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Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Strategies

by Raja Velu

Algorithmic Trading and Quantitative Strategies provides an in-depth overview of this growing field with a unique mix of quantitative rigor and practitioner’s hands-on experience. The focus on empirical modeling and practical know-how makes this book a valuable resource for students and professionals. The book starts with the often overlooked context of why and how we trade via a detailed introduction to market structure and quantitative microstructure models. The authors then present the necessary quantitative toolbox including more advanced machine learning models needed to successfully operate in the field. They next discuss the subject of quantitative trading, alpha generation, active portfolio management and more recent topics like news and sentiment analytics. The last main topic of execution algorithms is covered in detail with emphasis on the state of the field and critical topics including the elusive concept of market impact. The book concludes with a discussion on the technology infrastructure necessary to implement algorithmic strategies in large-scale production settings. A git-hub repository includes data-sets and explanatory/exercise Jupyter notebooks. The exercises involve adding the correct code to solve the particular analysis/problem.

Algorithms from and for Nature and Life: Classification and Data Analysis (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)

by Berthold Lausen Alfred Ultsch Dirk Van den Poel

This volume provides approaches and solutions to challenges occurring at the interface of research fields such as, e.g., data analysis, data mining and knowledge discovery, computer science, operations research, and statistics. In addition to theory-oriented contributions various application areas are included. Moreover, traditional classification research directions concerning network data, graphs, and social relationships as well as statistical musicology describe examples for current interest fields tackled by the authors. The book comprises a total of 55 selected papers presented at the Joint Conference of the German Classification Society (GfKl), the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM), and the Symposium of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS) in 2011.


by Michael Chu Monica Silva Mariana Cal

The company's innovative approach was widely recognized, both locally and internationally. In 2018, Moller was invited to join a prestigious NGO focused on the role of the private sector, which led to an invitation by Unilever Chile's CEO to join forces to meet a corporate-wide Unilever commitment: a 25% reduction by 2025 of the plastics it put out into the world. One of the most efficient ways of doing so was the replacement of single-use plastic packaging by reusable containers, but the challenge was to make consumers remember to take their empty containers with them when shopping. With the insight that people never forget to take their wallets, Moller's response was Packaging-as-a-Wallet (PaaW), a reusable plastic container imbedded with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip that, through Algramo's smartphone app, could also become a digital wallet. At the same time, the app allowed the user to order the exact amount desired and have it home-delivered by electric tricycle. In January 2020, following a successful pilot test, Unilever Chile and Algramo rolled out PaaW across Santiago, Chile's capital. With plastic pollution a highly visible global issue, Algramo's efforts attracted wide international attention and recognition. Several leading FMCG multinationals and environmental NGOs approached Algramo to explore potential partnerships. For many years, Algramo's financing came through awards and prizes, friends and family and benefactors. At the end of 2019, Algramo completed its first institutional capital-raise in a round led by New York-based impact investor Closed Loop Partners. That relationship opened the doors to projects that would take the Algramo model to New York City. In March 2020, Algramo's board approved a joint venture with a Dutch NGO to deploy Algramo in Indonesia, the world's second-largest source of plastic leakage into the oceans. That same month, Chile registered its first Covid-19 case.

Aliados y adversarios: 1988 - 2017

by Carlos Salinas de Gortari

"'Matar el TLCAN' acarrearía muchos conflictos, entre ellos la pérdida de millones de empleos en Estados Unidos. Para México, las consecuencias serían aún peores" Carlos Salinas de Gortari En este libro, el expresidente Carlos Salinas de Gortari narra con agilidad la historia de un acuerdo que definió el rostro de México rumbo al siglo XXI: el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte. Relatada casi como una crónica de aventuras, esta obra es también la narración política y el recuerdo privado de la persona que propuso, cabildeó y concretó el TLCAN. Es éste un análisis que recuerda la importancia estratégica del tratado, los pormenores de su negociación, los resultados que ha entregado a lo largo de 24 años y el embate que ha sufrido por el gobierno de Donald Trump. Por ello, se trata de un libro urgente, que analiza el pasado, el presente y el futuro de un pacto comercial clave para más de 450 millones de personas en Canadá, Estados Unidos y México. Aliados y adversarios conjuga argumentos de fondo y datos concretos con la historia personal de un protagonista para resaltar la importancia de un tratado que definió el escenario de modernidad y globalización en el que vivimos actualmente.

Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built

by Duncan Clark

In just a decade and half Jack Ma, a man who rose from humble beginnings and started his career as an English teacher, founded and built Alibaba into the second largest Internet company in the world. The company’s $25 billion IPO in 2014 was the world’s largest, valuing the company more than Facebook or Coca Cola. Alibaba today runs the e-commerce services that hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers depend on every day, providing employment and income for tens of millions more. A Rockefeller of his age, Jack has become an icon for the country’s booming private sector, and as the face of the new, consumerist China is courted by heads of state and CEOs from around the world.Granted unprecedented access to a wealth of new material including exclusive interviews, Clark draws on his own first-hand experience of key figures integral to Alibaba’s rise to create an authoritative, compelling narrative account of how Alibaba and its charismatic creator have transformed the way that Chinese exercise their new found economic freedom, inspiring entrepreneurs around the world and infuriating others, turning the tables on the Silicon Valley giants who have tried to stand in his way. Duncan explores vital questions about the company’s past, present, and future: How, from such unremarkable origins, did Jack Ma build Alibaba? What explains his relentless drive and his ability to outsmart his competitors? With over 80% of China’s e-commerce market, how long can the company hope to maintain its dominance? As the company sets its sights on the country’s financial and media markets, are there limits to Alibaba’s ambitions, or will the Chinese government act to curtail them? And as it set up shop from LA and San Francisco to Seattle, how will Alibaba grow its presence and investments in the US and other international markets?Clark tells Alibaba’s tale within the wider story of China’s economic explosion—the rise of the private sector and the expansion of Internet usage—that haver powered the country’s rise to become the world’s second largest economy and largest Internet population, twice the size of the United States. He also explores the political and social context for these momentous changes. An expert insider with unrivaled connections, Clark has a deep understanding of Chinese business mindset. He illuminates an unlikely corporate titan as never before, and examines the key role his company has played in transforming China while increasing its power and presence worldwide.

alibaba: The Inside Story Behind Jack Ma and the Creation of the World's Biggest Online Marketplace

by Liu Shiying Martha Avery

The first in-depth look at the multibillion-dollar company—known to many as "China's eBay"—and the inspirational story behind the man who created it.A bestseller in China and now translated into English and updated with recent events, Alibaba by Liu Shiying and Martha Avery tells the remarkable story behind the Internet phenomenon and its founder Jack Ma, a man Barron's named one of the World's Top 30 CEOs in 2008. Ma's rise to prominence presents a riveting story: Despite growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution—in a period of total state control of the economy—he developed the keen entrepreneurial instincts that propelled him to billionaire status and enabled him to build a company outside the usual government channels. These instincts and habits incorporated martial arts training and allowed him to recognize, early on, that the Internet could leverage his company to rapid growth and also transform the way business is done around the world., where businesses can buy and sell everything from air beds to zippers, started with a modest initial investment of $60,000 and has grown exponentially since its founding in 1999 to become the world's biggest business-to-business Web site. In 2007 it became the second largest IPO in history (after Google), and Fast Company has named it one of the world's most innovative companies. As a result, smart investors and technology insiders will be keeping a close eye on Alibaba for years to come. Whether you're seeking to understand China's meteoric rise, or just searching for the next Google, Yahoo!, or Amazon, Alibaba is crucial reading.

Alibaba Goes Public (A)

by Krishna G. Palepu Suraj Srinivasan David Lane Charles C.Y. Wang

In 2014 Alibaba debuted on the New York Stock Exchange, creating not only the largest IPO in history but this initial desire to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was denied due to the company's desire to preserve its partner's control over decision rights. Why did Hong Kong deny Alibaba's requests to list dual-class shares or to allow its partners to nominate a majority of the board of directors, and in the process turn away a superstar in Alibaba? Why did American stock markets approve of Alibaba's governance structures, despite the warnings of many governance experts? How can investors ensure that their capital would be deployed effectively by the company's top management?

Alibaba Goes Public (B)

by Krishna G. Palepu Suraj Srinivasan David Lane Charles C.Y. Wang

Update on Alibaba Group's share price performance and related events in the year following its September 2014 IPO.

Alibaba Group

by Julie M. Wulf

Discusses how Alibaba Group successfully managed new business ventures to become a leader in China's online marketplaces. Students follow Alibaba Group's transition from a startup to a multibusiness firm with over 15,000 employees in just over a decade. They analyze the evolving dynamics of internal competition and cooperation among Alibaba Group's subsidiaries. Students are also asked to address Alibaba Group's strategy, the role of its corporate center and how to incentivize subsidiary executives.

Alibaba's Taobao (A)

by Felix Oberholzer-Gee Julie M. Wulf

Examines the decision of Alibaba Group to diversify from an international business-to-business (B2B) exchange ( into a B2C and C2C exchange ( for Chinese retailers and consumers. In China, Taobao had managed to displace the once dominant eBay, the world's largest consumer marketplace. However, the company had little revenue because it offered services free of charge.

Alibaba's world: Cómo una empresa china está revolucionando el mundo empresarial

by Porter Erisman

La oferta pública inicial más grande de la historia, más aún que Google, Facebook y Twitter combinados, se celebró en septiembre de 2014, por una compañía china de la cual la mayoría de los occidentales nunca había oído hablar. Alibaba, ahora la empresa de comercio electrónico más grande del mundo, escapó de la atención del mundo occidental durante más de diez años, mientras construía una base de clientes que sumaba más del doble de la de Amazon y se encargaba de la mayor parte de las transacciones de comercio electrónico en China. ¿Cómo pasó? ¿Y qué significó ser parte de tan revolucionario proyecto? En este libro, Porter Erisman, uno de los primeros empleados occidentales de Alibaba y jefe de marketing internacional entre 2000 y 2008, muestra cómo Jack Ma se levantó de la oscuridad para fundar Alibaba y dirigirla, desde que era una startup en dificultades hasta convertirse en el jugador de comercio electrónico más dominante del mundo. A partir de historias sobre cómo resistió el desplome de las puntocom, enfrentó a eBay y Google, negoció con el impredecible gobierno chino y soportó los consejos equivocados de expertos extranjeros, el autor analiza el papel de Alibaba como un heraldo del nuevo panorama global de negocios, con su enfoque en Oriente en lugar de Occidente, en los mercados emergentes sobre los desarrollados, y el ágil emprendedor sobre el titán de la industria.

Alibaba's World: How a Remarkable Chinese Company Is Changing the Face of Global Business

by Porter Erisman

In September 2014, a Chinese company that most Americans had never heard of held the largest IPO in history – bigger than Google, Facebook and Twitter combined. Alibaba, now the world's largest e-commerce company, mostly escaped Western notice for over ten years, while building a customer base more than twice the size of Amazon's, and handling the bulk of e-commerce transactions in China. How did it happen? And what was it like to be along for such a revolutionary ride?In Alibaba's World, author Porter Erisman, one of Alibaba's first Western employees and its head of international marketing from 2000 to 2008, shows how Jack Ma, a Chinese schoolteacher who twice failed his college entrance exams, rose from obscurity to found Alibaba and lead it from struggling startup to the world's most dominant e-commerce player. He shares stories of weathering the dotcom crash, facing down eBay and Google, negotiating with the unpredictable Chinese government, and enduring the misguided advice of foreign experts, all to build the behemoth that's poised to sweep the ecommerce world today. And he analyzes Alibaba's role as a harbinger of the new global business landscape—with its focus on the East rather than the West, emerging markets over developed ones, and the nimble entrepreneur over the industry titan. As we face this near future, the story of Alibaba—and its inevitable descendants—is both essential and instructive.

Alibris (A)

by Andrew Mcafee Kerry Herman

Alibris is an Internet-era company providing search and fulfillment services for hard-to-find (rare, used, and out-of-print) books. At the time of the case, the company had made decisions to change its revenue model, to become involved in the fulfillment process for each book it sells by establishing a cross-dock facility, and to purchase Oracle's Internet commerce software. However, the implementation of this software has been very difficult, delaying the launch of the new fulfillment business and costing large amounts of money at a time when cash is scarce. The company's leaders, who are not IT professionals, must decide whether to continue with Oracle or begin anew with another product.

Alibris (B)

by Andrew Mcafee

Takes place more than two years after the (A) case. Alibris has weathered the storms and has built a popular, growing business. As the Christmas season of 2000 approaches, the company is confronted with two IT projects that both seem urgent and important. The first is an effort to replace the software tool used by book dealers and others to upload their listing to the Alibris database. The current tool is error prone and does not provide rich information about each book uploaded. This lack of rich information makes useful searches of the Alibris database difficult. The second project involves ensuring the integrity of the database itself. Recent evidence suggests that records are not being uploaded, updated, and deleted as they should be in all cases, with adverse effects for customers. Alibris must decide which of the two projects to pursue immediately. There are not enough resources to do both.

Alibris in 2004

by Andrew Mcafee

Alibris, an online marketplace for rare, used, and out-of-print books, is trying to communicate to the professional book dealers who are its main suppliers that they are in the middle of a crisis. Supply is flooding the market, in part from individuals who simply want to clean out their bookshelves and make a bit of money. These individuals' sales are facilitated by a number of online merchants, including Alibris,,, and eBay. Alibris has built a number of powerful capabilities to help both buyers and sellers of books. Among these is a pricing service that allows sellers to set market prices for their books automatically. Alibris wants to encourage its dealers to use this service: the problem is that most market prices are far below the prices dealers have set for their books.

Alicia Keys

by Boris Groysberg Annelena Lobb Sarah Mehta

This case explores the life and career of Alicia Keys, the 15-time Grammy winning singer-songwriter and producer. Set in 2019, it covers the evolution of Keys's 18-year musical career and additional passions, including acting, entrepreneurship, social justice activism, and collecting art with her husband, rapper and music producer Swizz Beatz. Now a mother of two young sons and with no intentions of slowing down, Keys considers what the next phase of her life and career might hold. This case would be useful for students studying the music and entertainment industry. It also holds relevance for executives approaching the peak of their career and looking to make more deliberate decisions about time management and prioritization.

ALIEN Thinking: The Unconventional Path to Breakthrough Ideas

by Michael Wade Jean-Louis Barsoux Cyril Bouquet

How do people come up with truly original ideas? The answer is to think outside the box—way outside. For the past decade, Cyril Bouquet, Jean-Louis Barsoux, and Michael Wade, professors of innovation and strategy at IMD Business School, have studied inventors, scientists, doctors, entrepreneurs, and artists. These people, or &“aliens,&” as the authors call them, are able to make leaps of creativity, and use five patterns of thinking that distinguish them from the rest of us. These five patterns—Attention, Levitation, Imagination, Experimentation, and Navigation—lead to a fresh and flexible approach to problem-solving. Alien thinkers know how to free the imagination so it can detect hard-to-observe patterns. They practice deliberate ways to retreat from the world in order to see the big picture underlying a problem. And they approach ideas in systematic ways that reflect the constraints of reality. Through surprising and compelling stories, the authors show how readers can use this method to develop out-of-this-world ideas. ALIEN Thinking can help any of us find innovative solutions to the most difficult problems.

Alienating Labour: Workers on the Road from Socialism to Capitalism in East Germany and Hungary (International Studies in Social History #22)

by Eszter Bartha

The Communist Party dictatorships in Hungary and East Germany sought to win over the “masses” with promises of providing for ever-increasing levels of consumption. This policy—successful at the outset—in the long-term proved to be detrimental for the regimes because it shifted working class political consciousness to the right while it effectively excluded leftist alternatives from the public sphere. This book argues that this policy can provide the key to understanding of the collapse of the regimes. It examines the case studies of two large factories, Carl Zeiss Jena (East Germany) and Rába in Győr (Hungary), and demonstrates how the study of the formation of the relationship between the workers’ state and the industrial working class can offer illuminating insights into the important issue of the legitimacy (and its eventual loss) of Communist regimes.

Align: Get Your Team on the Same Page, Discover Clients' Needs, Develop Better Products

by Laura Marie Reese

Understanding what customers want is neither easy nor obvious — but it is essential for all companies. In this guide, expert Laura Reese walks you through the pitfalls and possibilities of customer interactions. Focusing on business-to-business fields, she demonstrates how to run face-to-face meetings that solicit valuable feedback and shares simple techniques for unlocking meaningful insights into a client's needs.You will learn how to cultivate an aligning mind-set within your company and among your own team by defining clear roles for each member. In addition to step-by-step guides for running customer alignment meetings, the book outlines specific skills for improving engagement with customers. Based on concepts of proven effectiveness, these tools will help transform a disparate group into a unified team of professionals working toward the same goal of discovering valuable customer insights."In the world of product development, be it semiconductors or anything else for that matter, big bets are placed on building the product the customer really needs. At Altera, Laura Reese energetically engaged on a mission to master the art of understanding what the customer really truly wants, digging through the layers of what to get to the far more valuable understanding of why. In this journey she developed a strategy for customer engagement to overcome the challenges of confirmation bias and other aspects of human nature-driven obstacles to the truth. In doing so, she created intellectual honesty in Altera's understanding of customers' needs, leading to some of the best products Altera has ever produced. The techniques she describes are applicable to any kind of uncovering exercise required to achieve an understanding of what is really required. I am delighted that she has been able to share her insights through this book." — Richard Cliff, CTO, Altera Corporation

Align Technology, Inc.: Matching Manufacturing Capacity to Sales Demand

by H. Kent Bowen Jonathan P. Groberg

Align Technology is a four-year-old medical products company that has invented a new product requiring new manufacturing processes. Demand for the new product has grown more slowly than initial forecasts predicted, and the cost structure is preventing the company from becoming profitable. The manufacturing process involves six different operations located in California, Pakistan, and Mexico. The first dilemma requires downsizing the capacity until the demand grows. Increasing capacity in the future requires consideration of the time lags, costs, and incremental units of added capacity inherent in each of the six processes. Given the uncertainty of accurate sales forecasts as the company carries out new marketing initiatives, the manufacturing organization has been challenged to create a capacity plan to meet demand while lowering its fixed costs.

Align the Practical Realities: Generation Y--Shaping Your Personal Career Strategy

by Tamara Erickson

During your job search, you will have to home in on the practical realities of your specific situation. How much money do you need to make? How much time can you devote to work? What level of responsibility do you want? If they don't align with your biggest dreams, you may need to prioritize your wants and needs and decide which concessions to make as you start you career. In this chapter, the author offers a framework for organizing your thoughts on these realities, along with two stories of Gen Y's who are in the midst of wrestling with these trade-offs.

Align Your Incentives to Focus on Profit

by Frank F. Bilstein Frank Luby Hermann Simon

A common corporate shortcut is to reward salespeople primarily on how much they sell or how much revenue they bring in. This shortcut often encourages behavior that can destroy your profits or undermine your efforts to increase them. It trains salespeople to ask their superiors for lower prices instead of negotiating with customers for higher ones. To retrieve the higher profits they deserve, companies need to make the transition from volume-based sales incentive systems to profit-based ones. This applies to your own sales representatives and to your channel partners, who act as your agents to the end customer.


by Bruce McCarthy Melissa Appel

Product management naturally incorporates empathy, psychology, and thinking outside the box in pursuit of the best design for products. But how often do you apply those same skills to your relationships with people in your company?By breaking the art of stakeholder management into simple lessons and frameworks, this practical book shows product managers how to manage the crucial relationships that will help you make an impact and advance your career. You'll learn how to build trusting relationships with stakeholders, optimize your communication for different audiences, get buy-in for your ideas and roadmaps, and have stakeholders appreciate it when you say no.You'll learn how to:Build and maintain trust with your stakeholdersMap your organization and identify the real power playersEstablish roles and build an extended team that works well togetherCommunicate in a way that speaks to the needs and goals of different stakeholdersGet buy-in on your ideas and roadmapMake stakeholders appreciate and support you when you say "no"Sustain buy-in over timeManage difficult stakeholders and personalities

Aligned Influence: Beyond Governance

by Ken Schuetz

For board members and executives, a clear path to organizational improvement.Within every organization is an “ecosystem” of influencers. In organizations with boards of directors and executives, that ecosystem is even more complex, and it is even more important to understand it for the benefit of everyone, including investors and donors.To date, governance models have provided little to no understanding of this ecosystem of influence, leaving this as an ongoing problem in organizations with the complexity of a board and executive. Governance experts have applied a number of inadequate solutions to a problem they still do not grasp. In Aligned Influence®, Ken Schuetz presents the Aligned Influence® model, which offers a unique perspective on this central problem—and a solution that addresses organizational alignment as a necessary prerequisite to effectiveness.

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