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Global Political Economy

by Theodore H. Cohn

Praised for its authoritative coverage, Global Political Economy places the study of IPE in its broadest theoretical context. This text not only helps students understand the fundamentals of how the global economy works but also encourages them to use theory to more fully grasp the connections between key issue areas like trade and development. Written by a leading IPE scholar, Global Political Economy equally emphasizes theory and practice to provide a framework for analyzing current events and long-term developments in the global economy.

Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice

by Theodore H. Cohn

Praised for its authoritative coverage, Global Political Economy places the study of international political economy (IPE) in its broadest theoretical contextnow updated to cover the continuing global economic crisis and regional relationships and impacts. This text not only helps students understand the fundamentals of how the global economy works but also encourages them to use theory to more fully grasp the connections between key issue areas like trade and development. Written by a leading IPE scholar, this text equally emphasizes theory and practice to provide a framework for analyzing current events and long-term developments in the global economy. New to the Seventh Edition Focuses on the ongoing global economic crisis and the continuing European sovereign debt crisis, along with other regional economic issues, including their implications for relationships in the global economy. Offers fuller and updated discussions of critical perspectives like feminism and environmentalism, and includes new material differentiating among the terms neomercantilism, realism, mercantilism, and economic nationalism. Updated, author-written Test Bank is provided to professors as an e-Resource on the book's Webpage.

Global Political Economy: A Critique of Contemporary Capitalism

by V. Upadhyay Paramjit Singh

The present volume makes students and researchers familiar with contemporary issues in global political economy with a focus on the working of global capitalism in the last four to five decades. The volume covers a wide range of issues from conceptual questions to empirical investigation with the aim to promote a critical understanding of the major challenges posed by contemporary capitalism. It contains contributions of leading political economists from India and abroad. The volume will be a significant resource for developing a graduate course in global political economy.Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the Hardback in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Global Political Economy and the Wealth of Nations: Performance, Institutions, Problems and Policies

by Phillip O'Hara

This comprehensive collection documents the major processes, performance, institutions, problems and policies associated with global political economy. For the first time in a single volume, the authors present a detailed analysis of the changing distribution and production of wealth throughout the world, different measures of performance, the glob

Global Political Economy, Geopolitics and International Security: The World in Permacrisis

by Omprakash Mishra Souradeep Sen

The volume delves into the intricate web of contemporary permacrisis rooted in the strategic imperatives of nation-states. Through a historical lens, it navigates the evolving landscape of international politics, tracing the transition of power dynamics from purely military to a fusion of economic and military prowess. The contributions in the volume argue that this shift has redefined the traditional balance of power, with economic instruments emerging as potent tools for geopolitical manoeuvring. Examining the interplay of geopolitical, geoeconomic, and security imperatives, it scrutinises the complex relationships that often perpetuate crises instead of global stability. It sheds light on the unprecedented hybridity of modern warfare, where military and economic dimensions intertwine, exemplified by the ongoing tensions between the liberal international order on the one hand, and Russia and China on the other. Recognising this complexity, the volume raises concerns about the uneven capacity of states to navigate these imperatives. Beneficial for specialists in International Relations and Strategic Studies, policymakers, security experts, scholars, and postgraduate students, this comprehensive volume offers insights into the intricate dynamics of geopolitics, political economy, and security issues of our time.

The Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights: The New Enclosures? (RIPE Series in Global Political Economy)

by Christopher May

It has become a commonplace that there has been an information revolution, transforming both society and the economy. In 1995 the Trade Related Intellectual Property (TRIPs) agreement aimed to harmonise protection for property in knowledge throughout the global system.This book considers the contemporary disputes about the ownership of knowledge resources - as in the cases of genetically modified foods, the music industry or the internet - and the problematic nature of the TRIPs agreement. In this highly topical book, Christopher May reveals that, because of such problems, at present the balance in intellectual property rights between public good and private reward is more often than not weighted towards the latter.

The Global Political Economy of the Household in Asia

by Juanita Elias Samanthi J. Gunawardana

The household has traditionally been neglected in studies of Asian political economy. While there is an emergent literature that looks at this relationship, to date, it is fragmented. The contributors consider how the household economy has increasingly been incorporated into development planning and policy making within both states and multilateral development agencies. They examine the social consequences of the tendency to view households as marketizable spaces, and explore how the household economy relates to broader structures of industrial production in the region. With case studies on Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and China, they provide a comprehensive picture of the centrality of the household economy to ongoing processes and struggles associated with the continuous economic transformation of the region.

The Global Political Economy of Trade Protectionism and Liberalization: Trade Reform and Economic Adjustment in Textiles and Clothing (RIPE Series in Global Political Economy)

by Tony Heron

Given the widely-accepted premise that free trade is the best means of maximising overall societal welfare, why has it proven so difficult to achieve in certain industries? This book tackles arguably the most perennial and deep-rooted of all questions in political economy, and questions the incumbent orthodox liberal theories of collective action. Using a historical institutionalist framework to explore and explain the political economy of trade protectionism and liberalization, this book is based on detailed case studies of the textiles and clothing sector in the EU, United States, China, Caribbean Basin and sub-Saharan Africa. From this, the book expands to discuss the origins of trade protectionism and examine the wider political effects of liberalization, offering an explanation of why a successful conclusion to the WTO ‘Doha’ round has proven to be so elusive. The book argues that the regulation of global trade - and the economic consequences that this has for both developed and developing countries - has been the result of the particular way in which trade preferences are mediated through political institutions. The Global Political Economy of Trade Protectionism and Liberalization will be of interest to those studying and researching international and comparative political economy, developing area studies, economics, law and geography.

Global Political Economy (Sixth Edition)

by Theodore H. Cohn

This text not only helps students understand the fundamentals of how the global economy works but also encourages them to use theory to more fully grasp the connections between key issue areas like trade and development. Written by a leading IPE scholar, Global Political Economy equally emphasizes theory and practice to provide a framework for analyzing current events and long-term developments in the global economy.

Global Port Cities in North America: Urbanization Processes and Global Production Networks (Routledge Advances in Geography #13)

by Boris Vormann

As the material anchors of globalization, North America’s global port cities channel flows of commodities, capital, and tourists. This book explores how economic globalization processes have shaped these cities' political institutions, social structures, and urban identities since the mid-1970s. Although the impacts of financialization on global cities have been widely discussed, it is curious that how the global integration of commodity chains actually happens spatially — creating a quantitatively new, global organization of production, distribution, and consumption processes — remains understudied. The book uses New York City, Los Angeles, Vancouver, and Montreal as case studies of how once-redundant spaces have been reorganized, and crucially, reinterpreted, so as to accommodate new flows of goods and people — and how, in these processes, social, environmental, and security costs of global production networks have been shifted to the public.

Global Poverty Alleviation: A Case Book

by Pauline J. Albert Patricia Werhane Tim Rolph

This case book provides examples of multi-stakeholder partnerships that aim to create sustainable enterprises for both the for-profit sectors and for individuals who live in conditions of poverty. Ideal for teaching, after a brief introduction to the case method, the cases are presented as descriptions with no comments or criticisms. The cases are arranged thematically and cover a broad array of solutions in diverse countries including India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Tanzania, the United States, South Africa, Mozambique, Peru, Ghana, Haiti,and Mexico. Specific programs for alleviating--or even eradicating--poverty through profitable partnerships come from myriad sectors such as banking, health, education, infrastructure development, environment, and technology. The cases highlight solutions that focus on bringing about substantive shifts in the conditions of life for those living in poverty. ​

Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights: The Role of Multilateral Organisations (Rethinking Globalizations)

by Desmond McNeill Asunción Lera StClair

Severe poverty is one of the greatest moral challenges of our times. But what place, if any, do ethical thinking and questions of global justice have in the policies and practice of international organizations? This books examines this question in depth, based on an analysis of the two major multilateral development organizations - the World Bank and the UNDP - and two specific initiatives where poverty and ethics or human rights have been explicitly in focus: in the Inter-American Development Bank and UNESCO. The current development aid framework may be seen as seeking to make globalization work for the poor; and multilateral organizations such as these are powerful global actors, whether by virtue of their financial resources, or in their role as global norm-setting bodies and as sources of hegemonic knowledge about poverty. Drawing on their backgrounds in political economy, ethics and sociology of knowledge, as well as their inside knowledge of some of the case studies, the authors show how, despite the rhetoric, issues of ethics and human rights have – for very varying reasons and in differing ways – been effectively prevented from impinging on actual practice. Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights will be of interest to researchers and advanced students, as well as practitioners and activists, in the fields of international relations, development studies, and international political economy. It will also be of relevance for political philosophy, human rights, development ethics and applied ethics more generally.

Global Power Europe - Vol. 1

by Aukje Van Loon Jan-Frederik Kremer Astrid Boening

This two-volume project provides a multi-sectoral perspective over the EU's external projections from traditional as well as critical theoretical and institutional perspectives, and is supported by numerous case studies covering the whole extent of the EU's external relations. The aim is to strive to present new approaches as well as detailed background studies in analyzing the EU as a global actor.<P><P> Volume 1: The first volume "Theoretical and Institutional Approaches to the EU's External Relations" addresses the EU's overall external post-Lisbon Treaty presence both globally and regionally (e.g. in its "neighborhood"), with a special emphasis on the EU's institutional framework. It also offers fresh and innovative theoretical approaches to understanding the EU's international position. - With a preface by Alvaro de Vasoncelos (former Director European Union Institute for Security Studies)<P> Volume 2: The second volume "Policies, Actions and Influence of the EU's External Relations", examines in both quantitative and qualitative contributions the EU's international efficacy from a political, economic and social perspective based on a plethora of its engagements.

Global Power Europe - Vol. 2

by Aukje Van Loon Jan-Frederik Kremer Astrid Boening

This two-volume project provides a multi-sectoral perspective over the EU's external projections from traditional as well as critical theoretical and institutional perspectives, and is supported by numerous case studies covering the whole extent of the EU's external relations. The aim is to strive to present new approaches as well as detailed background studies in analyzing the EU as a global actor.<P><P> Volume 1: The first volume "Theoretical and Institutional Approaches to the EU's External Relations" addresses the EU's overall external post-Lisbon Treaty presence both globally and regionally (e.g. in its "neighborhood"), with a special emphasis on the EU's institutional framework. It also offers fresh and innovative theoretical approaches to understanding the EU's international position. - With a preface by Alvaro de Vasoncelos (former Director European Union Institute for Security Studies)<P> Volume 2: The second volume "Policies, Actions and Influence of the EU's External Relations", examines in both quantitative and qualitative contributions the EU's international efficacy from a political, economic and social perspective based on a plethora of its engagements.

The Global PR Revolution: How Thought Leaders Succeed in the Transformed World of PR

by Maxim Behar

“An excellent guide.” —Paul Holmes, The Holmes ReportPR is everything and everywhere. Now more than ever, managing social media is a nuanced and dynamic field that requires the sophisticated touch of a trained professional. What was effective ten or even five years ago is no longer relevant. In The Global PR Revolution, public relations expert Maxim Behar shows readers how to master current approaches, create content that meets a client’s needs, and evolve with ever-changing trends. Complete with insights from over seventy PR leaders worldwide, this authoritative guide discusses such topics as: The New Rules of Social MediaHow to Speak the Language of PRModern PR Skills and ToolsHow to Measure ImpactThe Effect of Total Transparency on BusinessesInternational Perspectives on the MediaThe Future of the Industry Behar’s knowledge, experience, and down-to-earth writing will keep readers engrossed while refining their understanding of public relations. By the time they finish, they’ll be well on their way to becoming experts in the field.

Global Private Banking and Wealth Management

by David Maude

Wealth management is one of the areas in which banks and other personal financial services players are investing heavily. But the market is changing fast. Going forward, players therefore need to adapt their strategies to the new realities: what worked in the past will not, for the most part, be appropriate in the future. This unique book, written by a former McKinsey consultant, offers an up-to-date, detailed, practical understanding of this exciting area of financial services.

Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism

by Richard H. Robbins

<p>Examines the development and impact of capitalist culture. <p>From its roots more than 500 years ago to the present day, capitalism expanded from Western Europe to the United States and then to much of the rest of the world. This expansion has not gone uncontested; resistance has been both direct and indirect, including political, religious, and social protest, and even revolution. How and why capitalist culture developed and the reasons why some groups resisted and continue to resist its development are among the issues explored in Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, 6/e.</p>

Global Problems, Smart Solutions

by Bjørn Lomborg

Every four years since 2004, the Copenhagen Consensus Center has organized and hosted a high profile thought experiment about how a hypothetical extra $75 billion of development assistance money might best be spent to solve twelve of the major crises facing the world today. Collated in this specially commissioned book, a group of more than 50 experts make their cases for investment, discussing how to combat problems ranging from armed conflicts, corruption and trade barriers, to natural disasters, hunger, education and climate change. For each case, 'Alternative Perspectives' are also included to provide a critique and make other suggestions for investment. In addition, a panel of senior economists, including four Nobel Laureates, rank the attractiveness of each policy proposal in terms of its anticipated cost-benefit ratio. This thought-provoking book opens up debate, encouraging readers to come up with their own rankings and decide which solutions are smarter than others.

Global Product Development: Proceedings of the 20th CIRP Design Conference, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France, 19th-21st April 2010

by Alain Bernard

This book of proceedings is the synthesis of all the papers, including keynotes presented during the 20th CIRP Design conference. The book is structured with respect to several topics, in fact the main topics that serve at structuring the program. For each of them, high quality papers are provided. The main topic of the conference was Global Product Development. This includes technical, organizational, informational, theoretical, environmental, performance evaluation, knowledge management, and collaborative aspects. Special sessions were related to innovation, in particular extraction of knowledge from patents.

Global Production

by Pol Antràs

Global Production is the first book to provide a fully comprehensive overview of the complicated issues facing multinational companies and their global sourcing strategies. Few international trade transactions today are based on the exchange of finished goods; rather, the majority of transactions are dominated by sales of individual components and intermediary services. Many firms organize global production around offshoring parts, components, and services to producers in distant countries, and contracts are drawn up specific to the parties and distinct legal systems involved. Pol Antràs examines the contractual frictions that arise in the international system of production and how these frictions influence the world economy.Antràs discusses the inevitable complications that develop in contract negotiation and execution. He provides a unified framework that sheds light on the factors helping global firms determine production locations and other organizational choices. Antràs also implements a series of systematic empirical tests, based on recent data from the U.S. Customs and Census Offices, which demonstrate the relevance of contractual factors in global production decisions. Using an integrated approach, Global Production is an excellent resource for researchers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates interested in the inner workings of international economics and trade.

Global Production and Domestic Decay: Plant Closings in the U.S. (Studies on Industrial Productivity: Selected Works)

by Brian D. Phillips

First Published in 1942. Phillips has written an important study covering three areas: three areas: theoretical, empirical, and public policy. This book explores some of the explanations for and consequences of globalized production by transnational corporations. A review of the theoretical underpinnings of the reasons for corporate overseas expansion precedes a discussion of transnational corporation overseas production facilities. The literature reviewed supports the position that the exodus of manufacturing capital has been assisted by state policy which has encouraged capital flight, and that corporate efforts to downsize manufacturing operations in the United States have added to corporate profitability and championed profits over the strengthening the domestic economy.

Global Production and Domestic Decay: Plant Closings in the U.S.

by Brian D. Phillips

First Published in 1942. Phillips has written an important study covering three areas: three areas: theoretical, empirical, and public policy. This book explores some of the explanations for and consequences of globalized production by transnational corporations. A review of the theoretical underpinnings of the reasons for corporate overseas expansion precedes a discussion of transnational corporation overseas production facilities. The literature reviewed supports the position that the exodus of manufacturing capital has been assisted by state policy which has encouraged capital flight, and that corporate efforts to downsize manufacturing operations in the United States have added to corporate profitability and championed profits over the strengthening the domestic economy.

Global Production Networks: Operations Design and Management, Second Edition

by Ander Errasti

The phenomenon of globalization has increased in recent decades due to the opening of borders in Eastern Europe and the sudden emergence of other countries in the global trade economy. Yet, the process of becoming global to get access to growing markets or to achieve quality, service, and/or cost advantages from the reconfigured Value Chains is one

Global Productivity: Trends, Drivers, and Policies

by Alistair Dieppe

The COVID-19 pandemic struck the global economy after a decade that featured a broad-based slowdown in productivity growth. Global Productivity: Trends, Drivers, and Policies presents the first comprehensive analysis of the evolution and drivers of productivity growth, examines the effects of COVID-19 on productivity, and discusses a wide range of policies needed to rekindle productivity growth. The book also provides a far-reaching data set of multiple measures of productivity for up to 164 advanced economies and emerging market and developing economies, and it introduces a new sectoral database of productivity. The World Bank has created an extraordinary book on productivity, covering a large group of countries and using a wide variety of data sources. There is an emphasis on emerging and developing economies, whereas the prior literature has concentrated on developed economies. The book seeks to understand growth patterns and quantify the role of (among other things) the reallocation of factors, technological change, and the impact of natural disasters, including the COVID-19 pandemic. This book is must-reading for specialists in emerging economies but also provides deep insights for anyone interested in economic growth and productivity. Martin Neil Baily Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution Former Chair, U.S. President’s Council of Economic Advisers This is an important book at a critical time. As the book notes, global productivity growth had already been slowing prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and collapses with the pandemic. If we want an effective recovery, we have to understand what was driving these long-run trends. The book presents a novel global approach to examining the levels, growth rates, and drivers of productivity growth. For anyone wanting to understand or influence productivity growth, this is an essential read. Nicholas Bloom William D. Eberle Professor of Economics, Stanford University The COVID-19 pandemic hit a global economy that was already struggling with an adverse pre-existing condition—slow productivity growth. This extraordinarily valuable and timely book brings considerable new evidence that shows the broad-based, long-standing nature of the slowdown. It is comprehensive, with an exceptional focus on emerging market and developing economies. Importantly, it shows how severe disasters (of which COVID-19 is just the latest) typically harm productivity. There are no silver bullets, but the book suggests sensible strategies to improve growth prospects. John Fernald Schroders Chaired Professor of European Competitiveness and Reform and Professor of Economics, INSEAD

Global Project Finance, Human Rights and Sustainable Development

by David Ong Sheldon Leader

Many infrastructure projects around the world are funded through the project finance method, which combines private financing with public sector backing from multilateral finance institutions such as the World Bank. This examination of the theoretical and practical implications of such funding begins with a discussion of the relationship between the financial structuring of these projects and finance, policy and legal disciplines, especially in the form of investment law, human rights and environmental law. A number of case studies are then examined to provide practical insights into the application (or otherwise) of human rights and sustainable development objectives within such projects. While these theoretical perspectives do not conclude that the project finance method detracts from the application or implementation of human rights and sustainable development objectives, they do highlight the potential for the prioritisation of investment returns at the expense of human rights and environmental protection standards.

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