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Showing 26,501 through 26,525 of 100,000 results

Deindustrialization--Its Causes and Implications

by Robert Rowthorn Ramana Ramaswamy

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Deine Freiheit, deine Gelassenheit: Zeitlose Pfade der Achtsamkeit zum inneren Frieden

by Kai Hoffmann

Erfahren Sie in diesem Buch mehr über erfolgreiches Achtsamkeits- und GelassenheitstrainingIn diesem Buch über Achtsamkeitstraining macht Autor Kai Hoffmann Mut dazu, die Behaglichkeit der vertrauten Komfortzone dorthin zu verlassen, wohin der eigene Werte-Kompass weist – nämlich zum persönlichen Weg zu Gelassenheit und innerem Frieden. Hierzu bedient er sich:a) praxisorientierter Philosophieb) einer kraftvollen und bildhaften SpracheSie lernen in „Deine Freiheit, deine Gelassenheit“ Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie gedanklich im Hier und Jetzt bleiben und all Ihre vorhandenen Ressourcen aktivieren.Viele nützliche Hilfestellungen und InspirationenUm zu veranschaulichen, wie Sie im turbulenten Alltag Schritt für Schritt zu innerer Ruhe und zu innerem Frieden finden, zieht Kai Hoffmann in seinem Buch über Achtsamkeitstraining neben bewährten psychologischen Praktiken der Selbstklärung ebenfalls relevante Welt- und Lebensanschauungen einiger ausgewählter Philosophien heran. Das Werk richtet sich an alle, die ihr Leben gelassener und achtsamer leben wollen sowie an Führungskräfte, die auch in stressigen Situationen ihre innere Balance bewahren möchten. (155)

Del Norte Paper Co. (A)

by William A. Sahlman M. Edgar Barrett

Deals with a transfer pricing problem in a complex, international situation. A broad range of issues are present in the case, or are needed for a thorough case analysis. Such issues include: relevant costs; the appropriateness of profit centers; the appropriateness of decentralization; international funds transfers; and the measurement of integrated profit.

Delamere Vineyard

by Jonathan West

Delamere Vineyard is a small, integrated winemaking business in Tasmania, specializing in pinot noir (red) and chardonnay (white) wines. Richard Richardson, Delamere's owner and winemaker, manages and operates the vineyard and winery largely alone. His products have won praise and awards in the past, but Richardson strives continuously to improve. Delamere competes in the high-priced segment, in which quality is paramount. Richardson is well equipped as a winemaker--with a Ph.D. in agricultural chemistry and 15 years' experience--but he faces both quality problems and improvement opportunities. He is also under cost pressure. Customers and industry experts provide conflicting advice. At the time of the case, Richardson faces a choice among three potential quality improvement projects: development of an effective means to prevent oxidation during the wine's maturation; implementation of a means to deepen the wine's color; and experimentation to find the optimum mix of berries and stalks during fermentation. Examination of these options reveals that they imply an emphasis on divergent conceptions of quality, as well as divergent paths to improvement. They also suggest different opportunities for longer term growth.

Delaware Aviation (Images of Aviation)

by Brig. Gen. Wiggins Jr. Jan Churchill

For such a small state, Delaware has a fascinating aviation history. Delaware counts aircraft from the smallest, like the 1910 Delaplane, to the largest, the USAF C-5 Galaxy airlifter, among its rich variety. Numerous small grass airstrips dotted the state in the early years, serving as an incubator for aerial progress. The state has been a home to aircraft manufacturers, notable aviators, and aeronautical innovators and hosts military aviation units from the Army National Guard, the Air National Guard, the US Air Force, and the Air Force Reserve on two major bases. World War II brought the development of Dover Air Force Base, currently the largest aerial superport in the United States. This collection of historical photographs depicts the colorful people, the locales, the varied aircraft, and the milestone events that make up the history of aviation in Delaware.

Delaware Beer: The Story of Brewing in the First State (American Palate)

by Tony Russo Jim Lutz

Boasting a brewing history older than the United States, Delaware packs an outsized punch in the craft beer scene with its landmark breweries and bold flavors. In 1873, the German lagers of Wilmington's Diamond State brewing rose to dominance. After Prohibition and the bust of the first craft beer bubble, entrepreneurial homebrewers resurrected the industry. Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head led the charge by rewriting the state's beer legislation, and the field opened to other brewpubs like Stewart's and Iron Hill to pair savory bites with their brews. By 2009, production breweries like 16 Mile and Fordham & Dominion were on the rise, changing the arc of Delaware beer. Beer writer Tony Russo tells a story of big risks and innovative brewers and proves that there has never been a better time to drink local.

Delaware State Police (Images of America)

by John R. Alstadt Jr.

April 28, 1923, marks the birth of the Delaware State Police. Discussions occurred as early as 1906 for a statewide police organization to cope with speeding automobiles, roving bands of troublemakers, and the ever-present bootleggers. Prohibition and the 18th Amendment brought the discussion to the forefront. With the hiring of Charles J. McGarigle and Joseph A. McVey, the Delaware Highway Police Department came to fruition on January 1, 1920. Using many never-before-published photographs from the Delaware State Police Museum archive, Images of America: Delaware State Police illustrates the storied past of the Delaware State Police from 1920 to 1985.

Delay, Deny, Defend

by Feinman Jay M.

An expose of insurance injustice and a plan for consumers and lawmakers to fight it - Over the last two decades, insurance has become less of a safety net and more of a spider's web: sticky and complicated, designed to ensnare as much as to aid. Insurance companies now often try to delay payment of justified claims, deny payment altogether, and defend these actions by forcing claimants to enter litigation. Jay M. Feinman, a legal scholar and insurance expert, explains how these trends developed, how the government ought to fix the system, and what the rest of us can do to protect ourselves. He shows that the denial of valid claims is not occasional or accidental or the fault of a few bad employees. It's the result of an increasing and systematic focus on maximizing profits by major companies such as Allstate and State Farm. Citing dozens of stories of victims who were unfairly denied payment, Feinman explains how people can be more cautious when shopping for policies and what to do when pursuing a disputed claim. He also lays out a plan for the legal reforms needed to prevent future abuses. This exposé will help drive the discussion of this increasingly hot- button issue.

Delayed and Network Queues

by Aliakbar Montazer Haghighi Dimitar P. Mishev

Presents an introduction to differential equations, probability, and stochastic processes with real-world applications of queues with delay and delayed network queues Featuring recent advances in queueing theory and modeling, Delayed and Network Queues provides the most up-to-date theories in queueing model applications. Balancing both theoretical and practical applications of queueing theory, the book introduces queueing network models as tools to assist in the answering of questions on cost and performance that arise throughout the life of a computer system and signal processing. Written by well-known researchers in the field, the book presents key information for understanding the essential aspects of queues with delay and networks of queues with unreliable nodes and vacationing servers. Beginning with simple analytical fundamentals, the book contains a selection of realistic and advanced queueing models that address current deficiencies. In addition, the book presents the treatment of queues with delay and networks of queues, including possible breakdowns and disruptions that may cause delay. Delayed and Network Queues also features: Numerous examples and exercises with applications in various fields of study such as mathematical sciences, biomathematics, engineering, physics, business, health industry, and economics A wide array of practical applications of network queues and queueing systems, all of which are related to the appropriate stochastic processes Up-to-date topical coverage such as single- and multiserver queues with and without delays, along with the necessary fundamental coverage of probability and difference equations Discussions on queueing models such as single- and multiserver Markovian queues with balking, reneging, delay, feedback, splitting, and blocking, as well as their role in the treatment of networks of queues with and without delay and network reliability Delayed and Network Queues is an excellent textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in applied mathematics, queueing theory, queueing systems, probability, and stochastic processes. The book is also an ideal reference for academics and practitioners in mathematical sciences, biomathematics, operations research, management, engineering, physics, business, economics, health industry, and industrial engineering. Aliakbar Montazer Haghighi, PhD, is Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics at Prairie View A&M University, USA, as well as founding Editor-in-Chief of Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM). His research interests include probability, statistics, stochastic processes, and queueing theory. Among his research publications and books, Dr. Haghighi is the coauthor of Difference and Differential Equations with Applications in Queueing Theory (Wiley, 2013). Dimitar P. Mishev, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Prairie View A&M University, USA. His research interests include differential and difference equations and queueing theory. The author of numerous research papers and three books, Dr. Mishev is the coauthor of Difference and Differential Equations with Applications in Queueing Theory (Wiley, 2013).

Delaying Retirement: Progress and Challenges of Active Ageing in Europe, the United States and Japan

by Dirk Hofäcker, Moritz Hess and Stefanie König

To a backdrop of ageing societies, pension crises and labour market reforms, this book investigates how the policy shift from early retirement to active ageing has affected individual retirement behaviour. Focusing on eleven European countries, the United States and Japan, it brings together leading international experts to analyze recent changes in pension systems. Their findings demonstrate that there has been a fundamental transition in pension policies and a steep increase in older workers’ retirement ages and employment rates. Yet changes in retirement behavior are not evenly distributed across all societal strata. This raises the serious concern that an overall rise in the retirement age will be accompanied by the re-emergence of social inequality in the transition from work to retirement. This innovative edited collection will appeal to students and scholars of sociology, economics, political science, human resources management, gerontology and social policy, and also to policy-makers and professionals dealing with older workers.

Delaying Retirement

by Dirk Hofäcker Moritz Hess Stefanie König

To a backdrop of ageing societies, pension crises and labour market reforms, this book investigates how the policy shift from early retirement to active ageing has affected individual retirement behaviour. Focusing on eleven European countries, the United States and Japan, it brings together leading international experts to analyze recent changes in pension systems. Their findings demonstrate that there has been a fundamental transition in pension policies and a steep increase in older workers' retirement ages and employment rates. Yet changes in retirement behavior are not evenly distributed across all societal strata. This raises the serious concern that an overall rise in the retirement age will be accompanied by the re-emergence of social inequality in the transition from work to retirement. This innovative edited collection will appeal to students and scholars of sociology, economics, political science, human resources management, gerontology and social policy, and also to policy-makers and professionals dealing with older workers.

Delays at Logan Airport

by George Batta V. G. Narayanan

Logan Airport is facing mounting delays for flights landings and takeoffs, especially in inclement weather. An additional runway and peak-period pricing are two alternatives being considered.

Delegación y supervisión

by Brian Tracy

Delegación y supervisión Los gerentes son juzgados por los resultados que entregan-- y más que nada, esos resultados giran en torno a la habilidad de delegar y supervisar. Te sorprenderás cuan eficiente y fácil de manejar se convierte tu equipo cuando hayas dominado estas habilidades. Esta práctica guía de bolsillo revela estrategias comprobadas para estimular el desempeño y la productividad de tus empleados. Cuando se hace de la forma correcta, la delegación y supervisión le permiten a tus empleados a aprender, a crecer, y a ser más capaces. Tu éxito subirá vertiginosamente a la vez que incrementes la calidad y cantidad de los resultados, cimentes la lealtad, el involucramiento y el compromiso de tu gente. El lector podrá: * Definir el trabajo, asignarlo, y establecer niveles de desempeño específicos y mensurables. * Combinar las habilidades con los requisitos del trabajo. * Administrar mediante objetivos para delegar tareas a largo plazo a miembros de equipo más confiables. * Monitorear, controlar y mantenerse al día con los proyectos con un mínimo esfuerzo. * Convertir el delegar en una herramienta de enseñanza para construir confianza en tu equipo. * Proporcionar realimentación y obtener una participación activa. * Evitar delegación opuesta. * Hacer tiempo para enfocarte en tareas que solamente tú puedes realizar. * Y mucho más.

Delegate Apportionment in the US Presidential Primaries: A Mathematical Analysis (Studies in Choice and Welfare)

by Michael A. Jones David McCune Jennifer M. Wilson

This book provides a comprehensive mathematical description and analysis of the delegate allocation processes in the US Democratic and Republican presidential primaries, focusing on the role of apportionment methods and the effect of thresholds—the minimum levels of support required to receive delegates. The analysis involves a variety of techniques, including theoretical arguments, simplicial geometry, Monte Carlo simulation, and examination of presidential primary data from 2004 to 2020. The book is divided into two parts: Part I defines the classical apportionment problem and explains how the implementation and goals of delegate apportionment differ from those of apportionment for state representation in the US House of Representatives and for party representation in legislatures based on proportional representation. The authors then describe how delegates are assigned to states and congressional districts and formally define the delegate apportionment methods used in each state by the two major parties to allocate delegates to presidential candidates. Part II analyzes and compares the apportionment methods introduced in Part I based on their level of bias and adherence to various notions of proportionality. It explores how often the methods satisfy the quota condition and quantifies their biases in favor or against the strongest and weakest candidates. Because the methods are quota-based, they are susceptible to classical paradoxes like the Alabama and population paradoxes. They also suffer from other paradoxes that are more relevant in the context of delegate apportionment such as the elimination and aggregation paradoxes. The book evaluates the extent to which each method is susceptible to each paradox. Finally, it discusses the appointment of delegates based on divisor methods and notions of regressive proportionality.This book appeals to scholars and students interested in mathematical economics and political science, with an emphasis on apportionment and social choice theory.

Delegating: Pass the right tasks on to the right people and everyone will benefit

by Julie-Ann Amos

This handbook reveals how best to delegate in your own job, to maximize the benefits to you and to the others involved. It includes chapters on planning, handling people, the delegation meeting, and getting results and action.

Delegating: Pass the right tasks on to the right people and everyone will benefit

by Julie-Ann Amos

This handbook reveals how best to delegate in your own job, to maximize the benefits to you and to the others involved. It includes chapters on planning, handling people, the delegation meeting, and getting results and action.

Delegating for Business Success

by Janis Fisher Chan

Empower staff and the organization with savvy delegation skills for 21st-century success. Delegation has always been an essential supervisory and managerial competency. In today’s lean, competitive workplace, it’s a survival skill for organizational success. This lively new look at an old skill addresses today’s delegation challenges with a workable plan and many practical exercises to ensure successful implementation. Discover what delegating really involves and learn to make confident delegating choices. Readers will learn how to: • Respond rapidly to changing circumstances and employ time and resources more productively • Delegate effectively in team, virtual and cross-functional environments • Assess your own delegating ability and address your hesitations about delegation • Give employees the authority and responsibility they need to get the job done • Avoid common mistakes of delegation, including reverse delegation • Identify which types of tasks and responsibilities should be delegated and which ones should not • Monitor the delegation process, evaluate progress, identify problems and reward success • Improve goal-setting, prioritizing, planning, communication and feedback skills • Delegate across the organization, to peers, subordinates and team-members

Delegating with Confidence: Avoid Being Overworked and Overwhelmed

by Richard Luecke

Delegation is one of the most important skills demonstrated by successful managers and the one often neglected by overworked managers. Effective delegators spend less time doing and more time planning work assignments, organizing resources for delegates, and coaching people who need help. This chapter explains the principles of delegating and gives practical ideas for applying them.

Delegating Work

by Harvard Business School Press

Is your in-box always full? Are you constantly working overtime on tasks that "only you" can do? If so, you could benefit from delegating some of your workload. This volume shows you how to:· Identify which tasks to delegate· Decide whether to delegate based on employee, task, project, or function· Identify the skills required for each delegated assignment· Make an assignment and monitor the work· Address problems with delegated assignments

Delegating Work (20-Minute Manager Series)

by Harvard Business School Publishing

You know you need to delegate some of your work so that you have time to focus on the things that require your expertise. But it’s not easy to do. Delegating Work quickly walks you through the fundamentals of: #149; Establishing a productive environment #149; Assigning the right work to the right people #149; Conducting an effective hand-off meeting #149; Monitoring without micromanaging About HBR's 20-Minute Manager Series: Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives#151;from the most trusted source in business. Also available as an ebook.

Delegating Work (20-Minute Manager Series)

by Harvard Business Review

You know you need to delegate some of your work so that you have time to focus on the things that require your expertise. But it's not easy to do. Delegating Work quickly walks you through the fundamentals of: Establishing a productive environment Assigning the right work to the right people Conducting an effective hand-off meeting Monitoring without micromanagingAbout HBR's 20-Minute Manager Series:Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic.Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives-from the most trusted source in business. Also available as an ebook.

Delegation: Gaining Time for Yourself

by Richard Luecke

Delegating tasks is the transferring of a specific duty from one person to another and includes the transfer of work as well as accountability for that work. This chapter emphasizes that the art of effective delegation is a key function of a successful manager and, ironically, it is one often neglected by those who claim to be overworked.

Delegation & Supervision: The Brian Tracy Success Library (The\brian Tracy Success Library)

by Brian Tracy

Managers are judged by the results they deliver-and more than anything else, those results hinge on the ability to delegate and supervise. You will be surprised at how efficient and easy to manage your team becomes when you master these essential skills. This handy, pocket-sized guide reveals time-tested ways to boost the performance and productivity of your employees, including how to: #149; Define work, assign it, and set measurable, targeted standards for performance #149; Match skills to job requirements #149; Use Management by Objectives to delegate longer-term tasks to trusted team members #149; Monitor, , and keepon top of projects with minimum effort #149; Turn delegation into a teaching tool and build the confidence of your staff #149; Provide useful feedback and elicit active participation #149; Avoid reverse delegation #149; Free up time for higher-level tasks only you can tackle #149; And much more Done right, delegation and supervision allow your employees to learn, grow, and become more capable. Your success will skyrocket as you increase the quality and quantity of results, and build the loyalty, involvement, and commitment of your people.

#DELETED: Big Tech's Battle to Erase a Movement and Subvert Democracy

by Allum Bokhari

The most powerful tech companies in the world are determined to stop Donald Trump.Journalist Allum Bokhari has spent four years investigating the tech giants that dominate the Internet: Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter. He has discovered a dark plot to seize control of the flow of information, and utilize that power to its full extent - to censor, manipulate, and ultimately sway the outcome of democratic elections. His network of whistleblowers inside Google, Facebook and other companies explain how the tech giants now see themselves as "good censors," benevolent commissars controlling the information we receive to "protect" us from "dangerous" speech.They reveal secret methods to covertly manipulate online information without us ever being aware of it, explaining how tech companies can use big data to target undecided voters. They lift the lid on a plot four years in the making - a plot to use the power of technology to stop Donald Trump's re-election.

Deleveraging after Lehman--Evidence from Reduced Rehypothecation

by Manmohan Singh James Aitken

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

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