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Showing 46,676 through 46,700 of 100,000 results

Global Value Chains and Industrial Development: Participation, Upgrading, and Connectivity (SpringerBriefs in Economics)

by Ikuo Kuroiwa So Umezaki

This book aims to investigate the global value chain (GVC) from a viewpoint of industrial development and examine how GVC participation, upgrading, and connectivity have affected structural transformation in developing economies. It first reviews the indexes to measure progresses in GVC participation and upgrading. Then it examines factors affecting these progresses, using original measures of connectivity, which are computed based on the complex network theory. Another distinguished feature of the study is its in-depth analyses on the relationship between economic development and GVC participation based on the hypothesis of nonlinear relationship which is drawn from authors past studies on Asian economies. Major findings include (1) inverted-U shaped relationship between backward participation and income levels, (2) U shaped relationship between forward participation and income level, (3) marginal but significant impacts of maritime and aviation connectivity on GVC participation, (4) significant and different roles of basic and advanced education on the upgrading in GVCs, and (5) the importance of technological intensities in export in sustaining economic growth.

Global Value Chains and the Missing Links: Cases from Indian Industry

by Saon Ray Smita Miglani

Global value chains (GVCs) are fraught with the phenomenon of fragmentation and dispersion of production across the world. India presents a unique example with its high potential in manufacturing capability but low integration in GVCs. This book examines the reasons why India has failed to integrate within GVCs so far and looks at key examples to understand the impediments in this process. The chapters bring together case studies from across the manufacturing industry – labour-intensive (garment, paper and diamond), capital-intensive (automobile and petrochemical), and knowledge-intensive (semi-conductor microchip, chemical and pharmaceutical) sectors. Together, they present stories of successful integration of some firms in GVCs as well as the difficulties faced by them. The volume also highlights the importance of GVCs in the context of developing countries in terms of benefits such as income and value generation, knowledge and technology collaborations, and advances in systems and processes. This book will interest scholars and researchers in economics, international trade studies, development economics and business management as well as to practitioners, policymakers, government officials, and those in the corporate sector.

Global Value Chains, Flexibility and Sustainability (Flexible Systems Management)

by Sanjay Dhir Sushil Renu Agarwal Julia Connell

This book provides a conceptual framework of global value chains, flexibility and sustainability, supported by research projects, case applications and models in various related areas organized into three parts. In the first part of the book, various authors discuss how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of global value chains through various types of analyses. While the focus is on cluster management, and mergers and joint ventures, the legal aspects of control and liability concerning the integration of value chains, is also examined in one of the contributions. The second part includes chapters concerning ‘Strategy and Flexibility’. Strategies concern topics such as inventory management, talent management, strategic alignment, decision making, behavioural change and HR systems. The third and final part of the volume concerns the topic of ‘Sustainability’, wherein the contributions focus on various initiatives intended to promote sustainability across respective value chains bearing in mind the concept of flexibility. The book is a valuable resource for a varied audience, ranging from management students and researchers, to practicing business managers, as well as for professional institutions, consultants, and corporate organizations.

Global Value Chains in a Postcrisis World

by Cornelia Staritz Olivier Cattaneo Gary Gereffi

For the first time since World War II, global output will drop (-1.7%); per capita income will fall in more than 50 developing countries; net private capital flows will likely turn negative - a more than $700 billion drop from the 2007 peak; and trade is expected to decline by 6.1% in 2009 - the worst decline in 80 years. In response to this global downturn, a number of governments have passed stimulus packages and other measures that aim to preserve domestic industries and jobs, and sometimes discriminate against foreign producers (e.g. "buy local" laws). The most recent forecasts announce a re-bound of trade in 2010 (+3.8%) and 2011 (+6.9%), primarily driven by developing countries. All three elements (dropping demand on major markets, policy responses to the crisis, and developing countries-led recovery) potentially have significant implications for global production, trade, and value chains. How have lead firms responded? Have they changed their traditional supply chain strategy and relocated and/or outsourced part of their production? How will those changes affect developing countries? What should be the policy responses to these changes? How to best prepare developing countries for recovery and integration in the new global production chains?

Global Value Chains in Latin America: Experiences of Transformations (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Pablo Pérez Akaki Marisol Velázquez-Salazar Gilma Sabina Lizama Gaitán

​This book examines the governance and institutional dimensions of the global value chain (GVC) and the barriers of local firms to participate in chains. Focusing on Latin America, this collection analyzes agribusiness and agri-food chains in order to evaluate the common challenges in the production and trade of coffee, cocoa, maize, sugar, Tequila and Mezcal in Mexico and Central America. Additionally, there are studies of knowledge-intensive industries of aerospace and automotive.Addressing the need for sustainable economic development in developing countries from the study of value chains, this work presents a conceptual framework and empirical cases that highlight the impact of GVC in the Latin American region and will appeal to international business and international trade researchers.

Global Value Creation: The ADDING Value Scorecard

by Pankaj Ghemawat

This chapter discusses why firms should globalize in a world in which distance still matters, presenting a scorecard for tracking value creation that includes but goes beyond the familiar components of size and economies of size. This chapter was originally published as chapter 3 of "Redefining Global Strategy: Crossing Borders in a World Where Differences Still Matter."

Global Versus Local Perspectives on Finance and Accounting: 19th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting (ACFA 2018) (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by David Procházka

This proceedings volume examines accounting and financial issues and trends from both global and local economic perspectives. Featuring selected contributions presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting (ACFA) held in Prague, Czech Republic, this book offers a mixture of research methods and micro- and macroeconomic approaches to depict a detailed picture of the impact of global and local determinants on the globalized economy. The global perspectives versus local specifics make the volume useful for not only academics and scholars, but also for regulators and policy makers when deliberating the potential outcome of competing regulatory mechanisms.The Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting (ACFA) has become one of the biggest conferences in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region solely oriented to contemporary research in finance and accounting. Bringing together researchers and scholars from all over the world, the conference provides a platform in which thoughts, visions, and contemporary developments in the field of finance and accounting are discussed.

Global View on the World Economy: A Global Analysis (Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy)

by Horst Siebert

As globalization continues apace, market segmentations are diminishing, distance is shrinking and the boundaries between nation states are becoming increasingly blurred. National economies are closely interlinked through manychannels and we rarely view things from a single country’s view, adopting a global perspective instead. It is therefore imperative to understand how the world economy functions. This book utilizes up to date empirical evidence to illuminate the mechanics of the world as a single entity. The author explores the properties of the world economy, the diverse mechanisms of interdependence, shocks and disturbances, economic processes and structures, and the institutional arrangements that guide these processes. Key topics covered include: world GDP, growth and global product and factor markets China as a new global player the roots and impact of financial and currency crises the performance of the developing countries over time (which have gained, which have lost?) conflicts between the national interest and global concerns (protectionism, locational competition for mobile factors of production, environmental issues) the institutional arrangements for the world economy (IMF, WTO). The World Economy: A Global Analysis will be essential reading for students studying the world economy from the perspective of economics, finance, business and politics.

Global Virtual Teams & Trust: How Leadership Can Build Trust and Enhance Team Performance (Gabler Theses)

by Lili Jassemi

Global virtual teams have become essential in any organization in the past decade, but communication, cultural, and coordination issues often affect their performance. Trust is essential for team success, especially in global virtual teams. This book explores how leadership can establish and maintain trust in global virtual teams to improve cooperation and performance. It suggests that leaders should invest in trust by realizing the ethical focal point ‘do no (illegitimate) harm’ realized by showing respect, providing orientation, setting framework conditions, and acting as role models with trustworthy behavior and consistent communication.

The Global War on Tobacco: Mapping the World's First Public Health Treaty

by Heather Wipfli

“A major contribution not just to tobacco control research but also to research on global governance and public health . . . thorough [and] compelling.” —Frank J. Chaloupka IV, Institute for Health Research and Policy, University of Illinois–ChicagoAs the era of globalization progressed, the tobacco industry capitalized on its elements—including trade liberalization, foreign direct investment, and global communications—to expand into countries where effective tobacco control programs were not in place. As a consequence, tobacco became the leading cause of preventable death in the world, killing more people each year than HIV, malaria, and tuberculosis combined.In the mid-1990s, a committed group of public health professionals and institutions sought to challenge the tobacco industry’s expansion by negotiating a binding international law under the auspices of the World Health Organization. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)—the first collective global response to the causation of avoidable chronic disease—was one of the most quickly ratified treaties in United Nations history. In The Global War on Tobacco, Heather Wipfli tells the engaging story of the FCTC, from its start as an unlikely civil society proposal to its enactment in 178 countries as of June 2014. Wipfli also reveals how globalization offers anti-tobacco advocates significant cooperative opportunities to share knowledge and address cross-border public health problems.The book—the first to delve deeply into the origin and development of the FCTC—seeks to advance understanding of how non-state actors, transnational networks, and international institutionalization can impact global governance for health. Case studies from a variety of diverse high-, middle-, and low-income countries provide real-world examples of the success or failure of tobacco control. Written with public health professionals and students in mind, The Global War on Tobacco is a fascinating look at how international relations is changing to respond to the modern global marketplace and protect human health.

Global Warming and Energy Demand (Global Environmental Change Ser.)

by Terry Barker Paul Ekins Nick Johnstone John Houghton

This book presents a range of current views on the use of economic measures to control greenhouse gas emissions. the authors discuss the responsiveness of the energy market to changes in prices, taxes and incomes. The book's concern with global warming involves analyses of possible energy use both in the long and short term.

Global Waste Management: Models for Tackling the International Waste Crisis

by Kamila Pope

Among other factors, rapid global population growth, our development model and patterns of production and consumption have increased waste generation worldwide to unsustainable rates. This rise has led to crises in many countries where waste management practices are no longer sound. Global Waste Management outlines the emerging global waste crisis considering the perspectives of developed and developing countries around the world and the international relationships between them. This book provides an ecological viewpoint as well as studying these problems from a legal and justice standpoint. Global Waste Management contextualises the problems faced when dealing with waste including the causes and origins. Focus is given to cross border waste transfer, as an ongoing and controversial practice, making waste management a global matter. This book scrutinizes existing international, European and Brazilian regulation on waste to highlight the complexity of the subject and the weaknesses of the law. Using a critical and socio-ecological approach, the book proposes an original model of governance to support a new system of global waste management that takes into account ecological sustainability and social justice to overcome the waste crisis. To create these models, a theoretical framework on socio-ecological justice is developed and combined with different discourses and theories described throughout the book. This is the essential guide to understanding the global waste crisis and the future of waste management.

Global Water Funding: Innovation and efficiency as enablers for safe, secure and affordable supplies (Palgrave Studies in Natural Resource Management)

by David Lloyd Owen

Is safe and sustainable water and sanitation for all an unaffordable pipedream? This book surveys the worldwide development of water and sewage services and the challenges in meeting Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) along with climate change, population growth and urbanisation. It explores the reasons why current SDG6 progress is failing, including weak policy implementation, staff shortages and inadequate funding, as well as the limited impact of aid funding. The author contends that despite a series of innovations, debt finance remains too small to address needs of developing economies. Therefore, instead of advocating new funding, this book proposes addressing the funding gap through technological innovation and more efficient management and procurement through a series of examples that have challenged traditional assumptions. After four decades of good intentions, SDG6 is making a difference in monitoring shortfalls for the first time, allowing for more effective responses. This book outlines the role of innovation in hardware development, procurement and installation, and discusses how network management and operations can most effectively address funding gaps. The potential for savings is considerable, if effectively replicated. New approaches are driving forward affordable resilience, including nature-based solutions such as upstream habitat enhancement to retain water and improve downstream water quality; the circular economy, including water, nutrient, energy and heat recovery from wastewater; and demand management. This book will be of great value to scholars, policy makers and practitioners interested in the global finance of sustainable water and sanitation.

Global Waves of Debt: Causes and Consequences

by M. Ayhan Kose Peter Nagle Franziska Ohnsorge Sugawara

The global economy has experienced four waves of rapid debt accumulation over the past 50 years. The first three debt waves ended with financial crises in many emerging market and developing economies. During the current wave, which started in 2010, the increase in debt in these economies has already been larger, faster, and broader-based than in the previous three waves. Current low interest rates mitigate some of the risks associated with high debt. However, emerging market and developing economies are also confronted by weak growth prospects, mounting vulnerabilities, and elevated global risks. A menu of policy options is available to reduce the likelihood that the current debt wave will end in crisis and, if crises do take place, will alleviate their impact.

Global Wine Tourism: Research, Management and Marketing

by Jack Carlsen Stephen Charters

Wine regions are attracting increasing numbers of tourists through tours, wine festivals and events, and winery, restaurant and cellar door experiences. Using a host of case studies from Europe, North America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand this book reviews the latest wine tourism research and management and marketing strategies.

Global Wine War 2009: New World versus Old

by Christopher A. Bartlett

The case contrasts the tradition-bound Old World wine industry with the market-oriented New World producers, the battle for the US market, the most desirable export target in 2009 due to its large, fast-growing, high-priced market segments. The case allows analysis of the way in which newcomers can change the rules of competitive engagement in a global industry. It also poses the question of how incumbents can respond, especially when constrained by regulation, tradition, and different capabilities than those demanded by changing consumer tastes and market structures.

Global Wine War 2015: New World Versus Old

by Sarah Mcara Christopher A. Bartlett

The case contrasts the tradition-bound Old World wine industry with the market-oriented New World producers in the battle for the Chinese wine market in 2015. China's wine consumption growth presented a large and fast growing export target that was extremely attractive both to Old World producers burdened with oversupply and declining demand, and to New World winemakers faced with rising costs and a deteriorating image. But changing Chinese market conditions and consumer preferences required both sets of players to devise new strategies to gain share in this fast-growing market. The case allows analysis of the way in which newcomers can change the rules of competitive engagement in a global industry. It also poses the question of how incumbents can respond, especially when constrained by regulation, tradition, and different capabilities than those demanded by changing consumer tastes and market structures.

Global Woman

by Barbara Ehrenreich Arlie Russell Hochschild

<P>In a remarkable pairing, two renowned social critics offer a groundbreaking anthology that examines the unexplored consequences of globalization on the lives of women worldwide. <P>Women are moving around the globe as never before. But for every female executive racking up frequent flier miles, there are multitudes of women whose journeys go unnoticed. Each year, millions leave Mexico, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and other third world countries to work in the homes, nurseries, and brothels of the first world. This broad-scale transfer of labor associated with women's traditional roles results in an odd displacement. <P>In the new global calculus, the female energy that flows to wealthy countries is subtracted from poor ones, often to the detriment of the families left behind. The migrant nanny-- or cleaning woman, nursing care attendant, maid-- eases a "care deficit" in rich countries, while her absence creates a "care deficit" back home. <P>Confronting a range of topics, from the fate of Vietnamese mail-order brides to the importation of Mexican nannies in Los Angeles and the selling of Thai girls to Japanese brothels, "Global woman offers an unprecedented look at a world shaped by mass migration and economic exchange on an ever-increasing scale. In fifteen vivid essays-- of which only four have been previously published-- by a diverse and distinguished group of writers, collected and introduced by best selling authors Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild, this anthology reveals a new era in which the main resource extracted from the third world is no longer gold or silver, but love.

Global Women's Work: Perspectives on Gender and Work in the Global Economy (Routledge IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics)

by Beth English Mary E. Frederickson Olga Sanmiguel-Valderrama

This volume considers how women are shaping the global economic landscape through their labor, activism, and multiple discourses about work. Bringing together an interdisciplinary group of international scholars, the book offers a gendered examination of work in the global economy and analyses the effects of the 2008 downturn on women’s labor force participation and workplace activism. The book addresses three key themes: exploitation versus opportunity; women’s agency within the context of changing economic options; and women’s negotiations and renegotiations of unpaid social reproductive labor. This uniquely interdisciplinary and comparative analysis will be crucial reading for anyone with an interest in gender and the post-crisis world.

Global Writing for Public Relations: Connecting in English with Stakeholders and Publics Worldwide

by Arhlene A. Flowers

Global Writing for Public Relations: Connecting in English with Stakeholders and Publics Worldwide provides multiple resources to help students and public relations practitioners learn best practices for writing in English to communicate and connect with a global marketplace. Author Arhlene Flowers has created a new approach on writing for public relations by combining intercultural communication, international public relations, and effective public relations writing techniques. Global Writing for Public Relations offers the following features: Insight into the evolution of English-language communication in business and public relations, as well as theoretical and political debates on global English and globalization; An understanding of both a global thematic and customized local approach in creating public relations campaigns and written materials; Strategic questions to help writers develop critical thinking skills and understand how to create meaningful communications materials for specific audiences; Storytelling skills that help writers craft compelling content; Real-world global examples from diverse industries that illustrate creative solutions; Step-by-step guidance on writing public relations materials with easy-to-follow templates to reach traditional and online media, consumers, and businesses; Self-evaluation and creative thinking exercises to improve cultural literacy, grammar, punctuation, and editing skills for enhanced clarity; and Supplemental online resources for educators and students. English is the go-to business language across the world, and this book combines the author's experience training students and seasoned professionals in crafting public relations materials that resonate with global English-language audiences. It will help public relations students and practitioners become proficient and sophisticated writers with the ability to connect with diverse audiences worldwide.

The GlobalArctic Handbook

by Lassi Heininen Matthias Finger

This book offers a systematic and comprehensive introduction to the Arctic in the era of globalization, or as it is referred to here, the ‘GlobalArctic’. It provides an overview of the current status of the Arctic as a result of global change, while also considering the changes in the Arctic that have a global effect. It positions the Arctic within a broad international context, it addresses four main themes are discussed: economics and resources; environment and earth system dynamics; peoples and cultures; and geopolitics and governance. Gathering together expert authors and building on long-term research activities, it serves as a valuable reference for future research endeavors.

Globale Kommunikation und Kollaboration: Globale Supply Chain Netzwerk-Integration, interkulturelle Kompetenzen, Arbeit und Kommunikation in virtuellen Teams

by Klaus-Dieter Gronwald

Die technologiegetriebene Digitalisierung globaler Supply Chain-Netzwerke hat viele Facetten. Sie steht im Spannungsfeld politischer, ökonomischer, ökologischer und gesellschaftlicher Faktoren. Der Erwerb notwendiger Kernkompetenzen in den Bereichen Big Data, In-Memory Computing, Machine Learning und Data Management ist zwingend. Blockchains, Smart Contracts und Due Diligence für Supply Chain Management-Systeme beeinflussen den Wandel von einer Shareholder-dominierten Unternehmensführung zu einer Stakeholder-fokussierten globalen Unternehmensverantwortung mit ethischen Werten. Das Verständnis kultureller Unterschiede in Arbeitsstilen ist ein Schlüssel zu einer erfolgreichen globalen Teamarbeit. Die wichtigsten Theorien zur Internationalisierung von Unternehmen und zu kulturellen Dimensionen/Distanzen werden diskutiert, um interkulturelle Kompetenzen und Konfliktmanagementstile für internationale Projektmanager zu entwickeln.Leserinnen und Leser lernen die Herausforderungen internationaler Kooperation kennen und können die für die Bedürfnisse globaler virtueller Teams relevanten Formen der Zusammenarbeit unter Einsatz von Technologien und Medien anwenden.

Globale Vernetzung und technologieorientierte Gründungen in Industrie 4.0 (Intelligente Technische Systeme – Lösungen aus dem Spitzencluster it’s OWL)

by Günter Korder

Dieses Fachbuch beschreibt die Aktivitäten des Spitzenclusters it’s OWL und konzentriert sich hier auf die Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen Internationalisierung und Unternehmensgründungen, die einen entscheidenden Teil zur langfristigen und umfassenden Stärkung des Spitzenclusters und der Region OstWestfalenLippe beitragen. Es gibt somit eine Antwort darauf, wie eine geschaffene Entwicklungsdynamik über eine definierte Dauer hinaus Wirkung ausübt und in dem vorliegenden Fall die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einer Region nachhaltig unterstützt. Die Perspektive der Autoren erlaubt einen praktischen Einblick in die Tätigkeiten des Spitzenclusters it’s OWL und erweitert somit das Verständnis von Experten und Fachkräften.

Globales Webdesign: Anforderungen und Herausforderungen an Globale Webseiten (essentials)

by Oliver Meidl

Die Online-Welt vereint Faszination über neue Möglichkeiten mit zunehmender Selbstverständlichkeit. Globales Webdesign gewinnt durch die fortschreitende Internationalisierung des Handels, die Zunahme interkultureller Kommunikation und weltweite Vernetzung an Relevanz und Wichtigkeit. Oliver Meidl beschreibt Anforderungen an globale Webauftritte und bespricht Herausforderungen in einem heterogenen, multinationalen Umfeld. Er adressiert das Verständnis für lokal-bedinge Eigenheiten ebenso wie den Transport von Inhalten zwischen unterschiedlichen Kulturen und Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung ,,kultureller Stressoren".

Globalisation and Change in Forest Ownership and Forest Use

by E. Carina Keskitalo

This book describes the changing landscape of European forest ownership and explores the impact a new, often urban, generation of forest owners may have on the future of one of our most basic resources – forests. Forests have not played a major role in rural studies thus far, however they constitute an important part of many rural areas. Drawing on Swedish cases and comparison cases from various other areas of Europe, the authors present these ‘new forest owners’ as a pivotal factor in the changing relationships between urban and rural life. The chapters explore how forest production, the relationship to the environment, urban-rural relations and local communities have already changed as well as discussing what might be expected for the future. A result of work in the Swedish research programme PLURAL and related projects, such as the EU Cost Action FACESMAP, this volume will be of interest to scholars of forestry and rural studies, as well as to researchers in environmental, population and globalization studies more broadly.

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