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The Decline of Public Access and Neo-Liberal Media Regimes
by Brian CaterinoThis book examines the reasons behind the declining fortunes of public access channels. Public access, which provided perhaps the boldest experiment in popular media democracy, is in steep decline. While some have argued it is technologically outmoded, Caterino argues that the real reason lies with the rise of a neo-liberal media regime. This regime creates a climate in which we can understand these changes. This book considers the role of neo-liberalism in transforming notions of public obligations and regulation of media that have impacted non-profit media, specifically public access. Neo-liberalism has tried to eliminate public forums and public discourse and weakens institutions of civil society. Though social media is often championed as an arena of communicative freedom, Caterino argues that neo-liberalism has created a colonized social media environment that severely limits popular democracy.
The Decline of the British Motor Industry: The Effects of Government Policy, 1945-79 (Routledge Revivals)
by Peter DunnettFirst published in 1980, this book considers the British motor industry over the period between 1945 and 1979, analysing the ways in which the industry suffered a considerable decline in the post-war era, when compared to motor industries of other countries or to most other British industries. Rather than blaming labour and management, as has frequently been the case, the author argues that the decline can be traced back to poor government policy. Tracing how, when and where government policies affected the industry, the book examines policies clearly directed at the motor industry, such as transport legislation and motor taxation. In addition the work considers the consequences of many policies which were targeted only indirectly at the motor industry as the author argues that whilst government policy may have succeeded in its aim, e.g. improving employment for the balance of payments, the motor industry may have suffered as a consequence. Written in non-technical language, the reissue will be of interest to those concerned with post-war UK economic development, the UK motor industry in particular and the history of government policy in general.
The Decline of the Dollar: 1978
by Michael G. Rukstad Daniel A. PopeDescribes the U.S. experience with floating exchange rates between 1973 and 1978, focusing on the rapid decline of the dollar in the summer of 1978. Illustrates the major determinants of the exchange rates and the role of government intervention in the foreign exchange market.
The Decline of the Traditional Pension
by George A. Sandy MackenzieThe traditional (final or average salary) pension that employers have provided their employees has suffered a huge decline in labor force coverage in the United Kingdom and the United States, and less severe declines in Canada and elsewhere. The traditional pension provides a precious measure of retirement security by paying retirees an annuity for life. This study compares developments in the countries just named and in Australia, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland to explain the forces behind the decline of the traditional pension and to contrast the experience of public sector employer-provided plans, where it remains dominant. Given the great value of the longevity insurance that the traditional plan provides, and the risks its diminished coverage entails, the book proposes a set of measures that either stem the decline or endow defined contribution pensions with some of the attributes of the traditional plan.
The Decline of Trade Union Organisation (Routledge Library Editions: Industrial Relations)
by P.B. BeaumontThe Decline of Trade Union Organisation (1987) considers the reasons behind the decline in trade union membership and discusses the prospects for recovery. It shows that many factors were at work besides unemployment growth and overall it argues that the changing structure and nature of British industry was having a fundamental affect on the nature of trade union activity. It points to legislation which protects individual employees without the need for union involvement; to the fact that a major growth area is the private services sector which has been traditionally poorly unionised; and the rise in smaller non-union plants.
Declining Profitability and the Evolution of the US Economy: A Classical Perspective (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy)
by Ascension Mejorado Manuel RomanThe 1970s were a pivotal decade for the US economy: deindustrialization broke the power of the labor unions and made possible the redistribution of income in favor of corporate profits; globalization and offshore investments opened alternatives to domestic nonfinancial capital accumulation; domestic productivity growth declined; and labor-saving technology empowered superstar corporations to rapidly gain market share. This book argues that the persistent fall in profitability, leading to the stagflation crisis, was a direct result of the transition from the Fordist phase of capital accumulation, based on large-scale manufacturing, to the neoliberal phase and the rising power of finance. Neoliberalism restored the power of rentiers but not the profit rates of nonfinancial corporations. Falling accumulation rates weakened the growth capacity of nonfinancial corporate firms and secular stagnation became the norm. Neo-Keynesian economists, Larry Summers and Paul Krugman, explained the persistence of secular stagnation with arguments borrowed from Alvin Hansen in the 1930s, such as the declining birth rate or the falling relative prices of investment goods, hence a shortfall of demand. In the Classical paradigm, profitability drives capital accumulation and falling profitability slows down growth. As the accumulation rate declined and the capacity growth diminished, breakdowns in supply links, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, prevented large infusions of purchasing power to find matching levels of supply, hence the stagflation crisis returned. The book will be a great asset to researchers and scholars interested in the development of Classical Political Economy concerning issues related to inflation, stagnation, growing inequality, and the next phase of neoliberalism.
Declutter Your Life: How Outer Order Leads to Inner Calm
by Gill HassonTake back your space, your time and your mind to live your authentic life. You have too many commitments in your life and too much stuff in your home. It's no wonder you feel overwhelmed and stressed out. You don't need to just throw out a few bits and bobs; you need to declutter your life! Our homes and workspace are a mirror of what's happening inside us, Declutter Your Life explains how you can change your relationship with the things you own. Instead of being weighed down with objects and possessions that keeps you stuck in the past, you can learn to think about your things in a new light; in a way that's constructive and helpful to you. There are plenty of ideas, advice, tips and techniques to help you. You'll discover how outer order leads to inner calm. Declutter Your Life explains how the principles and steps taken to clear and simplify your living space can improve not just your home but also other aspects of your life; your work, relationships and general wellbeing. An ordered environment leads to ordered thinking. When you stop allowing your life to revolve around things that don't matter, you instantly gain the time, space and energy to focus on the things that do. Declutter Your Life will help you to: Let go of guilt and get rid of the emotional baggage that keeps you stuck in the past Feel less overwhelmed and stressed Clear out your unnecessary commitments Simplify and improve your work life Declutter your relationships Simple living doesn't end at home. Declutter Your Life shows you how to reclaim your space, your time and your mind to achieve the life you want to live.
deCODE Genetics: Hunting for Genes to Develop Drugs
by Debora L. Spar Chris BebenekIn 1996, Kari Stefansson launched a new kind of biotechnology company and a whole new way of attacking diseases. Based in Iceland, his firm, deCODE Genetics, plans to identify the individual genetic markers that lead to society's most prevalent diseases. To do so, it plans to create an unrivaled database of genetic and medical information, drawing on Iceland's unique genealogical records and patient information from a countrywide medical database. But when patient advocate groups form to oppose the plan, deCODE is forced to change its strategy.
Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy
by Phil BardenA groundbreaking exploration of purchasing behaviour and its essential role in smarter marketing practices to benefit your organizationIf you understand why people buy, you are already one step ahead in reaching out to them effectively with your products and services. Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy offers a groundbreaking exploration into the science of purchasing. The book specifically demonstrates why decision science has proven invaluable to the field of marketing by helping to explain purchasing behaviours.Decoded delivers a practical framework and guidelines for applying science to the marketing practices you use every day. As a marketing professional, you can look to this book for behavioural knowledge, timely case studies, and an understanding of methodologies. You'll gain advice on how to employ knowledge about behaviours for more effective brand management, from strategy to implementation to new product development.You'll also gain useful insight into the latest research on consumer motivations that lead to purchasing decisions. Learn more about what happens in the human brain as buyers make their choices. This updated edition of Decoded provides new material that marketers can apply to informed, successful practices. Gain an understanding of the Jobs to Be Done (JTBD) approach Take a closer look at the Ferrero neuroscience study that supports JTBD See updated and relevant case studies of JTBD at work Discover how to engage customers through digital touchpoints If you're a marketing practitioner, an understanding of decision science will enhance your day-to-day work. Decoded helps you see how science and marketing come together. Immerse yourself in the science of why people buy and gain a stronger base of knowledge as you develop strategies, implement marketing plans, and meet customer needs through innovation.
Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy
by Phil P. BardenIn this groundbreaking book Phil Barden reveals what decision science explains about people’s purchase behaviour, and specifically demonstrates its value to marketing. He shares the latest research on the motivations behind consumers’ choices and what happens in the human brain as buyers make their decisions. He deciphers the ‘secret codes’ of products, services and brands to explain why people buy them. And finally he shows how to apply this knowledge in day to day marketing to great effect by dramatically improving key factors such as relevance, differentiation and credibility. Shows how the latest insights from the fields of Behavioural Economics, psychology and neuro-economics explain why we buy what we buy Offers a pragmatic framework and guidelines for day-to-day marketing practice on how to employ this knowledge for more effective brand management - from strategy to implementation and NPD. The first book to apply Daniel Kahneman’s Nobel Prize-winning work to marketing and advertising Packed with case studies, this is a must-read for marketers, advertising professionals, web designers, R&D managers, industrial designers, graphic designers in fact anyone whose role or interest focuses on the ‘why’ behind consumer behaviour. Foreword by Rory Sutherland, Executive Creative Director and Vice-Chairman, OgilvyOne London and Vice-Chairman,Ogilvy Group UK Full colour throughout
The Decoded Company: Know Your Talent Better Than You Know Your Customers
by Leerom Segal Aaron Goldstein Rahaf Harfoush Jay GoldmanAs consumers we intuitively understand the benefits of being decoded Google amazes us by generating answers before we've even finished asking a question. Facebook curates our uniquely individual newsfeeds. Spotify and Netflix use learning algorithms to customize our experience. At home, we choose companies that have figured out how to personalize our news, shopping, entertainment, travel, and learning needs. At most workplaces, it's still one-size-fits-all policies, processes, and tools. Yet companies like Google, Starbucks, and Whole Foods have turned their algorithms inward to decode their talent. Their goal is not to get the better of their talent, but to empower the best from their people. The Decoded Company distills how this process works into three transformative ideas. · Technology Can be a Coach, personalizing processes to the individual based on experience and offering training interventions precisely at the teachable moment. · Data Can Be a Sixth Sense, codifying organizational battle scars using actual code that watches your blind spots and gives your people a decision making superpower. · The third is that Engineered Ecosystems will prevail over hierarchies, reducing bureaucracy, increasing transparency, and be wildly inspiring to teams.
Decoding Black Swans and Other Historic Risk Events: Themes of Progress and Opportunity for Risk Science
by Shital Thekdi Terje AvenThe field of risk science continues to learn from the long history of events to develop principles and practices that enable individuals, organizations, and societies to understand and manage future risk. Reflecting on these histories reminds us that risk and uncertainty are prevalent, yet it remains important to consider what is on the horizon: the possibility of future events, the consequences of those events, our vulnerability to those events, and how to recover from those events.Decoding Black Swans and Other Historic Risk Events offers a guide to understanding risk events and how to act before they occur. This book explores past risk events and analyzes how risk science principles apply to those events and studies whether current risk science concepts and approaches could potentially have avoided, reduced the impact, or supported recovery following the risk event. New insights are obtained by applying recent research progress in understanding and managing risk, considering aspects including quality of evidence, information, and misinformation in risk studies. The analysis results are used to identify how risk science approaches contribute to the overall management of risk and societal safety, and where improvements can be obtained, allowing the reader to possess a toolkit for identifying and planning for unsafe events.This title will be a critical read for professionals in the fields of occupational health and safety, risk management, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, energy, marine engineering, environmental engineering, business and management, and healthcare.
Decoding Branding: A Complete Guide to Building and Revamping Brands in the Age of Disruption
by Royce YuenDecoding Branding explains the evolution of branding and how the disrupting factors like digital revolution, technological advancement, changing consumer behavior, and the COVID-19 pandemic have reshaped the marketing landscape. Fundamental principles of fostering strong brands are distilled with illustrations of case studies from various industries. A structured and holistic framework to building and revamping brands is clearly presented for corporations to remain competitive in this constantly changing operating environment. Interviews with branding experts and corporate leaders are featured at the end of each chapter to allow readers to obtain a complete appreciation of brand development from different perspectives.
Decoding CEO-Speak
by Russell Craig Joel AmernicThe words of business leaders matter. They can spark action, enhance branding, share knowledge, transmit values, and influence social and cultural behavior. Decoding CEO-Speak critiques the public language of a powerful class of people – the Chief Executive Officers of major companies. Interest in the behavior and thinking of CEOs is not confined to their corporation’s direct stakeholders only: the public is increasingly interested in how CEOs stand on current issues and community debate. Through case study analysis of companies such as News Corporation, BP, Wells Fargo, Satyam, Uber, Canadian National Railway, Tesla, and Boeing, authors Russell Craig and Joel Amernic illustrate ways of mining meaning or decoding a CEO’s written words and speeches. They critically examine a variety of public media, including social media, testimony, and speeches, performed by leaders of major companies. Decoding CEO-Speak demonstrates how monitoring the language of CEOs can yield valuable insights into a company’s policy, strategy, and ethicality; and how it can point to the priorities, values, and personality of the CEO. The book will appeal to CEOs, senior managers, and public relations and media consultants, as well as business professors, students, and corporate stakeholders who want to find otherwise disguised meaning in the words of leaders.
Decoding China
by Matthew B. ChristensenDo you like to know the unspoken conversations going on around you when visiting other countries? Are you someone who likes to travel on your own terms-from finding that special restaurant to negotiating a better price for a prized antique in a local flea market? If so, Decoding China is the hands-on communication guide for you!Decoding China will teach you the basic "rules of the road" on how to operate in Chinese culture. Like every country, China has its own unique set of cultural "codes," ways of behaving on a daily basis that all Chinese automatically know are the norms. These codes frame every personal interaction in China, and carry with them subtle cultural expectations that the Chinese assume everyone else knows. By learning to recognize these key codes, words and phrases-and using them correctly-then everything you do in China will go a lot more smoothly.By drawing on extensive cultural and linguistic expertise, Dr. Christensen explains the key Chinese cultural codes and how to use these to your advantage. In practical chapters organized by topic, he shows you how to get things done in China, even with very minimal knowledge of the language. Being aware of the cultural norms and a few key words and phrases will give you tremendous confidence, and allow you to "crack the code" and achieve whatever you want. Decoding China will make your China experience work for you, rather than against you, wherever you travel in the country.
Decoding Digital Assets: Distinguishing the Dream from the Dystopia in Stablecoins, Tokenized Deposits, and Central Bank Digital Currencies
by Leon V. SchumacherCentral bank digital currency (CBDC) is on the horizon, with more than 130 central banks globally considering such projects. But is this beneficial for citizens and the financial system? This book offers a comprehensive guide on the intricate subjects of CBDCs, stablecoins, and tokenized deposits. Authored by an industry expert who has actively participated in the development of CBDC solutions, this book demystifies the complexities of CBDC and digital assets, presenting both the opportunities and challenges with practical examples and real-world contexts.The book covers the history of money and the background of cryptography and technology architectures that are shaping the future of payments. It presents the risks and opportunities that these digital assets and CBDCs mean for our society. It discusses how CBDCs and stablecoins can potentially stabilize digital payment systems, offers opportunities for immediate settlements, and facilitate efficient cross-border payments. However, it also notes the significant challenges, including legal and regulatory complexities, social impacts, privacy concerns, security threats, and the risk of mass-surveillance. The book explores the different characteristics of digital assets, the options available for each characteristic (like privacy, sovereignty,…) and provides detailed knowledge to judge the merits of the solutions proposed by private and public players.A must-read for anyone looking to understand the rapidly evolving world of digital currencies, this book encourages critical thinking about the opportunities and challenges presented by CBDCs and other digital assets and prompts readers to consider the vital aspects of privacy, security, and governance in an increasingly complex digital financial landscape.
Decoding Digital Consumer Behavior: Bridging Theory and Practice
by Alfonso PellegrinoThis book is a call to adopt more ethical, sustainable, and consumer-focused approaches in the digital era. The focus on consumer perceptions and expectations in a digital context is particularly relevant, as it delves into the psychological and behavioral aspects of digital interactions. The chapters on digital consumption and risk, and memory in the digital world, are pivotal in understanding how digital mediums impact consumer choices and brand recall. Online persuasion, a key topic, explores ethical and effective strategies for influencing consumer behavior, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and trust. The discussion on social comparison and its implications in digital consumption underscores the psychological impact of digital platforms. The chapters on humanistic and sustainable marketing, and digital customer experience, reflect the growing importance of ethical, sustainable practices, and customer-centric approaches in building brand loyalty. The book is an essential guide for marketing professionals and students, offering a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between digital marketing strategies and consumer behavior.
Decoding Greatness: The Hidden Strategy for Achieving Extraordinary Success
by Ron FriedmanThe game-changing approach to success that will transform the way you master new skills and generate creative ideas. Learn how to work like top performers and use reverse engineering to unlock your full potential. &‘An eye-opening, fast-paced read that will transform the way you approach your next project.&’ Shawn Achor For generations, we've been taught there are two ways to succeed - either from talent or through practice. In Decoding Greatness, award-winning social psychologist Ron Friedman illuminates a powerful third path - one that has quietly launched icons in a wide range of fields, from artists, writers, and chefs, to athletes, inventors and entrepreneurs: reverse engineering. To reverse engineer is to decode what works for others and learn how to apply those same methods and strategies to develop your own unique ideas and projects. Exploring what lies behind the success of top performers – from Agatha Christie to Andy Warhol, Barack Obama to Serena Williams, and many more – you will learn from the best. Combined with ground-breaking research on pattern recognition, skill acquisition, motivation, performance and creativity, this book is a practical guide to achieving success within any field. Decoding Greatness provides a new way of thinking and working, and through unforgettable stories and strategies, you will learn how to improve your skills and spark break-through ideas. And once you have learned this formula, you can apply it to anything.
Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success
by Ron FriedmanNational Bestseller For readers of Outliers, Atomic Habits, and Deep Work, comes a game-changing approach to unlocking your greatness, using a secret strategy that&’s vaulted business titans and creative geniuses to the top of their profession.We&’ve long been taught there are two ways to succeed—either talent or practice. In Decoding Greatness, award-winning social psychologist Ron Friedman illuminates a powerful third path—one that has launched icons in a wide range of fields, from artists, writers, and chefs, to athletes, inventors, and entrepreneurs: reverse engineering. To reverse engineer is to look beyond what is evident on the surface and find a hidden structure. It&’s the ability to taste an intoxicating dish and deduce its recipe, to listen to a beautiful song and discern its chord progression, to watch your favorite film and grasp its narrative arc. &“Clear, concise, and backed by science&” (Daniel Pink, author of When), Decoding Greatness marries &“alluring stories and illuminating studies&” (Adam Grant, author of Think Again) of top performers—from Agatha Christie to Andy Warhol, Barack Obama, to Serena Williams—with groundbreaking research on pattern recognition and skill acquisition. You&’ll learn how to take apart acheivements you admire, pinpoint precisely what makes them work, and apply that knowledge to develop novel ideas and products that are uniquely your own. Bursting with unforgettable stories and actionable strategies, Decoding Greatness is an indispensable guide to learning from the best, upgrading your skills, and sparking breakthrough ideas.
Decoding Modern Consumer Societies
by Hartmut Berghoff Uwe SpiekermannDrawing on a wide range of studies of Europe, the United States, Asia, and Africa, the contributions gathered here consider how political history, business history, the history of science, cultural history, gender history, intellectual history, anthropology, and even environmental history can help us decode modern consumer societies.
Decoding Organization
by Christopher GreyHow was Bletchley Park made as an organization? How was signals intelligence constructed as a field? What was Bletchley Park's culture and how was its work co-ordinated? Bletchley Park was not just the home of geniuses such as Alan Turing, it was also the workplace of thousands of other people, mostly women, and their organization was a key component in the cracking of Enigma. Challenging many popular perceptions, this book examines the hitherto unexamined complexities of how 10,000 people were brought together in complete secrecy during World War II to work on ciphers. Unlike most organizational studies, this book decodes, rather than encodes, the processes of organization and examines the structures, cultures and the work itself of Bletchley Park using archive and oral history sources. Organization theorists, intelligence historians and general readers alike will find in this book a challenge to their preconceptions of both Bletchley Park and organizational analysis.
Decoding Steve Jobs
by Harvard Business ReviewObservations on Steve Job's legacy - and Apple's leadership future - are only just beginning. In recent years, many leading thinkers have contributed their thoughts on the Jobs phenomenon on HBR.org. We've compiled a few of the most insightful here, and we invite you to read them through the lens of business lessons to be learned. We've selected six pieces: two from after Jobs's August 2011 retirement and four from before. We hope you will enjoy them, learn from them, and continue to turn to HBR.org for ideas and inspiration.
Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System (HBR Bestseller)
by Steven J. Spear H. Kent BowenThe Toyota Production System is a paradox. On the one hand, every activity, connection, and production flow in a Toyota factory is rigidly scripted. Yet at the same time, Toyota's operations are enormously flexible and responsive to customer demand. How can that be? After an extensive four-year study of the system in more than 40 plants, the authors came to understand that at Toyota it's the very rigidity of the operations that makes the flexibility possible. That's because the company's operations can be seen as a continuous series of controlled experiments. Whenever Toyota defines a specification, it is establishing a hypothesis that is then tested through action. This approach--the scientific method--is not imposed on workers, it's ingrained in them. And it stimulates them to engage in the kind of experimentation that is widely recognized as the cornerstone of a learning organization. The Toyota Production System grew out of the workings of the company over 50 years, and it has never actually been written down. Making the implicit explicit, the authors lay out four principles that show how Toyota sets up all its operations as experiments and teaches the scientific method to its workers. The first rule governs the way workers do their work. The second, the way they interact with one another. The third governs how production lines are constructed. And the last, how people learn to improve. Every activity, connection, and production path designed according to these rules must have built-in tests that signal problems immediately. And it is the continual response to those problems that makes this seemingly rigid system so flexible and adaptive to changing circumstances.
Decoding the Irrational Consumer
by Darren BridgerDecoding the Irrational Consumer was written to help marketing practitioners demystify neuromarketing, a relatively new field of marketing research used to understand consumer response to marketing stimuli. This book presents in plain terms the key theoretical tools required to implement neuromarketing studies and achieve desired research outcomes. Marketers and researchers will learn how to effectively and confidently brief data processors, and confer with neuroscientists and technicians. They will gain keen understanding of recent developments in behavioural science and data-processing technology, as well as sophisticated neuromarketing tools used to understand subconscious responses including behavioural economics, eye-tracking, implicit response measures, and facial coding. The author discusses when to apply these techniques and others, how to combine them effectively and how to correctly interpret resulting data to generate valuable insights that aid in decision making. About the series: The Marketing Science series makes difficult topics accessible to marketing students and practitioners by grounding them in business reality. Each book is written by an expert in the field and includes case studies and illustrations enabling marketers to gain confidence in applying the tools and techniques and in commissioning external research.