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Getting Together
by Scott Brown Roger FisherExpanding on the principles, insights, and wisdom that made Getting to Yes a worldwide bestseller, Roger Fisher and Scott Brown offer a straightforward approach to creating relationships that can deal with difficulties as they arise. Getting Together takes you step-by-step through initiating, negotiating, and sustaining enduring relationships -- in business, in government, between friends, and in the family.
Getting Unstuck
by Timothy ButlerYou will experience psychological impasse many times in your life. During these times, you have the sensation that you're stuck or paralyzed. You're convinced that something must change, whether in your work or personal life. Though this feeling is normal, you need to move beyond it. Failure to "get unstuck" can put your career and personal life-as well as the healthy functioning of your team or organization-at risk.In Getting Unstuck, business psychologist and researcher Timothy Butler offers strategies for moving beyond a career or personal-life impasse-by recognizing the state of impasse, awakening your imagination, recognizing patterns of meaning in your life, and taking action for change.Drawing on a wealth of stories about individuals who have successfully transitioned out of impasses, Getting Unstuck provides a practical, authoritative road map for moving past your immediate impasse-and defining a meaningful path forward.
Getting Unstuck: Using Leadership Paradox to Execute with Confidence
by Ralph JacobsonThis book demonstrates how organization leaders who balance several key paradoxes achieve greater growth and sustainability in the long term than those who use financial data alone. It addresses the issues that are the most troublesome to people and the organizations they work for. The author provides deep insight into the root causes of workplace issues and provides practical language and tools to address the paradoxes that seem to block the achievement of success and life satisfactions.
Getting Unstuck: Break Free of the Plateau Effect
by Bob Sullivan Hugh ThompsonJust try harder. Just work harder. Just do more. But what happens when working harder doesn't seem to be getting you better results? You've got to get unstuck. In Getting Unstuck, Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson show the different kinds of plateaus that can hold you back and how they can be overcome. Using case studies of both success and failure--including Derek Jeter, Blockbuster, and Google--they identify how to avoid pitfalls and to incorporate the peak behaviors that place breakthroughs within anyone's grasp. If you've ever given more and more to a broken relationship, a weight-loss regimen, or a stalled career--only to get less and less in return--Getting Unstuck will change your life.
Getting What We Deserve: Health & Medical Care in America
by MD Alfred SommerA leading public health expert presents a frank diagnosis of the U.S. healthcare system and the role we all play in our own wellness.Through his groundbreaking work in clinical medicine and public health, Alfred Sommer has saved countless lives. But doctors can only do so much. In this blunt assessment of the American healthcare system, Sommer argues that human behavior has a stronger effect on wellness than almost any other factor.Despite exciting advances in genomic research and cutting-edge medicine, the best defense against most illness remains simple, low-tech habits such as proper hand washing, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and not smoking. But rather than focusing on wellness, many Americans would rather wait for medical science to cure them once they become sick. Sommer argues that this overconfidence in medical technology comes at a terrible cost.The benefits of almost all newly developed treatments are marginal, while their costs are high. The United States spends nearly twice as much on health care as the rest of the developed world, yet has higher infant mortality rates and shorter longevity than most nations. In this engaging and well-informed study, Sommer makes a persuasive chase for changing the way Americans approach healthcare.
Getting Work Done
by Harvard Business ReviewOverwhelmed by the sheer volume of work you need to accomplish? Being pulled in different directions by competing priorities? Getting Work Done runs you through the basics of being more productive at work. You’ll learn to: Align your schedule with your priorities Focus your attention and avoid distractions Create effective daily routines Set boundaries and learn to say no About HBR's 20-Minute Manager Series: Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic. Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives-from the most trusted source in business. Also available as an ebook.
Getting Work Done (20-Minute Manager Series)
by Harvard Business ReviewOverwhelmed by the sheer volume of work you need to accomplish? Being pulled in different directions by competing priorities? Getting Work Done runs you through the basics of being more productive at work. You'll learn to: Align your schedule with your priorities Focus your attention and avoid distractions Create effective daily routines Set boundaries and learn to say noAbout HBR's 20-Minute Manager Series:Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's 20-Minute Manager series. Whether you need a crash course or a brief refresher, each book in the series is a concise, practical primer that will help you brush up on a key management topic.Advice you can quickly read and apply, for ambitious professionals and aspiring executives-from the most trusted source in business. Also available as an ebook.
Getting Your First Job For Dummies
by Roberto AnguloFind—and land—your first job! Finding a job can seem daunting, especially when it's a brand new experience. There's a lot to know, and often a lot of pressure. Written by the founder of AfterCollege.com, Getting Your First Job For Dummies is designed to take the stress out of the job search process and help you get an offer. In this book, you'll discover how to identify your talents and strengths, use your network to your advantage, interview with confidence, and evaluate an offer. Written in plain English and packed with step-by-step instructions, it'll have you writing customized resumes, conducting company research, and utilizing online job search sites, faster than you can say 'I got the job!' Determine what kind of job suits your interests and skills Write a compelling cover letter Know what to expect in an interview Effectively negotiate an offer Whether you're still in school or navigating the world as a recent graduate, Getting Your First Job For Dummies arms you with the skills and confidence to make getting your first job an exciting and enjoyable process.
Getting Your Foot in the Door When You Don't Have a Leg to Stand On
by Robert C. SullivanLooking for a job is intimidating, especially when significant experience is the main thing a job hunter is lacking. In <i>Getting Your Leg in the Door When You Don't Have a Leg to Stand On</i>, the author, a successful headhunter and job-hunting coach, shares insights and techniques that he learned from working with job hunters at all levels. He presents expert advice, case studies, and strategies for getting the interview, then demonstrating the qualities and skills most likely to convince an employer of one's abilities.
Getting Your Money's Worth from Training and Development
by Roy V. Pollock Calhoun W. Wick Andrew Mck. JeffersonThis book fills a need for trainers, participants, and managers by providing a practical guide on how to get the most from a learning and development program. The book offers proven tools that help training participants get the most from the programs and includes the tools necessary to the transfer and application of critical new learning. The book explains how to create an environment that supports the participant's successful transition from program learning to producing valuable results. The tools and suggestions are a formula for success that will add value to virtually any learning and development initiative.
Getting Your People to Step Up: 7 Simple Strategies to Attract and Keep Your Key Talent
by Shivani GuptaA roadmap for hiring, coaching and motivating top performers In business, your people are your most important asset. But finding, training and motivating the right people can be daunting and costly. If you want to keep your best employees — and grow your business with their support — then Getting Your People to Step Up is the book for you! Business coach Shivani Gupta reveals seven proven strategies to help you recruit top talent and ensure your employees are happier, more engaged and more productive. Getting Your People to Step Up offers a no-nonsense approach to hiring, managing and empowering your staff. You’ll learn how to coach your team and be a leader who inspires growth and loyalty. When the right employees are highly engaged and performing, running your business is not only more profitable: it becomes fun! Get strategies to recruit and incentivise the best people Combat employee burnout and prevent high turnover Transform your leadership style and coach for success Create a shared vision for your business that unites your team and fosters collaboration Communicate more effectively to set expectations and deliver feedback for growth Create a positive work environment with a culture of diversity and inclusion Don’t hire fast and fire faster. Avoid costly mistakes: find the right person for the job, and enable them to thrive. With Getting Your People to Step Up, you’ll learn how to unlock the long-term potential of your team so that your business can truly flourish.
Gettysburg: Memory, Market, and an American Shrine
by Jim WeeksThe site of North America's greatest battle is a national icon, a byword for the Civil War, and an American cliché. Described as "the most American place in America," Gettysburg is defended against commercial desecration like no other historic site. Yet even as schoolchildren learn to revere the place where Lincoln delivered his most famous speech, Gettysburg's image generates millions of dollars every year from touring, souvenirs, reenactments, films, games, collecting, and the Internet. Examining Gettysburg's place in American culture, this book finds that the selling of Gettysburg is older than the shrine itself.Gettysburg entered the market not with recent interest in the Civil War nor even with twentieth-century tourism but immediately after the battle. Founded by a modern industrial society with the capacity to deliver uniform images to millions, Gettysburg, from the very beginning, reflected the nation's marketing trends as much as its patriotism. Gettysburg's pilgrims--be they veterans, families on vacation, or Civil War reenactors--have always been modern consumers escaping from the world of work and responsibility even as they commemorate. And it is precisely this commodification of sacred ground, this tension between commerce and commemoration, that animates Gettysburg's popularity.Gettysburg continues to be a current rather than a past event, a site that reveals more about ourselves as Americans than the battle it remembers. Gettysburg is, as it has been since its famous battle, both a cash cow and a revered symbol of our most deeply held values.
Gewalt- und Krisenprävention in Beruf und Alltag: Ursachen und Lösungen für Gewalt und Krisen
by Rudi Heimann Jürgen FritzscheDer Herausgeberband gibt einen anwenderorientierten Überblick zu Ursachen und Entwicklungen von Bedrohungen, Gewalt und daraus entstehender Krisen im beruflichen Kontext und im Alltag. Ein interdisziplinäres Autorenteam stellt neben den Grundlagen die wichtigsten Methoden zur Bewältigung sich entwickelnder und bereits offener Gewalt- und Krisensituationen vor. Der Schwerpunkt liegt im Anwendungsteil auf angemessener konfliktfreier Lösung und der konsequenten Verfolgung alternativer Möglichkeiten, wenn eine konfliktfreie Bewältigung nicht mehr möglich ist. Sicherheitskonzepten und praktikablen Deeskalationsmodellen wird ebenso wie massiven Krisen ein Platz eingeräumt.Die Zielgruppen sind Führungskräfte und Mitarbeitende in öffentlichen Verwaltungen, Justiz, Schulen, Geldinstituten, im Gesundheitswesen, öffentlichen Personennahverkehr oder in vergleichbaren Einrichtungen, Verantwortliche wie Sicherheits- und Präventionsbeauftragte in diesen Bereichen, Trainer für Sicherheitsthemen und Interessierte im privaten Umfeld.Die Herausgeber sind Rudi Heimann, Leitender Polizeidirektor, Experte für Gewaltschutz und Krisenbewältigung, Keynote Speaker und Leiter einer Zentralen Ausländerbehörde, sowieDr. Jürgen Fritzsche, sportwissenschaftlicher Berater, Coach und Gewaltschutztrainer (EXperts for TRAining), ehemaliger Bundeslehrwart des Deutschen Karateverbandes, international tätiger Dozent und Technischer Direktor des luxemburgischen Karateverbandes.Empfehlung der DGUV“Im vorliegenden Buch ist es gelungen, die aktuellen Erkenntnisse zum Thema Gewalt umfassend und gleichzeitig alltagsnah aufzubereiten. Eine besondere Stärke liegt in der Interdisziplinarität […], die Einblicke in verschiedenste wissenschaftliche Bereiche gewährt. Klare Handlungsempfehlungen schützen bei einem potentiell gewalttätigen Konflikt vor einer weiteren Eskalation.”Dr. Stefan HussyHauptgeschäftsführer der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (DGUV)
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz für Ingenieure (essentials)
by Hartmut HeringDurch die Erteilung eines Schutzrechtes kann ein Erfinder bzw. Schöpfer einer gewerblich verwertbaren, schöpferischen Leistung für eine bestimmte Zeit das alleinige Verwertungsrecht zugestanden werden. Diese Schutzrechte können technische Schutzrechte sein (Patente und Gebrauchsmuster) oder nicht technische (Geschmacksmuster, Marken und Sortenschutz). Diese Kategorien werden in diesem Band behandelt und insbesondere die Verfahren zur Erteilung der Schutzrechte ausführlich erläutert. Ferner erfolgen Ausführungen zur Verwertung und zur Rechtsverfolgung der Schutzrechte und zur supranationalen Zusammenarbeit auf diesem Gebiet.
Gewinnen in der Plattform-Ökonomie: Der Leitfaden für Handelsentscheider
by Alexander GrafDas Buch von Alexander Graf verarbeitet die aktuellen Entwicklungen der E-Commerce-Branche. Plattformen wie Amazon, TEMU, Trendyol usw. haben die Regeln komplett neu- und umgeschrieben. Was 2020 noch "gut" war, lockt 2024 keinen Kunden mehr in den Onlineshop. Das Buch schaut sich die neuen Regeln genau an und bewertet diverse Spieler in diesem Markt nach diesen neuen Regeln. Es beantwortet Fragen wie: Was kommt nach Zalando? Wo geht die Reise mit Amazon hin? Warum ist TEMU so erfolgreich? Das Buch ist sehr gut lesbar für E-Commerce-Entscheider. Der Autor selbst arbeitet seit 20 Jahren in der Branche auf Entscheiderebene und weiß, wie man mit und für die Zielgruppe kommuniziert. Es ist kein theoretisches Werk, sondern spricht ganz klar die Herausforderungen der Industrie an. Case Studies bezogen auf den deutschsprachigen Markt runden den Praxisbezug des Buches ab.
Gezonde en zieke mensen.
by J. De JongeIn dit boek wordt ingegaan op gezond functioneren en op ziek-zijn. Aspecten van gezondheidskunde, ziektekunde en anatomie-fysiologie worden in dit boek geïntegreerd. Dit gebeurt op een heldere manier, dicht bij het eigen (be)leven van de leerling. De stof wordt toegelicht aan de hand van voorbeelden en afbeeldingen. Theorie wordt alleen gegeven als de leerling dit in het toekomstig functioneren nodig heeft
Ghana: National Economic Strategy
by Kjell Carlsson Michael E. PorterSet in the year 2001, as President John Kufuor contemplates a national economic strategy following his election in the first democratic transfer of power in Ghana's history. Focuses on Ghana's long history of poor economic performance and intractable poverty, highlighting the challenges of economic development in Africa and in other low-income countries. Provides a brief political and economic history of Ghana, focusing on the Nkrumah era of 1957-1966, the World Bank and IMF-led structural reforms of the 1980s, and the continuation of reforms after the first democratic elections in 1992. Details Ghana's economic and political context and cluster performance in 2001 and summarizes initiatives taken by the Kufuor administration to promote development. Detailed historical economic and social data allow an evaluation of policy results.
Ghana: Adjustment and Growth, 1983-91
by Ishan Kapur Jerald Alan Schiff Michael T. HadjimichaelA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Ghana - Culture Smart!
by Ian UtlleyCulture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in different countries, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. These concise guides tell you what to expect, how to behave, and how to establish a rapport with your hosts. This inside knowledge will enable you to steer clear of embarrassing gaffes and mistakes, feel confident in unfamiliar situations, and develop trust, friendships, and successful business relationships.Culture Smart! offers illuminating insights into the culture and society of a particular country. It will help you to turn your visit-whether on business or for pleasure-into a memorable and enriching experience. Contents include* customs, values, and traditions* historical, religious, and political background* life at home* leisure, social, and cultural life* eating and drinking* dos, don'ts, and taboos* business practices* communication, spoken and unspoken"Culture Smart has come to the rescue of hapless travellers." Sunday Times Travel"... the perfect introduction to the weird, wonderful and downright odd quirks and customs of various countries." Global Travel"...full of fascinating-as well as common-sense-tips to help you avoid embarrassing faux pas." Observer"...as useful as they are entertaining." Easyjet Magazine"...offer glimpses into the psyche of a faraway world." New York Times
Ghatsutra: घातसूत्र
by Deepak Karanjikar'घातसूत्र' ही कादंबरी नाही. इतिहास नाही. अर्थशास्त्रीय - राजकीय ग्रंथ नाही. प्रबंध नाही. आंतरराष्ट्रीय घडामोडींचे संकलन नाही. तत्वज्ञान नाही. आध्यात्मिक प्रवचन नाही. वा क्लिष्ट नाही चिंतनाचे तथाकथित निरूपण नाही. दीपक करंजीकर यांनी या सर्वांच्या पलीकडे नेणारा, म्हटले तर चित्तथरारक, सर्वंकष आणि त्याचवेळेस व्यासंगी उद्बोधन - प्रबोधन करणारा, पण एक उत्कंठापूर्ण, अर्वाचीन इतिहासाने सजलेला, समकालीन जागतिक शोधग्रंथ लिहिला आहे. सध्याच्या विलक्षण गुंतागुंतीच्या, आर्थिक अरिष्टाच्या, संभाव्य प्रलयसमान भासणाऱ्या आंतरराष्ट्रीय प्रवाहांचा घेतलेला हा वेधक शोध आहे. अगदी सुरुवातीपासून शेवटपर्यंत वाचकांचे मन खिळवून ठेवतानाच, त्याला प्रस्थापित जगाचे भान यावे म्हणून दिशादर्शन करणारे हे लेखन कोणत्याही विशिष्ट ग्रंथशाखेत मोडत नसले तरी त्यात इतिहास, भूगोल, अर्थकारण, राजकारण, समाजकारण, तत्वज्ञान हे सर्व रहस्यमयतेने येते. वैचारिक आत्मविश्वासही देते!
GHG Emissions and Economic Growth
by Barun Deb Pal Vijay P. Ojha Sanjib Pohit Joyashree RoyIssues linking climate change and economic growth are now at the centre of discussions regarding development strategies especially in the context of developing countries. This book contributes by analyzing the relationship between economic growth and GHG emissions in India with explicit reference to all major economic sectors. One of the most popular tools for macroeconomic policy analysis is Social Accounting Matrix (SAM). The book presents the methods and estimates of the latest Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for India, which provides a major data base describing the complete circular flow of income and input-output transactions among the sectors of the economy. The novelty of the book lies in the fact that for the first time a SAM has been prepared for the Indian economy with environmental indicators. A detailed methodology for constructing such an extended SAM is also presented in the book. The environmental social accounting matrix (ESAM) based analysis has been included to show direct and indirect links between economic growth and GHG emissions. The book also includes analysis of factors affecting historical GHG emissions trends in India. The book goes beyond SAM and applies computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling to derive climate-change policy analysis and simulations. This CGE-based analysis is an important contribution to the current debate surrounding carbon tax and its possible impact on macroeconomic growth.
Ghost: My Thirty Years as an FBI Undercover Agent
by Ralph Pezzullo Michael R. McGowanThe explosive memoir of an FBI field operative who has worked more undercover cases than anyone in history.Within FBI field operative circles, groups of people known as “Special” by their titles alone, Michael R. McGowan is an outlier. 10% of FBI Special Agents are trained and certified to work undercover. A quarter of those agents have worked more than one undercover assignment in their careers. And of those, less than 10% of them have been involved in more than five undercover cases. Over the course of his career, McGowan has worked more than 50 undercover cases. In this extraordinary and unprecedented book, McGowan will take readers through some of his biggest cases, from international drug busts, to the Russian and Italian mobs, to biker gangs and contract killers, to corrupt unions and SWAT work. Ghost is an unparalleled view into how the FBI, through the courage of its undercover Special Agents, nails the bad guys. McGowan infiltrates groups at home and abroad, assembles teams to create the myths he lives, concocts fake businesses, coordinates the busts, and helps carry out the arrests. Along the way, we meet his partners and colleagues at the FBI, who pull together for everything from bank jobs to the Boston Marathon bombing case, mafia dons, and, perhaps most significantly, El Chapo himself and his Sinaloa Cartel.Ghost is the ultimate insider's account of one of the most iconic institutions of American government, and a testament to the incredible work of the FBI.
The Ghost Cities of Australia: A Survey Of New City Proposals And Their Lessons For Australia's 21st Century Development (SpringerBriefs in Geography)
by Julian BolleterThis book examines failed new city proposals in Australia to understand the hurdles – environmental, societal, and economic – that have curtailed such visions. The lessons from these relative failures are important because, if projections for Australia’s 21st century population growth are borne out, we will need to build new cities this century. This is particularly the case in northern Australia, where the federal government projects a four-fold increase in population in the next four decades. The book aims that, when we commence 21st century new city dreaming, we have learnt from the mistakes of the past and, are not doomed to repeat them.