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Greenspan, an Enviable Record: Greenspan's Successes as Fed Chairman

by Ethan S. Harris

In the latter half of his Fed chairmanship, Greenspan was considered the rock star of the economic and financial world. This chapter looks at the successes that propelled him to iconic status.

Greenspan, to Err is Human: The Downside of Greenspan's Chairmanship

by Ethan S. Harris

Alan Greenspan surely deserves credit for the strong performance of the economy during his Fed chairmanship, but he also had some notable mistakes, including thrusting himself unnecessarily into political matters and failing to respond to bubbles in asset markets.

Greentailing and Other Revolutions in Retail: Hot Ideas That Are Grabbing Customers' Attention and Raising Profits

by Willard N. Ander Neil Z. Stern

An introduction to greentailing and the five other biggest trends in the retail business In their newest book on retailing, authors Stern and Ander examine the revolutions occurring in the retail marketplace, with particular emphasis on the influential green trend in retailing, or Greentailing. Greentailing is capitalizing on the huge and growing demand for organic, sustainable and wellness-related products. As it evolves, greentailing will force both suppliers and retailers alike in every category to take notice. Leading edge greentailers like Whole Foods and Wal*Mart continue to grow and innovate at rates much faster than traditional competitors, and are forcing competitive responses. The authors explain how any retail store or manufacturer can implement these ideas and raise profits, using case studies from successful greentailers. In addition to greentailing, the book examines five other top retail trends: Demographic Shifts Provide Retail Opportunities Moving Up the Ladder--Growth of Experiential Retailing--How to Drive Sales and Profits Beyond Price Getting Outside the Box--New Ways to Reach the Consumer--The Growth of Non-Store Retailing Selling Services, Not Just products Brands Going Retail--The Battle for Control of the Customer Very much a follow up to their first book, Winning at Retail: Developing a Sustained Model for Retail Success, Greentailing and Other Revolutions in Retail addresses all the latest trends in the retail industry and presents unbeatable advice on quickly responding to changes in customer demographics and competition. Retail is all about the customer, and as customers and their tastes change, this one-of-a-kind resource shows retailers and manufacturers how to keep up and innovate.

"GreenTool" als Grundlage für das CO2-Management: Ein CO2-Berechnungs-Werkzeug für mittelständische Logistikdienstleister (Advanced Purchasing & SCM #5)

by Thorsten Klaas-Wissing Markus Gogolin

Weltweit verursachen Transport und Verkehr etwa ein Drittel der CO2-Emissionen, davon entfallen 75 Prozent auf den Straßenverkehr. NGOs, der Gesetzgeber aber auch Verlader fordern daher zunehmend Transparenz und die Senkung von CO2-Emissionen, was dazu geführt hat, dass sich CO2-Management für Logistikdienstleister zu einem strategischen Zukunftsthema entwickelt hat. Führende Logistikdienstleister setzen sich mit dem Thema CO2-Management intensiv auseinander und haben zur Erfassung und zum Reporting von Emissionskennzahlen weitgehend unternehmensindividuelle Lösungsansätze erarbeitet. Insbesondere mittelständische Logistikdienstleister stehen aber vor der Herausforderung, trotz schlanker Geschäftsstrukturen und begrenzter finanzieller sowie personeller Ressourcen, kontinuierlich Wissen aufzubauen und ein geeignetes operatives Instrumentarium für das CO2-Management zu entwickeln.

Greenwashing: Wirkungsvolle Ansätze zur Identifikation und Vermeidung (essentials)

by Stefan Nertinger Michael Hans Kraft Ronald Ivancic

"Tue Gutes und sprich darüber" – aber wie funktioniert das glaubwürdig? Das essential beleuchtet verschiedene Facetten des Greenwashings, bei denen Aktivitäten irreführend ein höheres Maß an Engagement suggerieren, als tatsächlich vorhanden ist. Ausgehend von der Analyse der Dilemmata der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation werden Instrumente und Ansätze aufgezeigt, wie diese praxistauglich überwunden werden können. Für Organisationen wird ein Selbstevaluationstool aufgezeigt, auf Basis dessen die richtigen Hebel zur Vermeidung und Schadensprävention von Greenwashing angewandt werden können.

The Greenway Imperative: Connecting Communities and Landscapes for a Sustainable Future

by Charles A. Flink

Trailblazing greenway projects from vision to reality In this eye-opening journey through some of America’s most innovative landscape architecture projects, Charles Flink shows why we urgently need greenways. A leading authority in greenway planning, design, and development, Flink presents inspiring examples of communities that have come together to build permanent spaces for the life-sustaining power of nature. The Greenway Imperative reveals the stories behind a variety of multiuse natural corridors, taking readers to Grand Canyon National Park, suburban North Carolina, the banks of the Miami River, and many other settings. Flink, who was closely involved with each of the projects in this book during his 35-year career, introduces the people who jumpstarted these initiatives and the challenges they overcame in achieving them. Flink explains why open green spaces are increasingly critical today. “Much more than a path through the woods,” he says, greenways conserve irreplaceable real estate for the environment, serve as essential green infrastructure, shape the way people travel within their communities, reduce impact from flooding and other natural disasters, and boost the economies of cities and towns. Greenways can and should dramatically reshape the landscape of America in the coming years, Flink argues. He provides valuable reflections and guidance on how we can create resilient communities and satisfy the human need for connection with the natural world.

Greenwich Village 1913: Suffrage, Labor, And The New Woman

by Mary Jane Treacy

In this Reacting to the Past game, the classroom is transformed into Greenwich Village in 1913, where rebellious “free spirits” gather. Exposed to ideas like woman suffrage, socialism, birth control, and anarchism, students experiment with forms of political participation and bohemian self-discovery. Reacting to the Past is an award-winning series of immersive role-playing games that actively engage students in their own learning. Students assume the roles of historical characters and practice critical thinking, primary source analysis, and argument, both written and spoken.

Greg Mazur and the Purchase of Great Eastern Premium Pet Foods

by Richard S. Ruback Royce Yudkoff

Greg Mazur decided to purchase a small business after graduating from the Harvard Business School. The case explores his decision about whether or not he should finalize his deal to purchase Great Eastern Premium Pet Foods, Inc. ("GEPP"). It gives students the opportunity to consider his search process, his due diligence about the company, his post-purchase plans, his valuation analysis and the structure of the potential transaction.

Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing Lessons 1-60 11th Edition

by Arlene Zimmerly Jack Johnson Scot Ober

GDP/11 is an integrated keyboarding system designed to process and score documents created in Microsoft Word. Together, this book and software systematically lead students through each lesson to provide an easy path to success.

Gregg Kaplan 1997

by Anthony J. Mayo


Gregg Quick Filing Practice: Student Text Guide

by Jeffrey Robert Stewart Barbara W. Trent

This kit provides training in the methods of paper and computer filing. The text is simulation―the user is a new employee of the fictional Online Printing Services and must complete are series of tasks and exercises with the mock filing kit. Fifth Edition

The Gregg Reference Manual: A Manual of Style, Grammar, Usage, and Formatting

by William Sabin

The Gregg Reference Manual is intended for anyone who writes, edits, or prepares material for distribution or publication. For over fifty years this manual has been recognized as the best style manual for business professionals and for students who want to master the on-the-job standards of business professionals.

Grenada: Statistical Appendix

by International Monetary Fund

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Grenzen der klassischen Zinsbuchsteuerung im Licht der Niedrig-und Negativzinsphase: Das Japan- und Europaszenario (Business, Economics, and Law)

by Marcus Mursch

Die Zinsbuchsteuerung mittelständischer Kreditinstitute stößt in Zeiten sehr niedriger bzw. negativer Zinssätze an Grenzen. Ein nachhaltiger Zinsanstieg ist aktuell nicht zu erwarten und auch die Prognosen vieler Experten gehen von einem nachhaltig niedrigen Zinsniveau aus. Es wird bereits von japanischen Verhältnissen mit einem Zinssatz nahe Null über Jahrzehnte gesprochen. In diesem Kontext erfolgt eine Analyse, in welchem Umfang dieses Szenario Auswirkungen auf das Betriebsergebnis vor Bewertung eines mittelständischen Kreditinstituts hat. Über das Basisszenario Japan erfolgt auf Grundlage von Echtdaten ein Forecast bis in das Jahr 2031. Mit dem Extremszenario Europa werden die entsprechenden Daten zudem gestresst. Hierbei werden methodische Schwächen der klassischen Zinsbuchsteuerung offengelegt und darüber hinaus Lösungsansätze und Denkanstöße geliefert. Durch diese Zukunftsanalysen kommt der Autor zu dem Ergebnis, dass ein Handeln zwingend notwendig ist.

Grenzgänge im Management

by Werner Boysen

Welche Parallelen lassen sich zwischen dem Triathlon und dem Managen von Unternehmen ziehen? Welche Erkenntnisse für gutes Management können aus der Stauforschung gewonnen werden? Was haben psychosomatische Störungen und managementbedingte Fehlentwicklungen in Unternehmen gemeinsam? Diese und 17 weitere spannende Analogien greift Werner Boysen in seinem Buch auf, um Impulse für ganzheitlich angelegtes, nachhaltiges Management zu geben. Der Blick über den eigenen Tellerrand hinaus sowie übergreifendes Denken und Handeln werden in einer dynamischen und komplexen Wirtschaftswelt zum wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktor. Neben den betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundlagen und dem sicheren Umgang mit etablierten Methoden der Unternehmensführung zählen Erfahrung und innovative Ideen zum Handwerkszeug eines guten Managers. Dieses Buch bietet interessante Impulse sowie Quellen für neue Ideen im Management und stellt bewährte Kreativtechniken bereit, die das Denken in Analogien anregen.

Grenzüberschreitender Tourismus in Schutzgebieten: Potenziale, Fallstricke und Perspektiven

by Marius Mayer Wojciech Zbaraszewski Dariusz Pieńkowski Gabriel Gach Johanna Gernert

Dieses Buch erörtert, wie der Tourismus zwischen Nachbarländern wie Polen und Deutschland trotz des Schengener Abkommens behindert wird. Am Beispiel von Schutzgebieten im Nordosten Deutschlands und im Nordwesten Polens wird das Phänomen der sozioökonomischen und kulturellen Barrieren für den grenzüberschreitenden Tourismus analysiert. Darüber hinaus werden die Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Online-Befragung in beiden Ländern vorgestellt und sozioökonomische und geographische Forschungen zu Grenzgebieten, Naturtourismus in Schutzgebieten, nationalen Stereotypen und Vorurteilen diskutiert. Als eine der wenigen Marktstudien zum Schutzgebietstourismus ist sie für Wissenschaftler und Praktiker (Schutzgebietsmanager, Tourismusfachleute) gleichermaßen relevant und bietet ihnen Einblicke in die Auswirkungen auf die künftige Forschung und Tourismuspraxis.

Grenzüberschreitungen im Kompetenzmanagement: Trends und Entwicklungsperspektiven (Kompetenzmanagement in Organisationen)

by Inga Truschkat Ralf Knackstedt Kristin Kutzner Miriam Sitter

Das Fachbuch zeigt Innovationspotenziale im Kompetenzmanagement auf. Diese Potenziale unterstützen Organisationen beispielsweise bei der Gewinnung und Bindung von Fachkräften, bei der Realisierung komplexer Leistungsangebote und bei der Erhöhung von Effizienz und Effektivität betrieblicher Abläufe. Sie erhalten konkrete Hinweise und anregende Perspektiven zur Innovation des Kompetenzmanagements und Ihnen werden Chancen und Risiken von Grenzüberschreitungen aufgezeigt. Als Leitmotiv dient dabei die Zusammenführung von bisher traditionell unzureichend verbundenen und oft isoliert betrachteten Aspekten des Kompetenzmanagements.

Grey and White Hulls: An International Analysis of the Navy-Coastguard Nexus

by Ian Bowers Swee Lean Collin Koh

This book undertakes an in-depth examination of the diversity in international approaches to the navy-coastguard nexus. It considers the evolving global maritime security landscape and the emergence and proliferation of maritime law enforcement agencies—collectively referred to here as “coastguards”—performing peacetime constabulary duties alongside navies. Through a cross-regional study of various countries worldwide, including those in Asia and Europe, this book reveals that there is no one optimal, “one size fits all” organizational structure. Instead, there is a wide array of drivers that influence a nation-state’s maritime security architecture and its organizational approach to managing security at sea, or broadly speaking, securing its national maritime interests.

Grey Behaviors after Logical Fallacies in Public and Professional Communication

by Homayoon Kord George C. Thornton III

This practical guide enables readers to recognize, assess, and defend against gray behaviors—attempts to persuade listeners using fallacious arguments. It provides valuable tools for communicating successfully in a wide variety of public and professional contexts. The book examines 20 wide-ranging logical fallacies, cognitive errors, and rhetorical devices that may take place in persuasive communication, and discusses how to assess and respond the behavior of a speaker who may be disingenuously attempting to manipulate the listener—or who may simply be mistaken. Drawing upon research and insights from communication, psychology, business management, and human resources, it considers fallacies in reasoning not just as abstract formulas, but as a feature of communication encounters such as negotiations, interviews, public debates, and personal conversations. Each form of fallacious reasoning is exemplified by dialogues in both professional settings (such as interviewing and personnel assessment), as well as everyday interactions in public discourse. The book then provides self-assessment tests to ensure the reader can evaluate the grey behavior in these encounters. This book provides research-based skills and insights that will benefit students and professionals in fields ranging from communication, politics, management, human resources, organizational psychology, journalism, and anyone else looking to develop critical interaction skills.

Grey Forecasting: Mechanism, Models and Applications (Series on Grey System)

by Naiming Xie Baolei Wei

This book aims to present an overview of grey system models for time series modelling and forecasting. It is about modelling and forecasting time series with ordinary differential equations, especially when the available samples are extremely limited. Grey system models (GSM) develop sequence operators to nonparametrically identify the underlying dynamics from the limited observations. This book concerns about two important modelling themes, small sample and poor information. The former focuses on the mechanism and methodology of GSMs for small-sample real-number time series, and the latter on the uncertainty quantification of grey number together with its small-sample modelling principles. In this book, a broad entry point to applied data science for students majoring in economic, management science, and engineering is applied, covering a wide range of topics from basic introductory material up to research-level techniques.

The Grid: The Decision-making Tool for Every Business (Including Yours)

by Matt Watkinson

____________________This ground-breaking book from award-winning author MATT WATKINSON reveals the fundamental, inseparable elements behind the success of every business.The Grid provides the mental scaffolding to help you:· Evaluate and refine product and service ideas· Reduce risk by considering the broader impact of strategic decisions· Identify the root causes of business challenges· Anticipate the impact of changes in the market and turn them to your advantage · Collaborate more effectively across teamsCombining practical guidance with real-world examples, The Grid will bring clarity and confidence to your business decision-making.____________________'The Grid provides you with a simple way to look at the complex system which is your business. With the possible exception of Warren Buffett, everyone needs to read this book.' RORY SUTHERLAND, VICE CHAIRMAN, OGILVY GROUP 'The Grid provides a systematic framework for looking at virtually all the critical aspects of your business, and maybe more valuable, at how each affects the others. It'll be a rare reader who doesn't come away with fresh, useful insights into his or her enterprise.' WALTER KEICHEL III, author of The Lords of Strategy'Matt Watkinson distils strategic know-how into nine ingenious perspectives and, with the use of clever examples, shows us how to apply this technique of thinking to any business problem or market opportunity. An extraordinarily powerful book.' DR JULES GODDARD, author of Uncommon Sense, Common Nonsense'The Grid presents a unique, joined up approach to decision-making, revealing both the holistic nature of business and all the key elements a business must consider. I can safely say that if you only read one business book in your life it should be The Grid.' PHILIP ROWLEY, Chief Finance Officer, Sony Pictures Entertainment

Grid Parity: The Art of Financing Renewable Energy Projects in the U.S.

by CLP Beck CEM

Grid Parity provides an in-depth examination of the knowledge, insights, and techniques that are essential to success in financing renewable energy projects. An energy project finance expert with 35 years of experience in capital asset financing, the author provides a comprehensive overview of how to finance renewable energy projects in America today. He explores all components of "the deal" including tax, accounting, legal, regulatory, documentation, asset management and legislative drivers to this dynamic growth sector. Filled with case studies, the book provides a thorough examination of what it takes to compete in the green-energy marketplace.

Grid Parity and Carbon Footprint: An Analysis For Residential Solar Energy In The Mediterranean Area (SpringerBriefs in Energy)

by Ángel Arcos-Vargas Laureleen Riviere

This book analyses the economic and environmental aspects of installing photovoltaic facilities for residential electricity users and determines whether the installation of photovoltaic units “behind the meter” makes sense, and if so, the best economic size to install. It explores the use of photovoltaic capacity to meet electricity requirements by generating enough for immediate use without feeding surplus electricity into the grid and without using storage. The authors illustrate this approach by examining various power photovoltaic capacities in locations such as Marseille, Madrid and Seville, which use hourly demand data provided by smart meters. They also show the possibility of developing energy self-consumption compatible with the operation of the network, making use of information from smart meters. Discussing how photovoltaic facilities are profitable from both an economic and an environmental point of view, this book is a valuable resource for researchers and private investors. It is also of interest to practitioners and academics, as the results presented are of importance for the near future.


by Pardis Mahdavi

Mahdavi (anthropology, Pomona College) qualitatively explores how Euro-American discourses and policies (forged primarily in Washington D. C. ) about human trafficking and migration affect the lived experiences of migration, forced labor, and trafficking in the United Arab Emirates, arguing that many of the policies ostensibly designed to reduce abuse and rights violations have had precisely the opposite effect. Instead of approaching trafficking as a criminal matter, she suggests, one needs to see it as a matter of migration and labor gone awry and thus as a human rights matter. Annotation ©2011 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

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