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Agiles Projektmanagement im Berufsalltag: Für mittlere und kleine Projekte

by Ursula Kusay-Merkle

Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wie sich agile Methoden des Projektmanagements für die Planung und Durchführung von kleinen und mittleren Projekten im Berufsalltag ganz pragmatisch anwenden lassen. Es betont die leichtgewichtigen und auf die Interaktion in einem Team abzielenden Tools des agilen Projektmanagements. Dabei leitet das Buch zur direkten Umsetzung in einem kleinen eigenen Projekt an.Das Buch richtet sich sowohl an Projektleiter und Projektkoordinatoren als auch an Fach- und Führungskräfte, die in ihrem Berufsalltag zusätzlich zu ihren Linienaufgaben auch Projekte übernehmen.

Agiles Projektmanagement im Berufsalltag: Für mittlere und kleine Projekte

by Ursula Kusay-Merkle

Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wie sich agile Methoden des Projektmanagements für die Planung und Durchführung von kleinen und mittleren Projekten im Berufsalltag ganz pragmatisch anwenden lassen. Es betont die leichtgewichtigen und auf die Interaktion in einem Team abzielenden Tools des agilen Projektmanagements. Dabei leitet das Buch zur direkten Umsetzung in einem kleinen eigenen Projekt an. Die zweite, erweiterte und verbesserte Auflage verdeutlicht diesen Ansatz mit zusätzlichen Grafiken. Sie wurde insbesondere auch um eine Diskussion der Rollen Projektleiter und Product Owner in ihren unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen ergänzt. Der neue Scrum Guide 2020 ist bereits berücksichtigt. Das Buch richtet sich sowohl an Projektleiter und Projektkoordinatoren als auch an Fach- und Führungskräfte, die in ihrem Berufsalltag zusätzlich zu ihren Linienaufgaben auch Projekte übernehmen. Auch Product Owner finden viele Techniken, die sie in ihrer Tätigkeit anwenden können.

Agiles Prozessmanagement im Krankenhaus: Mit Kanban-Tools Prozesse vereinfachen

by Walter Merkle

Von anderen lernen – das ist das Erfolgsrezept klugen Managements. Die ursprünglich in und für die Industrie entwickelte Organisationsmethode „Kanban“ beinhaltet allgemeine Organisationsverfahren, die branchenunabhängig nutzbringend eingesetzt werden können. Das gilt auch für einen „klassischen Mittelständler“, wie es ein Krankenhausbetrieb ist.Dieses Buch zeigt, wie sich die vielfältigen und zum Teil gegensätzlichen Erfordernisse in Krankenhäusern bei optimierter Organisation vereinbaren und lösen lassen. Das führt zu einer Verbesserung des Betriebsergebnisses sowie medizinischer Belange, trägt zur Lösung komplexer Diagnostikfälle und zu mehr Personalzufriedenheit und besserer Patientenbehandlung bei. Gleichzeitig gewinnen Kostenträger durch erhöhte Transparenz Vertrauen in die zu finanzierende Situation von Krankenhäusern, um den Versorgungsauftrag nachhaltig erfüllen zu können.

Agilität im HR-Management: Grundlagen, Konzepte, Impulse (essentials)

by Anja Mücke

Dieses essential gibt einen Überblick zu Agilität im Unternehmenskontext und zeigt deren Relevanz für das HR-Management auf. Es stellt die wichtigsten agilen Prinzipien, Begrifflichkeiten und Methoden vor. Am Beispiel von Rekrutierung, Personalentwicklung und Performance Management skizziert die Autorin, welche konkreten Anforderungen und Ansatzpunkte sich daraus für die Gestaltung von HR-Prozessen und -Instrumenten ableiten und wie die HR-Organisation selbst agiler aufgestellt und gestaltet werden kann. Damit liefert dieses essential Orientierung und Hilfestellung dabei, die aktuelle Agilitätsdebatte für die eigene HR-Arbeit einzuordnen. Der Inhalt Einführung in Agilität: Historie, Prinzipien, Begrifflichkeiten & Methoden Agilität im HR-Management: HR als Transformationsförderer und -begleiter, agile HR-Prozesse und Instrumente, Agilität in der HR-Organisation Die Zielgruppen Praktiker*innen im HR und Management aus Unternehmen Studierende der Betriebswirtschaftslehre/Betriebsökonomie mit Schwerpunkt HR/Personal

Agilität in Organisationen der Sozialen Arbeit: Eine qualitative Untersuchung (BestMasters)

by Michael Burkhalter

In dem vorliegenden Buch wird Agilität in Organisationen der Sozialen Arbeit untersucht und der Fragestellung nachgegangen, inwiefern eine agile Projektmanagementmethode wie Scrum auf Organisationen der Sozialen Arbeit übertragen werden kann. Durch komplexe Einflüsse aus Umwelt und Gesellschaft werden neue Herausforderungen an die Soziale Arbeit sowie deren Organisationen herangetragen, die einen veränderten Umgang zur Bearbeitung sozialer Probleme erfordern. Agilität bietet als ganzheitliches Konzept einen Lösungsansatz, um in einer veränderten Form reagieren zu können. Dies geht mit einer Vielzahl agiler Methodiken einher. Die qualitative Untersuchung zeigt, dass Agilität organisationale Bedingungen und Logiken erfordert. Sowohl das individuelle Mindset, die Kultur und Strukturen der Organisation sowie das Leadership müssen berücksichtigt werden. Nicht zuletzt leistet die Untersuchung mehrere Ansätze und praktische Herangehensweisen, mit denen, beispielsweise durch den Modellversuch «socialScrum», Agilität in Organisationen der Sozialen Arbeit bei der Bearbeitung sozialer Probleme gelingen kann.

Agilität in Unternehmen: Eine praktische Einführung in SAFe® und Co.

by Mario A. Pfannstiel Werner Siedl Peter F.-J. Steinhoff

Das Herausgeberwerk vermittelt fundiert und praxisnah, wie Unternehmen durch Agilität mit dem SAFe® (Scaled Agile Framework®) und Co. schnell und auf innovative Weise auf die Digitalisierung und die Kunden- und die Marktveränderungen reagieren, um in einem proaktiven Handeln künftige Entwicklungen vorwegnehmen zu können.SAFe® verbindet den Mehrwert der beiden strategischen Managementansätze von „lean“ und „agil“ und sichert Unternehmen durch ein duales Betriebssystem die Zukunft. Die heutigen effizienten und stabilen Strukturen werden durch einen schnellen und innovativen Value Stream (Wertstrom) ergänzt und ein Unternehmen wird auf die Säulen von Business-Agilität, Organisationsagilität und Technologieagilität gestellt. In den einzelnen Beiträgen werden neben einer theoretischen Einführung in die Agilität auch zahlreiche praktische Umsetzungsbeispiele aus verschiedenen Branchen aufgezeigt und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen gegeben.Das Buch richtet sich an Praktiker, die sich mit der agilen Transformation von Unternehmen beschäftigen, an Transformationsverantwortliche, Business-Verantwortliche, Agile Coaches, Geschäftsführer und andere Entscheidungsträger. Es richtet sich auch an Wissenschaftler und Dozenten mit den Schwerpunktfächern Organisation, Agiles Management, Projektmanagement, Business Management, Change Management, Produktmanagement, Entwicklung, Prozessmanagement und Strategisches Management. Mit einem Geleitwort von Dean Leffingwell


by Mark Mueller-Eberstein

Insider secrets to competing-and winning-in the tech-savvy marketplaceThe new generation of technology savvy workers is changing the way we look at productivity. Agility uniquely describes how technology agility impacts your business's performance and can become a critical success factor. A must-read for leaders defining business strategy and technology implementation, the methodology it describes will show how to measure and drive technology adoption and the derived impact on business results.Includes international cases of various industries, from industry leaders Incorporates the ideas of flexibility, balance, adaptability, and coordination under one umbrella Uniquely describes how technology agility impacts business performanceWhat differentiates Audi, BMW and Mercedes or GM? Understanding it can make or break the future of an organization. Agility makes it clear: the digital divide will be seen in those who take full advantage of the technology versus those merely have it.

The Agility Advantage

by Amanda Setili

How to win market leadership in a fast-changing worldIn the past, companies could pick a strategy and stick with it, maintaining a competitive edge for years. But today, companies surge ahead, fall behind, or even disappear in mere months. If you and your company are going to thrive for the long run, you need to continuously evolve, change, and stay a step ahead of your competition.The ability to see and capitalize on new opportunities is the cornerstone of agility. Successful technology-based firms like Google, Tesla, and Amazon have all mastered agility within their core business practices, but companies in any sector can--and must--learn to spot new opportunities and make the right choices about what to invest in, what to change, and what to abandon.The Agility Advantage first shows how to identify those aspects of your business where agility is most crucial--where the business environment is changing fast--and which elements have the greatest impact on the customer's decision to buy. Amanda Setili then shows how to master the three components of agility:Market agility: Gain ideas from your most demanding and forward-thinking customers and from outside your industry. Engage, observe, and mix with customers to identify the opportunities created by their changing demands.Decision agility: Anticipate the changes that may affect you and turn even troubling trends into opportunities. Design your strategy to maximize learning and to manage risk. Generate diverse alternatives and make fast, fact-based decisions about which to pursue.Execution agility: Build new capabilities, shed what doesn't fit, and take the first steps in a new direction. Experiment, then reinforce and build on what works. Enlist and inspire your organization around a compelling purpose and grant employees the autonomy and resources to continuously adapt and adjust course. The future will present more opportunities but narrower windows to capture them. With a wealth of valuable information and practical strategies, The Agility Advantage is essential reading to help any organization adapt and thrive--both today and tomorrow.

Agility Africa

by Caroline Elkins Esel Cekin Juan Alcacer

This case illustrates the challenge and opportunities that firms face when developing and executing new business models in high-risk, low-infrastructure, low-trust countries. It features a global logistics group, Agility, that aimed to become the leader in supplying innovative solutions that provide the backbone to growing consumer markets across Africa. Agility's objective was to fill the institutional voids in the warehousing and logistics space that prevented multi-nationals and local firms from successfully operating at a level similar to Western countries and other emerging markets. After proof-of-concept success in Ghana's free zone, Agility faced the challenge of expanding its business model across a diverse continent of 54 countries. Agility Africa's CEO, Geoffrey White, needed to plot the way forward. Should he set a high entry barrier by building several warehouse parks in one of Africa's economic regions? Or, should he expand across the continent with one facility in each of the large and growing countries? If the decision was to pursue regional expansion, should he try to open one park per country-even in small ones-or build satellite developments in secondary cities where Agility already had facilities? He also needed to consider the pace of phasing in each park and the possibility of developing multiple parks in existing locations. With the world's fastest growing middle-class population and an internet revolution poised to spur the growth of consumer products and industrialization, Africa was considered by many as the world's leading and largely untapped, emerging market. White needed to make difficult and nuanced decisions that took account of the continent's many differences, as well as business similarities.

The Agility Factor

by Christopher G. Worley Edward E. Lawler III Thomas D. Williams

A research-based approach to achieving long-term profitability in business What does it take to guarantee success and profitability over time? Authors Christopher G. Worley, a senior research scientist, Thomas D. Williams, an executive advisor, and Edward E. Lawler III, one of the country's leading management experts, set out to find the answer. In The Agility Factor: Building Adaptable Organizations for Superior Performance the authors reveal the factors that drive long-term profitability based on the practices of successful companies that have consistently outperformed their peers. Of the 234 large companies across 18 industries that were studied, there were few companies that delivered sustained performance across the board. The authors found that across industries, the most successful companies were not the "usual suspects" found in the media, but companies who possessed a quiet agility that allowed them to quickly perceive and respond to changes so that they could continue to grow. Agility gives organizations the ability to adapt to fluctuations in the environment, test possible responses, and implement changes quickly. This book offers specific, research-based case studies to help organizational leaders use agility to achieve sustained profitability and performance while also becoming more adaptable to a changing marketplace. For executives, leaders, consultants, board members and all those responsible for the long-term health of organizations, this insightful guide outlines: The components of agility for business organizations How to successfully build agility within an organization How agility has its foundation in good management practices How to use agility to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace

The Agility Mindset

by Fiona Cannon

Shows how to unlock the massive efficiency savings and productivity gains by reframing the approach to flexible working by concentrating on workforce agility. We know that organizations don't need the same number of workers 9-5, five days a week 52 weeks a year. We know that not all of the best talent will work when and where we want. We know that command and control Taylorism stifles innovation and creativity. So why do we keep thinking of flexible working as a cost to the organization? A simple mindset shift is all that is required to grasp the opportunity that smart organizations are already exploiting. Stop thinking about "flexible working" and start thinking about "workforce agility". By creating win-win working practices you can attract the best talent by offering the flexibility they crave and secure the agile, just-in-time workforce that can get the job done. The Agile Future Forum, a business-to-business initiative started by 22 founder members - mostly CEOS of big employers including BT, Lloyds Banking Group, Cisco, Tesco, KPMG, HM Treasury and Ford - have conducted case studies and a collated best practice from world class organisations which show that a more agile approach to flexible working not only delivers better performance but can also save between 3 and 13% of personnel costs. The Agility Mindset blends the insights of scores of CEOs, along with the frontline experience of practising managers to create this very practical guide. Based on rigorous research, but packed with practical diagnostics and frameworks, the book shows you how to create a fit for purpose workplace in a world where only the agile will flourish.

The Agility Shift: Creating Agile and Effective Leaders, Teams, and Organizations

by Pamela Meyer

As contrary as it sounds, "planning" -- as we traditionally understand the term--can be the worst thing a company can do. Consider that volatile weather events disrupt trusted supply chains, markets, and promised delivery schedules. Ever-shifting geo-political tensions, as well as internal political upheaval within U.S. and global governments, derail long-planned new ventures. Technology failures block opportunities. Competitors suddenly change their product or release date; your team cannot meet the pace of innovations in your market niche, leaving you sidelined. There are myriad ways in the current business environment for a company's well-considered business plans to go awry. Most business schools continue to prepare managers to be effective in stable and predictable environments, conditions that, if they ever existed at all, are long gone. The Agility Shift shows business leaders exactly how to make the radical mindset and strategy shift necessary to create an agile, entrepreneurial organization that can innovate and thrive in complex, ever-changing contexts. As author Pamela Meyer explains, there is much more involved than a reconfiguration of the org chart and job descriptions. It requires relinquishing the illusion of control at the very foundation of most management training and business practice. Despite most leader's approaches, "Agility is not simply accelerated planning." Unlike many agility books on the market, The Agility Shift provides specific, actionable strategies and tactics for leaders at all levels of the organization to put into practice immediately to improve agility and achieve results.

Agility Shift: Creating Agile and Effective Leaders, Teams, and Organizations

by Pamela Meyer

As contrary as it sounds, "planning" -- as we traditionally understand the term--can be the worst thing a company can do. Consider that volatile weather events disrupt trusted supply chains, markets, and promised delivery schedules. Ever-shifting geo-political tensions, as well as internal political upheaval within U.S. and global governments, derail long-planned new ventures. Technology failures block opportunities. Competitors suddenly change their product or release date; your team cannot meet the pace of innovations in your market niche, leaving you sidelined. There are myriad ways in the current business environment for a company's well-considered business plans to go awry. Most business schools continue to prepare managers to be effective in stable and predictable environments, conditions that, if they ever existed at all, are long gone. The Agility Shift shows business leaders exactly how to make the radical mindset and strategy shift necessary to create an agile, entrepreneurial organization that can innovate and thrive in complex, ever-changing contexts. As author Pamela Meyer explains, there is much more involved than a reconfiguration of the org chart and job descriptions. It requires relinquishing the illusion of control at the very foundation of most management training and business practice. Despite most leaders' approaches, "Agility is not simply accelerated planning." Unlike many agility books on the market, The Agility Shift provides specific, actionable strategies and tactics for leaders at all levels of the organization to put into practice immediately to improve agility and achieve results.

Agility.X: How Organizations Thrive in Unpredictable Times

by Loizos Heracleous Christiane Prange

In recent years, the concept of agility has captured the executive imagination, and leaders in a variety of industries and companies of all sizes are now searching for ideas on how to effectively utilize agile thinking. <p><p>This book provides insights on agility from world-class experts on leadership, strategy and organization, alongside seasoned practitioners who have successfully implemented agility programs for companies such as Daimler, Ford Motor Company, J. W. Thompson, Siemens, and NASA. By combining theoretical expertise with a variety of managerial experiences, it provides a wide-ranging yet succinct guide for companies seeking to engage in the transformative journey towards becoming more agile. As such, it will be of great use and interest to executives in all industries, executive education participants and consultants, M.B.A. students and researchers interested in agile. Agility.X prepares leaders for managing under uncertainty and organizations for thriving in turbulent environments. Combines theoretical expertise with a variety of managerial experiences, presenting a lively, readable account for practitioners interested in learning about 'real-life' agility, backed up with substantial conceptual foundations to ignite thinking. Includes interviews with top executives from a variety of industries, giving practical insights into the ways in which executives deal with agility challenges. Combines insights from a wide range of managerial functions and perspectives, such as control, branding, and leadership, illustrating the importance of a multi-functional view of agility

Agilizing the Enterprise

by Joseph Raynus

Are you still searching for the workplace that deserves someone like you? Do you really have a good understanding about what is going on out there, in the business world? In this book, we will discuss the importance of agility and how it affects the solutions that are being delivered by an organization. We will also talk about how a blend of strategic innovation, visionary leadership, and organizational agility go hand in hand to ensure the success of an organization. Enterprise agility is not a far-fetched possibility. Once the problems of the organization are identified, with the right tools and effort, the agility, efficiency, and effectiveness of an organization, as well as the processes that the success of the organization are based on, can all be maximized. This book will broaden your thinking and will help you expand your horizons.

Aging: Some Pleasant Fiscal Arithmetic

by David Hauner

Financial report from the IMF

Aging and Economic Growth in the Pacific Region (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)

by Akira Kohsaka

The Pacific region is in the final stage of the demographic transition with declining fertility and expanding life expectancy, where significant changes in population size and age distribution, i.e. "aging" have been and will be witnessed. They are unprecedented and going to affect economic growth in various ways. This book focuses on the Pacific region, one of the most rapidly aging regions, and examines the possible risk aspects. Particularly, the book takes into account of possible adjustments both endogenous and exogenous (including policy responses) to the new reality of aging population. It also assesses their quantitative influences on the growth impact of aging population, which might be very different from those in the past experience.The book highlights the doubts on the steadiness across periods and similarities across economies of parameters relevant to labor market participation, saving and investment of private sectors, and productivity growth, which a bulk of prior studies were crucially based on. Policy measures to enhance labor supply, domestic savings and productivity have been scrutinized. The book discusses the policy alternatives in practice and their implementations and/or planning of each category across regional economies.

Aging and Social Expenditure in the Major Industrial Countries, 1980-2025

by Peter S. Heller Richard Hemming Peter W. Kohnert

Financial report from the IMF

Aging and Work in the 21st Century (Applied Psychology Series)

by Kenneth S. Shultz Gary A. Adams

Aging and Work in the 21st Century, 2nd edition, reviews, summarizes, and integrates existing literature from various disciplines with regard to aging and work, but with a focus on recent advances in the field. Chapter authors, all leading experts within their respective areas, provide recommendations for future research, practice, and/or public policy. Fully revised and updated, the second edition takes up many of the same critical topics addressed in the first edition, and incorporates twelve new authors across the volume and three brand new chapters on recruitment and retention, legal issues, and global issues in work and aging. The intended audience is advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers in the disciplines of industrial and organizational psychology; developmental psychology; gerontology; sociology; economics; and social work. Older worker advocate organizations, such as AARP, will also take interest in this edited book.

The Aging Consumer: Perspectives from Psychology and Marketing (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series)

by Aimee Drolet and Carolyn Yoon

The Aging Consumer: Perspectives from Psychology and Marketing, 2nd edition takes stock of what is known around age and consumer behavior, identifies gaps and open questions within the research, and outlines an agenda for future research. There has been little systematic research done with respect to the most basic questions related to age and consumer behavior, such as whether older adults versus young and middle-age adults respond to marketing activities including pricing, promotions, product design, and distribution. Written by experts, The Aging Consumer compiles research on a broad range of topics on consumer marketing, from an individual to a societal level of analysis. This second edition provides new versions of chapters contained in the 2010 volume that have been updated to reflect the latest psychological and marketing research and thinking. Included also are ten new chapters which cover exciting new ground, such as changes in metacognition in older adults, motivated cognition of the aging consumer, and a global perspective on aging and the economy across cultures. This updated volume is beneficial for researchers and practitioners in marketing, consumer behavior, and advertising. Additionally, The Aging Consumer, 2nd edition will appeal to professionals in other fields such as psychology, decision sciences, gerontology and gerontological social work, and those who are concerned with normal human aging and its implications for the everyday behavior of older individuals. It will also be of interest to those in fields concerned with the societal implications of an aging population, such as economics, policy, and law.

The Aging Consumer: Perspectives From Psychology and Economics (Marketing and Consumer Psychology Series)

by Aimee Drolet Norbert Schwarz Carolyn Yoon

At present, about 45 million Americans are over the age of 65, and by 2020, one out of every six Americans will be 65 or older. These statistics are reflective of a worldwide phenomenon in developing and developed countries alike unrivalled since the Industrial Revolution. This edited volume, written by experts in many fields, examines the economic and psychological research on how aging consumers behave, make decisions, and choose in the marketplace. The book takes stock of what is known, identifies gaps and open questions, and outlines an agenda for future research. It covers topics from the individual to the societal level of analysis.

Aging in the Asian "Tigers": Challenges for Fiscal Policy 1

by Peter S. Heller

Financial report from the IMF

The Aging of the Population and the Size of the Welfare State

by Assaf Razin Efraim Sadka Phillip Swagel

Data for the United States and countries in western Europe indicate a negative correlation between the dependency ratio and labor tax rates and the generosity of social transfers, after other factors that influence the size of the welfare state are controlled for. This occurs despite the increased political clout of the dependent population implied by the aging of the population. This paper develops an overlapping generations model of intra- and intergenerational transfers (including old-age social security) and human capital formation that addresses this seeming puzzle. We show that with democratic voting, an increase in the dependency ratio can lead to lower taxes or less generous social transfers.

Aging Populations and Public Pension Schemes (Occasional Papers #Occasional Paper No. 147)

by Sheetal K. Chand Albert Jaeger

An aging society is characterized by a growing proportion of the retired to the active working population. Societies age either when fertility rates decline so that fewer children are born, or when longevity increases, or both. Aging affects virtually all societies today, but more so the industrial countries, which have generally experienced it over a longer period and for which further pronounced aging is projected over the next four decades, at the end of which a peak in the proportion of the elderly is likely to be attained. Concerns about the challenges posed by aging populations have moved to the forefront of the public policy debate in many countries. This paper attempts to respond to some of these concerns, focusing in particular on the fiscal sustainability of public pension schemes in industrial countries.

Aging Veterans with Disabilities: A Cross-National Study of Policies and Challenges

by Arie Rimmerman

The number of older war veterans receiving disability benefits is steadily growing and is predicted to rise in the next decade. This book provides comprehensive knowledge about health and psychosocial concerns of veterans aging with disabilities and unmet needs and compares policy in three countries that have been involved in massive warfare in the 20th century––the United Kingdom (UK), the United States (US), and Israel. Using a cross-national comparative study of the policies, legislation and services provided by these three countries, which have significant numbers of aging disabled military veterans, this book provides evidence-based knowledge on the trajectories and attendant mental-health and psychosocial problems this sub-group faces when aging with a disability. It sheds light on the paradox in which most veterans with disabilities in the UK, USA and Israel are older, while the current legislation and budget target younger veterans with disabilities. The book reflects the current debate regarding the desired policy toward older veterans with disabilities in these countries and whether to provide them with proactive health services prior to retirement to prevent "accelerated aging". It also evaluates the dilemma of whether to serve aging veterans separately as a unique population or to provide them with the same services used by the general population. This book will be of interest to all academics and students working in disability studies, rehabilitation studies, gerontology, psychology, sociology, social work, social policy, and law more broadly.

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