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Glücklicher im Beruf ...: ... mit der Kompass-Strategie

by Ralph Dannhäuser Martin-Niels Däfler

In diesem Buch geht es um Beruf, Karriere und vor allem um das Glücklichsein. Es gibt allerdings Momente im beruflichen Alltag, da kommen diese drei Begriffe nur schwerlich zusammen und man würde am liebsten alles stehen und liegen lassen. Ab und an ist es völlig normal, unzufrieden zu sein, aber ab wann fängt der Beruf an, richtig weh zu tun? Ab wann ist die Unzufriedenheit so groß, dass ein Jobwechsel die einzige Lösung ist? Diesen Fragen sind die Autoren nachgegangen. Sie haben Studien gewälzt und einen Test zur Ermittlung der eigenen beruflichen Zufriedenheit entwickelt. Auf Basis dieses Tests bieten sie drei Strategien an, wie es gelingt wieder glücklicher und zufrieden im Beruf zu sein.

Glücksfaktor Geld: 10 Gebote für finanzielle Freiheit

by Jean Meyer

Es gibt eine Frage, die alle Menschen eint. Diese Frage ist unabhängig von Bildung, Alter und Geschlecht. Sie richtet sich nicht nach Kulturen, nicht nach Werten, diese Frage ist auch losgelöst von Religionen und erst recht von politischen Strukturen. Sie scheint über den Dingen zu schweben, scheint in jedem Menschen verankert. Der Autor hat diese Frage auf seinen Reisen über die Kontinente immer wieder gestellt, und als die Menschen antworteten, sah er in leuchtende Augen, weil alleine die Vorstellung, diese Antwort wäre wahr, ein Glücksfaktor ist. "Wären Sie gerne Millionär?" "Ja!" Reichtum ermöglicht finanzielle Freiheit und finanzielle Freiheit ermöglicht die Erfüllung der eigenen Wünsche. Jean Meyer begleitet Menschen auf dem Weg in die finanzielle Freiheit. "Geld", so sein Plädoyer, "darf kein emotionales Thema sein. Vielmehr leiten Vernunft, Weitsicht und stetige Berechenbarkeit den Weg zur ersten Million. Nicht das schnelle Geld führt zur Freiheit, sondern die kontinuierlich gesetzten Schritte auf einem Weg, der Freude machen kann, an dessen Rand aber ebenso Gefahren lauern." Mit "Glücksfaktor Geld" bringt Jean Meyer deshalb das Thema Geld auf eine berechenbare Ebene und liefert eine probate Anleitung zur messbaren Geldvermehrung. Er verzichtet dabei aber auf Versprechungen, die einfach verpuffen. "Finanzielle Freiheit", so sein Statement, "geschieht nicht über Nacht. Sie ist die Summe aus Entschlusskraft, Zeit und einem hohen Grad an Verantwortung für sich selbst und andere." Meyer versteht damit sein Buch auch als Entzauberung aller selbsternannten Geldgurus dieser Welt und setzt ihnen mit seinen 10 Geboten ein vernünftiges Credo entgegen. Es lautet: Finanzielle Freiheit ist möglich! Aber es bedarf einer klugen, erfolgserprobten Strategie. Das elfte Gebot, das vielleicht wichtigste, beleuchtet die Persönlichkeit des Lesers, seinen individuellen Zeittakt und seine persönlichen Talente und Stärken, die es ihm ermöglichen, die erste Million auf seinem Konto zu zählen. Das Buch ist ein Ratgeber mit konkreten Handlungsanleitungen, Checklisten, Tests und Tipps. Es benennt die Risiken, ebenso löst es hinderliche Glaubenssätze und innere Blockaden im Umgang mit Geld.

GLUE: Transforming Leadership in a Hybrid World

by John Dore

The adoption of remote, hybrid and flexible working is the new normal. But like the old normal, no one seems very happy. The solution requires a different type of leadership – one that unites, transforms and elevates performance. Leadership that creates glue. With employee engagement, productivity and personal ties on the wane, leaders urgently need to refocus on harnessing relationships, making their organisations more humane, and finding new ways to engage and unleash talent. To do that, the single, most impactful thing leaders can do is to create and nurture an intangible, yet essential, factor called glue. So, this book sets out some ideas about glue: where to look for it, how to use it and, most importantly, how to cultivate glue amongst your most valuable people. It explores the approach of some unusual leaders, and of firms transformed through the ‘organisational advantage’ of smartly configuring and harnessing talent. Using stories from firms such as Alibaba, Apple, Barclays, Sky, Husqvarna Group, HSBC, Space X, Zopa and Richer Sounds, the book shows how leaders can shape the effectiveness of teams, reimagine the workplace, and reinvigorate their business through the talents, ideas and energy of their firm’s best people. This book is for anyone who has a genuine interest in leading others with impact and wants to better unite, transform and elevate their business. Whatever your role, sector or seniority, this book sets out a distinctive vision for the firm and shows the profound impact you can make through creating and nurturing glue.

Gluten-free Bread Technology

by Shabir Ahmad Mir Manzoor Ahmad Shah Afshan Mumtaz Hamdani

Market trend and the increasing diagnoses of celiac disease have encouraged extensive research into the development of gluten-free breads. Generally, the development of bread without gluten involves the use of diverse ingredients and additives aimed at imitating the viscoelastic properties of gluten and consequently obtaining quality bread products. However, developing gluten-free bread remains a technological challenge due to the key role of gluten in the breadmaking process.Gluten-Free Bread Technology provides an overview of all fundamental issues and key factors associated with gluten-free bread technology, with the emphasis on the most recent findings on the subject. The promising results of the reviewed studies indicate that the gluten-free breads developed possess similar or better sensory attributes than those of control formulations, and some are even comparable to their wheat gluten-based counterparts. Chapters of this book focus on the role of additives, dough handling, and the physical, structural, sensory and nutritional properties of the gluten-free bread. The science of gluten intolerance is explained as well. With all relevant literature gathered and summarized in one place, this text will be an essential resource for both food scientists and industry professionals pursuing gluten-free formulations.​

Glynn Roberts: February 2003

by Josh Lerner


GM Food on Trial: Testing European Democracy (Genetics and Society)

by Les Levidow Susan Carr

Europe was told that it had no choice but to accept agbiotech, yet this imperative was turned into a test of democratic accountability for societal choices. Since the late 1990s, European public controversy has kept the agri-biotech industry and its promoters on the defensive. As some opponents and regulators alike have declared, ‘GM food/crops are on trial’. Suspicion of their guilt has been evoked by moral symbols, as disputes over whether genetically-modified products are modest benign improvements on traditional plant breeding, or dangerous Frankenfoods; and in disputes over whether they are global saviours, or control agents of multinational companies. This book examines European institutions being ‘put on trial’ for how their regulatory procedures evaluate and regulate GM products, in ways which opened up alternative futures. Levidow and Carr highlight how public controversy created a legitimacy crisis, leading to national policy changes and demands, in turn stimulating changes in EU agbiotech regulations as a strategy to regain legitimacy.

GM Powertrain

by Mikelle F. Eastley Amy C. Edmondson

Discusses a young MBA plant manager who is improving the operations of a small General Motors components plant in Fredericksburg, Virginia. At 29 years old, Joe Hinrichs is the youngest plant manager at GM, and in his new assignment, he is faced with the daunting challenge of designing and implementing significant manufacturing procedures that will dramatically improve the plant and remove it from its current unprofitable and inefficient state. Aided by the introduction of new carbon fiber technology that has revolutionized the plant's product (the torque converter clutch, a component of the automatic transmission of a car), Hinrichs hopes to keep the plant open by streamlining operations, reducing inventory, redesigning worker jobs, increasing worker commitment, and other improvements. During this process, he must deal with an unexpected union strike, equipment malfunctions, and other problems that threaten the success of the improvement process. He has, however, found unusual ways to overcome these barriers without eroding worker trust. At the end of the case, Hinrichs faces the serious dilemma of what to do about the broken 1,500-ton press, one of the most important machines in the production process. Three options are outlined, each with technical and managerial tradeoffs.

GMAT Critical Reasoning (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides)

by Manhattan Prep

The Critical Reasoning GMAT Strategy Guide demystifies critical reasoning by teaching a clear, consistent, and effective approach to understanding an argumentâ TMs logic and choosing the best answer to the given question. Unlike other guides that attempt to convey everything in a single tome, the Critical Reasoning GMAT Strategy Guide is designed to provide deep, focused coverage of one specialized area tested on the GMAT. As a result, students benefit from thorough and comprehensive subject material, clear explanations of fundamental principles, and step-by-step instructions of important techniques. In-action practice problems and detailed answer explanations challenge the student, while topical sets of Official Guide problems provide the opportunity for further growth. Used by itself or with other Manhattan Prep Strategy Guides, the Critical Reasoning GMAT Strategy Guide will help students develop all the knowledge, skills, and strategic thinking necessary for success on the GMAT.Purchase of this book includes six months of access to Manhattan Prepâ TMs online computer-adaptive GMAT practice exams and Critical Reasoning Question Bank. All of Manhattan Prepâ TMs GMAT Strategy Guides are aligned with both the 2015 Edition and 13th Edition GMAC Official Guide.

GMAT Foundations of Math: 900+ Practice Problems in Book and Online

by Manhattan Prep

Developed for test-takers who need a refresher, GMAT Foundations of Math provides a user-friendly review of basic math concepts crucial for GMAT success.Designed to be user-friendly for all students, GMAT Foundations of Math provides:* Easy-to-follow explanations of fundamental math concepts* Step-by-step application of concepts to example problems* 700+ practice problems and 10 chapters* Purchase of this book includes one year of online access to the Foundations of Math Homework Banks with 400+ extra practice questions and detailed explanations not included in the book.GMAT Foundations of Math is an invaluable resource for any student who wants to cement their understanding and build their basic math skills for the GMAT.

GMAT Fractions, Decimals, & Percents (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides)

by Manhattan Prep

The Fractions, Decimals, & Percents GMAT Strategy Guide delves into all the surprisingly tricky ways to represent and test part-whole relationships on the GMAT. It covers not only fundamental principles and techniques but also nuanced strategies for handling tough GMAT problems that involve fractions, decimals, and percents. Unlike other guides that attempt to convey everything in a single tome, the Fractions, Decimals, & Percents GMAT Strategy Guide is designed to provide deep, focused coverage of one specialized area tested on the GMAT. As a result, students benefit from thorough and comprehensive subject material, clear explanations of fundamental principles, and step-by-step instructions of important techniques. In-action practice problems and detailed answer explanations challenge the student, while topical sets of Official Guide problems provide the opportunity for further growth. Used by itself or with other Manhattan Prep Strategy Guides, the Fractions, Decimals, & Percents GMAT Strategy Guide will help students develop all the knowledge, skills, and strategic thinking necessary for success on the GMAT.Purchase of this book includes six months of access to Manhattan Prepâ TMs online computer-adaptive GMAT practice exams and Fractions, Decimals, & Percents Question Bank. All of Manhattan Prepâ TMs GMAT Strategy Guides are aligned with both the 2015 Edition and 13th Edition GMAC Official Guide.

GMAT Geometry (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides)

by Manhattan Prep

The Geometry GMAT Strategy Guide equips you with powerful tools to grasp and solve every geometry problem tested on the GMAT. It covers not only fundamental geometric principles and techniques but also nuanced strategies for tackling tricky questions involving polygons, the coordinate plane, and many other topics.Unlike other guides that attempt to convey everything in a single tome, the Geometry GMAT Strategy Guide is designed to provide deep, focused coverage of one specialized area tested on the GMAT. As a result, students benefit from thorough and comprehensive subject material, clear explanations of fundamental principles, and step-by-step instructions of important techniques. In-action practice problems and detailed answer explanations challenge the student, while topical sets of Official Guide problems provide the opportunity for further growth. Used by itself or with other Manhattan Prep Strategy Guides, the Geometry GMAT Strategy Guide will help students develop all the knowledge, skills, and strategic thinking necessary for success on the GMAT.Purchase of this book includes six months of access to Manhattan Prepâ TMs online computer-adaptive GMAT practice exams and Geometry Question Bank. All of Manhattan Prepâ TMs GMAT Strategy Guides are aligned with both the 2015 Edition and 13th Edition GMAC Official Guide.

GMAT Integrated Reasoning and Essay (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides)

by Manhattan Prep

The Integrated Reasoning and Essay GMAT Strategy Guide demystifies the Integrated Reasoning section, which demands a blend of mathematical and verbal proficiency. This book equips students with the core strategies and tools for tackling difficult Integrated Reasoning questions. It also provides effective techniques for approaching the essay portion of the GMAT.Unlike other guides that attempt to convey everything in a single tome, the Integrated Reasoning and Essay GMAT Strategy Guide is designed to provide deep, focused coverage of one specialized area tested on the GMAT. As a result, students benefit from thorough and comprehensive subject material, clear explanations of fundamental principles, and step-by-step instructions of important techniques. In-action practice problems and detailed answer explanations challenge the student, while topical sets of Official Guide problems provide the opportunity for further growth. Used by itself or with other Manhattan Prep Strategy Guides, the Integrated Reasoning and Essay GMAT Strategy Guide will help students develop all the knowledge, skills, and strategic thinking necessary for success on the GMAT.Purchase of this book includes six months of access to Manhattan Prepâ TMs online computer-adaptive GMAT practice exams and Integrated Reasoning and Essay Question Bank. All of Manhattan Prepâ TMs GMAT Strategy Guides are aligned with both the 2015 Edition and 13th Edition GMAC Official Guide.

GMAT Number Properties (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides)

by Manhattan Prep

The Number Properties GMAT Strategy Guide delves into all the characteristics of numbers tested on the GMAT, covering both simple and complicated concepts. Using the fundamental techniques and nuanced strategies developed in this guide, students will be able to tackle even the toughest GMAT problems involving prime numbers, consecutive integers, and many other topics.Unlike other guides that attempt to convey everything in a single tome, the Number Properties GMAT Strategy Guide is designed to provide deep, focused coverage of one specialized area tested on the GMAT. As a result, students benefit from thorough and comprehensive subject material, clear explanations of fundamental principles, and step-by-step instructions of important techniques. In-action practice problems and detailed answer explanations challenge the student, while topical sets of Official Guide problems provide the opportunity for further growth. Used by itself or with other Manhattan Prep Strategy Guides, the Number Properties GMAT Strategy Guide will help students develop all the knowledge, skills, and strategic thinking necessary for success on the GMAT.Purchase of this book includes six months of access to Manhattan Prepâ TMs online computer-adaptive GMAT practice exams and Number Properties Question Bank. All of Manhattan Prepâ TMs GMAT Strategy Guides are aligned with both the 2015 Edition and 13th Edition GMAC Official Guide.

GMAT Official Guide 2018

by Graduate Management Admission Council

The GMAT Official Guide 2018 is the definitive guide from the Graduate Management Admission Council, the makers of the GMAT exam. It contains over 900 real GMAT questions from past exams, including 130 never-before-seen questions.

GMAT Official Guide 2020: Book + Online Question Bank

by Gmac

Your GMAT™ prep begins here. Designed by the makers of the GMAT exam. Study with confidence. All GMAT™ Official Prep products are the only prep resources containing real GMAT™ questions from past exams. It’s why we are official. Get comprehensive practice by studying with 1,172 questions across quantitative and verbal reasoning from past GMAT™ exams. Answer explanations are included so that you can study the reasoning behind the answers to help improve your understanding and performance. The questions in each section are organized by difficulty level: easy, medium and hard. Start at the beginning and work your way up to the harder questions as you build upon your knowledge.

GMAT Official Guide 2022: Book + Online Question Bank


Your official source of real GMAT practice questions. <p><p> Study with practice questions from past GMAT exams. Your GMAT prep is comprised of comprehensive practice by studying with over 1,000 questions across quantitative and verbal reasoning, analytical writing, and integrated reasoning. Answer explanations are included so that you can study the reasoning behind the answers to help improve your performance. <p><p>The questions in each section are organized by difficulty level: easy, medium and hard. Start at the beginning and work your way up to the hard questions as you build upon your knowledge.

GMAT Roadmap: Expert Advice Through Test Day

by Manhattan Prep

The GMAT Roadmap guide provides the definitive blueprint for students to follow as they get ready for the GMAT. All the test-taking wisdom gathered over the years by Manhattan Prep GMAT instructors has been distilled into practical advice and helpful tips.Success of the GMAT requires far more than content knowledge â " it requires excellent strategy and proper execution of that strategy. The Guide helps students map out their studying, stick to their game plan, and manage test anxiety on the GMAT itself. Itâ TMs like having a Manhattan Prep instructor at your fingertips!Purchase of this book includes six months of access to 6 full-length, computer-adaptive practice exams. All of Manhattan Prepâ TMs GMAT Strategy Guides are aligned with both the 2015 Edition and 13th Edition GMAC Official Guide.

GMAT Sentence Correction (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides)

by Manhattan Prep

The industry-leading Sentence Correction GMAT Strategy Guide delves into every major principle and minor subtlety of grammar tested on the GMAT. From its comprehensive list of GMAT-specific idioms to its tailored coverage of topics such as pronouns and parallelism, this guide teaches exactly what students need for GMAT Sentence Correctionâ "and nothing that they donâ TMt.Unlike other guides that attempt to convey everything in a single tome, the Sentence Correction GMAT Strategy Guide is designed to provide deep, focused coverage of one specialized area tested on the GMAT. As a result, students benefit from thorough and comprehensive subject material, clear explanations of fundamental principles, and step-by-step instructions of important techniques. In-action practice problems and detailed answer explanations challenge the student, while topical sets of Official Guide problems provide the opportunity for further growth. Used by itself or with other Manhattan Prep Strategy Guides, the Sentence Correction GMAT Strategy Guide will help students develop all the knowledge, skills, and strategic thinking necessary for success on the GMAT.Purchase of this book includes six months of access to Manhattan Prepâ TMs online computer-adaptive GMAT practice exams and Sentence Correction Question Bank. All of Manhattan Prepâ TMs GMAT Strategy Guides are aligned with both the 2015 Edition and 13th Edition GMAC Official Guide.

GMAT Word Problems (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides)

by Manhattan Prep

The Word Problems GMAT Strategy Guide demystifies the most challenging of math questions on the GMATâ "the word problem. This book equips students with broad, powerful strategies, as well as specific tools, for tackling GMAT word problems in all their various guises.Unlike other guides that attempt to convey everything in a single tome, the Word Problems GMAT Strategy Guide is designed to provide deep, focused coverage of one specialized area tested on the GMAT. As a result, students benefit from thorough and comprehensive subject material, clear explanations of fundamental principles, and step-by-step instructions of important techniques. In-action practice problems and detailed answer explanations challenge the student, while topical sets of Official Guide problems provide the opportunity for further growth. Used by itself or with other Manhattan Prep Strategy Guides, the Word Problems GMAT Strategy Guide will help students develop all the knowledge, skills, and strategic thinking necessary for success on the GMAT.Purchase of this book includes six months of access to Manhattan Prepâ TMs online computer-adaptive GMAT practice exams and Word Problems Question Bank. All of Manhattan Prepâ TMs GMAT Strategy Guides are aligned with both the 2015 Edition and 13th Edition GMAC Official Guide.

GmbH-Geschäftsführung für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Claudia Ossola-Haring

Wer GmbH-Geschäftsführer wird, der tut gut daran, sich genau zu informieren, welche Rechten und Pflichten mit dieser Position verbunden sind. Welche Formalien sind zu beachten? Auf welche möglichen Fallstricke sollte man beim Geschäftsführervertrag ein Auge haben? Welche rechtlichen und steuerlichen Implikationen hat das alles? Claudia Ossola-Haring bietet in ihrem Buch insbesondere angehenden GmbH-Geschäftsführern einen verständlichen und praxisnahen Rundumblick. Sie spannt den Bogen von der Bestellung bis zur Amtsniederlegung und geht auch auf den Sonderfall des geschäftsführenden Gesellschafters ein.

GmbH-Geschäftsführung für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Claudia Ossola-Haring

Wer GmbH-Geschäftsführer wird, der tut gut daran, sich genau zu informieren, welche Rechten und Pflichten mit dieser Position verbunden sind. Welche Formalien sind zu beachten? Auf welche möglichen Fallstricke sollte man beim Geschäftsführervertrag ein Auge haben? Welche rechtlichen und steuerlichen Implikationen hat das alles? Claudia Ossola-Haring bietet in ihrem Buch insbesondere angehenden GmbH-Geschäftsführern einen verständlichen und praxisnahen Rundumblick. Sie spannt den Bogen von der Bestellung bis zur Amtsniederlegung und geht auch auf den Sonderfall des geschäftsführenden Gesellschafters ein.

GmbH-Gründung für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Claudia Ossola-Haring

Dieses Buch begleitet Sie von den Vorüberlegungen, ob die GmbH die richtige Unternehmensform für Ihr Unternehmen ist, über die Eintragung der Gesellschaft, die Formulierung der Satzung und die Bestellung des Geschäftsführers bis zu den ersten Schritten der frisch gebackenen Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung. Claudia Ossola-Haring erklärt, wie Rechte und Pflichten in der GmbH verteilt sind und welche Haftungsfragen, rechtlichen und steuerlichen Besonderheiten zu beachten sind. Dabei geht sie auch auf Stolperfallen ein, in die Sie Dank dieses Buchs nicht mehr tappen werden.

GmbH-Gründung für Ingenieure und Softwareentwickler: Ein Styleguide zur Selbstständigkeit (essentials)

by Falk Wurster Karsten Dallmeyer

Dieses essential beschreibt den Ablauf einer erfolgreichen GmbH-Gründung aus der Perspektive von Softwareingenieuren. Im Vergleich zu anderen Start-up-Sachbüchern werden Strategien und mögliche Lösungswege anhand von Analogien zur Softwarearchitektur aufgezeigt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei vor allem auf der Planung und Spezifikation in der Vorbereitungsphase. Entlang des roten Fadens der Gründungsvorbereitung und Nachgründungsphase werden wichtige Aspekte und Abhängigkeiten zur Entscheidungsfindung beschrieben. Das essential ist keine Ansammlung trockener Checklisten, sondern begleitet unterhaltsam und praxisnah auf dem Weg in die Selbstständigkeit.

GmbH-Handbuch für den Mittelstand

by Heinz-Peter Verspay

Die GmbH ist mit mehr als einer Million Gesellschaften die häufigste Gesellschaftsform für Kapitalgesellschaften in Deutschland. Das große Interesse an ihr beruht auf dem Bedürfnis, die aus der Geschäftstätigkeit folgende Haftung der Gesellschafter auszuschließen. Für Verbindlichkeiten der GmbH haftet deren Gläubigern grundsätzlich nur das Gesellschaftsvermögen. Mit diesem Buch werden die Gründung der GmbH einschließlich der Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) und die mit dieser Rechtsform verbundenen Besonderheiten bei den bestehenden Gesellschaften für den Praktiker dargestellt. Das Buch informiert Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter einer GmbH über ihre Funktionen und ihre Rechte und Pflichten.Die Erstauflage dieses Buches war zum Inkrafttreten der großen GmbH-Reform Ende 2008 fertiggestellt worden. Die von den Fachleuten einhellig begrüßte Reform, mit der die Rechtsform der GmbH durch Deregulierung und Modernisierung attraktiver gemacht werden sollte, warein "großer Wurf". Die 3. Auflage kann sich angesichts der Vielzahl der seitdem ergangenen gerichtlichen Entscheidungen auf eine verfestigte Rechtsprechung stützen. Sie umfasst darüber hinaus die zwischenzeitlich erfolgten Änderungen und Erweiterungen der für die GmbH maßgeblichen Gesetzesbestimmungen. Das Buch setzt keine juristischen Vorkenntnisse voraus. Aufgrund der tiefen Gliederung und des ausführlichen Sachverzeichnisses eignet es sich hervorragend als Nachschlagewerk für den Praktiker.

GmbH-Recht: Was Geschäftsführer und Manager wissen müssen

by Ulrich Stache

Der erfahrene Rechtsexperte führt anschaulich in das GmbH-Recht ein und beschreibt u. a. wie man eine GmbH errichtet, welche Verantwortung ein Geschäftsführer hat, welche Fragen sich bei Finanzierung und Rechnungslegung stellen oder welche steuerlichen Vorschriften zu berücksichtigen sind.

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