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Exzellent präsentieren

by Nils Schulenburg

Dieses Buch vermittelt erstmals einen ganzheitlichen und wissenschaftlich fundierten Ansatz des Präsentierens. Er ist ganzheitlich, weil jeder Baustein einer Präsentation – vom ersten Schritt der Vorbereitung über die Bekämpfung von Nervosität vor einem Auftritt und die Gestaltung von Dialogen mit dem Publikum bis hin zur Nachbereitung einer Präsentation – betrachtet wird. Er ist wissenschaftlich fundiert, weil seine Empfehlungen auf den Erkenntnissen der Kommunikationsforschung und Psychologie aufbauen. Dabei steht stets der Mensch im Fokus aller Überlegungen zum Präsentieren, um dem eigentlichen Zweck einer Präsentation gerecht zu werden: Ideen von Mensch zu Mensch zu vermitteln. Dieses Buch richtet sich an jeden, der präsentiert. Egal, ob Sie Präsentationsanfänger, Gelegenheitspräsentierer oder Profi sind: Dieses Buch ist Ihr Begleiter bei Ihren alltäglichen und ganz besonderen Präsentationen und versetzt Sie in die Lage, jeder Präsentation Ihre individuelle Note zu verleihen und Ihr Publikum zu begeistern. Aus mehr als 40 Präsentationswerkzeugen können Sie Ihren ganz individuellen Werkzeugkoffer zusammenstellen, der Sie auf dem Weg zur exzellenten Präsentation unterstützen wird.

Exzellente Geschäftsprozesse mit SAP

by Egmont Foth

Der Einsatz von SAP ist eine Herausforderung, die alle Bereiche eines Unternehmens betrifft: Mitarbeiter müssen das notwendige Know-how aufbauen, um das System effektiv nutzen zu können; Unternehmensprozesse funktionieren umso besser, je enger sich die Organisation an das Standardprozessmodell anpasst; korrekte Stammdaten stellen den reibungslosen Ablauf der Supply-Chain-Prozesse sicher. Das Buch führt in Best-Practice-Prozesse ein und bietet zahlreiche praxiserprobte Tipps für den erfolgreichen Einsatz von SAP in Unternehmensgruppen.

Exzellente Teams: Das Geheimnis von Hochleistung in 8 Schritten

by Jan Metzger

Jeder von uns kennt exzellente Teams: Wir gehen mit Vorfreude und Leichtigkeit zur Arbeit. Wir bringen Motivation und Ideen mit. Es gibt dort eine fröhliche, offene und robuste Kommunikation - und die Bereitschaft, jederzeit freundschaftlich zu streiten, wenn es dem besseren Ergebnis dient. Gute Leistung entsteht so fast von allein. Das macht die Magie großartiger Teams aus. Wie baut man ein exzellentes Team auf? Exzellenz und Hochleistung sind kein Geheimnis - wenn Führungskräfte und Teams das Wissen und das Können haben: Wissen: Wie verhalten sich Menschen in Organisationen? Neurobiologie und Sozialwissenschaften haben mittlerweile gut erforscht, welche Muster menschlichen Verhaltens in Teams und Organisationen immer wiederkehren. Zu verstehen, wie wir in der Gruppe ticken, ist die Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. "Exzellente Teams - Das Geheimnis von Hochleistung in 8 Schritten" fasst kompakt zusammen, was wir heute über die Funktionsweise herausragender Teams wissen. Können: Weil sie an die wiederkehrenden Verhaltensweisen und Bedürfnisse von Menschen in Teams anknüpfen, funktionieren die "8 Magic Skills", die dieses Buch empfiehlt, so zuverlässig. Mit ihrer Hilfe kann jedes Team Schritt für Schritt Sicherheit, Verlässlichkeit und Vertrauen aufbauen - und damit eine Kultur der Exzellenz. Meisterschaft: In Zeiten rascher und unberechenbarer Veränderungen sind selbsttragende und bewegliche Teams der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Zur Meisterschaft gelangen herausragende Teams, indem sie sicher miteinander navigieren: Ihr Wegweiser sind der Sinn und die Bedeutung, die sie ihrer Arbeit geben. Auf ihrer gemeinsamen Reise durch Ungewissheit und Veränderung lernen sie ständig dazu. Das macht sie reaktionsbereit, leistungsfähig - und am Ende exzellent. Wissen, Können, Meisterschaft: Jedes Team und jede Führungskraft kann eine Gruppen-Kultur aufbauen, die Exzellenz und Hochleistung ermöglicht. "Exzellente Teams - Das Geheimnis von Hochleistung in 8 Schritten" zeigt, wie ein Team heranwächst, das sich wie ein intelligenter Schwarm bewegt und Leistungen erbringt, die alle Beteiligten glücklich machen.

Exzellenz in der Unternehmensberatung: Beratungsprojekte erfolgreich durchführen - Leitlinien für Unternehmen und Berater

by Robert Bodenstein Ilse Andrea Ennsfellner Josef Herget

Unternehmensberatung ist ein wichtiger Faktor der erfolgreichen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Doch wie kommt es zu erfolgreichen - noch besser - exzellenten Beratungsprojekten? Auf diese Frage gibt das Buch klare Antworten. Das Werk richtet sich dabei an beide Seiten der Beratung: Unternehmen erfahren, wie sie am besten Beratungsprojekte angehen, Berater erhalten wichtige Hinweise zur erfolgreichen Gestaltung der Zusammenarbeit. Anwendungsorientierte Modelle und Vorgehensweisen zur Optimierung der Beratungsqualität runden das Werk ab.

EY Tax Guide 2016

by Ernst Young Llp

Maximize your 2016 tax return EY Tax Guide 2016 turns filing your taxes into a simple process. While tax code is admittedly complex, this trusted guide offers specific solutions for tax payers, including homeowners, self-employed entrepreneurs, business executives, and senior citizens, to help you zero in on the best tax strategy for your financial situation. Green tips offer updated insight into environmental credits for green initiatives that can maximize your return. Additionally, this authoritative text provides at-a-glance reference sheets for key subject areas, including changes in tax law, common errors to avoid, tax breaks and deductions, and more. If you find tax preparation an intimidating process you are not alone; however, you can simplify your taxes by turning to a trusted guide for support. The EY Tax Guide is an approachable yet authoritative resource that has acted as the go-to reference for individual taxpayers for years. With this text, you can understand the deductions you are entitled to and maximize your return. Explore the top tax preparation errors, increasing your return and protecting your wealth Consider tax strategies that are specific to your particular financial situation, tailoring your preparation approach to your needs Leverage money-saving tips and other useful information, such as insight regarding tax law changes and tax breaks Streamline the filing process with the tax organizer, and plot your preparation on the tax calendar to meet key deadlines EY Tax Guide 2016 is an integral resource that guides you in maximizing your tax return through trusted tax filing techniques.

The Eye: An Insider's Memoir of Masterpieces, Money, and the Magnetism of Art

by Philippe Costamagna

&“Lifting the veil on the shadowy world of art insiders, Costamagna delivers an entertaining reflection on the dealers, devotees, and decision makers.&” —Town & Country Magazine It&’s a rare and secret profession, comprising a few dozen people around the world equipped with a mysterious mixture of knowledge and innate sensibility. Summoned to Swiss bank vaults, Fifth Avenue apartments and Tokyo storerooms, they are entrusted by collectors, dealers and museums to decide if a coveted picture is real or fake and to determine if it was painted by Leonardo da Vinci or Raphael. The Eye brings to light the rarified world of connoisseurs devoted to the authentication and discovery of Old Master art works. This is an art adventure story and a memoir all in one, written by a leading expert on the Renaissance whose métier is a high-stakes detective game involving massive amounts of money and frenetic activity in the service of the art market and scholarship alike. It&’s also an eloquent argument for the enduring value of visual creativity, told with passion, brilliance and surprising candor. &“[A] rollicking and erudite tour of the art world . . . Costamagna&’s candor and well-earned hubris make for an entertaining foray into the high-stakes art world.&” —Publishers Weekly &“As thrilling as a police novel.&” —La Croix &“An insider&’s look at the dramatic world of attributing and dating art . . . This art world Sherlock Holmes travels the globe . . . Delightful.&” —Introspective Magazine &“One comes away feeling somewhat re-sensitized to beauty and somewhat nostalgic for an era when museums weren&’t the selfie-stick madhouses they are today.&” —The Washington Post

An Eye For The Tropics: Tourism, Photography, and Framing the Caribbean Picturesque

by Krista A. Thompson

Images of Jamaica and the Bahamas as tropical paradises full of palm trees, white sandy beaches, and inviting warm water seem timeless. Surprisingly, the origins of those images can be traced back to the roots of the islands' tourism industry in the 1880s. As Krista A. Thompson explains, in the late nineteenth century, tourism promoters, backed by British colonial administrators, began to market Jamaica and the Bahamas as picturesque "tropical" paradises. They hired photographers and artists to create carefully crafted representations, which then circulated internationally via postcards and illustrated guides and lectures. Illustrated with more than one hundred images, including many in color, An Eye for the Tropics is a nuanced evaluation of the aesthetics of the "tropicalizing images" and their effects on Jamaica and the Bahamas. Thompson describes how representations created to project an image to the outside world altered everyday life on the islands. Hoteliers imported tropical plants to make the islands look more like the images. Many prominent tourist-oriented spaces, including hotels and famous beaches, became off-limits to the islands' black populations, who were encouraged to act like the disciplined, loyal colonial subjects depicted in the pictures. Analyzing the work of specific photographers and artists who created tropical representations of Jamaica and the Bahamas between the 1880s and the 1930s, Thompson shows how their images differ from the English picturesque landscape tradition. Turning to the present, she examines how tropicalizing images are deconstructed in works by contemporary artists--including Christopher Cozier, David Bailey, and Irne Shaw--at the same time that they remain a staple of postcolonial governments' vigorous efforts to attract tourists.

The Eye Test: A Case for Human Creativity in the Age of Analytics

by Chris Jones

In a world increasingly ruled by numbers and algorithms, award-winning journalist Chris Jones makes a compelling case for a more personal approach to analytical thinking​. THE EYE TEST is a necessary course correction, a call for a more balanced, personal approach to problem-solving. Award-winning journalist Chris Jones makes the case for the human element—for what smart, practiced, devoted people can bring to situations that have proved resistant to analytics. Jones shares what he&’s learned from an army of extraordinary talents, including some of the best doctors, executives, athletes, meteorologists, magicians, designers, astrophysicists, and detectives in the world. There are lessons in their mastery.Of course, there is a place for numbers in decision-making. No baseball player should be judged by his jawline. But the analytics revolution sparked by Michael Lewis&’s Moneyball now threatens to replace one kind of absurdity with another. We have developed a blind faith in the machine, the way a driver overly reliant on his GPS might be led off the edge of a cliff. Not all statistical analysis is sound. Algorithms aren&’t infallible, and spreadsheets aren&’t testaments. Trust in them too much, and they risk becoming instruments of destruction rather than understanding.Worse, data&’s supremacy in our daily lives has led to a dangerous strain of anti-expertise: the belief that every problem is a math problem, and anyone given access to the right information will find the right answer. That taste doesn&’t matter, experience doesn&’t matter, creativity doesn&’t matter. That we can&’t believe our eyes, no matter how much they&’ve seen. THE EYE TEST serves as a reminder that if beauty is less of a virtue in the age of analytics, a good eye still is. This book is a celebration of our greatest beholders—and an absorbing, inspiring guide for how you might become one, too.

Eye Tracking in Tourism (Tourism on the Verge)

by Mario Jooss Mattia Rainoldi

Despite the ever-increasing interest in eye tracking, there is still no comprehensive work on the potential and applications of table-mounted and mobile head-mounted eye tracking solutions in travel and tourism. This volume bridges that gap, effectively linking eye tracking with travel and tourism. It presents, on the one hand, novel academic contributions on the concept of eye tracking, and on the other, practice-oriented case studies that illustrate the use and strategic value of eye tracking in travel and tourism. It provides concrete and novel insights into tourist behavior and the tourist consumer experience and, for the academic community, offers a comprehensive, scientifically based overview of the empirical, methodological, theoretical, and practical contributions of eye tracking research. Accordingly, the book will be of value to a diverse audience. It will be a useful resource for existing and future tourism businesses, allowing them to adopt proactive approaches in the design of tourism products. It will also stimulate further research in the field and inspire scholars and practitioners to combine their ideas and expertise, to look beyond supposedly fixed horizons, and to identify emerging opportunities.

Eyeblaster: Enabling the Next Generation of Online Advertising

by Elie Ofek

Eyeblaster management has to decide on the best course of action to sustain its momentum from enabling online rich media advertising. Pressure from competitors is forcing the company to re-evaluate its previous marketing strategy that focused primarily on getting advertising agencies to advocate use of Eyeblaster's rich media ad management product. Alternatively, more Eyeblaster sales effort, product improvements, and pricing incentives could be diverted to Web site publishers or even to advertisers. CEO Gal Trifon has to decide whether to give the green light to entering two new markets. Such a move would require the company to position itself somewhat differently in the marketplace and offer different pricing schemes. Includes color exhibits.

Eyes In The Sky: The Secret Rise of Gorgon Stare and How It Will Watch Us All

by Arthur Holland Michel

The fascinating history and unnerving future of high-tech aerial surveillance, from its secret military origins to its growing use on American citizensEyes in the Sky is the authoritative account of how the Pentagon secretly developed a godlike surveillance system for monitoring America's enemies overseas, and how it is now being used to watch us in our own backyards. Whereas a regular aerial camera can only capture a small patch of ground at any given time, this system—and its most powerful iteration, Gorgon Stare—allow operators to track thousands of moving targets at once, both forwards and backwards in time, across whole city-sized areas. When fused with big-data analysis techniques, this network can be used to watch everything simultaneously, and perhaps even predict attacks before they happen. In battle, Gorgon Stare and other systems like it have saved countless lives, but when this technology is deployed over American cities—as it already has been, extensively and largely in secret—it has the potential to become the most nightmarishly powerful visual surveillance system ever built. While it may well solve serious crimes and even help ease the traffic along your morning commute, it could also enable far more sinister and dangerous intrusions into our lives. This is closed-circuit television on steroids. Facebook in the heavens. Drawing on extensive access within the Pentagon and in the companies and government labs that developed these devices, Eyes in the Sky reveals how a top-secret team of mad scientists brought Gorgon Stare into existence, how it has come to pose an unprecedented threat to our privacy and freedom, and how we might still capitalize on its great promise while avoiding its many perils.

Eyes of an Eagle: Jean-Pierre Cenac, Patriarch: An Illustrated History of Early Houma-Terrebonne

by Christopher Everette Cenac Sr.

Selected Book for the Louisiana Bicentennial Celebration, 2012In the year 1860, Jean-Pierre Cenac sailed from the sophisticated French city of Bordeaux to begin his new life in the city with the second busiest port of debarkation in the U.S. Two years before, he had descended the Pyrenees to Bordeaux from his home village of Barbazan-Debat, a terrain in direct contrast to the flatlands of Louisiana. He arrived in 1860, just when the U.S. Civil War began with the secession of the Southern states, and in New Orleans, just where there would be placed a prime military target as the war developed.Neither Creole nor Acadian, Pierre took his chances in the rural parish of Terrebonne on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Pierre's resolute nature, unflagging work ethic, steadfast determination, and farsighted vision earned him a place of respect he could never have imagined when he left his native country. How he forged his place in this new landscape echoes the life journeys of countless immigrants--yet remains uniquely his own. His story and his family's story exemplify the experiences of many nineteenth century immigrants to Louisiana and the experiences of their twentieth century descendants.

Eyes of the Heart: Seeking a Path for the Poor in the Age of Globalization

by Jean-Bertrand Aristide

In this startling and passionate book, Aristide demonstrates why those on the bottom will never lie down. A graphic revelation of what happens when "free" trade overruns local markets, eradicates local economies, and creates dependence on foreign charity.

Eyes Up!: Discover Your Full Potential and Form Meaningful Connections Through Subtle Shifts in Perspective

by TJ Kostecky

Let lessons from an expert soccer coach inspire you to lead a richer, more successful life by expanding your vision to take in more of the world around you, and discover deeper purpose and meaning.TJ Kostecky&’s Vision Training, a program that has empowered superstar soccer players around the world—including Carli Lloyd, Julie Foudy, and Claudio Reyna—to make smarter decisions by expanding their field of vision, offers critical value to anyone who knows that so many life lessons are learned on the playing field. Kostecky, Head Men's Soccer Coach at Bard College, lays the groundwork for you to shift your lens by focusing on the 5 Ps: Perceive, Process, Plan, Perform, and Persist. With that expanded perspective, you&’ll learn 7 key principles to transform your life and the lives of others through your leadership:See the whole fieldLook, listen, learnDiscover the joy of the gamePlay the game the right wayMake everyone around you betterBelieve in yourself, believe in the teamSee beyond the gameBy bringing Kostecky&’s Vision Training to bear on life beyond the field, this book coaches you through making small shifts in your perspective that have major impact, helping you recognize new and unique opportunities in all aspects of life leading to more career, family, and spiritual fulfillment.

Eyes Wide Open

by Noreena Hertz

Eyes Wide Open: How to Make Smart Decisions in a Confusing World is Noreen Hertz's practical, cutting-edge guide to help you cut through the data deluge and make smarter and better choices, based on her highly popular TED talk. In this eye-opening handbook, the internationally noted speaker, economics expert, and bestselling author of IOU: The Debt Threat and Silent Takeover reveals the extent to which the biggest decisions in our lives are often made on the basis of flawed information, weak assumptions, corrupted data, insufficient scrutiny of others, and a lack of self-knowledge. To avert such disasters, Hertz persuasively argues, we need to become empowered decision-makers, capable of making high-stakes choices and holding accountable those who advise us. In Eyes Wide Open, she weaves together scientific research with real-world examples from Hollywood to Harry Potter, NASA to World War Two spies, to construct a path to more astute and empowered decision-making in ten clear steps. With a razor-sharp intellect and an instinct for popular storytelling, she offers counter-intuitive, actionable guidance for making better choices--whether you are a business-person, a professional, a patient, or a parent.

Eyes Wide Open: Overcoming Obstacles and Recognizing Opportunities in a World That Can't See Clearly

by Isaac Lidsky

<P>In this New York Times bestseller, Isaac Lidsky draws on his experience of achieving immense success, joy, and fulfillment while losing his sight to a blinding disease to show us that it isn’t external circumstances, but how we perceive and respond to them, that governs our reality. <P>Fear has a tendency to give us tunnel vision—we fill the unknown with our worst imaginings and cling to what’s familiar. But when confronted with new challenges, we need to think more broadly and adapt. When Isaac Lidsky learned that he was beginning to go blind at age thirteen, eventually losing his sight entirely by the time he was twenty-five, he initially thought that blindness would mean an end to his early success and his hopes for the future. Paradoxically, losing his sight gave him the vision to take responsibility for his reality and thrive. Lidsky graduated from Harvard College at age nineteen, served as a Supreme Court law clerk, fathered four children, and turned a failing construction subcontractor into a highly profitable business. <P> Whether we’re blind or not, our vision is limited by our past experiences, biases, and emotions. Lidsky shows us how we can overcome paralyzing fears, avoid falling prey to our own assumptions and faulty leaps of logic, silence our inner critic, harness our strength, and live with open hearts and minds. In sharing his hard-won insights, Lidsky shows us how we too can confront life's trials with initiative, humor, and grace.

EZ Occupational Outlook Handbook

by The Editors at JIST

This reader-friendly reference features engaging, one-page descriptions of nearly 260 jobs, including those in the most recent Occupational Outlook Handbook, plus new green careers.

Ezio Tarantelli - Economic Theory and Industrial Relations

by Giovanni Michelagnoli

The present book analyses the work of Ezio Tarantelli, a remarkable Italian scientist and economist killed by the Red Brigades in 1985 after only a short life (1941-1985). Tarantelli's work and its implications are not only of importance for Italian researchers, but also represents a contribution of interest to economists worldwide. The first chapter of this volume shows the most important features of the European and Italian economy from 1970 to 1985. The contribution of Tarantelli, in fact, was his attempt to address the questions arising from such a context, incorporating the thought of F. Modigliani and J. Robinson in the process. After some brief biographical notes in the second chapter, the third and the fourth concentrate on Tarantelli's theoretical contribution. The fifth chapter and the conclusions, finally, show how, from his economic analysis, he derived some economic policy proposals that still hold relevance today. The text includes a complete bibliography of his scientific writings.

F. A. Hayek: Economics, Political Economy and Social Philosophy (Great Thinkers in Economics)

by Peter J. Boettke

This book explores the life and work of Austrian-British economist, political economist, and social philosopher, Friedrich Hayek. Set within a context of the recent financial crisis, alongside the renewed interest in Hayek and the Hayek-Keynes debate, the book introduces the main themes of Hayek’s thought. These include the division of knowledge, the importance of rules, the problems with planning and economic management, and the role of constitutional constraints in enabling the emergence of unplanned order in the market by limiting the perverse incentives and distortions in information often associated with political discretion. Key to understanding Hayek's development as a thinker is his emphasis on the knowledge problem that economic decision makers face and how alternative institutional arrangements either hinder or assist them in overcoming that epistemic dilemma. Hayek saw order emerging from individual action and responsibility under the appropriate institutional order that itself emerges from actors discovering new and better ways to coordinate their behavior. This book will be of interest to all those keen to gain a deeper understanding of this great 20th century thinker in economics.

F. A. Hayek And The Modern Economy

by Sandra J. Peart David M. Levy

What is the role of human agency in Friedrich Hayek's thought? This volume situates Hayek's writing as it relates to economic organization and activity, particularly to assess what role Hayek assigns to leaders in determining economic progress.

F. A. Hayek and the Epistemology of Politics: The Curious Task of Economics (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Scott Scheall

F. A. Hayek and the Epistemology of Politics is an exploration of an important problem that has largely been ignored heretofore: the problem of policymaker ignorance and the consequences of limited political knowledge. Scott Scheall explores the significance of the fact that the possibilities for effective political action are constrained by policymakers’ epistemic limitations. The book offers an explanation for why policymaking often fails and why constituents, whatever their political affiliations, are so often disappointed with political leaders. In this philosophical examination of his work, Hayek’s ideas are not merely discussed, analyzed, and contextualized, but extended; the book both draws and defends previously unrecognized implications from the Hayekian canon. The book will be of interest to scholars of the works of F. A. Hayek and his intellectual adversaries, to policymakers, and to those of all political, philosophical, and social-scientific persuasions.

F.A. Hayek as a Political Economist: Economic Analysis and Values (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Jack Birner Pierre Garrouste Thierry Aimar

Whilst some of Hayek's contributions to economics are purely analytical, others are inspired by a broader vision that could be characterized as political economy. In this authorative volume, some of the world's leading Hayek scholars examine the link between these two essential components of Hayek's thought, and consider them against a wider background of thought in the Austrian tradition.

F*ck Off, Chloe!: Surviving the OMGs! and FMLs! in Your Media Career

by Jeremy Murphy

A laugh-out-loud account of working in media! Public relations' snarkiest publicist Jeremy Murphy expertly chronicles his hatred, love, indifference, amusement, and scorn for the profession in F*ck Off, Chloe!. From entitled millennials to surly reporters, obnoxious clients, and cumbersome, color-coded &“trackers,&” Murphy takes a scalpel and glass of Châteauneuf-du-Pape to the PR industry in a searing, hilarious, and pissy voice that his own psychiatrist finds &“deeply concerning.&” His collection of annoyances shed light on the industry&’s idiosyncrasies, insanities, contradictions, and past due invoices, providing an illuminating window into the dirty world of public relations not even Xanax can help. Complementing the scathing prose are color-in illustrations by artist Darren Greenblatt, creator of the &“Ugly Lives of Beautiful People&” sketch series.

F*ck Your Resume: The Revolutionary Guide to Getting Hired in the Digital Age

by Jeremy Dillahunt

In his twenty years as a freelance journalist, Jeremy Dillahunt learned a thing or two about job seeking. Chief among them was one undeniable fact—the Internet has changed everything. The old rules no longer apply and if you want to get hired today, your resume just doesn't work. The Internet does. So Jeremy decided to figure out how.In 2015, nearly 60 million job openings were accessible to jobseekers nationwide—thanks to the Internet. But this access is only one part of the equation. For many jobseekers, a huge challenge remains—how do I get my resume in front the hiring manager, and how do I use the Internet to do it?F*ck Your Resume is the complete all-in-one-guide to move beyond the traditional resume-for-hire system and use the Internet to optimize one's chances of finding and landing the job. According to Jeremy Dillahunt, the Internet is just not just one way to find a job—it is the only way.Built on Dillahunt's research of current hiring trends, F*ck Your Resume nails down the top factors that recruiters and hiring managers consider when evaluating candidates. The Internet-based approach presented in this book provides practical, step-by-step instructions that will help you:Get It Done—create a strong, professional online presence on networking sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.Push Yourself—move your profile up the job boards with tips for personal branding.Face It— you're going to show up in a search result, so look good when you do.Power Up—connect with a reputable network of professionals who you'd want to be associated with.Sound Off— this may be your only chance to "talk" to a potential employer, deliver a message that is clear, consistent, and competitive.Additional features include: Surprising facts and candid advice from top-notch recruiters * "The Worst Resumes Ever" * The Five Secrets of Job-Interview Success * The Five Secrets of Salary Negotiation * and much more!

F. I. A. S. C. O.: The Inside Story of a Wall Street Trader

by Frank Partnoy

A former derivatives salesman takes readers onto the trading floor of a leading investment bank and in a tell-all, no-holds-barred expose, reveals for the first time the ugly truth about these complex financial products and the people who peddle them. Writing with the same eye for telling details as Michael Lewis in Liar's Poker, Frank Partnoy shows how the once genteel world of investment banking has now become a place where the rallying cry is "There's blood in the water. Let's go kill someone." Partnoy was in his late twenties when he landed the job of his dreams a position in Morgan Stanley's Derivatives Products Group, the single most profitable division of the venerable investment bank. With vivid character sketches and a wealth of funny-yet-disturbing anecdotes, Partnoy takes us inside the culture of Morgan Stanley's derivatives group. Encouraged by upper management and egged on by gun-toting senior salesmen, derivatives had become a business-as-war, take-no-prisoners operation where people pored over Soldier of Fortune and gloated when they sold a product that "ripped off" a client's face. As he leads us through the ups and downs of his fifteen months at Morgan Stanley, Partnoy explains in plain English what derivatives are and shows how he and the other "rocket scientists" at the bank custom-designed these arcane financial products to dodge government regulators, encourage foreign currency speculation by pension and mutual funds, disguise risky gambles with AAA Standard & Poor's ratings, and avoid capital gains taxes for wealthy individuals. He also details, for the first time, the deal that earned Morgan Stanley the fattest fee in Wall Street history a $74.5 million profit for devising a derivative that wiped hundreds of millions in losses off a Japanese company's balance sheet. But dreaming up ever more complicated derivatives products Dollarized Yield Curve Notes, Constant Maturity Treasury Floaters, Trigger Notes, and Total Return Swaps, to name a few was never enough. For the bank to earn its fee, they had to be sold usually, as Partnoy notes, either to "cheaters" (fund managers who wanted riskier investments than their regulators or charters normally allowed) or to "widows and orphans" (unsophisticated fund managers who couldn't understand the risks in fine print). Throughout the book, Partnoy gives us a trading-floor view of the disasters fueled by derivatives trading and provides the formula of greed, daring, and ingenuity that are the basic ingredients of all derivatives. Written with humor, insight, and a mounting sense of moral outrage, F.I.A.S.C.O. is both a brilliant insider's account of investment banking today and a blistering indictment of the largely unregulated market in derivatives a book that everyone who has a pension plan or invests in mutual funds needs to read.

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