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Greening the Economy: Integrating Economics and Ecology to Make Effective Change

by Robert B. Williams

Professor Bob Williams examines the essential elements that give ecosystems their durability. These key characteristics are: self-regulating cycles of key materials, a plentiful and durable energy source, an ability to adjust to changing circumstances, and the capacity for resiliency in the face of unpredictable disruptions. In separate chapters, each of these natural attributes are applied to our economy and 20 polices are recommended to shift our economy toward each of these objectives. The policies include marketable waste emission permits, a "carbon" tax, split-rate property taxation, environmental assurance bonds, a revamped home mortgage deduction, and an inheritance tax. These policies function to implement the principle of full-cost pricing in order to ensure market incentives that encourage environmentally temperate behaviour and decisions. This book will be of interest to students of Ecology and Economics, at undergraduate and postgraduate level alike, as well as anyone seeking an understanding of key ecological concepts that are critical to fully appreciating the role of natural capital in our economic affairs

Greening the Global Economy

by Robert Pollin

In order to control climate change, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that greenhouse gas emissions will need to fall by about forty percent by 2030. Achieving the target goals will be highly challenging. Yet in Greening the Global Economy, economist Robert Pollin shows that they are attainable through steady, large-scale investments -- totaling about 1.5 percent of global GDP on an annual basis -- in both energy efficiency and clean renewable energy sources. Not only that: Pollin argues that with the right investments, these efforts will expand employment and drive economic growth.Drawing on years of research, Pollin explores all aspects of the problem: how much energy will be needed in a range of industrialized and developing economies; what efficiency targets should be; and what kinds of industrial policy will maximize investment and support private and public partnerships in green growth so that a clean energy transformation can unfold without broad subsidies. All too frequently, inaction on climate change is blamed on its potential harm to the economy. Pollin shows greening the economy is not only possible but necessary: global economic growth depends on it.

Greening the Global Economy (Boston Review)

by Robert Pollin

A program for building a global clean energy economy while expanding job opportunities and economic well-being. In order to control climate change, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that greenhouse gas emissions will need to fall by about forty percent by 2030. Achieving the target goals will be highly challenging. Yet in Greening the Global Economy, economist Robert Pollin shows that they are attainable through steady, large-scale investments—totaling about 1.5 percent of global GDP on an annual basis—in both energy efficiency and clean renewable energy sources. Not only that: Pollin argues that with the right investments, these efforts will expand employment and drive economic growth. Drawing on years of research, Pollin explores all aspects of the problem: how much energy will be needed in a range of industrialized and developing economies; what efficiency targets should be; and what kinds of industrial policy will maximize investment and support private and public partnerships in green growth so that a clean energy transformation can unfold without broad subsidies. All too frequently, inaction on climate change is blamed on its potential harm to the economy. Pollin shows greening the economy is not only possible but necessary: global economic growth depends on it.

Greening the Workplace: Theories, Methods, and Research

by Pascal Paillé

The phrase “greening of the workplace” refers to the range of resources used by an organization to ensure its management and industrial processes are conducive to the adoption of workplace pro-environmental behaviors by its employees, irrespective of their position, the nature of their work or their rank within the organization. This book provides greater visibility to research into how organizations encourage their employees to take environmental considerations into account in their daily work. It examines the connections between organizational practices, individual behaviors, and environmental performance. This book will appeal to HRM scholars interested in the psychological, managerial and organizational dimensions governing the relationship between individuals and ecology.

Greening through Trade: How American Trade Policy Is Linked to Environmental Protection Abroad (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Sikina Jinnah Jean-Frederic Morin

How the environmental provisions in US preferential trade agreements affect both the environmental policies of trading partners and the effectiveness of multilateral environmental agreements.As trade negotiations within the World Trade Organization seem permanently stalled, countries turn increasingly to preferential trade agreements (PTAs) between smaller groups of nations. Many of these PTAs incorporate environmental provisions, some of which require trading partners to enact new domestic environmental laws, and use the enforcement mechanisms available within trade agreements as tools for environmental protection. In Greening through Trade, Sikina Jinnah and Jean-Frédéric Morin provide the first detailed examination of how the environmental provisions in US preferential trade agreements affect both the environmental policies of trading partners and the effectiveness of multilateral environmental agreements. They do so through a combination of in-depth qualitative case studies and quantitative analysis of an original dataset of 688 global PTAs. Jinnah and Morin explore the effects of linkages between PTAs and environmental treaties and the diffusion of environmental norms and policy through PTAs. Centrally, they argue that US trade agreements can serve as mechanisms both to export environmental policies to trading partner nations and third-party countries and to enhance the effectiveness of multilateral environmental agreements by strengthening their enforcement capacity. They caution that PTAs are not a panacea for environmental governance; deeper problems of unsustainable consumption and differential power dynamics between trading partners must be carefully navigated in deploying trade agreements for environmental protection.

Greening Trade and Investment: Environmental Protection Without Protectionism

by Eric Neumayer

A comprehensive, critical analysis of the interactions between investment, trade and the environment. It examines the consequences of existing multilateral investment and trade regimes, including the WTO and the MAI for the environment, and asks how they should be reformed to protect it. In doing so, the text shows how these regimes can be greened without erecting protectionist barriers to trade that frustrate the development aspirations of poorer countries. The solution seeks to offer a way out of one of the most difficult dilemmas in international policy: how investment and trade can protect the environment without encouraging protectionism by the industrialized world.

Greening Trade Remedies: Environmental Considerations in the Law and Practice of WTO Trade Remedies (European Yearbook of International Economic Law #31)

by Pieter Van Vaerenbergh

This book explores the role of trade remedies in liberalising environmental trade and discouraging environmentally harmful trade. As trade remedies can pose a significant obstacle to environmental trade, this book outlines how trade negotiators can implement restrictions on the application of trade remedies on environmental goods. It also assesses whether and how investigating authorities can account for differences in environmental protection standards in trade remedy investigations and considers what a possible 'trade remedy' for environmental harm might look like. Although the book concludes that trade remedies will remain a trade instrument primarily driven by economic and competitiveness concerns, it demonstrates how environmental considerations can guide trade remedy policy, how investigating authorities can properly account for the environmental costs of production, and how the limited policy space available in the WTO Agreements on Trade Remedies can be used to pursue green policy goals.

Greening Walmart: Progress and Controversy

by James Weber Rebecca M Henderson

In 2005, Walmart, the world's largest retailer, launched a sustainability initiative aimed at reducing waste and making the company more environmentally and socially conscious. By 2015, the company had made progress on multiple dimensions: energy efficiency in its stores and its supply chain, lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions, safer products for customers and manufacturers, and better treatment of its workers. The company promoted the idea that its size gave it significant influence in the economy and that if it took steps to operate more sustainably, and demanded its suppliers do the same, this would have an impact on its own bottom line and make the world a better place for everyone. Students can explore whether Walmart is making these changes to improve its battered public image, improve its bottom line, or because it is the right thing to do.

Greening Your Office

by Jon Clift Amanda Cuthbert

An A-to-Z guide for offices of all sizes, from energy use and better supply purchases to recycling and reusing materials, plus summaries of a range of renewable energy options, commuting techniques, and more. These tips help your workplace save money while reducing environmental impacts, and can boost employee morale in the process. Your choices for coffee, computer monitors, furniture, invoices, lighting, paper, stamps, and hundreds of other items can add up to a better world.

Greening Your Small Business

by Jennifer Kaplan

The ultimate resource for small business owners who want to go green without going broke. Greening Your Small Business is the definitive resource for those who want their small businesses to be cutting- edge, competitive, profitable, and eco-conscious. Filled with stories from small business owners of all stripes, Greening Your Small Business addresses every aspect of going green, from basics such as recycling, reducing waste, energy efficiency, and reducing the IT footprint, to more in-depth concerns such as green marketing and communications, green business travel, and green employee benefits. For companies too small to hire consultants to draft and implement green policies and practices, this guide is designed for easy use, featuring: ? Simple ways to make the workplace greener ? Two plans of action for going green (divided into two levels) ? Definitions for green terminology and jargon .

GreenLight BioSciences: In Search of Impact Investment

by Annelena Lobb Joni Coughlin Michael Chu

Greenlight Biosciences, a biotech company is in search of impact investment for its next round of financing.

GreenLight Fund

by Julia Kelley Brian Trelstad Mel Martin



by Arvind Subramanian Aaditya Mattoo

Beleaguered by mutual recrimination between rich and poor countries, squeezed by the zero-sum arithmetic of a shrinking global carbon budget, and overtaken by shifts in economic and hence bargaining power between these countries, international cooperation on climate change has floundered. Given these three factors-which Arvind Subramanian and Aaditya Mattoo call the "narrative," "adding up," and "new world" problems-the wonder is not the current impasse; it is, rather, the belief that progress might be possible at all.In this book, the authors argue that any chance of progress must address each of these problems in a radically different way. First, the old narrative of recrimination must cede to a narrative based on recognition of common interests. Second, leaders must shift the focus away from emissions cuts to technology generation. Third, the old "cash-for-cuts" approach must be abandoned for one that requires contributions from all countries calibrated in magnitude and form to their current level of development and future prospects.

Greenspan: The Case for the Defence

by Edward L. Greenspan George Jonas

Criminal lawyer Eddie Greenspan is one of Canada's most publicized and least understood personalities. Colourful, controversial, influential, outrageous, he is both loved and hated. An account of a 20 year period in his life.

Greenspan, an Enviable Record: Greenspan's Successes as Fed Chairman

by Ethan S. Harris

In the latter half of his Fed chairmanship, Greenspan was considered the rock star of the economic and financial world. This chapter looks at the successes that propelled him to iconic status.

Greenspan, to Err is Human: The Downside of Greenspan's Chairmanship

by Ethan S. Harris

Alan Greenspan surely deserves credit for the strong performance of the economy during his Fed chairmanship, but he also had some notable mistakes, including thrusting himself unnecessarily into political matters and failing to respond to bubbles in asset markets.

Greentailing and Other Revolutions in Retail: Hot Ideas That Are Grabbing Customers' Attention and Raising Profits

by Willard N. Ander Neil Z. Stern

An introduction to greentailing and the five other biggest trends in the retail business In their newest book on retailing, authors Stern and Ander examine the revolutions occurring in the retail marketplace, with particular emphasis on the influential green trend in retailing, or Greentailing. Greentailing is capitalizing on the huge and growing demand for organic, sustainable and wellness-related products. As it evolves, greentailing will force both suppliers and retailers alike in every category to take notice. Leading edge greentailers like Whole Foods and Wal*Mart continue to grow and innovate at rates much faster than traditional competitors, and are forcing competitive responses. The authors explain how any retail store or manufacturer can implement these ideas and raise profits, using case studies from successful greentailers. In addition to greentailing, the book examines five other top retail trends: Demographic Shifts Provide Retail Opportunities Moving Up the Ladder--Growth of Experiential Retailing--How to Drive Sales and Profits Beyond Price Getting Outside the Box--New Ways to Reach the Consumer--The Growth of Non-Store Retailing Selling Services, Not Just products Brands Going Retail--The Battle for Control of the Customer Very much a follow up to their first book, Winning at Retail: Developing a Sustained Model for Retail Success, Greentailing and Other Revolutions in Retail addresses all the latest trends in the retail industry and presents unbeatable advice on quickly responding to changes in customer demographics and competition. Retail is all about the customer, and as customers and their tastes change, this one-of-a-kind resource shows retailers and manufacturers how to keep up and innovate.

"GreenTool" als Grundlage für das CO2-Management: Ein CO2-Berechnungs-Werkzeug für mittelständische Logistikdienstleister (Advanced Purchasing & SCM #5)

by Thorsten Klaas-Wissing Markus Gogolin

Weltweit verursachen Transport und Verkehr etwa ein Drittel der CO2-Emissionen, davon entfallen 75 Prozent auf den Straßenverkehr. NGOs, der Gesetzgeber aber auch Verlader fordern daher zunehmend Transparenz und die Senkung von CO2-Emissionen, was dazu geführt hat, dass sich CO2-Management für Logistikdienstleister zu einem strategischen Zukunftsthema entwickelt hat. Führende Logistikdienstleister setzen sich mit dem Thema CO2-Management intensiv auseinander und haben zur Erfassung und zum Reporting von Emissionskennzahlen weitgehend unternehmensindividuelle Lösungsansätze erarbeitet. Insbesondere mittelständische Logistikdienstleister stehen aber vor der Herausforderung, trotz schlanker Geschäftsstrukturen und begrenzter finanzieller sowie personeller Ressourcen, kontinuierlich Wissen aufzubauen und ein geeignetes operatives Instrumentarium für das CO2-Management zu entwickeln.

Greenwashing: Wirkungsvolle Ansätze zur Identifikation und Vermeidung (essentials)

by Stefan Nertinger Michael Hans Kraft Ronald Ivancic

"Tue Gutes und sprich darüber" – aber wie funktioniert das glaubwürdig? Das essential beleuchtet verschiedene Facetten des Greenwashings, bei denen Aktivitäten irreführend ein höheres Maß an Engagement suggerieren, als tatsächlich vorhanden ist. Ausgehend von der Analyse der Dilemmata der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation werden Instrumente und Ansätze aufgezeigt, wie diese praxistauglich überwunden werden können. Für Organisationen wird ein Selbstevaluationstool aufgezeigt, auf Basis dessen die richtigen Hebel zur Vermeidung und Schadensprävention von Greenwashing angewandt werden können.

The Greenway Imperative: Connecting Communities and Landscapes for a Sustainable Future

by Charles A. Flink

Trailblazing greenway projects from vision to reality In this eye-opening journey through some of America’s most innovative landscape architecture projects, Charles Flink shows why we urgently need greenways. A leading authority in greenway planning, design, and development, Flink presents inspiring examples of communities that have come together to build permanent spaces for the life-sustaining power of nature. The Greenway Imperative reveals the stories behind a variety of multiuse natural corridors, taking readers to Grand Canyon National Park, suburban North Carolina, the banks of the Miami River, and many other settings. Flink, who was closely involved with each of the projects in this book during his 35-year career, introduces the people who jumpstarted these initiatives and the challenges they overcame in achieving them. Flink explains why open green spaces are increasingly critical today. “Much more than a path through the woods,” he says, greenways conserve irreplaceable real estate for the environment, serve as essential green infrastructure, shape the way people travel within their communities, reduce impact from flooding and other natural disasters, and boost the economies of cities and towns. Greenways can and should dramatically reshape the landscape of America in the coming years, Flink argues. He provides valuable reflections and guidance on how we can create resilient communities and satisfy the human need for connection with the natural world.

Greenwich Village 1913: Suffrage, Labor, And The New Woman

by Mary Jane Treacy

In this Reacting to the Past game, the classroom is transformed into Greenwich Village in 1913, where rebellious “free spirits” gather. Exposed to ideas like woman suffrage, socialism, birth control, and anarchism, students experiment with forms of political participation and bohemian self-discovery. Reacting to the Past is an award-winning series of immersive role-playing games that actively engage students in their own learning. Students assume the roles of historical characters and practice critical thinking, primary source analysis, and argument, both written and spoken.

Greg Mazur and the Purchase of Great Eastern Premium Pet Foods

by Richard S. Ruback Royce Yudkoff

Greg Mazur decided to purchase a small business after graduating from the Harvard Business School. The case explores his decision about whether or not he should finalize his deal to purchase Great Eastern Premium Pet Foods, Inc. ("GEPP"). It gives students the opportunity to consider his search process, his due diligence about the company, his post-purchase plans, his valuation analysis and the structure of the potential transaction.

Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing Lessons 1-60 11th Edition

by Arlene Zimmerly Jack Johnson Scot Ober

GDP/11 is an integrated keyboarding system designed to process and score documents created in Microsoft Word. Together, this book and software systematically lead students through each lesson to provide an easy path to success.

Gregg Kaplan 1997

by Anthony J. Mayo


Gregg Quick Filing Practice: Student Text Guide

by Jeffrey Robert Stewart Barbara W. Trent

This kit provides training in the methods of paper and computer filing. The text is simulation―the user is a new employee of the fictional Online Printing Services and must complete are series of tasks and exercises with the mock filing kit. Fifth Edition

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