualifications match the job description, if you’re not prepared with great answers to the toughest interview questions, you won’t get the job. 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions is a manual that will help you home in on exactly what the interviewer is trying to learn . . . with each and every question he or she asks. If you’ve never done well on interviews, never even been on a job interview, or just want to make sure a lousy interview doesn’t cost you a job you really want, Ron Fry will help you get that job—as he has helped millions of people nationwide and throughout the world. This twenty-fifth anniversary edition of 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions is thoroughly updated to reflect the realities of today’s job market. Whatever your age and experience, whether you are seeking your very first job or finally breaking into the executive office, this is the one book you need to get that job.

101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions (25th Anniversary Edition)

by Ron Fry

<p>No matter how good you look, how much research you've done, or how perfectly your qualifications match the job description, if you're not prepared with great answers to the toughest interview questions, you won't get the job. <p><i>101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions</i> is a manual that will help you home in on exactly what the interviewer is trying to learn…with each and every question he or she asks. If you've never done well on interviews, never even been on a job interview, or just want to make sure a lousy interview doesn't cost you a job you really want, Ron Fry will help you get that job--as he has helped literally millions of people nationwide and throughout the world. <p>This brand-new 25th Anniversary Edition of <i>101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions</i> is thoroughly updated to reflect the realities of today's job market. Whatever your age and experience, whether you are seeking your very first job or finally breaking into the executive office, this is the one book you need to get that job.</p>

101 Great Answers To The Toughest Interview Questions

by Ron Fry

No matter how good you look, how effective your resume, how perfectly you fit the job description, if you're not prepared with great answers to the tough interview questions, you won't get the job. For years, interviewees have relied on Ron Fry's 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions. In fact, more than 500,000 people have used the prior editions to help them develop their interview help them understand exactly what the interviewer is getting at with each and every question he or she asks. This brand-new Fourth Edition of 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions is thoroughly updated to reflect the realities of today's job market. You can still expect to be asked to tell a little bit about yourself, but you should also be able to talk coherently about your experience with the Internet and with the latest software. Ron Fry gives you a preview of the questions you're most likely to face during an interview and helps you prepare winning answers for each of them. The book begins with an overview of the interviewing process. Then, questions are grouped by chapter to cover the full range of possible interview topics- everything from "Why are you thinking of leaving your current job?" to "When can you start?"

101 Great Mail-Order Businesses - Revised 2nd Edition: The Very Best (and Most Profitable!) Mail-Order Businesses You Can Start with Little or No Money

by Tyler G. Hicks

Make a Mint by Mail Order! Sell computers, vitamins, clothing, or gourmet foods. Create and sell newsletters on almost any topic. Make and sell your favorite arts and crafts. Would you like to join the booming mail-order business? You can! Bestselling author Ty Hicks shows you how. You don’t need a lot of money, years of experience, or a college education—just a mailing address and the desire to deliver products and services quickly for the best value your customers can get. Ty Hicks explains in clear, easy steps how to start your mail-order business today, including: ·Getting started quickly and easily ·Creating an e-commerce Web site to promote and sell your products or services directly ·Using proven marketing and promotion strategies ·Carving niche markets with unusual products and services ·Expanding your business for maximum profitability ·And much, much more!

101 Great Résumés

by Ron Fry

In 101 Great Résumés, you will find the résumé format that will work wonders for you, one that can showcase your unique background, situation and career goals and help you land your dream job. It features résumés tailored to the individual situations, challenges, and aspirations of today's job seekers.

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