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Governments And Mining Companies In Developing Countries

by James H. Cobbe

This book examines the relationship between the governments of less developed countries (LDCs) and foreign-owned firms engaged in the extraction of minerals for export. With an approach that synthesizes economic theory, technical considerations, and political factors, Cobbe provides a fresh look at the policy aspects of the "resource bargaining pro

Governments and Tourism

by David Jeffries

'Governments and Tourism' is a unique text that studies the general and specific tourism policies from central to local government. Through case studies from around the world, including the UK, USA and France, the role and function of Official Tourism Administrations (OTAs) are evaluated. Governments and Tourism is essential reading for busy practitioners,who wish to know:* How different countries and communities have coped with the opportunities and threats posed by tourism* How they plan to address future opportunities and thresats posed by tourism* What lessons can be applied elsewhere* What should be the complementary functions of the public and private sectors

Governments, Banks and Global Capital: Securities Markets in Global Politics (Routledge Revivals)

by Miroslava Filipović

Published in 1997, this study analyzes the global capital market as one of the most dynamic aspects of the world economy. As more financial markets were created, the security of the structure came under scrutiny. The book examines the crises in its history and how the global structure can be regulated.

Governments, Markets, And Growth: Financial Systems And Politics Of Industrial Change (Cornell Studies In Political Economy Series)

by John Zysman

The deterioration in the economic performance of the advanced industrial democracies during the 1970s has provoked an intense debate about the role of government in economic adjustment and growth. In Governments, Markets, and Growth, John Zysman makes a significant contribution to our understanding of these critical international issues by demonstrating that there is a direct relationship between a nation's financial system and its government's ability to restart the growth engine. Professor Zysman argues that there are three distinct types of financial systems, each with different consequences for the political ties between financial markets, industry, and government. Zysman tests his argument by analyzing and comparing the patterns of industrial adjustment in five advanced nations. He contrasts the differing strategies of industrial adjustments primarily in France and Great Britain, but also in Japan, West Germany, and the United States. Governments, Markets, and Growth will be invaluable to the international banking and business community, a wide variety of government officials, and students of political science, economics, and business administration.

Governments, Non-State Actors and Trade Policy-Making

by Ann Capling Patrick Low

One of the most pressing issues confronting the multilateral trade system is the challenge posed by the rapid proliferation of preferential trade agreements. Plenty has been written about why governments might choose to negotiate preferentially or multilaterally, but until now it has been written almost exclusively from the perspective of governments. We know very little about how non-state actors view this issue of 'forum choice', nor how they position themselves to influence choices by governments about whether to emphasize PTAs or the WTO. This book addresses that issue squarely through case studies of trade policy-making and forum choice in eight developing countries: Chile, Colombia, Mexico, South Africa, Kenya, Jordan, Indonesia and Thailand. The case studies are based on original research by the authors, including interviews with state and non-state actors involved in the trade policy-making process in the eight countries of this study.

Governomics: Can we afford small government?

by Ian McAuley Miriam Lyons

People have good reason to demand decent public education and a well-funded health system, to yearn for an economy that doesn't trash the environment or for a smaller gap between rich and poor. Almost without exception, sound economics is on their side. We've grown used to public debates that pit people and the planet against an abstract, distorted image of 'the economy', but it doesn't have to be this way. Governomics shows that an emaciated state is bad for business, and that standing up for government means standing up for a public sector that truly serves the public. 'Everybody knows governments are wasteful, incompetent and a drag on the economy. But if you're not sure that's true, read this book.' Ross Gittins, Sydney Morning Herald and The Age 'Governomics shows that a market economy can only work when sustained by a strong and active public sector. It will inject some much-needed economic sanity into conversations on the role of government in Australia.' John Quiggin, Australian Research Council Laureate Fellow, University of Queensland

The Governor's Hounds

by Barry A. Crouch Donaly E. Brice

In the tumultuous years following the Civil War, violence and lawlessness plagued the state of Texas, often overwhelming the ability of local law enforcement to maintain order. In response, Reconstruction-era governor Edmund J. Davis created a state-wide police force that could be mobilized whenever and wherever local authorities were unable or unwilling to control lawlessness. During its three years (1870-1873) of existence, however, the Texas State Police was reviled as an arm of the Radical Republican party and widely condemned for being oppressive, arrogant, staffed with criminals and African Americans, and expensive to maintain, as well as for enforcing the new and unpopular laws that protected the rights of freed slaves. Drawing extensively on the wealth of previously untouched records in the Texas State Archives, as well as other contemporary sources, Barry A. Crouch and Donaly E. Brice here offer the first major objective assessment of the Texas State Police and its role in maintaining law and order in Reconstruction Texas. Examining the activities of the force throughout its tenure and across the state, the authors find that the Texas State Police actually did much to solve the problem of violence in a largely lawless state. While acknowledging that much of the criticism the agency received was merited, the authors make a convincing case that the state police performed many of the same duties that the Texas Rangers later assumed and fulfilled the same need for a mobile, statewide law enforcement agency.

The Governor's Solution: How Alaska's Oil Dividend Could Work in Iraq and Other Oil-Rich Countries

by Todd Moss

Reliance on natural resource revenues, particularly oil, is often associated with bad governance, corruption, and poverty. <P><P>Worried about the effect of oil on Alaska, Governor Jay Hammond had a simple yet revolutionary idea: let citizens have a direct stake. The Governor's Solution features his firsthand account that describes, with brutal honesty and piercing humor, the birth of the Alaska Permanent Fund dividend, which has been paid to each resident every year since 1982.Thirty years later, Hammond's vision is still influencing oil policies throughout the world. This reader, part of the Center for Global Development's Oil-to-Cash initiative, includes recent scholarly work examining Alaska's experience and how other oil-rich societies, particularly Iraq, might apply some of the lessons. It is as a powerful reminder that the combination of new ideas and determined individuals can make a tremendous difference-even in issues as seemingly complex and intractable as fighting the oil curse.

A Governor's Story: The Fight for Jobs and America's Economic Future

by Jennifer Granholm Dan Mulhern

Jennifer Granholm was the two-term governor of Michigan, a state synonymous with manufacturing during a financial crisis that threatened to put all AmericaOCOs major car companies into bankruptcy. The immediate and knock-on effects were catastrophic. GranholmOCOs grand plans for education reform, economic revitalization, clean energy, and infrastructure development were blitzed by a perfect economic storm. Granholm was a determined and undefeated governor, who enjoyed close access to the White House at critical moments (Granholm stood in for Sarah Palin during Joe BidenOCOs debate preparation), and her account offers a front row seat on the effects of the crisis. Ultimately, her story is a model of hope. She hauls Michigan towards unprecedented private-public partnerships, forged in the chaos of financial freefall, built on new technologies that promise to revolutionize not only the century-old auto industry but MichiganOCOs entire manufacturing base. They offer the potential for a remarkable recovery not just for her state, but for American industry nationwide.

The Gower Assessment and Development Centre: In-Tray Simulations

by Julie Hay

Assessment and Development Centres offer a detailed and objective way of assessing your people's potential, whether you are trying to: ¢ establish training and development needs ¢ identify potential for promotion ¢ assess and select new recruits to your organization or using the centre in some other way. To make this assessment possible involves a huge investment in time, money and effort to plan, design, administer and run each centre and to effectively analyse and use all of the data it will generate. These three volumes are designed to help you set up and run your own assessment and development centres within your organization. Alternatively, if you already run centres, the manuals will allow you to evaluate and improve your administration, planning and assessment as well as to introduce new exercises. Volume 3: In-Tray Simulations contains full documentation for the participants, the assessors and the programme manager for running in-tray simulations of varying levels of complexity. Each exercise contains: ¢ briefing papers to explain the exercise to participants ¢ background information ¢ items of correspondence, reports, messages and so on for participants to deal with ¢ guidelines to help assessors evaluate the actions taken and relate these to assessment criteria. Other volumes: Volume 1 Planning and Administration Volume 2 Assessment Activities Each volume is available separately or as a three volume set.

The Gower Assessment and Development Centre: Planning and Administration

by Julie Hay

Assessment and Development Centres offer a detailed and objective way of assessing your people's potential, whether you are trying to: ¢ establish training and development needs ¢ identify potential for promotion ¢ assess and select new recruits to your organization or using the centre in some other way. To make this assessment possible involves a huge investment in time, money and effort to plan, design, administer and run each centre and to effectively analyse and use all of the data it will generate. These three volumes are designed to help you set up and run your own assessment and development centres within your organization. Alternatively, if you already run centres, the manuals will allow you to evaluate and improve your administration, planning and assessment as well as to introduce new exercises. Volume 1: Planning and Administration contains important programme information such as: ¢ a range of reproducible assessment documentation ¢ sample programmes for an assessment and a development centre ¢ guidance on how to introduce and publicize your centres ¢ ’lecture notes’ for briefing participants and assessors ¢ an administrative blueprint, including flowcharts, to help you run your centres ¢ ideas for evaluating the success of your centres. Other Volumes: Volume 2 Assessment Activities Volume 3 In-Tray Simulations Each volume is available separately or as a three volume set.

The Gower Assessment and Development Centre: Assessment Activities

by Julie Hay

Assessment and Development Centres offer a detailed and objective way of assessing your people's potential, whether you are trying to: ¢ establish training and development needs ¢ identify potential for promotion ¢ assess and select new recruits to your organization or using the centre in some other way. To make this assessment possible involves a huge investment in time, money and effort to plan, design, administer and run each centre and to effectively analyse and use all of the data it will generate. These three volumes are designed to help you set up and run your own assessment and development centres within your organization. Alternatively, if you already run centres, the manuals will allow you to evaluate and improve your administration, planning and assessment as well as to introduce new exercises. Volume 2: Assessment Activities contains full documentation for the participants, the assessors and the programme manager for running a range of assessment simulations of: ¢ meetings where co-operation is called for ¢ meetings where participants have conflicting aims ¢ activities where participants must plan for contingencies and handle interruptions ¢ presentations and talks ¢ one-to-one interviews ¢ report and proposal writing exercises. Other volumes: Volume 1 Planning and Administration Volume 3 In-Tray Simulations Each volume is available separately or as a three volume set.

Gower Handbook of Call and Contact Centre Management

by Natalie Calvert

Call centres and contact centres form an important and rapidly growing part of today's business world. They present a range of management challenges, from strategic decisions about how to develop a customer strategy, business planning, through to detailed considerations of staffing levels and appropriate technology. This new handbook, the first of its kind, provides a unique insight giving expert opinions on how to get the most out of your contact centre operations. Natalie Calvert, a specialist in the field, has brought together a team of 35 experienced practitioners who provide invaluable knowledge, share their experiences and draw on real-life examples to suggest practical solutions on a wide range of topics. This handbook is an indispensible guide and reference for call and contact centre managers, HR specialists and senior executives responsible for marketing, sales or customer services. The handbook is divided into six parts: I The business plan II The people factor III Contact centre technology IV Standards, processes, and outsourcing V Building profitable customer relationships VI The future.

Gower Handbook of Internal Communication

by Marc Wright

A comprehensive guide to managing communication within organizations, the Handbook recognises Internal Communication's continued growth as a management discipline. It is aimed at leaders who want insight into IC techniques for use in both day-to-day operational and change situations, for example, and also at the communication specialist seeking shared wisdom and new ideas. Early chapters examine changes in the strategic context in which today's IC departments are operating. These include organizations' increasing need for innovation and responsiveness in a superfast changing environment; employees' increasing assertion of rights and personal requirements at work; management's increasing recognition of the importance of corporate reputation/brand value, particularly how to sustain and extend it; and finally, the effects on work and management patterns of digital communication. Step-by-step guides introduce you to creating IC strategies and to carrying out research and measurement.

Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management Development

by Richard Thorpe

On few occasions in the history of modern management have leadership skills been in such sharp focus as they are now. The ability to direct often very large and diverse organizations; to make sense of the complex and turbulent markets and environments in which you operate; and to adapt and learn seems at an all time premium. The premise behind the fifth edition of this influential Handbook is that leadership, management and organizational development are all parts of the same process; enhancing the capacity of organizations, whatever their size, and the people within them to achieve their purpose. To this end, the editors have brought together a who's who of current writers on leadership and development and created the definitive single volume guide to the subject. The perspectives that the text provides to leadership, learning and development, embrace the formal and the informal, cultures and case examples from organizations of all kinds; and offers readers a rigorous, readable and, where appropriate, ground-breaking book. In the 14 years since the fourth edition of this classic book, very much has changed. But the need for this Handbook is as strong as ever and the Fifth Edition of Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management Development is set to become a definitive read for senior managers and those who develop them and an essential reader for the management students aspiring to become the next generation of leaders.

Gower Handbook of People in Project Management (Project and Programme Management Practitioner Handbooks)

by Lindsay Scott

Modern projects are all about one group of people delivering benefits to others, so it's no surprise that the human element is fundamental to project management. The Gower Handbook of People in Project Management is a complete guide to the human dimensions involved in projects. The book is a unique and rich compilation of over 60 chapters about project management roles and the people who sponsor, manage, deliver, work in or are otherwise important to project success. It looks at the people-issues that are specific to different sectors of organization (public, private and third sector); the organization of people in projects, both real and virtual; the relationship between people, their roles and the project environment; and the human behaviours and skills associated with working collaboratively. Thus this comprehensive and innovative handbook discusses all the important topics associated with employing, developing and managing people for successful projects. The contributors have been drawn from around the world and include experts ranging from practising managers to academics and advanced researchers. The Handbook is divided into six parts, which begin with management and project organization and progress through to more advanced and emerging practices. It benefits hugely from Lindsay Scott’s expert knowledge and experience in this field and from Dennis Lock’s contributions and meticulous editing to ensure that the text and illustrations are always lucid and informative.

Gower Handbook of Programme Management (Project And Programme Management Practitioner Handbooks Ser.)

by Dennis Lock Reinhard Wagner

In the ten years since this Gower Handbook was first published, Programme Management has been transformed to become the vehicle of choice for realising the objectives of large scale, complicated, business, government and social investment. The Second Edition of this Gower Handbook is a completely new text; designed as a definitive guide to the current state of Programme Management. To that end the text offers foundation theory and knowledge around key issues such as, managing programme contracts, people and know-how, complexity and uncertainty, benefits and success measures, as well as every stage of the programme life cycle. The main central section of the book provides theory, tools, advice and examples of practical application from an industry context and covers sectors including construction, energy, aerospace and defence, IT, automotive and the public sector. The Handbook also includes a section with chapters on assessing and improving programme competences and developing maturity. Discrete chapters relate programme management to the international baselines and standards. Collectively, the Gower Handbook of Programme Management is most comprehensive guide to the subject that you can buy.

Gower Handbook of Programme Management (Project And Programme Management Practitioner Handbooks Ser.)

by Dennis Lock Reinhard Wagner

In the ten years since this Gower Handbook was first published, Programme Management has been transformed to become the vehicle of choice for realising the objectives of large scale, complicated, business, government and social investment. The Second Edition of this Gower Handbook is a completely new text; designed as a definitive guide to the current state of Programme Management. To that end the text offers foundation theory and knowledge around key issues such as, managing programme contracts, people and know-how, complexity and uncertainty, benefits and success measures, as well as every stage of the programme life cycle. The main central section of the book provides theory, tools, advice and examples of practical application from an industry context and covers sectors including construction, energy, aerospace and defence, IT, automotive and the public sector. The Handbook also includes a section with chapters on assessing and improving programme competences and developing maturity. Discrete chapters relate programme management to the international baselines and standards. Collectively, the Gower Handbook of Programme Management is most comprehensive guide to the subject that you can buy.

Gower Handbook of Project Management: Cd (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Rodney Turner

This Handbook was the first APM Body of Knowledge Approved title for the Association for Project Management. Over the course of five editions, Gower Handbook of Project Management has become the definitive desk reference for project management practitioners. The Handbook gives an introduction to, and overview of, the essential knowledge required for managing projects. The team of expert contributors, selected to introduce the reader to the knowledge and skills required to manage projects, includes many of the most experienced and highly regarded international writers and practitioners. The Fifth Edition has been substantially restructured. All but two of the authors are new, reflecting the fast-changing and emerging perspectives on projects and their management. The four sections in the book describe: ¢ Projects, their context, value and how they are connected to organizational strategy; ¢ Performance: describing how to manage the delivery of the project, covering scope, quality, cost, time, resources, risk and sustainability ¢ Process: from start up to close down ¢ Portfolio: the project and its relationship to the organization The discrete nature of each chapter makes this Handbook a wonderful source of advice and background theory that is easy to consult. Gower Handbook of Project Management is an encyclopaedia for the discipline and profession of project management; a bible for project clients, contractors and students.

Gower Handbook of Purchasing Management: Third Edition (Routledge Revivals)

by Marc Day

Originally published in 2002, the revised third edition of the Gower Handbook of Purchasing and Supply Management views procurement as standing on the boundary of the firm, looking outwards and scanning the environment for new opportunities and threats. In this respect, as in many others, the new edition is quite different from the previous two, reflecting the many changes that have taken place for businesses over the years. In particular this edition has been slimmed down and focused to assist the reader by working systematically outwards using a purchasing lens to view the wider business world. The aim is to show the potential contribution that purchasing can make as a driver for organizational efficiency and business development. It is this latter requirement, the need for purchasing to generate revenue, that has been identified as being ever more prominent as a demand on purchasing directors’ time and effort.The book is now split into three sections. Part I lays the foundations for building the organization of purchasing in a corporate environment. Part II overlays further applications on the foundations of purchasing organization. The assumption is made that the purchasing activities of a firm are proactive in outlook, gathering knowledge and measuring their current corporate purchasing performance, while also looking to generate revenues for the business. Finally, Part III provides case studies which bring to life some of the learning achieved through the framework laid out in the previous parts.Written by leading practitioners and academics, and published in association with The Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply.

Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management

by John L. Gattorna Robert Ogulin Mark W. Reynolds

The ability to build and also maintain a world class logistics and distribution network is an essential ingredient in the success of the world's leading businesses, but keeping pace with changes in your sector and in others is hard to do. With the Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management you will need to look no further. Written by a team of leading consultants with contributions from leading academic experts, this book will help you to keep pace with the latest global developments in supply chain management and logistics, and plan for the future. This book has over thirty chapters with detailed accounts of key topics and the latest developments, from e-collaboration and CRM integration, to reverse logistics and strategic sourcing, and includes case studies from Asia, Europe and North America. It looks at all aspects of operational excellence in logistics and supply chain management. The Gower Handbook of Supply Chain Management will help managers to benchmark their operations against the best-of-breed supply chains across the world. It provides a unique single source of expert opinion and experience.

GPs and Purchasing in the NHS: The Internal Market and Beyond (Routledge Revivals)

by Bernard Dowling

This title was first published in 2000: The relative performance of health authorities and general practitioners as commissioners of health care services is a crucial question in the current health care policy debate, but hitherto a poorly researched area. This work addresses that topic, and represents a systematic direct comparison of GPs and health authorities as purchasers of health care services. In doing this it centres upon two of the chief controversies about the NHS internal market: the equality of hospital waiting times for fund-holding patients, and the fairness of the budgets received by fund-holding practices for commissioning effective surgery. In discussing the policy implications of the research, the book then addresses what lessons should be learned from the internal market about equity and efficiency in the service now that the present Labour Government is reforming the NHS with the introduction of Primary Care Groups and Primary Care Trusts

GPs and Purchasing in the NHS: The Internal Market and Beyond (Routledge Revivals)

by Bernard Dowling

This title was first published in 2000: The relative performance of health authorities and general practitioners as commissioners of health care services is a crucial question in the current health care policy debate, but hitherto a poorly researched area. This work addresses that topic, and represents a systematic direct comparison of GPs and health authorities as purchasers of health care services. In doing this it centres upon two of the chief controversies about the NHS internal market: the equality of hospital waiting times for fund-holding patients, and the fairness of the budgets received by fund-holding practices for commissioning effective surgery. In discussing the policy implications of the research, the book then addresses what lessons should be learned from the internal market about equity and efficiency in the service now that the present Labour Government is reforming the NHS with the introduction of Primary Care Groups and Primary Care Trusts.

GPS for Success: Skills, Strategies, and Secrets of Superachievers

by Barry A. Franklin

Next to food and clothing, achieving personal and professional success is rated at the very top of the hierarchical order of human needs. Everybody wants to be somebody! In this ultimate success book that includes timeless information for generations to come, the author has meticulously chronicled proven skills, strategies and secrets that, if regularly followed, will empower the reader to live the life that they imagine. Just like your car’s or phone’s GPS, these life navigation skills can get you from where you are to where you want to go in your career. In addition, critically important knowledge and abilities, including job interviewing, must-know people skills, writing, and public speaking, are covered. In this book, the author has scoured the world’s literature on these topics and interviewed highly successful people to provide one-stop shopping regarding the most proven and practical recommendations for future career success. He has also peppered the text with personal experiences and motivational/inspirational success stories, as well as testimonials/sage advice/quotes from the world’s most successful people --past and present. The key objectives of this book are to: • Highlight the foundational factors underlying future career success: love what you do; realize that your behaviors largely determine your luck in life; emphasize that highly successful people take 100% responsibility for their actions and destiny; and that the secret to success involves the selfless serving of others. The rewards return—through a boomerang effect. • Provide specific examples and inspirational stories highlighting 10 critical behavioral skills for success. These include: look for the good in people and situations; how to activate the law of attraction; establish goals in writing ("if it’s not on paper, it’s vapor"); take action (#1 success characteristic); know that persistence pays; ask for things you want; enhance your speaking, writing, and interviewing skills; why it’s important to work with and learn from people you want to emulate; the essence of superb people skills (e.g., integrity, making others feel important); and to regularly apply the law of sow and reap. • Detail complementary approaches, tactics, and perspectives that can help you achieve your breakthrough (major) life goals. These include: time management skills and the 80/20 rule; looking for greener pastures; showcasing your talents (visibility → opportunities); committing to never-ending improvements in performance, service (or products); embracing discipline/focus/sacrifice; routinely exceeding people’s expectations; striving for greater rewards; and seeing an ocean of opportunities before you. In aggregate, these yield BIG rewards in life. • Provide a potpourri of related topics, including unlooked-for opportunities; leadership and bringing out the best in those around you; avoiding overcautiousness; volunteering (raising your hand); reframing future commitments; the power (and magic) of an unexpected thank you note; and the disproportionate dividends and good karma that result from giving back and mentoring others.

GQ Drives: A Stylish Guide to the Greatest Cars Ever Made

by Paul Henderson

Foreword by Formula 1 world champion Jenson Button.From the magazine synonymous with style comes the ultimate guide to the greatest cars the world has ever seen.With imagery from the finest motoring photographers, plus British GQ's knowledgeable in-depth reports, the cars in this book represent the pinnacle of driving style and performance. From design classics to the very latest machines, GQ Drives is an indispensable handbook of automotive excellence.Over 50 incredible drives, including: Ferrari FXX Mercedes-AMG Project One Lamborghini Huracán Aston Martin One-77 Jaguar E-Type Chevrolet Corvette ZO6 Pininfarina Battista Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé And many more...

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