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Decision Cases for Advanced Social Work Practice

by Terry A. Wolfer Lori D Franklin Karen A Gray

These fifteen cases take place in child welfare, mental health, hospital, hospice, domestic violence, refugee resettlement, veterans' administration, and school settings and reflect individual, family, group, and supervised social work practice. They confront common ethical and treatment issues and raise issues regarding practice interventions, programs, policies, and laws. Cases represent open-ended situations, encouraging students to apply knowledge from across the social work curriculum to develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. An instructor's manual is available on the press's website.

Decision-Driven Analytics: Leveraging Human Intelligence to Unlock the Power of Data

by Bart De Langhe Stefano Puntoni

Companies have more data at their fingertips than ever before. Yet, studies show that many executives and organizations fail to extract real value from it.Challenging the conventional wisdom of data-driven decision-making, marketing professors and behavioral scientists Bart De Langhe and Stefano Puntoni argue that many analytics efforts flounder because data analyses are disconnected from the decisions to be made. In their important book, they offer a new approach they call decision-driven analytics. Counterintuitively, they argue that the key to making good decisions with data is to start by putting data in the background.Drawing from their own research and teaching, as well as real-world business cases, De Langhe and Puntoni offer four pillars of decision-driven analytics and guide you around common mistakes that have held back many organizations from using data for impact.In Decision-Driven Analytics, you will learn how to:+ Avoid common pitfalls in data-driven decision-making;+ Close the gap between managers and decision-making on one side, and data scientists and data analytics on the other;+ Enhance the impact of data analytics on business outcomes;+ Think without data to make better decisions;+ Prepare for artificial intelligence’s impact on data analytics; and+ Evaluate the costs and benefits of decision-driven analytics.A must-read for anyone who wants to harness the power of data for competitive advantage, Decision-Driven Analytics will equip you with the skills and tools you need to more effectively use data for business outcomes and to make better decisions in today’s complex and data-rich world.

Decision Economics: In the Tradition of Herbert A. Simon's Heritage

by Edgardo Bucciarelli Shu-Heng Chen Juan M. Corchado

The special session on Decision Economics (DECON) is a scientific forum held annually which works to share ideas, projects, research results, models and experiences associated with the complexity of behavioural decision processes and socio‐economic phenomena. DECON 2017 took place at the Polytechnic of Porto,ISEP, Portugal, as part of the 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. For the second consecutive year, the Editors of this book have drawn inspiration from Herbert A. Simon''s immense body of work and claimed that Simon has precipitated something like a revolution in microeconomics focused on the concept of decision‐making. In the entire history of scientific progress, very few scientists produce seminal works in more than one field: Herbert A. Simon was one of them. Nonetheless, no other single scientist has won the Nobel Memorial Prize for Economics (1978), the Turing Award of the Association for Computing Machinery (shared with Allen Newell, 1975), the Orsa/Ti s John von Neumann Theory Prize (1988), the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association in 1969 and the National Medal of Science in 1986. That is exactly what happened to Herbert Alexander Simon. In the tradition of Simon''s interdisciplinary heritage, this book is dedicated to the study of decision‐making involving different fields of expertise and across several fields of study. It is worth noting that the recognition of relevant decision‐making takes place in a range of critical subject areas and research fields, including economics, finance, information systems, small and international business, management, operations, and production. Therefore, decision‐making issues are of fundamental importance in all branches of economics addressed both deductively and inductively. Not surprisingly, the study of decision‐making has seen growing empirical research efforts in the economic literature over the last sixty years and, more recently, a variety of insightful cutting‐edge experimental, behavioural and computational approaches. Additionally, the awareness regarding generalizations and reductions to express economic concepts has led, on the one hand, to an increasing risk in spreading the language of mathematics as a rhetorical tool and, on the other hand, to oversimplify and overlook some crucial details especially when to comes to human decisions and, hence, economic behaviour. That awareness, however, has helped to produce an extraordinary volume of empirical research aimed at discovering how economic agents cope with complex decisions. In this sense, the international scientific community acknowledges Herbert A. Simon''s research endeavors to understand the processes involved in economic decision‐making and their implications for the advancement of economic professions. Within the field of decision‐making, indeed, Simon''s rejection of standard decision‐making models of neoclassical economics inspired social scientists worldwide to develop research programs in order to study decision‐making empirically. The main achievements regard decision‐making for individuals, firms, markets, governments, institutions, and, last but not least, science and research.

Decision Economics: Complexity of Decisions and Decisions for Complexity (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1009)

by Shu-Heng Chen Juan Manuel Corchado Edgardo Bucciarelli

This book is based on the International Conference on Decision Economics (DECON 2019). Highlighting the fact that important decision-making takes place in a range of critical subject areas and research fields, including economics, finance, information systems, psychology, small and international business, management, operations, and production, the book focuses on analytics as an emerging synthesis of sophisticated methodology and large data systems used to guide economic decision-making in an increasingly complex business environment.DECON 2019 was organised by the University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy), the National Chengchi University of Taipei (Taiwan), and the University of Salamanca (Spain), and was held at the Escuela politécnica Superior de Ávila, Spain, from 26th to 28th June, 2019. Sponsored by IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Society, Spain Section Chapter, and IEEE Spain Section (Technical Co-Sponsor), IBM, Indra, Viewnext, Global Exchange, AEPIA-and-APPIA, with the funding supporting of the Junta de Castilla y León, Spain (ID: SA267P18-Project co-financed with FEDER funds)

Decision Economics. Designs, Models, and Techniques for Boundedly Rational Decisions (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #805)

by Edgardo Bucciarelli Shu-Heng Chen Juan Manuel Corchado

The special session on Decision Economics (DECON) is a scientific forum held annually, which is focused on sharing ideas, projects, research results, models, and experiences associated with the complexity of behavioural decision processes and socio‐economic phenomena. In 2018, DECON was held at Campus Tecnológico de la Fábrica de Armas, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain, as part of the 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. For the third consecutive year, this book have drawn inspiration from Herbert A. Simon’s interdisciplinary legacy and, in particular, is devoted to designs, models, and techniques for boundedly rational decisions, involving several fields of study and expertise. It is worth noting that the recognition of relevant decision‐making takes place in a range of critical subject areas and research fields, including economics, finance, information systems, small and international business management, operations, and production. Therefore, decision‐making issues are of fundamental importance in all branches of economics addressed with different methodological approaches. As a matter of fact, the study of decision‐making has become the focus of intense research efforts, both theoretical and applied, forming a veritable bridge between theory and practice as well as science and business organisations, whose pillars are based on insightful cutting‐edge experimental, behavioural, and computational approaches on the one hand, and celebrating the value of science as well as the close relationship between economics and complexity on the other. In this respect, the international scientific community acknowledges Herbert A. Simon’s research endeavours to understand the processes involved in economic decision‐making and their implications for the advancement of economic professions. Within the field of decision‐making, indeed, Simon has become a mainstay of bounded rationality and satisficing. His rejection of the standard (unrealistic) decision‐making models adopted by neoclassical economists inspired social scientists worldwide with the purpose to develop research programmes aimed at studying decision‐making empirically, experimentally, and computationally. The main achievements concern decision‐making for individuals, firms, markets, governments, institutions, and, last but not least, science and research. This book of selected papers tackles these issues that Simon broached in a professional career spanning more than sixty years. The Editors of this book dedicated it to Herb.

Decision Economics: Minds, Machines, and their Society (Studies in Computational Intelligence #990)

by Edgardo Bucciarelli Shu-Heng Chen Juan M. Corchado Javier Parra D.

This book is the result of a multi-year research project led and sponsored by the University of Chieti-Pescara, National Chengchi University, University of Salamanca, and Osaka University. It is the fifth volume to emerge from that international project, held under the aegis of the United Nations Academic Impact in 2020. All the essays in this volume were (virtually) discussed at the University of L’Aquila―as the venue of the 2nd International Conference on Decision Economics, a three-day global gathering of approximately one hundred scholars and practitioners—and were subjected to thorough peer review by leading experts in the field. The essays reflect the extent, diversity, and richness of several research areas, both normative and descriptive, and are an invaluable resource for graduate-level and PhD students, academics, researchers, policymakers and other professionals, especially in the social and cognitive sciences. Given its interdisciplinary scope, the book subsequently delivers new approaches on how to contribute to the future of economics, providing alternative explanations for various socio-economic issues such as computable humanities; cognitive, behavioural, and experimental perspectives in economics; data analysis and machine learning as well as research areas at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematics, and statistics; agent-based modelling and the related. The editors are grateful to the scientific committee for its continuous support throughout the research project as well as to the many participants for their insightful comments and always probing questions. In any case, the collaboration involved in the project extends far beyond the group of authors published in this volume and is reflected in the quality of the essays published over the years.

Decision Intelligence: Transform Your Team and Organization with AI-Driven Decision-Making

by Thorsten Heilig Ilhan Scheer

Dramatically improve your decisions with data and AI In Decision Intelligence: Transform Your Team and Organization with AI-Driven Decision-Making, a team of pioneering decision and AI strategists delivers a digestible and hands-on resource for professionals at every part of the decision-making journey. The book discusses the latest technology and approaches that bridge the gap between behavioral science, data science, and technological innovation. Discover how leaders from various industries and environments are using data and AI to make better future decisions, taking both human as well as business factors into account. This book covers: A demystifying behind-the-scenes peek inside how AI models, forecasts, and optimization for business challenges really work, and why they open up entirely new possibilities. A business-ready introduction to decision intelligence, exploring why traditional decision-making strategies are outdated and how to transition to decision-intelligence. The evolution of Decision Intelligence, coming from analytics and modern techniques like process mining and robotic process automation An examination of decision intelligence at the organizational level, including discussions of agile transformation, transparent organizational culture, and why psychological safety is a crucial enabler for new ways of decision-making in modern companies An overview of why (and where exactly) AI still needs human expertise and how to incorporate this topic in daily planning and decision making Decision Intelligence is essential reading for managers, executives, board members, other business leaders and soon-to-be leaders looking to improve the quality, adaptability, and speed of their decision-making.Praise for Decision Intelligence "In Decision Intelligence, Thorsten Heilig and Ilhan Scheer build a compelling case for the world of tomorrow’s version of decision-making.”―Martin Lindstrom, New York Times best-selling author"Decision Intelligence will be one of the big topics for this decade and completely change the way organizations manage, plan, and operate. This book provides a comprehensive guide from the basics to the applications."―Niklas Jansen, Entrepreneur and Tech Investor, Founding Partner Interface Capital and Co-Founder Blinkist "The book impressively demonstrates the potential and entry points into the world of AI-powered decision making. A very valuable reading for managers and their organizations".―Michael Kleinemeier, Member of the Merck KG Board of Partners, former Member of the SAP SE Executive Board“The AI hype perfectly captured, easy to understand, de-mystified and mapped to clear use cases - a must-read for today's managers.”―Dr. Daniela Gerd tom Markotten, Member of the Management Board for Digitalization and Technology, Deutsche Bahn AG

Decision Intelligence: Human–Machine Integration for Decision-Making

by Miriam O'Callaghan

Revealing the limitations of human decision-making, this book explores how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to optimize decisions for improved business outcomes and efficiency, as well as looking ahead to the significant contributions Decision Intelligence (DI) can make to society and the ethical challenges it may raise. From the theories and concepts used to design autonomous intelligent agents to the technologies that power DI systems and the ways in which companies use decision-making building blocks to build DI solutions that enable businesses to democratize AI, this book presents an impressive framework to integrate artificial and human intelligence for the success of different types of business decisions. Replete with case studies on DI applications, as well as wider discussions on the social implications of the technology, Decision Intelligence: Human–Machine Integration for Decision Making appeals to both students of AI and data sciences and businesses considering DI adoption.

Decision Intelligence Analytics and the Implementation of Strategic Business Management (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Dieu Hack-Polay Tanupriya Choudhury P. Mary Jeyanthi T P Singh Sheikh Abujar

This book presents a framework for developing an analytics strategy that includes a range of activities, from problem definition and data collection to data warehousing, analysis, and decision making. The authors examine best practices in team analytics strategies such as player evaluation, game strategy, and training and performance. They also explore the way in which organizations can use analytics to drive additional revenue and operate more efficiently. The authors provide keys to building and organizing a decision intelligence analytics that delivers insights into all parts of an organization. The book examines the criteria and tools for evaluating and selecting decision intelligence analytics technologies and the applicability of strategies for fostering a culture that prioritizes data-driven decision making. Each chapter is carefully segmented to enable the reader to gain knowledge in business intelligence, decision making and artificial intelligence in a strategic management context.

Decision Intelligence dt.

by Thorsten Heilig Ilhan Scheer

Das Buch von Thorsten Heilig und Ilhan Scheer richtet sich an alle Führungskräfte, Entscheidungsträger und Menschen, die Daten und KI-basierte Ansätze in ihre Entscheidungsprozesse einbeziehen wollen. Es ist sowohl auf den Technologiesektor als auch auf traditionellere Branchen anwendbar und untersucht, wie datengesteuerte und KI-basierte Entscheidungsfindung Branchen, Organisationen und Einzelpersonen grundlegend verändert. Es ist eine leicht verdauliche Lektüre für Menschen in jeder Phase der Entscheidungsfindung und schlüsselt neue Technologien, Ansätze und Algorithmen auf, um die Lücke zwischen Verhaltenswissenschaft, Data Science und technologischer Innovation zu schließen. Die Autoren behandeln die wichtigsten Themen auf diesem Gebiet, unter anderem: - Einführung in die Entscheidungsintelligenz: warum traditionelle Ansätze zur Entscheidungsfindung geändert werden müssen und warum dies jetzt geschehen muss; - Vergleich zwischen komplexen und dynamischen Umgebungen und Entwicklung von linearen Analysen zu Process Mining und RPA (voll-automatisierte Prozesse) hin zu smarten, dynamischen Entscheidungsfindungen; - drei Stufen der Entscheidungsintelligenz: unterstützen, erweitern, automatisieren (Support, Augment, Automate); - Entscheidungsintelligenz in Organisationen, einschließlich: agile Transformation, transparente Organisationskultur und neue Wege der Entscheidungsfindung auf Unternehmensebene; - Entscheidungsintelligenz in Teams und bei Einzelpersonen: grundlegende psychologische Veränderungen, Führung und psychologische Sicherheit als Anker für eine gelungene Transformation hin zu einem stark daten-orientierten Team und Unternehmen.

Decision Intelligence For Dummies

by Pamela Baker

Learn to use, and not be used by, data to make more insightful decisions The availability of data and various forms of AI unlock countless possibilities for business decision makers. But what do you do when you feel pressured to cede your position in the decision-making process altogether? Decision Intelligence For Dummies pumps the brakes on the growing trend to take human beings out of the decision loop and walks you through the best way to make data-informed but human-driven decisions. The book shows you how to achieve maximum flexibility by using every available resource, and not just raw data, to make the most insightful decisions possible. In this timely book, you’ll learn to: Make data a means to an end, rather than an end in itself, by expanding your decision-making inquiries Find a new path to solid decisions that includes, but isn’t dominated, by quantitative data Measure the results of your new framework to prove its effectiveness and efficiency and expand it to a whole team or company Perfect for business leaders in technology and finance, Decision Intelligence For Dummies is ideal for anyone who recognizes that data is not the only powerful tool in your decision-making toolbox. This book shows you how to be guided, and not ruled, by the data.

The Decision Intelligence Handbook

by L. Y. Pratt N. E. Malcolm

Decision intelligence (DI) has been widely named as a top technology trend for several years, and Gartner reports that more than a third of large organizations are adopting it. Some even say that DI is the next step in the evolution of AI. Many software vendors offer DI solutions today, as they help organizations implement their evidence-based or data-driven decision strategies.But until now, there has been little practical guidance for organizations to formalize decision making and integrate their decisions with data.With this book, authors L. Y. Pratt and N. E. Malcolm fill this gap. They present a step-by-step method for integrating technology into decisions that bridge from actions to desired outcomes, with a focus on systems that act in an advisory, human-in-the-loop capacity to decision makers.This handbook addresses three widespread data-driven decision-making problems:How can decision makers use data and technology to ensure desired outcomes?How can technology teams communicate effectively with decision makers to maximize the return on their data and technology investments?How can organizational decision makers assess and improve their decisions over time?

Decision Leadership: Empowering Others to Make Better Choices

by Don A. Moore Max H. Bazerman

A fresh, research-driven playbook for how successful leaders can maximize the potential of others When we think of leaders, we often imagine lone, inspirational figures lauded for their behaviors, attributes, and personal decisions, and leadership books often reinforce that view. However, this approach ignores a leader&’s mission to empower others. Applying decades of behavioral science research, Don A. Moore and Max H. Bazerman offer a passionate corrective to this view, casting today&’s organizations as decision factories in which effective leaders are decision architects, enabling those around them to make wise, ethical choices consistent with their own interests and the organization&’s highest values. As a result, a leader&’s impact grows because it ripples out instead of relying on one individual to play the part of heroic figure. Filled with real-life stories and examples of the structures, incentives, and systems that successful leaders have used, this playbook equips each of us to facilitate wise decisions.

The Decision Maker

by Dennis Bakke

Who makes the important decisions in your organization? Strategy, product development, budgeting, compensation-such key decisions typically are made by company leaders. That's what bosses are for, right? But maybe the boss isn't the best person to make the call.That's the conclusion Dennis Bakke came to, and he used it to build AES into a Fortune 200 global power company with 27,000 people in 27 countries. He used it again to create Imagine Schools, the largest non-profit charter-school network in the U.S.As a student at Harvard Business School, Bakke made hundreds of decisions using the case-study method. He realized two things: decision-making is the best way to develop people; and that shouldn't stop at business school. So Bakke spread decision-making throughout his organizations, fully engaging people at all levels. Today, Bakke has given thousands of people the freedom and responsibility to make decisions that matter.In The Decision Maker, a leadership fable loosely based on Bakke's experience, the New York Times bestselling author shows us how giving decisions to the people closest to the action can transform any organization.The idea is simple.The results are powerful.When leaders put real control into the hands of their people, they tap incalculable potential. The Decision Maker, destined to be a business classic, holds the key to unlocking the potential of every person in your organization.

A Decision-Makers Guide to Public Private Partnerships in Airports

by Jeffrey Delmon Andy Ricover

Airport development is critical to economic growth and poverty reduction. This book will help decision-makers assess whether Public Private Partnerships (PPP) might be a viable option to meet their airport development requirements. It walks the reader through the airport PPP process, from early preparation to bringing the project to market and managing the project during implementation. The book will help eradicate misconceptions about the role of the private sector in airport infrastructure. A Decision-Makers Guide to Public Private Partnerships in Airports provides an essential guide for those in a position to make decisions linked to airport development, to their advisers, their staff and also to students wishing to understand airport PPP.

The Decision Maker's Handbook to Data Science: A Guide for Non-Technical Executives, Managers, and Founders

by Stylianos Kampakis

Data science is expanding across industries at a rapid pace, and the companies first to adopt best practices will gain a significant advantage. To reap the benefits, decision makers need to have a confident understanding of data science and its application in their organization. It is easy for novices to the subject to feel paralyzed by intimidating buzzwords, but what many don’t realize is that data science is in fact quite multidisciplinary—useful in the hands of business analysts, communications strategists, designers, and more.With the second edition of The Decision Maker’s Handbook to Data Science, you will learn how to think like a veteran data scientist and approach solutions to business problems in an entirely new way. Author Stylianos Kampakis provides you with the expertise and tools required to develop a solid data strategy that is continuously effective. Ethics and legal issues surrounding data collection and algorithmic bias are some common pitfalls that Kampakis helps you avoid, while guiding you on the path to build a thriving data science culture at your organization. This updated and revised second edition, includes plenty of case studies, tools for project assessment, and expanded content for hiring and managing data scientists Data science is a language that everyone at a modern company should understand across departments. Friction in communication arises most often when management does not connect with what a data scientist is doing or how impactful data collection and storage can be for their organization. The Decision Maker’s Handbook to Data Science bridges this gap and readies you for both the present and future of your workplace in this engaging, comprehensive guide.What You Will LearnUnderstand how data science can be used within your business.Recognize the differences between AI, machine learning, and statistics.Become skilled at thinking like a data scientist, without being one.Discover how to hire and manage data scientists.Comprehend how to build the right environment in order to make your organization data-driven. Who This Book Is For Startup founders, product managers, higher level managers, and any other non-technical decision makers who are thinking to implement data science in their organization and hire data scientists. A secondary audience includes people looking for a soft introduction into the subject of data science.

Decision Making: A case study of the decision to raise the Bank Rate in September 1957 (Routledge Revivals)

by Richard A. Chapman

Originally published in 1968, Richard Chapman’s pioneering work illuminates the process of decision making by analysis of a particular example: the decision to raise the Bank Rate in September, 1957. The legal responsibility for a decision may be easy to pinpoint; in this case the Court of Directors of the Bank of England bear this but six weeks of negotiation separate their formal statement from the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s advice to the Treasury to consider effecting ‘a measure of deflation in the economy’. These six weeks of consultation between the Bank and the Treasury proceeding in ‘the pattern of a formal dance’ are analysed and a necessary by-product of this case-study is a closer understanding of how the Treasury and the Bank of England work together. These details are derived mainly from the evidence, and deductions from it, presented to the Bank Rate Tribunal and the Radcliffe Committee on the Working of the Monetary System. Professor Chapman gives his particular findings about decision making a wider application still by forming reasoned hypotheses and informed generalisations about public administration in Britain.

Decision Making: 5 Steps To Better Results (Harvard Business Essentials)

by Harvard Business School Press Staff

Decision making is a critical part of management, and bad choices can damage careers and the bottom line. This book offers the tools and advice managers need to avoid common biases and arrive at and implement decisions that are both sound and ethical. The Harvard Business Essentials series provides comprehensive advice, personal coaching, background information, and guidance on the most relevant topics in business. Whether you are a new manager seeking to expand your skills or a seasoned professional looking to broaden your knowledge base, these solution-oriented books put reliable answers at your fingertips.

Decision-making: Concepts, Methods and Techniques

by Shyama Prasad Mukherjee

This book presents a comprehensive and updated account of concepts, methods and techniques of decision-making. It has derived strength from advances in several branches of knowledge including mathematics, computer science, behavioural economics, logic and related areas, besides statistical decision theory. The reader will find here an integrated picture of concepts, methods and analytics to aid decision-making in a wide array of situations, ranging from classical optimization to computational social choice and organizational responses to emergency and stress. Decision-making: Concepts, Methods and Techniques lucidly presents the decision-making tools aided and strengthened by decision theory in all its domains and dimensions, at the same time emphasizing the role of human behaviour in all its diversity.

Decision Making: Cognitive Models and Explanations (Frontiers of Cognitive Science #Vol. 1)

by Rob Ranyard W. Ray Crozier Ola Svenson

This book offers an exciting new collection of recent research on the actual processes that humans use when making decisions in their everyday lives and in business situations. The contributors use cognitive psychological techniques to break down the constituent processes and set them in their social context. The contributors are from many different countries and draw upon a wide range of techniques, making this book a valuable resource to cognitive psychologists in applied settings, economists and managers.

Decision Making Algorithms for Hydro-Power Plant Location

by Mrinmoy Majumder Soumya Ghosh

The present study has attempted to apply the advantage of neuro-genetic algorithms for optimal decision making in maximum utilization of natural resources. Hydro-power is one of the inexpensive, but a reliable source of alternative energy which is foreseen as the possible answer to the present crisis in the energy sector. However, the major problem related to hydro-energy is its dependency on location. An ideal location can produce maximum energy with minimum loss. Besides, such power-plant also requires substantial amount of land which is a precious resource nowadays due to the rapid and uncontrolled urbanization observed in most of the urban centres in the World. The feasibility of such plants also depends on social acceptance as well as the level of environmental casualty and economic benefit, all of which is also spatially dependent. Decision making algorithms are applied to identify better solution if a problem has more than one alternative explication. Nature based algorithms are found to be efficient enough to catalyze such kind of decision making analysis. That is why the present study tries to utilize nature based algorithms to solve the problems of location selection for hydropower plants. The study employed six different types of nature based algorithms to select one of the locations among many available for installation of hydropower plant in the North Eastern part of the Indian subcontinent. The locations are selected based on their in stream resources and included in the decision making as alternatives. A methodology of criteria selection, determination of weightage and applications of bioinspired algorithms are adopted to produce utmost exertion of the available natural resources with minimum hostility and wastage of the same.

Decision-Making Analyses with Thermodynamic Parameters and Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relations (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #409)

by Peijia Ren Zeshui Xu

The book introduces readers to some of the latest advances in and approaches to decision-making methods based on thermodynamic characters and hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations. By investigating the decision-making methods with thermodynamic parameters based on different information representatives, the book offers readers a novel perspective for solving problems under uncertainty. By exploring the consistency and consensus of hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations, the book gives readers efficient ways for preference analysis under uncertainty, chiefly intended for researchers and practitioners working in operations research, multi-attribute decision making, preference analysis, etc. The book can also be used as supplementary material for postgraduate and senior-year undergraduate students of the relevant professional institutions.

Decision-making Analysis and Optimization Modeling of Emergency Warnings for Major Accidents

by Wenmei Gai Yan Du Yunfeng Deng

This book highlights cutting-edge research into emergency early warning management and decision-making for severe accidents. Using toxic gas leakages as examples, it puts forward new design methods for emergency early warning systems, as well as a systematic description of emergency early warning information communication mechanisms and characteristics of regional evacuation, based on a wide range of theories, including safety engineering, information engineering, communication, behaviorology and others. The book applies a range of methods, such as case analysis, questionnaire interviews, and multi-objective optimization modeling. Drawing on this basis, it subsequently proposes a multi-objective optimization modeling and algorithm for emergency path selection, together with an evacuation risk assessment method. Divided into six chapters prepared by an international team of researchers, the book addresses the design of early warning systems, communication and dissemination mechanisms of early warning information, characteristics of regional evacuation, multi-objective optimization of emergency paths, and evacuation risk assessment. ­­­­­ The book offers an essential reference guide for engineering technicians and researchers in a wide range of fields, including emergency management, safety science and engineering, disaster relief engineering, and transportation optimization, as well as graduate students in related majors at colleges and universities.

Decision Making and Performance Evaluation Using Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory, Modeling And Applications (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science #269)

by Dariush Khezrimotlagh Yao Chen

This book offers new transparent views and step-by-step methods for performance evaluation of a set of units using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The book has twelve practical chapters. Elementary concepts and definitions are gradually built in Chapters 1-6 based upon four examples of one input and one output factors, two input factors, two output factors, and four input and three output factors. Simultaneously, the mathematical foundations using linear programming are also introduced without any prerequisites. A reader with basic knowledge of mathematics and computers is able to understand the contents of the book. In addition, to prevent pre-judgment about the available concepts and definitions in the DEA literature, some new phrases are introduced and, after elucidating each phrase in detail in Chapters 1-6, they are reintroduced for industry-wide accuracy in Chapter 7. After that, some of the more advanced DEA topics are illustrated in Chapters 8-12, such as: production-planning problems, output-input ratio analysis, efficiency over different time periods, Malmquist efficiency indexes, and a delta neighborhood model.A clear overview of many of the elementary and advanced concepts of DEA is provided, including Technical Efficiency, Relative Efficiency, Cost/Revenue/Profit Efficiency, Price/Overall Efficiency, the DEA axioms, the mathematical background to measure technical efficiency and overall efficiency, the multiplier/envelopment form of basic DEA models in input/output-orientation, the multiplier/envelopment of Additive DEA model, the multiplier/envelopment of slacks-based models, and others. The book also covers a variety of DEA techniques, input-output ratio analysis, the natural relationships between DEA frontier and the ratio of output to input factors, production-planning problems, planning ideas with a centralized decision-making unit, context-dependent DEA, Malmquist efficiency index, efficiency over different time periods, and others. End-of-chapter exercises are provided for each chapter.

Decision Making and Problem Solving

by John Adair

In Decision Making and Problem Solving, leadership guru John Adair provides the techniques and insights you need to find solutions, spark creativity and confidently make the right decisions.Being able to take innovative and creative approaches to new challenges is crucial for leadership success. Decision Making and Problem Solving will help you to learn key techniques and models to confidently make the best decisions and solve the hardest problems. Using checklists, exercises, case studies and tried-and-tested methods, Adair provides a clear framework that can generate ideas and inspire confidence in your team - so you can spot the solution in every problem, and create ideas to rival even the best strategists.The creating success series of books...With over one million copies sold, the hugely popular Creating Success series covers a wide variety of topics and is written by an expert team of internationally best-selling authors and business experts. This indispensable business skills collection is packed with new features, practical content and inspiring guidance for readers across all stages of their careers.

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