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Democratizing Innovation

by Eric Von Hippel

Innovation is rapidly becoming democratized. Users, aided by improvements in computer and communications technology, increasingly can develop their own new products and services. These innovating users -- both individuals and firms -- often freely share their innovations with others, creating user-innovation communities and a rich intellectual commons. In Democratizing Innovation, Eric von Hippel looks closely at this emerging system of user-centered innovation. He explains why and when users find it profitable to develop new products and services for themselves, and why it often pays users to reveal their innovations freely for the use of all.The trend toward democratized innovation can be seen in software and information products -- most notably in the free and open-source software movement -- but also in physical products. Von Hippel's many examples of user innovation in action range from surgical equipment to surfboards to software security features. He shows that product and service development is concentrated among "lead users," who are ahead on marketplace trends and whose innovations are often commercially attractive.Von Hippel argues that manufacturers should redesign their innovation processes and that they should systematically seek out innovations developed by users. He points to businesses -- the custom semiconductor industry is one example -- that have learned to assist user-innovators by providing them with toolkits for developing new products. User innovation has a positive impact on social welfare, and von Hippel proposes that government policies, including R&D subsidies and tax credits, should be realigned to eliminate biases against it. The goal of a democratized user-centered innovation system, says von Hippel, is well worth striving for. An electronic version of this book is available under a Creative Commons license.

Democratizing Money?: Debating Legitimacy In Monetary Reform Proposals

by Beat Weber

A lack of confidence in monetary institutions after the recent financial crash has led to a resurgence of public debate on the topic of monetary reform, reaching a level of political prominence unprecedented since the period after the Great Depression. <P><P>Whether privatizing money with Bitcoin, regionalizing it with regional currencies, or turning it into a state monopoly with either sovereign money or 'Modern Monetary Theory, the only economic utopians able to draw public attention in our post-crash world seem to be monetary reformers. Weber provides the first proper economic analysis of these modern monetary reform proposals, exposing their flaws and fallacies through critical examination.<P> From academics studying the political economy of finance to economic sociologists studying financial institutions, this book will appeal to scholars and students interested in monetary reform proposals and the viability of alternative currency systems, and more broadly, readers seeking a contemporary understanding of what money is and how it works today. <P> Provides an introductory explanation of how the monetary system works - how money is created, circulated and administered - whilst also highlighting concerns about potential issues in the system.<P> Gives the reader a better understanding of the post-crash financial landscape, and an academic grasp of the new concepts driving the headlines.<P> Offers a presentation, comparison, and critique of each of the major contemporary monetary reform proposals, rather than a weighted focus on one particular concept.<P>

Democratizing Public Management: Towards Practice-Based Theory

by Marta Struminska-Kutra

This book argues that contemporary society in general, and public administration specifically, can benefit from more reflexive learning processes through democracy and public involvement. It identifies the most central social practices, dilemmas, and challenges for public management as well as the mechanisms needed to enact institutional change. Offering a model of reflexivity and learning in the face of public dispute, it explores phenomena such as problem solving, democratization, public learning, and uncertainty to address certain tensions in governance theory and practice.Through a range of well-sourced case studies, this book demonstrates how institutions can manage difficult situations by not only resolving the conflict but addressing the underlying problem. It uses both theoretical and practical approaches to observe the micro foundations of political behavior and its institutional underpinnings, and will be a valuable resource for public administration researchers, practitioners, and graduate students seeking empirical studies of learning processes in the public sphere.

Democratizing Technology: Risk, Responsibility and the Regulation of Chemicals (The Earthscan Science in Society Series)

by Anne Chapman

Democratizing Technology provides a much-needed fresh perspective on the regulation of chemicals, and an important contribution to green thinking about technology.Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP. This book is an excellent critique of the current risk-based approach to technology. By exploring the philosophical underpinnings and the practical applications of current policy on science and technology, Chapman exposes the serious flaws in allowing economic considerations to dominate the agenda in this area. Her proposals for reform are expertly constructed and deserve urgent and serious consideration by policy-makers.Dr Stuart Parkinson, Executive Director, Scientists for Global Responsibility. In this important book Anne Chapman argues that decisions about technology should answer a republican question: what kind of public world should we create through technology? Democratizing Technology deserves to be read widely. John ONeill, Professor of Political Economy, University of Manchester, UK A welcome addition to the new, more empirical and applied literature in philosophy of technology. This book will be essential reading for a variety of scholars and for the general reader intent on understanding, and criticizing, our chemically made world.Andrew Light, Interim Director, Program on the Environment, University of Washington, US What is technology? How do humans use it to build and modify the world? What are the relationships between technology, science, economics and democratic governance? What, if any, are our ethical and political responsibilities and choices in how we develop, deploy and control technology in democratic states? Democratizing Technology sets out to answer these questions. Focusing on the most widespread and pervasive technology - chemicals - this groundbreaking volume peels apart the critical technology debate to look at the relationship between humans, technology and the biological world. Attention is given to the immensely important new regulations, REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals), the EUs largest ever legal framework, discussing the problems that are likely to occur in REACHs reliance on risk assessment methods and suggesting an alternative way forward for the regulation of chemicals. Providing much-needed clarity and insight into the heart of key debates in science and technology, risk analysis and mitigation, and domestic and international law, this volume arrives as a breath of fresh air.

Democratizing Technology: Leading Sustainable and Scalable Change

by John Elkington Pamela Hartigan

In this chapter, the authors study four clusters of entrepreneurs whose technological ventures will improve the future for a growing proportion of the burgeoning human population.

Democratizing the Corporation: The Bicameral Firm and Beyond

by Isabelle Ferreras Tom Malleson Joel Rogers

Worker representation is the first step toward democratizing the economyAlthough contemporary Western societies refer to themselves as &“democratic,&” the bulk of the population spend much of their lives in workplaces that have more in common with tyranny. Gigantic corporations such as Amazon, Meta, Exxon, and Walmart are among the richest and most powerful institutions in the world yet accountable to no one but their shareholders. The undemocratic nature of conventional firms generates profound problems across society, hurting more than just the workplace and contributing to environmental destruction and spiraling inequality.Against this backdrop, Isabelle Ferreras proposes a radical but realistic plan to democratize the private firm. She suggests that all large firms should be bicamerally governed, with a chamber of worker representatives sharing equal governance power with the standard board representing owners. In response to this proposal, twelve leading experts on corporate behavior from multiple disciplines consider its attractiveness, viability, and achievability as a &“real utopian&” proposal to strengthen democracy in our time.

Democratizing the Economics Debate: Pluralism and Research Evaluation (Young Feltrinelli Prize in the Moral Sciences)

by Carlo D'Ippoliti

More than a decade since the global financial crisis, economics does not exhibit signs of significant change. Mainstream economists act on an idealized image of science, which includes the convergence of all perspectives into a single supposed scientific truth. Democratizing the Economics Debate shows that this idealized image both provides an inadequate description of what science should be and misrepresents the recent past and current state of economics. Economics has always been characterized by a plurality of competing perspectives and research paradigms, however, there is evidence of a worrying global involution in the last 40 years. Even as the production of economics publications has exploded, the economics debate is becoming less plural and increasingly hierarchical. Among several causes, the tendency to conformism has been exacerbated in recent years with the use of formal schemes of research quality evaluation. This book documents how such schemes now cover more than half of all economists worldwide and reviews the impact of biased methods of research evaluation on the stunting of levels of pluralism in economics. The book will be of interest to anyone who worries for the state of the democratic debate. As experts who intervene in the public debate, economists must assure society that they are working in the best possible way, which includes fostering a wide and fair scientific debate. It is this test of social legitimacy that economics currently fails.

Demografie, Wohnen, Immobilien (Demografie und Wirtschaft)

by Hendrik Budliger

Die alternde Gesellschaft und die sich verschiebende Altersstruktur haben mannigfaltige Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung von Wohnformen und die Nachfrage nach Wohnraum. Die sich daraus ergebenden demografischen Risiken sind auch für Immobilieninvestoren relevant. In 10 Buchbeiträgen wird der Einfluss der Demografie auf das Wohnen und den Immobilienmarkt in verschiedenen Regionen der Welt aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven beleuchtet und diskutiert. Durch eine steigende Lebenserwartung, eine stagnierende Zuwanderung und eine geringere Fertilität hat sich die Altersstruktur weltweit verändert und wird sich weiter verändern. Während sich der ganze Markt nur langsam bewegt, gibt es regional sehr ungleiche Entwicklungen. Es sind weiter größere Veränderungen zwischen den Gemeinden aufgrund der Altersstruktur und der Wanderungssalden zu erwarten, was sich auch anhand der Miet- und Immobilienpreise zeigen wird. Beispiele aus München und Ostdeutschland veranschaulichen diese Entwicklung und ein Exkurs nach Japan zeichnet unsere mögliche Zukunft vor.

Demografischer Wandel und Wirtschaft (Demografie und Wirtschaft)

by Hendrik Budliger

Demografie und demografischer Wandel betreffen uns alle. Dennoch ist das Thema viel zu wenig in unseren Köpfen und in der Öffentlichkeit präsent. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels auf die Wirtschaft, wobei dies differenziert aus mehreren Perspektiven betrachtet wird. In verständlicher Sprache bieten die Autorinnen und Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis fokussierte Einblicke in ihre Arbeit, um Erkenntnisse und Zusammenhänge zwischen der Demografie und der Wirtschaft zu diskutieren und um ihre jeweiligen Blickwinkel und Kompetenzen zu vermitteln. Es werden sowohl Problemfelder aufgezeigt, die erst im Entstehen sind, als auch Lösungsansätze für bereits bestehende Zusammenhänge vorgeschlagen. Neben verschiedenen Ursachen demografischen Wandels werden Auswirkungen der demografischen Entwicklung auf Nachfrage, Arbeitsmarkt, Rentenversicherung, Staatsfinanzen und den Klimawandel analysiert sowie die Covid-19-Pandemie und deren Auswirkung auf demografische Faktoren diskutiert. Dies ist der erste Band der Reihe Demografie und Wirtschaft.

Demographic Change and Economic Growth: Simulations on Growth Models

by Lars Weber

In this book the author investigates the impact of demographic change on economic growth. As a result of the current financial crisis, a new view on economics has been demanded by various scientists. The author provides such a new view on economic growth, using a methodology of system dynamics. By applying this method, the author focuses on characteristics of complex systems and analyzes aging and shrinking processes, and not only positive growth. Delays and feedback processes are also considered. This leads to deeper and revealing insights into economic behavior. In doing so, a new semi-endogenous growth model is developed by introducing a specific and detailed population sector (demographic growth model). The book shows and analyzes the behavior of such a model and tests several policy scenarios in a transfer chapter to apply the new theoretical approach on real world problems. The major results are summarized in 15 principles of demographic growth.

Demographic Changes for the Future of Work in Japan

by Joseph B. Fuller Koji Everard Naoko Jinjo

Industry and Background Note

The Demographic Cliff: How to Survive and Prosper During the Great Deflation of 2014-2019

by Harry S. Dent

Bestselling author and financial guru Harry Dent shows why we're facing a "great deflation" after five years of desperate stimulus -- and what to do about it nowThroughout his long career as an economic forecaster, Harry Dent has relied on a not-so-secret weapon: demographics. Studying the predictable things people do as they age is the ultimate tool for understanding trends. For instance, Dent can tell a client exactly when people will spend the most on potato chips. And he can explain why our economy has risen and fallen with the peak spending of generations, and why we now face a growing demographic cliff with the accelerating retirement of the Baby Boomers around the world.Dent predicted the impact of the Boomers hitting their highest growth in spending in the 1990s, when most economists saw the United States declining. And he anticipated the decline of Japan in the 1990s, when economists were proclaiming it would overtake the U.S. economy.But now, Dent argues, the fundamental demographics have turned against the United States and will hit more countries ahead. Inflation rises when a larger than usual block of younger people enter the workforce, and it wanes when large numbers of older people retire, downsize their homes, and cut their spending. The mass retirement of the Boomers won't just hold back inflation; it and massive debt deleveraging will actually cause deflation--weakening the economy the most from 2014 into 2019.Dent explores the implications of his controversial predictions. He offers advice on retirement planning, health care, real estate, education, investing, and business strategies. For instance . . .BUSINESSES should get lean and mean now. Identify segments that you can clearly dominate and sell off or shut down others. If you don't, the economy will do it for you, more painfully and less profitably.INVESTORS should sell stocks by mid-January 2014 and look to buy them back in 2015 or later at a Dow as low as 5,800.FAMILIES should wait to buy real estate in areas where home prices have gone back to where the bubble started in early 2000.GOVERNMENTS need to stop the endless stimulus that creates more bubbles and kills the middle class, and should assist in restructuring the unprecedented debt bubble of 1983-2008.Dent shows that if you take the time to understand demographic data, using it to your advantage isn't all that difficult. By following his suggestions, readers will be able to find the upside to the downturn and learn how to survive and prosper during the most challenging years ahead.

Demographic Gaps in American Political Behavior

by Patrick Fisher

Demographic Gaps in American Political Behavior examines the political behavior of various groups in the United States in an effort to demonstrate how demographic backgrounds and socialization affect political behavior. Media coverage has disproportionately focused on the red state versus blue state divide, leaving the impression that American political behavior is determined solely by place of residence. This, however, ignores the numerous other political divides that exist in the United States today. In order to better conceptualize the landscape of American political behavior, Patrick Fisher analyzes the political gaps in six different demographics--income, religion, gender, race, age, and geography--and examines the effect these political gaps have on public opinion, policy, and party positioning. Written in an accessible fashion, Demographic Gaps in American Political Behavior uses contemporary examples and data from the 2008 and 2012 elections to help readers understand how and why demographic background has the potential to greatly influence political opinions and behavior.

Demographic Perspective of China’s Economic Development (China Perspectives)

by Fang Cai

China is historically famous for its high demographic dividend and its huge working population, and this has driven tremendous economic growth over the past few decades. However, that population has begun to shrink and the Lewis turning point whereby surplus rural population has been absorbed into manufacturing is also approaching, leading to great change in the Chinese labor market. Will this negatively affect China’s economic growth? Can the "Middle-Income Trap" be avoided? What reforms should be made on the labor supply side? This book tackles these key questions. This book is a collection of 14 papers presenting the author’s observations, analysis, and opinions of China’s long-term economic development from the demographic perspective, while analysing real economic problems from the past and including policy recommendations. It provides a critical reference for scholars and students interested in Chinese economic development and demographic perspectives on economic development.

Demographic Transition and Social Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean

by Daniel Cotlear

Latin America and the Caribbean will soon face the challenges of an aging population. This process, which took over a century in the rich world, will occur in two or three decades in the developing world; seven of the 25 countries that will age more rapidly are in LAC. Population aging will pose challenges and offer opportunities. This book explores three sets of issues. First is a group of issues related to the support of the aging and poverty in the life cycle. This covers questions of work and retirement, income and wealth, and living arrangements and intergenerational transfers. It also explores the relation between the life cycle and poverty. Second is the question of the health transition. How does the demographic transition impact the health status of the population and the demand for health care? And how advanced is the health transition in LAC? Third is an understanding of the fiscal pressures that are likely to accompany population aging and to disentangle the role of demography from the role of policy in that process. This book provides an introduction to the concepts and techniques at the intersection of demography and economics. It summarizes the policy debate about potential reforms needed to make population aging an opportunity for development.

Demographics and Innovation in the Asia-Pacific

by Karen Eggleston, Joon-Shik Park, and Gi-Wook Shin

Demographic transition, along with the economic and geopolitical re-emergence of Asia, are two of the largest forces shaping the twenty-first century, but little is known about the implications for innovation. The countries of East Asia have some of the oldest age structures on the planet: between now and 2050, the population that is age 65 and older will increase to more than one in four Chinese, and to more than one in three Japanese and Koreans. Other economies with younger populations, like India, face the challenge of fully harnessing the "demographic dividend" from large cohorts in the working ages. This book delves into how such demographic changes shape the supply of innovation and the demand for specific kinds of innovation in the Asia-Pacific. Social scientists from Asia and the United States offer multidisciplinary perspectives from economics, demography, political science, sociology, and public policy; topics range from the macroeconomic effects of population age structure, to the microeconomics of technology and the labor force, to the broader implications for human well-being. Contributors analyze how demography shapes productivity and the labor supply of older workers, as well as explore the aging population as consumers of technologies and drivers of innovations to meet their own needs, as well as the political economy of spatial development, agglomeration economies, urban-rural contrasts, and differential geographies of aging.

Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education

by Nathan D. Grawe

The decisions we make in the next five years are critical in determining whether colleges thrive or flounder.2017 National Student Clearinghouse Research Center Award for Outstanding AACRAO SEM Research PresentationHigher education faces a looming demographic storm. Decades-long patterns in fertility, migration, and immigration persistently nudge the country toward the Hispanic Southwest. As a result, the Northeast and Midwest—traditional higher education strongholds—expect to lose 5 percent of their college-aged populations between now and the mid-2020s. Furthermore, and in response to the Great Recession, child-bearing has plummeted. In 2026, when the front edge of this birth dearth reaches college campuses, the number of college-aged students will drop almost 15 percent in just 5 years.In Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, Nathan D. Grawe has developed the Higher Education Demand Index (HEDI), which relies on data from the 2002 Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) to estimate the probability of college-going using basic demographic variables. Analyzing demand forecasts by institution type and rank while disaggregating by demographic groups, Grawe provides separate forecasts for two-year colleges, elite institutions, and everything in between. The future demand for college attendance, he argues, depends critically on institution type. While many schools face painful contractions, for example, demand for elite schools is expected to grow by more than 15 percent in future years.Essential for administrators and trustees who are responsible for recruitment, admissions, student support, tenure practices, facilities construction, and strategic planning, this book is a practical guide for navigating coming enrollment challenges.

The Demographics of Innovation: Why Demographics is a Key to the Innovation Race

by James Liang

As the population ages, which nation will rise to lead innovation in the future? Demographics of Innovation takes a deep, investigative look at the link between economic growth, innovation, vitality and entrepreneurship in an aging population, and provides smart strategy for the future. Written by a Stanford-trained economist and demographics expert, who is also a prominent internet entrepreneur, this book examines demographic trends across nations and digs into the divergence to find awakening innovation. An aging population hampers growth; while many are focused on the care-related financial burden, few have fully explored the ways in which a seismic demographic shift could transform the face of global business. This book charts the trends, connects the dots and reveals which nations will be best placed to build an innovation economy and grow in the future. Global business is set to undergo a revolution as aging populations mired in old thinking become left behind by younger, brighter, more forward-looking generations. Innovation loss is the first step in stagnation, so the question becomes: who will win and who will lose in this new world order? This book presents clear analysis of the coming demographic bomb, and proposes insightful strategy for the short and long term. Delve into the aging of society and the economic issues it creates Learn how shifting demographics affects innovation and prosperity Examine trends in growth, policy and more alongside the rise in average age Make smarter planning decisions in light of the changing population The problems of overpopulation pale in comparison to the problem of aging on a massive global scale. Demographics dictate growth rates, economic equilibrium, interest rates and so much more. Demographics of Innovation provides thought-provoking analysis and strategy for policy makers, business leaders, investors, entrepreneurs and everyone concerned about planning for an uncertain future.

Demographics Unravelled: How Demographics Affect and Influence Every Aspect of Economics, Finance and Policy

by Amlan Roy

Discover what demographics can tell us about the economy, markets, and the future In Demographics Unravelled, renowned Macro-Demographics expert Amlan Roy delivers an insightful and timely exploration of the impact that “people characteristics” have on national economies. Considering factors like gender, race, migrant status, family background, and education, the author delves deeply into a subject that drives market behavior and economic variables, including growth, debt, inflation, employment, and productivity. These have national and international policy implications. In this one-of-a-kind book, you’ll discover: Why the study of demographics is the hidden key to understanding economic growth, asset prices, and capital flows How to use detailed demographics to forecast future scenarios in economics, socioeconomics, geopolitics, and the environment The short-, medium-, and long-term effects of consumer and worker behavior How understanding demographics is key to understanding health, pensions, migration, sustainability and social policies. It is intimately linked to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN—Gender, Climate, Poverty and Inequality Perfect for institutional investors, insurance professionals, economists, and business leaders, Demographics Unravelled will also earn a place in the libraries of academics and students studying a variety of economic disciplines and seeking a one-stop and in-depth discussion of demographics-driven macroeconomic effects.

Demographischer Wandel in Unternehmen

by Antje Schönwald Olaf Kühne Corinna Jenal Anna Currin

Der demographische Wandel verändert nahezu alle Lebensbereiche nachdrücklich. Besonders wirksam wird er in der Arbeitswelt. In der qualitativen wie quantitativen Studie werden Einflüsse auf die Arbeitsfähigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer in saarländischen Industrieunternehmen aus der Perspektive der Arbeitnehmer selbst untersucht und dabei insbesondere die sogenannten weichen Faktoren wie Arbeitsklima, Zufriedenheit, Wohlbefinden, Partizipation oder Ansprüche an Führungskräfte, berücksichtigt. Damit richtet sich das Buch insbesondere an Personalverantwortliche, Betriebsräte, aber auch an WissenschaftlerInnnen, die sich mit dem demographischen Wandel, insbesondere in der Arbeitswelt, befassen.

Demography and Infrastructure

by Wilhelm Kuckshinrichs Tobias Kronenberg

Population ageing has been going on for many decades, but population shrinking is a rather new phenomenon. The population of Germany, as in many other countries, has passed a plateau and is currently shrinking. Demographic change is a challenge for infrastructure planning due to the longevity of infrastructure capital and the need to match supply and demand in order to ensure cost-efficiency. This book summarises the findings of the INFRADEM project team, a multidisciplinary research group that worked together to estimate the effects of demographic change on infrastructure demand. Economists, engineers and geographers present studies from top-down and bottom-up perspectives, focusing on Germany and two selected regions: Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The contributors employed a broad range of methods, including an overlapping-generations model for Germany, regional input-output models, an energy systems model, and a spatial model of the transportation infrastructure.

Demography and the Anthropocene (SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace #35)

by Larry D. Barnett

Environmentalists devote little attention at the moment to the size and growth of the human population. To counter this neglect, the monograph (i) includes original graphs showing population size and growth since 1920 in the world as a whole and the United States; (ii) assembles evidence tying the increasing number of people to ecosystem deterioration and its societal consequences; and (iii) analyzes sample-survey data to ascertain whether the current disregard of population pressures by U.S. environmentalists reflects the thinking of Americans generally. However, even if a nation took steps primarily intended to lower childbearing and immigration, the findings of social science research indicate that the steps would not have a substantial, lasting impact. The discussion, which suggests an indirect way by which government may reduce fertility, underlines for environmental scholars the importance of studying their subject in a multidisciplinary, collaborative setting.

The Demography of South Africa (A\general Demography Of Africa Ser.)

by Tukufu Zuberi Amson Sibanda Eric O. Udjo

This groundbreaking study of South Africa provides a unique look at the interplay of demographic, social and economic processes in a society undergoing rapid change as a result of the collapse of apartheid. It uses data from the first post-apartheid census as the basis for analysis of fertility, mortality within the context of HIV/AIDS, migration, education, employment, and household structure. These census data are complemented by large-scale household surveys and data from a partial registration system to study the relationships among various demographic, economic, and social phenomena. For the first time the demographic consequences of both the longer-term impact of apartheid policies and the policies of the new South Africa are examined and compared. This comprehensive reference links the demographic behavior of South Africa's various population groups to social, economic, and political inequalities created by policies of separate and unequal development. Prepared under the auspices of the Population Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania, it is an essential resource for all scholars and practitioners in the field.

Demokratie im postkommunistischen EU-Raum: Erfolge, Defizite, Risiken (Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft)

by Günter Verheugen Karel Vodička Martin Brusis

Das Buch analysiert die Lage der Demokratie in elf postkommunistischen EU-Mitgliedstaaten und in Ostdeutschland. Dreißig Jahre nach den friedlichen Revolutionen in Mittel- und Osteuropa gibt es Erfolge und Chancen, aber auch Fehlentwicklungen und Defizite, die im Kontext von europäischer Integration und Transformationsgeschichte untersucht und eingeordnet werden. Das Buch bietet allgemein interessierten Leser*innen einen strukturierten Überblick sowie vertiefte Kenntnisse zu den einzelnen Staaten und dem Sonderfall Ostdeutschland. Dieses Buch eröffnet interessante Vergleichsperspektiven und eine systematische Wissensbasis zur Demokratiequalität im postkommunistischen Raum. Gleichzeitig werden Motive, Abläufe und politische Ergebnisse der EU-Osterweiterung im Zusammenhang dargestellt und die noch zu lösenden Aufgaben beschrieben.

Demokratie und Globalisierung: Rechtliche und politische Analysen zu Beginn der vierten industriellen Revolution

by Charlotte Sieber-Gasser Alberto Ghibellini

Dieses Buch bietet eine eingehende rechtliche und politische Analyse der Vereinbarkeit des westfälischen Staatsmodells mit der Globalisierung und der digitalen Revolution. Es untersucht das Konzept der Demokratie in einer globalisierten Welt, erörtert die Legitimität der wirtschaftlichen Integration in den globalen Markt und präsentiert drei Fallstudien (aus Brasilien, Taiwan und Spanien) über die Auswirkungen sozialer Medien auf Wahlen. Darüber hinaus werden neue Perspektiven zu den Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf nationale Grenzen und auf die Rolle von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern und Expertinnen und Experten bei der Gestaltung der Globalisierung aufgezeigt. Ein abschließendes Kapitel befasst sich mit der Frage, inwieweit die aus den Analysen der oben genannten Aspekte gewonnenen Erkenntnisse bei den Bemühungen um eine Überwindung der aktuellen globalen Gesundheits- und Wirtschaftskrise berücksichtigt werden müssen.

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