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Developing Mental Toughness
by Peter Clough Doug StrycharczykMental toughness is about how effectively individuals respond to stress, pressure and challenge. It is rooted in the notion of resilience but moves beyond this by being highly applicable and measurable. Understanding this concept is essential to improving performance for both the individual and organization, and this ground-breaking book explains mental toughness clearly and effectively. Tracing its development from sports psychology into the world of business, health and education, Developing Mental Toughness was the first book to look at applications at the organizational level and to provide a reliable psychometric measure. The new edition includes greater coverage of how mental toughness relates to other behaviours and can be applied to leadership, creativity, emotional intelligence, and motivation. It also looks at its applications in employability and entrepreneurship, and there will be expanded coverage of coaching for mental toughness. Written for anyone coaching individuals and teams for improved performance, the book contains practical guidance and techniques, exercises, case studies and the Mental Toughness self-assessment tool.
Developing Mental Toughness: Strategies to Improve Performance, Resilience and Wellbeing in Individuals and Organizations
by Peter Clough Doug Strycharczyk John PerryHow can individuals and organizations understand and measure mental toughness to deal with stress and challenge, and so improve performance? This fully updated third edition of Developing Mental Toughness provides the answers to unlock this potential.Tracing its development from sports psychology into the business sector, Developing Mental Toughness provides a reliable psychometric measure to apply at the organizational level. With coverage on how mental toughness relates to other behaviours and can be applied to employability, leadership, performance, creativity, emotional intelligence and motivation, the practical guidance and exercises in this book make it essential reading for academics, managers and coaches alike.This third edition includes an expansion of the 4Cs model to include concepts on learning orientation and resilience and new chapters on evidence-based practice and using the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ48) to gain richer self-awareness. Featuring case studies from Deloitte and Ethiad, Developing Mental Toughness is the practical coaching guide for developing capabilities and resilience.
Developing Microsoft® SharePoint® Applications Using Windows Azure™
by Steve FoxYour expert guide to building Microsoft® SharePoint® applications in the cloud Deliver custom, cloud-based business solutions using SharePoint 2010 and Windows AzureTM together. By applying hands-on techniques from Microsoft cloud development expert Steve Fox, you'll learn how to increase the reach, resource capability, and reusability of your apps. Get the practical code exercises and solid advice you need--whether you're planning to build complete data-driven applications or hybrid solutions with simple Web parts. Discover how to: Deliver data from Windows Azure Marketplace DataMarket into SharePoint and Microsoft Office applications Use Microsoft Business Connectivity Services to connect to SQL AzureTM data Create advanced web parts to surface SQL Azure data in BingTM Maps, using the SharePoint client object model Manage files in Windows Azure using BLOB storage Deploy Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) services to Windows Azure Build business intelligence solutions, using SQL Azure, Microsoft SQL Server® Reporting Services (SSRS) Get code samples on the web Ready to download at http://go.microsoft.com/FWLink/?Linkid=0 00000. For system requirements, see the Introduction.
Developing Multicultural Leaders
by Farid A. Muna Ziad A. ZennieThe authors identify three stages of leadership development - the early ingredients for success starting from childhood, the paths that current and aspiring leaders should follow once they start a career, and what leaders should do exceptionally well to become and remain outstanding in organizations operating in multicultural environments.
Developing Multicultural Leaders
by Farid A. Muna Ziad A. ZennieThe authors identify three stages of leadership development: the early ingredients for success starting from childhood; the paths that current and aspiring leaders should follow once they start a career; and what leaders should do exceptionally well to become and remain outstanding in organizations operating in multicultural environments.
Developing National Urban Policies: Ways Forward to Green and Smart Cities
by Debolina Kundu Remy Sietchiping Michael KinyanjuiThis book discusses and analyzes past and ongoing national urban policy development efforts from around the globe, particularly those that can lead the way toward smart and green cities. In view of the adoption of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially the goal to have cities that are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, urban policies that can help achieve this goal are urgently needed. The UN-Habitat (HABITAT III) puts national urban policies at the heart of implementing and rethinking the urban agenda, and identifies them as being integral to the equitable and sustainable development of nations. Against this background, this important book, which gathers contributions from academics, planners and urban specialists, reviews existing urban policies from developing and developed nations, discusses various countries’ smart and green urban policies, and outlines the way forward. As such, it is essential reading for all social scientists, planners, designers, architects, and policymakers working on urban development around the world.
Developing New Products and Services: The Marketer's Role
by Richard LueckeTraditional market research techniques are applied to developing incremental updates on existing products. The development may take a horizontal path to like products or a vertical path to make premium or budget versions of one line. However, market research may suggest breakthrough products that pose a larger market risk but can equal unprecedented results. This chapter concentrates all of these options and defines the marketer's role in each.
Developing New Products and Services
by G. Lawrence SandersThe focus of the book is on the up-front activities and ideas for new product and service development. A central theme of this book is that there is, or should be, a constant struggle going on in every organization, business, and system between delivering feature-rich versions of products and services using extravagant engineering and delivering low-cost versions of products and services using frugal engineering. Delivering innovative products is accomplished by an endless cycle of business planning, creative and innovative insight, and learning-about and learning-by-doing activities. A number of powerful concepts and tools are presented in the book to facilitate new product development. For example, three templates are presented that facilitate new product and service development. The FAD (features, attributes, and design) template is used to identify the features and attributes that can be used for product and service differentiation. The Ten-Ten planning process contains two templates: an Organizational and Industry Analysis template and the Business Plan Overview template. These two templates coupled with the FAD template can be used to develop a full-blown business plan. Entrepreneurship, technology and product life cycles, product and service versioning, product line optimization, creativity, lock-in real options, business valuation, and project management topics are also covered.
Developing New Products and Services
by G. Lawrence SandersThe focus of the book is on the up-front activities and ideas for new product and service development. A central theme of this book is that there is, or should be, a constant struggle going on in every organization, business, and system between delivering feature-rich versions of products and services using extravagant engineering and delivering low-cost versions of products and services using frugal engineering. Delivering innovative products is accomplished by an endless cycle of business planning, creative and innovative insight, and learning-about and learning-by-doing activities. A number of powerful concepts and tools are presented in the book to facilitate new product development. For example, three templates are presented that facilitate new product and service development. The FAD (features, attributes, and design) template is used to identify the features and attributes that can be used for product and service differentiation. The Ten-Ten planning process contains two templates: an Organizational and Industry Analysis template and the Business Plan Overview template. These two templates coupled with the FAD template can be used to develop a full-blown business plan. Entrepreneurship, technology and product life cycles, product and service versioning, product line optimization, creativity, lock-in real options, business valuation, and project management topics are also covered.
Developing Online Teaching in Higher Education: Global Perspectives on Continuing Professional Learning and Development (Professional and Practice-based Learning #29)
by Dianne Forbes Richard WalkerThis book serves as a reference point to inform continuing professional learning and development (CPLD) initiatives at both individual and institutional levels. It serves as a guide for faculty engaged in online teaching within the higher education sector, in universities and vocational education institutions. It moves beyond a technology-driven approach by emphasising pedagogy and design as key issues in online teaching practice. It will highlight challenges to staff engagement and how they may be overcome, drawing on evidence-based examples and models of CPLD from institutions around the world. It is underpinned by a framework that emphasises the need for CPLD that is sustainable and adaptable to a range of contexts, particularly in professional learning and development. This book also highlights practices aimed at sustainable, continuing, learning, and brings together a range of solutions and suggestions to assist educators and institutions with CPLD.
Developing Plans: Paid to Think
by David GoldsmithLearn simple yet powerful techniques to drastically improve your strategic plans, empower you to select and manage the kinds of projects that will propel your organization and career to new heights, and align your mental focus with laser precision on matters that provide the greatest positive impact.
Developing Positive Employment Relations
by Stewart Johnstone Adrian WilkinsonOffering acritical assessment of the main conceptual debates concerning labour managementpartnership and cooperation at the workplace, this book evaluates the searchfor positive employment relations in five countries. The provision ofcollective employee representation, normally through trade unions, is centralto most definitions of labour management partnership, and the aim is to developcollaborative relationships between unions, employers and employeerepresentatives for the benefit all parties. While traditionally associated with employment relations in the coordinatedmarket economies of the continental European nations, partnership approacheshave attracted increasing attention in recent decades in the liberal marketeconomies of the UK, Ireland, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Developing Positive Employment Relations assessesthe conceptual debates, reviews the employment relations context in each ofthese countries, and provides workplace case studies of the dynamics of partnershipat the enterprise level.
Developing Products on Internet Time: A Process Design Exercise
by Stefan ThomkeThis team exercise allows students to experience some of the dynamics of developing products in the fast-paced Internet environment and was inspired by the browser war between Netscape and Microsoft. Designed to be taught in a single class session, the exercise introduces various sources of uncertainty (e.g., various press releases, different team sizes) that make the task of designing a development process particularly challenging. Student teams have to make decisions on organization, features, milestones, testing, and integration in a period of about 30 minutes and present their results to the rest of the class.
Developing Professionals: The BCG Way (A)
by Ashish Nanda Kelley MorrellThis case provides a brief history of Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and the firm's approach to development and mentorship of its consultants. It also discusses the challenges facing three consultants who are nearing the two-year mark of working at BCG.
Developing Proofreading And Editing Skills
by Sue C. CampDeveloping Proofreading and Editing Skills, 5/e by Camp provides instruction and applications designed to sharpen skills in detecting and correcting errors in written communications including memos, letters, reports, email messages, databases, presentation slides, advertisements, and spreadsheets. The material progresses from easy-to-recognize errors to those more difficult to spot, allowing students to build confidence and skill. Highlights of the 5th edition include a discussion of voice-recognition technology and proofreading and editing, end-of-chapter text applications with two applications in each chapter available on CD-ROM, and a series of seven review modules offering challenging proofreading practice.
Developing Property Rights Theory: Based on China’s Practice
by Shaoan HuangThis book aims to interpret China’s property-rights reform since 1978 on theory level. Property-rights reform is no doubt the essential for economic system reform, which led to China’s economic miracle in the past 40 years. Neither modern property-rights theory nor Marxism can explain all issues around Chinese complex economic system reform. The book sheds light on the theory development through comparative study and China-focused research.
Developing Property Sustainably
by Sara J. Wilkinson Sarah L. Sayce Pernille H. ChristensenDeveloping Property Sustainably introduces readers to the key issues surrounding sustainable property development in the global marketplace. Pulling together received wisdom and original research, the authors provide a clear and practical overview of the sustainable property development process as well as a critical appraisal of the problems faced by global built environment stakeholders. Throughout, the authors demonstrate how the property development industry could and should respond better to debate on sustainable practices in the built environment by adopting more rigorous measurement techniques and sustainable approaches. Starting by exploring key definitions and stakeholders, the book goes on to explore finance, planning, construction, procurement, occupation, retrofit and lifecycle sustainability in order to provide the reader with a detailed understanding of all the issues involved in the delivery of sustainable property development from inception to occupation and beyond.Throughout the book, international case studies are used to demonstrate how sustainable property development is applied in practice around the world. With a logical chapter structure and accessible writing style, Developing Property Sustainably would be perfect for use on undergraduate and postgraduate modules and courses in real estate development, property and urban development and other built environment programmes.
Developing Public Sector Leadership: New Rationale, Best Practices and Tools
by Petri Virtanen Marika TammeaidThis book presents tools, techniques, and best practices to develop public-sector leadership. Based on scholarly research as well as the authors’ professional experience as leadership trainers and consultants, it offers guidance and practical know-how for public-sector managers, civil servants and policymakers in public administration on how to create and develop leadership skills and practice. By analyzing the particular nature of political processes and public policy decision-making as well as the complex challenges of public organizations, the authors identify competencies, leadership skills and methods required for successful governance, administration, and management of public organizations. The authors also discuss different leadership styles and philosophies, cover topics such as public sector leadership training of 2020’s, and present case studies on successful public-sector leadership development and future-oriented leadership models. Balancing public-sector leadership theory with practical illustrations and examples, tools and techniques, the book helps managers master the art of public-sector leadership.
Developing Quality in Personal Social Services: Concepts, Cases and Comments (Routledge Revivals)
by Adalbert Evers Riitta Haverinen Kai Leichsenring Gerald WistowFirst published in 1997, this volume is about the challenge of introducing business-originated concepts of quality assurance, personal social services are currently confronted with all over Europe. Undoubtedly, the new orientation towards a more business-like approach in social welfare settings will raise professionalism, "client-orientation" and controlling (instead of mere inspection). There is evidence, however, that the specificities of personal social services are not always taken into account if it comes to introducing market values and mechanisms. Due to this development it becomes essential to promote more adequate criteria for quality standards in the very field of personal social services. The challenge is to maintain a certain standard of service provision while at the same time reconsidering the preconditions for defining quality. This will imply the search for a consensus between allegedly diverging approaches, i.e. between their different basic concepts, aims and standards. Given the social and economic context within which these developments are taking place, the focus of the contributions is on their critical assessment in different European countries. An overview is given about national developments in the areas of care for older persons and other social services. The contributors from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the UK look at how and by whom quality is defined and what challenges the actors of the traditionally mixed economy of personal social services are meeting. Empirical evidence about user involvement and satisfaction is given but also theoretical reasoning about the impact of business approaches on a "pubic good". Thus, the book tries to fill an important gap in practice, research and policy-making concerning personal social services and quality issues.
Developing Resilient Organizations
by Doug Strycharczyk Charles ElvinMuch of the fear and uncertainty surrounding the global recession is concerned with the adverse impact it will have on organisations and society. However, recessions are nothing new. We know from past experience that when a recession is over, there always emerge organisations and individuals who have not only survived but have thrived. They often emerge stronger, fitter and better performing. Developing Resilient Organizations argues that one of the fundamental keys to survival in these circumstances is resilience or mental toughness. It can make challenge and change an opportunity rather than a threat. The book addresses a wide variety of organizational issues including motivation, performance, staff retention, behaviour, trust, attention span and teamwork. With case studies from leading organizations across the public and private sector internationally, it will show you how to develop organizational performance, well being and a positive approach to adversity and change in your organization.
Developing Resilient Organizations: How to Create an Adaptive, High-Performance and Engaged Organization
by Doug Strycharczyk Charles ElvinMuch of the fear and uncertainty surrounding the global recession is concerned with the adverse impact it will have on organisations and society. However, recessions are nothing new. We know from past experience that when a recession is over, there always emerge organisations and individuals who have not only survived but have thrived. They often emerge stronger, fitter and better performing. Developing Resilient Organizations argues that one of the fundamental keys to survival in these circumstances is resilience or mental toughness. It can make challenge and change an opportunity rather than a threat. The book addresses a wide variety of organizational issues including motivation, performance, staff retention, behaviour, trust, attention span and teamwork. With case studies from leading organizations across the public and private sector internationally, it will show you how to develop organizational performance, well being and a positive approach to adversity and change in your organization.
Developing Senior Navy Leaders
by Herbert J. Shukiar Lawrence M. Hanser Bruce Newsome Louis W. MillerCould U.S. Navy officers be better prepared to become flag officers? This study examines the kinds of expertise required for successful performance in Navy flag billets, and whether recent pools of officers possess this experience. The authors also examine Navy trends over the past decade to identify the types of expertise likely to become more important for Navy leaders in the future.
Developing Skills for Business Leadership: Building Personal Effectiveness and Business Acumen
by Gillian Watson Stefanie ReissnerSplit into the core areas of managing yourself and others, transferable management skills and postgraduate study skills, this is an ideal textbook for CIPD advanced level students and those on non-CIPD business masters degrees.Covering the theory and practice of the key topics needed for successful professional development and practice, Developing Skills for Business Leadership includes content on interpersonal and communication skills, managing information and projects in both academic and professional contexts, change management, decision making, managing financial resources and data analysis. This new edition has been fully updated throughout and now includes new material on on building and managing virtual teams, remote and hybrid working arrangements, resolving conflict, organizational learning and development as well as working across diverse cultures and how to foster inclusion. This book provides everything that students will need to manage teams in the workplace, make sound and justifiable business decisions and effectively lead, engage and influence others. Chapters are supported by 'development zones', examples, case studies and 'pause for thought' boxes to consolidate learning and help students with no prior business experience put the skills into context and see how they apply in the workplace. Online resources include a student guide, PowerPoint slides, lecturer manual, and downloadable templates.
Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure AZ-204 Exam Guide: Discover the essentials for success when developing and maintaining cloud-based solutions on Azure
by Paul Ivey Alex IvanovBuild a thorough understanding of the technology, concepts, and development patterns used in building applications in Azure, through detailed explanations, hands-on exercises, and downloadable code samplesKey FeaturesWritten by two Microsoft technical trainers to help you explore the exam topics in a structured wayUnderstand the “why”, and not just “how” behind design and solution decisionsFollow along examples with downloadable code samples to help cement each topic's learning objectiveBook DescriptionWith the prevalence of cloud technologies and DevOps ways of working, the industry demands developers who can build cloud solutions and monitor them throughout their life cycle. Becoming a Microsoft-certified Azure developer can differentiate developers from the competition, but with such a plethora of information available, it can be difficult to structure learning in an effective way to obtain certification. Through easy-to-understand explanations and exercises, this book will provide a more palatable learning experience than what you may expect from an exam preparation book. You'll start off with a recap of some important cloud concepts, such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. From there, you'll learn about each relevant solution area, with use cases. The chapters also cover different implementation methodologies, both manual and programmatic – ranging from compute resources such as App Service and serverless applications to storage, database, security, monitoring solutions, and connecting to third-party services. By the end of this book, you'll have learned everything you need to pass the AZ-204 certification exam and have a handy, on-the-job reference guide.What you will learnDevelop Azure compute solutionsDiscover tips and tricks from Azure experts for interactive learningUse Cosmos DB storage and blob storage for developing solutionsDevelop secure cloud solutions for AzureUse optimization, monitoring, and troubleshooting for Azure solutionsDevelop Azure solutions connected to third-party servicesWho this book is forThis book is for Azure developers looking to improve their Azure development knowledge to pass the AZ-204 exam. This book assumes at least one year of professional development experience with Azure, with the ability to program in at least one language supported by Azure. Existing Azure CLI and PowerShell skills will also be useful.
Developing Sport for Women and Girls (Routledge Studies in Sport Development)
by Emma SherryWomen and girls are often excluded from organised sport or face challenges in accessing sport or developing within sport. This is the first book to focus on sport development for women and girls. It provides a theoretical and practical framework for readers in the emerging field of sport development. Developing Sport for Women and Girls examines both the development of sport, and development through sport with expert contributions from Australasia, North America and Europe. It offers critical analysis of contemporary sport development, from high performance pathways to engaging diverse communities to the use of sport to empower women and girls. Each chapter explores various contexts of sport development and sport for development theory with a specific focus on women and girls. It covers key topics such as health, education, sexual orientation and participation across the lifecourse, and features international case studies in every chapter. This is essential reading for students, academics, researchers and practitioners working in the area of sport development or sport management.