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The Diamond in the Rough: How to Keep Finding Your Best Competitive Position-as Market Dynamics Change
by Richard A. D'AveniSpotting a threat of commoditization-and taking preventative action-is a critical survival skill for your organization. At the same time, for those prepared to seize the day, commoditization can present opportunities as well as threats. How do you exploit these windows of opportunity? In this chapter Richard A. D'Aveni explores a different perspective on dealing with commodity traps-anticipating them so you can stake out an advantageous position. Specifically, he shows how organizations can use price-benefit analysis to understand shifts in competitive dynamics and positions, as well as to anticipate these shifts. Examples from a hotel restaurant and the real estate industry provide vivid and actionable examples of how organizations can put this analysis to work to vault over the commodity traps that threaten them. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 5 of Beating the Commodity Trap: How to Maximize Your Competitive Position and Increase Your Pricing Power.
Diamonds and Scoundrels: My Life in the Jewelry Business
by Adrienne RubinWhen Adrienne Rubin enters into the jewelry business in 1970s Los Angeles, she is a maverick in a world dominated by men. She soon meets a young hotshot salesman who doesn&’t seem to struggle at all, and when he asks her to be his partner, she is excited to join him. She doesn&’t know him well, but she does know his father, and she believes he is as trustworthy as the day is long . . . Diamonds and Scoundrels shows us how a woman in a man&’s world, with tenacity and sheer determination, can earn respect and obtain a true sense of accomplishment. Following Rubin&’s experiences in the jewelry industry through the &’70s, &’80s, and &’90s—with the ups and downs, good guys and bad—this is a tale of personal growth, of how to overcome challenges with courage and resilience. It&’s a story for the woman today who, in addition to a rich family life, seeks a self-realized, fulfilling path toward a life well lived.
Diamonds and War: State, Capital, and Labor in British-Ruled Palestine
by David De VriesThe mining of diamonds, their trading mechanisms, their financial institutions, and, not least, their cultural expressions as luxury items have engaged the work of historians, economists, social scientists, and international relations experts. Based on previously unexamined historical documents found in archives in Belgium, England, Israel, the Netherlands, and the United States, this book is the first in English to tell the story of the formation of one of the world’s main strongholds of diamond production and trade in Palestine during the 1930s and 1940s. The history of the diamond-cutting industry, characterized by a long-standing Jewish presence, is discussed as a social history embedded in the international political economy of its times; the genesis of the industry in Palestine is placed on a broad continuum within the geographic and economic dislocations of Dutch, Belgian, and German diamond-cutting centers. In providing a micro-historical and interdisciplinary perspective, the story of the diamond industry in Mandate Palestine proposes a more nuanced picture of the uncritical approach to the strict boundaries of ethnic-based occupational communities. This book unravels the Middle-eastern pattern of state intervention in the empowerment of private capital and recasts this craft culture’s inseparability from international politics during a period of war and transformation of empire.
Diane: A Signature Life
by Diane Von FurstenbergThe frank and compelling story of an extraordinary woman and her adventures in fashion, business, and life.“Most fairy tales end with the girl marrying the prince. That's where mine began,” says Diane Von Furstenberg. Von Furstenberg lived the American Dream before she was thirty, building a multimillion-dollar fashion empire while raising two children and living life in the fast lane. Her wrap dress, a cultural phenomenon in the seventies, hangs in the Smithsonian Institution; her entry into the beauty business in 1979 was as serendipitous and as successful. Von Furstenberg learned her trade in the trenches, crisscrossing the country to make personal appearances at department stores, selling her dresses and cosmetics. That business had its ups and downs, as the fashionista entrepreneur’s unparalleled success became the source of its own undoing and she contended with bankruptcy, the loss of her business, and finally a complete self-reinvention that took her back to the top of the industry. This revealing and contemplative memoir works to make sense of the contradictions of the author’s life: glamour vs. hard work, European vs. American, daughter of a Holocaust survivor vs. wife of an Austro-Italian prince, mother vs. entrepreneur, lover vs. tycoon. She emerges wiser, stronger, and ever more determined never to sacrifice her passion for life.
Dianrong: Marketplace Lending, Blockchain, and "The New Finance" in China
by Christopher Malloy Lauren H. Cohen Anthony K. WooThis case examines the strategic positioning of Dianrong, one of the largest online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms in China, in its attempt to become a foundational player in the expansion of the FinTech sector in Asia. Dianrong had recently announced the acquisition of the asset-origination operations of Shanghai-based Quark Finance, augmenting Dianrong’s asset management and credit evaluation capabilities across China, as well as a new initiative to develop the first blockchain platform for supply chain finance in China. The goal was to provide capital to smaller suppliers in the supply chain, and provide enhanced visibility and transparency of supply chains for large multinational manufacturers. The company had also made several recent forays into other related sectors, with their creation of “DR Group” as an umbrella corporate structure that included all wholly-owned businesses, joint ventures, and partnerships. This rebranded group structure encompassed the various aspects of “The New Finance,” leveraging FinTech innovation to deliver value for borrowers, lenders, and investors. Case protagonist Soul Htite, Founder and CEO of Dianrong, and the former CTO of Lending Club, must decide how to execute on the firm’s aggressive diversification plan. Recent advances at the company, while promising, were complicated by the uncertainties in the political and regulatory landscape. How should the company leverage its advantage in technology and position itself in the market? Which sectors within its larger umbrella structure were the most promising avenues to focus on? Was Dianrong tackling too many sectors and problems at once? Htite’s view was that in order to truly succeed in China a technology company had to “create” much of the ecosystem and infrastructure oneself, as opposed to in the US where companies could simply “provide add-ons” to existing firms and capabilities. But the reality of trying to excel in so many different areas was daunting.
Dianrong: Marketplace Lending, Blockchain, and "The New Finance" in China
by Anthony K. Woo Christopher J. Malloy Lauren H. CohenThis case examines the strategic positioning of Dianrong, one of the largest online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms in China, in its attempt to become a foundational player in the expansion of the FinTech sector in Asia. Dianrong had recently announced the acquisition of the asset-origination operations of Shanghai-based Quark Finance, augmenting Dianrong's asset management and credit evaluation capabilities across China, as well as a new initiative to develop the first blockchain platform for supply chain finance in China. The goal was to provide capital to smaller suppliers in the supply chain, and provide enhanced visibility and transparency of supply chains for large multinational manufacturers. The company had also made several recent forays into other related sectors, with their creation of "DR Group" as an umbrella corporate structure that included all wholly-owned businesses, joint ventures, and partnerships. This rebranded group structure encompassed the various aspects of "The New Finance," leveraging FinTech innovation to deliver value for borrowers, lenders, and investors. Case protagonist Soul Htite, Founder and CEO of Dianrong, and the former CTO of Lending Club, must decide how to execute on the firm's aggressive diversification plan. Recent advances at the company, while promising, were complicated by the uncertainties in the political and regulatory landscape. How should the company leverage its advantage in technology and position itself in the market? Which sectors within its larger umbrella structure were the most promising avenues to focus on? Was Dianrong tackling too many sectors and problems at once? Htite's view was that in order to truly succeed in China a technology company had to "create" much of the ecosystem and infrastructure oneself, as opposed to in the US where companies could simply "provide add-ons" to existing firms and capabilities. But the reality of trying to excel in so many different areas was daunting.
Diario de un optimista: Observaciones de un economista filósofo acerca de nuestro mundo
by Guy SormanEn estos artículos sobre la cultura y el mundo contemporáneos, Sorman,autoproclamado «optimista en tiempos de crisis» y defensor de la idea deprogreso, no pierde, sin embargo, su mirada crítica y su escrituraprovocadora y lacerante. Se trata de la mirada original y desprejuiciadade un «etnólogo del tiempo presente», como alguna vez lo definió elpropio Claude Lévi-Strauss, uno de sus maestros. «Si tuviera que resumir estos últimos años en una fórmula simple,propondría la siguiente: crisis de Occidente y occidentalización delmundo. Mientras aquí, en Occidente, nos sentimos cada vez más perplejosrespecto de nuestro futuro económico, nuestra identidad cultural ynuestras democracias disfuncionales, el resto del mundo se lanza aimitar nuestras instituciones y nuestros modos», dice el prestigiosofilósofo francés Guy Sorman en el prólogo de este libro.«Para quienes lo vemos desde adentro, Occidente es sinónimo de crisis;para quienes lo ven desde afuera, es sinónimo de libertad. Las crisis yla libertad indudablemente marchan juntas».
Diario emprendedor
by Joshua A. AguilarEste libro trata acerca de cómo emprender tus más grandes sueños, acerca de los emprendedores y lo que los hace diferentes, y está dirigido tanto a quienes ya han iniciado el camino como a los que les gustaría llegar a hacerlo. Contiene treinta valiosos capítulos, uno para cada día durante un mes, con historias impresionantes, situaciones humorísticas, ejemplos de la vida real y preguntas para reflexionar que te mantendrán enganchado a la lectura. El fenómeno mundial de autoayuda y finanzas para empresas y particulares. En este libro encontrarás treinta capítulos con anécdotas y ejemplos de emprendedores. Además, es un diario que te permite organizarte. Se titula Diario Emprendedor porque tendrás la oportunidad de escribir todas tus ideas y planes de acción gracias al apartado "Diario personal" que encontrarás al final de cada capítulo. Mediante la reflexión sobre cada tema sentarás las bases de tus proyectos y descubrirás un camino propio hacia tus metas. De manera que este diario no trata sobre el autor, trata sobre ti, es tu diario. Solo en ocasiones especiales se presentan libros que de pronto cambian tu vida radicalmente; ahora mismo tienes uno en tus manos. Diario Emprendedor es el punto de partida para aquellos que quieren alcanzar sus sueños y metas más grandes. ¿Qué esperas para empezar a conquistar tu éxito? "Los emprendedores abren nuevos caminos, empiezan donde están, son autodidactas, asumen riesgos; mientras los demás retroceden, ellos avanzan, el miedo no los detiene, sino que los motiva a seguir adelante. Sus vidas están controladas por la ilusión de dejar una huella y hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor, ellos hacen lo que los demás desearían hacer pero no se atreven". Lo que han dicho otros autores: "Cada uno de nosotros tiene control sobre una sola cosa: nosotros mismos. Todos aquellos que tengan un sueño deberían leer este libro". - Robert T. Kiyosaki, autor del bestseller Padre Rico, Padre Pobre Lo que han dicho los lectores: "Este libro está lleno de fuerza y de ganas de hacer. ¡Me alegro de haberlo leído!" "Uno de los mejores libros de motivación que he leído. Es de esos libros que te hacen levantarte de la cama y pensar en el tiempo que perdemos y la importancia que le damos a cosas que no la tienen". "Yo, gracias a ti, he cambiado mi forma negativa de afrontar todos mis proyectos con miedo a fracasar y he empezado a pensar en grande. Gracias de corazón". "Libros como este son los que hacen falta para tiempos como estos".
Diary and Observations of Thomas Alva Edison
by Dagobert D. RunesGain insight into the unique thinking and philosophy of the world&’s most prolific inventor with this collection of his writings.American scientist and businessman Thomas Edison contributed much to the well-being and comfort of our modern life. He gave us the electric light, the phonograph, and the motion-picture camera, along with more than one thousand other inventions. Edison was, as fellow inventor Guglielmo Marconi put it, &“one of the world&’s greatest benefactors.&” In this volume, editor Dagobert D. Runes presents Edison&’s diary along with a selection of his social and philosophical ideas taken from available notes, statements, and observations. Readers will discover that many of Edison&’s casual remarks made decades ago have a definite contemporary significance. His propositions in ethics, philosophy, music, and education show a rare combination of whimsy and deep sincerity.
The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life
by Steven BartlettA galvanizing playbook for success from Steven Bartlett, one of the world&’s most exciting entrepreneurs and the host of the No. 1 podcast The Diary of a CEO"This is a must-read for anyone dreaming of doing something audacious." Jay Shetty"Valuable lessons about the importance of following a different and unconventional path to power.&” Robert GreeneAt the very heart of all the success and failure I've been exposed to - both my own entrepreneurial journey and through the thousands of interviews I&’ve conducted on my chart-topping podcast - are a set of principles that ensure excellence.These fundamental laws underpinned my meteoric rise, and they will fuel yours too, whether you want to build something great or become someone great. The laws are rooted in psychology and behavioral science, in my own experiences, and those of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, entertainers, artists, writers, and athletes, who I&’ve interviewed on my podcast.These laws will stand the test of time and will help anyone master their life and unleash their potential, no matter the field.They are the secret sauce to success.
Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager: From the Top, to the Bottom, and Back Again
by Rich Blake Keith McculloughA fast-paced ride through the world of hedge funds revealing the unvarnished truth of how Wall Street really operates, and how to use this to your advantageAn insider's view of the high stakes world of money management, Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager is both a practical guide for investors and the deeply personal story of a man who knows the system inside and out. One of the best young portfolio managers on Wall Street, and helping to run the hedge fund operation of one of the world's most prestigious firms, Keith McCullough finds himself a lone voice of reason as the economic crisis of 2008 looms large. Shown the door, his life takes a fascinating turn into the world of independent research and no-holds-barred criticism.Reveals the unvarnished truth of how Wall Street and hedge funds really operateDeftly details how to analyze the markets expertly and avoid group think using technical and fundamental measuresEach topic is thoroughly discussed and followed up with lessons you can take away and put to useWritten with the authority of someone who knows how Wall Street and hedge funds work, yet accessible to even a casual follower of finance, Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager mixes a constructive critique of the investment industry with fundamental lessons that any investor will find valuable.
Diary of a Hedgehog
by Barton BiggsBarton Biggs was a Wall Street legend, trusted by investors around the globe. Now, in his last book, Biggs offers savvy insights into the innermost workings of the markets--today and for the years to come. Packed with keen insights, global experiences, and opinionated stances on investing, Diary of a Hedgehog: Biggs' Final Words on the Markets explores the ongoing downward economic spiral and where it's headed, to help readers keep their money safe and secure.Offering a unique look at the current state of the markets, why they continue to be depressed, and where we can go from here, Diary of a Hedgehog: Biggs' Final Words on the Markets is the ultimate guide to how investors--and the general public--should be handling their finances.The last book from investment legend Barton Biggs Offers investors and business readers of all levels of experience new insights into the current economic crisis Presents news ideas for readers looking to make the most of their money in the face of ongoing market turbulenceInsightful and creative, Diary of a Hedgehog: Biggs' Final Words on the Markets is the ultimate resource for anyone who wants to understand what's up with the market, where it's headed, and how to respond.
Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader: Lessons From 21 Weeks Of Real Trading
by Peter L. BrandtTrading is generally far more difficult in practice than in theory. The reality is that no trade set up or individual trader or system can identify profitable trades in advance with complete certainty. In A Year of Trading, long-time trader Peter Brandt reveals the anxieties and uncertainties of trading in a diary of his 2009 trades. He explains his thought process as he searches for trading opportunities and executes them. Each trade includes charts, an analysis of the trade, and a play-by-play account of how the trade unfolds.
Diary of a Tuscan Bookshop: The heartwarming story that inspired a nation, now an international bestseller
by Alba DonatiHOW A BOOKSELLER INSPIRED A NATIONThe diary of a publicist-turned bookseller who left Florence to open a tiny bookshop on a Tuscan hill. 'A work of significant beauty... Inspiring about the continuing life of books, and about the ways in which our lives can change and our dreams can come true, if only we insist on believing in changes and dreams'Michael Cunningham, author of The Hours'Romano, I'd like to open a bookshop where I live.''Right. How many people are we talking about?''A hundred and eighty.''Right, so if a hundred and eighty thousand people live there, then . . .''No, not hundred and eighty thousand, Romano. Just a hundred and eighty.''Alba . . . Have you lost your mind?'Conversation between Alba Donati and Romano Montroni, founder of Italy's largest bookselling chainAlba used to live a hectic life, working as a book publicist in Florence - a life that made her happy and led her to meet prominent international authors. And yet, she always felt like she was a woman on the run.And so one day she decides to stop running and go back to Lucignana, the small village on the Tuscan hills where she was born, to open a tiny bookshop.With a total of only 180 residents, Alba's enterprise in Lucignana seems doomed from day one but it surprisingly sparks the enthusiasm of many across Tuscany - and beyond. After surviving a fire and the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the 'Bookshop on the Hill' soon becomes a refuge and beacon for an ever-growing community of people: readers who come to visit from afar, safe in the knowledge that Alba will be able to find the perfect book for them.A tale of resilience and entrepreneurship and a celebration of booksellers everywhere: the real (and often unsung) heroes of the publishing world.
Diary of a Tuscan Bookshop: A Memoir
by Alba DonatiUnder the Tuscan Sun meets Diary of a Bookseller in this charming memoir by an Italian poet recounting her experience opening a bookshop in a village in Tuscany.Alba Donati was used to her hectic life working as a book publicist in Italy—a life that made her happy and allowed her to meet prominent international authors—but she was ready to make a change. One day she decided to return to Lucignana, the small village in the Tuscan hills where she was born. There she opened a tiny but enchanting bookshop in a lovely little cottage on a hill, surrounded by gardens filled with roses and peonies. With fewer than 200 year-round residents, Alba&’s shop seemed unlikely to succeed, but it soon sparked the enthusiasm of book lovers both nearby and across Italy. After surviving a fire and pandemic restrictions, the &“Bookshop on the Hill&” soon became a refuge and destination for an ever-growing community. The locals took pride in the bookshop—from Alba&’s centenarian mother to her childhood friends and the many volunteers who help in the day-to-day running of the shop. And in short time it has become a literary destination, with many devoted readers coming from afar to browse, enjoy a cup of tea, and find comfort in the knowledge that Alba will find the perfect read for them. Alba&’s lifelong love of literature shines on every page of this unique and uplifting book. Formatted as diary entries with delightful lists of the books sold at the shop each day, this inspirational story celebrates reading as well as book lovers and booksellers, the unsung heroes of the literary world.
Diary of a Very Bad Year: Interviews with an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager
by Hedge Fund Manager n+1 Keith Gessen“Diary of a Very Bad Year is a rarity: a book on modern finance that’s both extraordinarily thoughtful and enormously entertaining.”— James Surowiecki, author of The Wisdom of Crowds“A great read. . . . HFM offers a brilliant financial professional’s view of the economic situation in real time, from September 2007, when problems in financial markets began to surface, until late summer 2009.”— Booklist “n+1 is the rightful heir to Partisan Review and the New York Review of Books. It is rigorous, curious and provocative.” — Malcolm Gladwell A profoundly candid and captivating account of the economic crisis and subprime mortgage collapse, from an anonymous hedge fund manager, as told to the editors of New York literary magazine n+1.
Diary Of An Ad Man: The War Years June 1, 1942-December 31, 1943
by James W. YoungAn Advertising Classic from One of Advertising's Greats. On the way to his ranch in New Mexico in the spring of 1942, James Webb Young (1886-1973) stopped in Chicago and over Lunch told George Crain about a book he wanted to write--a history of American business from an advertising man's point of view. Mr. Crain was encouraging and urged Young to begin writing as soon as possible. Advertising Age would publish his account in weekly installments. Beginning the routine of daily notes for such a book, Young found himself handicapped by the lack of historical reference material. As a result, the daily notes began to take on a current flavor; and this led eventually to the Diary as a way to appease Crain's importunities for the promised material. The Diary ran in Advertising Age anonymously because Young felt that would give him more freedom of expression, and involve him in less labor over controversial subjects. It was first printed in book form in 1944. During his lifetime, James Webb Young, senior consultant and a director of the J. Walter Thompson Company, was universally recognized as the dean of American advertising. His concepts, ideas, and experiences continue to shape the profession. Two of his works, How to Become an Advertising Man and A Technique for Producing Ideas, have been especially influential. Mr. Young has an incisive view of human nature, is especially observant and open-minded. Witty, like Mark Twain. Each day in the diary is just one paragrphy of pithy observations.
Diary of A Deputy
by Susan M. TranterFirst Published in 2004. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
A Diary of the Euro Crisis in Cyprus: Lessons for Bank Recovery and Resolution
by Panicos DemetriadesThis book tells the story of the euro crisis in Cyprus from the inside. Written by the former Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Panicos Demetriades, who was in office during this turbulent period, this book shows how the crisis unravelled through a series of key events that occurred during his tenure. Written in chronological order, and broadly based on the author's personal diary, starting from his first day in office, this volume brings together economics, banking, regulation, governance, history, politics and international relations. Presenting personal witness statements, including records of noteworthy telephone conversations, informal meetings and other milestones, it examines crucial questions like: How did Cyprus become so systemically important to the rest of the euro area? Why was Cyprus treated so differently in comparison to other peripheral countries in Europe? Why were bank depositors targeted? What role did Cyprus' links with Russia play in the design of the programme? What has been the toxic fallout from the bail-in? Are there any longer-term implications for the euro? What are the lessons for regulators around the world? The book will appeal to readers interested in financial crises, the euro's architecture, the evolution of the European Monetary Union, and those with an interest in how Europe and the IMF dealt with crises in peripheral European countries.
A Diary of The Lady: My First Year As Editor
by Rachel JohnsonRachel Johnson takes on the challenge of saving The Lady, Britain's oldest women's weekly, in her hilarious diary, A Diary of The Lady: My First Year and a Half as Editor.'The whole place seemed completely bonkers: dusty, tatty, disorganized and impossibly old-fashioned, set in an age of doilies and flag-waving patriotism and jam still for tea, some sunny day.'Appointed editor of The Lady - the oldest women's weekly in the world - Rachel Johnson faced the challenge of a lifetime. For a start, how do you become an editor when you've never, well, edited? How do you turn a venerable title, full of ads for walk-in baths, during the worst recession ever? And forget doubling the circulation in a year - what on earth do you wear to work when you've spent the last fifteen years at home in sweatpants?Will Rachel save The Lady - or sink it?'Action-packed, entertaining, marvellously indiscreet. Johnson is everything you want in a diarist and has a compulsive habit of saying the wrong thing' Sunday Times'She's a loose cannon. All she thinks of is sex. You can't get her away from a penis' Mrs Julia Budworth, co-owner, The Lady'A total romp, wonderfully readable, unflinchingly described' Guardian'HYSTERICAL. For the first time, everyone is talking about The Lady for reasons other than nannies' Piers MorganRachel Johnson is a journalist who has written two previous novels and two volumes of diaries. The Mummy Diaries, Notting Hell, Shire Hell and A Diary of The Lady are all available now from Penguin.
Diaspora Dividends: Paragons and Pariahs from the Overseas Chinese and Indians
by Tarun KhannaThis chapter looks at how Chinese and Indian attitudes about their diaspora of fifty million and twenty million respectively have affected the development of financial markets.
Diaspora Engagement and Development in South Asia
by Tan Tai Yong Md Mizanur RahmanA global cast of contributors document the various forms of diaspora engagement - philanthropy, volunteerism, advocacy, entrepreneurship, and virtual diaspora - in South Asia and provide insights on how to tap the development potential of diaspora engagement for countries in South Asia.
Diaspora Engagement in Times of Severe Economic Crisis: Greece and Beyond (Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship)
by Othon Anastasakis Manolis Pratsinakis Foteini Kalantzi Antonis KamarasHow does a severe economic crisis impact on diaspora-homeland relations? The present volume addresses this question by exploring diaspora engagement in Greece during the protracted post-2009 eurozone crisis. In so doing, it looks at the crisis as a critical juncture in Greece’s relations with its nationals abroad. The contributors in this book explore aspects of diaspora engagement, including transnational mobilisation, homeland reform, the role of diasporic institutions, crisis driven migration, as well as, comparisons with other countries in Europe. This book provides a compelling and original interdisciplinary study of contemporary diaspora issues, through the lens of an advanced economy and democracy facing a prolonged crisis, and, as such, it is a significant addition to the literature on European diasporas.
Diaspora for Development in Africa
by Sonia Plaza Dilip RathaThe diaspora of developing countries can be a potent force for development, through remittances, but more importantly, through promotion of trade, investment, knowledge and technology transfers. The book aims to consolidate research and evidence on these issues with a view to formulating policies in both sending and receiving countries.
Diaspora Networks in International Business: Perspectives For Understanding And Managing Diaspora Business And Resources (Contributions to Management Science)
by Maria Elo Indianna Minto-CoyThis contributed volume focuses on diasporans, their characteristics, networks, resources and activities in relation to international business and entrepreneurship. It presents an overview of diaspora concepts from an economic perspective, and analyzes the global-economic and societal effects and mechanisms, revealing both positive and negative aspects of diaspora activities. Providing insights into the socio-cultural influences, it discusses diaspora entrepreneurship and international business, the respective organisational models, investments and business types. Lastly it offers an assessment of managing diaspora resources and policymaking. This book was created by an interdisciplinary team of editors, co-authors and reviewers including historians, sociologists, psychologists, linguists and ethnologists, as well as experts in public policy, international business, marketing and entrepreneurship. This unique team (many of the authors are themselves diasporans with an extensive understanding of their topic) provides the first global academic platform on the subject, combining the latest empirical evidence from developing, emerging, transitional and developed countries with various combinations of diaspora flows that to date have received little attention.