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Glass-Shattering Leaders: Ros Atkins
by Boris Groysberg Colleen AmmermanRos Atkins launched the 50:50 Project on a BBC news program her anchored, deciding with his team to start tracking the gender of the contributors and experts featured on the show. Before long, it was clear that monitoring the data led to increased awareness of a gender gap which in turn spurred action - the represenation of women and men equalized. Atkins knew the simple process could have a signficinat impact, so he worked with colleagues to implement the project throughout the BBC. Rather than try to institute a mandate or directive from the top, Atkins took a grassroots approach, sharing the process and its success with colleagues personally. More and more programs adopted the effort, and ultimately the head of the BBC publicly endorsed it. Over time, 50:50 became a self-sustaining program adpoted across the entire organization and beyond. Atkins dedication to gender equality in the media offers a compelling example of the potential that lies with male allies.
GlaxoSmithKline: Sourcing Complex Professional Services
by Heidi K. Gardner Silvia Hodges SilversteinPharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) uses an innovative new approach to procuring outside legal counsel: it replaces relationship-based selection and law firms' traditional time-based billing with data-driven decision making and an online reverse auction. In the case, GSK is hit with a potentially devastating suit and must hire a firm in time to respond. The recently hired managing attorney, Sophia Keating, grapples with GSK's approach. The GSK veterans assure her that the approach drives down costs and improves the quality of work by systematically increasing the rigor in the procurement process. Still skeptical, Sophia runs the process of systematically analyzing and comparing the competing firms' bids. This case also describes the process by which these tools were created and adopted. Beyond the implications for law firms and other service providers, lessons from this case are applicable for teaching about institutional change, procurement processes relevant to many fields, and how to increase rigor in typically informal business processes.
GlaxoSmithKline: Sourcing Complex Professional Services, Supplementary Materials
by Heidi K. Gardner Silvia Hodges SilversteinHarvard Case Study
GlaxoSmithKline: Reorganizing Drug Discovery (A)
by Eli Peter Strick Robert S. HuckmanDescribes the reorganization of drug discovery at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) following the formation of GSK from the merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham. This reorganization placed nearly 2,000 research scientists into six centers of excellence in drug discovery (CEDD). Each CEDD focused on a small set of therapeutic areas and possessed decision rights over the progression of pharmaceutical compounds through the early stages of development. Describes the proposed structure for the CEDDs and their relationship to remaining centralized departments within GSK's R&D organization. Addresses issues about the benefits of focus vs. diversification in R&D, the role of decentralized vs. coordinated decision making, and the importance of alignment between the structural and infrastructural (e.g., performance incentives) aspects of an operating model. Using the empirical context of mergers in the pharmaceutical industry, the case allows students to build broader insights about the interaction between organizational form and operating performance.
GlaxoSmithKline: Reorganizing Drug Discovery (B)
by Eli Peter Strick Robert S. HuckmanSupplements the (A) case.
GlaxoSmithKline in Brazil: Public-Private Vaccine Partnerships
by Arthur A. Daemmrich Ian Mckown CornellThree years into a major public-private partnership between GlaxoSmithKline and Fiocuz, Brazil's principal health institute, the company assesses technology transfer and joint research under the agreement. GSK was selling its Synflorix vaccine (against pediatric pneumonia) at fixed prices even as it transferred technology and know-how to Brazil for eventual domestic production. At the same time, GSK was co-sponsoring research into a new vaccine for Dengue fever with the Brazilian government. GSK's management must consider whether the PPP provides strategic advantage to its consumer healthcare businesses in Brazil and to access other emerging markets as well as the risks posed by the aggressive product obsolescence built into the technology transfer agreement.
GlaxoSmithKline in China (A)
by Margaret Rodriguez John A. QuelchFour GlaxoSmithKline employees were accused of bribing Chinese health care workers to prescribe the company's drugs. The accusations brought to light the questionable incentive structures of the Chinese health care system and the pressure on companies to adhere to local customs while still observing local laws.
GlaxoSmithKline in China (B)
by Margaret Rodriguez John A. QuelchIn 2013, Chinese investigators detained four GSK employees for allegedly bribing health care staff to sell GSK pharmaceuticals. A month later, GSK's Asia Pacific regional president, Abbas Hussain, said the company would help identify corrupt practices. Two days later, GSK's CEO, Andrew Witty, called the allegations "shameful" and said the company would use the opportunity to "make changes."
GlaxoSmithKline in China (C)
by Margaret Rodriguez John A. QuelchThis case is a follow up to GlaxoSmithKline (A), 514049 and GlaxoSmithKline (B), 514050.
Gleanings of Freedom: Free and Slave Labor along the Mason-Dixon Line, 1790-1860
by Max GrivnoLate eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century landowners in the hinterlands of Baltimore, Maryland, cobbled together workforces from a diverse labor population of black and white apprentices, indentured servants, slaves, and hired workers. This book examines the intertwined lives of the poor whites, slaves, and free blacks who lived and worked in this wheat-producing region along the Mason-Dixon Line. Drawing from court records, the diaries, letters, and ledgers of farmers and small planters, and other archival sources, Max Grivno reconstructs how these poorest of southerners eked out their livings and struggled to maintain their families and their freedom in the often unforgiving rural economy.
Gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse: Passgenaue Maßnahmen zur Entwicklung strukturschwacher Regionen
by Jonas König Hanna Willwacher Torge Ziemer Zarina Feller Axel Piesker Colin Delargy Jan Ziekow Lech Suwala Hans-Hermann Albers Janet Merkel Jan PorthDie Schaffung gleichwertiger Lebensverhältnisse war ein zentrales Anliegen der Bundesregierung in der 19. Legislaturperiode. Zwei zentrale, nach wie vor gültige Ziele, die Stärkung der Fachkräftebasis und der Innovationskraft in strukturschwachen Regionen, können vor allem dann erreicht werden, wenn regionale Akteure Fördermaßnahmen selbst ausgestalten und an die Gegebenheiten vor Ort anpassen. Das ist ein Ergebnis des Projekts „Gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse: Passgenaue Maßnahmen zur Entwicklung strukturschwacher Regionen“, das das Deutsche Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung und die Technische Universität Berlin im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie durchgeführt haben.
Glencoe Accounting: Real-world Applications and Connections
by Donald Guerrieri F. Haber William Hoyt Robert TurnerGlencoe Accounting: Real World Applications and Connections - First Year Course is the only accounting program with Peachtree fully integrated throughout. Glencoe is the only publisher to use real-world accounting software and companies to teach accounting!
Glencoe Accounting: Real-World Applications and Connections, Advanced Course (5th edition)
by Donald J. Guerrieri F. Barry Haber William B. Hoyt Robert E. TurnerThe ultimate school-to-career connection! This program builds on the content presented in the First-Year Course. Maintaining its real-world focus, this course is designed for both college-bound and vocational students alike. Students will continue to develop their skills in the real world of accounting software, through the integration of Peachtree throughout the text as an essential part of this program. Software tutorial directions are included at the point of instruction for each application.
Glencoe Accounting: Real-World Applications and Connections, First Year Course (4th edition)
by Donald J. Guerrieri F. Barry Haber William B. Hoyt Robert E. TurnerThis totally redesigned program builds on the content presented in the First-Year Course. Maintaining its real-world focus, this course is designed for both college-bound and vocational students alike.
Glencoe Accounting: Real-World Applications and Connections, First-Year Course (5th edition)
by Donald J. Guerrieri F. Barry Haber William B. Hoyt Robert E. TurnerThis book is for a first year Accounting course in high schools. It is the only program with Peachtree fully integrated throughout. Now with new and enhanced ethics coverage.
Glencoe Business and Personal Finance
by Jack R. Kapoor Les R. Dlabay Robert J. HughesThe contents of Glencoe Business and Personal Finance include: Unit 1 Economics and Personal Finance; Unit 2 Business Ownership and Planning; Unit 3 Business Finance Basics; Unit 4 Planning Personal Finances; Unit 5 Banking and Credit; Unit 6 Investing Financial Resources; Unit 7 Protecting Your Finances; Career Skills Handbook, and more.
Glencoe Business and Personal Finance
by Jack R. Kapoor Robert J. Hughes Les R. Dlabay William B. HoytThis book shows high school students how to manage their personal finances now and in the future. The program helps students realize that they are already making financial decisions, shows them how their decisions affect their future, and allows students see the business applications of finance.
Glencoe, Business and Personal Law, Real-World Connections
by BusinessWeek Paul A. Sukys Gordon W. Brown Standard Poor'SNIMAC-sourced textbook
Glencoe Business Plan Project Workbook
by McGraw-HillHow to develop a management team plan to outline the key executives and decision makers in the business. The management team plan describes the responsibilities, skills, and experience of the partners, key employees, advisors, and service providers. The management team's experience and qualifications should convince potential investors that the business has a management team with the experience and skills necessary for success.
Glencoe Economics: Principles & Practices (Texas Edition)
by Gary E. ClaytonThis book is a guide for students and parents of Texas containing unit lessons of Fundamental Economic Concepts, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics: Institutions, Macroeconomics: Policies, International and Global Economics.
Glencoe Economics: Principles and Practices
by Gary E. ClaytonThe nation's number one economics program Economics: Principles & Practicesis the only program with full coverage of the new economy and the impact of the digital revolution. It is correlated to the National Standards and, in addition to having current statistics and news events, this program has updated diagrams, charts, maps, photos, and illustrations.
Glencoe Economics: Today and Tomorrow
by Roger Leroy MillerThe book makes the study of economics accessible and exciting. The program is reader-friendly text, resources for all ability levels, and easy-to-use technology. In addition to current statistics and news events, this program has updated diagrams, charts, maps, photos, and illustrations. In-depth coverage of the new economy and the impact of the digital revolution are included, along with features from "BusinessWeek" and exclusive analysis and information from "Standard & Poor's.
Glencoe Economics: Today and Tomorrow
by Roger Leroy MillerEconomics: Today and Tomorrow incorporates the 21 Basic Concepts established in "A Framework for Teaching the Basic Concepts," published by the National Council on Economic Education.