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Determinants of Intra-Industry Trade: The Case for United States-Canadian Trade, 1967-1982
by Janice G. YeeWhile most international economists will note that trade is beneficial, they will also comment on the adjustment costs that are usually incurred when factors of production, most notably labor, are redistributed between industries. A goal for many policymakers is to make that adjustment process easier and smoother for the factors involved, thereby highlighting the benefits of trade, rather than the costs of trade. But what are these industries that experience smoother adjustment costs? There is a growing constituency which believes that intra-industry or like trade is a characteristic of an industry with low adjustment costs. First published in 1997, this book hopes to address some of these issues and add to the growing discussion on the topic of intra-industry trade, with special attention placed on the relationship between the U.S. and Canada.
Determinants of Investment Grade Status in Emerging Markets
by Laura JaramilloA report from the International Monetary Fund.
The Determinants of Performance: Development Lead Time and Cost
by Gary P. PisanoSuperior development performance requires different practices in different environments. This chapter explores how two strategies-learning by doing and learning before doing-affect development performance.
The Determinants of Small Firm Growth: An Inter-Regional Study in the United Kingdom 1986-90 (Regions and Cities #8)
by Richard Barkham Graham Gudgin Mark HartOne of the most striking trends in economic development since the 1970s has been the rising importance of the small firm. Focusing on the issues of enterprise development and the regional dimensions of small-firm growth, this book explores the literature of this area. Moving from an analysis of measures of growth to the effects of both internal and external variables - arguing that the owner-manager has a key role in the growth performance of the firm - the authors explore regional disparities in, and constraints on, growth, and make significant advances in the policy debate on understanding how faster growth can be achieved.
Determination of Value
by Francisco RosilloHow to develop and support a credible opinion of value based on a foundational framework This book provides knowledge and guidance to valuation practitioners on achieving a new level of professionalism and credibility, as well as to those stakeholders in the valuation process in need of assessing the credibility of an appraiser's work product for decision-making purposes. It introduces a well defined framework of key credibility concepts and procedures at each step of the appraisal process, including reasonableness tests, valuation methodologies, financial analysis, economic and industry analysis, engagement planning, and informed judgment. Provides needed guidance to valuation practitioners to enhance their valuation practice and improve the credibility of the appraiser's work product Offers guidance to stakeholders in the valuation process in need of assessing the credibility of an appraiser's work product for decision-making purposes Get foundational framework appraisal advice with the proven guidance found in Determination of Value.
Determining Leadership Potential: Powerful Insights to Winning at the Talent Game
by Kimberly Janson Melody RawlingsWe are in the midst of a leadership crisis that is derailing business success, and it’s time to get rigorous about talent. This book will show you how, with an effective and consistent framework, to help galvanize decision-makers around leadership potential. Time and time again, organizations place too many leaders in roles they are not a good fit for. The financial, strategic, and human costs of poor leadership are staggering and unnecessary. But organizations that effectively identify high-potential talent are likely to financially outperform those that do not do this work by a factor of 4.2 to 1, not to mention all the other positive impacts. Backed by the authors’ research, including a study with 50+ global CEOs, the insights and strategies packed into this book will help you eliminate the shocking variation that exists in how people think about determining leadership potential – and empower decision-makers to be game-changers to optimize their organizations. For too long, leadership potential has been treated as an imprecise art and inconsistently applied. CEOs, board members, senior managers, and HR professionals will welcome the thought-provoking insights and practical tools this book gives to build a pipeline of strong leaders.
Determining Leadership Potential: Powerful Insights to Winning at the Talent Game
by Kimberly Janson Melody RawlingsWe are in the midst of a leadership crisis that is derailing business success, and it’s time to get rigorous about talent. This book will show you how, with an effective and consistent framework, to help galvanize decision-makers around leadership potential.Time and time again, organizations place too many leaders in roles they are not a good fit for. The financial, strategic, and human costs of poor leadership are staggering and unnecessary. But organizations that effectively identify high-potential talent are likely to financially outperform those that do not do this work by a factor of 4.2 to 1, not to mention all the other positive impacts. Backed by the authors’ research, including a study with 50+ global CEOs, the insights and strategies packed into this book will help you eliminate the shocking variation that exists in how people think about determining leadership potential – and empower decision-makers to be game-changers to optimize their organizations.For too long, leadership potential has been treated as an imprecise art and inconsistently applied. CEOs, board members, senior managers, and HR professionals will welcome the thought-provoking insights and practical tools this book gives to build a pipeline of strong leaders.
Determining Outcomes and Impacts of Human Resource Development Programs
by Narong Kiettikunwong Pennee NarotThis book takes readers on a comprehensive journey through ten chapters, seamlessly blending insights from the introductory chapter emphasizing the importance of human resource research with subsequent chapters delving into the complexities of evaluation, program conceptualization, and the integration of Theory of Change and Logic Model. The critical examination of prominent evaluation models, exploration of Participatory Evaluation's role, and the need for an integrated evaluation model are highlighted. The narrative culminates in a practical illustration of the integrated model, emphasizing its effectiveness, insights gained, and contributions to the field, while acknowledging limitations and offering recommendations for improvement. The book serves as a valuable resource for HR practitioners, evaluators, and organizational leaders, providing practical guidance and contributing substantively to the improvement of HR practices and organizational performance.
Determining Project Requirements: Mastering the BABOK and the CBAP Exam (Esi International Project Management Ser.)
by Hans JonassonGood requirements do not come from a tool, or from a customer interview. They come from a repeatable set of processes that take a project from the early idea stage through to the creation of an agreed-upon project and product scope between the customer and the developer.From enterprise analysis and planning requirements gathering to documentation,
Determining the Economic Value of Water: Concepts and Methods
by Robert A. Young John B. LoomisWater provides benefits as a commodity for agriculture, industry, and households, and as a public good such as fisheries habitat, water quality and recreational use. To aid in cost-benefit analysis under conditions where market determined price signals are usually unavailable, economists have developed a range of alternative valuation methods for measuring economic benefits. This volume provides the most comprehensive exposition to-date of the application of economic valuation methods to proposed water resources investments and policies. It provides a conceptual framework for valuation of both commodity and public good uses of water, addressing non-market valuation techniques appropriate to measuring public benefits - including water quality improvement, recreation, and fish habitat enhancement. The book describes the various measurement methods, illustrates how they are applied in practice, and discusses their strengths, limitations, and appropriate roles. In this second edition, all chapters have been thoroughly updated, and in particular the coverage of water markets and valuation of ecosystem services from water has been expanded. Robert Young, author of the 2005 edition, has been joined for this new edition by John Loomis, who brings additional expertise on ecosystem services and the environmental economics of water for recreational and other public good uses of water.
Deterrence and Crime Prevention: Reconsidering the Prospect of Sanction (Routledge Studies In Crime And Economics Ser.)
by David M. KennedyDeterrence is at the heart of the preventive aspiration of criminal justice. Deterrence, whether through preventive patrol by police officers or stiff prison sentences for violent offenders, is the principal mechanism through which the central feature of criminal justice, the exercise of state authority, works – it is hoped -- to diminish offending and enhance public safety. And however well we think deterrence works, it clearly often does not work nearly as well as we would like – and often at very great cost. Drawing on a wide range of scholarly literatures and real-world experience, Kennedy argues that we should reframe the ways in which we think about and produce deterrence. He argues that many of the ways in which we seek to deter crime in fact facilitate offending; that simple steps such as providing clear information to offenders could transform deterrence; that communities may be far more effective than legal authorities in deterring crime; that apparently minor sanctions can deter more effectively than draconian ones; that groups, rather than individual offenders, should often be the focus of deterrence; that existing legal tools can be used in unusual but greatly more effective ways; that even serious offenders can be reached through deliberate moral engagement; and that authorities, communities, and offenders – no matter how divided – share and can occupy hidden common ground. The result is a sophisticated but ultimately common-sense and profoundly hopeful case that we can and should use new deterrence strategies to address some of our most important crime problems. Drawing on and expanding on the lessons of groundbreaking real-world work like Boston’s Operation Ceasefire – credited with the "Boston Miracle" of the 1990s – "Deterrence and Crime Prevention" is required reading for scholars, law enforcement practitioners, and all with an interest in public safety and the health of communities.
Dethroning the King
by Julie MacintoshHow the King of Beers collapsed without a fight and what it means for America's place in the post-Recession worldHow did InBev, a Belgian company controlled by Brazilians, take over one of America's most beloved brands with scarcely a whimper of opposition? Chalk it up to perfect timing--and some unexpected help from powerful members of the Busch dynasty, the very family that had run the company for more than a century. In Dethroning the King, Julie MacIntosh, the award-winning financial journalist who led coverage of the takeover for the Financial Times, details how the drama that unfolded at Anheuser-Busch in 2008 went largely unreported as the world tumbled into a global economic crisis second only to the Great Depression. Today, as the dust settles, questions are being asked about how the "King of Beers" was so easily captured by a foreign corporation, and whether the company's fall mirrors America's dwindling financial and political dominance as a nation.Discusses how the takeover of Anheuser-Busch will be seen as a defining moment in U.S. business historyReveals the critical missteps taken by the Busch family and the Anheuser-Busch boardArgues that Anheuser-Busch had a chance to save itself from InBev's clutches, but infighting and dysfunctionality behind the scenes forced it to capitulateFrom America's heartland to the European continent to Brazil, Dethroning the King is the ultimate corporate caper and a fascinating case study that's both wide reaching and profound.
Detonate: Why - And How - Corporations Must Blow Up Best Practices (and bring a beginner's mind) To Survive
by Geoff Tuff Steven GoldbachReinvent best practices that have become bad habits Without meaning to, and often with the best of intentions, most organizations continually waste precious time and money on processes and activities that don't create value and no longer make sense in today's business environment. Until now, the relatively slow speed of marketplace evolution has allowed wasteful habits to continue without consequence. This reality is ending. Detonate explains how organizations built up bad habits, identifies which ones masquerade as "best practices," and suggests alternatives that can contribute to winning in the marketplace. With a focus on optimism and empowerment, it focuses on an approach and mindset which are critical to successfully compete in an era characterized by profound technological advances and uncertainty. • Core themes challenge how you think about and approach problems • Case studies illustrate the challenges you face and how to overcome them • Recommendations are pragmatic and steer clear of suggesting a brand-new, complicated wiring diagram • Actionable advice provides the first steps down an evolutionary pathIf you want to compete differently in today’s marketplace and to challenge the things your company does which you have a nagging feeling are actually just a waste of time – and maybe value-destroying – Detonate gives you what you need to ignite change.
Detonate - Deutsche Ausgabe: Wie Unternehmen schlechte Gewohnheiten durchbrechen und den Wandel einleiten
by Geoff Tuff Steven GoldbachVerändern Sie Verfahren, die zu schlechten Gewohnheiten geworden sind! Ohne es zu wollen und oft mit den besten Absichten verschwenden die meisten Unternehmen ständig wertvolle Zeit und Geld für Prozesse und Aktivitäten, die keinen Wert schaffen und im heutigen Geschäftsumfeld nicht mehr sinnvoll sind. Bislang hat die relativ langsame Entwicklung des Marktes dazu geführt, dass verschwenderische Gewohnheiten ohne Konsequenzen fortgesetzt werden konnten. Diese Zeiten sind nun vorbei. "Detonate" erklärt, wie Unternehmen schlechte Gewohnheiten aufgebaut haben, zeigt auf, welche Gewohnheiten sich als "Best Practices" tarnen, und schlägt Alternativen vor, die dazu beitragen können, auf dem Markt zu gewinnen. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Optimismus und Empowerment konzentriert sich das Buch auf einen Ansatz und eine Denkweise, die entscheidend sind, um in einer à ra, die durch tiefgreifende technologische Fortschritte und groà e Ungewissheit gekennzeichnet ist, erfolgreich zu sein. Wenn Sie auf dem heutigen Markt anders mit Ihrer Konkurrenz umgehen und die Dinge in Ihrem Unternehmen in Frage stellen wollen, von denen Sie das ungute Gefühl haben, dass sie eigentlich nur Zeitverschwendung sind -und vielleicht sogar wertvernichtend -, dann liefert Ihnen das Buch Fallstudien, pragmatische Empfehlungen und umsetzbare Ratschläge, um den Wandel einzuleiten.
Detox Your Desk: Declutter Your Life and Mind
by Cary L. Cooper Theo TheobaldWhy is there never enough time in the day to do all the stuff you want to? Why does your in-tray just keep growing? Is it alive? Written for the time-starved and terminally untidy, Detox Your Desk is the perfect antidote to pressure cooker of the modern office. It's flat out but you still fell like you're not getting anything done. And no wonder. It's hard to do anything meaningful when you're swamped by piles of paperwork and endless 'to do' lists. Detox Your Desk helps you fight back by purging your system office toxins, so you can take control of the everyday stuff and calmly field whatever lands in your in-tray. It starts with the physical clearing out of all the rubbish that litters your life and then gives you practical tips to help free up your thinking. Detox Your Desk puts you on a ten-day programme that'll result in a tidy workspace and a clear head. All of the changes are easy. Stick with them over the long term and you'll change the way you work forever, giving you more time and a greater choice in every area of you life. This you big chance to get on top of your workload and start to enjoy work and life again. You'll soon be the most efficient and effective person you know!
Detroit: Three Pathways to Revitalization
by Lewis D. SolomonAs America's most dysfunctional big city, Detroit faces urban decay, population losses, fractured neighborhoods with impoverished households, an uneducated, unskilled workforce, too few jobs, a shrinking tax base, budgetary shortfalls, and inadequate public schools. Looking to the city's future, Lewis D. Solomon focuses on pathways to revitalizing Detroit, while offering a cautiously optimistic viewpoint.Solomon urges an economic development strategy, one anchored in Detroit balancing its municipal and public school district's budgets, improving the academic performance of its public schools, rebuilding its tax base, and looking to the private sector to create jobs. He advocates an overlapping, tripartite political economy, one that builds on the foundation of an appropriately sized public sector and a for-profit private sector, with the latter fueling economic growth. Although he acknowledges that Detroit faces a long road to implementation, Solomon sketches a vision of a revitalized economic sector based on two key assets: vacant land and an unskilled labor force.The book is divided into four distinct parts. The first provides background and context, with a brief overview of the city's numerous challenges. The second examines Detroit's immediate efforts to overcome its fiscal crisis. It proposes ways Detroit can be put on the path to financial stability and sustainability. The third considers how Detroit can implement a new approach to job creation, one focused on the for-profit private sector, not the public sector. In the fourth and final part, Solomon argues that residents should pursue a strategy based on the actions of individuals and community groups rather than looking to large-scale projects.
Detroit Area Test Tracks (Images of America)
by Michael W. DavisThe catastrophic failure of a new but unproven copper-cooled Chevrolet in 1923 led the General Motors Corporation to buy back the 100 cars it had sold to the public and recall another 400 in company and dealer hands. As a result, in 1924 General Motors started building the industry's first scientific proving ground to test new vehicle designs before they were released for production and sale. Before this, all automakers tested new cars haphazardly on public roads and within limited engineering laboratories. Better known by the public as test tracks, the proving grounds became a source of curiosity for decades about the secrets they might hold. Detroit Area Test Tracks goes behind the test track walls to show how the facilities evolved and what typically takes place inside.
Detroit Beer: A History of Brewing in the Motor City (American Palate)
by Stephen C. JohnsonWhile in recent years Detroit's craft beer scene has exploded with activity and innovation, brewing has a long history in the Motor City. Small brewers popped up during the mid-1800s to support nearby saloons. Many breweries survived the dry years by producing "near beer," or non-alcoholic beer, which was quickly abandoned after Prohibition. Consolidation marked the following decades until only Stroh Brewery Company remained. Local brewing returned triumphantly with dozens of breweries opening their doors since the 1990s, including Motor City Brewing Works, Atwater Brewery and Kuhnhenn Brewing Company. Join author and Motor City Brew Tours founder Stephen Johnson for Detroit history by the pint.
Detroit Resurrected: To Bankruptcy And Back
by Nathan BomeyWhat happens when an iconic American city goes broke? At exactly 4:06 p.m. on July 18, 2013, the city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy. It was the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history--the Motor City had finally hit rock bottom. But what led to that fateful day, and how did the city survive the perilous months that followed? In Detroit Resurrected, Nathan Bomey delivers the inside story of the fight to save Detroit against impossible odds. Bomey, who covered the bankruptcy for the Detroit Free Press, provides a gripping account of the tremendous clash between lawyers, judges, bankers, union leaders, politicians, philanthropists, and the people of Detroit themselves. The battle to rescue this iconic city pulled together those who believed in its future--despite their differences. Help came in the form of Republican governor Rick Snyder, a technocrat who famously called himself "one tough nerd"; emergency manager Kevyn Orr, a sharp-shooting lawyer and "yellow-dog Democrat"; and judges Steven Rhodes and Gerald Rosen, the key architects of the grand bargain that would give the city a second chance at life. Detroit had a long way to go. Facing a legacy of broken promises, the city had to seek unprecedented sacrifices from retirees and union leaders, who fought for their pensions and benefits. It had to confront the consequences of years of municipal corruption while warding off Wall Street bond insurers who demanded their money back. And it had to consider liquidating the Detroit Institute of Arts, whose world-class collection became an object of desire for the city's numerous creditors. In a tight, suspenseful narrative, Detroit Resurrected reveals the tricky path to rescuing the city from $18 billion in debt and giving new hope to its citizens. Based on hundreds of exclusive interviews, insider sources, and thousands of records, Detroit Resurrected gives a sweeping account of financial ruin, backroom intrigue, and political rebirth in the struggle to reinvent one of America's iconic cities.
Detroit School Reform in Comparative Contexts: Community Action Overcoming Policy Barriers (Neighborhoods, Communities, and Urban Marginality)
by Edward St. John feven girmayThis book critically examines how the narrative of global economic competition was used to rationalize college preparatory curriculum for all high school students and promote charter schools in Detroit. Using mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, the study identifies neighborhood risk factors undermining students’ academic success, along with the positive effects of churches and service centers as mitigating forces. The authors focus on a range of topics and issues including market competition, urban decline, community resources, testing and accountability, smaller schools, and engaged learning. The volume illustrates how action studies by engaged scholars working with community activists empowers students to overcome emerging barriers.
Detroit's Cold War: The Origins of Postwar Conservatism
by Colleen DoodyDetroit's Cold War locates the roots of American conservatism in a city that was a nexus of labor and industry in postwar America. Drawing on meticulous archival research focusing on Detroit, Colleen Doody shows how conflict over business values and opposition to labor, anticommunism, racial animosity, and religion led to the development of a conservative ethos in the aftermath of World War II. Using Detroit--with its large population of African-American and Catholic immigrant workers, strong union presence, and starkly segregated urban landscape--as a case study, Doody articulates a nuanced understanding of anticommunism during the Red Scare. Looking beyond national politics, she focuses on key debates occurring at the local level among a wide variety of common citizens. In examining this city's social and political fabric, Doody illustrates that domestic anticommunism was a cohesive, multifaceted ideology that arose less from Soviet ideological incursion than from tensions within the American public.
Detroit's Lost Poletown: The Little Neighborhood That Touched a Nation
by Brianne TurczynskiPoletown was a once vibrant, ethnically diverse neighborhood in Detroit. In its prime, it had a store on every corner. Its theaters, restaurants and schools thrived, and its churches catered to a multiplicity of denominations. In 1981, General Motors announced plans for a new plant in Detroit and pointed to the 465 acres of Poletown. Using the law of eminent domain with a quick-take clause, the city planned to relocate 4,200 residents within ten months and raze the neighborhood. With unprecedented defiance, the residents fought back in vain. In 2004, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the eminent domain law applied to Poletown was unconstitutional--a ruling that came two decades too late.
Detroit's Wayne State University Law School: Future Leaders in the Legal Community (Great Lakes Books Series)
by Alan SchenkMost histories of law schools focus on the notable deans and professors, and the changes in curricula over time. In Detroit’s Wayne State University Law School: Future Leaders in the Legal Community, Alan Schenk highlights the students and their influence on the school’s development, character, and employment opportunities. Detroit’s Wayne State University Law School begins by placing the school in historical context. Public law schools in major American cities were rare in the 1920s. WSU Law School started as a night-only school on the brink of the Great Depression. It was administered by the Detroit Board of Education’s Colleges of the City of Detroit and was minimally funded out of student tuition and fees. From its opening days, the school admitted students who had the required college credits, without regard to their gender, race, or ethnic backgrounds, when many law schools restricted or denied admission to women, people of color, and Jewish applicants. The school maintained its steadfast commitment to a racially and gender-diverse student body, though it endured significant challenges along the way. Denied employment at selective law firms and relegated to providing basic legal services, WSU law students pressed the school to expand the curriculum and establish programs that provided them with the credentials afforded graduates from elite law schools. It took the persistence of the students and a persuasive dean to change the conversation about the quality of the graduates and for law firms representing the largest corporations and wealthiest individuals to start hiring WSU graduates who now heavily populate those firms. In the twenty-first century, the school gained strength in international legal studies and established two law centers that reflect the institution’s longstanding commitment to public interest and civil rights. While much of the material was gathered from university and law school archives, valuable information was derived from the author’s recorded interviews with alumni, deans, and professors. This book will strike the hearts of WSU law school students and alumni, as well as those interested in urban legal education and history.
Deutsch-chinesische M&A Transaktionen im Mittelstand: Rahmenbedingungen, Erfolgsfaktoren, Umsetzung
by Daniel GraeweM&A-Transaktionen sind deutlich komplexere Vorgänge als der bloße Kauf und Verkauf von Gütern - da können KMU schnell in unbekanntes Terrain geraten – ganz besonders, wenn es sich um vielschichtige Aktivitäten mit Akteuren aus völlig anderen Kulturen handelt, insbesondere aus China, als Deutschlands größtem Außenhandelspartner. Entsprechend groß ist der Wissensbedarf in der Praxis. Dieser Herausgeberband bündelt daher auf theoretischer Basis das praktische Wissen für die erfolgreiche Planung, Durchführung und Integration deutsch-chinesischer Unternehmensübernahmen im Mittelstand. Nach einer kompakten Darstellung von volkswirtschaftlichem Hintergrund, kulturellen Aspekten der Verhandlungsführung und regulatorischen Rahmenbedingungen wird detailliert auf den Ablauf von Unternehmenstransaktionen und deren deutsch-chinesische Besonderheiten eingegangen. Den Abschluss bilden ein Leitfaden rund um die Kernaspekte solcher Transaktionen und die exemplarische Darstellung von Fallstudien. In allgemeinverständlicher Sprache und gut veranschaulicht zeigen sich so die Erfolgsfaktoren genauso wie mögliche Stolperfallen. Ein klar strukturiertes und klug formuliertes Handbuch, das jeder Akteur griffbereit haben sollte.