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Descubre tu destino con el monje que vendió su Ferrari: Una fábula espiritual
by Robin Sharma¡Aprende cómo conseguir la vida que siempre has soñado tener y transforma definitivamente todas las dimensiones de tu mundo! Éste es el último libro de la serie que protagoniza el famoso monje que vendió su Ferrari, una obra que puede conseguir que mires el mundo con otros ojos. Te enseñará a despertar tu yo más íntimo y te ayudará a lograr una vida más plena y más feliz, así como prosperidad y paz interior. Lo único que tienes que hacer es mirar dentro de ti. Escrito como una fábula, Descubre tu destino con el monje que vendió su Ferrari ofrece nuevos aspectos de la sabiduría de Julian Mantle, el superabogado que cambió su vida de lujo por la paz interior y la felicidad. Una ficción inolvidable y paradójicamente realista, que desvela el verdadero propósito de la vida y muestra cómo liberar todo el potencial del ser, el secreto de la felicidad y la importancia de desbordar los límites para así encontrar el camino de la libertad personal. Una combinación de profundidad y lecciones prácticas que abrirá las puertas de las infinitas posibilidades que la vida depara a todas las personas y que transformarán definitivamente todas las dimensiones de tu mundo. Que te enseñará cómo conseguir la vida que siempre has soñado tener.
Descubre tu marca - Hazlo tú mismo: Un manual de Branding para autores
by Emlyn Chand Alma Edith GarciaDescubre tu marca y cómo comunicarla a los lectores con consejos comprobados que puedes poner en marcha hoy mismo. ¿Te está costando trabajo condensar todo lo que representa tu escritura en un paquete limpio, ordenado y que esté explicado fácilmente? Quizá todavía estés tratando de averiguar qué significa cuando una marca aplica a una persona. O tal vez ya has diluido tanto tu marca que los lectores no tienen idea de qué esperar cuando ven uno de tus libros. ¡Descubre tu marca está aquí para ayudarte! En tan sólo unas horas puedes descubrir un camino completamente nuevo para tu escritura o darle más certeza a tu camino existente. Aprenderás cómo son y cómo piensan tus lectores ideales y cómo hacer que se emocionen. Con esta guía podrás: Participar en un ejercicio guiado de branding Hacer una lluvia de ideas y tomar prestadas ocho Ponerle cara a tu lector ideal Determinar si necesitas un seudónimo Aprender cuáles son las reglas de escritura y comercialización que pueden romperse de vez en cuando Encontrar tu género (¡al estilo de "elige tu propia aventura"!) Definir tu marca en tres palabras Crear una biografía y un lema de autor Establecer un plan para tus intereses y habilidades en evolución Descargar cinco regalos exclusivos para los lectores de este libro Nuestra garantía: ¿Estás cansado de examinar meticulosamente las guías de marketing que se centran más en la experiencia de vida del autor que en consejos que puedas aplicar a tu carrera? ¿O peor aún, de las guías de consejos que en realidad son para autores de no ficción y tienen muy poca información valiosa para novelistas? ¿Qué pasa cuando un libro entero parece ser una mera presentación de los servicios del autor o de otros libros de su serie? Nosotros también estamos hartos de eso. Cada guía de Novel Publicity para escribir y comercializar la ficción se centra en ti. Si eres es un aspirante a novel
Desenredar la Argentina: Diagnósticos y propuestas para quebrar la decadencia
by Luciano LaspinaUna salida a las profundas heridas generadas por el populismo a través de medidas para no repetir los errores que llevaron a la actual decadencia. Diagnóstico de los principales problemas que enfrentará el próximo gobierno y reformas económicas orientadas a resolverlos. «El próximo gobierno asumirá en medio de la crisis terminal de un nuevo experimento populista en la Argentina. Nuestro país tiene una larguísima tradición de populismo político y macroeconómico. La economía argentina está totalmente enredada. Enredada en una maraña de complejas regulaciones, altos impuestos, trabas para importar, impuestos para exportar, insólitas restricciones y costos para crear empleos, desincentivos e inseguridad jurídica para invertir, dificultades crónicas para ahorrar sin ser estafado por la inflación e imposibilidad de obtener créditos a plazos y tasas razonables. Por eso, la economía tropieza con crisis y recesiones desde hace muchas décadas. El próximo gobierno deberá desenredar rápidamente la Argentina impulsando reformas valientes». Con firme decisión política y sólida argumentación técnica, Luciano Laspina propone Desenredar la Argentina marcando la salida de las profundas heridas generadas por el populismo, y presentando medidas para no repetir los errores que llevaron a la actual decadencia. Cada capítulo de esta obra elabora el diagnóstico de los principales problemas que enfrentará el próximo gobierno y expone las reformas económicas orientadas a resolverlos. El mensaje del libro es esperanzador: si al capital humano y los recursos naturales de nuestra tierra sumamos la determinación política de dejar atrás las recetas del pasado y avanzar hacia el desarrollo, lograremos el país grande y respetado que ansiamos.
Desenvolvimento da Personalidade e as suas Teorias
by Hiriyappa B António CorreiaEste livro ajuda uma pessoa a ganhar autoconfiança, a melhorar a autoestima, automotivação, automonitorização, autoavaliação e autocontrolo, e encontra as várias fases do ciclo de vida da pessoa.
Desenvolvimento de Habilidades de Liderança
by Pietro Fernandes de Faria Hiriyappa BO texto coloca estudantes no desenvolvimento de habilidades de liderança e aplicando efetivamente a capacidade de lidar com funções de liderança no trabalho e na vida. Esse texto dá aos aprendizes um mapa claro através do desenvolvimento de habilidades de liderança e a ver onde eles estão atualmente para formar planos para desenvolver melhores habilidades de liderança. Esse livro apresenta desenvolvimento efetivo de habilidades de liderança e ajuda você a melhorar suas habilidades e aponta o que você precisa fazer para se tornar um líder.
Desert Duty: On the Line with the U.S. Border Patrol
by Bill Broyles Mark HaynesWhile politicians and pundits endlessly debate immigration policy, U. S. Border Patrol agents put their lives on the line to enforce immigration law. In a day's work, agents may catch a load of narcotics, apprehend groups of people entering the country illegally, and intercept a potential terrorist. Their days often include rescuing aliens from death by thirst or murder by border bandits, preventing neighborhood assaults and burglaries, and administering first aid to accident victims, and may involve delivering an untimely baby or helping stranded motorists. As Bill Broyles and Mark Haynes sum it up, "Border Patrol is a hero job," one that too often goes unrecognized by the public. Desert Duty puts a human face on the Border Patrol. It features interviews with nineteen active-duty and retired agents who have worked at the Wellton, Arizona, station that watches over what is arguably the most perilous crossing along the border-a sparsely populated region of the Sonoran Desert with little water and summer temperatures that routinely top 110°F. The agents candidly discuss the rewards and frustrations of holding the line against illegal immigrants, smugglers, and other criminals-while often having to help the very people they are trying to thwart when they get into trouble in the desert. As one agent explains, "The thrill is tracking 'em up before they die. It's a rough ol' way to go-run outta water in this desert. "
Desert Edens: Colonial Climate Engineering in the Age of Anxiety (Histories of Economic Life #9)
by Philipp LehmannHow technological advances and colonial fears inspired utopian geoengineering projects during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries From the 1870s to the mid-twentieth century, European explorers, climatologists, colonial officials, and planners were avidly interested in large-scale projects that might actively alter the climate. Uncovering this history, Desert Edens looks at how arid environments and an increasing anxiety about climate in the colonial world shaped this upsurge in ideas about climate engineering. From notions about the transformation of deserts into forests to Nazi plans to influence the climates of war-torn areas, Philipp Lehmann puts the early climate change debate in its environmental, intellectual, and political context, and considers the ways this legacy reverberates in the present climate crisis.Lehmann examines some of the most ambitious climate-engineering projects to emerge in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Confronted with the Sahara in the 1870s, the French developed concepts for a flooding project that would lead to the creation of a man-made Sahara Sea. In the 1920s, German architect Herman Sörgel proposed damming the Mediterranean in order to geoengineer an Afro-European continent called &“Atlantropa,&” which would fit the needs of European settlers. Nazi designs were formulated to counteract the desertification of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Despite ideological and technical differences, these projects all incorporated and developed climate change theories and vocabulary. They also combined expressions of an extreme environmental pessimism with a powerful technological optimism that continue to shape the contemporary moment.Focusing on the intellectual roots, intended effects, and impact of early measures to modify the climate, Desert Edens investigates how the technological imagination can be inspired by pressing fears about the environment and civilization.
Deserved: Economic Memories After the Fall of the Iron Curtain
by Till HilmarAfter the fall of the Iron Curtain, people across the former socialist world saw their lives transformed. In just a few years, labor markets were completely disrupted, and the meanings attached to work were drastically altered. How did people who found themselves living under state socialism one day and capitalist democracy the next adjust to the changing social order and its new system of values?Till Hilmar examines memories of the postsocialist transition in East Germany and the Czech Republic to offer new insights into the power of narratives about economic change. Despite the structural nature of economic shifts, people often interpret life outcomes in individual terms. Many are deeply attached to the belief that success and failure must be deserved. Emphasizing individual effort, responsibility, and character, they pass moral judgments based on a person’s fortunes in the job market. Hilmar argues that such frameworks represent ways of making sense of the profound economic and social dislocations after 1989. People craft narratives of deservingness about themselves and others to solve the problem of belonging in a new social order.Drawing on in-depth interviews with engineers and care workers as well as historical and comparative analysis of the breakdown of communism in Eastern Europe, Deserved sheds new light on the moral imagination of capitalism and the experience of economic change. This book also offers crucial perspective on present-day politics, showing how notions of deservingness and moral worth have propelled right-wing populism.
Design a Better Business: New Tools, Skills, and Mindset for Strategy and Innovation
by Lisa Kay Solomon Erik van der Pluijm Justin Lokitz Maarten Van Lieshout Patrick Van Der PijlThis book stitches together a complete design journey from beginning to end in a way that you've likely never seen before, guiding readers (you) step-by-step in a practical way from the initial spark of an idea all the way to scaling it into a better business. Design a Better Business includes a comprehensive set of tools (over 20 total!) and skills that will help you harness opportunity from uncertainty by building the right team(s) and balancing your point of view against new findings from the outside world.This book also features over 50 case studies and real life examples from large corporations such as ING Bank, Audi, Autodesk, and Toyota Financial Services, to small startups, incubators, and social impact organizations, providing a behind the scenes look at the best practices and pitfalls to avoid. Also included are personal insights from thought leaders such as Steve Blank on innovation, Alex Osterwalder on business models, Nancy Duarte on storytelling, and Rob Fitzpatrick on questioning, among others.
Design Against Crime: A Human-Centred Approach to Designing for Safety and Security (Design for Social Responsibility)
by Caroline L. Davey Andrew B. WoottonDesign Against Crime will aid the design profession to meet the challenges presented by the competing needs and complex systems around crime and security. It proposes that designers should use their creative talents to develop innovative solutions to security problems that contribute to the ongoing fight against crime. The authors first explain the design against crime approach to security and security. They go on to provide practical advice on addressing crime and insecurity within the design process and offer practical examples of design being applied to security and safety. They also examine crime victimisation from a global perspective, highlighting the benefits worldwide of reducing opportunities for crime, including issues of national security, such as terrorism and natural disasters. A design-led, human-centred approach provides a way forward that is both aspirational and practical. The book is aimed primarily at design professionals, educators and students interested in safety and security, from all design disciplines, including product design, architecture, service design and communication design. The book should also be read by crime prevention experts, planners, local authorities, managers of urban environments and policymakers.
Design an HR Architecture for the Differentiated Workforce
by Mark A. Huselid Brian E. Becker Richard W. BeattyIt is important that a firm's workforce strategy--and its workforce--is as differentiated as its business strategy. In this chapter, the authors discuss the importance of developing a culture of accountability and a workforce philosophy to help drive successful strategy execution. They show you how to design an integrated system of HR management policies and practices to help execute strategy, and describe the key roles, accountabilities, and infrastructure needed in the HR function to support this process of strategic transformation. This chapter was originally published as chapter 5 of "The Differentiated Workforce: Transforming Talent into Strategic Impact."
Design and Analysis of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Networks (Emerging Operations Research Methodologies and Applications)
by Subramanian PazhaniClosed loop supply chains and their management have become mandatory for firms to stay competitive and profitable. This book provides insights into designing supply chain networks by understanding and incorporating key return parameters into the network design, which will affect profitability. The book discusses how customer categories and their acceptance behavior are incorporated into the network design. It also shows how to analyze the interaction of parameters on supply chain network design and profitability, offers modeling framework for incorporating uncertainties in the return product parameters, and shows how to design a robust network. Invaluable for managers in designing a sustainable, robust, and profitable supply chain network and ideal for managers, practitioners, and researchers in the area of supply chain network design and optimization.
Design and Build Contracts
by Guy HigginbottomDESIGN AND BUILD CONTRACTS Design and build (D&B) construction procurement relies on a project’s main contractor shouldering the responsibility for creating the design and executing the construction for a project. While the extent of contractor-produced design can vary, this method of construction procurement affords the contractor a greater level of input and responsibility than traditionally procured contracts (where the employer has greater design responsibility). Over the last decade in the UK, it has become clear that D&B contracts are becoming the most popular method for procuring construction projects; often echoing the ways in which contracts for infrastructure and process plant can be procured. Whilst D&B can provide a greater degree of contractor input for producing feasibility and concept designs, then the detailed design to deliver a project, many clients amend standard forms of D&B contracts to alter the contractors’ design input. This can significantly change D&B, deviating from the procedures set out in the standard forms of D&B contract. This book firstly takes the reader through each stage of a project (based upon the RIBA Plan of Work 2020) to provide guidance on how D&B contracts were intended to operate, then secondly, identifying how D&B contracts and their procedures have changed. Readers will find: Outline commentary and guidance on commonly used standard forms of D&B contract, including: JCT Design and Build 2016; FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant Design-Build 2017; and NEC4 How each D&B contract is intended to operate during each stage of the RIBA Plan of Work 2020 How the operation of D&B contracts and their procedures are often amended. An ideal resource for contractors, employers, and consultants, as well as those studying construction at university, Design and Build Contracts offers helpful commentary and guidance for how each stage of a D&B engineering or construction project should progress.
Design and Construction (Building In Value Ser.)
by Rick Best Gerard De ValenceThe design and construction of buildings is a lengthy and expensive process, and those who commission buildings are continually looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the process. In this book, the second in the Building in Value series, a broad range of topics related to the processes of design and construction are explored by an international group of experts. The overall aim of the book is to look at ways that clients can improve the value for money outcomes of their decisions to construct buildings. The book is aimed at students studying in many areas related to the construction industry including architecture, construction management, civil engineering and quantity surveying, and should also be of interest to many in the industry including project managers, property developers, building contractors and cost engineers.
Design and Construction of an RFID-enabled Infrastructure: The Next Avatar of the Internet
by Nagabhushana PrabhuInternet 2.0 (previously called the Internet of Things) presents a tantalizing vision of bridging the cyber and physical worlds to forge a seamless planet-wide infrastructure in which cyber resources and physical objects can interact without human intervention. The technology needed to build the infrastructure already exists. However, more than a d
Design and Construction of Concrete Floors
by George GarberDesign and Construction of Concrete Floors outlines the key principles needed for the production of a good floor which can be relied on to not only support and restrain other parts of the building, but also to meet the needs of the user.The book covers:* Uses of concrete floors* Structural design* Concrete used specifically for floors* Cracks and joints* Floor surface propertiesThis book is ideal for structural engineers and others in the building and design industry that want to use a balanced approach and look beyond structural strength in the design of a good floor.The book draws on both European and American experience, citing both British and US standards – all of which have been amended and updated since the last edition.
Design and Development of Knowledge Management for Manufacturing
by K. Ganesh Sanjay Mohapatra S. NagarajanThis book examines the modules/elements required before implementing knowledge management solutions in typical manufacturing and service industry. The objective is to develop a framework, design and model suitable for all requirements and a strategy to properly implement. Related case studies from organizations are included, with the results provided to use as a solution to problems experienced when implementing knowledge management in the industry. Implementing a knowledge management system can be complex and dynamic, no matter how well planned and developed. Inevitably a degree of organizational inertia is focused on the current state rather than the new. Within an enterprise, personal and group involvement and interests process status and technology landscape can deflect the commitment needed to successfully implement such a system. Cumulative evidence from past research in knowledge management suggests that effective implementation of KM solution in any organization requires a robust designs and models for various critical elements of process, people and technology. Using the techniques provided in this book, readers should be able to design knowledge management strategies, to align objectives of the KM initiatives with their business goals.
The Design and Development Process: Perspectives, Approaches and Models
by David C. Wynn P. John ClarksonThis book explores a process perspective on design and development, grounded in research in design studies, engineering design and systems design.The design and development process is important---it creates all artificial products and systems and determines how well they address human needs. The process perspective set out in this book has value for design and development practice and education, and is in its own right a fascinating topic of investigation.This book expands on the foundations of a process perspective and discusses its realisation in many process models, theories and approaches that have been developed over the years. The chapters provide connected overviews of key concepts and introduce new conceptual frameworks to clarify relationships between the contributions discussed. Practical considerations and competencies required to realise the tangible benefits of a process perspective are also discussed. A unique aspect of this book is that it brings together many perspectives on the design and development process: those that focus on individual design activity through to those that focus on large-scale development projects; those of research interest and those of practical interest; and those of relevance to design contexts ranging from human-centered design to engineering design and systems design. The chapter bibliographies collect carefully-selected recommendations for further reading on each topic discussed. The book additionally contains many figures presented in colour, visually reflecting each topic's relationship to the new organising frameworks that are introduced.
Design and Diagnosis for Sustainable Organizations: The Viable System Method
by Perez Rios JoseHow can organizations and their managers face the tremendous complexity of the current environment? How can their compliance with the requirements of sustainability be evaluated? And how can new organizations be structured to ensure their viability? This book addresses these questions in a very practical way, essentially combining systems theory with cybernetics to help managers to evaluate and shape organizations by making accessible the wealth of knowledge contained in these fields. Importantly, it also provides guidelines for its practical application.
Design and Emotion
by Diane Gyi Paul Hekkert Deana McDonagh Jeroen Van ErpThere is considerable interest in and growing recognition of the emotional domain in product development. The relationship between the user and the product is paramount in industry, which has led to major research investments in this area. Traditional ergonomic approaches to design have concentrated on the user's physical and cognitive abil
Design and Engineering for Low Resource Settings: A Practical Guide (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Santosh JagtapThis book provides an integrated and practical methodology aimed at designing, developing, and implementing holistic solutions for the betterment of people living in low resource settings within developing nations. These people confront a multitude of challenges at individual, institutional, economic, and technological levels. Consequently, integrated solutions are necessary to satisfy their unmet or underserved needs effectively. Using a comprehensive approach, this book offers a systematic methodology for designing such integrated solutions, supplemented by case studies and actionable guidelines. Outstanding features of the book include: An integrated methodology and guidelines for designing, developing, and implementing holistic solutions to support development of resource-constrained societies. The guidelines cover phases in the design process such as understanding context and needs, concept exploration and detailing, and implementation. Case studies illustrate each guideline. Visual illustrations for easy understanding of the guidelines. Actionable methods and strategies for applying the integrated methodology and guidelines in projects. Practitioners, students, and researchers, interested in the sustainable development of low resource settings, will find this book motivating and practical.
Design and Ethics: Reflections on Practice
by Emma Felton Oksana Zelenko Suzi VaughanThe value of design for contributing to environmental solutions and a sustainable future is increasingly recognised. It spans many spheres of everyday life, and the ethical dimension of design practice that considers environmental, social and economic sustainability is compelling. Approaches to design recognise design as a practice that can transform human experience and understanding, expanding its role beyond stylistic enhancement. The traditional roles of design, designer and designed object are therefore redefined through new understanding of the relationship between the material and immaterial aspects of design where the design product and the design process are embodiments of ideas, values and beliefs. This multi-disciplinary approach considers how to create design which is at once aesthetically pleasing and also ethically considered, with contributions from fields as diverse as architecture, fashion, urban design and philosophy. The authors also address how to teach design based subjects while instilling a desire in the student to develop ethical work practices, both inside and outside the studio.
Design and Evaluation of an E-Learning Artefact for the Implementation of SAP S/4HANA® (Gabler Theses)
by Felix Garayo MaizteguiThe objective of this study is to create a new e-learning artefact for SAP S/4 Hana training purposes. Based on Design Science Research, a new prototype of an e-learning artefact has been developed. The prototype is grounded on didactic and information systems theories, as well as models. The aim of this new prototype is to transfer knowledge of business processes with the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) SAP S/4 HANA in an effective and efficient way. The study is validated through an experiment with a treatment and a control group. While the treatment group learns with the new e-learning artefact, the control group keeps with the existing conventional training. Results show that the treatment group have significantly less dropouts than the control group, and that the treatment group could also finalize the SAP S/4 Hana exercises in less time. This study shows also how companies can benefit significantly using the same approach through a set of guidelines.
Design and Launch an E-Commerce Business in a Week
by Jason R. RichHave you fantasized about your own retail store-selling your own specialty items, showcasing unique products or better promoting existing products? Or have you dreamed of working from home, setting your own hours and still making great money? Today's technology makes it easier than ever to take your retail dreams to the world's largest marketplace-the Internet. In just days, you can build your own eCommerce website, reach potential customers by the millions, process orders 24/7 and accept payments from all over the world-with no technical background or graphic design skills! Design a professional eCommerce site using inexpensive, turnkey solutions from established companies like Google, Yahoo! and Go Daddy that require no programming or graphic design knowledge Create content and online deals that capture shoppers and keep them coming back Use surefire online tools that work 24/7 to handle payments and accept orders Drive traffic using Search Engine Optimization and other marketing and advertising techniques Skillfully handle inventory, order fulfillment, customer service and all other operations The world's largest marketplace is at your fingertips...take advantage of it!