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Agile Retrospectives, Second Edition

by David Horowitz Esther Derby Diana Larsen

In an uncertain and complex world, learning is more important than ever before. In fact, it can be a competitive advantage. Teams and organizations that learn rapidly deliver greater customer value faster and more reliably. Furthermore, those teams are more engaged, more productive, and more satisfied. The most effective way to enable teams to learn is by holding regular retrospectives. Unfortunately, many teams only get shallow results from their retrospectives. This book is filled with practical advice, techniques, and real-life examples that will take retrospectives to the next level--whether your team is co-located, hybrid, or remote. This book will help team leads, scrum masters, and coaches engage their teams to learn, improve, and deliver greater results. For nearly two decades, scrum masters, team leads, and coaches have relied on the first edition of Agile Retrospectivesas an essential resource to facilitate better retrospectives. This edition builds on recent research, reflects the authors' experiences over two decades, and shares wisdom gleaned from the global retrospective community. Find practical advice to level up retrospective skills. Address the challenges of remote and hybrid retrospectives head on. Take advantage of expanded guidance on designing and facilitating retrospectives--based on the questions and concerns of practitioners worldwide. Gain insight into choosing a broad or narrow focus for retrospectives. Explore how to use both objective and subjective data to enable more effective conversations. Learn how to make decisions that stick. Understand the importance of psychological safety and how to foster it in retrospectives. Elevate issues and engage managers in systemic change. Learn from many real-life stories that demonstrate how our advice has impacted retrospectives at organizations around the globe. Finally, find a set of recommended flows that reveal the authors' thought process in designing retrospectives for scenarios teams faced in real life.

Agile Risk Management (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Alan Moran

This work is the definitive guide for IT managers and agile practitioners. It elucidates the principles of agile risk management and how these relate to individual projects. Explained in clear and concise terms, this synthesis of project risk management and agile techniques is illustrated using the major methodologies such as XP, Scrum and DSDM. Although the agile community frequently cites risk management, research suggests that risk is often narrowly defined and, at best, implicitly treated, which in turn leads to an inability to make informed decisions concerning risk and reward and a poor understanding of when to engage in risk-related activities. Moreover, the absence of reference to enterprise risk management means that project managers are unable to clearly articulate scope or tailor their projects in line with the wider expectations of the organisation. Yet the agile approach, with its rich toolset of techniques, is very well equipped to effectively and efficiently deal with the risks that arise in projects. Alan Moran addresses the above issues by proposing an agile risk-management process derived from classical risk management but adapted to the circumstances of agile projects. Though his main focus is on the software development process, much of what he describes could be applied to other types of IT projects as well. This book is intended for anyone who is serious about balancing risk and reward in the pursuit of value for their stakeholders, and in particular for those directly involved in agile software development who share a concern for how risk should be managed. Whilst a thorough background in risk management is not presumed, a basic level of familiarity with or exposure to agility is helpful.

Agile Sales: Delivering Customer Journeys of Value and Delight

by Brad Jeavons

If you ever wondered if Agile methodology can be applied to a sales environment, then this is the book for you. A step-by-step process explained from the point of view of someone who has walked the walk, not just talked the talk. A compelling read for anyone who wants to elevate their sales approach above the crowd. –Ken Aitken Managing Director, SmartFreight The sales function, once believed to be exempt from the requirement to practice continuous improvement, is struggling. Now shaken by the age of e-commerce, sales teams are looking for answers. Agile Sales provides a path forward. –Robert Hafey Author, Lean Safety and Lean Safety Gemba Walks The Agile philosophy has grown and achieved success initially through the technology design and development teams of some of the world’s largest, most successful organizations. Recently, it has been adopted by the marketing departments of these organizations and others, and new techniques are evolving for defining, engaging, and providing customers with amazing and unique experiences. Sales teams are becoming disrupted by technology and the differentiated experiences marketing teams are providing for their customers online using Agile techniques. Sales organizations have been looking for a way to avoid disruption and get back into the game with value. Sales teams are now beginning to adopt Agile, which is enabling these teams to revolutionize the way they engage customers with value and delightful experiences that result in greater value for the customers and themselves. This book outlines how Agile can help sales teams develop a culture of innovation focused on their customers. This book takes the reader through the customer’s buying journey (Agile technique), outlining tips and tricks that have come from Agile deployments within sales functions to help them get started. The key benefit for the reader is the introduction of a proven philosophy and techniques that will help them avoid disruption, elevate themselves from the commodity trap, and achieve success again. This book provides the reader with insights into how to achieve sustainable change using real-life case examples. The reader will also experience enjoyment and delight from the stories told and case examples provided.

The Agile Sales: Successfully shaping transformation in sales and service

by Claudia Thonet

The demands on companies are changing rapidly due to digitalization. Today's customers want to be served conveniently, directly, solution-oriented and accommodating at all times on all communication channels. Only flexible, fast and innovative sales and service departments will keep the customers willing to change and also get the young "digital natives" on board. This book is about practical agile working principles and methods, with the help of which you can make your sales department more innovative and agile as a bridge to the customer. On the basis of agile leadership and team principles, you will be provided with custom-fit structures and frameworks to increase the agility of sales teams. How do you successfully implement agile frameworks and methods such as Kanban, Design Thinking, Shopfloor and OKRs in which sales area? Which prerequisites must be created for this? The basis for change is the common understanding and mindset of the decision-makers. The book offers thought models and numerous tips for action. A decisive factor is the strengthening of self-organization and assumption of responsibility through a different understanding of the role of management. Building on this, the book describes practicable agile structures and methods for developing sales and service teams in the direction of transformation and innovation capability. Target group are managing directors, sales managers, executives, consultants and employees from the areas of service and sales.

Agile SAP

by Sean Robson

Many projects that use the SAP Enterprise software follow waterfall methodologies, but these often run into budgeting and scheduling problems. In this unique book, Sean Robson presents the relatively new Agile approach to SAP implementation which has proven to be very successful in real-world projects. The approach enables you to greatly improve your SAP implementations, reduce risks, and help to bring your projects in on schedule and within budget. Using strategies based on the twelve principles of the Agile Manifesto, the book focuses on the use of Scrum and Kanban and their suitability for certain types of projects, enabling you to select the most appropriate method for the task in hand. Throughout the book, the author gives the benefit of his vast experience, giving practical advice on the most effective way to see your Agile SAP project through from beginning to end.

Agile Selling

by Jill Konrath

"Being an agile seller in today's business environment virtually guarantees a prosperous career. You can ramp up quickly in new positions, becoming competent in record time. You can jumpstart sales of new products or services. You can instantly adjust to new market dynamics. In short, agility becomes your competitive edge." When salespeople are promoted, switch jobs, or face new business conditions, they need to learn lots of new information and skills quickly. It's a daunting task, compounded by the fact that they're under intense pressure to deliver immediate results. What sales guru Jill Konrath calls agile selling is the ability to quickly learn all this new info and then leverage it for maximum impact. Having an agile mind-set, one that keeps you going through challenging times, is the crucial starting point. You also need a rapid-learning plan that helps you establish situational credibility with your targeted or existing customers in just thirty days. In Agile Selling, you'll discover numerous strategies to help you: * Pinpoint "must know now" information and skills * Home in on the business case for making a change * Ferret out the most effective sales approaches * Find fresh solutions to problems you're facing * Maximize your productivity The result? You'll become an overnight sales expert, slashing your path to proficiency. Today's savvy, well-educated prospects expect you to be a knowledgeable resource from the first minute of your relationship. If you're not, they're unforgiving. That's why getting off to a fast start is so important. In changing times, your short-term success determines your long-term success. Yet few companies have implemented a sales onboarding plan to ensure that this happens. Most sellers are on their own to learn by osmosis, shadow an experienced rep, or go through a few days of training. Those strategies simply don't work anymore! In Agile Selling you'll discover exactly what you need to do to be successful in the shortest possible time. If you want a no-nonsense guide to unleashing your untapped sales potential, this is it.

Agile Service Development: Combining Adaptive Methods and Flexible Solutions (The Enterprise Engineering Series)

by Marc Lankhorst

Economies around the globe have evolved into being largely service-oriented economies. Consumers no longer just want a printer or a car, they rather ask for a printing service or a mobility service. In addition, service-oriented organizations increasingly exploit new devices, technologies and infrastructures. Agility is the ability to deal with such changing requirements and environments. Agile ways of working embrace change as a positive force and harness it to the organization's competitive advantage. The approach described in this book focuses on the notion of a service as a piece of functionality that offers value to its customers. Instead of solely looking at agility in the context of system or software development, agility is approached in a broader context. The authors illustrate three kinds of agility that can be found in an agile enterprise: business, process and system agility. These three types of agility reinforce each other and establish the foundation for the agile enterprise. Architecture, patterns, models, and all of the best practices in system development contribute to agile service development and building agile applications. This book addresses two audiences. On the one hand, it aims at agile and architecture practitioners who are looking for more agile ways of working in designing and building business services or who are interested in extending and improving their agile methods by using models and model-based architectures. On the other hand, it addresses students of (enterprise) architecture and software development or service science courses, both in computer science and in business administration.

Agile Skalierungsframeworks in der Theorie und Praxis: Einsatzgebiete und Grenzen im Vergleich (BestMasters)

by David Schiefer

In diesem Buch geht es um die Skalierung von Agilität im Projektmanagement in Unternehmen. Dabei wird auf mehrere agile Skalierungsframeworks eingegangen: Scrum of Scrums, das Nexus Framework, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), LeSS Huge, das Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) und das Spotify Modell. Außerdem werden Unterschiede zwischen den theoretischen Modellen und der praktischen Anwendung der Frameworks dargestellt. Im Fokus stehen Einsatzgebiete, Grenzen und weitere Rahmenbedingungen der Frameworks.

Agile Software Development (IT Pro Practice Notes)

by Peter Wlodarczak

Agile Software Development is an introduction to agile software development methods. Agile methods try to diminish complexity, increase transparency, and reach a deployable product in a shorter time frame. Agile methods use an iterative and incremental approach to minimize risks and to avoid maldevelopment. The book gives a short introduction to agile methods and agile software development principles. It serves as a study book and as a reference manual. Based on the official Scrum Guide, the book also covers other topics such as best practices for agile software development and agile testing. It targets practitioners who want to start with agile software development, as well as developers or project managers who already use agile methodologies. The book can be read from the beginning, but each chapter has been written in a way so it can be read individually.

Agile Spielzüge: Was man vom Basketball für Führung, Strategie und Teamwork lernen kann

by Andreas Steffen

Agile Denkweisen, die Sie vom Basketball für Ihr Berufsleben lernen können In diesem Sachbuch bietet Autor Andreas Steffen Führungskräften und Angestellten neue Impulse für Themen wie Führung, Strategieentwicklung und Motivation. Die Parallelen zwischen dem Basketballsport und kleinen wie großen Unternehmen, Start-ups und Grown-ups, NGOs und anderen Institutionen sind vielfältig. Einige davon werden Ihnen anhand folgender Themen in diesem Buch vorgestellt: Führung VeränderungsfähigkeitTeamwork und EmpowermentWerte und VertrauenMotivation und innere EinstellungEngagement und EnthusiasmusKommunikation, Kreativität und ResilienzErkennen von Potenzialen, Talenten und neuen ChancenUmgang mit Fehlern und Misserfolgen Zahlreiche Beispiele aus dem Basketballsport ermöglichen einen Zugriff auf die einzelnen Themen, welche durch Prinzipien und Modelle für die berufliche Praxis aufbereitet sind.Andreas Steffen diskutiert Fragen wie:Wie verschafft man sich selbst und einer Organisation ein Höchstmaß an Flexibilität und Reaktionsfähigkeit? Was braucht es, damit ein Team aus Individuen gemeinsam erfolgreich ist? Wie findet man für eine vorgegebene Strategie die geeigneten Spieler? Worauf kommt es an, wenn man die individuellen Potenziale eines vorhandenen Teams verstehen, nutzen und dafür eine flexible Strategie entwickeln möchte? Wodurch können Menschen ihre Talente erkennen und entfalten? Wie durchsteht man – als Person und Institution – harte Zeiten und schafft danach ein Comeback? Zusätzlich enthalten sind acht Interviews mit ehemaligen Spielerinnen und Spielern, die heute als Trainer im Basketballsport oder in ganz anderen beruflichen Bereichen, bspw. als Vorstandsvorsitzender, HR-Managerin, Management Consultant und Inspirationscoach, tätig sind.Das Sachbuch bietet Impulse für Menschen, die im Arbeitsleben die eigenen Potenziale und die ihrer Beschäftigten entdecken, entfalten und fördern wollen. Damit sind Führungskräfte und Personalver-antwortliche von Unternehmen ebenso wie Angestellte und Freiberufler als auch Coaches und Berater angesprochen, die sich und andere persönlich weiterentwickeln möchten.

The Agile Start-Up: Quick and Dirty Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know

by Jeff Scheinrock Matt Richter-Sand

An inspiring and impactful compilation of the most important lessons of entrepreneurship The tools of a digital age make it easier than ever to start a new business. And with billion-dollar IPOs and acquisitions making weekly headlines, the potential rewards are enormous. But even with all of the advantages and resources that today's entrepreneurs have access to, the likelihood of any one business succeeding is slim. That's why you need the simple, clear lessons found in The Agile Startup. Engaging and informative, The Agile Startup doesn't offer step-by-step instructions on how to build a better mousetrap. Instead, it shows you how to build companies that continually adapt to the "real" world. Along the way, you'll discover you're not alone in your entrepreneurial endeavors, and that almost every challenge a startup can face has already been faced, and overcome, by someone in the past. Contains lessons culled from decades of creating successful companies, which includes possessing a flexible mindset Provides valuable insights, based on a market-driven philosophy, regarding launching and managing products, businesses, and brands Written by two authors who have a combined sixty-plus years of startup experience and understand the reasons behind their successes and failures A companion Website contains supplementary material that allows you to learn in a hands-on fashion long after closing the book The journey of a startup is daunting. Think about everything that has to be overcome and you'll quickly see that the odds are stacked heavily against you. But with The Agile Startup as your guide, you'll learn exactly what it takes to succeed in your entrepreneurial endeavors.

Agile Strategy Management in the Digital Age: How Dynamic Balanced Scorecards Transform Decision Making, Speed and Effectiveness

by David Wiraeus James Creelman

In a world of rapid and unpredictable change, the problem with strategic planning is that if you follow your plan through to the end, you will get exactly what you used to want. What you need is a framework for planning and implementing a strategy that is agile enough to adapt to a dynamic environment but focused enough to deliver. That framework is the Dynamic Balanced Scorecard. The original Balanced Scorecard system has proven the most popular, successful and enduring framework for strategy execution over the last 25 years. Comprising a Strategy Map and a scorecard of KPIs, targets and initiatives, the framework helped organizations distil a strategy into actionable components and measure progress towards a strategic vision, while also implementing and monitoring the actions that drove change. However, for all its success, the Balanced Scorecard system now needs to evolve for the digital age. Until now, building the system, rolling it out enterprise-wide and adapting it to external changes has been a lengthy process. While the fundamental principles of the system are still sound and relevant, it needs to become nimbler and more responsive. The book provides a step-by-step guide to agile strategy management: from formulation to implementation to learning and adapting. For each of the steps, the book explains how Dynamic Balanced Scorecards, fit for the digital age, are built and deployed.

Agile Talent

by Jon Younger Norm Smallwood Marshall Goldsmith

How to Leverage Talent You Don't OwnCampbell Soup Company and PepsiCo seek advice from anthropologists to understand customer tastes and preferences. Google and Intel engage experts in social science and biomechanics to assess how people think about and use technology. Companies are gaining advantage through a new capability-strategic use of external experts-made possible by technology and the globalization of talent. Leaders everywhere recognize that "lean," "agile," and "fast" strategies require new ways to access and leverage-without owning-key talent to fill critical gaps. As managers seek nontraditional sources of strategic talent and experiment with fast, flexible ways of engaging these experts, they need a new roadmap.This book delivers that roadmap. It tells you how to assess, choose, attract, develop, support, and retain your external talent. Authored by thought leaders and bestselling authors in leadership and talent management who teach and consult globally, Agile Talent reveals how companies such as Apple, Uber, Airbnb, Google, IBM, and Bain Capital organize and manage new forms of talent in innovative ways. Supported by survey data and packed with tools and templates for applying these ideas, this book is the ultimate guide for winning the next war for talent.

Agile Transformation: 8 habits to start Digital Transformation and achieve incredible results

by Claudio Barizon

Agile Transformation is the answer for organisations that need to modernise to meet the challenges imposed by Digital Transformation and the new behaviours of the increasingly dissatisfied and volatile consumer, whose desires can be met quickly and are within reach of their palm. In this new complex world of accelerated change, there is no room for organisations that still have their processes, policies and management models based on bureaucracy, rigid and highly hierarchical organisational structures, with practices that worked in the past. These organisations have difficulties in anticipating market changes and disruption, which are hitting industry by industry and putting at risk their own survival or, at least, their ability to prosper. With this book, you will have a new perspective on teamwork and get to know genuine collaboration. We will present very simple and practical working methods that guarantee the delivery of value from your team, through a new management model: agile and collaborative. These concepts were put into practice, with different emphases, formats and methods, in various organisations with great success. And this was the motivation for writing the book: to disseminate the transforming experience, which was one of the foundations for the creation of the startup Zehnk, where the author is co-founder. The objective is to share this experience and show organisations that it is possible to build motivated, proactive and innovative teams, able to work in an integrated manner, with total transparency in communication and with common objectives, even if their members do not belong to the same area, department or company. Or are not physically together. True collaborative work happens when the team has autonomy, self-management and responsibility, generating deep engagement and incredible results. It is where everyone seeks what is best for the organisation and its product or service: results and value for the business are pu

Agile Transformation: How to Successfully Shape Your Transition to a More Agile Organization

by Lars Kahra

The book presents a model for assessing and systematically improving corporate agility in businesses. Agility enhances a company's responsiveness, innovative capacity, and resilience in crises, thereby creating an important success factor for businesses. For the successful implementation of an agile transformation, it is particularly important to proceed in a structured manner and accompany the transformation with professional expertise. With the INSERT Framework, a novel maturity and procedural model has been developed, which guides you step by step towards higher corporate agility. This framework prevents typical mistakes and risks of the agile transformation and optimizes success factors by utilizing best practices. Content Agile working methods as a success factor in modern corporate strategies The four maturity levels of corporate agility The phased model of the INSERT Framework: Initiation, Preparation, Execution

Agile Transformation: Structures, Processes and Mindsets for the Digital Age

by Neil Perkin

Traditional organizational structures and cultures are no longer fit for purpose in a digitally-empowered world. The number of new and disruptive technologies is increasing, the speed of change shows no sign of slowing down and organization development practitioners and business leaders need to act urgently to enable their companies to succeed in the digital age. Agile Transformation is the much-needed guide on how to achieve this success. Packed full of practical advice, this book covers everything from why new operating models are needed, how to apply agile principles at scale, leverage digital-native processes and why change managers need to think big but start small.Agile Transformation also covers how to build and engage high performing teams for change, how to tackle the employee mindset that can hinder agile adoption and why developing an agile business is not an excuse to fail to plan. There is also guidance on how to develop fast and focused high-velocity decision making, build momentum for change and apply an agile approach to different business functions including HR, Finance, Sales, Operations and Procurement. This book is crucial reading for all businesses wanting to effectively compete in the new world of work.

Agile Transformation: Structures, Processes and Mindsets for the Digital Age

by Neil Perkin

How can business leaders and organization development professionals enable their companies to succeed in a digital age? Use the second edition of Agile Transformation to improve business performance. Packed full of practical advice, this new edition features updates on data-driven decision-making and the importance of putting it at the centre of mindset change and transformation to empower teams to make decisions. As well as updates to case studies, there is extended material on agile structures, including team alignment, developing agile culture and leadership.Agile Transformation covers all aspects of business transformation, including why new operating models are needed, how to apply agile principles at scale, leveraging digital-native processes and why change managers need to think big but start small. It also looks at how to build and engage high-performing teams for change, how to tackle employee mindsets that can hinder agile adoption and why developing an agile business is not a reason to fail to plan. Featuring case studies from organizations including Amazon, Netflix and Vodafone, this is crucial reading for businesses wanting to effectively compete in the new world of work.

Agile UX Storytelling: Crafting Stories for Better Software Development

by Rebecca Baker

Learn how to use stories throughout the agile software development lifecycle. Through lessons and examples, Agile UX Storytelling demonstrates to product owners, customers, scrum masters, software developers, and designers how to craft stories to facilitate communication, identify problems and patterns, refine collaborative understanding, accelerate delivery, and communicate the business value of deliverables. Rebecca Baker applies the techniques of storytelling to all facets of the software development lifecycle--planning, requirements gathering, internal and external communication, design, and testing--and shows how to use stories to improve the delivery process. What You'll Learn * Craft stories to facilitate communication within the project team and with stakeholders * Leverage stories to identify problems and patterns, accelerate delivery, and communicate business value * Apply storytelling techniques to all stages of the SDLC * Marshal user stories to focus requirements gathering and ensure a consistent message Who This Book Is For All SDLC and UX roles: product owners, customers, scrum masters, software developers, and UX designers

Agile Verwaltung: Wie Der Öffentliche Dienst Aus Der Gegenwart Die Zukunft Entwickeln Kann

by Martin Bartonitz Veronika Lévesque Thomas Michl Wolf Steinbrecher Cornelia Vonhof Ludger Wagner

Der Begriff „agil“ erobert seit einigen Jahren ganz unterschiedliche Bereiche – von der Softwareentwicklung über das Unternehmensmanagement bis zur öffentlichen Verwaltung. Für öffentliche Institutionen und deren Verwaltungen sind sie ein Weg, sich neuen Anforderungen und ungewohnten Problemstellungen zu nähern. In dem Buch stellen die Autorinnen und Autoren agile Konzepte und Methoden im Detail vor und zeigen, wie sie in der Verwaltung öffentlicher Institutionen angewendet werden können.Das Buch gliedert sich in drei Teile. Im ersten Teil wird erörtert, was Agilität in Bezug auf öffentliche Institutionen und ihre Verwaltung bedeutet. Aufbauend auf diesen grundsätzlichen Fragen führt der zweite Teil die Leser durch die Vielfalt der Methoden: vom Projektmanagement-Tool Scrum, agile Aufwandsschätzung und Retrospektiven über Teamorganisation mit Personal Kanban bis zur visuellen Methode des Storymapping – um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen. Im dritten Teil werden Fallbeispiele aus verschiedenen Bereichen der öffentlichen Verwaltung im In- und Ausland vorgestellt. Die Best-Practice-Beispiele berichten von der agilen Projektarbeit in der Bibliothek oder von der Organisationsentwicklung mit Scrum in der kirchlichen Verwaltung. Andere beschreiben Erfahrungen aus der Sozial- und Personalverwaltung und wie sich die Pflege oder das Lernen an Schulen und Hochschulen mit agilen Methoden zeitgemäß organisieren lässt.Das Buch richtet sich an Experten und Praktiker auf dem Gebiet der öffentlichen Verwaltung, die einen kompakten Überblick zum Thema suchen und ihre fachliche Expertise erweitern wollen. Darüber hinaus ist es auch als Lehrbuch für Studierende geeignet, die eine Berufstätigkeit in der öffentlichen Verwaltung anstreben.

Agile Werte- und Kompetenzentwicklung: Wege in eine neue Arbeitswelt

by Roman Sauter Werner Sauter Roland Wolfig

Das Werk zeigt, wie selbstorganisierte und personalisierte Werte- und Kompetenzentwicklung mit agilen Lernmethoden innerhalb eines strategieorientierten Ermöglichungsrahmens gestaltet werden kann, so dass Organisationen ihre Performanz für den kommenden Kompetenzwettbewerb entwickeln. Keine technische Revolution hat die Arbeits- und Lernwelt so radikal verändert, wie Digitalisierung und Vernetzung. Der Wettbewerb der Zukunft wird ein Kompetenzwettbewerb mit agilen Arbeitsmethoden sein. Kompetenzentwicklung ist die Bildung der Zukunft, da die Mitarbeiter sich heute auf Herausforderungen vorbereiten müssen, die gegenwärtig noch gar nicht existieren, auf die Nutzung von Technologien, die noch gar nicht entwickelt sind, um Probleme zu lösen, von denen wir heute noch nicht wissen, dass sie entstehen werden. Da dies mit dem tradierten Vorratslernen nicht zu leisten ist, ist ein Paradigmenwechsel in der betrieblichen Bildung erforderlich. Dabei ist Agilität mehr als nur eine Ansammlung von Methoden. Im Kern geht es vielmehr um eine Haltung bzw. ein Mindset, welches durch agile Praktiken unterstützt und gefördert wird. Diese Einstellung basiert auf einem Gerüst an verinnerlichten, agilen Werten, welche den Kompetenzaufbau sowohl einfordern als auch unterstützen.Die Unternehmen benötigen somit ein Werte- und Kompetenzmanagement, welches den Mitarbeitern gezielt ermöglicht, die erforderlichen Fähigkeiten selbstorganisiert und kreativ im Arbeitsprozess und im Netz aufzubauen. Dabei wachsen Arbeiten und Lernen zusammen. Dies setzt veränderte Arbeitsmethoden und Lernarrangements für personalisierte Werte- und Kompetenzentwicklungs-Prozesse, eine Lern-Infrastruktur für kollaboratives Arbeiten und Lernen sowie ein Veränderungsmanagement mit dem Ziel der Selbstorganisation voraus.

Agile Workforce Planning: How to Align People with Organizational Strategy for Improved Performance

by Adam Gibson

Agile Workforce Planning is a practical guide for HR and organization development practitioners needing to align their staff, skills and resources with evolving company goals. As business priorities change and focus shifts to address arising issues, HR professionals need to be able to reorganise talent swiftly and plan for future needs to enable the business to succeed. It covers how to forecast organizational demand for people, resources and skills, analyze the gap between supply and demand and most importantly, how to fill this gap. This book explains how to use agile workforce planning to achieve this. It also covers how to identify the skills needed in the workforce, where these skills are already available and when they're missing, how to decide whether to buy, borrow or build them.Agile Workforce Planning explains how to collect data to calculate and predict staff churn as well as how to use qualitative and quantitative demand modelling to forecast for future needs and provides strategies to address these including lateral internal recruitment. There is also expert guidance on horizon scanning, scenario planning and how to secure stakeholder buy in and engagement for an agile workforce plan. Supported by case studies from companies including Apple, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, NATO and the UK National Health Service, this is essential reading for HR and OD professionals needing to continuously align the talent and capabilities in their workforce with the overall business strategy

Agile Working and Well-Being in the Digital Age

by Christine Grant Emma Russell

Within the digital era, agile working is imperative for organisations and workers to meet the needs of customers, service-users and ever-changing markets. This needs to be achieved whilst meeting goals of effectiveness and well-being. In this book, state-of-the-art theory is used to understand how to optimise agile working by addressing key issues around personality, team-working and management. The authors define the concept of agile working and unpack often-misunderstood terms associated with this, such as remote working and telework. The book explores the well-being consequences of agile work including sedentary behaviours, digital distraction, and digital resistance before offering insights for the future. Examining current practice in the context of established and emerging theory, the book paves the way towards further advances in the field and supports organisations seeking to make agile working work for them. Agile Working and Well-being in the Digital Age provides a valuable new resource for practitioners and scholars in the fields of occupational and organizational psychology, human resource management, organisational development, mental health and well-being.

Agiler Einkauf: Mit Scrum, Design Thinking & Co. die Beschaffung verändern (essentials)

by Florian C. Kleemann

Neben Digitalisierung und Einkauf 4.0 hat vor allem die Agilität den Einkauf stark beschäftigt. Doch eine gezielte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema hat bisher gefehlt. Dieses Essential gibt einen Überblick über agile Methoden in den Bereichen Projektmanagement, Innovation sowie Führung und zeigt Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im Einkauf auf. Mit Blick auf Mitarbeiter, Bedarfsträger und Lieferanten werden außerdem ein Reifegrad- und ein Vorgehensmodell zur Umsetzung des „agilen Einkaufs“ vorgestellt.Stimmen zum Buch:„Dem Autor gelingt es ausgezeichnet, sich dem Thema „Agilität im Einkauf“ mit einem konkreten und klaren Handlungsrahmen leichtfüßig zu nähern“Christian Humbold, Senior Procurement Manager IT & Scrum Master„Das ‚Schweizer Taschenmesser‘ für die Einkaufsorganisation von morgen. Strukturiert, präzise und voller Möglichkeiten.“Jochen Messner, Experte für agile Transformation & New Work; Gründer „five4success"

Agiler führen: Einfache Maßnahmen für bessere Teamarbeit, mehr Leistung und höhere Kreativität

by Svenja Hofert

Svenja Hofert stellt zahlreiche agile Ideen vor und zeigt, wann und wie diese in der Praxis eingeführt und umgesetzt werden können. Ob Visualisierung von Arbeitsprozessen, konsultativer Einzelentscheid oder Retrospektiven: Sie lernen, wie Sie Instrumente nutzen und sich Stück für Stück dem agilen Gedanken nähern. Ein Wertecheck hilft Ihnen einzuschätzen, welche Methode für Ihr Unternehmen wirklich passt. Wenn Sie agiler führen, schaffen Sie die Voraussetzung, damit Ihre Teams und Mitarbeiter komplexe Anforderungen besser bewältigen und innovativer sein können. Dabei müssen Sie nicht gleich das ganze Unternehmen neu aufstellen und erfinden. Agile Ideen und Maßnahmen lassen sich sowohl in Form kleiner als auch großer Experimente ausprobieren und einführen. Völlig unabhängig von der jeweiligen Branche und der Größe des Unternehmens. Den Ausführungen der Autorin liegt jahrelange Praxis und eine Studie zugrunde, die zeigt, dass schon wenige agile Maßnahmen geeignet sind, das Teamklima für Leistung und Innovation entscheidend zu verbessern. Für Personaler und Führungskräfte, die erst einmal ein Stück Agilität testen wollen, bevor sie (vielleicht) aufs Ganze gehen.

Agiler führen: Einfache Maßnahmen für bessere Teamarbeit, mehr Leistung und höhere Kreativität

by Svenja Hofert

Svenja Hofert stellt zahlreiche agile Führungsideen vor und zeigt, wann und wie diese in der Praxis eingeführt und umgesetzt werden können. Sie lernen, wie Sie Instrumente nutzen und sich Stück für Stück dem agilen Gedanken nähern. Ein Wertecheck hilft Ihnen einzuschätzen, welche Methode zu Ihrem Unternehmen passt. Die 3. Auflage wurde von der Autorin noch einmal grundlegend aktualisiert.Ein Führungsstil mit agilen Ideen schafft die Voraussetzung dafür, dass Teams und Mitarbeiter komplexe Anforderungen besser bewältigen und innovativer sein können. Dabei lassen sich agile Ideen und Maßnahmen sowohl in Form kleiner als auch großer Experimente ausprobieren und einführen, völlig unabhängig von der jeweiligen Branche und der Größe des Unternehmens.Auf der Basis ihrer jahrelangen Praxis und einer umfassenden Studie zeigt die Autorin, dass schon wenige agile Maßnahmen dazu führen, das Teamklima für Leistung und Innovation entscheidend zu verbessern. Für Personaler und Führungskräfte, die erst einmal ein Stück Agilität testen wollen, bevor sie (vielleicht) aufs Ganze gehen.

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