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Corporate Culture and Performance

by John P. Kotter James L. Heskett

Going far beyond previous empirical work, John Kotter and James Heskett provide the first comprehensive critical analysis of how the "culture" of a corporation powerfully influences its economic performance, for better or for worse. Through painstaking research at such firms as Hewlett-Packard, Xerox, ICI, Nissan, and First Chicago, as well as a quantitative study of the relationship between culture and performance in more than 200 companies, the authors describe how shared values and unwritten rules can profoundly enhance economic success or, conversely, lead to failure to adapt to changing markets and environments.With penetrating insight, Kotter and Heskett trace the roots of both healthy and unhealthy cultures, demonstrating how easily the latter emerge, especially in firms which have experienced much past success. Challenging the widely held belief that "strong" corporate cultures create excellent business performance, Kotter and Heskett show that while many shared values and institutionalized practices can promote good performances in some instances, those cultures can also be characterized by arrogance, inward focus, and bureaucracy -- features that undermine an organization's ability to adapt to change. They also show that even "contextually or strategically appropriate" cultures -- ones that fit a firm's strategy and business context -- will not promote excellent performance over long periods of time unless they facilitate the adoption of strategies and practices that continuously respond to changing markets and new competitive environments.Fundamental to the process of reversing unhealthy cultures and making them more adaptive, the authors assert, is effective leadership. At the heart of this groundbreaking book, Kotter and Heskett describe how executives in ten corporations established new visions, aligned and motivated their managers to provide leadership to serve their customers, employees, and stockholders, and thus created more externally focused and responsive cultures.

Corporate Culture in Multinational Companies

by Victoria W. Miroshnik Dipak Basu

The objective of corporate culture in a company is to align the organization's espoused values to the perceived (ideal) values of the corporation and its employees whether within the country or within the worldwide network of subsidiaries to create competitive success. We can call this value alignment among employees (irrespective of their nationality) the creation of company citizenship. We propose that company citizenship can be enhanced when the employees' personal values are in alignment with the values of the corporate culture in a multinational company. Corporate Culture in Multinational Companies examines this issue in the context of a number of Japanese multinational companies from various industrial sectors. This work explores the value component of corporate culture in these companies and their relationship with production efficiency and personal values of the employee, which create motivation. The authors combine both qualitative analysis of the experiences of leaders in these organizations and the most advanced quantitative analysis regarding corporate performance as reflected in the human resources in these organizations.

The Corporate Culture Survival Guide

by Edgar H. Schein

The father of the corporate culture field and pioneer in organizational psychology on today's changing corporate cultureThis is the definitive guide to corporate culture for practitioners. Recognized expert Edgar H. Schein explains what culture is and why it's important, how to evaluate your organization's culture, and how to improve it, using straightforward, practical tools based on decades of research and real-world case studies. This new edition reflects the massive changes in the business world over the past ten years, exploring the influence of globalization, new technology, and mergers on culture and organization change. New case examples help illustrate the principals at work and bring focus to emerging issues in international, nonprofit, and government organizations as well as business. Organized around the questions that change agents most often ask, this new edition of the classic book will help anyone from line managers to CEOs assess their culture and make it more effective.Offers a new edition of a classic work with a focus on practitionersIncludes new case examples and information on globalization, the effects of technology, and managerial competenciesCovers the basics on changing culture and includes a wealth of practical advice

The Corporate Culture Survival Guide (J-b Warren Bennis Ser. #158)

by Edgar H. Schein Peter A. Schein

Effective, sustainable cultural change requires evolution, not disruption The Corporate Culture Survival Guide is the essential primer and practical guide every organization needs. Corporate culture pioneer Edgar H. Schein breaks the concept of 'culture' down into real terms, delving into the behaviors, values, and shared assumptions that define it, and explains why culture is the central factor in an organization's success—or failure. This new third edition is designed specifically for practitioners needing to apply these practices in real-world settings, and has been updated with new coverage of globalization, technology, and managerial competencies. You'll learn how to get past subconscious bias to assess whether or not your existing culture truly serves your organization, and how to introduce change and manage the change process over time for a best-case-scenario outcome. Case studies illustrate successful change in real companies, providing models and setting the bar for dismantling dysfunctional cultures. Corporate culture begins with the founder, and evolves—or not—over time. Is your culture working for or against your organization? How can it be optimized? This book separates the truth from the nonsense to provide real-world guidance on initiating and managing cultural change. Understand when to assess your culture, and how to do it objectively Learn how cultures evolve and change over time, for better or worse Discover the reality of multiculturalism amidst the rise of globalization Evolve your culture to more effectively serve your organization Each of us is a part of many cultures—what you do, where you live, where you grew up, what you enjoy, how you live; in the workplace, many different people with many different cultures come together toward a common goal—will these cultures clash or synergize? The Corporate Culture Survival Guide shows you how to create an overarching corporate culture that gets everyone on the same page to drive your organization's success.

Corporate Data Quality: Voraussetzung erfolgreicher Geschäftsmodelle

by Boris Otto Hubert Österle

Daten sind die strategische Ressource des 21. Jahrhunderts. Es findet kein Gesch#65533;ftsprozess, keine Kommunikation zwischen Gesch#65533;ftspartnern, keine Wertsch#65533;pfung statt, ohne dass die involvierten Personen, Maschinen und IT-Systeme Daten nutzen, erzeugen oder ver#65533;ndern. Trends wie die Digitalisierung, Industrie 4. 0 und Social Media tragen ebenfalls dazu bei, dass Datenmanagement zu einer Kernkompetenz f#65533;r erfolgreiche Unternehmen dieser Zeit geworden ist. Damit Daten ihren ganzen Wert entfalten k#65533;nnen, m#65533;ssen sie stets in angemessener Qualit#65533;t zur Verf#65533;gung stehen. Dies gilt besonders f#65533;r Stammdaten, die zentralen Gesch#65533;ftsobjekte eines Unternehmens. Dieses Buch zeigt einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz zum qualit#65533;tsbewussten Management von Stammdaten auf und richtet sich damit sowohl an Praktiker als auch an die Wissenschaft. Das ,,Framework f#65533;r Stammdatenqualit#65533;tsmanagement" wurde im Rahmen des ,,Competence Center Corporate Data Quality" der Universit#65533;t St. Gallen seit dem Jahr 2006 gemeinsam mit Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichen Industrien in zahlreichen praktischen Anwendungen entwickelt und verbessert. Neben den theoretischen Grundlagen r#65533;umt das Buch der praktischen Sicht mit 10 Fallstudien gro#65533;en Raum ein, die erfolgreich durchgef#65533;hrte Datenqualit#65533;tsprojekte praxisnah aufbereiten. Schlie#65533;lich f#65533;hrt das Buch noch Methoden und Werkzeuge f#65533;r das Datenqualit#65533;tsmanagement auf, die (Stamm-)datenmanager bei Projekten im eigenen betrieblichen Umfeld unterst#65533;tzen k#65533;nnen.

Corporate Debt Restructuring in Emerging Markets: A Practical Post-Pandemic Guide

by Richard Marney Timothy Stubbs

Corporate debt restructurings in the emerging markets have always presented special challenges. Today, as the global economy emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and businesses look to pick up the pieces, this is even more true. For many, the financial hangover of the lockdowns and market disruptions linger and threaten their independence, even their survival. This peril is more acute in the emerging and frontier markets. Weaker economic fundamentals and institutional resiliency often intensify the challenge to return to pre-COVID-19 operating levels and financial sustainability. In this context, borrowers invariably must address the imbalance of substantial existing debt with the “new reality” of their business operations and revenues.This book, using case studies, presents a full, detailed narrative of a fictitious troubled bank in an emerging market, with characters, dialogues, and negotiations. It also includes a series of discussion questions with suggested answers, to draw out key issues from the case. In doing so, this initial narrative offers a substantive analysis of the five main phases and principles of a restructuring: (1) pre-restructuring, (2) the decision to restructure, (3) the case set-up, (4) structuring and negotiation, and lastly (5) implementation. In each chapter, the book outlines the main elements of the phases and shows how the elements are applied in practice. The book also presents separate chapters on exogenous shocks (with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic as an example of such shocks), macroeconomics, and legal issues present in cross-border restructurings. It will be of interest to the international professional financial and legal community, primarily junior-to mid-level financiers, business people, and lawyers.

Corporate Defense and the Value Preservation Imperative: Bulletproof Your Corporate Defense Program (Security, Audit and Leadership Series #8)

by Sean Lyons

This is the first book to finally address the umbrella term corporate defense, and to explain how an integrated corporate defense program can help an organization address both value creation and preservation. The book explores the value preservation imperative, which represents an organization’s obligation to implement a comprehensive corporate defense program in order to deliver long-term sustainable value to its stakeholders. For the first time the reader is provided with a complete picture of how corporate defense operates all the way from the boardroom to the front-lines, and vice versa. It provides comprehensive guidance on how to implement a robust corporate defense program by addressing this challenge from strategic, tactical, and operational perspectives. This arrangement provides readers with a holistic view of corporate defense and incorporates the management of the eight critical corporate defense components. It includes how an organization needs to integrate its governance, risk, compliance, intelligence, security, resilience, controls and assurance activities within its corporate defense program. The book addresses the corporate defense requirement from various perspectives and helps readers to understand the critical interconnections and inter-dependencies which exist at strategic, tactical, and operational levels. It facilitates the reader in comprehending the importance of appropriately prioritizing corporate defense at a strategic level, while also educating the reader in the importance of managing corporate defense at a tactical level, and executing corporate defense activities at an operational level. Finally the book looks at the business case for implementing a robust corporate defense program and the value proposition of introducing a truly world class approach to addressing the value preservation imperative. Cut and paste this link ( to learn more about a corporate defense program and how the book will help you implement one in your organization.

Corporate Design Thinking: Wie Unternehmen ihre Innovationen erfolgreich gestalten

by Daniela Freudenthaler-Mayrhofer Teresa Sposato

Dieses Buch schlie#65533;t die L#65533;cke bisher bestehender Design-Thinking-Literatur und zeigt, WIE Design Thinking in Unternehmen gelebt werden muss, um Innovationsprojekte erfolgreich zu implementieren. Zahlreiche Beispiele aus der unternehmerischen Praxis der Autoren vermitteln anschaulich, wie eine klare Nutzerfokusierung bei der Entwicklung neuer Ideen zum Wettbewerbsvorteil wird. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die drei Bereiche Mensch, interne Organisationskultur sowie das externe Unternehmensumfeld.

Corporate Digital Responsibility: Managing Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability in the Digital Age (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance)

by Saskia Dörr

This book describes in detail how corporate responsibility is changing in the age of big data and artificial intelligence and demonstrates how corporate digital responsibility can offer companies a sustainable competitive advantage. Business leaders and managers find a comprehensive guideline to professionally implement these innovative aspects in practice. It enables them to shape their businesses' success in a societally responsible and ethical manner in the context of digital transformation. As an essential guide, it invites executives, corporate responsibility officers, digital ethics experts, sustainability consultants, and anyone interested to learn about the opportunities of responsible digitalization at companies. In addition, the book offers a well-structured introduction to the still young field of corporate management and governance.

Corporate Diplomacy: Building Reputations and Relationships with External Stakeholders

by Witold J. Henisz

Managers of multinational organizations are struggling to win the strategic competition for the hearts and minds of external stakeholders. These stakeholders differ fundamentally in their worldview, their understanding of the market economy and their aspirations and fears for the future. Their collective opinions of managers and corporations will shape the competitive landscape of the global economy and have serious consequences for businesses that fail to meet their expectations. This important new book argues that the strategic management of relationships with external stakeholders – what the author calls "Corporate Diplomacy" – is not just canny PR, but creates real and lasting business value.Using a mix of colourful examples, practically relevant tools and considered perspectives, the book hones in on a fundamental challenge that managers of multinational corporations face as they strive to compete in the 21st century. As falling communication costs shrink, the distance between external stakeholders and shareholder value is increasingly created and protected through a strategic integration of the external stakeholder facing functions. These include government affairs, stakeholder relations, sustainability, enterprise risk management, community relations and corporate communications. Through such integration, the place where business, politics and society intersect need not be a source of nasty surprises or unexpected expenses. Most of the firms profiled in the book are now at the frontier of corporate diplomacy. But they didn’t start there. Many of them were motivated by past failings. They fell into conflicts with critical stakeholders – politicians, communities, NGO staffers, or activists – and they suffered. They experienced delays or disruptions to their operations, higher costs, angry customers, or thwarted attempts at expansion. Eventually, the managers of these companies developed smarter strategies for stakeholder engagement. They became corporate diplomats. The book draws on their experiences to take the reader to the forefront of stakeholder engagement and to highlight the six elements of corprate diplomacy.

The Corporate Diplomacy Challenge: A Leader's Guide to Navigating this Important Career Transition

by Michael D. Watkins

Many leaders are used to wielding authority and making executive decisions with their place in the hierarchy in mind. But what happens when leaders move into positions where getting things done suddenly depends more on influence and the ability to build coalitions of support than on authority? Whether your new role involves navigating within a "matrix" organization, negotiating with powerful external partners, such as government agencies, or leading a critical support function, such as HR or IT, without control over critical budgets, you need to learn how to practice corporate diplomacy--effectively leveraging organizational alliances, networks, and other business relationships to get things done. In this chapter, transition acceleration expert Michael Watkins shows you how. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 3 of "Your Next Move: The Leader's Guide to Navigating Major Career Transitions."

Corporate Disclosures: The Origin of Financial and Business Reporting 1553 - 2007 AD

by Shankar Jaganathan

Spanning over two millennia of time and five continents of space, this book narrates the unfolding of financial and business reporting. The first part of the book traces the origin of the 'company' as a form of organization and the evolution of bookkeeping. The second part: The Accounting Edifice, depicts events that led to the disclosure of the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, cash flow statements and the practice of auditing. In the third part: Reaching out to the Shareholders, the author explores the need for governance, reporting of intangible assets and the emergence of annual reports. Indian Corporate Disclosures, the fourth and the last part, sketches the panorama of post-independent dvelopments in Indian corporate disclosures using heritage IT companies, Wipro and Infosys as examples. The last chapter of the book contrasts disclosures by the Indian Sensex companies in 2007 with the best global practices.

Corporate Diversity Communication Strategy: An Insight into American MNCs’ Online Communities and Social Media Engagement

by Roxana D. Maiorescu-Murphy

This book analyzes the brand communities of major American multinationals across three industries: finance, tech, and consumer goods. It assesses how companies communicate their diversity approaches on social media (Twitter) and studies the ensuing perceptions of online users. By comparing more innovative sectors (tech and consumer goods) with a less innovative industry (finance), the author examines differences in the way brands approach and communicate about diversity in online settings. The results of the study lead to the development of a theoretical framework with practical applications for business communication academics and professionals alike.

The Corporate Diversity Jigsaw

by Akshaya Kamalnath

Although diversity in companies is a topic of great interest, significant aspects of the issue are often left out of the debate. The Corporate Diversity Jigsaw connects all the dots so that steps taken to address issues of diversity in business organisations can be more effective. Akshaya Kamalnath offers a nuanced justification of exactly what types of diversity are most useful for corporations, where they should be implemented, and how best to address diversity in ways that account for recent social movements such as #MeToo and Black Lives Matter. After a critical assessment of quotas and disclosure requirements across jurisdictions, she provides a different way to solve the problem, by encouraging companies to make improvements to their culture and internal processes. This timely book offers a balanced analysis, practical solutions, and fresh perspectives on how corporate culture and social movements impact diversity efforts.

Corporate DNA

by Ken Baskin

Corporate DNA explores what happens when managers think about and run their companies as if they were living things. An organic model is at the heart of the transformation of companies like AT&T and EDS, working to redesign the bureaucracies that they were built upon. This book addresses the frustrations felt among corporations by focusing on the role of the organizational models in the transformation process. The book's key perception is that the choice of a mechanical or organic model results in an organizations developing either mechanical or organic structures. Those structures, in turn, lead to certain types of behavior. Corporate DNA provides tools with which managers can replace their old mechanical models with organic ones. Readers will discover how living things use information to create work; how they learn, develop, and govern themselves; and how prototype organic corporations such as 3M and Federal Express apply organic models to their operations.Ken Baskin, Ph.D., is a consultant on communicating quality and culture change. In addition to his own public relations business, he has worked for the US Department of Energy, the New Jersey Department of Education, and Bell Atlantic, including speech writing for CEO Ray Smith. Ken leads workshops on ¦Creating Competitive Advantage in a Market Ecology¦ and ¦Using the Principles of DNA for Problem Solving,¦ among others.

The Corporate Drain: Solutions for the Inefficient American Workplace (The\corporate Drain Ser.)

by Yoel Yohan

“His candid insight . . . transforms the boardroom business as usual attitude and leads your corporation to a higher platform of performance.” —Dr. Norman (Chip) Harbaugh, MD, FAAP, CEO/Chairman of the Board-Emeritus/Founder, Kids Health FirstIt’s time to look at a typical day at work in corporate America and how bad habits, bad procedures, and bad communication creep into the workplace, undermining productivity. Business experts agree that procedural inefficiency is an all-too-familiar theme in today’s workplace and that eliminating it is one of business managers’ most important responsibilities.The Corporate Drain provides business leaders with tools to recognize problems and tips for raising efficiency and improving performance, such as:Unclogging the flood of information (emails, paper reports, meetings, and conference calls)Maximizing the potential of each employee using cost-effective incentivesHow training can never be underestimated or over-appliedThe globalization of the business world challenges American companies to observe and understand how cultural diversity affects their operations. Author Yoel Yohan, raised in India and educated at a British military school, accredits his successful career at global giant, United Parcel Service, in part to his own cultural diversity.In The Corporate Drain, Yohan provides powerful examples and tools for profitable growth in today’s international marketplace.“Addresses the shortfalls in corporate America and uses a common-sense approach in fixing workplace problems. Yoel integrates appropriate humor and not only educates but entertains as well.” —Bill Ribble, former UPS VP“Yoel has captured the essence of American corporate culture. His recommended solutions can be easily implemented in any business.” —Atif Abdulmalik, CEO, Arcapita Bank

Corporate Duties to the Public

by Barnali Choudhury Martin Petrin

In a world where the grocery store may be more powerful than the government and corporations are the governors rather than the governed, the notion of corporations being only private actors is slowly evaporating. Gone is the view that corporations can focus exclusively on maximizing shareholder wealth. Instead, the idea that corporations owe duties to the public is capturing the attention of not only citizens and legislators, but corporations themselves. This book explores the deepening connections between corporations and the public. It explores timely - and often controversial - public issues with which corporations must grapple including the corporate purpose, civil and criminal liability, taxation, human rights, the environment and corruption. Offering readers an encompassing, balanced, and systematic understanding of the most pertinent duties corporations should bear, how they work, whether they are justified, and how they should be designed in the future, this book clarifies corporations' roles vis-à-vis the public.

The Corporate Energy Strategist’s Handbook: Frameworks to Achieve Environmental Sustainability and Competitive Advantage

by Jimmy Y. Jia

In an era in which scientists say we are approaching a point of no return in terms of climate change, companies are looking for ways to improve productivity of innovations that reduce environmental footprints. Among the questions they are looking to answer are: How can financial tools be leveraged for positive energy outcomes? How can the energy strategy be integrated into board responsibility? This book provides answers to these questions and more, presenting a selection of decision-making frameworks for strategy and sustainability management. Comprehensive in scope, its 120 frameworks—some well-known while others are original—provide a thorough, practical guide to inform the sustainability strategy of your organization. In addition to learning how to green your organizational strategy, you will also learn how to communicate your strategy to your teams. An essential source for executives desiring to be more responsible in energy performance and to decarbonize their operations, this book will prove useful in your day-to-day organizational work.

Corporate Entrepreneurship: Unternehmerisches Management in etablierten Unternehmen

by Andreas Engelen Monika Engelen Jan-Thomas Bachmann

Das Lehrbuch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die unternehmerische Gestaltung des Management in etablierten Unternehmen. Gekennzeichnet durch die Dimensionen Innovativität, Proaktivität und Risikobereitschaft ist Corporate Entrepreneurship heute belegbar ein wichtiger Faktor für nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg. Die Autoren beleuchten das Konzept wissenschaftlich und präsentieren die Erkenntnisse der aktuellen Managementforschung in Bezug auf Corporate Entrepreneurship entlang der fünf Managementfunktionen Planung, Organisation, Personal, Führung und Kontrolle. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit einleitenden Fragen, die am Ende des Kapitels beantwortet werden. Durch kurze Fallbeispiele wird aktuelle Forschung mit relevanten Erfahrungen aus der Praxis kombiniert und somit für Studierende und Praktiker interessant und verständlich vermittelt.

Corporate Entrepreneurship

by Alain Fayolle Véronique Bouchard

<p>Entrepreneurship is vital for companies’ success, to allow them to adapt and grow in today’s interlinked and turbulent business environments. Yet as they grow in size and complexity, many companies become less innovative and more rigid. The challenge of how to deal with these trends has led to the rise of the field of Corporate Entrepreneurship, looking at the development of new business ideas and opportunities within established firms. This book provides an effective entry point to Corporate Entrepreneurship as an academic field and a management practice. <p>Corporate Entrepreneurship leads readers through an overview of real-life Corporate Entrepreneurship; the aims, organisational models, implementation and results. Covering theoretical perspectives, empirical findings and practical concerns, the book also switches between the perspective of the individual and the organisation. Written by two specialists of the discipline, the book includes a wealth of real-life case studies, covering over three decades of Corporate Entrepreneurship practices, by companies of all sizes, geographies and sectors. With coverage of such topics as Internal Corporate Venturing and Participative Innovation, this thoughtful text will be required reading for entrepreneurship students around the world.</p>

Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality: Global Post COVID-19 Recovery Strategies (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology)

by Jonathon Day Teresa Aguiar-Quintana Francisca Rosa Álamo Vera

The dynamic characteristic of the tourism and hospitality industry under the influence of micro and macro environment factors requires future professionals to be equipped with appropriate skills and competencies to deal with such factors in real life practices. In this book, scholars and industry experts analyse case studies related to real-world scenarios to expand the body of knowledge, inspiring future research and developing the field.The Editors have compiled a compelling set of case studies covering topics centred around corporate entrepreneurship, including innovation, marketing and digital marketing, crisis management, quality development, product development and sustainability with a particular emphasis on post-Covid-19 recovery. The case studies included cover five regions, Europe, Africa, the Americas, Australia and Asia, offering enriching and diverse perspectives.This unique collection will be a valuable resource for scholars and upper-level students across corporate entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as those researching and studying n the tourism and hospitality fields.

Corporate Environmental Accountability in Nigeria: A Global, National and Regional Study in the Age of Globalization (Routledge Research in Global Environmental Governance)

by Felix Moses Edoho

This book examines the imperative role of global environmental governance, and the need to incorporate corporate environmental accountability and mechanisms for enforcement, to effectively address the global environmental crisis. The author, Felix Moses Edoho, Sr., examines the issues at the various global, national, and regional levels. In Part I the book examines the issues at the global level and looks at the impact of transnational corporations (TNCs) and globalization on the global environmental crisis. Furthermore, it also examines the efforts of the United Nations in initiating global environmental architecture to tackle the crisis. Part II considers the issues at the national level and focuses on Nigeria. The author explores Nigeria’s regulatory and institutional framework for environmental governance and implementation. Lastly, at the regional level in Part III, the discourse centers on how decades of oil exploration and production have unleashed monumental ecological tragedies in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria due to the lack of corporate environmental accountability. This book will be of great interest to academics and students who are interested in broadening their knowledge of environmental governance and policy in developing countries. It will also be of value to environmental regulatory agencies and public administrators, development professionals, and TNCs.

Corporate Environmental Accountability in Nigeria: A Global, National and Regional Study in the Age of Globalization (Routledge Research in Global Environmental Governance)

by Felix Moses Edoho

This book examines the imperative role of global environmental governance, and the need to incorporate corporate environmental accountability and mechanisms for enforcement, to effectively address the global environmental crisis.The author, Felix Moses Edoho, Sr., examines the issues at the various global, national, and regional levels. In Part I the book examines the issues at the global level and looks at the impact of transnational corporations (TNCs) and globalization on the global environmental crisis. Furthermore, it also examines the efforts of the United Nations in initiating global environmental architecture to tackle the crisis. Part II considers the issues at the national level and focuses on Nigeria. The author explores Nigeria’s regulatory and institutional framework for environmental governance and implementation. Lastly, at the regional level in Part III, the discourse centers on how decades of oil exploration and production have unleashed monumental ecological tragedies in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria due to the lack of corporate environmental accountability.This book will be of great interest to academics and students who are interested in broadening their knowledge of environmental governance and policy in developing countries. It will also be of value to environmental regulatory agencies and public administrators, development professionals, and TNCs.

Corporate Environmental Management 1: Systems and strategies (Environmental Management Set Ser.)

by Richard Welford

Presents a comprehensive analysis of the role of business in safeguarding the environment. It introduces the general issues and context, and then gives a detailed, critical examination of all the key tools of corporate environmental management, including environmental management systems and standards; environmental policies, guidelines and charters; environmental auditing; life-cycle assessment; the measurement of environmental performance; and environmental reporting. The book emphasises systems-based environmental management, and also considers how such an approach might be integrated within local authorities and small and medium-sized companies. It then extends the systems approach to cover continuous environmental improvement, building a corporate environmental profile and moving towards sustainability. Written in a clear and informative style, with checklists, explanatory notes and references for further reading, the book draws on the existing environmental strategies of a number of leading firms. Each chapter is written by contributors involved in ongoing research and consultancy in their specialist area. This is the most authoritative guide available to contemporary approaches to corporate environmental management. Its 'how to' focus makes it essential reading - not only for students and researchers, but for managers faced with the challenge of introducing environmental management strategies into their own organizations. RICHARD WELFORD is Professor of Corporate Environmental Management and Director of the Centre for Corporate Environmental Management at the University of Huddersfield. He is also Professor of Sustainable Management at the Norwegian School of Management and a Director of ERP Environment. He is co-author of The Eartl15can Reader in Business and the Environment (1996), author of Corporate Environmentalll.1anagement 2 (1997) and Hijacking Environmentalism (1997) and editor of the journal Business Strategy and the Environment. Originally published in 1998

Corporate Environmental Management 1: Systems and Strategies (Environmental Management Set)

by Richard Welford

This volume presents a comprehensive analysis of the role of business in safeguarding the environment. It introduces general issues and context, and then gives a detailed, critical examination of all the key tools of corporate environmental management systems and standards: environmental policies, guidelines and charters, environmental auditing, life-cycle assessment, the measurement of environmental performance, and environmental reporting. The book emphasizes systems-based environmental management, and also considers how such an approach might be integrated within local authorities and small and medium-sized companies. It then extends the systems approach to cover continuous environmental improvement, building a corporate environmental profile and moving towards sustainability. Written in a clear and informative style with checklists, explanatory notes and references for further reading, the book draws on the existing environmental strategies of a number of leading firms. Each chapter is written by contributors involved in ongoing research and consultancy in their specialist area. The book's focus makes it useful reading, not only for students and researchers, but also for managers faced with the challenge of introducing environmental management strategies into their own organizations.

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