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Globalisierung nach der Corona-Krise: oder wie eine resiliente Produktion gelingen kann – Ein Essay

by Hartmut Frey Engelbert Westkämper Dieter Beste

Unterbrochene Lieferketten, Schwierigkeiten im Nachschub einfachster medizinischer Schutzkleidung (z. B. Mundschutz) im Rahmen der Corona-Krise bieten Anlass die Globalisierung zu hinterfragen. Den gegenwärtigen Spielregeln der Globalisierung sind die Perspektiven einer digitalisierten Wirtschaftsordnung mit entsprechenden Geschäftsmodellen für die Zukunft gegenübergestellt. Es ist dargelegt, welche Prozesse und Verfahren diese Entwicklung unterstützen und es ist ein Ausblick gegeben, wie sich diese Entwicklung auch auf bildungs- und forschungspolitische Aspekte auswirken kann.

Globalisierung und Digitalisierung: Erfolgsstrategien und Toolbox für CEOs und Topmanager

by Stephan Bergamin Markus Braun Bruno Glaus

Wie Unternehmen den digitalen und globalen Transformationsprozess erfolgreich meistern Dieses Buch erläutert, wie nationale und internationale Unternehmen in verschiedenen Branchen den digitalen Transformationsprozess erfolgreich meistern. Digitales Nutzer- und Kundenverhalten und digitale Technologien bilden zunehmend die Grundlage für neue Geschäftsmodelle.Während etablierte Unternehmen mit langjährigem Kundenverständnis und überragendem Produktions- und Forschungs-Know-how punkten, greifen neue digitale Anbieter in der Regel die profitabelsten Produkt- und Dienstleistungsangebote an. Traditionelle Unternehmen sind gefordert, sich mit Fragen wie der agilen Organisation, der möglichen Kannibalisierung ihres analog geprägten Geschäftsmodells und der App-kompatiblen Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden IT-Systeme auseinanderzusetzen. Die im Buch dargestellte Digital Business Transformation Matrix schärft das Verständnis für die digitalen und globalen Anforderungen, fördert das Zusammenspiel dieser zwei Aspekte und stellt eine Plattform für die Weiterentwicklung der Unternehmen dar.Anhand von neun Praxisbeispielen aus der Schweiz erläutern die Autoren, worauf es bei einem erfolgreichen digitalen Transformationsprozess ankommt und stellen verschiedene Managementinstrumente vor. Das Buch richtet sich vor allem an Führungskräfte aus dem Topmanagement, aber auch an Management-Studierende.Ein Leitfaden zur digitalen Transformation in fünf Kapiteln:1) Digital Business Transformation als Herausforderung Die globalen Trends Globalisierung und Digitalisierung Von evolutionärer zu disruptiver Geschäftsmodellentwicklung: ein OrientierungsrahmenDigital Business Transformation MatrixAuswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die Globalisierung und Digitalisierung2) Digital Business Transformation in neun exponierten Unternehmen3) Strategische Optionen im veränderten MarktAktuelle PositionierungEntwicklungspfadeDie digitalen Wettbewerber – Nightmare Competitors4) Herausforderungen aus CEO-Sicht Haben wir Digital Transformation Awareness?Folgen wir dem Kundenverhalten vom analogen in den digitalen Raum?Nutzen wir das gesamte Spektrum von digitalen Technologien?Haben wir eine digitale Vision und Strategie?Wie gestalten wir unser Digital Business Model?Wie gestalten wir unsere Digital Leadership und Governance?5) Toolbox: Digital Radar, Digitale Technologien, Digital Governance und LeadershipDigital RadarEtablieren einer Kultur der HyperawarenessDigital Customer Experience und JourneyDigitale TechnologienDigitale Vision und StrategieDigitales Business Modell und agile OrganisationDigital Governance und LeadershipDigital Readiness und KulturDigital Transformation Management

Globalising the Climate: COP21 and the climatisation of global debates (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)

by Stefan Aykut Jean Foyer Edouard Morena

Frequently presented as a historic last chance to set the world on a course to prevent catastrophic climate change, the 21st Conference of the Parties to the Climate convention (COP21) was a global summit of exceptional proportions. Bringing together negotiators, scientists, journalists and representatives of global civil society, it also constituted a privileged vantage point for the study of global environmental governance "in the making". This volume offers readers an original account of the current state of play in the field of global climate governance. Building upon a collaborative research project on COP21 carried out by a multidisciplinary team of twenty academics with recognised experience in the field of environmental governance, the book takes COP21 as an entry point to analyse ongoing transformations of global climate politics, and to scrutinise the impact of climate change on global debates more generally. The book has three key objectives: To analyse global climate governance through a combination of long-term analysis and on-sight observation; To identify and analyse the key spaces of participation in the global climate debate; To examine the "climatisation" of a series of crosscutting themes, including development, energy, security and migration. This book will be of great interest to students, scholars and policymakers of climate politics and governance, international relations and environmental studies.

Globalism and Regional Economy

by Susumu Egashira

The book covers the results of trial and error of regional economies in Japan, Korea, Austria, New Zealand, and the UK over the past two decades. Since the end of the cold war, regional economies have been struggling to meet the demands of global change, and are trying to find a new approach based on "inter-regional cooperation" to survive and develop further. This book focuses on the circumstances of regional economies worldwide as well as three important issues of concern: commercial and policy issues, international trade, and promoting a regional approach in international tourism. The book presents case studies of five countries and examines the possibility of application to other regions. Although every region has suffered from the decline of traditional industries in the face of international competition, academic analysis of successful cases are particularly useful and relevant to the reforms of regional economies and their development. This book also discusses the current problems of FTAs, tourism, medical management, and regional management and suggests possible short-term development strategies. Regional economies have begun a number of initiatives in these fields in the globalized world. The book demonstrates the current results of such initiatives. The book also explores new patterns of collaboration between regions of different countries following their recent initiatives.

Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism

by Quinn Slobodian

Neoliberals hate the state. Or do they? In the first intellectual history of neoliberal globalism, Quinn Slobodian follows a group of thinkers from the ashes of the Habsburg Empire to the creation of the World Trade Organization to show that neoliberalism emerged less to shrink government and abolish regulations than to redeploy them at a global level. Slobodian begins in Austria in the 1920s. Empires were dissolving and nationalism, socialism, and democratic self-determination threatened the stability of the global capitalist system. In response, Austrian intellectuals called for a new way of organizing the world. But they and their successors in academia and government, from such famous economists as Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises to influential but lesser-known figures such as Wilhelm Röpke and Michael Heilperin, did not propose a regime of laissez-faire. Rather they used states and global institutions—the League of Nations, the European Court of Justice, the World Trade Organization, and international investment law—to insulate the markets against sovereign states, political change, and turbulent democratic demands for greater equality and social justice. Far from discarding the regulatory state, neoliberals wanted to harness it to their grand project of protecting capitalism on a global scale. It was a project, Slobodian shows, that changed the world, but that was also undermined time and again by the inequality, relentless change, and social injustice that accompanied it.

Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism

by Quinn Slobodian

Do neoliberals hate the state? In the first intellectual history of neoliberal globalism, Quinn Slobodian follows neoliberal thinkers from the Habsburg Empire’s fall to the creation of the World Trade Organization to show that neoliberalism emerged less to shrink government and abolish regulations than to deploy them globally to protect capitalism.


by Harold L. Sirkin James W. Hemerling Arindam K. Bhattacharya

Globality primarily involves large western corporations expanding their operations and moving aggressively into new overseas markets. GLOBALITY radically defines a 'post-globalization' world, where companies from India, China, Russia, eastern Europe, Brazil and Mexico are expanding beyond their home base, entering and building new markets, creating whole industries, and competing for customers, resources, market share and attention. In short, the tide has turned. As a result, western companies need to understand these emerging new businesses and the economies they come from in order to stay ahead and stay alive.

Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything

by Hal Sirkin Jim Hemerling Arindam Bhattacharya

Globalization is about Americans outsourcing product development and services to other countries. Globality is the next step, where rapidly developing economies from around the world are now competing with us head to head. The authors present a strong case that the economic climate in which we have lived is going to change in unprecedented ways."...their insights into the competitive battle in emerging markets are so keen." -William J. Holstein of The New York Times"Many American chief executives, it turns out, are aiming at emerging markets...And they will find many insights into prevailing in those battles in this book." -William J. Holstein of The New York Times"...for any corporate strategist pondering the challenges and opportunities of globalization, this book is an indispensable guide." -John Cummings of Business Finance"While the global economy has been a hot topic for at least two decades, it is in constant need of updating ...GLOBALITY...does the job nicely." - BNET"[This] vividly detailed tome describes the latest shift in globalization from a one-way street of Western domination to an increasingly competitive global playing field, where businesses from once-discounted nations are solidifying their standing." - CIO Insight"Whatever the next New World Order turns out to be, the advice in GLOBALITY will come in useful, for multinationals and individual workers alike." -Business Pundit"A smart discourse on how local companies in developing economies, suchas China, India and Brazil, are bucking tradition and going for broke ontheir own terms..." -BNET"This book is a must-read for leaders of companies in the developed world who want to get into the globality act and stay in it." - Cecil Johnson, McClatchy-Tribune News "Get ready for a new wave of challengers, 'bursting their way onto the big stage.' So say the three authors of this smart analysis about the latest developments in global competition" - Andrea Sachs of TIME

Globalization: Prerequisites, Effects, Resistances

by Joachim Betz Wolfgang Hein

This textbook deals with the progressive global dissolution of political, economic, and social boundaries, which has significant implications for labor markets, the international division of labor, social security, and income distribution. Politically, it is eroding the sovereign ability of nation-states to shape their own affairs; socially, it conjures up the specter of an increasingly global culture of unity. Against the background of the empirical effects of globalization processes in a number of areas, the book discusses to what extent these fears are justified, whether they cannot also be explained by other developments, and whether the benefits of globalization justify the costs and risks resulting from it.

Globalization: A Key Idea for Business and Society (Key Ideas in Business and Management)

by Veronica Binda Andrea Colli

Globalization: A Key Idea for Business and Society analyzes today’s process of global integration. Globalization is seen as a complex phenomenon, the drivers of which are of a technological, institutional, cultural and, not least, political nature.The book includes a historical analysis of the rise, and fall, of the “first globalization” wave which took place between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the Great War. The chapters focus on the measurement of the global integration process, on the in-depth analysis of the above mentioned “drivers”, and on some of the actors playing a relevant role in the process itself – multinational companies and governments as owners of global companies. The conclusion of the book provides a perspective on the current “globalization backlash”, its determinants and possible future alternative scenarios.This book is an ideal resource for students and practitioners interested in past, present and future globalization.

Globalization: Past, Present, Future

by Manfred B. Steger, Roland Benedikter, Harald Pechlaner, and Ingrid Kofler

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more. Since the end of the Cold War, globalization—the process and the idea—has been reshaping the world. Global studies scholarship has emerged to make sense of the transnational manifestations of globalization: economic, social, cultural, ideological, technological, environmental, and postcolonial. But a series of crises in the first two decades of the twenty-first century has put the neoliberal globalization system of the 1990s under severe strain. Are we witnessing a turn toward "deglobalization," intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine or a moment of "reglobalization," spearheaded by digital technology? The contributors to this book employ transdisciplinary research to assess past developments, the current state, and future trajectories of globalization in light of today’s dynamics of insecurity, volatility, and geopolitical tensions.

Globalization: The Return of Borders to a Borderless World?

by Richard W. Mansbach Yale H. Ferguson

Written by two leading scholars of global politics, Globalization: the return of borders to a borderless world? is a major new book for students of globalization. It describes and explains globalization and its origins, and examines its future in light of key recent political and global trends and events. The text: identifies the different political, economic, technological, and cultural meanings of globalization examines its historical origins from the ancient past through the Cold War and into the twenty-first century describes the multiple attributes and consequences of globalization including its effect on the sovereignty of the nation state discusses recent trends such as the increased use of social media and events like the Arab Spring assesses the normative implications of globalization analyzes the challenges to globalization posed by contemporary events such as the global financial crisis. This book will be essential reading for all students of globalization, and will be of great interest to students of global politics and global governance.

Globalization: A Short History

by Jürgen Osterhammel Niels P. Petersson

"Globalization" has become a popular buzzword for explaining today's world. The expression achieved terminological stardom in the 1990s and was soon embraced by the general public and integrated into numerous languages. But is this much-discussed phenomenon really an invention of modern times? In this work, Jürgen Osterhammel and Niels Petersson make the case that globalization is not so new, after all. Arguing that the world did not turn "global" overnight, the book traces the emergence of globalization over the past seven or eight centuries. In fact, the authors write, the phenomenon can be traced back to early modern large-scale trading, for example, the silk trade between China and the Mediterranean region, the shipping routes between the Arabian Peninsula and India, and the more frequently traveled caravan routes of the Near East and North Africa--all conduits for people, goods, coins, artwork, and ideas. Osterhammel and Petersson argue that the period from 1750 to 1880--an era characterized by the development of free trade and the long-distance impact of the industrial revolution--represented an important phase in the globalization phenomenon. Moreover, they demonstrate how globalization in the mid-twentieth century opened up the prospect of global destruction though nuclear war and ecological catastrophe. In the end, the authors write, today's globalization is part of a long-running transformation and has not ushered in a "global age" radically different from anything that came before. This book will appeal to historians, economists, and anyone in the social sciences who is interested in the historical emergence of globalization.


by M. Panic

Globalization and National Economic Welfare makes an original, powerful and timely contribution to a highly topical issue that affects all countries by showing why globalization is unsustainable in the long term without fundamental changes in existing attitudes and institutions. The book analyzes one of the most important aspects of economic policy at the beginning of the twenty-first century: how to overcome the growing threat that inequalities created by globalization pose to economic progress and political stability both nationally and internationally. Economic problems, from corporate fraud and bankruptcies to the high social costs of the adjustments that globalization imposes on individual countries, are becoming increasingly international and, consequently, demand action at the supranational level. Yet the effective institutional framework for dealing with these problems remains national. In contrast to the neo-liberal approach, the author argues that the state, as the only form of organization that has the power to reconcile conflicts of interest nationally and internationally, has a critical role to play in ensuring that globalization does not end in failure and war.

Globalization: State of the Art and Perspectives (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy #84)

by Stefan A. Schirm

Globalization is the first volume which systematically encompasses the debates and the results of research of political scientists on all core aspects of the interrelation between politics and economics in the process of globalization. This volume shows how research on globalization has reached a degree of differentiation and depth that makes it necessary and attractive to assess the state-of-the-art and perspectives for further research. With contributions from international experts including Andreas Busch, Nadine Haase and Edgar Grande.

Globalization: A Very Short Introduction (Third Edition)

by Manfred Steger

'Globalization' has become one of the defining buzzwords of our time - a term that describes a variety of accelerating economic, political, cultural, ideological, and environmental processes that are rapidly altering our experience of the world. It is by its nature a dynamic topic - and thisVery Short Introduction has been fully updated for a third edition, to include recent developments in global politics, the global economy, and environmental issues. Presenting globalization in accessible language as a multifaceted process encompassing global, regional, and local aspects of social life, Manfred B. Steger looks at its causes and effects, examines whether it is a new phenomenon, and explores the question of whether, ultimately, globalization is agood or a bad thing.

Globalization: What's New? (Globalization And Community Ser. #54)

by Weinstein Michael M. Ed.

From the streets of Seattle to corporate boardrooms to new factories in third-world nations, globalization is subject to very different and often explosively divergent interpretations. Where some see globalization as driving poor countries into further poverty, others see it as the path to economic salvation and democratic rule. With original contributions from ten eminent economists, Globalization: What's New cuts through the confusion and rhetoric to offer straightforward, incisive analysis of globalization and its future.Coming from some of globalization's most prominent supporters (David Dollar), its most vocal critics (Joseph Stiglitz), and those in-between, this collection presents diverse and original perspectives on globalization's immense reach that dig to the core of many debates. The contributors analyze recent trends in trade, immigration, and capital flows; why some poor countries have grown while others have stagnated during the past two decades; future opportunities for low-wage workers; globalization's impact on jobs and wages in poor countries and in the United States; the surprising environmental benefits of globalization; the degree to which foreign aid helps developing countries; the failures of international institutions in governing the global economy and supporting democracy; and how foreign loans and investments can wreak havoc on a nation's economy.

Globalization: What's New

by Michael M. Weinstein

With original contributions from ten eminent economists, this collection presents diverse and original perspectives on globalization. The contributors analyze recent trends in trade, immigration, and capital flows; why some poor countries have grown while others have stagnated during the past two decades; globalization's impact on jobs and wages in poor countries and in the United States; the surprising environmental benefits of globalization; the degree to which foreign aid helps developing countries; the failures of international institutions to govern the global economy and supporting democracy; and how foreign loans and investments can wreak havoc on a nation's economy.

Globalization 2.0

by Raschid Ijioui Michael Ceyp Jochen Hagen Heike Emmerich

The recent near-collapse of the global financial sector and the resulting economic problems have caused a great deal of re-examining of the fundamental principles of globalization. This book showcases how leading managers perceive the current crises and the future of globalization. It offers trendsetting answers, solutions and a roadmap for the roadblocks facing future economic growth which are proposed by leading minds from world-leading companies such as CISCO Systems, British Telecom, Lufthansa Technik, Henkel, A.T. Kearney, Roland Berger, Arthur D. Little, Kienbaum, T-Systems, Mercedes-Benz technology, Landis and Gyr, Conergy.

Globalization, Agriculture and Food in the Caribbean

by Clinton L. Beckford Kevon Rhiney

The last decade has seen a growing body of research about globalization and climate change in the Caribbean. This collection is a significant addition to the literature on a topic that is of critical importance to the region. It explores research from a number of Caribbean islands dealing with a range of issues related to agriculture and food in the context of globalization and climate change. Using a broad livelihoods perspective, the impacts on rural livelihoods are explored as well as issues related to community level resilience, adaptability and adaptations. The volume is strengthened by gendered analyses of issues and discussions informed by a diverse range of research methods and methodologies. Scholars of Caribbean studies and studies pertaining to social, cultural, economic and environmental issues facing Small Island Developing States (SIDS) will greatly benefit from this book.

Globalization and American Popular Culture (Globalization)

by Lane Crothers

Now in a fully revised and updated edition, this concise and insightful book explores the ways American popular products such as movies, music, television programs, fast food, sports, and even clothing styles have molded and continue to influence modern globalization. Lane Crothers offers a thoughtful examination of both the appeal of American products worldwide and the fear and rejection they induce in many people and nations around the world. The author defines what we mean by "popular culture," how popular culture is distinguished from the generic concept of "culture," and what constitutes "American" popular culture. Tracing how U.S. movies, music, and TV became dominant in world popular culture, Crothers also considers the ways in which non-visual products like fast-food franchises, sports, and fashion have become ubiquitous. He also presents a fascinating set of case studies that highlight the varied roles American products play in a range of different nations and communities. Concluding with a projection of the future impact of American popular culture, this book makes a powerful argument for its central role in shaping global politics and economic development.

Globalization and Austerity Politics in Latin America

by Stephen B. Kaplan

In an age of financial globalization, are markets and democracy compatible? For developing countries, the dramatic internationalization of financial markets over the last two decades deepens tensions between politics and markets. Notwithstanding the rise of left-leaning governments in regions like Latin America, macroeconomic policies often have a neoliberal appearance. When is austerity imposed externally and when is it a domestic political choice? By combining statistical tests with extensive field research across Latin America, this book examines the effect of financial globalization on economic policymaking. Kaplan argues that a country's structural composition of international borrowing and its individual technocratic understanding of past economic crises combine to produce dramatically different outcomes in national policy choices. Incorporating these factors into an electoral politics framework, the book then challenges the conventional wisdom that political business cycles are prevalent in newly democratizing regions. This book is accessible to a broad audience and scholars with an interest in the political economy of finance, development and democracy, and Latin American politics.

Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics: Sovereignty and state power in a multipolar world (Rethinking Globalizations)

by Daniel Woodley

Globalization and Capitalist Geopolitics is concerned with the nature of corporate power against the backdrop of the decline of the West and the struggle by non-western states to challenge and overcome domination of the rest of the world by the West. This book argues that although the US continues to preside over a quasi-imperial system of power based on global military preponderance and financial statecraft, and remains reluctant to recognize the realities global economic convergence, the age of imperial state hegemony is giving way to a new international order characterized by capitalist sovereignty and competition between regional and transnational concentrations of economic power. This title seeks to interrogate the structure of world order by examining leading approaches to globalization and political economy in international relations and international political economy. Breaking with the classical school, Woodley argues that geopolitics should be understood as a transnational strategic practice employed by powerful state actors, which mirrors predatory corporate rivalry for control over global resources and markets, reproducing the structural conditions for corporate power through the transnational state form of capital. In a period of increasing geopolitical insecurity and economic instability this title provides an authoritative yet accessible commentary on debates on capitalism and globalization in the wake of the financial crisis. It is valuable resource for students and scholars seeking to develop a deeper understanding of the historical determinants of the changing dynamics of neoliberal capitalism and their implications for world order.

Globalization and Competition

by Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira

Globalization and Competition explains why some middle-income countries, principally those in Asia, grow fast while others are not successful. The author criticizes both old-style developmentalism and the economics of the Washington Consensus. He argues instead for a "new developmentalism" or third approach that builds on a national development strategy. This approach differs from the neoliberal strategy that rich nations propose to emerging economies principally on macroeconomic grounds. Developing countries face a key obstacle to growth, namely, the tendency to overvaluate foreign exchange. Instead of neutralizing it, the policy that rich countries promote mistakenly seeks growth through foreign savings, which causes additional appreciation of the national currency and often results in financial crises rather than genuine investment.

Globalization and Contestation: The New Great Counter-Movement (Rethinking Globalizations)

by Ronaldo Munck

Globalization is undoubtedly the great overarching paradigm of our era. However, there is still little agreement on what globalization actually ‘is’ and some do not accept that it ‘is’ anything at all. This new book addresses the contestation of globalization by the anti- or counter-globalization movement. To contest means to challenge, to call into question, to doubt, to oppose and to litigate. This study shows how globalization is ‘contestable’ in many different ways and how the counter-movements we have seen emerging over the last decade also ‘bear witness’ on behalf of an alternative human future. Ronaldo Munck presents an overarching framework that allows us to understand how globalization and its contestation are inextricably bound up with one another. This volume insightfully explores a number of case studies, including: the battle of Seattle in 1999 the World Social Forum peasant internationalism environmental movements and reactionary movements including: the US Patriot's movement, Islamic fundamentalist movements and other nationalist movements. Globalization and Contestation will be of great interest to all students and scholars of international relations, politics and of globalization and global governance in particular.

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