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De heer Belfort

by A. Haagsma J. Sevenhuijsen J.H. van Meteren

Zorgcategorie: Geriatrische zorgvragerSetting: Het geriatrisch netwerkKorte inhoud: Deze casus gaat over meneer Belfort en zijn dementie. De verschillende fasen van dementie, de achtergrond en rol van de familie en omgeving komen aan bod, evenals het geriatrisch netwerk van de huisarts, thuiszorg, het algemeen ziekenhuis, de GAAZ, het verpleeghuis en de alternatieve woongroepvormen.

De heer Goossens

by W.C. van Roekel M.H.J. van den Borne M.C.C. Holtman

Zorgcategorie: Zorgvrager met darmtumor Setting: Algemeen ziekenhuis, afdeling chirurgie Korte inhoud: Meneer Goossens is de hoofdpersoon uit de casus van dit boek. Daarnaast maak je kennis met meneer Visser. Bij meneer Goossens is kortgeleden darmkanker vastgesteld en hij komt in het ziekenhuis om deze kanker te laten verwijderen. Meneer Visser heeft enige jaren geleden strottenhoofdkanker gehad en heeft inmiddels zijn leven weer opgebouwd. Beide heren hebben een stoma, meneer Goossens krijgt een darmstoma, meneer Visser heeft een tracheostoma.

De heer Kamminga: Werkboek voor kwalificatieniveau 3, deelkwalificatie 309 (Zorggericht)

by M. Cingel N. Halem J.G.M. Hutten

Zorgcategorie: Geriatrische zorgvrager Setting: VerzorgingshuisKorte inhoud: Steeds meer mensen bereiken een hoge leeftijd in onze maatschappij. De 'vergrijzing' neemt toe. Dit gegeven kom je veelvuldig tegen in de statistieken van kranten en andere media. De ouderdom kan wijsheid, inzicht en bezinning opleveren, maar ook verdriet door verlies van geliefden en bekenden en eenzaamheid. Daarnaast krijgt het afnemen van psychische en lichaamsfuncties een belangrijke plaats. Je maakt kennis met een aantal ziekten die kunnen horen bij de laatste levensfase en met een aantal voorkomende gedragsproblemen. Je ontwikkelt kennis, houding en vaardigheden om je voor te bereiden op de zorg voor deze bewoners.

De huisarts aan de leiding: De huisarts aan de leiding

by Erik Ranzijn

Huisartsen zijn niet alleen verantwoordelijk voor de zorg voor hun patiënten, maar ook voor de zorg voor hun personeel. Het doel van de huisarts is te zorgen dat medewerkers in de praktijk hun werk beter gaan doen en met meer plezier. Daarvoor is het belangrijk om gestructureerd leiding aan de praktijk te geven. Het boek De huisarts aan de leiding biedt huisartsen praktische handvatten om effectief leiding te geven. In hoofdstuk 1 worden de belangrijkste theorieën over leidinggeven op een rijtje gezet en verschillende leiderschapsstijlen en rollen behandeld. In hoofdstuk 2 staat leidinggeven in de praktijk centraal. De auteur bespreekt verschillende communicatievormen en gespreksvaardigheden en behandelt aan de hand van stappenplannen en praktijkvoorbeelden hoe je als huisarts effectief leiding kunt geven: hoe geef je heldere instructies? Hoe motiveer je je personeel? Hoe los je problemen op? Hoe ga je om met onverwachte situaties? Hoe pak je beoordelingsgesprekken aan? De auteur wijst daarbij ook op de belangrijkste valkuilen.

De la idea a la práctica: Experiencias en administración pública

by Salomón Chertorivski

Un libro sobre administración pública, serio y riguroso pero de fácil lectura, expone las más importantes teorías sobre liderazgo aterrizadas en la realidad nacional y sobre la base de una serie de experiencias recientes que el autor puso en práctica con óptimos resultados. Cómo establecer una agenda, construir una estrategia y definir los valores y objetivos que han de guiar a una organización gubernamental. Cómo buscar las oportunidades para innovar y que los proyectos perduren más allá de la gestión sexenal. De la idea a la práctica es un libro preciso y de fácil lectura acerca de un tema que pocas veces ha sido tratado en la literatura de management: el liderazgo en la administración pública. Salomón Chertorivski, un especialista en la materia, expone las más importantes teorías sobre liderazgo aterrizadas en la realidad nacional a partir de una serie de experiencias donde ha puesto en práctica los conocimientos que ahora comparte. En estas páginas el autor ofrece un nuevo modelo de gestión administrativa que tiene como uno de sus objetivos principales la instrumentación de procesos de innovación óptimos y efectivos dentro del aparato institucional. Para ello el funcionario público debe aprender a construir liderazgos, desarrollar habilidades y actitudes que lo transformen en un agente de cambio exitoso y, por supuesto, estar convencido de la esencia de su vocación: la búsqueda del bien común. En suma, el propósito de esta obra es proporcionar las herramientas para que el servidor público de cualquier nivel pueda desplegarse como líder de un equipo de trabajo y conseguir las metas planteadas. El libro de Salomón Chertorivski se coloca a la vanguardia y está llamado a ser una referencia obligada para profesionales de la administración, maestros, estudiantes y ciudadanos preocupados por el buen funcionamiento de nuestros gobiernos.

De la indignación a la esperanza: Construir la España del bienestar es posible

by José Carlos Díez

<P>Cinco años después de la publicación de Hay vida después de la crisis, José Carlos Díez regresa al análisis de la actualidad económica con un libro escrito desde la convicción de que hay motivos para la esperanza y propone un plan para conseguir una España, una Europa y un mundo mejor para los ciudadanos. <P>¿Es verdad que ha terminado la crisis? ¿Qué secuelas ha dejado en el país? ¿Inflaremos otra burbuja como la del ladrillo? ¿Está España condenada a vivir del turismo? ¿Qué consecuencias tendrá el Brexit para los ciudadanos europeos? ¿Qué efectos está provocando la presidencia de Donald Trump en el orden económico mundial? ¿Qué camino le queda al estado del bienestar? <P>En junio de 2012 España fue rescatada por nuestros socios europeos y el Fondo Monetario Internacional. Nos encontrábamos en uno de los momentos económicos más convulsos de los últimos cuarenta años y la situación fue adquiriendo tintes sombríos en los meses posteriores, en los que alcanzamos la cifra de 6 millones de desempleados y un 27% de tasa de paro. <P>Alarmado por la gravedad de la situación, en mayo de 2013 publiqué mi primer libro, Hay vida después de la crisis, con el propósito de contribuir al debate y explicar las causas de esta maldita crisis que tan grandes cicatrices ha dejado: ha elevado el paro de larga duración hasta el punto que, en muchos casos, se ha convertido en pobreza; ofrece trabajos precarios y escasos a nuestros jóvenes mientras la cesta de la compra y las facturas de bienes básicos, como la electricidad, se han disparado. <P>Vivimos un momento crítico en el que, de nuevo, veo con preocupación el futuro y discrepo del mensaje oficialista. Por esta razón, me parece necesario regresar a las propuestas que nos lleven a recuperar la dignidad de este país y de sus ciudadanos. <P>No resulta sencillo sostener que hay vida después de la crisis, pero estoy seguro de que construir la España del bienestar es posible. Recorramos juntos el camino de la indignación a la esperanza.

De la mano de la confianza: Historias que vale la pena conocer para poder repetir

by Juan Murguía Pozzi

Con estilo franco y abierto, Juan Murguía describe en este libro episodios de su vida profesional; Desde que tenía 18 años que inicia formalmente en Afianzadora Insurgentes, y de la cual fue director por 26 años, hasta hoy que preside el Grupo Financiero Aserta. Cuenta cómo su padre constituye la Afianzadora Insurgentes, la manera en que fueron conquistando mercado, formando a su equipo de colaboradores y desarrollándose como una gran empresa con alma, hasta que la adquirió el grupo financiero Serfín. También narra cómo después de la crisis económica de 1995 en México, Serfín para capitalizarse vendió Afianzadora Insurgentes a otros inversionistas.

De las ideas a la acción: Cómo ir de una idea a su ejecución

by Charles T. Lee

'De las ideas a la acción' te da las herramientas que necesitas para hacer que tu inspiración se convierta en realidad. Escrito por el líder en creatividad, Charles T. Lee, este accesible y práctico manual presenta consejos prácticos obtenidos de los años de experiencia de Lee como persona que crea opinión. Tú aportas la pasión; y este recurso te ayudará a dominar todos los detalles para conseguir que tu visión despegue del suelo.

De Minimis Aid Under EU Law

by Ricardo Pedro

This book deals with de minimis aid and demonstrates that it is both a sui generis legal concept in the context of State aid and subject to a complex regime. On the one hand, it is a sui generis concept in that (i) it seeks to strike a balance between simplifying the grant process and not distorting competition in the internal market, while being a tool that Member States are able to apply easily and (ii) it is subject to ex ante control by Member States. On the other hand, it is complex in that (i) it requires determining the sectors of economic activity it applies to; (ii) a few notions specific to the regime are not easy to understand, such as the notion of "single undertaking"; and (iii) it requires combining four de minimis regimes (one general and three special), which in turn requires reconciling those regimes with each other and with other aid, not least because of the cumulation rules. Lastly, these particularities were also reflected in the recovery regime for unlawful de minimis aid. Aimed at lawyers, legal consultants and those working in undertakings as well as students, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the current de minimis regimes and is clear and complete, while also proposing a fresh view on the area of EU State aid law. Ricardo Pedro is Researcher at the Centro de Investigação de Direito Público (CIDP), Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

¿De qué color es tu paracaídas?

by Richard N. Bolles

Un manual práctico para personas que buscan empleo o un cambio de profesión Edición del 40 aniversario. El libro de búsqueda de empleo más vendido en el mundo. Diez millones de ejemplares vendidos. Éste no es el Paracaídas que leyó su padre, ni tampoco el que leyó su madre. Ambos se sorprenderían con los cambios. Por espacio de cuarenta años, las personas que buscan empleo o un cambio de profesión han recurrido al libro de búsqueda de empleo más popular del mundo, confiadas en que cada edición les ofrecerá la información más actualizada sobre el mercado laboral y cómo encontrar un empleo significativo, incluso en tiempos económicos tan difíciles como éstos. Esta edición del 40 aniversario se ha renovado #en experiencia, relevancia y carácter urgente# con nuevas invenciones e información. Y este año es la fuente vital para ayudar a los habitantes del mundo a recuperar sus empleos. Reseñas: «¿De qué color es tu paracaídas? es acerca de la búsqueda de empleo y cambio de profesión, pero también ayuda a determinar quiénes somos como personas y lo que queremos en la vida». Time «... uno de los principales libros de búsqueda de empleo en el mercado. Y sigue siendo, sin dudas, el mejor. E indiscutiblemente el más popular». Fast Company «Bolles sabe de lo que está hablando: sus estrategias prácticas de búsqueda de empleo están respaldadas por años de investigación, y lo mejor de todo es que funcionan realmente». School Library Journal «Idealmente, todos deberían leer ¿De qué color es tu paracaídas? en décimo grado, y después todos los años subsiguientes». Fortune «Primero está el Paracaídas y luego todo lo demás... un libro que nos cambia la vida». Career Planning and Adult Development Journal «El Paracaídas sigue obteniendo récords de venta y sigue siendo la guía indispensable para todos, desde los Boomers en crisis de mediana edad en busca de un cambio de profesión, hasta los estudiantes que se proponen iniciar una carrera». New York Post

De-Radicalisation in the UK Prevent Strategy: Security, Identity and Religion (Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies)

by M. S. Elshimi

This book examines de-radicalisation policy in the UK and addresses the contradictions evident in the conceptualisation and practice of de-radicalisation. It explores three main themes that touch upon some of the most pressing issues of our day: security, identity and religion. Situated within the Prevent strand of the UK Counter-Terrorism policy and administered by the police through the ‘Channel Programme’, policymakers have promoted de-radicalisation as a vital instrument in the fight against terrorism. Despite the political and legal importance of de-radicalisation as an instrument of counter-terrorism, we continue to know very little about the programme and the profile of individuals who have been de-radicalised, as well as having little or no access to data on the programme. There is also a glaring lacuna in the wider literature regarding the concept, theory, and evidence base for de-radicalisation policies. This book addresses this lacuna and, with the use of data collected from interviews conducted with 27 practitioners, this work reveals the existence of multiple conceptions of de-radicalisation and a number of conceptual features unique to the UK context. Subsequently, the book proposes that de-radicalisation in the UK would be best conceptualised as ‘technologies of the self’. Seen in this way, de-radicalisation is less about tackling terrorism and radicalisation and more about the re-configuring of citizenship, the construction of a mainstream British identity, and the promotion of certain subjectivities in an era of uncertainty about British political identity. This book will be of much interest to students of critical terrorism studies, de-radicalisation, counter-terrorism, UK politics and security studies in general.

De-Stress at Work: Understanding and Combatting Chronic Stress

by Simon L. Dolan

Burn-out, excessive hours, office politics, handling complaints, isolated remote working, complex and inefficient processes – this book addresses the full complexities of chronic stress at work. It explains the potential for emotional and physical illness resulting from work, and importantly, presents ways in which occupational health and wellbeing can be enhanced through strengthening chronic stress diagnosis and promoting resilience. The latter is a win-win, for the worker, for the organization, and for society in general. Drawing on 40 years of research in collaboration with some of the best-known occupational stress gurus (including Cary Cooper, Susan Jackson, the late Ron Burke and Arie Shirom), Simon L. Dolan translates abstract concepts of chronic stress into practical guidance for enhancing resilience in a VUCA world. The ILO and many governments recognize stress as a principal cause of emerging physical and mental disease and one of the strongest determinants of high absenteeism, low morale and low productivity. While important advances have been made in the diagnosis of acute stress, the field of chronic stress in the workplace remains less clear. This book seeks to address this by presenting a wealth of diagnostic tools, including "The Stress Map". The text is brought to life for the reader by short vignettes in the form of anecdotes and stories. This book will be of particular interest to HR professionals, consultants, executive coaches, therapists and others who wish to help employees and clients better manage their own and others’ stress and to build resilience that leads to a more productive and healthier workforce.

Deaconess-Glover Hospital (A)

by John Kenagy Steven J. Spear

Chronicles the initial efforts to teach a health care organization to manage itself according to the principles of the Toyota Production System (TPS). Describes the decision and dilemmas that arose from the implementation experiment. Builds on Bowen and Spear's earlier research in industrial settings. They found that TPS is an integrated approach to designing, doing, and improving the work of individual people and of groups of people working collaboratively to produce and deliver goods, services, and information. The Deaconess-Glover Hospital project tested the efficacy of the TPS in a nonindustrial setting (i.e., health care) and also offered insight into how to convert an organization, managed by its existing management system to one managed by TPS principles. This case provides background on Deaconess-Glover Hospital and on the TPS teacher, John Kenagy. Describes how Kenagy observed the work at the hospital to understand the system. Given how Kenagy gathered data and based on what he directly observed, what should he recommend to managers about their next step?

Deaconess-Glover Hospital (B)

by John Kenagy Steven J. Spear

Supplements the (A) case.

Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa

by Dambisa Moyo

Debunking the current model of international aid promoted by both Hollywood celebrities and policy makers, Moyo offers a bold new road map for financing development of the world's poorest countries.

Dead Center: Behind the Scenes at the World's Largest Medical Examiner's Office

by Shiya Ribowsky Tom Shachtman

A city with eight million people has eight million ways to dieFor fifteen years, Shiya Ribowsky worked as a medicolegal investigator in New York City’s medical examiner’s office—the largest, most sophisticated organization of its kind in the world. Utilizing his background in medicine, he led the investigations of more than eight thousand individual deaths, becoming a key figure in some of New York’s most bizarre death cases and eventually taking charge of the largest forensic investigation ever attempted: identifying the dead in the aftermath of the September 11 tragedies. Now, in this mesmerizing book, Ribowsky pulls back the curtain on the New York City’s medical examiner’s office, giving an enthralling, never-before-seen glimpse into death and the city. Born and raised in New York City’s orthodox Jewish community, Ribowsky seems an unlikely candidate for this macabre profession. Nevertheless he has forsaken a promising career of medical work with the living, descending instead into the realm of the dead, enticed by the challenge of confronting death on a daily basis. Taking you through the vermin-infested Bowery flophouses and posh Upper East Side apartments of the city’s dead, Ribowsky explores in gruesome detail the skeletons that hang in the Big Apple’s closets. Combing through the autopsy room, he also exposes the grim secrets that only a scalpel and a dead body can tell and explains how forensic investigation does not merely solve crimes—it saves lives. But it is in the aftermath of September 11 that the ME’s office is handed its biggest challenge: to identify as many of the fallen as possible. With poignant descriptions, Ribowsky provides a dramatic account of the office’s diligent and unflappable work with the families of the victims, helping them emerge from the ashes of this tragedy while displaying the strength, grit, intelligence, and compassion that Americans expect from true New Yorkers. At once compelling and heartbreaking, Dead Center is a story of New York unlike any other, blending the haunting with the sublime, while painting a striking portrait of death (and life) in the city that never sleeps.

Dead Companies Walking: How a Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places

by Scott Fearon Jesse Powell

Unlike most investors, who live in fear of failure, Scott Fearon actively seeks it out. He has earned millions of dollars for his hedge fund over the last thirty years shorting the stocks of businesses he believed were on their way to bankruptcy. In Dead Companies Walking, Fearon describes his methods for spotting these doomed businesses, and how they can be extremely profitable investments. In his experience, corporate managers routinely commit six common mistakes that can derail even the most promising companies: they learn from only the recent past; they rely too heavily on a formula for success; they misunderstand their target customers; they fall victim to the magical storytelling of a mania; they fail to adapt to tectonic shifts in their industry; and they are physically or emotionally removed from their companies' operations. Fearon has interviewed thousands of executives across America, many of whom, unknowingly, were headed toward bankruptcy – from the Texas oil barons of the 80s to the tech wunderkinds of the late 90s to the flush real estate developers of the mid-2000s. Here, he explores recent examples like JC Penney, Herbalife and Blockbuster Entertainment to help investors better predict the next booms and busts—and come out on top.

Dead in the Water: A True Story of Hijacking, Murder, and a Global Maritime Conspiracy

by Matthew Campbell Kit Chellel

&“A triumph of investigative journalism.&” —Tom Wright, New York Times bestselling coauthor of Billion Dollar Whale "Truly one of the most nail-biting, page-turning, terrifying true-crime books I've ever read." —Nick Bilton, New York Times bestselling author of American KingpinFrom award-winning journalists Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel, the gripping, true-crime story of a notorious maritime hijacking at the heart of a massive conspiracy—and the unsolved murder that threatened to unravel it all.In July 2011, the oil tanker Brillante Virtuoso was drifting through the treacherous Gulf of Aden when a crew of pirates attacked and set her ablaze in a devastating explosion. But when David Mockett, a maritime surveyor working for Lloyd&’s of London, inspected the damaged vessel, he was left with more questions than answers. How had the pirates gotten aboard so easily? And if they wanted to steal the ship and bargain for its return, then why did they destroy it? The questions didn&’t add up—and Mockett would never answer them. Soon after his inspection, David Mockett was murdered. Dead in the Water is a shocking expose of the criminal inner workings of international shipping, told through the lens of the Brillante hijacking and its aftermath. Through first-hand accounts of those who lived it—from members of the ship&’s crew and witnesses to the attacks, to the ex-London detectives turned private investigators seeking to solve Mockett&’s murder and bring justice to his family—award-winning Bloomberg reporters Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel piece together the astounding truth behind one of the most brazen financial frauds in history. The ambitious culmination of more than four years of reporting, Dead in the Water uncovers an intricate web of conspiracy amidst the lawless, old-world industry at the backbone of our new global economy.

Dead Labor: Toward a Political Economy of Premature Death

by James Tyner

A groundbreaking consideration of death from capitalism, from the seventeenth to the twenty-first centuryFrom a 2013 Texas fertilizer plant explosion that killed fifteen people and injured 252 to a 2017 chemical disaster in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, we are confronted all too often with industrial accidents that reflect the underlying attitude of corporations toward the lives of laborers and others who live and work in their companies’ shadows. Dead Labor takes seriously the myriad ways in which bodies are commodified and profits derived from premature death. In doing so it provides a unique perspective on our understanding how life and death drive the twenty-first-century global economy.James Tyner tracks a history from the 1600s through which premature death and mortality became something calculable, predictable, manageable, and even profitable. Drawing on a range of examples, including the criminalization of migrant labor, medical tourism, life insurance, and health care, he explores how today we can no longer presume that all bodies undergo the same processes of life, death, fertility, and mortality. He goes on to develop the concept of shared mortality among vulnerable populations and examines forms of capital exploitation that have emerged around death and the reproduction of labor. Positioned at the intersection of two fields—the political economy of labor and the philosophy of mortality—Dead Labor builds on Marx’s notion that death (and truncated life) is a constant factor in the processes of labor. Considering premature death also as a biopolitical and bioeconomic concept, Tyner shows how racialized and gendered bodies are exposed to it in unbalanced ways within capitalism, and how bodies are then commodified, made surplus and redundant, and even disassembled in order to accumulate capital.

The Dead Pledge: The Origins of the Mortgage Market and Federal Bailouts, 1913–1939 (Columbia Studies in the History of U.S. Capitalism)

by Judge Earl Glock

The American government today supports a financial system based on mortgage lending, and it often bails out the financial institutions making these mortgages. The Dead Pledge reveals the surprising origins of American mortgages and American bailouts in policies dating back to the early twentieth century.Judge Glock shows that the federal government began subsidizing mortgages in order to help lagging sectors of the economy, such as farming and construction. In order to encourage mortgage lending, the government also extended unprecedented assistance to banks. During the Great Depression, the federal government made new mortgage lending and bank bailouts the centerpiece of its recovery program. Both the Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt administrations created semipublic financial institutions, such as Fannie Mae, to provide cheap, tradable mortgages, and they extended guarantees to more banks and financiers. Ultimately, Glock argues, the desire to protect the financial system took precedence over the desire to help lagging parts of the economy, and the government became ever more tied into the financial world.The Dead Pledge recasts twentieth-century economic, financial, and political history and demonstrates why the greatest “safety net” created in this era was the one supporting finance.

Dead Pledges: Debt, Crisis, and Twenty-First-Century Culture

by Annie Mcclanahan

Dead Pledges is the first book to explore the ways that U.S. culture--from novels and poems to photojournalism and horror movies--has responded to the collapse of the financialized consumer credit economy in 2008. Connecting debt theory to questions of cultural form, this book argues that artists, filmmakers, and writers have re-imagined what it means to owe and to own in a period when debt is what makes our economic lives possible. Encompassing both popular entertainment and avant-garde art, the post-crisis productions examined here help to map the landscape of contemporary debt: from foreclosure to credit scoring, student debt to securitized risk, microeconomic theory to anti-eviction activism. A searing critique of the ideology of debt, Dead Pledges dismantles the discourse of moral obligation so often invoked to make us repay. Debt is no longer a source of economic credibility, it contends, but is a system of dispossession that threatens the basic fabric of social life.

Dead Wrong: Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare's Misinformation Illness

by Geeta Nayyar

Save lives and improve public health by countering misinformation In Dead Wrong: Diagnosing and Treating Healthcare’s Misinformation Illness, a team of health misinformation experts delivers a first-hand account of the dangers posed by false narratives and snake oil in the face of deadly healthcare crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic. In the book, you’ll explore the challenges facing those who fight to restore truth to a place of primacy in the United States healthcare system, the strategies they use, and the lessons you can draw from their real-world stories. Through interviews with healthcare leaders on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and an intuitive discussion of contemporary academic research, the authors highlight issues of critical importance in the quest to bring accurate information to the American public. You’ll also find: An exhortation to healthcare professionals to take up the cause of countering misinformation as if their lives and livelihoods depend on it A compelling portrait of the seriousness of the information predicament in which we currently find ourselves Actionable, practical strategies for countering misinformation in today’s information ecosystem Perfect for clinicians, public health leaders, health-tech leaders, and health marketers, Dead Wrong will also earn a place in the libraries of media professionals and community leaders with an interest in keeping the American public healthy and vibrant.

The Deadline Effect

by Christopher Cox

'I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.' So said author Douglas Adams - but what if there was a way of making deadlines work for you and using them to ensure others provide you with what you want when you want it? In Christopher Cox's brilliant new book, he looks at the impact deadlines have on us, and how we can use them to deliver the best results for all parties. Social scientists have revealed that most negotiations run right up to the deadline before a deal is finally struck. What they also discovered was that this deadline effect usually results in a worse deal for both parties. Cox shows you how, instead, the deadline effect can be used to bring about success not failure. The truth is that most of us think of deadlines all wrong. They aren&’t immutable laws of nature; they are a game we can play - and win. This book will show you the strategies different workplaces have come up with to do just that. They are the businesses and individuals who are rehabilitating the deadline effect, taking the urgency it provides and jettisoning all the down-to-the-wire nonsense. Based on his own experience as a magazine commissioning editor, where coaxing writers to deliver on time is an art form, he also embeds himself in other businesses, such as a ski patrol ahead of the first day of the winter season, to see how they meet deadlines that cannot be missed. Above all, this book is an argument to embrace the power of deadlines. When time is limited, people are less wasteful, more focused, productive and creative. It&’s a liberating realisation: excellence and timeliness are not at odds, and the deadline effect can be highly effective.

The Deadline Effect: How to Work Like It's the Last Minute—Before the Last Minute

by Christopher Cox

In the tradition of Charles Duhigg&’s The Power of Habit, Christopher Cox&’s The Deadline Effect is a wise and counterintuitive book that explores the power of deadlines as uniquely effective tools of motivation and empowerment.Perfectionists and procrastinators alike agree—it&’s natural to dread a deadline. Whether your goal is to complete a masterpiece or just check off an overwhelming to-do list, the ticking clock signals despair. Christopher Cox knows the panic of the looming deadline all too well—as a magazine editor, he has spent years overseeing writers and journalists who couldn&’t meet a deadline to save their lives. After putting in a few too many late nights in the newsroom, he became determined to learn the secret of managing deadlines. He set off to observe nine different organizations as they approached a high-pressure deadline. Along the way, Cox made an ever greater discovery: these experts didn&’t just meet their big deadlines—they became more focused, productive, and creative in the process. In The Deadline Effect, Cox shares the strategies these teams used to guarantee success while staying on schedule: a restaurant opening for the first time, a ski resort covering an entire mountain in snow, a farm growing enough lilies in time for Easter, and more. Cox explains how readers can understand the psychological underpinnings of expectations and time, the dynamics of teams and customers, and techniques for using deadlines to make better, more assured decisions.

Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans

by Wendell Potter

That's how Wendell Potter introduced himself to a Senate committee in June 2009. He proceed to explain how insurance companies make promises they have no intention of keeping, how they flout regulations designed to protect consumers, and how they make it nearly impossible to understand information that the public needs. Potter quit his high-paid job as head of public relations at a major insurance corporation because he could no longer abide the routine practices of the insurance industry, policies that amounted to a death sentence for thousands of Americans every year. <p><p> In Deadly Spin, Potter takes readers behind the scenes of the insurance industry to show how a huge chunk of our absurd healthcare expenditures actually bankrolls a propaganda campaign and lobbying effort focused on protecting one thing: profits. With the unique vantage of both a whistleblower and a high-powered former insider, Potter moves beyond the healthcare crisis to show how public relations works, and how it has come to play a massive, often insidious role in our political process-and our lives. <p><p> This important and timely book tells Potter's remarkable personal story, but its larger goal is to explain how people like Potter, before his change of heart, can get the public to think and act in ways that benefit big corporations-and the Wall Street money managers who own them.

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