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Decision Traps: Ten Barriers to Brilliant Decision-Making and How to Overcome Them
by J. Edward Russo Paul H. SchoemakerFrom the Book Jacket: Make Every Decision Your Best Decision Executives rate decision-making ability as the most important business skill, but few people have the training they need to make good decisions consistently. Becoming a good decision-maker is like training to be a top athlete: Just as the best coaches use training methods to help athletes develop proper techniques and avoid mistakes, Dr. J. Edward Russo and Dr. Paul I. H. Schoemaker have developed a program that can help you avoid "decision traps"-the ten common decision-making errors that most people make over and over again. Dr. Russo and Dr. Schoemaker have improved the decision- making skills of thousands of Fortune 500 executives with this program. Now you can use their decision-making techniques to make sure that your last bad decision was your last bad decision.
Decision Trees
by Lucy White Robin GreenwoodThis case introduces decision analysis. Using a simple example, it illustrates the use of probability trees and decision trees as tools for solving business problems.
Decision Trees for Decision Making
by John F. MageeThe "decision tree" is an analytical tool which helps business managers resolve uncertainties in making investment decisions. It clarifies the choices, risks, objectives, monetary gains, and information needs involved. Whether simple or complex in layout, the decision tree always combines action choices with different possible events or the results of action affected by uncontrollable circumstances. The decision-tree helps management to determine which alternative, at any particular point, yields the greatest monetary gain.
Decision Trees with Hypotheses (Synthesis Lectures on Intelligent Technologies)
by Mohammad Azad Igor Chikalov Shahid Hussain Mikhail Moshkov Beata ZieloskoIn this book, the concept of a hypothesis about the values of all attributes is added to the standard decision tree model, considered, in particular, in test theory and rough set theory. This extension allows us to use the analog of equivalence queries from exact learning and explore decision trees that are based on various combinations of attributes, hypotheses, and proper hypotheses (analog of proper equivalence queries). The two main goals of this book are (i) to provide tools for the experimental and theoretical study of decision trees with hypotheses and (ii) to compare these decision trees with conventional decision trees that use only queries, each based on a single attribute. Both experimental and theoretical results show that decision trees with hypotheses can have less complexity than conventional decision trees. These results open up some prospects for using decision trees with hypotheses as a means of knowledge representation and algorithms for computing Boolean functions. The obtained theoretical results and tools for studying decision trees with hypotheses are useful for researchers using decision trees and rules in data analysis. This book can also be used as the basis for graduate courses.
The Decision Usefulness Theory of Accounting: A Limited History (Routledge New Works in Accounting History)
by George J. StaubusThis book ties together selected contributions by George Staubus to the early development of the decision-usefulness theory of financial accounting--the theory that has become generally accepted accounting theory in the last half of the twentieth century and is the basis for the FASB's conceptual framework.
Las decisiones estratégicas: Los 30 modelos más útiles
by Marcel Planellas Anna MuniAprende a tomar decisiones con las herramientas de análisis más empleadas y reconocidas en el mundoA todos los que se encuentran ante el reto de tomar decisiones estratégicas, este libro les permitirá seguir un camino y escoger entre los 30 modelos estratégicos más reconocidos y útiles, descritos de forma concisa e ilustrados con un gráfico.Las decisiones estratégicas ayudará al lector a tomar decisiones estratégicas de una forma sencilla gracias a los 30 modelos y herramientas estratégicos más reconocidos, descritos de una forma gráfica, con las indicaciones de cuáles es su modo de empleo, cuándo emplearlas y en qué situaciones pueden resultar especialmente útiles. Esta información se completa con una muy breve explicación de quién creó esa herramienta y de la evolución cronológica de los modelos de análisis estratégicos.Reseñas:«Con este libro Marcel Planellas y Anna Muni ayudan a los directivos y a las empresasa que se tomen las decisiones más correctas y más rápidas para el buen desarrollo de las organizaciones y de la economía de este país.»Isak Andic, fundador y presidente de Mango«En este libro, el lector podrá leer y ver los modelos estratégicos más excitantes como nunca se han contado hasta ahora.»Ferran Adrià, elBullifoundation«De forma amena, visual y exhaustiva, se recopilan en esta obra las claves que, a mi juicio, determinan el liderazgo empresarial del siglo XXI.»Ángel Cano, consejero delegado de BBVA«Un pequeño gran libro que recomiendo a todos los directivos por su rigor conceptual y relevancia práctica.»Dr. Paul Almeida, profesor de Georgetown University
Decisiones que cuentan: Principios para tomar decisiones económicas que te cambiarán la vida
by Andrés PanasiukPerder la fortuna de la noche a la mañana, autodestruir el trabajo de 40 años, dilapidar la herencia, dejar a la familia en la miseria... estas son historias reales que vivieron líderes bíblicos a causa de sus propias decisiones.Sufrimos las consecuencias de nuestras decisiones financieras día a día, pero ¿tienes la certeza de que estás tomando buenas decisiones? En Decisiones que cuentan, el doctor Andrés Panasiuk enseña de forma clara y sencilla, principios bíblicos sólidos que te ayudarán a tomar decisiones económicas informadas, las cuales te llevarán a lugares donde nunca has estado antes...Las decisiones cuentan y te pueden llevar por el camino del fracaso o del éxito, ¿dónde te llevarán tus decisiones hoy?
The Decisionist Imagination: Sovereignty, Social Science and Democracy in the 20th Century
by Nicolas Guilhot Daniel BessnerIn the decades following World War II, the science of decision-making moved from the periphery to the center of transatlantic thought. The Decisionist Imagination explores how “decisionism” emerged from its origins in prewar political theory to become an object of intense social scientific inquiry in the new intellectual and institutional landscapes of the postwar era. By bringing together scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, this volume illuminates how theories of decision shaped numerous techno-scientific aspects of modern governance—helping to explain, in short, how we arrived at where we are today.
Decisions: Practical Advice from 23 Men and Women Who Shaped the World
by Robert L. DilenschneiderYour Future Depends on Your Decisions Sorting out our lives amidst chaos, confusion, and innumerable options is a process we all have in common. The decisions we ultimately make can affect our lives and the lives of others. It&’s not always easy. In this empowering guide, an expert in business strategies shares the choices of notable, visionary decision-makers—from Harry Truman and Henry Ford to Marie Curie and Malala Yousafzai—and explains how you can apply their principles to your own personal and professional real-life scenarios. Resolve, patience, and practical thinking—take it from these politicians, scientists, economists, inventors, entrepreneurs, theologians, activists, and commanders of war and peace. Their inspiring counsel will give you the tools you need to help change your life. Both big and small, your choices can shape the minutes, days, weeks, and years ahead. This book is the first motivating step in the right direction. &“Upgrade your daily decisions with the wisdom of two dozen renowned influencers who changed history.&” —Mehmet Oz, M.D., New York Times bestselling author of You: The Owner&’s Manual &“A truly inspiring book about how to become a leader. Highly recommended!!&” —Douglas Brinkley,New York Times bestselling author of American Moonshot &“The best decision you will make today is to read and learn from this array of bold thinkers.&” —Harvey Mackay, New York Times bestselling author of Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
Decisions: An Engineering and Management Perspective
by Gerard H. GaynorDECISIONS focuses on how organizations can improve decision-making processes to improve organizational performance in a global economy. Presents research related to problems associated with meeting requirements, schedules, and costs Defines the scope of macro and micro decisions Raises the issue of the role of engineering, manufacturing, and marketing in making organizational decisions Includes references to Peter Drucker's studies on decision-making
Decisions about Decisions: Practical Reason in Ordinary Life
by Cass R. SunsteinHere is the most fundamental question in human life: How do we decide how we decide? We make such decisions all the time. If you trust your doctor, you might decide to follow a simple rule for medical decisions: Do whatever your doctor suggests. If you like someone a lot, and maybe love them, but are not sure whether you want to marry them, you might do this: Live with them first. Some of these strategies are wise. They prevent error. They improve your emotional well-being. Some of these strategies are foolish. They lead you in the direction of terrible mistakes. They prevent you from learning. They might make you miserable. Drawing on and revising previously published essays, Decisions about Decisions explores how people do, and should, make decisions about decisions. It aims to see what they are, to explore how they go right, and see where they go wrong.
Decisions and Dilemmas: Case Studies in Presidential Foreign Policy Making Since 1945
by Robert A. StrongThis book's unique combination of case studies and commentaries provides the basis for a systematic discussion of the role of individual leaders and complex institutions in U.S. foreign policy making. The case studies present routine and urgent, controversial and consensus-driven decisions in nine presidential administrations--"from Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan in 1945, to George W. Bush's responses to international terrorism in the wake of 9/11. Each chapter includes essential background information, a chronology of events, and primary source documents. Through all these elements, even students with little or no background in history will gain a new understanding of how presidents, institutions, and issues all shape American foreign policy.
Decisions Over Decimals: Striking the Balance between Intuition and Information
by Christopher J. Frank Paul F. Magnone Oded NetzerBecome a confident leader and use data, experience, and intuition to drive your decisionsAgile decision making is imperative as you lead in a data-driven world. Amid streams of data and countless meetings, we make hasty decisions, slow decisions, and often no decisions. Uniquely bridging theory and practice, Decisions Over Decimals breaks this pattern by uniting data intelligence with human judgment to get to action — a sharp approach the authors refer to as Quantitative Intuition (QI). QI raises the power of thinking beyond big data without neglecting it and chasing the perfect decision while appreciating that such a thing can never really exist.Successful decision-makers are fierce interrogators. They square critical thinking with open-mindedness by blending information, intuition, and experience. Balancing these elements is at the heart of Decisions Over Decimals. This book is not only designed to be read - but frequently referenced - as you face innumerable decision moments. It is the hands-on manual for confident, accurate decision-making you've been looking for; the rare resource that provides a set of pragmatic leadership tools to accelerate: Effectively framing the problem for stakeholders Synthesizing intelligence from incomplete information Delivering decisions that stick Strike the right balance between information and intuition and lead the smarter way with the real-world guidance found in Decisions Over Decimals.
Decisions: Risk and Reward (Routledge Studies In Business Organizations And Networks Ser.)
by Johnnie E.V. Johnson Alistair BruceIn recent years leading figures in a variety of fields - political, financial, medical, and organizational - have become acutely aware of the need to effectively incorporate aspects of risk into their decision-making. This book addresses a wide range of contemporary issues in decision research, such as how individuals deal with uncertainty and comp
Decisions, Uncertainty, and the Brain: The Science of Neuroeconomics (Bradford Bks.)
by Paul W. GlimcherIn this provocative book, Paul Glimcher argues that economic theory may provide an alternative to the classical Cartesian model of the brain and behavior. Glimcher argues that Cartesian dualism operates from the false premise that the reflex is able to describe behavior in the real world that animals inhabit. A mathematically rich cognitive theory, he claims, could solve the most difficult problems that any environment could present, eliminating the need for dualism by eliminating the need for a reflex theory. Such a mathematically rigorous description of the neural processes that connect sensation and action, he explains, will have its roots in microeconomic theory. Economic theory allows physiologists to define both the optimal course of action that an animal might select and a mathematical route by which that optimal solution can be derived. Glimcher outlines what an economics-based cognitive model might look like and how one would begin to test it empirically. Along the way, he presents a fascinating history of neuroscience. He also discusses related questions about determinism, free will, and the stochastic nature of complex behavior.
Decisions, Uncertainty, and the Brain
by Paul W. GlimcherWinner in the category of Medical Science in the 2003 Professional/Scholarly Publishing Annual Awards Competition presented by the Association of American Publishers, Inc. In this provocative book, Paul Glimcher argues that economic theory may provide an alternative to the classical Cartesian model of the brain and behavior. Glimcher argues that Cartesian dualism operates from the false premise that the reflex is able to describe behavior in the real world that animals inhabit. A mathematically rich cognitive theory, he claims, could solve the most difficult problems that any environment could present, eliminating the need for dualism by eliminating the need for a reflex theory. Such a mathematically rigorous description of the neural processes that connect sensation and action, he explains, will have its roots in microeconomic theory. Economic theory allows physiologists to define both the optimal course of action that an animal might select and a mathematical route by which that optimal solution can be derived. Glimcher outlines what an economics-based cognitive model might look like and how one would begin to test it empirically. Along the way, he presents a fascinating history of neuroscience. He also discusses related questions about determinism, free will, and the stochastic nature of complex behavior.
Decisionscape: How Thinking Like an Artist Can Improve Our Decision-Making
by Elspeth KirkmanHow thinking like an artist can improve our decision making and provide the perspective necessary to make better choices.Why are so many of our decisions regrettable, and what can we do about it? Decisionscape maps the surprising ways that our decisions are influenced and how thinking like an artist can help us deliberately arrange our perspective to make better choices. Introducing the concept of a &“decisionscape,&” Elspeth Kirkman blends art and science with insights from moral philosophy, sports, geopolitics, and elsewhere to explore decision making in a refreshingly original way. A broadly appealing and relatable book, Decisionscape asks us to confront the prejudices, blind spots, and hypocrisy in our day-to-day thinking.When we make choices, Kirkman explains, we act like an artist arranging objects on a canvas, using our system of perspective to compose a mental representation of the world. This decisionscape includes a foreground and background, a frame, a fixed viewpoint, and outside influences. Organized into four parts that unpack a different facet of the book&’s organizing principle, Decisionscape shows how psychological distance dictates what we prioritize and diminish, how the big picture can often look different from its parts, how culture and context frame decisions, and how personal worldviews alter how we interpret information. Complex, timely, and breezy, Decisionscape addresses one of the most fundamental human experiences: making better decisions to live our best life.
Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
by Chip Heath Dan HeathThe four principles that can help us to overcome our brains' natural biases to make better, more informed decisions--in our lives, careers, families and organizations.In Decisive, Chip Heath and Dan Heath, the bestselling authors of Made to Stick and Switch, tackle the thorny problem of how to overcome our natural biases and irrational thinking to make better decisions, about our work, lives, companies and careers. When it comes to decision making, our brains are flawed instruments. But given that we are biologically hard-wired to act foolishly and behave irrationally at times, how can we do better? A number of recent bestsellers have identified how irrational our decision making can be. But being aware of a bias doesn't correct it, just as knowing that you are nearsighted doesn't help you to see better. In Decisive, the Heath brothers, drawing on extensive studies, stories and research, offer specific, practical tools that can help us to think more clearly about our options, and get out of our heads, to improve our decision making, at work and at home.
The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China
by Jonathan D. WardWith a focus on the economic battlefront and in-depth analysis of the diplomatic, military, and ideological arenas, the world’s foremost expert on US-China global competition offers a rousing, strategic call to action and playbook—harvesting all of our nation’s ingenuity, confidence, and will power—to outcompete the long-term strategies of China and its Communist Party. In The Decisive Decade, Dr. Jonathan D.T. Ward—China scholar and founder of the Atlas Organization, a consultancy focused on US-China global competition—offers a comprehensive framework for how the United States can, and must, defeat China on the world stage economically, diplomatically, militarily, and ideologically. International security and American supremacy are at stake—and now is the time for the US to take action. China’s global power and influence grows every day. Working from a deep sense of national identity, the Chinese Communist Party is leading its country toward what it deems “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation,” and executing a long-term Grand Strategy to topple over its chief adversary, the United States. As China becomes increasingly repressive domestically and aggressive overseas, it threatens to upend America’s global dominance at every turn. Ward provides novel and practical strategies that our government, as well as our businesses and our citizens, can utilize to undermine our adversary. Exhaustive campaigns in the economic, diplomatic, military, and ideological arenas, he argues, must be taken to achieve victory. With expert analysis of the history of US-China relations, as well as insight into how the Russia-Ukrainian war can inform our strategic thinking, The Decisive Decade presents a unique toolkit for our triumph over China. We can succeed, but it won’t be easy; it will take all of our nation’s ingenuity, confidence, and willpower to win.
Decisive Intuition: Use Your Gut Instincts to Make Smart Business Decisions
by Rick SnyderAt last a practical guide on intuitive decision-making for anyone in the business world to get to the answer they need faster. <P><P>Intuition is the great differentiator in business. Listening to, trusting, and acting on your intuitive intelligence separates you from the pack as most people are not listening to theirs. Intuition is the one intangible skill that enables teams to function at a higher level and add more dimension and power to their ability to solve problems and grow. Yet the question that each business leader and manager struggles to answer is how do you train and develop intuitive thinking in a team to achieve the greatest result? <P><P>Decisive Intuition is for business leaders, managers, and employees who want answers to this question and are ready to accelerate their company culture. <P><P>Practice this 6-step process for harnessing your intuitive intelligence with practical business applications. <P><P>Hear how successful business leaders are integrating intuitive skills into their companies for cutting-edge results. <P><P>Explore directional, social, and informational intuition and how you can apply them to different areas of your business for greater results. <P><P>Learn about the 5 roadblocks to accessing your intuitive intelligence and how to overcome them. <P><P>Discover the latest findings in neuroscience and techniques to access your intuitive, subconscious mind for arriving at better decisions, faster.
The Decisive Mind: How to Make the Right Choice Every Time
by Dr Sheheryar Banuri*Available for pre-order: a new model for understanding and optimising your decision making skills by a leading behavioural economist*__________Have you ever set yourself a goal but struggled to achieve it? In a world overflowing with choices and distractions, indecision can be paralysing. It can lead to missed opportunities, stress, even damaged relationships. In The Decisive Mind, decision making expert Professor Sheheryar Banuri provides a new framework to choose the life you want, one decision at a time. Using real-world examples and his own ground-breaking research, Professor Banuri shows how even the smallest decisions have a profound impact on our lives. By understanding and streamlining your own process of decision-making, you will be able to make simple, effective, and efficient choices to help you edge closer to your aspirations and achieve your goals. From big, life-altering choices to the everyday decisions that shape your routine, The Decisive Mind puts you in control of your decision-making and sets you on the path to a more decisive you. Whether you seek to make bold career moves, enhance your relationships, or simply improve your overall well-being, this book will help you harness the immense potential of you. __________
The Decisive Mind: How to Make the Right Choice Every Time
by Dr Sheheryar Banuri*Available for pre-order: a new model for understanding and optimising your decision making skills by a leading behavioural economist*__________Have you ever set yourself a goal but struggled to achieve it? In a world overflowing with choices and distractions, indecision can be paralysing. It can lead to missed opportunities, stress, even damaged relationships. In The Decisive Mind, decision making expert Professor Sheheryar Banuri provides a new framework to choose the life you want, one decision at a time. Using real-world examples and his own ground-breaking research, Professor Banuri shows how even the smallest decisions have a profound impact on our lives. By understanding and streamlining your own process of decision-making, you will be able to make simple, effective, and efficient choices to help you edge closer to your aspirations and achieve your goals. From big, life-altering choices to the everyday decisions that shape your routine, The Decisive Mind puts you in control of your decision-making and sets you on the path to a more decisive you. Whether you seek to make bold career moves, enhance your relationships, or simply improve your overall well-being, this book will help you harness the immense potential of you. __________
The Decisive Mind: How to Make the Right Choice Every Time
by Dr Sheheryar BanuriA new model for understanding and optimising your decision-making skillsHave you ever wondered why you make bad decisions? Or why it's so hard to make a decision in the first place? Through pioneering research into behavioural science, decisions expert Dr Sheheryar Banuri has designed an entirely novel decision-making framework which can be adopted into everyday life to help us better our decision-making skills by understanding and streamlining the process. The result? Simple, effective and efficient techniques to combat indecision.The Decisive Mind will draw on examples from evolutionary psychology, examine our ability (or inability) to prioritise and highlight the scenarios that force decision-making errors, and help us understand our own minds. By unpicking a lifetime's worth of misconceptions about our own decision-making patterns and habits, this audiobook will guide you on your first steps towards optimising your own brain space.(P) 2023 Hodder & Stoughton Limited
Decisively Digital: From Creating a Culture to Designing Strategy
by Alexander LothDiscover how to survive and thrive in an increasingly digital world Digital strategy should consist of more than just updating your business’ desktop computers and buying the newest smartphones for your employees. It requires the reimagining of existing business processes and the implementation of the latest technologies into current business activity to enable new capabilities for your firm. In Decisively Digital: From Creating a Culture to Designing Strategy, digital strategy advisor and author Alexander Loth leverages his extensive experience working with Microsoft, CERN, and SAP to deliver a robust and accessible exploration of what it takes for a company to unlock the potential of new digital technologies. You’ll discover how to: Utilize new technologies to establish a digital culture and realize the benefits of modern work for your employees Unleash the abilities that come with processing big data and taking advantage of data democracy, analytics, and cloud computing Implement artificial intelligence, blockchain, process automation, and IoT in a way that goes beyond the hype and delivers real business results Packed with interviews with industry leaders and real-world customer examples, Decisively Digital is ideal for CIOs, CDOs, and other executives and professionals who need to know how technology can improve their businesses and power results today and tomorrow.
The Deck Access Housing Design Guide: A Return to Streets in the Sky
by Andrew Beharrell Rory OlcaytoThe Deck Access Housing Design Guide is the first practical design guide to deck access housing. It focuses on the contemporary use of deck access housing, sharing practical guidance and providing in-depth case studies, while also presenting historical context about this flexible and evolving housing type. Despite a chequered history that saw it linked with urban decay and social malaise in the 1970s and 80s, deck access housing today, after a 40-year hiatus, is fast becoming the default solution for mid-rise housing in the UK, and London in particular. This is in part down to architects’ renewed interest in post-war Modernist typologies, but also due to specific planning standards that favour the qualities – dual-aspect plans, ‘public’ front doors – of deck access design. This comprehensive, professional guide spotlights the best contemporary deck access housing in the UK and throughout mainland Europe, explaining and analysing exemplars in detail. Illustrated in full colour throughout with plans, elevations, photographs, project data and annotations, case studies include both new build and retrofit projects, in public housing, co-housing and Third Age residential projects. Good architectural practice flows from an informed understanding of cultural and design history coupled with practical guidance and clear analysis of case studies. That is what this book provides for anyone interested in, or involved in the design and delivery of, deck access housing. Featured architects from the UK: AHMM · Apparata · Cartwright Pickard · Collective Architecture · DO Architecture · Hawkins Brown · Haworth Tompkins · Henley Halebrown · Levitt Bernstein · Maccreanor Lavington · Mæ · Matthew Lloyd · Pitman Tozer · Pollard Thomas Edwards · Proctor & Matthews · PRP · RCKa Featured architects from mainland Europe: ANMA · Arquitectura Produccions · Atelier Kempe Thill · Bureau Massa · DAMAST · Estudio Herreros · Fink + Jocher · KAAN · LEVS · Martin-Löf · MEF · Muñoz Miranda · Passelac & Roques · Waechter + Waechter