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Alltagscoaching 360°: Private und berufliche Selbststärkung von A - Z

by Anette Schunder-Hartung

Das Buch stellt in Essayform 85 sorgfältig aufbereitete Lebensthemen zum Selbststudium zusammen: von A – Z, zum Lesen, Nachschlagen und zum praktischen Nachvollziehen. Dabei kommen Herausforderungen aus unserer persönlichen Sphäre ebenso zum Tragen wie besondere Aspekte unseres Arbeitslebens.Um Ihnen einen raschen Überblick zu verschaffen, sind die einzelnen Abschnitte je nach Schwerpunkt als privat oder beruflich gekennzeichnet. Bestimmte Grundsatzfragen wie Liebe und Respekt, das männliche und weibliche Prinzip in Yin und Yang, der Umgang mit Krankheiten und schließlich das große Thema Zukunft werden besonders ausführlich erörtert. Für Motivationskrisen bekommen Sie eine leicht zu merkende Soforthilfe-Formel. Ein System von Verweispfeilen unterstützt Sie beim Vertiefen wiederkehrender Alltagsfragen. Kurze, prägnante Leitsätze können Sie am Schluss des Buches mit eigenen Anmerkungen verbinden. Ein umfangreiches Literaturverzeichnis aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen rundet Ihre Lektüre ab.

Alltagsentscheidungen: Die anderen sind nicht dümmer als wir

by Klaus Schredelseker

Dieses Buch besch#65533;ftigt sich mit Entscheidungen, aber es ist kein Buch #65533;ber Entscheidungstheorie, wenngleich ab und zu auch auf entscheidungstheoretische Konzeptionen Bezug genommen wird. Es ist ein Buch #65533;ber die Allt#65533;glichkeit von Entscheidungen, pr#65533;sentiert anhand von 99 h#65533;chst unterschiedlichen Episoden, trivialen und weniger trivialen. Viele Menschen haben Schwierigkeiten mit selbstreflexiven Problemen, bei denen es nicht nur um das eigene Problemverst#65533;ndnis, sondern vor allem um das anderer Personen geht (Mehrpersonenentscheidungen, Spiele, M#65533;rkte). Der Autor hat #65533;ber die Jahre eine F#65533;lle derartiger Probleme gesammelt und in diesem Buch zusammengetragen. Es geht um Denkfehler, asymmetrische Informationen und Signalling. Formuliert anhand praxiserprobter Beispiele, die jeder von uns aus dem Alltag kennt.

Alltagsintelligenz: 24 Tools für Ihren täglichen Erfolg

by Marion Lemper-Pychlau Sonja Schneider-Blümchen

Die üblichen Bewältigungsmechanismen reichen häufig kaum mehr aus, um den komplexen Anforderungen in Beruf und Gesellschaft gerecht zu werden und dabei die eigenen Ziele aktiv im Blick zu behalten Dieser Ratgeber bietet neue Impulse für ein ganzheitliches Selbstmanagement und gibt dem Leser 24 leicht umsetzbare Lösungen an die Hand, um mit den überbordenden Anforderungen des leistungsorientierten Informationszeitalters zurechtzukommen und sich die Regie über das eigene Leben zurückzuholen. Die Autorinnen begleiten das Buch mit einem interaktiven Blog. Die Leser sind eingeladen, Ihre Erfahrungen dort mitzuteilen und weitere Anregungen für ein bewusstes und selbstbestimmtes Leben zu erhalten


by Natalie Kindred David E. Bell

Alltech was a Lexington, Kentucky–based producer of supplements for animal feed, with revenues of over $2 billion (projected to reach $3 billion in 2018), sales in 120 countries, 5,000 employees, and 100 manufacturing plants worldwide. For nearly four decades, Alltech had been defined by its focus on innovation and marketing as well as the entrepreneurial spirit and vision of its founder, Dr. Pearse Lyons, who remained intimately involved in company operations and in managing relationships with key customers. This case finds Alltech in the midst of a new growth strategy—downstream integration, specifically buying up feed companies—which marked a stark departure from the company’s longtime emphasis on organic growth. The decision to buy feed companies had been controversial within Alltech: feed was a low-margin, rather traditional commodity business, while Alltech earned relatively high margins on products rooted in science and innovation. However, Lyons believed downstream integration would allow Alltech to better communicate with its end customers (farmers), increase sales of its supplements, and help protect the firm from industry dynamics such as consolidation and cost pressure. Was he right, or should Alltech take a different approach?


by Mary Shelman David E. Bell

Entrepreneur Pearse Lyons had built Alltech into the fastest growing company in the global animal health industry through innovative technology, creative marketing, and strong branding. Sel-Plex, a proprietary Alltech product, had shown important health benefits for animals and humans. Although numerous branded selenium-enriched products were being sold in supermarkets around the world, the company's current business model (selling Sel-Plex as an ingredient) did not allow it to participate in the value created. Lyons and Alltech's directors must choose between three different options for Sel-Plex, which include continuing with the current strategy, partnering with animal producers, or marketing Sel-Plex directly to consumers in tablet form.

The Allure Of Capitalism

by Emil A. Røyrvik

The "managerial revolution," or the rise of management as a distinct and vital group in industrial society, might be identified as a major development of the modernization processes, similar to the scientific and industrial revolutions. Studying "transnational" or "global" corporate management at the post-millennium moment provides a suitable focal point from which to investigate globalized (post)modernity and capitalism especially, and as such this book offers an anthropology of global capitalism at its moment of crisis. This study provides ethnographically rich descriptions of managerial practices in a set of international corporate investment projects. Drawing also on historical and statistical data, it renders a comprehensive perspective on management, corporations, and capitalism in the late modern globalized economy. Cross-disciplinary in outlook, the book spans the fields of organization, business, and management, and asserts that now, in this period of financial crisis, is the time for anthropology to yet again engage with political economy.

The Allure of Labor: Workers, Race, and the Making of the Peruvian State

by Paulo Drinot

In The Allure of Labor, Paulo Drinot rethinks the social politics of early-twentieth-century Peru. Arguing that industrialization was as much a cultural project as an economic one, he describes how intellectuals and policymakers came to believe that industrialization and a modern workforce would transform Peru into a civilized nation. Preoccupied with industrial progress but wary of the disruptive power of organized labor, these elites led the Peruvian state into new areas of regulation and social intervention designed to protect and improve the modern, efficient worker, whom they understood to be white or mestizo. Their thinking was shaped by racialized assumptions about work and workers inherited from the colonial era and inflected through scientific racism and positivism. Although the vast majority of laboring peoples in Peru were indigenous, in the minds of social reformers indigeneity was not commensurable with labor: Indians could not be workers and were therefore excluded from the labor policies enacted in the 1920s and 1930s and, more generally, from elite conceptions of industrial progress. Drinot shows how the incommensurability of indigeneity with labor was expressed in the 1920 constitution, in specific labor policies, and in the activities of state agencies created to oversee collective bargaining and provide workers with affordable housing, inexpensive food, and social insurance. He argues that the racialized assumptions of the modernizing Peruvian state are reflected in the enduring inequalities of present-day Peru.

Allure of the Incomplete, Imperfect, and Impermanent: Designing and Appreciating Architecture as Nature

by Rumiko Handa

Architects have long operated based on the assumption that a building is 'complete' once construction has finished. Striving to create a perfect building, they wish for it to stay in its original state indefinitely, viewing any subsequent alterations as unintended effects or the results of degeneration. The ideal is for a piece of architecture to remain permanently perfect and complete. This contrasts sharply with reality where changes take place as people move in, requirements change, events happen, and building materials are subject to wear and tear. Rumiko Handa argues it is time to correct this imbalance. Using examples ranging from the Roman Coliseum to Japanese tea rooms, she draws attention to an area that is usually ignored: the allure of incomplete, imperfect and impermanent architecture. By focusing on what happens to buildings after they are ‘complete’, she shows that the ‘afterlife’ is in fact the very ‘life’ of a building. However, the book goes beyond theoretical debate. Addressing professionals as well as architecture students and educators, it persuades architects of the necessity to anticipate possible future changes and to incorporate these into their original designs.

Ally Up: The Definitive Guide to Building More Inclusive, Innovative, & Productive Teams

by Di Ciruolo

Ally Up teaches what every business should know about diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Allyn Abbott Young (Great Thinkers in Economics)

by Ramesh Chandra

Allyn Young (1876-1929) was a deep thinker and achieved fame during his lifetime. His fame owes more to his style and influence as a teacher than his published work. His greatest fame as an author rests on a single economic paper on increasing returns and economic progress but he contributed much more as a mentor to his graduate students such as Frank Knight, Edward Chamberlin, and Lauchlin Currie at Harvard and to the undergraduate Nicholas Kaldor at the London School of Economics. He shot into international fame for his role as a member of the American delegation led by President Woodrow Wilson to negotiate peace at Paris after WWI. However, recent interest in Young is more due to his thought than to his contribution to the economics profession or public service. At the time of his death, he was working on two treatises, one on Money and the other on Economics. The one on Money was at a fairly advanced stage but no trace of either was found in his family’s hasty departure from London after his untimely death. There is a general dearth of published material about Young, his thought and his life. His economic thought, apart from his views on growth theory and monetary economics, is relatively unknown. This volume offers a thematic approach to his contributions and biography.

Almarai Company: Milk and Modernization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

by Esel Cekin Kristin E. Fabbe Natalie Kindred

With SAR 14 billion ($3.7 billion) in 2017 revenues, Almarai was Saudi Arabia's largest dairy producer, distributor, and marketer, with a large portfolio of branded dairy products, juices, bakery goods, and infant formula and a sales presence across the Gulf region, Jordan, and Egypt. Almarai employed some 42,000 people across its operations, from its massive dairy farms to its processing plants to its vast sales and distribution operation that reached over 100,000 outlets. Notwithstanding its diverse portfolio, the core of Almarai's business was (1) sales of branded fresh/chilled dairy products, (2) in Saudi Arabia, (3) distributed through the traditional retail channel made up of thousands of small neighborhood shops called bakalas. In October 2018, all three of these focal points were under pressure. Under the economic-restructuring programs of Saudi Arabia's new crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, new taxes and subsidy cuts were squeezing household budgets. Concurrently, changes to other government policies were causing expatriates-who made up about a third of Saudi Arabia's population and were a key consumer of Almarai's dairy products-to leave the country in droves. This case finds Almarai's management team, led by soon-to-retire CEO Georges Schorderet, debating how the company can defend and grow its position in Saudi Arabia while also finding new sources of future growth (e.g., bringing its production model to new markets with fragmented dairy sectors or entering new product categories such as fish or ice cream). The decision of how to move forward will be based on an assessment of Almarai's strengths, how they can be best used to drive future growth, and how relevant they will remain in a market that is changing so dramatically.

Almarai Company: Milk and Modernization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

by Esel Cekin Kristin E. Fabbe Natalie Kindred Safwan Al-Amin

With SAR 14 billion ($3.7 billion) in 2017 revenues, Almarai was Saudi Arabia's largest dairy producer, distributor, and marketer, with a large portfolio of branded dairy products, juices, bakery goods, and infant formula and a sales presence across the Gulf region, Jordan, and Egypt. Almarai employed some 42,000 people across its operations, from its massive dairy farms to its processing plants to its vast sales and distribution operation that reached over 100,000 outlets. Notwithstanding its diverse portfolio, the core of Almarai's business was (1) sales of branded fresh/chilled dairy products, (2) in Saudi Arabia, (3) distributed through the traditional retail channel made up of thousands of small neighborhood shops called bakalas. In October 2018, all three of these focal points were under pressure. Under the economic-restructuring programs of Saudi Arabia's new crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, new taxes and subsidy cuts were squeezing household budgets. Concurrently, changes to other government policies were causing expatriates-who made up about a third of Saudi Arabia's population and were a key consumer of Almarai's dairy products-to leave the country in droves. This case finds Almarai's management team, led by soon-to-retire CEO Georges Schorderet, debating how the company can defend and grow its position in Saudi Arabia while also finding new sources of future growth (e.g., bringing its production model to new markets with fragmented dairy sectors or entering new product categories such as fish or ice cream). The decision of how to move forward will be based on an assessment of Almarai's strengths, how they can be best used to drive future growth, and how relevant they will remain in a market that is changing so dramatically.


by Rafel Socias i Company Thomas M. Gradziel

This book provides a comprehensive overview of almond growing from a scientific and horticultural perspective, covering botany, production, processing and industrial uses. Almonds are an important crop; they are highly regarded for their flavour, nutritional properties and culinary uses, and almond oil is used widely in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical production. They are easy to transport and have long storability, facilitating global dissemination. Demand is constantly increasing and global production has more than doubled in the last 20 years. The popularity of almonds and the increase in demand has required new plantings and a response to ongoing changes in cultural and climatic conditions. Almonds: Botany, Production and Uses meets the need for up-to-date information on this crop and covers: #65533; botany and taxonomy #65533; cultivation, genetics and breeding #65533; propagation, orchard management and harvesting #65533; pests and diseases #65533; nutrition, marketing and utilization Authored by an international team of experts and presented in full colour throughout, this book is an essential resource for academic researchers and extension workers, as well as growers, orchard managers and industry personnel.

Almost All About Unit Roots

by In Choi

Many economic theories depend on the presence or absence of a unit root for their validity, and econometric and statistical theory undergo considerable changes when unit roots are present. Thus, knowledge on unit roots has become so important, necessitating an extensive, compact, and nontechnical book on this subject. This book is rested on this motivation and introduces the literature on unit roots in a comprehensive manner to both empirical and theoretical researchers in economics and other areas. By providing a clear, complete, and critical discussion of unit root literature, In Choi covers a wide range of topics, including uniform confidence interval construction, unit root tests allowing structural breaks, mildly explosive processes, exuberance testing, fractionally integrated processes, seasonal unit roots and panel unit root testing. Extensive, up to date, and readily accessible, this book is a comprehensive reference source on unit roots for both students and applied workers.

Almost Ethical: Waking Up to Compromise

by Clinton D. Korver Ronald A. Howard

Ethical compromises both big and small hurt us, and we underestimate how much. One compromise can lead to another as we let our standards slip, and compromises can create barriers in relationships or become a burden as they erode our sense of integrity. But we can learn to avoid this lowly road-a road we often choose out of ignorance, carelessness, or just plain convenience. We can choose to spot temptations early and use our newfound awareness as a foundation for skillful ethical decision making.

Almost Hollywood, Nearly New Orleans

by Vicki Mayer

At publication date, a free ebook version of this title will be available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit www. luminosoa. org to learn more. Early in the twenty-first century, Louisiana, one of the poorest states in the United States, redirected millions in tax dollars from the public coffers in an effort to become the top location site globally for the production of Hollywood films and television series. Why would lawmakers support such a policy? Why would citizens accept the policy's uncomfortable effects on their economy and culture? Almost Hollywood, Nearly New Orleans addresses these questions through a study of the local and everyday experiences of the film economy in New Orleans, Louisiana--a city that has twice pursued the goal of becoming a movie production capital. From the silent era to today's Hollywood South, Vicki Mayer explains that the aura of a film economy is inseparable from a prevailing sense of home, even as it changes that place irrevocably.

The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Sweden's Utopia at a Crossroads

by Debora L. Spar Julia Comeau

Sweden's model of capitalism rests on a unique social contract, in which social welfare priorities can co-exist within a vibrant capitalist system. In 2022, however, contemporary pressures were growing on the traditional Swedish model, including mounting calls for privatization of the welfare system and political backlash surrounding the country's immigration policy. This case examines the long-term sustainability of the Swedish model, and the extent to which it is (or is not) transferrable to other political contexts and nation states.

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals: Building Value from the IP Estate (B)

by Matt Higgins Vicki L. Sato Willy Shih

The leader of a pioneering biotech company in the siRNA space weighs his options for scaling production capacity in advance of an anticipated commercial launch. Operational complexity and relative merits of in-house manufacturing versus a contractor model are discussed.

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals: Building Value from the IP Estate

by Willy Shih Sen Chai


The Alone Advantage: 10 Behind-the-Scenes Habits That Drive Crazy Success

by Terri Savelle Foy

Master Your Minutes in Private and You&’ll Master Your Life in PublicIn The Alone Advantage, Terri Savelle Foy shows how simple habits behind closed doors can reshape every aspect of your life.She knows what it&’s like to be in a rut, repeating the same routine with no significant progress toward deep-down dreams. Terri started noticing that although the average person does not spend time alone—the average successful person does.Whatever your unique, God-given dream is, Terri reveals what successful people do in private to prepare and achieve the dreams in their heart. Discoverthe morning routine that can change your life before breakfast,how to harness your imagination to visualize the future you want, andwhy successful people spend time alone.Step-by-step, Terri shows you how realizing your biggest dream starts with a daily to-do list. As you learn the habits of successful people—everything from waking up to cleaning up to growing up—you will become your own best cheerleader. The Alone Advantage equips you to wake up with vision, have a clear set of goals, and protect your time in private so God can promote you in public.

Along Different Lines: 70 Real Life Railway Stories

by Geoff Body Bill Parker

Running a railway is a complex business. However well-run it is there will always be surprises, often hilarious, frequently unexpected, sometimes serious. Here railway professionals recall notable incidents from across their careers on the railways, lovingly compiled by expert railwaymen and authors Geoff Body and Bill Parker. The incidents covered in this illustrated book include such bizarre ‘everyday’ events as coping with hurricanes, rogue locomotives and runaway wagons, PR successes and otherwise, the Brighton Belle, Flying Scotsman and Mallard, training course capers, a wino invasion, trackside antics, the Eurostar backdrop, the birth of a prison, and royal and other special occasions. An enjoyable look back at life on the railways.

Alpen Bank: Launching the Credit Card in Romania (Brief Case)

by Sunru Yong V. Kasturi Rangan

In 2006, the country manager for Alpen Bank in Romania, Gregory Carle, considers whether to recommend the launch of a credit card business. The firm rejected the idea several years earlier because of poor economic conditions in Romania. However, Romania is experiencing a period of economic growth after joining the European Union and Carle believes it is time to reconsider the opportunity despite continued skepticism within the company. Carle faces several important decisions before he can present his plan to the head of International Consumer Businesses. He must decide whether to launch a credit card business in Romania, how to position the credit card, and how to acquire new customers most effectively. This case is appropriate for use in the product policy module of a general marketing course, in a new product course, or in a services management course. Students are required to complete a quantitative assignment as part of case analysis.

Alpen Bank: Launching the Credit Card in Romania (Brief Case)

by Sunru Yong V. Kasturi Rangan

In 2006, the country manager for Alpen Bank in Romania, Gregory Carle, considers whether to recommend the launch of a credit card business. The firm rejected the idea several years earlier because of poor economic conditions in Romania. However, Romania is experiencing a period of economic growth after joining the European Union and Carle believes it is time to reconsider the opportunity despite continued skepticism within the company. Carle faces several important decisions before he can present his plan to the head of International Consumer Businesses. He must decide whether to launch a credit card business in Romania, how to position the credit card, and how to acquire new customers most effectively. This case is appropriate for use in the product policy module of a general marketing course, in a new product course, or in a services management course. Students are required to complete a quantitative assignment as part of case analysis.

Alpha City: How London Was Captured by the Super-Rich

by Rowland Atkinson

How London was bought and sold by the Super-Rich, and what it means for the rest of us Who owns London? In recent decades, it has fallen into the hands of the super-rich. It is today the essential &“World City&” for High-Net-Worth Individuals and Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals. Compared to New York or Tokyo, the two cities that bear the closest comparison, it has the largest number of wealthy people per head of population. Taken as a whole, London is the epicentre of the world&’s finance markets, an elite cultural hub, and a place to hide one&’s wealth. Rowland Atkinson presents a history of the property boom economy, going back to the end of Empire. It tells the story of eager developers, sovereign wealth and grasping politicians, all paving the way for the wealthy colonisation of the cityscape. The consequences of this transformation of the capital for capital is the brutal expulsion of the urban poor, austerity, cuts, demolitions, and a catalogue of social injustices. This Faustian pact has resulted in the sale and destruction of public assets, while the rich turn a blind eye toward criminal money laundering to feather their own nests. Alpha City moves from gated communities and the mega-houses of the super-rich to the disturbing rise of evictions and displacements from the city. It shows how the consequences of widening inequality have an impact on the urban landscape.

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