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Los 11 poderes del líder: El fútbol como escuela de vida

by Jorge Valdano

Las enseñanzas del fútbol para liderar y transformar equipos. «Todo juego de equipo convertido en espectáculo es un gran simulador de la vida que pone a prueba los límites individuales y el espíritu colectivo.»Jorge Valdano Jorge Valdano parte del convencimiento de que el fútbol, al igual que el resto de los deportes, nos ayuda a comprender al ser humano y, muy especialmente, aquellos estímulos que lo activan para alcanzar sus desafíos. Todo juego de equipo convertido en espectáculo es un gran simulador de la vida que pone a prueba los límites individuales y el espíritu colectivo. También nuestros miedos. De una experiencia que nos pone con tanta naturalidad y con tanta frecuencia al borde mismo de la exageración, se vuelve siempre con conocimientos que pueden ser aplicables a la cultura, la comunicación y, como demuestra este libro a través de múltiples ejemplos, también a la empresa.Los 11 poderes del líder parte de las experiencias del ámbito del deporte para ahondar en temas como el liderazgo, el trabajo en equipo, la motivación y todo lo que agita a un equipo de alta competición. A través de once grandes valores, ejemplificados por entrenadores, jugadores y momentos dramáticos del deporte que mueve el mundo, el autor resume los elementos clave del liderazgo en el siglo XXI. Los expertos opinan:«Jorge Valdano, en este libro, no habla propiamente sobre el fútbol, pero sí desde el fútbol. Analiza sus rasgos más genéricos, en cuanto "escuela de vida", con la genericidad capaz de envolver a otros muchos "mundos". Por ello los once poderes del líder que Valdano delimita pueden ser aplicados a las empresas, a las academias militares, incluso a la formación de clérigos. Es decir, puede servir de inspiración a todos aquellos que están comprometidos con el desarrollo de una obra cuya recurrencia no tiene límites en principio, puesto que desborda los del "ego diminuto".»Gustavo Bueno, filósofo «Este libro es un golazo de Valdano: indispensable para los aficionados, relevante para los empresarios y delicioso para cualquier lector.»Santiago Segurola, periodista «Como si de una alineación de fútbol se tratara, Jorge Valdano analiza once claves que definen a un líder. De lectura amena, plagado de anécdotas protagonizadas por algunos de los mejores futbolistas de todos los tiempos, este libro nos demuestra como la sencillez, la pasión por lo que uno hace, la credibilidad o la conciencia de equipo han sido esenciales para que estos deportistas alcancen el éxito. Estas mismas claves, aplicadas en el día a día, contribuyen tanto a fortalecer el liderazgo empresarial como a lograr una mayor autorrealización personal, siempre desde una perspectiva constructiva que busca crear, a largo plazo, una sociedad mejor.»Ángel Cano, consejero delegado del Grupo BBVA

11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era

by Nilofer Merchant

The era of social technologies provides seemingly endless opportunity, both for individuals and organizations. But it's also the subject of seemingly endless hype. Yes, social tools allow us to do things entirely differently-but how do you really capitalize on that?In 11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era, the newest in Harvard Business Review's line of digital books (HBR Singles), social strategist and insightful blogger Nilofer Merchant argues that "social" is much more than "media." Smart companies are letting social become the backbone of their business models, increasing their speed and flexibility by pursuing openness and fluidity. These organizations don't operate like the powerful "800-pound gorillas" of yesteryear-but instead act more like a herd of 800 gazelles, moving together across a savannah, outrunning the competition.This ebook offers new rules for creating value, leading, and innovating in our rapidly changing world. These social era rules are both provocative and grounded in reality-they cover thorny challenges like forsaking hierarchy and control for collaboration; getting the most out of all talent; allowing your customers to become co-creators in your organization; inspiring employees through purpose in a world where money alone no longer wields that power; and soliciting community investment in an idea so that it can take hold and grow.The strategies of the Industrial Era-or even the Information Age-will not be enough for the Social Era. Read 11 Rules for Creating Value in the Social Era to get ready to meet the challenges of this new age and thrive.HBR Singles provide brief yet potent business ideas, in digital form, for today's thinking professional.Editorial ReviewsNamed a "Best Business Book of 2012" by Fast Company"Ms. Merchant's new work provides a provocative vision of the future of both what organizations and what work might look like, yet grounded in real businesses today...this will inspire ideas and thought about what running a business really means." -"Every CEO, CMO, and decision maker needs to read this. Nilofer has taken a high-level concept and made it abundantly clear how to implement this big idea." - Tara Hunt, cofounder and CEO, Buyosphere; author, The Whuffie Factor: Using the Power of Social Networks to Build Your Business"A rare combination: strategic, well researched, and actionable. Nilofer Merchant helps executives see what's at stake in the connection economy." - Seth Godin, author, Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing Out of Sync?"Traditional strategy is dead. But do not fear-Nilofer Merchant shows how your organization can thrive with the new rules of the Social Era. Buy yourself a copy-and one for every member of your board." - Charlene Li, founder, Altimeter Group; author, Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way You Lead; and coauthor, Groundswell"Social media is not about hooking up online. It's becoming a new means of production and engagement. Nilofer lays out her enormously helpful '11 Rules' to embrace the Social Era." - Don Tapscott, coauthor, Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World"Pay attention to Nilofer Merchant. Or risk obsolescence." - Dave Gray, Senior Vice President, Dachis Group"Nilofer Merchant nails it in this important and timely book. It's an insightful road map. through the new world of business that embraces openness, stability, sustainable advantages, profitability, and the new value chain. It's all here for you to devour. I hope you're hungry." - Mitch Joel, President, Twist Image; author, Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone Is Connected. Connect Your Business to Everyone"Nilofer Merchant offers not just a name-the Social Era-to these confusing and turbulent times, but thoughtful and straightforward advice about how both institutions and people can thrive, not just be the last one standing. Required reading for today's leaders-and tomorrow's." - Barry Z. Posner, Accolti Professor of Leadership, Santa Clara University; coauthor, The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in ...

11 Secrets of Time Management for Salespeople: Gain the Competitive Edge and Make Every Second Count

by Dave Kahle

The typical salesperson today is overwhelmed, with too much to do and not enough time in which to do it. Salespeople need help, and Dave Kahle provides it.Dave Kahle contends that smart time management is not about cramming more activity into each hour, but about achieving greater results in that hour. The content has been honed in hundreds of seminars and refined by the feedback and experiences of thousands of salespeople.The first edition of this book was translated into seven languages and made available in 20 countries. Since then, the problem for salespeople has become even more acute, with smart phones and tablets creating a culture of instant communication. Salespeople need assistance in not being seduced by all the digital noise.11 Secrets of Time Management for Salespeople provides powerful, practical insights and ideas that really work, including hundreds of specific, practical, effective time-management tips from dozens of salespeople who are on the front lines every day.

11 Secrets of Time Management for Salespeople, 11th Anniversary Edition

by Dave Kahle

Today's typical salesperson is overwhelmed, with too much to do and not enough time to do it. Salespeople need help, and Dave Kahle provides it. Dave Kahle contends that smart time management is not about cramming more activity into each hour, but is instead about achieving greater results in that hour. The content has been honed in hundreds of seminars and refined by the feedback and experiences of thousands of salespeople. The first edition of this book was translated into seven languages and made available in twenty countries. Since then, the problem for salespeople has become even more acute, with smart phones and tablets creating a culture of instant communication. 11 Secrets of Time Management for Salespeople provides powerful, practical insights and ideas that really work, including hundreds of specific, practical, and effective time-management tips from dozens of salespeople who are on the front lines every day.

110 Keywords Wirtschaftsethik

by Oliver Bendel Nick Lin-Hi Andreas Suchanek

Von Aktivist über Nachhaltigkeit bis zu Zensur: Im Kontext der Wirtschaftsethik gibt es unzählige Fachtermini und Abkürzungen. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. In 110 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die Grundlagen erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Thema Wirtschaftsethik suchen, einzelne Begriffe nachschlagen oder ihr vorhandenes Wissen auffrischen möchten.

110 Years of Taxation from Pitt to Lloyd George: A Comparative Iconographical Analysis

by Henry Sless

This book offers a multi-disciplinary visual analysis of British taxation history during the long nineteenth century. Focusing specifically on cartoons from the period, the book utilises the author’s innovative PEARL methodology to analyse the impact of Publishers’ attitudes, Editorial techniques, Artistic methods, Readers’ responses, and Legal context on historical images published in this period.The book outlines a financial and visual context for the long nineteenth century, discussing the importance of political images during a period when the relationship between the state and the taxpayer was fundamentally shifting. The state of public finance in Britain as a whole, including the growth of institutional finance, the economic impact of wars, and attempts to reduce the national debt, are considered alongside an exploration of the recurring iconographical styles of the period. The book situates the visual history of taxation within a wider context of politicised images responding to fiscal events, and uses the PEARL analysis technique to pinpoint nuanced and evolving public attitudes towards tax structures in Britain, as well as comparative developments in the US such as the impact of the Civil War and income tax debates. The book will be of interest to financial historians and academic cultural historians, as well as all those interested in visual culture and political imagery.

12: The Elements of Great Managing

by James Harter Rodd Wagner

Based on the largest study of worker attitudes in the world and more than a decade of Gallup research, the authors explain the 12 Elements essential to motivating employees. The book also features the inspiring stories of 12 managers around the world who succeeded in these dimensions.More than a decade ago, Gallup combed through its database of more than 1 million employee and manager interviews to identify the 12 elements most important for sustaining high performance. These were identified in the 1999 bestseller First, Break All the Rules. The Gallup study now includes 9 million employee and manager interviews spanning 114 countries and conducted in 41 languages. The authors weave together the latest Gallup insights with recent discoveries in the fields of psychology, physiology, game theory, neuroscience, and management. Chapters in the book follow great managers as they harness employee engagement to turn around a failing call center, save a struggling restaurant, improve patient care in a hospital, maintain production through power outages, and face a host of other challenges in settings around the world. Written to be accessible to all managers and employees, 12 explains what every company needs to know about human nature on the job.

12: The Inside Story of Tom Brady's Fight for Redemption

by Casey Sherman Dave Wedge

The incredible story of Tom Brady and the Patriots' tumultuous 2016 season: from national disgrace to the greatest Super Bowl comeback of all time. In January 2015, rumors circulated that the New England Patriots--a team long suspected of abiding by the "if you ain't cheating you ain't trying" philosophy--had used under-inflated footballs in their playoff victory against the Indianapolis Colts. As evidence began to build, however, a full on NFL investigation was launched, exploding an unsubstantiated rumor into an intense scandal that would lead news coverage for weeks. As shockwaves rippled throughout the NFL system, the very legitimacy of one of the league's most popular teams and their star quarterback began to erode, even as the Patriots and Brady went on to win that year's Super Bowl. But as the celebrations gave way to the offseason, the investigation only intensified, reopening old wounds between the Patriots' powerful owner, Robert Kraft, and the NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell. Brady was devastated and seemingly more nervous in front of a judge that on a game-winning drive. When the dust settled, Brady would be able to play again - but only after watching the first four games of the 2016 season from his couch. The pressure couldn't have been more intense: Brady's legacy was at stake. If he failed to return to his usual self, all the critics and even the history books would have to put a giant asterisk next to his name, signifying one thing: he was a cheater.12 is the propulsive story of this gritty comeback. It's a drama that unfolds in the locker room, the court room, and under the brightest lights in all of sports--the Super Bowl. Now for the first time, readers will have an exclusive look into Tom Brady's experience and the NFL's shocking strangle-hold on their players. With unprecedented access to Brady himself, his teammates, and his lawyers, we will see just how a football legend went up against one of the largest corporations in the world to stage the greatest comeback in NFL history and emerge a god of the gridiron.

The 12 Bad Habits That Hold Good People Back: Overcoming the Behavior Patterns That Keep You From Getting Ahead

by James Waldroop

Now in paperback comes the groundbreaking study of behavior patterns that cause people to undermine their careers--and how to overcome them. Formerly titled "Maximum Success. " Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.

The 12 Factors of Business Success

by Dave Lakhani Mollie Marti Kevin Hogan

Praise for The 12 factors of Business Success"Kevin Hogan is a thinker-and a doer. He has a devoted following that lives by his wisdom. His latest book on achievement is not optional. If you are looking to climb the success ladder, Kevin Hogan's book will be there for you at every rung of the journey-to teach you, to support you, and to encourage you to achieve your dreams."--Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Little Red Book of Selling"One of the most intelligent and genuinely thoughtful books written on the subject of success."--Mark Joyner, futurist, and #1 bestselling author of Simpleology"The authors' valuable insights on business success and leadership will help people in any walk of life take their performance to the next level. The 12 Factors of Business Success is an impressive, straightforward, no-nonsense road map to bring out the best in each one of us."--Steven McWhorter, CEO, Securities America, Inc.

12 Lessons in Business Leadership: Insights From the Championship Career of Tom Brady

by Kevin Daum Anne Mary Ciminelli

Expert analysis of the leadership style of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady! The merits of business leaders are under scrutiny more and more these days, whether it&’s Travis Kalanick, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, or many others. But there&’s one place where true leadership is always revealed: on the field. And no matter what you think of the New England Patriots or the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, you can&’t argue with the success of Tom Brady, the winningest quarterback of all time. Both revered and hated by football fans, Brady is loved and respected by those who work with him, and his leadership abilities cannot be denied by even his harshest critics. The skills he uses to make his team successful year after year on the field can be executed in the workplace, whether you&’re a team member, team leader, or CEO. In 12 Lessons in Business Leadership: Insights From the Championship Career of Tom Brady, authors Kevin Daum and Anne Mary Ciminelli team up to analyze the strong leadership abilities of the six-time Super Bowl Champion, and translate them into accessible, practical lessons for any stage of your career. In this easy-to-read, entertaining book, the authors help you acquire and practice all the skills you need to have a championship season every year of your career. Practical and instructive, this book makes the perfect gift for anyone looking to rise in their particular vocation or looking to emulate one of the most respected leaders of today! Each chapter focuses on one of twelve leadership lessons gleaned from Brady&’s career and why it matters in your life and career. In the Executing the Play section of each chapter, the authors outline best practices on how leaders can apply that lesson in their workplace, as well as share exercises leaders can complete to develop and strengthen the skill and implement the lesson.

Las 12 leyes de la negociación: O eres estratega o eres un ingenuo

by Alfred Font Barrot

Ser estratega no es lo opuesto a ser sincero, ni a ser honesto o decente. Ser estratega es lo opuesto a ser ingenuo. Las buenas intenciones también deben ser administradas con inteligencia. La negociación es una herramienta consustancial al ser humano, en la política, en el trabajo y en las relaciones personales. Y saber negociar no consiste en ser una persona dura o avasalladora, ni en controlar emocionalmente una situación. Basta con emplear planteamientos estratégicos constructivos. Este libro desvela la esencia común de todo tipo de negociación y establece unos principios universales y prácticos, que se ilustran con sucesos y situaciones reales extraídos de la historia, de la literatura y del mundo de la empresa. Negociar con éxito no resulta una tarea difícil. Es cuestión de practicar aplicando las 12 leyes que invariablemente determinan toda negociación, y que parten del principio de que ser inteligente es mejor que seragresivo. Estas leyes constituyen una valiosa fuente de inspiración cuando Alfred Font expone de manera brillante los casos en que fueron aplicadas bien, o ilustra aquellos en que no las tuvieron en cuenta, y sus consecuencias.

The 12 Magic Slides

by Paul M. Getty

Author Paul Getty has seen thousands of brilliant founding CEOs present to angel investors, venture capitalists, and institutional investors. And he has seen thousands of them fail in their quest for the money they sincerely believed would lead to entrepreneurial success and riches for all. Again and again, he watched would-be tech titans fail to create a good first impression, deliver poor presentations, tell lengthy stories that put investors to sleep, and fail to address the critical issues sophisticated investors are most eager to hear about. If only they''d read The Twelve Magic Slides: Insider Secrets for Raising Growth Capital. Getty''s slide topics--developed while coaching hundreds of company founders to fundraising success--cover each of the twelve key themes investors want to know about in depth before they part with their hard-earned money: the problem you see, your solution to it, the resulting business opportunity, the amount of money you need to grow the firm, and the potential returns for investors, among others. Getty, managing director of Satwik Capital Advisors in San Jose, California, shows that properly developing each slide--and the thinking behind it--can get you the investment capital required to vault your company to the next level. But The Twelve Magic Slides is more than a book about how raise money from professional investors. It presents a whole new way of how to think about and develop a successful startup. Regardless, it will show you better ways to accomplish your goals and increase the chances you''ll get the green light from investors. Whether you are seeking startup funding from the angel down the street, or trying to convince investment bankers to help take you public, The Twelve Magic Slides provides a clear step-by-step process that will enable you to: Identify the key elements of the business that must be developed to attract external capital Understand the critical dos and don''ts CEOs must know to sell their story to investors in a quick and efficient manner Create twelve perfect slides and a presentation that secures investor interest from the start and gives them plenty of reasons to write you a check You need to find money to fund your company''s growth. Investors need to find entrepreneurs and ideas they can believe in. The Twelve Magic Slides presents a proven method for attracting funds from angel investors, venture capital firms, private equity firms, and institutional investors. It will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to ask for--and receive--the capital you need to launch or grow a business. What you''ll learn The twelve slide topics that will answer the most critical questions for investors and get them to open up their wallets. What investors are really looking for in the projects they fund. How to define and present a problem, solution, and opportunity that compels backers to fund your company. How to build and showcase a credible leadership team that convinces investors. that it can overcome the challenges startups face and still deliver results. How to come up with realistic financial projections and goals. How to prepare yourself for the stresses of raising capital. Who this book is for Entrepreneurs, investors (angels, VCs, etc. ), service providers (law firms, accountants, coaches, consultants), students, academics, and pundits surveying the startup scene. Table of Contents Introduction 1. What Investors Want 2. Build External Validation 3. Find the Right Investors 4. Venture Capital 5. The Elevator Pitch 6. Steps to Building aSuccessful Investor Presentation 7. Title Slide andIntroductions 8. Slide 1: Overview 9. Slide 2: The Problem 10. Slide 3: TheSolution 11. Slide 4:Opportunity and Market 12. Slide 5:Technology 13. Slide 6:Unique Competitive Advantages 14. Slide 7: CompetitiveLandscape 15. Slide 8: Go-to-MarketStrategy 16. Slide 9: FinancialRoadmap 17. Slide 10: The Team 18. Slide 11: CurrentStatus 19. Slide 12: Summary 20. Backup Slides 21. After the Meeting 22. Building theExecutive Summary ...

The $12 Million Stuffed Shark: The Curious Economics of Contemporary Art

by Don Thompson

Why would a smart New York investment banker pay $12 million for the decaying, stuffed carcass of a shark? By what alchemy does Jackson Pollock's drip painting No. 5, 1948 sell for $140 million? Intriguing and entertaining, The $12 Million Stuffed Shark is a Freakonomics approach to the economics and psychology of the contemporary art world. Why were record prices achieved at auction for works by 131 contemporary artists in 2006 alone, with astonishing new heights reached in 2007? Don Thompson explores the money, lust, and self-aggrandizement of the art world in an attempt to determine what makes a particular work valuable while others are ignored. This book is the first to look at the economics and the marketing strategies that enable the modern art market to generate such astronomical prices. Drawing on interviews with both past and present executives of auction houses and art dealerships, artists, and the buyers who move the market, Thompson launches the reader on a journey of discovery through the peculiar world of modern art. Surprising, passionate, gossipy, revelatory, The $12 Million Stuffed Shark reveals a great deal that even experienced auction purchasers do not know.

The $12 Million Stuffed Shark: The Curious Economics of Contemporary Art

by Don Thompson

The $12 Million Stuffed Shark delves into the economics and psychology of the contemporary art world – artists, dealers, auction houses, and wealthy collectors. If it’s true – as so often said – that 85 percent of new contemporary art is bad, why were record prices achieved at auction for works by 131 contemporary artists in 2006 alone, with astonishing new heights reached in 2007? The $12 Million Stuffed Shark explores money, lust, and the self-aggrandizement of possession in an attempt to determine what makes a particular work of art valuable while others are ignored. In the style of the bestselling Freakonomics, Thompson uses economic concepts to explain the unique practices employed, to great success, in the international contemporary art market. He discusses branding and marketing and how various strategies are tailored to a wealthy clientele, driving a "must-have" culture. Drawing on exclusive interviews with both past and present executives of auction houses and art dealerships, artists, and the buyers who move the market, Thompson launches the reader on a surprising journey of discovery.

12 Months to $1 Million: How to Pick a Winning Product, Build a Real Business, and Become a Seven-Figure Entrepreneur

by Ryan Daniel Moran

This is the road map to a seven-figure business . . . in one year or less The word "entrepreneur" is today's favorite buzzword, and any aspiring business owner has likely encountered an overwhelming number of so-called "easy paths to success." The truth is that building a real, profitable, sustainable business requires thousands of hours of commitment, grit, and hard work. It's no wonder why more than half of new businesses close within six years of opening, and fewer than 5 percent will ever earn more than $1 million annually. 12 Months to $1 Million condenses the startup phase into one fast-paced year that has helped hundreds of new entrepreneurs hit the million-dollar level by using an exclusive and foolproof formula. By cutting out the noise and providing a clear and proven plan, this roadmap helps even brand-new entrepreneurs make decisions quickly, get their product up for sale, and launch it to a crowd that is ready and waiting to buy. This one-year plan will guide you through the three stages to your first $1 million: • The Grind (Months 0-4): This step-by-step plan will help you identify a winning product idea, target customers that are guaranteed to buy, secure funding, and take your first sale within your first four months. • The Growth (Months 5 - 8): Once you're in business, you will discover how to use cheap and effective advertising strategies to get your product to at least 25 sales per day, so you can prove you have a profitable business. • The Gold (Months 9-12): It's time to establish series of products available for sale, until you are averaging at least 100 sales per day, getting you closer to the million-dollar mark every single day. Through his training sessions at, Ryan Daniel Moran has helped new and experienced entrepreneurs launch scalable and sustainable online businesses. He's seen more than 100 entrepreneurs cross the seven-figure barrier, many of whom go on to sell their businesses. If your goal is to be a full-time entrepreneur, get ready for one chaotic, stressful, and rewarding year. If you have the guts to complete it, you will be the proud owner of a million-dollar business and be in a position to call your own shots for life.

The 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence: A Lean Leader's Guide to Achieving and Sustaining Excellence, Second Edition

by Larry E. Fast

Following in the tradition of its bestselling predecessor, The 12 Principles of Manufacturing Excellence: A Lean Leader's Guide to Achieving and Sustaining Excellence, Second Edition outlines a comprehensive, proven process for delivering world-class performance while also cultivating the right culture through leadership, mentoring, and hourly asso

The 12 Rules of Attention: How to Avoid Screw-Ups, Free Up Headspace, Do More & Be More At Work

by Joseph Cardillo

How to self-regulate and train your brain's attentional mechanism for faster, more accurate, high-quality performance at work.Do you feel like you're "crushing it?" How productive, happy and fulfilled do you feel each day at your job?You might ask what attention has to do with it. The answer may help fix a wide range of ongoing workplace concerns, including workplace error.Simply put, attention is connected to every single thing you think, feel and do at work. It's almost impossible to imagine, but by the end of this book you'll understand how that is, and you'll be tapping into your attentional system and regulating it to your highest advantage.You'll learn how to:* Use your entire attentional system, beyond just focus* Avoid fading out * Relieve data overflow, internal and external distraction * Use "at a glance" mental capacity to "catch" more desired detail * Regulate the brain's automatic, high-speed attention triggers and use them to your advantage* Turn your cell phone into a focus-enhancing device.The 12-Rules of Attention shows you how to train your attention to sharp, accurate, high definition... and keep it there.

The 12 Rules of Attention: How to Avoid Screw-Ups, Free Up Headspace, Do More & Be More At Work

by Joseph Cardillo

How to self-regulate and train your brain's attentional mechanism for faster, more accurate, high-quality performance at work.Do you feel like you're "crushing it?" How productive, happy and fulfilled do you feel each day at your job?You might ask what attention has to do with it. The answer may help fix a wide range of ongoing workplace concerns, including workplace error.Simply put, attention is connected to every single thing you think, feel and do at work. It's almost impossible to imagine, but by the end of this book you'll understand how that is, and you'll be tapping into your attentional system and regulating it to your highest advantage.You'll learn how to:* Use your entire attentional system, beyond just focus* Avoid fading out * Relieve data overflow, internal and external distraction * Use "at a glance" mental capacity to "catch" more desired detail * Regulate the brain's automatic, high-speed attention triggers and use them to your advantage* Turn your cell phone into a focus-enhancing device.The 12-Rules of Attention shows you how to train your attention to sharp, accurate, high definition... and keep it there.(P)2020 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women: A Portable Mentor

by Gail McMeekin

&“Earnestly recounting how 45 successful women achieved their dreams, McMeekin aims to provide &‘mentors&’ who can help readers transcend creative blocks.&”—Publishers Weekly From the popular creative coach Gail McMeekin—author of The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women—comes advice about the specific challenges in life that creative women face today. Identified in a survey of 1,500 CEOs to be the key leadership skill of the 21st century, creativity can help women entrepreneurs and business leaders realize their dreams.The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women explores the profiles of 45 of today&’s most successful women, combining their insights with Gail&’s own proven strategies. Each chapter offers the 12 secrets, keys, and challenges to help women work through their creative process. Together they offer an inspirational roadmap, providing all the tools women need to uncover their own authenticity and realize their creative dreams, including how to: · Dismantle limiting beliefs · Take positive and calculated risks · Make career changes fueled by passion and purpose · &“Filter and Focus&” to give creative ideas time and space to evolve · Prioritize · Overcome procrastination · Declutter and create workable workspaces · Find resources and support &“Such a wonderful reading experience. I couldn't wait to hear each story and glean all the wit, humor, and wisdom from each woman&’s own experience.&”—Carol Adrienne, coauthor of The Celestine Prophecy: An Experiential Guide &“An empowering book for those ready to confront self-defeating patterns related to creativity, and a great booster shot for those of us who have already faced and conquered some of the dragons.&”—Caroll Michels, author of How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist

The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women: A Portable Life Coach for Creative Women

by Gail McMeekin

Winning Strategies of Highly Successful WomenMcMeekin’s second “12 secrets” book on creativity and success. From the popular creative coach Gail McMeekin, founder of Creative Success LLC with worldwide clients and author of the bestselling The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women, comes a book with hundreds of examples of how creative women entrepreneurs and business leaders have used proven strategies to succeed.Take positive risks and develop your talents and passions. We are experiencing a work and lifestyle revolution and creative Renaissance. Women are leaving companies and starting new businesses. Virtual companies are springing up, giving us choices about where and how we live and work. And, we are switching from the age of logical thinking to the age of conceptual thinking.This book can change your life. We all have the software to be creative, but many of us have been shamed or criticized, and our creative sparks are smoldering beneath layers of fear and lack of confidence. Gail McMeekin's book blasts through that and gets you excited again about your potential. McMeekin interviews 31 of today's most successful women, integrating their insights with her own proven success strategies to help you get onto the road to success.Each chapter has a series of challenges to guide you in discovering your own personal success. Read about:Successful women doing everything from being an astronaut, a politician, a coach, or a watercolor painterGremlins you must defeat to claim your true gifts and prosper and feel contentHow to take your best ideas and leverage them into a prosperous business that supports your life purpose and valuesIf you are a fan of Gail McMeekin’s other books, The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women Journal and The Power of Positive Choices, or have read books such as Conscious Creativity, Awakening Your Creative Soul, or The 30-Day Creativity Challenge; your next read should be The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women.

12 Simple Technical Indicators

by Mark Larson

With over 200 indicators available to traders, it is impossible to pick the ones that will make money over and over again...until now.A two-time, best-selling author and writer of a weekly commentary at, Mark Larson is an expert trader willing to share the secrets of his favorite technical tools. To maximize the power of this guide, you'll also receive the full 90-minute DVD and access to an interactive online review tool at Traders' Library's Education Corner, including self-tests that make sure you absorb every valuable strategy.Inside this coursebook, you will learn how to:Leverage parameters to make your indicators profitable in both bear and bull markets;Combine the most powerful indicators on one chart to create a winning trading system;Optimize your entries and exits with specific indicators;Use ATR for setting stop losses;Utilize stock scans for a competitive edge.From standards like the MACD to newer tools like Time Segmented Volume and Inertia, Larson will teach you how each indicator works, how to use it effectively, and how to adopt it to your own unique trading style.

12 Stupid Mistakes People Make with Their Money: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Secure Financial Future

by Dan Benson

Financial advisor Dan Benson exposes the twelve biggest mistakes people make with their money and clearly demonstrates how readers can move from financial insecurity to financial freedom. Proven, practical help for negotiating the financial minefields of life. 1. Misuse of credit 2. Letting greed take control 3. Thinking of today and not tomorrow 4. Motor toys - the biggest cash drain 5. Failure to handle the "set aside" 6. Not knowing what to do with the $ 7. Not caring for the "temple" 8. Either too much or too little insurance 9. Following fads vs. staying the course 10. Lackadaisical giving 11. Letting Junior eat away your nest egg 12. Not taking advantage of tax breaks

The 12-Week MBA: Learn the Skills You Need to Lead in Business Today

by Bjorn Billhardt Nathan Kracklauer

Based on The 12-Week MBA by Abilitie, a business leadership program taught to professionals at global Fortune 500 companies, The 12-Week MBA offers practical tips for managers and aspiring business leaders. Getting an MBA takes time and money, making it inaccessible to many people who want to take charge in the business world. The 12-Week MBA offers an alternative way to learn business essentials by focusing on the skills and knowledge required to succeed as both a manager and a business leader. The 12-Week MBA&’s unique premise is that business leaders in any industry, any function, and at any level need the same core knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively manage and lead. That core consists of working through and with other people to create value while using financial concepts and metrics to maximize the value created for all company stakeholders. The timeless essence of managing numbers and leading people can be learned in less time and at a lower cost than in a traditional two-year MBA, where much of the curriculum may become obsolete by the time students graduate. Authors Bjorn Billhardt and Nathan Kracklauer are senior executives at Abilitie, a global leadership development company that has served over 100,000 learners in fifty countries. Abilitie&’s clients include some of the world&’s most recognizable brands such as Coca-Cola, The New York Times, and Dell. Now the key lessons from Abilitie&’s 12- Week MBA curriculum are available in this accessible and engaging guide.

The 12 Week MBA: Essential Management Skills for Leaders

by Bjorn Billhardt Nathan Kracklauer

Based on The 12-Week MBA by Abilitie, a business leadership program taught to professionals at global Fortune 500 companies, The 12-Week MBA offers practical tips for managers and aspiring business leaders.A business school MBA takes time and money. Yet with a laser focus on what matters most, there is an alternative way for aspiring business leaders to learn business essentials and to take charge in organizations.The 12-Week MBA offers a practical Mini MBA curriculum that gives all business leaders, regardless of their industry, function, or level, the core knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively manage and lead. By uniquely focusing the two critical areas of leadership - managing numbers and leading people - this practical and engaging guide will inspire you to apply critical business thinking and a dynamic approach to value creation, people skills and decision making.Transform your business and your career in 12 weeks, a pace that gives you time to absorb ideas and test them through exercises or simulations, yet is significantly less time and cost than a traditional two-year MBA.Authors Bjorn Billhardt and Nathan Kracklauer are leaders of Abilitie, a global leadership development provider that has served over 100,000 learners in fifty countries, and whose clients include some of the world's most recognizable brands. Now you can master the key lessons from their 12-Week MBA curriculum and get ahead in today's new world of

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