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¿Hablamos?: Conversaciones necesarias para que las relaciones y los equipos funcionen

by Ferran Ramón-Cortes Alex Galofré

¿Cuánto conocemos de los demás? ¿Cuánto explicamos de nosotros? ¿Por qué decimos que sí cuando queremos decir que no? ¿Por qué personas que tienen habilidades probadas de buena comunicación, en el contexto de una determinada relación de grupo funcionan mal? Todos hablamos de que somos un equipo... pero muy pocos lo son de verdad. ¿Hablamos?, con la vista puesta alcanzar un más alto rendimiento, explica el camino que siguen los equipos, los grupos, las familias o las parejas en su viaje hacia la complicidad. Y en su conquista de la plena confianza. Porque las empresas que funcionan, los grupos que funcionan, las familias que funcionan o las parejas que funcionan se basan siempre en relaciones personales que funcionan.

Hablan los chinos. Historias reales para entender a la futura potencia del mundo: Historias Reales Para Entender A La Futura Potencia Del Mundo

by Ana Fuentes

Una obra coral resultado de una magnífica labor periodística que desentraña los misterios de un país desconocido aún hoy para Occidente. Un disidente torturado por la policía, un joven millonario nacionalis­ta, un emigrante que cruza el país en busca de trabajo, un viejo maes­tro de kung-fu que ha dejado de entrenar por la contaminación, una campesina que se prostituye para pagar la educación de su hijo... ¿Quiénes son los chinos? La periodista Ana Fuentes, que ha sido corresponsal de la Cadena SER en Pekín, recoge en Hablan los chinos el testimonio en primera persona de ciudadanos que han decidido romper su silencio y hablar de la realidad de su país -su relación con la familia, con el poder, con el resto del mundo-. Historias reales de individuos de distinto nivel cultural y poder adquisitivo que impactan por lo insólito, que emocionan y que ponen fin a muchos clichés. Una obra coral resul­tado de una magnífica labor periodística que desentraña los miste­rios de un país desconocido aún hoy para Occidente. China ha crecido vertiginosamente en los últimos años hasta convertirse en la segunda economía mundial. En 2008 fue sede de los Juegos Olímpicos, su puesta de largo ante la comunidad internacional entre censura, represión de los activistas y unos niveles de corrupción desorbitados. Una China tan nueva como milenaria que trata de superar los traumas del colonialismo extranjero, las hambrunas del Gran salto hacia delante y las atrocidades de la Revolución Cultural. «Ganarme su confianza no fue fácil: algunos nunca habían dirigido la palabra antes a un extranjero. Tras meses intensos de charlas, paseos y alguna persecución policial acabaron hablándome abiertamente de sus metas y de sus frustraciones. Éste es el resultado». Ana Fuentes

Hablar de todo y no saber de nada: Las tertulias y la nueva política

by Joan López

El papel de la tertulia española en el mundo mediático y político: ¿fuente de información o intoxicación mediática? Las tertulias fueron en el pasado un género minoritario creado con la voluntad de ofrecer información complementaria acerca de los temas de actualidad. Sin embargo, el feroz mundo mediático del siglo XXI ha obligado a las tertulias a cambiar de formato hasta convertirlas en un espectáculo que se emite en horas de máxima audiencia. Al conquistar la parrilla televisiva, las tertulias han derivado en puro entretenimiento dónde la opinión y la confrontación ideológica parecen ser los ingredientes del éxito. ¿Quién determina la línea editorial de los programas?¿La tertulia es fuente de información o es intoxicación mediática?¿Existe el tertuliano libre?¿Cómo se llega a ser tertuliano?¿Cómo se preparan las tertulias?¿Qué pasa en las cadenas de televisión pública? En este fascinante ensayo, Joan López analiza el papel de la tertulia en nuestro país mediante una serie de capítulos divulgativos y polémicos que ponen en entredicho su contribución efectiva al debate público ya que parecen regirse más por el sesgo ideológico que marcan sus respectivas cadenas que por una voluntad honesta de análisis de la actualidad política y social.

Hablemos de plata

by Javiera Quiroga

Toma el control de tus finanzas personales de la mano de los consejos de Javiera Quiroga, periodista especializada en economía y creadora del IG @economina_cl ¿Cómo invertir tu plata, en bienes raíces o en fondos mutuos? ¿Cuándo debo comenzar a ahorrar para la vejez? ¿Cómo funciona un depósito a plazo? ¿Por qué debe importante el precio del dólar? ¿Qué es el Ipsa? ¿Qué es el mercado de capitales? ¿Cómo maximizar las ganancias sin arriesgarlo todo? Las respuestas a estas preguntas están en estas páginas, en las que se explican de manera simple, pero efectiva, los conceptos más importantes que debemos entender para invertir nuestro dinero, especialmente en tiempos de crisis.

Hacer dinero online: La guía definitiva para invertir tiempo y dinero

by Blake Coleman

Si ya tienes un sitio web pero no está a la altura de tus expectativas, el marketing de asociados también puede ofrecerte toda una nueva gama de líneas de ingreso y ganancias para que tu negocio crezca y logres el tipo de libertad financiera que tanto has estado anhelando. Descarga esta guía, sigue los pasos y crea toda una gama de nuevas líneas de ingresos mediante el marketing de asociados. Tienen muchas posibilidades de hacer dinero online. Tómate el tiempo suficiente antes de obtener ganancias como explica el eBook. Sigue las instrucciones de manera correcta y el éxito será parte de ti. Básicamente, el eBook tiene muchas respuestas a preguntas sobre formas de hacer dinero online. Estás por descubrir una estrategia probada sobre cómo convertirte en una máquina de hacer dinero, incrementar tus ingresos sin conseguir otro empleo. Este libro se enfoca en las tácticas y técnicas que los millonarios usan para crear ingresos residuales, asegurar su futuro financiero ¡y prosperar en épocas de dificultades económicas! Consigue este libro hoy mismo.

¿Hacienda somos todos?: Impuestos y fraude en España (Libros para entender la crisis #Volumen)

by Francisco De la Torre

La mejor obra sobre los impuestos en España, qué son y para qué sirven, por uno de los mayores expertos, Francisco de la Torre. Pocas cosas tienen peor fama que los impuestos. Sin embargo, son el precio de la civilización: en la jungla no existen, y cuando el fraude aumenta, la civilización retrocede. Por ello, todos pagamos impuestos de algún tipo y nos beneficiamos del gasto público en alguna medida. Pero los ciudadanos llevan décadas viendo con impotencia cómo cada vez pagan más mientras caen las prestaciones sociales. Debate recupera, en una versión revisada y actualizada, la mejor obra sobre los impuestos en España, qué son y para qué sirven, por uno de los mayores expertos, Francisco de la Torre.

¿Hacienda somos todos?: Impuestos y fraude en España (Libros para entender la crisis #Volumen)

by Francisco De la Torre

Un libro que ofrece respuestas a muchas cuestiones que han surgido a raíz de la crisis económica en España: ¿Ha servido para algo la subida indiscriminada de impuestos? ¿Se ha derrumbado la recaudación solo por el fraude? ¿Es una buena solución la amnistía fiscal?... Pocas cosas tienen peor fama que los impuestos. Sin embargo, los impuestos son el precio de la civilización: en la jungla no existen, y cuando el fraude aumenta, la civilización retrocede. Todos pagamos impuestos de algún tipo, y nos beneficiamos del gasto público en alguna medida. Pero en los últimos años, ante una crisis fiscal sin precedentes, los ciudadanos están viendo impotentes como suben los impuestos y caen las prestaciones sociales. Este libro intenta dar respuesta a muchas preguntas que surgen en esta crisis: ¿Ha habido austeridad o despilfarro en los últimos años? ¿Se ha derrumbado la recaudación solo por el fraude? ¿Ha servido para algo la subida indiscriminada de impuestos de los últimos tiempos? ¿Qué son los paraísos fiscales? ¿Son las SICAV un instrumento fiscal privilegiado? ¿Es la solución una amnistía fiscal?... Esta obra explica esos temas con claridad, aporta cifras contrastadas y es un libro imprescindible para conocer la realidad de los impuestos y el fraude en España.

The Hack Is Back: Techniques to Beat Hackers at Their Own Games

by Jesse Varsalone Christopher Haller

Have you wondered how hackers and nation-states gain access to confidential information on some of the most protected systems and networks in the world? Where did they learn these techniques and how do they refine them to achieve their objectives? How do I get started in a career in cyber and get hired? We will discuss and provide examples of some of the nefarious techniques used by hackers and cover how attackers apply these methods in a practical manner.The Hack Is Back is tailored for both beginners and aspiring cybersecurity professionals to learn these techniques to evaluate and find risks in computer systems and within networks. This book will benefit the offensive-minded hacker (red-teamers) as well as those who focus on defense (blue-teamers). This book provides real-world examples, hands-on exercises, and insider insights into the world of hacking, including: Hacking our own systems to learn security tools Evaluating web applications for weaknesses Identifying vulnerabilities and earning CVEs Escalating privileges on Linux, Windows, and within an Active Directory environment Deception by routing across the TOR network How to set up a realistic hacking lab Show how to find indicators of compromise Getting hired in cyber! This book will give readers the tools they need to become effective hackers while also providing information on how to detect hackers by examining system behavior and artifacts. By following the detailed and practical steps within these chapters, readers can gain invaluable experience that will make them better attackers and defenders. The authors, who have worked in the field, competed with and coached cyber teams, acted as mentors, have a number of certifications, and have tremendous passions for the field of cyber, will demonstrate various offensive and defensive techniques throughout the book.

Hack Your Bureaucracy: Get Things Done No Matter What Your Role on Any Team

by Marina Nitze Nick Sinai

In this "deeply empowering and practical book"(Cecilia Muñoz), two technology and innovation leaders reveal dozens of tactics that enabled them to accomplish seemingly impossible reforms in organizations of all types and sizes. Whether you just started your first entry-level job, run the entire company, or just feel trapped by your condo association bylaws, it&’s time to it&’s time to learn how to get big things done and make a lasting impact with Hack Your Bureaucracy. From local government to the White House, Harvard to the world of venture capital, Marina Nitze and Nick Sinai have taken on some of the world&’s most challenging bureaucracies—and won. Now, they bring their years of experience to you, teaching you strategies anyone can use to improve your organization through their own stories and those of fellow bureaucracy hackers, including: Find Your Paperclip: use small steps to achieve big change Set Your North Star: keep your end goal in sight Cultivate the Karass: assemble an adept team and network Don&’t Waste a Crisis: turn every opportunity into a chance for change And more! Change doesn&’t happen just because the person in charge declares it should, even if that person is the CEO of your company or the President of the United States. Regardless of your industry, role, or team, Hack Your Bureaucracy shows how to get started, take initiative on your own, and transform your ideas into impact.

Hackathons: Von der Idee zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung

by Andreas Kohne Volker Wehmeier

Erfahren Sie in diesem Buch mehr über das Phänomen HackathonsEs gibt Events, die ermöglichen es ihren Akteuren, interdisziplinär in einen kreativen Dialog zu treten. Dieses Buch widmet sich den sogenannten Hackathons – einem Veranstaltungsformat, das sich seit Jahren großer Beliebtheit erfreut. Die Erfolgsgeschichte begann wie so oft in Amerika, mittlerweile wird das disruptive Brainstorming jedoch weltweit erfolgreich durchgeführt, umin kürzester Zeit Technologien, Geschäftsmodelle und Produkte zu entwickeln.neues Personal zu rekrutieren.interdisziplinäre Teams effizient zusammenzubringen.Das Ergebnis kann u. a. eine kollaborative Software- und Hardwareentwicklung sein. Dieses Buch von Andreas Kohne und Volker Wehmeier widmet sich nicht nur der Frage, was ein Hackathon ist, sondern erklärt Ihnen zudem, wie Sie einen Hackathon organisieren und worauf Sie bei der Durchführung eines solchen Events achten sollten.Programmieren, Recruiting und InnovationenDie Entwicklung neuer Ideen, Konzepte und Lösungen sowie das Testen verschiedener Projekte stehen stets im Fokus der Teilnehmer unterschiedlicher Branchen. Gleichzeitig bieten sie Start-ups die perfekte Gelegenheit, um ihr Geschäftsmodell von Experten bewerten zu lassen. Sie können sich vorstellen, wie wichtig daher die Planung eines solchen Events für alle Beteiligten ist. In diesem Buch über Hackathons erhalten Sie einen ebenso praxisnahen wie kompakten Überblick über folgende Bereiche:PlanungDurchführungNachbereitungMehrwertUm Ihnen den Einstieg in die Thematik zu erleichtern, finden Sie am Ende des Werkes neben prägnanten Checklisten auch Ablaufübersichten. Das Buch fokussiert sich nicht nur auf die Veranstalter eines Hackathons. Es berücksichtigt ebenfalls die Teilnehmersicht sowie die Stimmen aus der Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. Dadurch erhalten Sie umfassenden Input von beiden Seiten.

Hackathons: From Idea to Successful Implementation

by Andreas Kohne Volker Wehmeier

This book provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of all phases of a hackathon and thus helps to reduce complexity, to use opportunities, to avert pitfalls and to avoid problems. In addition, it also explains from a participant’s perspective how to succeed in a hackathon. Lastly, the book is rounded off by extensive checklists, which support you in your own hackathons. The book is structured as follows: At first the basics and the history of hackathons are described in chapter 1. Afterwards the three phases of a hackathon are described in detail. This is started in chapter 2 with the description of the individual measures which are to be accomplished before the actual event. Here not only technical or organizational aspects are described, but also the important legal aspects are discussed. Subsequently, it is shown what is necessary to carry out a hackathon successfully. For this purpose the actual execution with all its steps is described in chapter 3. Next, chapter 4 looks at the follow-ups, which are often neglected or even completely forgotten. Chapter 5 describes from a participant’s point of view the reasons for participating in a hackathon and which aspects guarantee a successful participation. In the following chapter 6 the criticism of the format of the hackathons and their execution is also examined in detail. Eventually, the most important points are summarized in chapter 7, before chapter 8 gives a view into the future of hackathons. Subsequently chapter 9 collects statements and opinions of representatives from industry, science and administration on the topic of hackathons. The book is rounded off in chapter 10 with detailed checklists, which can be directly used for the successful planning, operation and follow-up of hackathons. The book is written for everyone with an interest in how hackathons work, how to create them, and how to successfully participate. It especially targets people in industry or young students who want to run or participate in a hackathon.

Hacked: The Secrets Behind Cyber Attacks

by Dr Jessica Barker

When it comes to cyber attacks, everyone's a potential victim. But you don't have to be helpless against these threats. Hacked offers the knowledge and strategies you need to protect yourself and your business. In this book, cybersecurity expert Jessica Barker uncovers how hackers are weaponizing cutting-edge tactics and technologies to target individuals and organizations, before showing how you can safeguard yourself against any potential attacks and how to react if you do become a target.Featuring expert commentary from world-leading cybersecurity experts and ethical hackers, this book uncovers the fascinating stories of the most insidious and notorious cyber attacks, including how the Mirai malware almost took down the internet and how a supply chain attack infiltrated the US government and other global institutions.From social engineering and data theft to ransomware and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, there are numerous strategies that hackers use to target our finances and data. Uncover their secrets and learn how to safeguard your data with Hacked.

Hacker Culture and the New Rules of Innovation

by Tim Rayner

Fifteen years ago, a company was considered innovative if the CEO and board mandated a steady flow of new product ideas through the company’s innovation pipeline. Innovation was a carefully planned process, driven from above and tied to key strategic goals. Nowadays, innovation means entrepreneurship, self-organizing teams, fast ideas and cheap, customer experiments. Innovation is driven by hacking, and the world’s most innovative companies proudly display their hacker credentials. Hacker culture grew up on the margins of the computer industry. It entered the business world in the twenty-first century through agile software development, design thinking and lean startup method, the pillars of the contemporary startup industry. Startup incubators today are filled with hacker entrepreneurs, running fast, cheap experiments to push against the limits of the unknown. As corporations, not-for-profits and government departments pick up on these practices, seeking to replicate the creative energy of the startup industry, hacker culture is changing how we think about leadership, work and innovation. This book is for business leaders, entrepreneurs and academics interested in how digital culture is reformatting our economies and societies. Shifting between a big picture view on how hacker culture is changing the digital economy and a detailed discussion of how to create and lead in-house teams of hacker entrepreneurs, it offers an essential introduction to the new rules of innovation and a practical guide to building the organizations of the future.

Hacker Culture A to Z

by Kim Crawley

Hacker culture can be esoteric, but this entertaining reference is here to help. Written by longtime cybersecurity researcher and writer Kim Crawley, this fun reference introduces you to key people and companies, fundamental ideas, and milestone films, games, and magazines in the annals of hacking. From airgapping to phreaking to zombie malware, grasping the terminology is crucial to understanding hacker culture and history.If you're just getting started on your hacker journey, you'll find plenty here to guide your learning and help you understand the references and cultural allusions you come across. More experienced hackers will find historical depth, wry humor, and surprising facts about familiar cultural touchstones.Understand the relationship between hacker culture and cybersecurityGet to know the ideas behind the hacker ethos, like "knowledge should be free" Explore topics and publications central to hacker culture, including 2600 MagazineAppreciate the history of cybersecurityLearn about key figures in the history of hacker cultureUnderstand the difference between hackers and cybercriminals

The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age: A Radical Approach to the Philosophy of Business

by Pekka Himanen

The Hacker Ethic takes us on a journey through fundamental questions about life in the information age - a trip of constant surprises, after which our time and our lives can be seen from unexpected perspectives. Nearly a century ago, Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism articulated the animating spirit of the industrial age, the Protestant ethic. In the original meaning of the word, hackers are enthusiastic computer programmers who share their work with others; they are not computer criminals. Now Pekka Himanen - together with Linus Torvalds and Manuel Castells - articulates how hackers represent a new opposing ethos for the information age. Underlying hackers' technical creations - such as the Internet and the personal computer, which have become symbols of our time - are the hacker values that produced them. These values promote passionate and freely rhythmed work; the belief that individuals can create great things by joining forces in imaginative ways; and the need to maintain our existing ethical ideals, such as privacy and equality, in our new increasingly technologized society.

The Hacker Mindset: A 5-Step Methodology for Cracking the System and Achieving Your Dreams

by Garrett Gee

USA TODAY BESTSELLERFor the countless people feeling trapped in their jobs and whose talents aren&’t being fully utilized, this book offers a wake-up call to break free from the constraints of ordinary employment and achieve true financial freedom.When boy genius Garrett Gee started working for the federal government at age 15, he figured fame and fortune were only a stone&’s throw away. Despite impressive credentials and enormous potential in the world of computer hacking, Gee found himself years later as just another salaried employee. He soon realized that though he was a hacker at work, he was a slacker when it came to leading his own life. But as soon as he applied his meticulous hacker mindset to his personal life, everything changed—and success rolled in quickly.Those who feel unfulfilled and stuck in the system, unable to realize their dreams as their careers merely bump along, can use this same hacker mindset in any situation or industry to overcome obstacles and identify the quickest path to true success—a success they can define for themselves. Drawing on decades of experience in cybersecurity, Gee outlines our innate hacker abilities in the face of society&’s best efforts to brainwash us to be slackers, and he offers readers practical advice alongside the six principles of the hacker mindset: Be on OffenseReverse EngineeringLiving Off the LandRiskSocial EngineeringPivot For anyone seeking to ascend the corporate ladder, leave their job to start their own business, or obtain greater freedom in their life, The Hacker Mindset is an essential guide to hacking established systems in any sphere and unlocking one&’s fullest potential.

Hacker's Guide to Project Management

by Andrew Johnston

Managing a software development project is a complex process. There are lots of deliverables to produce, standards and procedures to observe, plans and budgets to meet, and different people to manage. Project management doesn't just start and end with designing and building the system. Once you've specified, designed and built (or bought) the system it still needs to be properly tested, documented and settled into the live environment. This can seem like a maze to the inexperienced project manager, or even to the experienced project manager unused to a particular environment.A Hacker's Guide to Project Management acts as a guide through this maze. It's aimed specifically at those managing a project or leading a team for the first time, but it will also help more experienced managers who are either new to software development, or dealing with a new part of the software life-cycle. This book:describes the process of software development, how projects can fail and how to avoid those failuresoutlines the key skills of a good project manager, and provides practical advice on how to gain and deploy those skillstakes the reader step-by-step through the main stages of the project, explaining what must be done, and what must be avoided at each stagesuggests what to do if things start to go wrong!The book will also be useful to designers and architects, describing important design techniques, and discussing the important discipline of Software Architecture.This new edition:has been fully revised and updated to reflect current best practices in software developmentincludes a range of different life-cycle models and new design techniquesnow uses the Unified Modelling Language throughout

The Hacker's Handbook: The Strategy Behind Breaking into and Defending Networks

by Dave Aitel Susan Young

The Hacker‘s Handbook: The Strategy Behind Breaking Into and Defending Networks, moves ahead of the pack of books about digital security by revealing the technical aspects of hacking that are least understood by network administrators. This is accomplished by analyzing subjects through a hacking/security dichotomy that details hacking maneuv

Hacking Design

by Avinash Rajagopal

What if you could press a button and have a machine build you any product you wanted? What if we all had the means to modify our physical environment, to tweak and subvert objects produced for us by designers and manufacturers? A new generation of hardware hackers is making steady progress toward making these hypotheses reality, building vibrant communities in the process. And designers are experimenting with open-source creation and customization, trying to come to terms with the hackers' visions of the future. Hacking Design examines the conflicts and commonalities between hackers and professional designers, and uncovers shared ground on which the two creative communities can work together.DesignFile is the new line of e-books on topics and trends in design published by the Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum. There will be six to twelve titles published annually, each ranging in length from 7,500 to 20,000 words. Building a consortium with institutional partners and design practitioners, Cooper-Hewitt's series will bridge the academic, museum, design, and publishing worlds. Inaugural members of the e-book consortium are Parsons The New School for Design and the School of Visual Arts.

Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success

by Morgan Brown Sean Ellis

The definitive playbook by the pioneers of Growth Hacking, one of the hottest business methodologies in Silicon Valley and beyond.It seems hard to believe today, but there was a time when Airbnb was the best-kept secret of travel hackers and couch surfers, Pinterest was a niche web site frequented only by bakers and crafters, LinkedIn was an exclusive network for C-suite executives and top-level recruiters, Facebook was MySpace’s sorry step-brother, and Uber was a scrappy upstart that didn’t stand a chance against the Goliath that was New York City Yellow Cabs. So how did these companies grow from these humble beginnings into the powerhouses they are today? Contrary to popular belief, they didn’t explode to massive worldwide popularity simply by building a great product then crossing their fingers and hoping it would catch on. There was a studied, carefully implemented methodology behind these companies’ extraordinary rise. That methodology is called Growth Hacking, and it’s practitioners include not just today’s hottest start-ups, but also companies like IBM, Walmart, and Microsoft as well as the millions of entrepreneurs, marketers, managers and executives who make up the community of of the Growth Hacking methodology as doing for market-share growth what Lean Start-Up did for product development, and Scrum did for productivity. It involves cross-functional teams and rapid-tempo testing and iteration that focuses customers: attaining them, retaining them, engaging them, and motivating them to come back and buy more. An accessible and practical toolkit that teams and companies in all industries can use to increase their customer base and market share, this book walks readers through the process of creating and executing their own custom-made growth hacking strategy. It is a must read for any marketer, entrepreneur, innovator or manger looking to replace wasteful big bets and "spaghetti-on-the-wall" approaches with more consistent, replicable, cost-effective, and data-driven results.

Hacking Happiness: How to Intentionally Adapt and Shape the Future You Want

by Penny Locaso

'Penny Locaso pulls no punches to deliver hard-hitting insights for living a more fulfilling life.' Nir Eyal, best-selling author of Hooked and Indistractable 'The world is waking up: we have to change and do things differently. Penny's fearless approach to life, combined with the stories and insights of others she shares, is exactly what we need now. The time to reinvent yourself is here.' Dorie Clark, author of Reinventing You and executive education faculty, Duke University Fuqua School of Business You strive for success. Great! But is it making you happy? There is no such thing as a perfect plan to achieve more, manage change and find true happiness. Hacking Happiness challenges you to throw out the rulebook and leap into what we fear most???—???the unknown???… Author Penny Locaso reveals how to bring happiness back to your life and build a solid foundation on which to innovate and thrive in disruption. Through activities and powerful learning and assessment tools, this essential guidebook will help you find growth, success and ultimately happiness in an uncertain future. Learn how to: redefine success and infuse more of it into your daily life develop a mindset that is open to change and instability increase your focus while living in a world filled with distractions find the courage and confidence to face fear and shape change intensify human connection, self-accountability, and reflection. Hacking Happiness is an opportunity to look at the world through a new lens and see that it's by surfing on the edges of our comfort zone that we???—???professionals, leaders, everyone???—???can intentionally adapt to create a successful and fulfilling future.

Hacking Health: How to Make Money and Save Lives in the HealthTech World

by David Putrino

This book is a must-read guide for those entering the world of HealthTech startups. Author David Putrino, a veteran in the world of HealthTech and Telemedicine, details the roles, necessity, and values of key members of a typical HealthTech team, and helps readers understand the motivations and core priorities of all people involved. In ventures that typically depend upon effective communication between members from business, science, regulatory, and academic backgrounds, this book helps develop the core competencies that team members need to work harmoniously. Four detailed case studies are shared that exemplify the spectrum of HealthTech possibilities, including large corporations, tiny startups, elite athletes, and social good enterprises. Each case study shows how the success or failure of a project can hinge upon strong team dynamics, a deep understanding of the target population's needs and a strong awareness of each team member’s long-term goals. This book is essential reading for entrepreneurs, scientists, clinicians, marketing and sales professionals, and all those looking to create new and previously unimagined possibilities for improving the lives of people everywhere.

Hacking Healthcare: How AI and the Intelligence Revolution Will Reboot an Ailing System

by Tom Lawry

In this original work, Tom Lawry takes readers on a journey of understanding what we learned from fighting a global pandemic and how to apply these learnings to solve healthcare's other big challenges. This book is about empowering clinicians and consumers alike to take control of what is important to them by harnessing the power of AI and the Intelligent Health Revolution to create a sustainable system that focuses on keeping all citizens healthy while caring for them when they are not.

Hacking Heroin

by Sarah Mehta Mitchell Weiss

Annie Rittgers had never thought that she would use the words "heroin" and "hack" in the same sentence. Yet here she was, in June, 2017, at Cincinnati, Ohio's Union Hall preparing for a hackathon to address the city's devastating heroin epidemic. Hackathons were one- to two-day events that brought together individuals with different skillsets and expertise to devise technology-enabled solutions for a specific problem. "Hacking Heroin" was the first hackathon that Rittgers, founder of Cincinnati-based consultancy firm 17a, had organized or even attended. "There will continue to be a lot of preventable overdose deaths and wasted potential if the opioid crisis continues unabated," she said. "Bright spots and positive momentum matter when it comes to directing the energy that exists in Cincinnati toward addressing the epidemic." Now though, days before Hacking Heroin, it wasn't clear that Rittgers's intercession would prove to be one of these "bright spots." Not quite 50 people had registered for the free event, and there was no guarantee that they would attend. Sponsorships for the event had been slow to materialize. The eight challenges that she and the team planned to pose to hackathon participants were mostly, but not entirely, settled. Some, but not all, of the key hospital leaders had signed on to participate in the event. Rittgers wondered what she could do to nudge the hackathon towards success. Were these just expected hurdles, and it would all turn out okay? Were they warning signs that warranted remedy? Or were they cues that hackathon skeptics had been right all along-what kind of way was this to address a problem of epidemic proportions anyway?

Hacking Leadership

by Mike Myatt

Hacking Leadership is Mike Myatt's latest leadership book written for leaders at every level. Leadership isn't broken, but how it's currently being practiced certainly is. Everyone has blind spots. The purpose of Hacking Leadership is to equip leaders at every level with an actionable framework to identify blind spots and close leadership gaps. The bulk of the book is based on actionable, topical leadership and management hacks to bridge eleven gaps every business needs to cross in order to create a culture of leadership: leadership, purpose, future, mediocrity, culture, talent, knowledge, innovation, expectation, complexity, and failure. Each chapter: Gives readers specific techniques to identify, understand, and most importantly, implement individual, team and organizational leadership hacks.Addresses blind spots and leverage points most leaders and managers haven't thought about, which left unaddressed, will adversely impact growth, development, and performance. All leaders have blind-spots (gaps), which often go undetected for years or decades, and sadly, even when identified the methods for dealing with them are outdated and ineffective - they need to be hacked.Showcases case studies from the author's consulting practice, serving as a confidant with more than 150 public company CEOs. Some of those corporate clients include: AT&T, Bank of America, Deloitte, EMC, Humana, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, PepsiCo, and other leading global brands. Hacking Leadership offers a fresh perspective that makes it easy for leaders to create a roadmap to identify, refine, develop, and achieve their leadership potential--and to create a more effective business that is financially solvent and professionally desirable.

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