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Ahead of the Curve

by Hilary Kramer

Hilary Kramer has built a wildly successful career based on her prescient analyses of the stock market and her savvy financial tips designed for average investors. A longtime presence online, on TV, in newspapers and on radio, Kramer has now written a book for anyone who is concerned about growing money and wealth--from the long term investor to the short term trader. It is for the millions of people throughout the nation - and now the world - who are increasingly taking their finances into their own hands.ds: nine powerful yet simple methods for discovering trend indicators all around you. Who would have thought that, in the days of the Atkins diet anti-carb craze, a company called Panera Bread -- now a booming chain -- would be a great investment? Hilary Kramer knew it would be. How did she know, way ahead of the crowd, that Embraer, an aircraft manufacturer located in Brazil, of all places, was becoming a market leader and had great growth potential? She knew how to spot the trend. As she shows, if you follow her simple methods, you, too, will be able to: Identify reliable market trends early Spot other, secondary, trends that will be sparked by more obvious trends Discover the clues in everyday life that will lead you to great growth companies Evaluate which companies among the competition are the best investments Recognize when a trend is peaking and it's time to sell Armed with her time-tested techniques, your own eyes and ears become your most reliable and powerful resources for market-beating wealth creation, not only today but for the rest of your life.

Ahead of the Game: The Unlikely Rise of a Detroit Kid Who Forever Changed the Esports Industry

by Kevin J. Ryan

Prepare to be inspired by the story of Delane Parnell, the unlikeliest of CEOs now leading a gaming empire at the center of the booming, multibillion-dollar esports industry.Delane Parnell is not your typical tech entrepreneur. He was raised in a gang-riddled neighborhood on Detroit&’s west side, bouncing between homes as his mother tried to make ends meet. Many of his closest friends and family members ended up in jail or dead.This makes it even more incredible that Delane became the 25-year-old founder and CEO of PlayVS, a Los Angeles company that is forever changing the gaming landscape in America. In 2018, esports— team-based competitive video gaming—became an officially sanctioned high school sport, meaning student gamers can now earn varsity letters just like their basketball and volleyball player peers. Delane&’s startup is making that happen, providing the infrastructure that hosts the competitions, compiles the statistics, organizes playoff tournaments, and streams state championships for tens of thousands of students across the country.Ahead of the Game is a deeply reported narrative that tells the story of Delane, the motley group of underdogs and hustlers that helped build his several-hundred-million-dollar startup, and the previously overlooked students now participating in America&’s growing esports phenomenon. It&’s a tale of perseverance, courage, loyalty, race, family, tragedy, and believing you can overcome the odds—no matter how severely they&’re stacked against you. Readers will also:Learn how the growing Esports industry is changing the lives of students across the country who were previously not engaged in the high school experience.Get a glimpse into a successful entrepreneur path unlike any other by following the story of how Delane Parnell created PlayVs in spite of the greatest of challenges.Be inspired that there is hope and opportunity available to people who go against conventional paths to realize their dreams.With a foreword by Sean "Diddy" Combs

Ahead of the Market

by Mitch Zacks

Beat the Pros at Their Own Game All too often, you learn about good stocks far too late to profit from the information. By the time you actually buy a stock, professional investors have already been there, bought the stock, driven up the price, and are just waiting to unload it at an inflated price. All That's About to Change. . . . In Ahead of the Market, Mitch Zacks shows investors how they can spot stocks that are poised to take off long before the rest of the crowd learns about them. How? By unlocking the gems of priceless information buried in Wall Street's often self-serving research. Ahead of the Market is the first book, ever, that enables you to profitably use the analyst stock research for which Wall Street firms pay more than one billion dollars annually. Many investors have rightly felt misled in the past by analysts who continued to hype stocks as prices plummeted. You may have even concluded that Wall Street research is totally worthless. But it's not. In Ahead of the Market, Mitch Zacks shows that analysts actually provide a wealth of market-moving information that can generate exceptional returns if interpreted correctly. The key is to use the research produced by Wall Street analysts the same way the professional money managers do. Pioneered by the firm Zacks Investment Research and based on more than twenty years of intensive analysis, the investment strategies revealed in this book are indeed the same ones used by successful professional investors everywhere. In these pages you will learn how to form an investment plan by locating stocks that are poised for price appreciation and avoiding stocks heading for a fall. Zacks shows how you could have prevented being burned when the recent bubble burst, if you had known how to use analyst research correctly and teaches you the rules of the research game so you will not fall victim the next time around. In sum, this book is your guide to picking the right stock at the right time. Mitch Zacks's groundbreaking research provides new insights and new strategies to: Use revisions to analysts' earnings estimates to predict the rise and fall of stock prices Interpret the real meaning behind analysts' stock recommendations Employ the "cockroach" phenomenon and other methodologies to predict earnings surprises before they occur Determine how to react when a company reports earnings and how to profit from "post-earnings announcement drift" Understand and profit from "analyst creep"-the reason that earnings estimate revisions occur incrementally over time Avoid being duped by the games that companies play with their earnings reports Whether the economy is healthy or stalled, whether the market is up or down, by focusing on the strategies contained in this book you will always come out ahead. Well-picked individual stocks will always carry the day. Now with Ahead of the Market, you will finally have the same tools institutional investors have and will be able to find great stocks in any market environment.

Ahold versus Tesco--Analyzing Performance

by Penelope Rossano Suraj Srinivasan

The case relates to understanding and comparing the performance of two leading retail companies-Ahold and Tesco. The case introduces the tools of Dupont and Modified Dupont Decomposition. While performance as measured by return on equity has been similar for the two companies, Ahold has had significantly better stock market performance compared to Tesco. Ahold also has a significant amount of cash on its balance sheet leading to low levels of net debt. The case requires students to analyze performance using Modified Dupont Decomposition techniques to assess if firm performance is resulting from operating profitability or from financial leverage and then suggest strategies to improve performance. To perform the modified Dupont Decomposition, students learn how to reformat and condense the balance sheet and income statement to separately measure profitability arising from operating activities and financing activities. Students also see how excess cash holdings can depress profitability and what factors should drive the appropriate level of leverage for a company.

Ahora contaminamos nosotros: La competencia entre el planeta, la gente y los beneficios ante la sostenibilidad

by Ronald Rwakigumba

Ahora contaminamos nosotros utiliza como título un argumento oído a menudo en las negociaciones sobre el cambio climático, donde las naciones menos desarrolladas sugieren que dado que las naciones desarrolladas generaron la mayor parte de la contaminación del pasado, ahora tienen la obligación histórica de satisfacer los costes asociados con la atenuación del cambio climático o la adaptación al mismo. Simultáneamente, argumentan que dado que la contaminación de la industrialización es una consecuencia inevitable del desarrollo, las naciones en vías de desarrollo han de contaminar para conseguir el crecimiento económico. Decir lo contrario no es nada nuevo, lo que falta en el discurso es explicar claramente el crecimiento ecológico como una alternativa que combina perfectamente algo tan aparentemente opuesto como el desarrollo con los objetivos ecológicos y sociales. Lo que también falta en los discursos es una la estrategia multisectorial del desarrollo sostenible en la que se conjunten las distintas facetas del desarrollo sostenible y se aproveche el enfoque combinado. Este es el viaje que se explica en las páginas de "Ahora contaminamos nosotros". Tras profundizar en la sostenibilidad, el libro presenta el valor del medioambiente y ofrece formas de solucionar los errores de la monetarización del medioambiente, para continuar con una narración general de la acción (¿o es inacción?) climática. También la energía, elemento que juega un papel clave en el funcionamiento de hogares y economías, necesita un buen análisis que se ofrece en uno de los últimos capítulos. Lo que diferencia a teste libro es el enfoque holístico con que conecta los distintos aspectos para trazar una imagen más completa de cómo avanzamos, lo que se explica en el capítulo final sobre desarrollo sostenible, con ejemplos, lecciones y reflexiones. Finalmente, estamos juntos en esto, en nuestro hogar compartido, la Tierra, y la mejor forma de

Ahora o nunca: 5 claves para dar grandes pasos en tu carrera profesional

by Arancha Ruiz

Las oportunidades de éxito están al alcance de todos quienes desarrollen estas 3 habilidades imprescindibles para el profesional del siglo XXI: aprender de forma constante, tejer una red de colaboradores y ser perseverantes. ¿Te sumarías a un proyecto que te apasiona y te recompensa con prestigio y dinero a costa de sacrificar gran parte de tu tiempo y libertad? El «sí» exige un sacrificio personal; el «no» deja pasar un tren que no sabes si volverá. Es una decisión difícil, pues las alternativas no son equivalentes. El éxito de una carrera laboral es el resultado de un cúmulo de disyuntivas profesionales y personales en las que elegimos usando la inteligencia y el cálculo de probabilidades. Hay decisiones excelentes y otras mejorables; decisiones mediocres y malas decisiones. Pero todas son difíciles y siempre se aprende. ¿Y sabes cuál es la peor? La que no se toma. También es de la que uno más se arrepiente. Porque cuando decidimos, asumimos el control sobre nuestra propia vida; nos implicamos emocionalmente y podemos sentir la alegría, el amor, el dolor y la ira. Sentir es vivir. Participar es vivir. Decidir es vivir. Seguro que en alguna ocasión has presentido que te hallabas ante una buena oportunidad, pero no fuiste a por ella. Pero no es momento para lamentaciones, todavía tienes muchas oportunidades por delante. Este libro habla de los errores en clave de aprendizaje y de los aprendizajes en clave de grandes pasos para el éxito. Y explica cientos de historias de personas que, como cualquiera de nosotros, viven aciertos y fracasos cotidianos, y de cómo crearon repetidas oportunidades de calidad para aprovechar los trenes que después pasaron; personas que fueron héroes cuando debían serlo, porque supieron que era su «Ahora». A partir de su amplia experiencia profesional como head-hunter y especialista en marca personal, y con el testimonio revelador de muchas personas que han sabido dar un nuevo impulso a su carrera, Arancha Ruiz ofrece las claves para aprovechar con éxito las oportunidades y vencer frenos y adversarios.

Ahora o nunca: La gran oportunidad de México para crecer

by Jorge Suárez Vélez

En el mundo globalizado en el cual vivimos, hay importantes razones para pensar que "las estrellas se están alineando" para darle a este país una oportunidad única que, de ser aprovechada, podría acelerar en forma históricamente relevante el desarrollo de su economía. Advertencia: este libro contiene la agenda económica del nuevo sexenio. Ahora o nunca es un diagnóstico urgente y puntual acerca de la oportunidad histórica que tiene México de acelerar su desarrollo económico. ¿Cómo? A partir de 2008, cuando el crecimiento de los países industrializados disminuyó, naciones como Brasil, Rusia, India y China compensaron el cuadro con su desarrollo vigoroso. Sin embargo, en la actualidad esos motores han comenzado a apagarse y han propiciado una crisis sin precedentes en Europa. Ese proceso alimentará movimientos populistas, nacionalistas y aislacionistas, pero también puede ser un oportuno catalizador para que se adopten medidas impostergables, explica Jorge Suárez Vélez. Tras varios años de capacidad industrial que ha migrado hacia China, explica el autor, la tendencia empieza a revertirse de manera clara conforme la nación asiática pierde competitividad y muchas empresas norteamericanas privilegian la cercanía geográfica con nuestro país. Además, la elección de Brasil como destino favorito de la inversión extranjera en América Latina está cambiando, y muchos inversionistas han puesto sus ojos en México por la relativa superioridad de sus manufacturas, su fortaleza comercial y su menor carga burocrática. Con un estilo ágil, este minucioso análisis de nuestro panorama económico agrega un elemento clave: las enormes posibilidades de la integración energética de Estados Unidos ofrecen un escenario ideal para generar cooperación económica en la región y que México se convierta, contra todos los pronósticos, en el principal beneficiario de la consolidación de ese país.

¿Ahorrar o gastar?: ¿Cómo lograr el equilibrio perfecto en tus finanzas

by Walter Eyzaguirre

El más reciente libro del speaker y consultor financiero Walter Eyzaguirre para encontrar el equilibrio perfecto en tus finanzas El dinero no da la felicidad, pero evita muchos momentos infelices. Por ello, ante el dilema financiero: ¿ahorrar o gastar?, Walter Eyzaguirre sabe que aprender a manejar el dinero no es una opción, sino una necesidad para conseguir tu mayor bienestar. Concebido como un ameno y accesible manual de educación financiera, este libro problematiza los prejuicios sobre el dinero para luego abordar, mediante la estrategia del mindfulness, nociones como el equilibrio económico, el propósito del ahorro, las bondades del presupuesto, el valor del crédito, las ventajas de invertir y la racionalidad de los emprendimientos empresariales. Amparado en su experiencia como inversionista y asesor financiero, el autor defiende la importancia de desarrollar competencias básicas para la planificación de tu futuro y el empleo correcto de los recursos, con el fin de ejercer tu ciudadanía económica de una manera plena, sostenible y responsable. Porque aprender a manejar tu dinero es un conocimiento que allana el camino hacia tu felicidad y tranquilidad.

Ahoy, Money!: How To Chart Your Course To Genuine Financial Freedom

by Paul Lemon

Paul wrote "Ahoy, Money!" to offer genuine financial freedom to anyone who is willing to honestly look at money and their life. It appeals especially to those who are worried about not having enough to retire or live out the 'American Dream.' What makes "Ahoy, Money!" unique is that it offers an entirely new paradigm or way of seeing money, along with practical guidance as to how to implement this new philosophy. The book truly teaches people how to give money their "attention" rather than their "energy." A few lines from the back cover: "Identify and break free of old money patterns; Discover a new, refreshing way to manage all ten aspects of your personal finances; Assess your overall financial condition; Calculate exactly what you need to save to retire comfortably; Find lasting relief from stress and anxiety over money issues."

AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)

by Roman V. Yampolskiy

Delving into the deeply enigmatic nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable explores the various reasons why the field is so challenging. Written by one of the founders of the field of AI safety, this book addresses some of the most fascinating questions facing humanity, including the nature of intelligence, consciousness, values and knowledge.Moving from a broad introduction to the core problems, such as the unpredictability of AI outcomes or the difficulty in explaining AI decisions, this book arrives at more complex questions of ownership and control, conducting an in-depth analysis of potential hazards and unintentional consequences. The book then concludes with philosophical and existential considerations, probing into questions of AI personhood, consciousness, and the distinction between human intelligence and artificial general intelligence (AGI).Bridging the gap between technical intricacies and philosophical musings, AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable appeals to both AI experts and enthusiasts looking for a comprehensive understanding of the field, whilst also being written for a general audience with minimal technical jargon.

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future

by Kai-Fu Lee Chen Qiufan

How will AI change our world within twenty years? A pioneering technologist and acclaimed writer team up for a &“dazzling&” (The New York Times) look at the future that &“brims with intriguing insights&” (Financial Times). This edition includes a new foreword by Kai-Fu Lee. A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Financial Times Long before the advent of ChatGPT, Kai-Fu Lee and Chen Qiufan understood the enormous potential of artificial intelligence to transform our daily lives. But even as the world wakes up to the power of AI, many of us still fail to grasp the big picture. Chatbots and large language models are only the beginning. In this &“inspired collaboration&” (The Wall Street Journal), Lee and Chen join forces to imagine our world in 2041 and how it will be shaped by AI. In ten gripping, globe-spanning short stories and accompanying commentary, their book introduces readers to an array of eye-opening settings and characters grappling with the new abundance and potential harms of AI technologies like deep learning, mixed reality, robotics, artificial general intelligence, and autonomous weapons.

The AI Advantage: How to Put the Artificial Intelligence Revolution to Work (Management on the Cutting Edge)

by Thomas H. Davenport

Cutting through the hype, a practical guide to using artificial intelligence for business benefits and competitive advantage.In The AI Advantage, Thomas Davenport offers a guide to using artificial intelligence in business. He describes what technologies are available and how companies can use them for business benefits and competitive advantage. He cuts through the hype of the AI craze—remember when it seemed plausible that IBM's Watson could cure cancer?—to explain how businesses can put artificial intelligence to work now, in the real world. His key recommendation: don't go for the “moonshot” (curing cancer, or synthesizing all investment knowledge); look for the “low-hanging fruit” to make your company more efficient.Davenport explains that the business value AI offers is solid rather than sexy or splashy. AI will improve products and processes and make decisions better informed—important but largely invisible tasks. AI technologies won't replace human workers but augment their capabilities, with smart machines to work alongside smart people. AI can automate structured and repetitive work; provide extensive analysis of data through machine learning (“analytics on steroids”), and engage with customers and employees via chatbots and intelligent agents. Companies should experiment with these technologies and develop their own expertise.Davenport describes the major AI technologies and explains how they are being used, reports on the AI work done by large commercial enterprises like Amazon and Google, and outlines strategies and steps to becoming a cognitive corporation. This book provides an invaluable guide to the real-world future of business AI.A book in the Management on the Cutting Edge series, published in cooperation with MIT Sloan Management Review.

AI and Analytics for Public Health: Proceedings of the 2020 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Hui Yang Weiwei Chen Robin Qiu

This volume offers the state-of-the-art research and developments in service science and related research, education and practice areas. It showcases emerging technology and applications in fields including healthcare, energy, finance, information technology, transportation, sports, logistics, and public services. Regardless of size and service, a service organization is a service system. Because of the socio-technical nature of a service system, a systems approach must be adopted to design, develop, and deliver services, aimed at meeting end users’ both utilitarian and socio-psychological needs. Effective understanding of service and service systems often requires combining multiple methods to consider how interactions of people, technology, organizations, and information create value under various conditions. Chapters highlight ways to approach such technical challenges in service science and are based on submissions from the 2020 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science.

AI and Analytics for Smart Cities and Service Systems: Proceedings of the 2021 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science (Lecture Notes in Operations Research)

by Robin Qiu Kelly Lyons Weiwei Chen

This book showcases state-of-the-art advances in service science and related fields of research, education, and practice. It presents emerging technologies and applications in contexts ranging from healthcare, energy, finance, and information technology to transportation, sports, logistics, and public services. Regardless of its size and service, every service organization is a service system. Due to the socio-technical nature of service systems, a systems approach must be adopted in order to design, develop and deliver services aimed at meeting end users’ utilitarian and socio-psychological needs alike. Understanding services and service systems often requires combining multiple methods to consider how interactions between people, technologies, organizations and information create value under various conditions. The papers in this volume highlight a host of ways to approach these challenges in service science and are based on submissions to the 2021 INFORMS Conference on Service Science.

AI and Chatbots in Fintech: Revolutionizing Digital Experiences and Predictive Analytics (Contributions to Finance and Accounting)

by Gioia Arnone

This book is a comprehensive guide to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Financial Technology (FinTech) industry. It is comprised of ten chapters, each addressing a specific aspect of AI in FinTech. The reader is introduced to AI in FinTech, including its history and current state and the role of chatbots in FinTech and how they are used to improve customer service. Furthermore, the book explores the business framework of AI-based ChatGPT in FinTech, including the technology behind ChatGPT and how it can be applied to various financial sectors. The book examines the use of predictive analytics and machine learning in FinTech, highlighting how these tools are used to predict customer behavior and improve decision-making. The author delves into how ChatGPT is used to determine buying behavior and discusses the use of machine learning to reshape the digital experience in FinTech. Additionally, the book provides best practices for retaining customers in FinTech, including how to use AI to create personalized experiences that keep customers coming back, and explores the different applications of predictive models in FinTech, including how they are used to improve risk management and fraud detection. Lastly, the book discusses the use of ChatGPT for stock price prediction and the detection of financial fraud and examines the role of ChatGPT in the world of cryptocurrency, including how it can be used to make informed investment decisions. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the different ways AI is being used in FinTech and the potential it holds for improving customer experiences and driving innovation in the financial industry.

AI and Finance in 2019

by Aldo Sesia Karim R. Lakhani Marco Di Maggio Marco Iansiti

Industry and Background Note

AI and Robotics in Disaster Studies (Disaster Research and Management Series on the Global South)

by T. V. Vijay Kumar Keshav Sud

This book promotes a meaningful and appropriate dialogue and cross-disciplinary partnerships on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in governance and disaster management. The frequency and the cost of losses and damages due to disasters are rising every year. From wildfires to tsunamis, drought to hurricanes, floods to landslides combined with chemical, nuclear and biological disasters of epidemic proportions has increased human vulnerability and ecosystem sustainability. Life is not as it used to be and governance to manage disasters cannot be a business as usual. The quantum and proportion of responsibilities with the emergency services has increased many times to strain them beyond their human capacities. Its time that the struggling disaster management services get supported and facilitated by new technology of combining Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) with Data Analytics Technologies (DAT)to serve people and government in disaster management. AI and ML have advanced to a state where they could be utilized for many operations in disaster risk reduction. Even though many disasters cannot be prevented and a number of them are blind natural disasters yet through an appropriate application of AI and ML quick predictions, vulnerability identification and classification of relief and rescue operations could be achieved.

AI and the Future of Banking (Wiley Finance)

by Tony Boobier

An industry-specific guide to the applications of Advanced Analytics and AI to the banking industry Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies help organisations to get smarter and more effective over time – ultimately responding to, learning from and interacting with human voices. It is predicted that by 2020, half of all businesses will be using these intelligent, self-learning systems. Across its entire breadth and depth, the banking industry is at the forefront of investigating Advanced Analytics and AI technology for use in a broad range of applications, such as customer analytics and providing wealth advice for clients. AI and the Future of Banking provides new and established banking industry professionals with the essential information on the implications of data and analytics on their roles, responsibilities and personal career development. Unlike existing books on the subject which tend to be overly technical and complex, this accessible, reader-friendly guide is designed to be easily understood by any banking professional with limited or no IT background. Chapters focus on practical guidance on the use of analytics to improve operational effectiveness, customer retention and finance and risk management. Theory and published case studies are clearly explained, whilst considerations such as operating costs, regulation and market saturation are discussed in real-world context. Written by a recognised expert in AI and Advanced Analytics, this book: Explores the numerous applications for Advanced Analytics and AI in various areas of banking and finance Offers advice on the most effective ways to integrate AI into existing bank ecosystems Suggests alternative and complementary visions for the future of banking, addressing issues like branch transformation, new models of universal banking and ‘debranding’ Explains the concept of ‘Open Banking,’ which securely shares information without needing to reveal passwords Addresses the development of leadership relative to AI adoption in the banking industry AI and the Future of Banking is an informative and up-to-date resource for bank executives and managers, new entrants to the banking industry, financial technology and financial services practitioners and students in postgraduate finance and banking courses.

AI and the Future of the Public Sector: The Creation of Public Sector 4.0 (Wiley Finance)

by Tony Boobier

Discover how data, analytics, and AI will transform public services for the better In AI and the Future of the Public Sector: The Creation of Public Sector 4.0, renowned executive and consultant Tony Boobier delivers a comprehensive reference of the most relevant and central issues regarding the adoption and implementation of AI in the public sector. In the book, you&’ll find out why data and analytics are the solution to significant and ongoing problems in the public service relating to its ability to effectively provide services in an environment of reduced funding. You&’ll also discover the likely impact of future technological developments, like 5G and quantum computing, as well as explore the future of healthcare and the effective digitalization of the healthcare industry. The book also offers: Discussions of policing 4.0 and how data and analytics will transform public safety Explorations of the future of education and how ai can dramatically enhance educational standards while reducing costs Treatments of the internationalization of public services and its impact on agencies and departments everywhereA can&’t-miss resource for public sector employees at the managerial and professional levels, AI and the Future of the Public Sector is an insightful and timely blueprint to the effective use of artificial intelligence that belongs in the bookshelves of policy makers, academics, and public servants around the world.

AI and the Project Manager: How the Rise of Artificial Intelligence Will Change Your World

by Peter Taylor

Enabling project managers to adapt to the new technology of artificial intelligence, this first comprehensive book on the topic discusses how AI will reinvent the project world and allow project managers to focus on people. Studies show that by 2030, 80 percent of project management tasks, such as data collection, reporting, and predictive analysis, will be carried out by AI in a consistent and efficient manner. This book sets out to explore what this will mean for project managers around the world and equips them to embrace this technological advantage for greater project success. Filled with insights and examples from tech providers and project experts, this book is an invaluable resource for PMO leaders, change executives, project managers, programme managers, and portfolio managers. Anyone who is part of the global community of change and project leadership needs to accept and understand the fast- approaching AI technology, and this book shows how to use it to their advantage.

AI Assisted Business Analytics: Techniques for Reshaping Competitiveness

by Joseph Boffa

The primary path to success, is to use software designed to sample and analyze cashflow and then link that analysis, with forecasting and market research. The case study will start with a small business income statement indicating a cashflow problem. The analysis that follows will be a comprehensive statistical approach of fiscal management. The case study will provide an overview of the total process of controlling and analyzing cashflow. Business prosperity depends on: 1- Staying in touch with cashflow by means of regular statistical audits2- Transition to statistical methods for forecasting future cashflow3- Link cashflow with customer perception and satisfaction The book is intended for courses with prerequisites that the student has a knowledge of accounting and is comfortable in using Excel. It uses professional Excel with its Analytics Toolkit. Complete knowledge of the Toolkit is not a prerequisite since the book will adequately cover the relevant analytic tools. There is no need for separate statistical software such as SPSS or SAS. The book is intended for intermediate/advanced college level courses in business financial methods and control.

AI Battle Royale: How to Protect Your Job from Disruption in the 4th Industrial Revolution (Copernicus Books)

by Ashley Marc Recanati

AI, Big Data and other 4th industrial revolution technologies are poised to wreak havoc in virtually every industry, unlocking huge productivity gains via automation of labor both manual and cognitive. Less discussed are the impacts on workers, who see the value of their skills erode, along with the menace of mass structural unemployment. How can workers assess their vulnerabilities? What can they do to improve their prospects, effective immediately? In this book, you will learn how to:- Survey new tech and decrypt their potential impacts on work - Assess your strengths and weaknesses in the face of AI, the shared economy, and other tech-propelled threats- Foment a battle plan to survive and thrive Ashley Recanati provides guidance for employees to rise above their peers and preserve their value, in a book that will interest managers and scholars, but foremost destined to ordinary workers.

The AI Book: The Artificial Intelligence Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and FinTech Visionaries

by Susanne Chishti

Written by prominent thought leaders in the global fintech space, The AI Book aggregates diverse expertise into a single, informative volume and explains what artifical intelligence really means and how it can be used across financial services today. Key industry developments are explained in detail, and critical insights from cutting-edge practitioners offer first-hand information and lessons learned. Coverage includes: · Understanding the AI Portfolio: from machine learning to chatbots, to natural language processing (NLP); a deep dive into the Machine Intelligence Landscape; essentials on core technologies, rethinking enterprise, rethinking industries, rethinking humans; quantum computing and next-generation AI · AI experimentation and embedded usage, and the change in business model, value proposition, organisation, customer and co-worker experiences in today’s Financial Services Industry · The future state of financial services and capital markets – what’s next for the real-world implementation of AITech? · The innovating customer – users are not waiting for the financial services industry to work out how AI can re-shape their sector, profitability and competitiveness · Boardroom issues created and magnified by AI trends, including conduct, regulation & oversight in an algo-driven world, cybersecurity, diversity & inclusion, data privacy, the ‘unbundled corporation’ & the future of work, social responsibility, sustainability, and the new leadership imperatives· Ethical considerations of deploying Al solutions and why explainable Al is so important

AI Chatbots: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by James Crowder

This book explores the subject of artificial psychology from the standpoint of how online Chatbots have infiltrated and affected societies and the world in general. The book explores the psychological effects of depending on an online entity for our needs – even if it’s a reminder of scheduled events. The author provides insight into the notion of human-Chatbot exchanges, understanding, and false emotions both from the Chatbot and from the human. He goes on to investigate and discuss the dangers of too much reliance on technology that learns from a variety of sources and how some sources can negatively influence Chatbots, and by doing so, negatively affect people. The book also discusses human-Chatbot interactions and the natural language interface(s) required to respond adequately to humans. Lastly, the author explores the notion of ethical considerations for people, based on their interactions with Chatbots, including information based on cultural differences between different regions of the world.

The AI Conundrum: Harnessing the Power of AI for Your Organization--Profitably and Safely

by Caleb Briggs Rex Briggs

A timely, practical guide to AI—its strengths, weaknesses, and real-world applications—for business professionals and policymakers.Artificial intelligence, or AI, can recognize a pattern from any set of data it is given, which is what makes it such an extraordinarily powerful tool. But because not all patterns are authentic or reliable, AI’s pattern-finding superpower can lead to spurious patterns—and to disastrous results for business and government entities that rely on them. Hence the conundrum at the heart of AI: its greatest strength can also be its greatest weakness. Targeting the businessperson who needs to know how to use AI profitably and responsibly, Caleb Briggs and Rex Briggs offer in this book a foundational understanding of AI that is easy to grasp yet thorough enough to be used effectively. The AI Conundrum:• Draws on the authors’ diverse expertise—in pure math, computer science, marketing, data science, and business—to make AI concepts and applications approachable for readers of all tech levels.• Provides a framework for comparing AI to the next best alternative, and for gauging where AI is likely be successful—or to pose greater risk than benefits.• Includes dozens of real-world case studies highlighting the successes and failures of AI applications across various industries. • Offers actionable insights for responsible implementation and risk mitigation.• Provides a worksheet for identifying potential problem areas, a cost-benefit analysis, and a companion website. The AI Conundrum is an invaluable resource for professionals and students seeking a full understanding of AI—its applications, limitations, and ethical considerations—as we enter a brave new era.

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