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Showing 23,776 through 23,800 of 100,000 results

Cuban Color in Tourism and La Lucha: An Ethnography of Racial Meanings

by L. Kaifa Roland

This book explores the tensions and contradictions of post-Soviet-era Cuba's use of tourism, a fundamentally capitalist tool, to sustain its socialist economy.

The Cuban Embargo under International Law: El Bloqueo (Routledge Research in International Law)

by Nigel D. White

The United States embargo against Cuba was imposed over fifty years ago initially as a response to the new revolutionary government's seizure of US properties, which was viewed by the US as a violation of international law. However, while sanctions can be legitimate means of enforcing established norms, the Cuban embargo itself appears to be the wrongful act, and its persistence calls into question the importance and function of international law. This book examines the history, legality and effects of US sanctions against Cuba and argues that the embargo has largely become a matter of politics and ideology; subjecting Cuba to apparently illegitimate coercion that has resulted in a prolonged global toleration of what appears to be a serious violation of international law. The book demonstrates how the Cuban embargo undermines the use of sanctions world-wide, and asks whether the refusal of world governments to address the illegality of the embargo reduces international law to tokenism where concepts of sovereign equality and non-intervention are no longer a priority. Despite the weaknesses of international law, Nigel D. White argues that in certain political conditions it will be possible to end the embargo as part of a bilateral agreement to restore normal relations between the US and Cuba and, furthermore, that such an agreement, if it is to succeed, will have to be shaped by the broad parameters of law and justice. As a fierce re-evaluation of international law through the story of a country under siege, this book will be of great interest and use to researchers and students of public international law, international relations, and US and Latin American politics.

Cuban Political Economy: Controversies In Cubanology

by Andrew Zimbalist

This comprehensive and authoritative book assesses in theoretical and empirical terms some of the most widely debated issues in the study of Cuban political economy. It presents a broad critique of the mainstream scholarship in the United States on Cuban political economy.

Cuban Sugar Industry: Transnational Networks and Engineering Migrants in Mid-Nineteenth Century Cuba

by Jonathan Curry-Machado

Nineteenth-century Cuba led the world in sugar manufacture and technological innovation was central to this. Through the story of a group of forgotten migrant workers who anonymously contributed to Cuba's development, this book explores the development of the Cuban sugar industry and how the country became bound into global networks.

Cuba's Second Economy: From behind the Scenes to Center Stage

by Jorge Perez-Lopez

Without doubt, Cuba is facing its most serious economic challenge in nearly thirty-five years of revolutionary rule. There is consensus that as the official, centrally planned economy has faltered, ordinary citizens eke out a living only by engaging in under-the-table, unrecorded, and mostly illegal activities. In fact, this "second economy" is growing by leaps and bounds. This volume sketches the contours of the very complex phenomenon of the second economy of socialist Cuba, and discusses its evolution over time, as well as the role that it may play in the transition to a market economy on the island.The economic crisis of the 1990s has propelled the second economy from behind the scenes to center stage. Not only have black markets mushroomed, but second economy activities connected to the free-market that the Castro government has traditionally discouraged or even prosecuted are now being incorporated into the government's own economic strategy. Self-employment, cultivation of individual plots, and the use of foreign currencies to buy or sell goods, are now promoted with considerable enthusiasm by the leadership.Perez-Lopez examines different ways of thinking about unregulated economic activities that have been set forth in the literature and concludes that the concept of the second economy is the most appropriate for Cuba. He brings together available information from a multitude of sources on the manifestations of the second economy in Cuba and of its operation. Cuba's Second Economy is a timely study of an economic system in crisis. It will be of interest to economists, political scientists, policymakers, and Latin America area scholars.

Cubed: A Secret History of the Workplace

by Nikil Saval

You mean this place we go to five days a week has a history? Cubed reveals the unexplored yet surprising story of the places where most of the world's work—our work—gets done. From "Bartleby the Scrivener" to The Office, from the steno pool to the open-plan cubicle farm, Cubed is a fascinating, often funny, and sometimes disturbing anatomy of the white-collar world and how it came to be the way it is—and what it might become.<P> In the mid-nineteenth century clerks worked in small, dank spaces called “counting-houses.” These were all-male enclaves, where work was just paperwork. Most Americans considered clerks to be questionable dandies, who didn’t do “real work.” But the joke was on them: as the great historical shifts from agricultural to industrial economies took place, and then from industrial to information economies, the organization of the workplace evolved along with them—and the clerks took over. Offices became rationalized, designed for both greater efficiency in the accomplishments of clerical work and the enhancement of worker productivity. Women entered the office by the millions, and revolutionized the social world from within. Skyscrapers filled with office space came to tower over cities everywhere. Cubed opens our eyes to what is a truly "secret history" of changes so obvious and ubiquitous that we've hardly noticed them. From the wood-paneled executive suite to the advent of the cubicles where 60% of Americans now work (and 93% of them dislike it) to a not-too-distant future where we might work anywhere at any time (and perhaps all the time), Cubed excavates from popular books, movies, comic strips (Dilbert!), and a vast amount of management literature and business history, the reasons why our workplaces are the way they are—and how they might be better.

The Cubicle Manifesto: Change the Way You Work and Reinvent Your Life

by Mainak Dhar

Welcome to THE CUBICLE. The desk space you occupy for hours on end. Where creativity is dead and stress levels are high. Where you feel guilty for leaving, but reluctant to arrive. Where you eat lunch, plan, strategize and phone home to say how late you'll be tonight. Is this the place you'd really like to be? Is there a better way to work?Stressed office worker Mayukh can't believe his misfortune when his computer gets infected by a virus. With enough work on his plate to last a lifetime, he can do without computer malfunctions. However, the virus seems to have its own agenda and it soon starts a revolution that will change how Mayukh works forever.The Cubicle Manifesto is a business parable for the modern age that will transform the way you work. Essential reading for anyone who wants to reduce stress and achieve better work-life balance. Read this book and join the revolution. #endcubicletyranny

The Cubicle Survival Guide: Keeping Your Cool in the Least Hospitable Environment on Earth

by James F. Thompson

Help. . . . Cubicle Life Is Killing Me! Leaving no stone unturned, no ergonomic chair unadjusted, and no leftovers in the communal fridge uneaten, this hilarious guide to cubicle life will be the salvation for the more than forty million Americans stuck in cubicles. By turns uproariously funny and enormously useful, each chapter tackles a different area of cubicle life and includes a “cube tip,” a quiz, illustrations, and examples that will have you laughing out loud. Discover • how not to disturb colleagues with unwanted sounds and smells, such as the crunch-crunch of your sour-cream-and-onion chips and the unmistakable odor of your spicy Thai shrimp • how to knock when visiting other cubicles and how to devise politically correct ways of saying “Do not disturb” • the do’s and definite don’ts of cubicle decoration • how to set up a security system that will rebuff potential thieves The Cubicle Survival Guidecould very well change your life and set you climbing the corporate ladder to success!* * Results not guaranteed. Pay raises and promotions are up to your boss, but using this book couldn’t hurt. Praise forThe Cubicle Survival Guide: “A spiritual air conditioner for the cubicled soul. ” — Turk Regan, author ofPimp My Cubicle:Take Your Workspace from Boring to Bling! "James Thompson’sThe Cubicle Survival Guideoffers the rare, and definitely appreciated, combination of laugh-out-loud humor and sound advice for surviving the jungle that is Corporate America. On some days, there’s nothing more motivating to fresh air-starved cube dwellers than a book that will simply crack them up. This is that book. ” — Alexandra Levit, Author,TheyDon’t Teach Corporate in College "If you must work (and I don't recommend it),The Cubicle Survival Guideprovides a wonderful way to slack off and stay entertained. You can easily kill two weeks with this book. " — Josh Aiello, Author,60 People to Avoid at the Water Cooler “Thompson provides a humorous yet thought-provoking look at what employees in today's large organizations must deal withbesidestheir jobs. ” — Malcolm O. Munro, Author,From Cave to Cubicle From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Cubs Way: The Zen of Building the Best Team in Baseball and Breaking the Curse

by Tom Verducci

<P>With inside access and reporting, Sports Illustrated senior baseball writer and FOX Sports analyst Tom Verducci reveals how Theo Epstein and Joe Maddon built, led, and inspired the Chicago Cubs team that broke the longest championship drought in sports, chronicling their epic journey to become World Series champions. It took 108 years, but it really happened. The Chicago Cubs are once again World Series champions. <P>How did a team composed of unknown, young players and supposedly washed-up veterans come together to break the Curse of the Billy Goat? Tom Verducci, twice named National Sportswriter of the Year and co-writer of The Yankee Years with Joe Torre, will have full access to team president Theo Epstein, manager Joe Maddon, and the players to tell the story of the Cubs' transformation from perennial underachievers to the best team in baseball. <P>Beginning with Epstein's first year with the team in 2011, Verducci will show how Epstein went beyond "Moneyball" thinking to turn around the franchise. Leading the organization with a manual called "The Cubs Way," he focused on the mental side of the game as much as the physical, emphasizing chemistry as well as statistics. To accomplish his goal, Epstein needed manager Joe Maddon, an eccentric innovator, as his counterweight on the Cubs' bench. A man who encourages themed road trips and late-arrival game days to loosen up his team, Maddon mixed New Age thinking with Old School leadership to help his players find their edge. <P>The Cubs Way takes readers behind the scenes, chronicling how key players like Rizzo, Russell, Lester, and Arrieta were deftly brought into the organization by Epstein and coached by Maddon to outperform expectations. Together, Epstein and Maddon proved that clubhouse culture is as important as on-base-percentage, and that intangible components like personality, vibe, and positive energy are necessary for a team to perform to their fullest potential. Verducci chronicles the playoff run that culminated in an instant classic Game Seven. He takes a broader look at the history of baseball in Chicago and the almost supernatural element to the team's repeated loses that kept fans suffering, but also served to strengthen their loyalty. <P>The Cubs Way is a celebration of an iconic team and its journey to a World Championship that fans and readers will cherish for years to come. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

CUC International, Inc. (A)

by Paul M. Healy Krishna G. Palepu

The case series examines the role of financial reporting and corporate finance policies as vehicles for communication between managers and outside investors. This case describes management's concern that the company's stock is undervalued because analysts viewed the company's accounting as aggressive. Students are asked to advise CUC's management on ways to improve investor confidence.

Cucamonga Valley Wine: The Lost Empire of American Winemaking (American Palate)

by George M. Peragine

The Cucamonga Valley was once America�s largest wine-producing region, crafting quality vintages decades before Napa and Sonoma. Secondo Guasti, an ambitious and enterprising Italian immigrant, established the region�s first vineyard in 1901, and others soon followed. Wineries like the Vai Brothers, Padre, Galleano, Brookside and more made the valley the epicenter of a burgeoning industry. Not even Prohibition could halt production. While domestic breweries and distilleries shuttered, Cucamonga�s brandy and sherry continued to be legally made for culinary and medicinal purposes. Yet by the late 1970s, harvests had dwindled and vineyards vanished. Urbanization, vine disease and property taxes effectively ended production. Today, local vintners and wine enthusiasts are reviving the region�s proud heritage. Authors George M. Walker and John Peragine uncork a legacy too delectable to die.

Cuenta contigo: No busques fuera, las soluciones están en ti

by Patricia Ramírez

Patricia Ramírez nos ofrece 20 propuestas para dejar de depender de los demás, tomar las riendas de nuestra propia vida y alcanzar así nuestros objetivos personales, profesionales y deportivos. Porque las soluciones a los propios problemas están mucho más cerca de lo que pensábamos: en nuestro propio interior. «Hay una fuerza motriz más poderosa que el vapor, la electricidad y la energía atómica: la voluntad.»Albert Einstein ¿En qué medida nuestro éxito personal, profesional y deportivo depende de nosotros? ¿Son los demás los que nos boicotean, estresan e impiden que alcancemos nuestros sueños? En Cuenta contigo Patricia Ramírez nos propone empezar a trabajar desde el propio interior para lograr nuestros propósitos. Si para empezar a hacer ejercicio necesitamos la compañía de un amigo, si para ser titular en nuestro equipo solo dependemos de la decisión del entrenador, o si para mejorar nuestro inglés esperamos que sea la empresa la que se encargue de nuestra formación, tal vez nunca logremos nuestros propósitos. ¿Por qué? Porque en estos tres casos, parece que el éxito dependerá de lo que los demás hagan por nosotros. Y esto es cómodo, pero poco eficaz. Patricia Ramírez nos propone que aprendamos a responsabilizarnos de nuestros objetivos, emociones y pensamientos; en definitiva, de las cosas que nos ocurren en la vida. Y nos ofrece herramientas prácticas para ese aprendizaje como la sorprendente terapia del caballo-secretaria o la de Teresa de Calcuta. Reseñas:«Leer a Patricia es aprender continuamente. La persona está antes que el deportista, y la gestión de todo lo emocional y el interior de las personas y deportistas son clave. El libro, tremendamente interesante; y ella, un referente para mí.»Xavier Budó, entrenador de tenis «Transitamos temporalmente portando un equipaje cargado de creencias e ideas no siempre idóneas para afrontar el viaje de la vida. En esta obra, Patricia Ramírez nos da claves para replantear y preguntar adecuadamente si aquello que nos acompaña en nuestro trayecto vital es lo más acertado o no. Obra clara, directa y tremendamente inspiradora.»Andoni Luis Aduriz, chef del restaurante Mugaritz «Patricia transmite fácil lo difícil, aporta soluciones a los problemas, y lo mejor de todo es que lo hace con una naturalidad tan cercana que te engancha desde el primer momento. ¡Sin lugar a dudas se ha convertido en una referente en nuestro deporte!»Alex Corretja, ex tenista «Nadie como Patricia Ramírez para ayudarte a darla mejor versión de ti mismo/a. Con sus "momentos libreta" entrenarás con Patri como si fueras un/a deportista de alta competición... en tu propia vida. Vive el presente (no temerariamente) y haz posible el futuro que quieres.»Juan Carlos Cubeiro, Head of Talent de ManpowerGroupy CEO de Right Management

Cuenta contigo: No busques fuera, las soluciones están en ti

by Patricia Ramírez

Patricia Ramírez nos ofrece 20 propuestas para dejar de depender de los demás, tomar las riendas de nuestra propia vida y alcanzar así nuestros objetivos personales, profesionales y deportivos. Porque las soluciones a los propios problemas están mucho más cerca de lo que pensábamos: en nuestro propio interior. «Hay una fuerza motriz más poderosa que el vapor, la electricidad y la energía atómica: la voluntad.»Albert Einstein ¿En qué medida nuestro éxito personal, profesional y deportivo depende de nosotros? ¿Son los demás los que nos boicotean, estresan e impiden que alcancemos nuestros sueños? En Cuenta contigo Patricia Ramírez nos propone empezar a trabajar desde el propio interior para lograr nuestros propósitos. Si para empezar a hacer ejercicio necesitamos la compañía de un amigo, si para ser titular en nuestro equipo solo dependemos de la decisión del entrenador, o si para mejorar nuestro inglés esperamos que sea la empresa la que se encargue de nuestra formación, tal vez nunca logremos nuestros propósitos. ¿Por qué? Porque en estos tres casos, parece que el éxito dependerá de lo que los demás hagan por nosotros. Y esto es cómodo, pero poco eficaz. Patricia Ramírez nos propone que aprendamos a responsabilizarnos de nuestros objetivos, emociones y pensamientos; en definitiva, de las cosas que nos ocurren en la vida. Y nos ofrece herramientas prácticas para ese aprendizaje como la sorprendente terapia del caballo-secretaria o la de Teresa de Calcuta. Reseñas: «Leer a Patricia es aprender continuamente. La persona está antes que el deportista, y la gestión de todo lo emocional y el interior de las personas y deportistas son clave. El libro, tremendamente interesante; y ella, un referente para mí.»Xavier Budó, entrenador de tenis «Transitamos temporalmente portando un equipaje cargado de creencias e ideas no siempre idóneas para afrontar el viaje de la vida. En esta obra, Patricia Ramírez nos da claves para replantear y preguntar adecuadamente si aquello que nos acompaña en nuestro trayecto vital es lo más acertado o no. Obra clara, directa y tremendamente inspiradora.»Andoni Luis Aduriz, chef del restaurante Mugaritz «Patricia transmite fácil lo difícil, aporta soluciones a los problemas, y lo mejor de todo es que lo hace con una naturalidad tan cercana que te engancha desde el primer momento. ¡Sin lugar a dudas se ha convertido en una referente en nuestro deporte!»Alex Corretja, ex tenista «Nadie como Patricia Ramírez para ayudarte a darla mejor versión de ti mismo/a. Con sus "momentos libreta" entrenarás con Patri como si fueras un/a deportista de alta competición... en tu propia vida. Vive el presente (no temerariamente) y haz posible el futuro que quieres.»Juan Carlos Cubeiro, Head of Talent de ManpowerGroup y CEO de Right Management

Cuenta contigo (edición especial ilustrada)

by Patricia Ramírez

¿En qué medida el éxito personal, profesional y deportivo depende de nosotros? ¿Son los demás los que nos boicotean, estresan e impiden que alcancemos nuestros sueños? En Cuenta contigo Patricia Ramírez nos propone empezar a trabajar desde el propio interior para lograr nuestros propósitos. Si para hacer ejercicio necesitamos la compañía de un amigo, si para ser titular en un equipo solo dependemos de la decisión del entrenador, o si para mejorar en inglés esperamos que sea la empresa la que se encargue de formarnos, tal vez nunca alcancemos nuestros propósitos. ¿Por qué? Porque que el éxito dependa de lo que los demás hagan por nosotros es cómodo pero poco eficaz. Patricia Ramírez nos propone que aprendamos a responsabilizarnos de nuestros objetivos, emociones y pensamientos; en definitiva, de las cosas que nos ocurren en la vida. Y nos ofrece herramientas prácticas, como la sorprendente terapia del caballo-secretaria o la de Teresa de Calcuta. Veinte propuestas para enseñarnos a tomar las riendas y descubrir que las soluciones a los problemas están mucho más cerca de lo que pensábamos: en nuestro propio interior. «Transitamos temporalmente portando un equipaje cargado de creencias e ideas no siempre idóneas para afrontar el viaje de la vida. En esta obra, Patricia Ramírez nos da claves para replantear y preguntar si aquello que nos acompaña en nuestro trayecto vital es lo más acertado o no. Obra clara, directa y tremendamente inspiradora». ANDONI LUIS ADURIZ, chef del restaurante Mugaritz «Patricia transmite de manera fácil lo difícil, aporta soluciones a los problemas, y lo mejor es que lo hace con tanta naturalidad que te engancha desde el primer momento. ¡Sin duda se ha convertido en un referente en nuestro deporte!». ÀLEX CORRETJA, extenista «Nadie como Patricia Ramírez para ayudarte a que des la mejor versión de ti mism@. Con sus "momentos libreta" entrenarás con Patri como si fueras un/a deportista de alta competición... en tu propia vida. Vive el presente (no temerariamente) y haz posible el futuro que quieres.» JUAN CARLOS CUBEIRO, economista, presidente de About my Brain Europe, socio director de IDEO y consejero de Human Age Institute

Las cuentas del amor

by Edna Lorna Venegas

El primer libro que aborda a profundidad qué relación existe entre la economía y los lazos afectivos-- ¡Todo se lo he dado!- Me ama más a mí que a sus hijos.-- Soy un cero a la izquierda.-- Siempre me devalúa, vale mucho más su trabajo. Cuando se trata de relaciones amorosas, en nuestro lenguaje cotidiano aparece frecuentemente la idea de cantidad asociada a los afectos. No nos percatamos de las cuentas que le hacemos todo el tiempo a la pareja: midiéndola, comparándola, haciéndole cálculos y, al final, teniendo un resultado a favor o en contra. ¿Pensabas que las matemáticas no tenían nada que ver con los vínculos afectivos? ¿Hasta qué punto las cifras obsesionan, dañan o destruyen las relaciones? Es probable que no te hayas detenido a reflexionar sobre tus deudas emocionales, ya que tal vez en este momento estés rebasado por deudas económicas o materiales, que en apariencia son más urgentes. A través de historias reales tomadas del consultorio de la psicóloga Eda Lorna Venegas, y de una serie de reflexiones, este libro te ayudará a ser consciente de la importancia de la economía y las cuentas diarias en tus relaciones, y te guiará para que el balance final sea el amor, que es la mayor de las ganancias.

Cuéntele su Historia al Mundo y Véndala por Millones

by Kenneth Atchity Lisa Cerasoli

Cuéntele su Historia al Mundo y Véndala por Millones, es un libro infaltable tanto para escritores como para guionistas. Posee todo aquello que no le dicen a uno mientras cursa una carrera relacionada con la creación literaria. Pero no solamente son los meros datos de usos y costumbres de los mercados editoriales, también de los nuevos mercados y las posibilidades de una edición electrónica sin pasar por las casas editoriales. ¡Ni hablar de hacer que su historia esté "en forma" para la soñada posibilidad de que su libro se convierta en una película! Este libro lo ayudará efictivamente a contar su historia al mundo, y lo ayudará a venderla por millones!!!

Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication

by Vanessa Van Edwards

For anyone who wants to be heard at work, earn that overdue promotion, or win more clients, deals, and projects, the bestselling author of Captivate, Vanessa Van Edwards, shares her advanced guide to improving professional relationships through the power of cues.What makes someone charismatic? Why do some captivate a room, while others have trouble managing a small meeting? What makes some ideas spread, while other good ones fall by the wayside? If you have ever been interrupted in meetings, overlooked for career opportunities or had your ideas ignored, your cues may be the problem – and the solution. Cues – the tiny signals we send to others 24/7 through our body language, facial expressions, word choice, and vocal inflection – have a massive impact on how we, and our ideas, come across. Our cues can either enhance our message or undermine it. In this entertaining and accessible guide to the hidden language of cues, Vanessa Van Edwards teaches you how to convey power, trust, leadership, likeability, and charisma in every interaction. You&’ll learn: • Which body language cues assert, &“I&’m a leader, and here&’s why you should join me.&” • Which vocal cues make you sound more confident • Which verbal cues to use in your résumé, branding, and emails to increase trust (and generate excitement about interacting with you.) • Which visual cues you are sending in your profile pictures, clothing, and professional brand. Whether you're pitching an investment, negotiating a job offer, or having a tough conversation with a colleague, cues can help you improve your relationships, express empathy, and create meaningful connections with lasting impact. This is an indispensable guide for entrepreneurs, team leaders, young professionals, and anyone who wants to be more influential.

¡Cuidado con el pavo real!

by Isabel Bogdan

<P>Esta divertida sátira cuestiona los mantras de las empresas modernas. <P> Porque el contacto con la naturaleza y el teambuilding están muy bien, pero solo si no se topan con un pavo real chiflado. Una vieja mansión rural dirigida por una pareja de aristócratas en horas bajas. <P>Un grupo de empleados de banca soportando uno de esos motivadores fines de semana de convivencia. Una cocinera cuyo talento no se limita a lo gastronómico. Una nevada imprevista. Y un pavo real. <P><P> Pero no un pavo real cualquiera. Este animal tiene una manía inexplicable y destructiva, una obsesión que, según el dueño del caserón, debe ser atajada de raíz. <P>Por culpa de ambos, la casa entera va a vivir unos días de caos y misterios a los que solo podrán enfrentarse con creatividad, auténtica cohesión y grandes dosis de humor.

Cuidado infantil familiar Guía de mantenimiento de registros, Octava edición

by Tom Copeland

This book covers everything home-based family child care providers need to keep accurate business records-from tracking income and expenses to working with a tax professional.It includes:More than 1,000 allowable deductionsClarifications on how to calculate the Time-Space percentageDescriptions of new tax laws and relevant court casesAn in-depth discussion on how to keep business records organized and current

The Cul-de-Sac Syndrome

by John F. Wasik

An incisive look at the consequences of today's costly and damaging suburban lifestyleIn The Cul-de-Sac Syndrome, Bloomberg News' John Wasik exposes the economic, cultural, environmental, and health problems underlying life in suburbia. Wasik provides powerful insights into how the U.S. suburban lifestyle has become unsustainable and what can be done to salvage it. His observations are firmly grounded in exclusive on-the-ground research, interviews with thought leaders, and the latest studies and statistics. The bookExposes the untold truths about suburban home ownership: green isn't always so green, life isn't cheaper after accounting for gas, water, and taxes, and modern suburban living isn't so idyllic considering the toll it takes on our healthIncludes exclusive research and analysis by experts in the field that debunks the many myths associated with suburban livingExplores innovative solutions being developed in cities across the countryThe American Dream of moving further from a city to buy a bigger house and find better schools has become a costly nightmare. The Cul-de-Sac Syndrome examines why and what can be done.

Culinarian Cookware: Pondering Price Promotion

by Heather Beckham John A. Quelch

In November of 2006, senior executives at Culinarian Cookware were debating the merits of price promotions for the company's premium cookware products. The VP of Marketing, Donald Janus, and Senior Sales Manager, Victoria Brown, had different views. Janus felt price promotions were unnecessary, potentially damaging to the brand image, and possibly encouraged retailer hoarding; Brown believed the promotions strengthened trade support, improved brand awareness, and stimulated sales from both new and existing customers. The issue was complicated by a consultant's study of the firm's 2004 price promotions which concluded that these promotions had a negative impact on profits. Janus trusted the results, but Brown, believing the study assumptions were flawed and required further analysis, suspected the promotions had actually produced positive results. The pressing decision is whether to run a price promotion in 2007 and, if so, to determine what merchandise to promote and on what terms. The broader issue is what strategy Culinarian should pursue to achieve sales growth goals, and what role, if any, price promotion should play.

Culinary Careers: How to Get Your Dream Job in Food with Advice from Top Culinary Professionals

by Rick Smilow Anne E. Mcbride

<p>Turn a passion for food into the job of a lifetime with the insider advice in <i>Culinary Careers</i>. <p>Working in food can mean cooking on the line in a restaurant, of course, but there are so many more career paths available. No one knows this better than Rick Smilow—president of the Institute of Culinary Education (ICE), the award-winning culinary school in New York City—who has seen ICE graduates go on to prime jobs both in and out of professional kitchens. Tapping into that vast alumni network and beyond, <i>Culinary Careers</i> is the only career book to offer candid portraits of dozens and dozens of coveted jobs at all levels to help you find your dream job. <p>Instead of giving glossed-over, general descriptions of various jobs, <i>Culinary Careers</i> features exclusive interviews with both food-world luminaries and those on their way up, to help you discover what a day in the life is really like in your desired field. <p> <li>Get the ultimate in advice from those at the very pinnacle of the industry, including Lidia Bastianich, Thomas Keller, and Ruth Reichl. <li>Figure out whether you need to go to cooking school or not in order to land the job you want. <li>Read about the inspiring—and sometimes unconventional—paths individuals took to reach their current positions. <li>Find out what employers look for, and how you can put your best foot forward in interviews. <li>Learn what a food stylist’s day on the set of a major motion picture is like, how a top New York City restaurant publicity firm got off the ground, what to look for in a yacht crew before jumping on board as the chef, and so much more.</li> <p> <p>With information on educational programs and a bird’s-eye view of the industry, <i>Culinary Careers</i> is a must-have resource for anyone looking to break into the food world, whether you’re a first-time job seeker or a career changer looking for your next step.</p>

Culinary Careers For Dummies

by Michele Thomas Annette Tomei Tracey Vasil Biscontini

The fast and easy way to find your place in the culinary field Ever dream of exploring an exciting career in culinary arts or cooking but don't know where to begin? Culinary Careers For Dummies is the perfect book for anyone who dreams of getting into the culinary profession. Whether you're a student, an up-and-coming chef looking for direction, or are simply interested in reinventing yourself and trying your hand at a new career, Culinary Careers For Dummies provides the essential information every culinary novice needs to enter and excel in the food service industry. Packed with advice on selecting a culinary school and tips for using your degree to land your dream job, Culinary Careers For Dummies offers up-to-the-minute information on: culinary training, degrees, and certificates; the numerous career options available (chef, chef's assistant, pastry chef, food stylist, caterer, line cook, restaurant publicist/general manager, Sommelier, menu creator, food writer, consultant/investor, etc. ) and the paths to get there; basic culinary concepts and methods; advice on finding a niche in the culinary world; culinary core competencies; food safety and proper food handling; real-life descriptions of what to expect on the job; and how to land a great culinary job. Expert guidance on cooking up your career plan to enter the food service industry Tips and advice on what to study to get you where you're headed Packed with information on the many career options in the culinary field Culinary Careers For Dummies is a one-stop reference for anyone who is interested in finding a career in this growing and lucrative field.

Culinary Creation

by James Morgan

The book seeks not to present a detailed history and discussion, but instead is intended to provide the student with an appreciation of the idea that all cuisines of the world have something unique to offer to a menu. The author strongly believes that foods of other nations (and even other areas of the United States) are too often given short shrift by culture-bound students and chefs, and that every attempt should be made to open their minds to the unlimited possibilities available. The word “foodism” is introduced to refer to biases against foods outside your culture.

Culinary Essentials

by Johnson Wales University

Open foodservice career pathways with this outstanding new program! Packed with great charts and extraordinary full-color illustrations, this text provides a current and practical view of the culinary workplace.

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