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Dial M for Murdoch
by Tom Watson Martin HickmanDial M for Murdoch uncovers the inner workings of one of the most powerful companies in the world: how it came to exert a poisonous, secretive influence on public life in Britain, how it used its huge power to bully, intimidate and cover up, and how its exposure has changed the way we look at our politicians, our police service and our press. Rupert Murdoch's newspapers had been hacking phones and casually destroying people's lives for years, but it was only after a trivial report about Prince William's knee in 2005 that detectives stumbled on a criminal conspiracy. A five-year cover-up then concealed and muddied the truth. Dial M for Murdoch gives the first connected account of the extraordinary lengths to which the Murdochs' News Corporation went to "put the problem in a box" (in James Murdoch's words), how its efforts to maintain and extend its power were aided by its political and police friends, and how it was finally exposed. The book details the smears and threats against politicians, journalists and lawyers. It reveals the existence of brave insiders who pointed those pursuing the investigation towards pieces of secret information that cracked open the case. By contrast, many of the main players in the book are unsavory, but by the end of it you have a clear idea of what they did. Seeing the story whole, as it is presented here for the first time, allows the character of the organisation which it portrays to emerge unmistakably. You will hardly believe it.
The Dialectic Of Taste
by David MichalskiThe Dialectic of Taste provides a new way of thinking about the aesthetization of everyday life and the aesthetic economy. It configures taste as a kind of labor, one that is increasingly exploited in an economy geared to convert cultural capital to monetary value. This book examines the cultural fallout of this conversion. The movements of the dialectic of taste are illustrated through a study of Tuscan motifs in contemporary consumer culture. From this examination, a social process of Tuscanization is shown to take shape as a response to crises associated with McDonaldization. By applying a historical materialist approach to the interpretation of consumer culture, The Dialectic of Taste demonstrates how distorted images of beauty, trapped in everyday commodities, can come to represent collective social demands, and provoke social change. In doing so, this book provides a bold new trajectory for critical theory, cultural studies, and the sociology of taste.
Dialectical Phenomenolgy: Marx's Method (Routledge Revivals)
by Roslyn Wallach BologhIn this inquiry into Marx’s method of theorising, originally published in 1979, Roslyn Bologh analyses theory in the same way that Marx analyses the production of capital, and provides a set of rules for reproducing Marx’s method. The rules are developed through an examination of the Grundrisse, a text by Marx that combines his technical critique of political economy with his humanistic, philosophical concerns and his historical perspective. Dr Bologh concludes that Marx’s method, as dialectical phenomenology, offers a way of analysing language, knowledge and the social relations and practices of everyday life, as well as the more obvious phenomena of capitalism.
Dialectics of Class Struggle in the Global Economy (Routledge Frontiers Of Political Economy Ser. #Vol. 123)
by Clark EverlingMuch ink has been spilled in attempts to prove that humans are only animals and are, like other species, only aggressive. Marx distinguishes both class and cooperative relations as inorganic: humans create their subjectivity through their mutual social production. They build upon their previous forms of social production and, with capitalism, become not only an opposition of classes, but have the capacity for urban individualism and cooperation. Dialectics of Class Struggle examines the historical development of classes from ancient times to present. It analyses the development of ancient slavery into feudalism and the latter into capitalism. It focuses on the laws and limits of capitalist development, the contradictions inherent in the capitalist state, revolutions in the twentieth century and the possibilities for human freedom that they revealed. It concludes with an examination of class struggles in the global economy and shows the human deprivations as well as the human possibilities.
The Dialectics of Democracy: Towards a Socialist Constitutionalism
by Dimitrios KivotidisThis book examines how the democratic form and the struggle for democracy reflects, influences and shapes the struggle for social emancipation.In the context of increased exploitation, rising inequality, and intensified struggle for social justice in the aftermath of the economic crisis, the channelling of populism through liberal democratic institutions has had contradictory effects: giving rise to both Corbyn and Brexit, Sanders and Trump, Syriza and the Golden Dawn, to name but a few. How can we make sense of these developments? In response, this book approaches the idea of democracy from a socialist constitutionalist standpoint and explores institutional forms and principles that challenge and aim at the transformation of the extant social order. This process involves the challenging of well-established ideas of the liberal viewpoint, as well as an unwavering focus on the issue of class rule which enables the highlighting of limitations of -not only mainstream but also heterodox- contemporary approaches to constitutionalism and democracy. Ultimately, democracy is conceived as a process of struggle for creating the conditions, material as well as intellectual, for its actualisation.This significant work of legal and political theory will be of considerable interest to those working in these areas to make sense of contemporary developments, and to further the causes of social justice and social emancipation.
Dialektische Führung: Förderung von Dissens als Führungsaufgabe (essentials)
by Ulrich Klocke Andreas MojzischUlrich Klocke und Andreas Mojzisch stellen mit der dialektischen Führung einen neuen Ansatz vor, bei dem Führungskräfte Dissens in ihrem Team fördern, um Entscheidungen zu verbessern. Auf der Basis von Führungs- und Gruppenforschung sowie aktuellen Fallbeispielen liefert das Essential konkrete Verhaltensempfehlungen, wie ührungskräfte dabei vorgehen sollten, damit der Dissens nicht zu Konflikten auf der Beziehungsebene führt und am Ende alle Beteiligten die getroffene Entscheidung akzeptieren.
Dialog zwischen Mensch und Maschine: Conversational User Interfaces, intelligente Assistenten und Voice-Systeme
by Peter KabelDieses Buch beschreibt, wie sich die Interaktion zwischen Menschen und Maschinen in den nächsten Jahren dramatisch verändern wird und wie Unternehmen sowie Institutionen den größtmöglichen Nutzen aus dieser Entwicklung ziehen können.Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) sind die nächste Evolutionsstufe der Schnittstelle zwischen Menschen und den Inhalten oder Diensten des Internets. Wenn Nutzer in natürlicher Sprache mit ihnen reden, können intelligente Assistants, Voice-Systeme und Bots wertvolle Antworten geben und Handlungen auslösen: Sie buchen eine Fahrkarte, verlängern einen Vertrag oder starten eine Überweisung. So entsteht ein neues Ökosystem, das viele Prozesse in Unternehmen und im Alltag revolutionieren wird. Alle Marktteilnehmer müssen sich neu positionieren und verorten.Dieses Buch hilft dabei, die Funktionsweisen und Konsequenzen beim Einsatz von CUIs grundlegend zu verstehen und beantwortet unter anderem folgende Fragen: Woraus setzen sich CUIs und intelligente Assistenten zusammen? Wie funktioniert Natural Language Generation? Welche technischen Herausforderungen entstehen für Unternehmen? Welche Rolle spielt Werbung in dem neuen Ökosystem? Wie funktioniertder berührungslose Konsum? Eine inspirierende Lektüre, die Sie dabei unterstützt, sich in den nächsten Jahren unter den Leadern zu positionieren. Extra: eine Anleitung zum Gestalten Ihres eigenen Test-Bots – dem Friesenbot. Kostenlos für Leser: Testen Sie Ihr Wissen mit Fragen und Antworten zum Buch in der Springer-Nature-Flashcards-App.
Dialogic Organization Development
by Robert J. Marshak Gervase R. Bushe Edgar H. ScheinA Dynamic New Approach to Organizational ChangeDialogic Organization Development is a compelling alternative to the classical action research approach to planned change. Organizations are seen as fluid, socially constructed realities that are continuously created through conversations and images. Leaders and consultants can help foster change by encouraging disruptions to taken-for-granted ways of thinking and acting and the use of generative images to stimulate new organizational conversations and narratives. This book offers the first comprehensive introduction to Dialogic Organization Development with chapters by a global team of leading scholar-practitioners addressing both theoretical foundations and specific practices.
Dialogmarketing für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Andreas ScherfkeWie kann man heute sein Produkt an den Mann bringen oder die Kundin für seine Dienstleistung erreichen? Dialogmarketing heißt das Zauberwort! Dieses Buch stellt die ganze Bandbreite von Instrumenten des Dialogmarketing vor: vom klassischen Werbebrief über Telefonmarketing und Couponing bis hin zur Kundenzeitschrift. Natürlich werden die Planung und Konzeption von Kampagnen, die Adressenbeschaffung und -pflege sowie die rechtliche Seite nicht ausgespart. Fallstudien zu den Themen Kunden finden, Kunden binden und Kunden zurückgewinnen runden das Buch ab.
Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2022/2023: Tagungsband 15. wissenschaftlicher interdisziplinärer Kongress für Dialogmarketing
by Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband e. V.Der Tagungsband „Dialogmarketing Perspektiven“ vereint aktuelle Fachbeiträge und Forschungsergebnisse des 15. wissenschaftlichen interdisziplinären Kongress für Dialogmarketing, den der DDV im September 2022 an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt veranstaltete. Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen, die zum Dialog- und Data-Driven-Marketing forschen, wurden hier in den Dialog miteinander gebracht und konnten sich mit Praktikern vernetzen.
Dialogmarketing und Kundenbindung mit Connected Cars: Wie Automobilherstellern Mit Daten Und Vernetzung Die Optimale Customer Experience Gelingt
by Heinrich HollandLesen Sie in diesem Buch alles zum Thema Dialogmarketing und Kundenbindung hinsichtlich Connected Cars in der Automobilbranche. Das Auto der Zukunft ist mit der Umwelt sowie anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern vernetzt und Teil des Internet of Things. Mit Hilfe einer stetigen Internetverbindung sind Connected Cars dazu in der Lage, überall und permanent online zu sein. Da es im Bereich der digitalen Vernetzung mittlerweile hohen Innovationsdruck und einen starken Verdrängungswettbewerb gibt, liefern sich Fahrzeughersteller, Telekommunikationsanbieter sowie IT-Riesen heute einen echten Machtkampf um die Hoheit im Connected Car. Heinrich Hollands Buch über „Dialogmarketing und Kundenbindung mit Connected Cars - Wie Automobilherstellern mit Daten und Vernetzung die optimale Customer Experience gelingt“ zeigt die Potenziale von Autos mit Konnektivitätstechnologien in folgenden Bereichen auf: Digitale Dienstleistungen Kundenbindung Kundendialog Das ausführliche Dialogmarketing-Buch für die Automobilbranche beschreibt die Transformation vom Automobilhersteller zum Serviceanbieter mit zunehmender Bedeutung der produktbegleitenden Dienstleistungen. Im Zuge dessen macht Heinrich in seinem Buch ebenfalls deutlich, welche neuen Chancen sich für den Dialog mit den Kunden und die Kundenbindung durch Data Driven Marketing im Bereich der Connected Cars eröffnen. Aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und praktische Orientierungshilfen Autor Heinrich Holland gibt der Automobilbranche ein wegweisendes Dialogmarketing-Buch an die Hand, um neue Geschäftspotenziale und Anwendungsfelder für das Marketing im Bereich des vernetzten Fahrens zu entdecken. Hierfür liefert das Werk ebenfalls: ü Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse ü Analysen hinsichtlich Adoption und Akzeptanz durch die Endnutzer ü Praktische Orientierungshilfen für den Wirtschaftszweig Damit hilft dieser umfassende Ratgeber der Automobilindustrie dabei, sich die Chancen, den digitalen Wandel mit Connected Cars in Produkte, Wertschöpfungsketten und Geschäftsmodelle zu integrieren, optimal zunutze zu machen.
Dialogue: The Ultimate Communication
by Harvard Business Review PressEffective business communication is not confined to writing and making presentations. In reality, business communication most often occurs more informally, between individuals and in various settings. This chapter reveals the value of these significant moments and offers three principles for successful one-on-one interactions.
Dialogue: The Art Of Thinking Together
by William IsaacsDialogue provides practical guidelines for one of the essential elements of true partnership--learning how to talk together in honest and effective ways. Reveals how problems between managers and employees, and between companies or divisions within a larger corporation, stem from an inability to conduct a successful dialogue.
Dialogue Gap
by Peter NixonThe book that bridges the chasm between communication and understanding in negotiations For years Peter Nixon worked with people from all walks of life, teaching them the art of negotiation. But it soon became apparent that the issue was not negotiation itself, but dialogue between parties. We have become experts at sending information-via email, text message, Internet, TV, and other forms of media, communicating, but not engaging, in an active dialogue defined by collaborative thinking. In Dialogue Gap, Nixon explores this growing disconnect and its significance in an increasingly globalized world where the ability to engage with others-in order to address issues like climate change, cultural differences, etc. -has become essential. Helps the reader differentiate communication and dialogue Explores the make-up and causes of the "Dialogue Gap" and what constitutes "good" dialogue (the right people talking about the right issues in the right way at the right time and in the right place) Identifies the most common reasons people don't dialogue effectively and provides helpful tips on how to engage in more effective, productive dialogues Effective dialogue is essential for general success, ensuring that all key stakeholders-in business, politics, or elsewhere-get what they want in the most efficient and productive way possible. Looking at successful and failed dialogues the author has experienced first-hand in Asia, Europe, North America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East in both the public and private sector from across industries, Dialogue Gap provides essential information for making the most of your interactions with others.
Dialogue in Organizations
by Megan ReitzIn politics, business and wider society, 'better' leadership and dialogue are seen as antidotes to the paradoxical issues of the modern world. Dialogues in Organizations illustrates how the compulsion for 'busyness', the entrenched assumptions about who leaders are (and what they should do) and the adherence to implicitly-held cultural norms threaten the possibility of effective dialogue in our organizations. The quality of the leader-follower encounter is examined using an action research approach. The stories and images drawn from this process reveal the challenges faced in enabling dialogue and developing 'relational leadership' in organizations. This book explores how relationships at work impact us as human beings and how this helps and hinders us in our ambition to be the people we want to be.
A Dialogue on Institutions (SpringerBriefs in Philosophy)
by C. MantzavinosThis book consists of a dialogue between two interlocutors, Pablo and a student, who discuss a great range of issues in social philosophy and political theory, and in particular, the emergence, working properties and economic effects of institutions. It uses the dialogical form to make philosophy more accessible, but also to show how ideas develop through intellectual interaction. The fact that one of the interlocutors is the "student" in a place in the real world makes the dialogue quasi-fictive in character and enables the active engagement of the reader. After all, we are all philosophers and we develop our own philosophy by exchanging views and arguments. The dialogue form is and should remain the principal form of philosophizing, since ideas, like butterflies, do not merely exist – they develop. This is certainly the case in actual philosophical interaction, and it can be the case in written philosophical exposition. Although the dialogue does not presuppose prior acquaintance with the respective philosophical and social scientific literature under discussion in this book, it makes arguments more accessible, and conveys the feeling that there are no definite solutions to philosophical problems.
by Mihnea Moldoveanu Roger L. MartinWhat constitutes successful thinking in business? What are some of the techniques used by top business minds in order to solve problems and create value? Diaminds breaks new ground in addressing these questions.Mihnea Moldoveanu and Roger Martin, creators of the Integrative Thinking curriculum at the Rotman School of Management, draw upon case studies and interviews - as well as theories and models from cognitive psychology, epistemology, analytic philosophy, and semiotics - to offer a new conception of successful intelligence that is immediately applicable to business situations. The 'diamind' (or dialogical mind) is characterized by bi-stability (simultaneously holding opposite plans, models, courses of action in mind while retaining the ability to act), meliorism (increasing the logical depth and informational breadth of one's thinking processes), choicefulness (retaining the ability to choose among various representations of the world, the self and others) and polyphony (thinking about the way one formulates and solves a problem while at the same time thinking about the problem itself). End-of-chapter exercises encourage readers to examine and re-engineer their own thought and perception patterns to develop these qualities and cultivate their own 'diaminds.'
Diamond Foods
by Mary Shelman David E. BellCEO Michael Mendes has transformed a grower-owned cooperative into a publicly traded top marketer of snack foods. Diamond's organization, culture, product development process, advertising and promotion strategy, and specifically its marketing department have been built "from the ground up" to address fundamental changes in retail structure and consumer behavior. Can the Diamond model be successfully applied to other food categories?
Diamond Foods, Inc.
by Suraj Srinivasan Tim GrayThe Diamonds Foods, Inc. case describes the major accounting blow up at the company in late 2011 that was triggered by a report by Off Wall Street, a prominent short selling research firm. Diamond Foods, a high flying growth company in 2011, grew from a walnut farmers' cooperative in 2005 into a branded snack foods manufacturer on the strength of a series of acquisitions. The accounting scandal that involved improper accounting for walnut purchases led to Diamond dropping its high profile acquisition of Pringles, an SEC and DOJ investigation, departure of the CEO and CFO, and the grounding of a high flying growth company. The case describes the history and growth of the company, the investigative and analytical work conducted by OWS and allows students to understand implications of the growth strategy for financial performance and valuation. Additionally, the case highlights the role of corporate boards and audit committees in managing strategic and financial reporting risks.
Diamond Framework: A New Model for Project Management
by Dov Dvir Aaron J. ShenharThis chapter introduces the diamond model for managing projects in detail, showing how a diamond analysis can serve as an upfront assessment of benefits and risks and as a disciplined planning tool.
The Diamond in the Rough: How to Keep Finding Your Best Competitive Position-as Market Dynamics Change
by Richard A. D'AveniSpotting a threat of commoditization-and taking preventative action-is a critical survival skill for your organization. At the same time, for those prepared to seize the day, commoditization can present opportunities as well as threats. How do you exploit these windows of opportunity? In this chapter Richard A. D'Aveni explores a different perspective on dealing with commodity traps-anticipating them so you can stake out an advantageous position. Specifically, he shows how organizations can use price-benefit analysis to understand shifts in competitive dynamics and positions, as well as to anticipate these shifts. Examples from a hotel restaurant and the real estate industry provide vivid and actionable examples of how organizations can put this analysis to work to vault over the commodity traps that threaten them. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 5 of Beating the Commodity Trap: How to Maximize Your Competitive Position and Increase Your Pricing Power.
Diamonds and Scoundrels: My Life in the Jewelry Business
by Adrienne RubinWhen Adrienne Rubin enters into the jewelry business in 1970s Los Angeles, she is a maverick in a world dominated by men. She soon meets a young hotshot salesman who doesn&’t seem to struggle at all, and when he asks her to be his partner, she is excited to join him. She doesn&’t know him well, but she does know his father, and she believes he is as trustworthy as the day is long . . . Diamonds and Scoundrels shows us how a woman in a man&’s world, with tenacity and sheer determination, can earn respect and obtain a true sense of accomplishment. Following Rubin&’s experiences in the jewelry industry through the &’70s, &’80s, and &’90s—with the ups and downs, good guys and bad—this is a tale of personal growth, of how to overcome challenges with courage and resilience. It&’s a story for the woman today who, in addition to a rich family life, seeks a self-realized, fulfilling path toward a life well lived.
Diamonds and War: State, Capital, and Labor in British-Ruled Palestine
by David De VriesThe mining of diamonds, their trading mechanisms, their financial institutions, and, not least, their cultural expressions as luxury items have engaged the work of historians, economists, social scientists, and international relations experts. Based on previously unexamined historical documents found in archives in Belgium, England, Israel, the Netherlands, and the United States, this book is the first in English to tell the story of the formation of one of the world’s main strongholds of diamond production and trade in Palestine during the 1930s and 1940s. The history of the diamond-cutting industry, characterized by a long-standing Jewish presence, is discussed as a social history embedded in the international political economy of its times; the genesis of the industry in Palestine is placed on a broad continuum within the geographic and economic dislocations of Dutch, Belgian, and German diamond-cutting centers. In providing a micro-historical and interdisciplinary perspective, the story of the diamond industry in Mandate Palestine proposes a more nuanced picture of the uncritical approach to the strict boundaries of ethnic-based occupational communities. This book unravels the Middle-eastern pattern of state intervention in the empowerment of private capital and recasts this craft culture’s inseparability from international politics during a period of war and transformation of empire.
Diane: A Signature Life
by Diane Von FurstenbergThe frank and compelling story of an extraordinary woman and her adventures in fashion, business, and life.“Most fairy tales end with the girl marrying the prince. That's where mine began,” says Diane Von Furstenberg. Von Furstenberg lived the American Dream before she was thirty, building a multimillion-dollar fashion empire while raising two children and living life in the fast lane. Her wrap dress, a cultural phenomenon in the seventies, hangs in the Smithsonian Institution; her entry into the beauty business in 1979 was as serendipitous and as successful. Von Furstenberg learned her trade in the trenches, crisscrossing the country to make personal appearances at department stores, selling her dresses and cosmetics. That business had its ups and downs, as the fashionista entrepreneur’s unparalleled success became the source of its own undoing and she contended with bankruptcy, the loss of her business, and finally a complete self-reinvention that took her back to the top of the industry. This revealing and contemplative memoir works to make sense of the contradictions of the author’s life: glamour vs. hard work, European vs. American, daughter of a Holocaust survivor vs. wife of an Austro-Italian prince, mother vs. entrepreneur, lover vs. tycoon. She emerges wiser, stronger, and ever more determined never to sacrifice her passion for life.